i’ll always be team peter but a part of me just loved john so much. he was such a kind soul. peter wanted to be better for lara jean which is good. but john just was so sweet
They made him more redeemable in this movie as opposed to the book. I was waiting for the dramatic ending and Peter and Gen seeing John and Lara Jean sigh :( what could've been
i know right :/ they changed SOOOO much. and margot literally only had one scene. it was through facetime... she’s supposed to be there on new years with them!!!
Peter is made to be hella toxic in the second movie. When I found out he was actually waiting for Gen in the hot tub and not Lara Jean made me feel so betrayed! I definitely love John Ambrose more in this one :(
This edit is so well done ! I feel like they missed so many key points of the book in the movie, I was a bit disappointed to be honest. But I'm still eager to see LJ and Peter's relationship blossom in the final movie
I was waiting for Peter to see Lara Jean and John and asked them If they’re on a date, and I thought he would found out that Lara Jean and John kissed like in the book, kinda disappointed
Ok I LOVE Lara Jean and Peter, and I genuinely think they are a wonderful, cute couple but I'm 100% sure that if Peter wasn't in Lara Jean's life, she and John would be together and would be really, really happy.
This movie was just perfect for me to watch tonight! I'm so glad Lara Jean and Peter got the endgame ❤❤ Awesome edit xx Perfect movie for Valentine's Day 🤗
@@billiezawadiuk5850 peter is toxic. If you haven't read the books you should tho. He's late to every of their dates, never late for gen tho, also the poem thing also him making lara doubt herself
@@jacky-yw6hg true and i wanna read the books but people also make mistakes and this movie is showing that he made mistakes and still loves her and wants her
1:50 hit diff tho the part wen he put the necklace on then wen he took it off 😔😔💙💙
i’ll always be team peter but a part of me just loved john so much. he was such a kind soul. peter wanted to be better for lara jean which is good. but john just was so sweet
Yeah i think the same
same. i- it’s Jordan fisher
Me: Team Peter now, team John Ambrose later
raen knight yesss
Qistina Jafril definitely agree!!
They made him more redeemable in this movie as opposed to the book. I was waiting for the dramatic ending and Peter and Gen seeing John and Lara Jean sigh :( what could've been
Alexis De Leon IM SAYING!!!!!!!! bro i was lowkey angry throughout the whole movie bc they barely followed the book LMAO
The book's name pls?
@@katalinaowo7146 the entire series is by Jenny Han and this book in the series is P.S. I still love you.
RIGHT i was waiting for that part reading the book made me have higher expectations for the movie especially that scene
yeah, they rushed the movie :((,
The only things like the book was the treehouse and stormy I was sooo excited for the tag game thing
i know right :/ they changed SOOOO much. and margot literally only had one scene. it was through facetime... she’s supposed to be there on new years with them!!!
exhalence. I know, the second book was my favorite and I’m really sad about how the movie ended up being nothing like it
Yeah didn't follow the book, didn't love this movie as much. Had high expectations, I really thought they were going to include the tag game
i read the books and i loved them so much and after both movies i fell in love with them again. i’m 100% team Peter lol this edit is so good wth ty 🤍
That necklace part hit different😭
Peter is made to be hella toxic in the second movie. When I found out he was actually waiting for Gen in the hot tub and not Lara Jean made me feel so betrayed! I definitely love John Ambrose more in this one :(
Sameee man. But this was in the book.
oh yeah, same :(
iconic yup, I feel like this was emotional abuse, the song the in the movie is actually abt emotional and mental abuse
Sameeee even tho peter is so attractive 😂
Sis, you work FAST
haha thanks 🤪 i just hope it pays off
This edit is so well done ! I feel like they missed so many key points of the book in the movie, I was a bit disappointed to be honest. But I'm still eager to see LJ and Peter's relationship blossom in the final movie
this video is basically the whole movie in almost 3 minutes😂
I was waiting for Peter to see Lara Jean and John and asked them If they’re on a date, and I thought he would found out that Lara Jean and John kissed like in the book, kinda disappointed
❤️❤️❤️❤️, I ship lara jean and peter but I can't help but love John too
John Ambrose needed a better ending but I’m still team peter
Jasmine Mackenzie yess he need a couple, I don’t know Gen maybe JJEJEJE
Jasmine Mackenzie they need to make Another Part (MOVIE)
Annie Orlando Stories they already did
S K no i know that but They didn’t say but happened to John Ambrose so basically a part 3 (MOVIE)
Annie Orlando Stories oh ok lol
It killed me to see them break up
Thank you for making me want to watch this movie even more. 💕😂
ill glady be John Ambrose’s hes just SOO adorable just sad things ended like that for him.. :,(( I hope hes in the 3rd movie (i didnt read the books)
once again i may or may not be crying bc your edits are just so amazing 🥺💞
Ok I LOVE Lara Jean and Peter, and I genuinely think they are a wonderful, cute couple but I'm 100% sure that if Peter wasn't in Lara Jean's life, she and John would be together and would be really, really happy.
This movie was just perfect for me to watch tonight! I'm so glad Lara Jean and Peter got the endgame ❤❤ Awesome edit xx Perfect movie for Valentine's Day 🤗
That's so beautiful 😭💖
I only even considered John Ambrose cause of Jordan but I will ALWAYS BE TEAM PETER ❤️❤️🔥🔥
Team Peter and Lara jean❤
Love them both together!
Omg I’m watching this right now
I love IT! ♥️
this hit me hard
Feel sad for john ❤him so much.. Petr srry I like him more now.. Lara and his relationship is amazing friend n love❤😘
I kinda figure out it was but i couldn't stop watching it😂
It twas so good👍😍
So LJ and PK broke up and got back together? I haven't watched it yet..
beautiful 💖
omg i’m watching it rn
I love it💜
loved it ❣
I ship John with me, I'm in love
I’m not crying you’re crying. 😭😭
I love the ending
ive been wanting to edit them too
but i cant find a link
I Love You❤️❤️
Team Peter all th way!!!
No la he visto 😢
team peter♥️
Noah's presence in the 2 films is remarkable. Lana and Noah look good together!❤️
What is the book's name?
PS I still love you.
How UA-cam makes fun of me !!
*Exhalence uploads this video when valentines around the corner*
This should’ve been the trailer .
I ship john and lara more than her and toxic peter
Thanks, finally someone who’s with me 🙄
Same john is so sweet and really loves her
Peter is not toxic he loves her so much and would do anything for her
@@billiezawadiuk5850 peter is toxic. If you haven't read the books you should tho. He's late to every of their dates, never late for gen tho, also the poem thing also him making lara doubt herself
@@jacky-yw6hg true and i wanna read the books but people also make mistakes and this movie is showing that he made mistakes and still loves her and wants her
John Ambrose deserved better. In his LAST scene he literally looks like he ate sh*t!!
She did a mistake by choosing Peter over John
who else thinks lana and noah should be together in real life 😖
Lana and noah are in different relationships
i don't like peter like in the first movie he was ok but after ... 😒