This video will help those who find themselves stuck between loving their twin (when they are unavailable) and being unable to fully open to and connect with someone new romantically. It explains what is happening during this moment and its purpose on the overall journey. This moment is not permanent, only part of a larger process of deepening our capacity to heal and carry more love. The etymology of the word “consecrate” As with all things, take what resonates for you and leave the rest for those for whom it resonates. All things that are true aren’t necessarily going to be true for all people at the same time. Trust your intuition to find what validates your own divine knowing for your journey. Q: Is this process only for Twins or also Ascension Partners? A: YES, you may find you go through this process if you have an Ascension Partner. Q: Will I go through this process forever? I feel like I’ve been in this place for a long time. A: No. It is not forever. It will take the time it takes. It is made smoother by engaging with the helpful people placed on your journey to assist your recognition of the truth divine love, and full alignment of heart, mind, body and soul. Q: Will my twin go through this process? If so, when? A: Your twin will go through their own purification process at the time that is designated for them to do so. It may or may not be like yours. It will be the one they need in order for them to hold more love in their cells and radiate more from their heart frequency. Q: When I walk away from my twin does it cause them to go through this? A: Your twin will go through their own purification process at the time that is designated for them to do so. It may or may not be like yours. It will be the one they need in order for them to hold more love in their cells and radiate more from their heart frequency. Q: I’m a Divine Masculine, will I go through this? A: We prefer not to use Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine - as both twins carry both energies. We recognize that one twin can be more aware of what is going on at any moment, and so we call this twin the Intuiting Twin. The other is embodying and overcoming many of the challenging patterns around love and relationship, we call this twin the Transmuting Twin. Both twins do both types of work at different times. Both twins will go through their individual purification processes in the way that is right for them, at their designated time.
K Moon this video and your last resonate with the guidance I’ve received also.. it’s really so powerful to come across someone else who is also channeling this message 🙏🏽✨I’ll be sharing what’s been coming through for me on my channel too.. it’s such an important message! Thank you for showing up for the collective! We need each other 💖
Thank you for holding this supportive space K .. I had a beautiful synchronicity the first time I listened to this .. I was feeling really really rough and I went for a lie down and started watching this video .. but my son called me downstairs and said mummy I'm making something for you .. completely of his own accord he was trying to cut out two heart shapes from silver foil! He said he wanted to make a mobile for me to hang up in my room, he wanted to sew the hearts together, next to eachother and overlapping .. I helped him sew them together and they now hang in my window fluttering in the breeze. I went to bed that night and watched the rest of the video, I woke up the next morning feeling peaceful and that another small bit of my pain had healed.
This was beautiful! A similar message my guides gave me. I’m crying because the pain of non reciprocation leaves me feeling unloved but I know that is not true and is a reflection of the self loving I’m still cultivating. Unconditional love does not come easy, coming out of a dense consciousness. My heart goes out to all on this journey. 🙏🏿❤️
Nature Girl - Devoted Warrior of the Forest that’s just it though...suffering is an illusion. If you notice on this ascension journey, your person(twin) is one of the only people who can drop you into 3D or cause you to think you’re only human. There is a reason and the reason is to become more and more aware that you are not that which you are experiencing. You are the observer first and then the participant. 5D is the way to be! We are eternal. We are God vibrating at a lower frequency.
I'm a DM and this journey freaking sucks so much. It's so damn long and very hard with very few and I do mean very few people who understand it. I feel sorry for the DF who have to take this on. I hope and pray your DM knows how hard you ladies are working. Because the DM that are doing it are dying out here without you.
thank you for sharing what its like for the DM! I've been wanting to ask my DM what separations are like for him but either I dont think to ask him or I dont get a chance before we go into another separation lol
Thank you so much! This makes a lot of sense to me. I had broken up with my twin due to betrayal issues and felt so much anger and hurt for months... Then I realized that they wouldn't have done that if they also were not hurt. That it wasn't personal... And they self sabotaged due to insecurities... Which I also carried and am now clearing. God works in beautiful ways... Because I know that the betrayal was the only way for me to truly step away 100% to choose myself and my mission for self realization and enlightenment. As a result, I feel better and better everyday and am less obsessed with what the other is doing. I stepped away from tarot readings and began to trust my heart... And saw that I still loved this person and wanted them to be happy whether I am there or not... whether they choose me as their partner or not...Because the truth is, when they are sad I feel it... When they are happy I feel it. My growth is happening so much faster because of this whole thing I thought was a curse. Let there be peace and love forever and God will reward us in the most unexpected and beautiful ways. Remember all, masculines carry a lot of trauma from dying in war and surpressed emotions... Having to watch friends die before them and keep moving without mourning. If they seem calloused, this is conditioned through generations. Also the idea that masculinity desecrates the feminine through meaningless sex, which now the feminine endures out of fear of losing the other. This is all conditioned and it is their negative template to purge. Just as the feminine must purge jealousy, body insecurities, and not speaking their truth due to feeling as if they will be hurt (sometimes even physically (Joan of Arc)) We have some heavy lifting to do here but we are not alone. We are one. Union within leads to union with all. Clear the mind, align with God, and all will be well. I have seen this in my heart. Much love Alyssa
This impacted me so deeply. I just cried through most of it. I have not understood what I have been going through, but this explains it and I just felt this sense of surrender. I feel like now I can actually begin to make progress, instead of resisting. Thank you so much!
Sweet Truth! I hung out with another Twin this evening, who was unaware that he is a Twin until he shared his story with me, & EVERYTHING about it is undeniable. I pray that it restores his hope & his sanity, as this LOVE is so powerful, it can make you feel all types of crazy. Especially, wen ya don’t know it’s a thing. An actual assignment frOM the Divine, on behalf of us all.
I am crying so hard because I am going through this process and everything you say is what is happening in my life and I feel like my life on this earth is almost over I want to release my toxic behavior I thought I was releasing, it's not as easy as I thought I havent been able to let go. I just want him to call me and he hasn't and I know its because I'm wanting it so bad, he gives me advice that I need to hear that keeps me at bay. I just sent him a message saying nothing in this world can make me not love him and we have been divinely separated for the past 17 months and I tried to take a break but my love for him has only gotten stronger each moment that passes. He seems like he is the older twin when I am 11 years older than he.
I am so thankful there are Guides and beings like K Moon here to guide us in a compassionate way. It's a miracle that this journey finds us. It's such a purging journey and a deepening one. I send love to my Twin Flame that in time the truth dawns. All the love to all on this Journey and to everyone supporting and empowering this great love in our world. 🌸
I LITERALLY said to myself earlier today (tearing up) that I love my twin like I’ve never loved anyone else and as soon as you said that in the video I could feel my heart jump! I’ve been really emotional lately and crying a lot. I know I am purging which I’ve been asking for help from my guides with. I really needed this message. I’ve recognized that I’m the intuiting twin and when you said that I have no interest for anyone else I really felt that and that’s how it’s been for me. After our first separation I tried dating a lot of other girls but none of them had that instant connection like I had experienced with my twin and it made me discouraged so I stopped dating all together and decided to focus on myself which has been its own challenge. How ever I do recognize that the progress I have made is amazing and I know that Rome wasn’t built in a day and I just have to keep believing in myself.✨
You just affirmed my intuition of this journey and my unconditional love for others. You touched every cell in my body and described in great detail for what I am going through. And why I need not to deter from this path, and live and breathe it into my existence, every moment of the day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❤️❤️❤️
I came to this video from one I was just rewatching from January 2021, to see how the message ended up playing out for me this past year, because I couldn’t remember what the purification process was, and wasn’t sure whether the message for those who were would be for me. I’d watched this video before too, when it first came out in April 2020. Back then I thought my twin was someone else, so it hit completely different this time!! 🤯 And I am happy to say that I have been in the purification process for a year now, and have avoided hangups for the most part, except right at the beginning! My body quickly let me know that there would be no dating/hooking up with anyone else lol. Also struggling with not helping my mom process her trauma. 😬 But I am getting better with my boundaries all the time. THANK YOU so much for this video, it validated and explained so much for me. 🙏🏼
Oh I had a terrible purge 2 days ago. It came out of nowhere and I just couldn’t shake it. I went for my walk to try to get under control and I hollered and cursed the whole walk, bawling my eyes out and basically acting like a child having a hissy fit. I felt ashamed that I let my ego and emotional body act out in such away. I had a huge wake up call the other night and realised that the more I resist going within, the more I resist this TF connection. I had a vision of my “ego self” with its back turned to my Devine self, which ripples out to my DM with his back turned to me. Mirror image at its finest. Our ego resist for it believes it will loose its self and die. Eons upon eons of illusion, this true awakening won’t happen over night. Thank you and spirit for this beautiful message 🙏🏼🦋🙏🏼💕💕💕
I am so encouraged right now! The divine understands what we are going through. The details you've mentioned about the journey tells me that I'm already doing the important work. I'm actually out of words, i just want to encourage everyone else as well, we are not alone.
Wow. Wow. Wow. That is EXACTLY true for me. I loved him DESPITE his unavailability and reciprocation and participation in the connection, leaving my hanging once again. That was a profound moment of love in my heart. Me walking away hurt and yet saying to him “...know this. At the soul level I will always love you. It is unconditional...”
K 🥲🥲 this is incredibly beautiful. If there were any way to put this journey into words, you my friend have done it. So profound. Thank you!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
It is such a powerful journey and taken 3years so far...I have changed so much in all aspects of my life .I would encourage you to go out your comfort zone..It is hard to go alone and you do jeep looking back for your twin..
Finding this two years on, which is of course when I’m meant to find it. ✨ Extremely reassuring and valuable to me. Consecrate. I will take that on board. Thank you. 🙏 ❤✌️
Wow I’m blown away. Totally speechless this channeled message resonates With me on so many levels that human Words cant explain. I felt this on my spirit so I claim it. Very empowering and encouraging thank you so very much
K Moon ♥️ you are incredibly gifted and I am beyond grateful that you share your knowledge with us. You’ve been a guiding light for me since I found your channel about 4-5 months ago. I’ve watched your videos multiple times because they resonate after a while; when I allow myself to step back from my reality. This video..this is probably the 3rd time I’ve watched it.. and my jaw just dropped. My awakening began around April 29 when my twin became unavailable to me. You are seriously amazing. I also find *Twin Flame Revolution* to be a major resource for me. I absolutely loved when you interviewed them. Thank you so much.
today i was feeling the craving, damn if i was, a social media post made me so want to be able to talk to her because the topic resonated so much with me and i just love her point of view, her mind, her soul, and the one thing i still am not over berating myself for is that the months that i've met her i was unable to be myself, i loved her authenticity and outspokeness, her being uncompromisingly herself, while i was just living with a wall around myself, protecting my innermost self from outside attack and from inside of there i SCREAMED at her to NOTICE ME, SEE ME, I'M IN HERE, LOVE ME but of course how could she even hear me...and now that i'm so much more honest with myself and others, from family to friends, i would like to start over and show her my real self, but i also know it's not time yet. even if i wonder how could i be so "fake" just a few months ago, i know i'm still not done purging, purificating...i wish i could speed things up but i still have days where i completely reject all of this, i get impatient, i want all of it now now i really wanted to contact her, i wanted to talk and talk to her about everything i have in mind that i know she would understand, but it'd be forcing myself on her while she doesn't care about me and i'm still all over the place, i would still have expectations and would not approach her from a peaceful state.... so this video again comes exactly when i need it, i cried through all of it. thank you for getting this messages out, i feel like i do need this guidance, to not feel alone in this process. i need to constantly remind myself to trust that everything has a purpose. much love to you k
Stories of a Cloud So lovely and refreshing to hear the DM,s speak up. I only wish I knew how my beloved thinks and feels. I’ve no idea of his “spiritual” beliefs, lol I’ve got no idea of ANYTHING 😂 and I know it’s the Devine at work, making me go within to find that sacred union of self first, before union can manifest with us. Many many blessings to you and I pray for all of us to awaken to this beautiful Devine journey 🙏🏼🦋🙏🏼💕💕💕
Thank you for the gift of sharing yourself with us. Even all over the place, we prefer you with us than separate from us. I whisper to my divine counterpart in our heart all the time, "your presence means more to me than your perfection." I know as he remembers that life is on the dance floor, even when he doesn't know the steps...he'll be along. Just as he is coming to embrace his inner feminine energies and not hiding them or locking them away (the unnamable unknown, the uncertainty), and making room for me...I am coming to embrace my inner masculine energies and not apologizing for the structure I need, my boundaries and my ambition. And this is making room for him. EDIT: We'll get there. We just have to keep going. Sending you a lot of love and encouragement.
Thank you for the gift of sharing yourself with us. Even all over the place, we prefer you with us than separate from us. I whisper to my divine counterpart in our heart all the time, "your presence means more to me than your perfection." I know as he remembers that life is on the dance floor, even when he doesn't know the steps...he'll be along. Just as he is coming to embrace his inner feminine energies and not hiding them or locking them away (the unnamable unknown, the uncertainty), and making room for me...I am coming to embrace my inner masculine energies and not apologizing for the structure I need, my boundaries and my ambition.
No, it's not easy but it's absolutely worth it and so beautiful. I'm able to embrace pain like it's an old friend, we visit, we talk, and then we say goodbye... The tears of Bliss mixed with tears of past hurt meld together in such a dance of... Well I don't have words for it. Its just so good. 😍😍 I'm so proud of myself and everyone breeding and being unconditional love. We are pure magic.
I was feeling especially sad and depressed today and cried many tears. This is exactly what I needed to hear. And I have been getting attention from new men this past week. I assumed that meant my vibration is high, so that was welcome confirmation. Thanks so much for this message!
Thank you for this beautiful message. It arrived last night when I could not stop crying after 4 weeks of lock-down with no communications at all. I slept through the video - so replayed today to understand the message. It has given me a great deal of peace and strength to continue. Thank you
Every single piece of this resonates. Some of these messages have come to me too but Im a roller coaster of unconditional love & anger. I come back to this video often. Thank you precious soul. ❤
Your voice is so calming ,I appreciate this video , I am an anxiety patient ...this has really calmed me. Wow that resonated with me , I am about to be booked into a wellness center ,after experiencing a trauma
Well Kay, this definitely adds to my already crazy transits we were talking about in-office hours today. Your schedule can't open up fast enough for a reading! I'm so glad I found you! - Ballori
Dana Simon although this message was channeled as words, it felt more like an instrumental melody; It was the exact melody I needed to hear today. Unreal!
Thank you so much! This information is so helpful to me right now, and this is so in depth! These last channelling sessions are a master class in this experience.
Thank you so much we have. a 45 years association as on and off lovers childhood sweethearts and he has just come back into my life ...I intuited ths was what was happening so Thank-you SO much for the validation ..Blessings sister xxxxx
Mhmmmmmm, I've definitely been going through this since 2018. Thank you so much. Its been the most indescribable process and completely unexplainable to anyone who isn't on this journey or even to those who are but haven't experienced it yet I guess.
💜🙏💙 I wrote my previous comment about half way through and now I have listened to it in its entirety and must say... ...WOWWWWWWW THANK YOU, K ! 💙💜💙🙏💙💜💙
K i love all your readings, they all make sense to me 100%, ive been guided here for my next phase of growth. Thank you for all you do and the way you share the information. im excited about the star school and know i will learn alot.
I just found your channel last night as I now fully understand and accept my own TF experience. I had been resisting and have now watched many of your videos to get a deeper understanding of what is happening. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts. Much love🙏🏽❤️🦋
People may not realise just how powerful ascension is. There are changes in the body, the purge of emotional energy is relentless and everything comes up, no matter how much youve shoved it down!!! Its intense and painful!!
Wow that was truly amazing and after our reading yesterday this was the icing on the cake and explains so so much of what is happening and has been. It makes it more relatable and understandable to grow and accept as part of something bigger! Thank you and more of this please
Oh wow, that is really, really helpful and so beautiful! This is my second listening after a few months and it is so much more illuminating, and clear for me hearing this now. I feel so deeply grateful for this process and get it on a new deeper level of understanding. It was so difficult, I was in so much pain, this (apparent) betrayal/separation happened just after my mother died so it was extra heavy with grief and shock, but now 9 months later I see it more clearly for the purification process and gift that it is. I feel my growth and expansion of my heart through this pain. I love him more deeply and unconditionally than ever before. Our capacity to hold this and stay connected through this has amazed us both. So much gratitude and love, thank you so much!🙏❤️
Thank you. This explanation is very helpful. I've recognized that I'll love him unconditionally forever and always, and also that there can be no replacement. I've had trouble understanding and knowing what to do with the pain I experience. Lately, it's been overwhelming. It helps knowing how to process this pain and why it's there. I'm not so sure I recognize people who come to help me ... I don't always know. I'm not sure I ever know. Thank you, again, so much.
This ties up so many questions/feelings/circumstances. I was guided to this video the same night it was uploaded, and just went through it again with the same emotional response. Thank you
Wow. Have experienced these things. This gives me a clue to where i may be in the process. I love when I watch a video and it explains what I'm going through or something I just went through. So divinely perfect. Thank you Kay. I am so grateful for this Information.
Wow! This was so accurately explained. I’m intuitively telling myself that everything is the way it is for a reason and to trust the divine plan. When my DM pulls back, it can be triggering but despite all that, the love is there as strong as ever. Also makes me more kind and loving towards myself, as I know this a challenging journey, so I connect with my heart to get strength and rise in the vibration of love. Thanks so much K!
Thank you K Moon! :) This confirms what I have been going through and been feeling this myself. The information that I received from Divine was that I'm purifying myself and going through this purification process. It totally resonates!
This short clip has literally changed my perception. It's cleared up a few questions that I had. This is the third time watching and it seems to open up more inside me. Like it's taken time to "settle" into me.
So beautiful 💕 Thanks for your gorgeous channelings! Was guided to this old post and found it so fitting - that I had to write its highlights down 🌺. Undergoing this purification now - and engaging more in finding my helpers, including the Scio Quantum Healing (thanks to you 🌈🙏). Thanks for all you do lighting our way through this ecstatic maze 💓
Thank you K 🙏 your guidance offers so much clarity towards this twin flame journey. There is not a lot of sound advice out there for us. Your time and energy producing all these videos is very much appreciated. 💐💐💐💐💐
WOW!!! This is so powerful 🌟 I can resonate soooo much 💝 January was a very challenging but intense month for me. So much purification and i can feel these words so deeply. The attracting others without even trying , I felt I was becoming at peace with the masculine energy. This explains everything so perfectly 🌟💝 thank you so much for another wonderful message 💝🌟✨💫 much love ❤️
Pure beautiful truth, my dear K! With sheer power to blast right through to deep cellular & soul recognition like wildfire. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BEAUTIFUL WORK!!!!! Wishing you all the best in your own journey... Feel like it's shared between us all, anyway, don't you?! 😀❤️💖❤️✨
You just describes my twin experience to the point! Literally everything...!! From unavailability, deep yarning and dispare that he did not recognise me, codependency (empath/narcissist experience), no-contact where I cannot even think of dating another eventhough my twin is egotistical and noncommital, telepathy, recognising traumas that I need to release (servere Stokholm syndrome).(Several healers are helping me). Recognising my annihilated self and I’ve started healing this now. I’m SO grateful that he was my catalyst, and that I now help release traumas like mine not only for me, but for other extremely abused women across the world going through so much pain. I have come to accept that I don’t know when this is “complete”. And it does not matter anymore... because it’s not solely about me and eventually him, it is SO much more to be a lightworker and wayshower. To take my power back and step into my lifework for humanity🙏❤️ Thank you for this confirmation, truely.... it confirms what I have experienced in mind, body and soul... and it offers great encourishment to continue this journey eventhough it can be painful and exhausting. I send love and light to everybody outthere ❤️🕯
She knows.. I just hope she realizes the depth that we share and what could come out of that. A huge longing within myself for her to realize thissss but that being said I also know she has to come to it on her own and I know she will it’s just a matter of time
This was so resonant for me at this very time on my journey. I listened to it before but it did not hold the same meaning because I had not begin the process yet. It all makes so much sense now. Thank you ❤️
This was the missing piece, my clarification of my journey for the last two years. This video is resonating at such a high level, I felt my vibration move in recognition. Thank you 🙏🏽 love lite to you 💕
Thank you K, as a newly awakened person on this TF journey I was seeking some answers in regards to my current circumstances. In fact, I am going through this very purification process now. I’ve been in separation from my twin these last few months...but have only just discovered the path & TF journey in the last few weeks/month if that. There’s so much reassurance and knowledge, not only in this video but many of your others. I appreciate your energy & light in guiding us all. For you to have traveled through this journey so far (and be) able to lend that knowledge and love to us, it no doubt came at a great cost to you. It makes me appreciate your words even more. Thank you. 🙏
I made a vow. Under our holy creator. My loyalty is unbeatable. If I must fade way to keep this vow than loyalty means nothing in this universe. I still am loyal to those who betray me. If that can’t compute in your divine light than why did I play?
thank you, this has helped me so much. i met my twin who is 17 years younger and married to someone else. there is so much to my story, i've always wondered why since meeting him that i couldnt be sexually with anyone else. he is now unavailable to me, so now i'm happy to work on my self but still everyday he is on my mind. its a hard journey.
Mystic RedBird Tarot I’m in a similar boat, my DM is 13 years younger than me and in a karmic relationship with 2 young kids. Very difficult to hang on and to trust. I’m ok now with whatever happens. If he can’t walk away from his family, then I understand have compassion for him, and learning to have compassion for myself. 🙏🏼🦋🙏🏼💕
This video will help those who find themselves stuck between loving their twin (when they are unavailable) and being unable to fully open to and connect with someone new romantically. It explains what is happening during this moment and its purpose on the overall journey. This moment is not permanent, only part of a larger process of deepening our capacity to heal and carry more love.
The etymology of the word “consecrate”
As with all things, take what resonates for you and leave the rest for those for whom it resonates.
All things that are true aren’t necessarily going to be true for all people at the same time. Trust your intuition to find what validates your own divine knowing for your journey.
Q: Is this process only for Twins or also Ascension Partners?
A: YES, you may find you go through this process if you have an Ascension Partner.
Q: Will I go through this process forever? I feel like I’ve been in this place for a long time.
A: No. It is not forever. It will take the time it takes. It is made smoother by engaging with the helpful people placed on your journey to assist your recognition of the truth divine love, and full alignment of heart, mind, body and soul.
Q: Will my twin go through this process? If so, when?
A: Your twin will go through their own purification process at the time that is designated for them to do so. It may or may not be like yours. It will be the one they need in order for them to hold more love in their cells and radiate more from their heart frequency.
Q: When I walk away from my twin does it cause them to go through this?
A: Your twin will go through their own purification process at the time that is designated for them to do so. It may or may not be like yours. It will be the one they need in order for them to hold more love in their cells and radiate more from their heart frequency.
Q: I’m a Divine Masculine, will I go through this?
A: We prefer not to use Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine - as both twins carry both energies. We recognize that one twin can be more aware of what is going on at any moment, and so we call this twin the Intuiting Twin. The other is embodying and overcoming many of the challenging patterns around love and relationship, we call this twin the Transmuting Twin. Both twins do both types of work at different times. Both twins will go through their individual purification processes in the way that is right for them, at their designated time.
K Moon this video and your last resonate with the guidance I’ve received also.. it’s really so powerful to come across someone else who is also channeling this message 🙏🏽✨I’ll be sharing what’s been coming through for me on my channel too.. it’s such an important message! Thank you for showing up for the collective! We need each other 💖
Thank you so much 💖🙏
Thank you for this message KMoon. This truly resonated. Much Love & Light. ❣️🙏🏻❣️
Thank you for holding this supportive space K .. I had a beautiful synchronicity the first time I listened to this .. I was feeling really really rough and I went for a lie down and started watching this video .. but my son called me downstairs and said mummy I'm making something for you .. completely of his own accord he was trying to cut out two heart shapes from silver foil! He said he wanted to make a mobile for me to hang up in my room, he wanted to sew the hearts together, next to eachother and overlapping .. I helped him sew them together and they now hang in my window fluttering in the breeze. I went to bed that night and watched the rest of the video, I woke up the next morning feeling peaceful and that another small bit of my pain had healed.
@@cherryblossom8022 that is so beautiful ❤️
This was beautiful! A similar message my guides gave me. I’m crying because the pain of non reciprocation leaves me feeling unloved but I know that is not true and is a reflection of the self loving I’m still cultivating. Unconditional love does not come easy, coming out of a dense consciousness. My heart goes out to all on this journey. 🙏🏿❤️
They say getting to know ones truth/self is the hardest thing we’ll ever do.
Nature Girl - Devoted Warrior of the Forest that’s just it though...suffering is an illusion. If you notice on this ascension journey, your person(twin) is one of the only people who can drop you into 3D or cause you to think you’re only human. There is a reason and the reason is to become more and more aware that you are not that which you are experiencing. You are the observer first and then the participant. 5D is the way to be! We are eternal. We are God vibrating at a lower frequency.
I hear you buddy,hang in there
I'm a DM and this journey freaking sucks so much. It's so damn long and very hard with very few and I do mean very few people who understand it. I feel sorry for the DF who have to take this on. I hope and pray your DM knows how hard you ladies are working. Because the DM that are doing it are dying out here without you.
thank you for sharing what its like for the DM! I've been wanting to ask my DM what separations are like for him but either I dont think to ask him or I dont get a chance before we go into another separation lol
Thank you so much! This makes a lot of sense to me. I had broken up with my twin due to betrayal issues and felt so much anger and hurt for months... Then I realized that they wouldn't have done that if they also were not hurt. That it wasn't personal... And they self sabotaged due to insecurities... Which I also carried and am now clearing. God works in beautiful ways... Because I know that the betrayal was the only way for me to truly step away 100% to choose myself and my mission for self realization and enlightenment. As a result, I feel better and better everyday and am less obsessed with what the other is doing. I stepped away from tarot readings and began to trust my heart... And saw that I still loved this person and wanted them to be happy whether I am there or not... whether they choose me as their partner or not...Because the truth is, when they are sad I feel it... When they are happy I feel it. My growth is happening so much faster because of this whole thing I thought was a curse. Let there be peace and love forever and God will reward us in the most unexpected and beautiful ways.
Remember all, masculines carry a lot of trauma from dying in war and surpressed emotions... Having to watch friends die before them and keep moving without mourning. If they seem calloused, this is conditioned through generations. Also the idea that masculinity desecrates the feminine through meaningless sex, which now the feminine endures out of fear of losing the other. This is all conditioned and it is their negative template to purge. Just as the feminine must purge jealousy, body insecurities, and not speaking their truth due to feeling as if they will be hurt (sometimes even physically (Joan of Arc)) We have some heavy lifting to do here but we are not alone. We are one. Union within leads to union with all. Clear the mind, align with God, and all will be well. I have seen this in my heart.
Much love
Way to be a LIGHT! :) Thank you Alyssa for sharing.
Your message completely resonates with me. Thank you for sharing and for your light!
Big hugs
This impacted me so deeply. I just cried through most of it. I have not understood what I have been going through, but this explains it and I just felt this sense of surrender. I feel like now I can actually begin to make progress, instead of resisting. Thank you so much!
Sweet Truth! I hung out with another Twin this evening, who was unaware that he is a Twin until he shared his story with me, & EVERYTHING about it is undeniable. I pray that it restores his hope & his sanity, as this LOVE is so powerful, it can make you feel all types of crazy. Especially, wen ya don’t know it’s a thing. An actual assignment frOM the Divine, on behalf of us all.
Well said.
It is quite a thing, huh?
What a fkng ride!
I am crying so hard because I am going through this process and everything you say is what is happening in my life and I feel like my life on this earth is almost over I want to release my toxic behavior I thought I was releasing, it's not as easy as I thought I havent been able to let go. I just want him to call me and he hasn't and I know its because I'm wanting it so bad, he gives me advice that I need to hear that keeps me at bay. I just sent him a message saying nothing in this world can make me not love him and we have been divinely separated for the past 17 months and I tried to take a break but my love for him has only gotten stronger each moment that passes. He seems like he is the older twin when I am 11 years older than he.
I am so thankful there are Guides and beings like K Moon here to guide us in a compassionate way. It's a miracle that this journey finds us. It's such a purging journey and a deepening one. I send love to my Twin Flame that in time the truth dawns. All the love to all on this Journey and to everyone supporting and empowering this great love in our world. 🌸
This is the single most important video on the internet about the topic! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I LITERALLY said to myself earlier today (tearing up) that I love my twin like I’ve never loved anyone else and as soon as you said that in the video I could feel my heart jump! I’ve been really emotional lately and crying a lot. I know I am purging which I’ve been asking for help from my guides with. I really needed this message. I’ve recognized that I’m the intuiting twin and when you said that I have no interest for anyone else I really felt that and that’s how it’s been for me. After our first separation I tried dating a lot of other girls but none of them had that instant connection like I had experienced with my twin and it made me discouraged so I stopped dating all together and decided to focus on myself which has been its own challenge. How ever I do recognize that the progress I have made is amazing and I know that Rome wasn’t built in a day and I just have to keep believing in myself.✨
You just affirmed my intuition of this journey and my unconditional love for others.
You touched every cell in my body and described in great detail for what I am going through. And why I need not to deter from this path, and live and breathe it into my existence, every moment of the day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❤️❤️❤️
I came to this video from one I was just rewatching from January 2021, to see how the message ended up playing out for me this past year, because I couldn’t remember what the purification process was, and wasn’t sure whether the message for those who were would be for me. I’d watched this video before too, when it first came out in April 2020. Back then I thought my twin was someone else, so it hit completely different this time!! 🤯 And I am happy to say that I have been in the purification process for a year now, and have avoided hangups for the most part, except right at the beginning! My body quickly let me know that there would be no dating/hooking up with anyone else lol. Also struggling with not helping my mom process her trauma. 😬 But I am getting better with my boundaries all the time. THANK YOU so much for this video, it validated and explained so much for me. 🙏🏼
Oh I had a terrible purge 2 days ago. It came out of nowhere and I just couldn’t shake it. I went for my walk to try to get under control and I hollered and cursed the whole walk, bawling my eyes out and basically acting like a child having a hissy fit. I felt ashamed that I let my ego and emotional body act out in such away. I had a huge wake up call the other night and realised that the more I resist going within, the more I resist this TF connection. I had a vision of my “ego self” with its back turned to my Devine self, which ripples out to my DM with his back turned to me. Mirror image at its finest. Our ego resist for it believes it will loose its self and die. Eons upon eons of illusion, this true awakening won’t happen over night. Thank you and spirit for this beautiful message 🙏🏼🦋🙏🏼💕💕💕
I am so encouraged right now! The divine understands what we are going through. The details you've mentioned about the journey tells me that I'm already doing the important work. I'm actually out of words, i just want to encourage everyone else as well, we are not alone.
Wow. Wow. Wow. That is EXACTLY true for me. I loved him DESPITE his unavailability and reciprocation and participation in the connection, leaving my hanging once again. That was a profound moment of love in my heart. Me walking away hurt and yet saying to him “...know this. At the soul level I will always love you. It is unconditional...”
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you so sincerely for your guidance on this journey!! ❤️
K 🥲🥲 this is incredibly beautiful. If there were any way to put this journey into words, you my friend have done it. So profound. Thank you!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
It is such a powerful journey and taken 3years so far...I have changed so much in all aspects of my life .I would encourage you to go out your comfort zone..It is hard to go alone and you do jeep looking back for your twin..
Thank-you divine message always comes at the time that I need and am ready for it xxx
Finding this two years on, which is of course when I’m meant to find it. ✨ Extremely reassuring and valuable to me. Consecrate. I will take that on board. Thank you. 🙏 ❤✌️
Not sure where I would be on this journey without you , thanks K 🙏🏾
Happy to help
Couldn’t have said it better!!!!✨✨✨✨✨🙏🏾
Wow I’m blown away. Totally speechless this channeled message resonates
With me on so many levels that human
Words cant explain. I felt this on my spirit so I claim it. Very empowering and encouraging thank you so very much
K Moon ♥️ you are incredibly gifted and I am beyond grateful that you share your knowledge with us. You’ve been a guiding light for me since I found your channel about 4-5 months ago. I’ve watched your videos multiple times because they resonate after a while; when I allow myself to step back from my reality.
This video..this is probably the 3rd time I’ve watched it.. and my jaw just dropped. My awakening began around April 29 when my twin became unavailable to me.
You are seriously amazing.
I also find *Twin Flame Revolution* to be a major resource for me. I absolutely loved when you interviewed them.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for your steadfastness and commitment to supporting us through your gifts. Truly honored to be in your tribe, love.
Wow, thank you
today i was feeling the craving, damn if i was, a social media post made me so want to be able to talk to her because the topic resonated so much with me and i just love her point of view, her mind, her soul, and the one thing i still am not over berating myself for is that the months that i've met her i was unable to be myself, i loved her authenticity and outspokeness, her being uncompromisingly herself, while i was just living with a wall around myself, protecting my innermost self from outside attack and from inside of there i SCREAMED at her to NOTICE ME, SEE ME, I'M IN HERE, LOVE ME but of course how could she even hear me...and now that i'm so much more honest with myself and others, from family to friends, i would like to start over and show her my real self, but i also know it's not time yet. even if i wonder how could i be so "fake" just a few months ago, i know i'm still not done purging, purificating...i wish i could speed things up but i still have days where i completely reject all of this, i get impatient, i want all of it now now i really wanted to contact her, i wanted to talk and talk to her about everything i have in mind that i know she would understand, but it'd be forcing myself on her while she doesn't care about me and i'm still all over the place, i would still have expectations and would not approach her from a peaceful state.... so this video again comes exactly when i need it, i cried through all of it. thank you for getting this messages out, i feel like i do need this guidance, to not feel alone in this process. i need to constantly remind myself to trust that everything has a purpose. much love to you k
Stories of a Cloud So lovely and refreshing to hear the DM,s speak up. I only wish I knew how my beloved thinks and feels. I’ve no idea of his “spiritual” beliefs, lol I’ve got no idea of ANYTHING 😂 and I know it’s the Devine at work, making me go within to find that sacred union of self first, before union can manifest with us. Many many blessings to you and I pray for all of us to awaken to this beautiful Devine journey 🙏🏼🦋🙏🏼💕💕💕
Thank you for the gift of sharing yourself with us. Even all over the place, we prefer you with us than separate from us. I whisper to my divine counterpart in our heart all the time, "your presence means more to me than your perfection." I know as he remembers that life is on the dance floor, even when he doesn't know the steps...he'll be along. Just as he is coming to embrace his inner feminine energies and not hiding them or locking them away (the unnamable unknown, the uncertainty), and making room for me...I am coming to embrace my inner masculine energies and not apologizing for the structure I need, my boundaries and my ambition. And this is making room for him.
EDIT: We'll get there. We just have to keep going. Sending you a lot of love and encouragement.
Thank you for the gift of sharing yourself with us. Even all over the place, we prefer you with us than separate from us. I whisper to my divine counterpart in our heart all the time, "your presence means more to me than your perfection." I know as he remembers that life is on the dance floor, even when he doesn't know the steps...he'll be along. Just as he is coming to embrace his inner feminine energies and not hiding them or locking them away (the unnamable unknown, the uncertainty), and making room for me...I am coming to embrace my inner masculine energies and not apologizing for the structure I need, my boundaries and my ambition.
No, it's not easy but it's absolutely worth it and so beautiful. I'm able to embrace pain like it's an old friend, we visit, we talk, and then we say goodbye... The tears of Bliss mixed with tears of past hurt meld together in such a dance of... Well I don't have words for it. Its just so good. 😍😍 I'm so proud of myself and everyone breeding and being unconditional love. We are pure magic.
I was feeling especially sad and depressed today and cried many tears. This is exactly what I needed to hear. And I have been getting attention from new men this past week. I assumed that meant my vibration is high, so that was welcome confirmation. Thanks so much for this message!
Beautiful. Thank you. I've been on my TF journey for one year now. I can relate to everything you shared. 🙏❤🔥
Thank you for this beautiful message. It arrived last night when I could not stop crying after 4 weeks of lock-down with no communications at all. I slept through the video - so replayed today to understand the message. It has given me a great deal of peace and strength to continue. Thank you
This is pure, unadulterated Love.
I am eternally grateful for You and for the Divine Timing of this Work through You.
Every single piece of this resonates. Some of these messages have come to me too but Im a roller coaster of unconditional love & anger. I come back to this video often. Thank you precious soul. ❤
“Calibrating your heart” 🌹
Thank you so very much to have relief. I have called myself lightning rod for long time in this process. Very proud divine feminine twin flame here.
Your voice is so calming ,I appreciate this video , I am an anxiety patient ...this has really calmed me.
Wow that resonated with me , I am about to be booked into a wellness center ,after experiencing a trauma
This is absolutely beautiful ! Thank you so much for doing this for the collective ... hugs
Thank you so much!
Well Kay, this definitely adds to my already crazy transits we were talking about in-office hours today. Your schedule can't open up fast enough for a reading! I'm so glad I found you! - Ballori
I have never heard the evolution explained like this. It explains the isolation I’ve began in.
I can’t tell you how amazing it is to discover you. What a blessing...🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Dana Simon
although this message was channeled as words, it felt more like an instrumental melody; It was the exact melody I needed to hear today. Unreal!
Dana Simon Lol confirmation right here!! My DM,s name is Simon 😂💕💕💕
Brilliant timing + so much help. Many thanks and much peace, love and light for all your assistance with navigating this journey⚡️🧘🏽♀️🙏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🤘🏽💓⚡️
Thank you so much! This information is so helpful to me right now, and this is so in depth! These last channelling sessions are a master class in this experience.
Thank you so much we have. a 45 years association as on and off lovers childhood sweethearts and he has just come back into my life ...I intuited ths was what was happening so Thank-you SO much for the validation ..Blessings sister xxxxx
Mhmmmmmm, I've definitely been going through this since 2018. Thank you so much. Its been the most indescribable process and completely unexplainable to anyone who isn't on this journey or even to those who are but haven't experienced it yet I guess.
Completely and totally awesome. Thank you.
Thank you so much..divine timing.
Namasté 🙏☯️💖💫🌈
I wrote my previous comment about half way through and now I have listened to it in its entirety and must say...
K i love all your readings, they all make sense to me 100%, ive been guided here for my next phase of growth. Thank you for all you do and the way you share the information. im excited about the star school and know i will learn alot.
I just found your channel last night as I now fully understand and accept my own TF experience. I had been resisting and have now watched many of your videos to get a deeper understanding of what is happening. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts. Much love🙏🏽❤️🦋
I LOVE how things come along just at the perfect time. ThanQ very much for this channeling, it resonates deeply🤍🤍🤍
Much love dear sista! Xx
You are so welcome
This is really good K! I relate and appreciate!
People may not realise just how powerful ascension is. There are changes in the body, the purge of emotional energy is relentless and everything comes up, no matter how much youve shoved it down!!! Its intense and painful!!
Wow that was truly amazing and after our reading yesterday this was the icing on the cake and explains so so much of what is happening and has been. It makes it more relatable and understandable to grow and accept as part of something bigger! Thank you and more of this please
Thank you so much for this clarifying video!
Oh wow, that is really, really helpful and so beautiful! This is my second listening after a few months and it is so much more illuminating, and clear for me hearing this now.
I feel so deeply grateful for this process and get it on a new deeper level of understanding. It was so difficult, I was in so much pain, this (apparent) betrayal/separation happened just after my mother died so it was extra heavy with grief and shock, but now 9 months later I see it more clearly for the purification process and gift that it is.
I feel my growth and expansion of my heart through this pain. I love him more deeply and unconditionally than ever before. Our capacity to hold this and stay connected through this has amazed us both. So much gratitude and love, thank you so much!🙏❤️
My divine twin birthday today,a world away,however remain positive and sending her a vibration rose energetic in nature and filled with love,
This resonates on a level that is so hard to explain. Thank you.
Wow! This is gold! Exactly what I’m feeling at the moment..My first time here 🤍
Jessica Zavala welcome 🙏
Thank you for sharing this perspective of truth 🙏💜
So relevant to where I am atm. I had big release😭 by listening to your channeling. Thank you for your beautiful work🙏
Exact same here such a releasing and healing experience 😭😍
Thank you. This explanation is very helpful. I've recognized that I'll love him unconditionally forever and always, and also that there can be no replacement. I've had trouble understanding and knowing what to do with the pain I experience. Lately, it's been overwhelming. It helps knowing how to process this pain and why it's there. I'm not so sure I recognize people who come to help me ... I don't always know. I'm not sure I ever know. Thank you, again, so much.
WOW!! Thank you thank you K! Feeling blessed to have found your channel✨🙏🏼
Wow this explains so much! I needed to hear this message today.
Wow, thanks! That explain so much, and resonate so much!
Thanks! 😁 🙏☮️❤
Wow 😮 loved your wisdom 💗 and your video just popped up thank you God
Really helpful, feeling so crazy lately! Good to hear these words. :)
This ties up so many questions/feelings/circumstances. I was guided to this video the same night it was uploaded, and just went through it again with the same emotional response. Thank you
Amazing... Thank you so much 🙏 you answered all my inner questions
Wow. Have experienced these things. This gives me a clue to where i may be in the process. I love when I watch a video and it explains what I'm going through or something I just went through. So divinely perfect. Thank you Kay. I am so grateful for this Information.
You are so welcome
Wow! This was so accurately explained. I’m intuitively telling myself that everything is the way it is for a reason and to trust the divine plan. When my DM pulls back, it can be triggering but despite all that, the love is there as strong as ever. Also makes me more kind and loving towards myself, as I know this a challenging journey, so I connect with my heart to get strength and rise in the vibration of love.
Thanks so much K!
Hey miss.. can I ask you something?
Brady McC sure
Thank you K Moon! :) This confirms what I have been going through and been feeling this myself. The information that I received from Divine was that I'm purifying myself and going through this purification process. It totally resonates!
This short clip has literally changed my perception. It's cleared up a few questions that I had. This is the third time watching and it seems to open up more inside me. Like it's taken time to "settle" into me.
I hope it's changing things in a positive way and leaving you more in touch with love and your own power. :)
So beautiful 💕 Thanks for your gorgeous channelings! Was guided to this old post and found it so fitting - that I had to write its highlights down 🌺. Undergoing this purification now - and engaging more in finding my helpers, including the Scio Quantum Healing (thanks to you 🌈🙏). Thanks for all you do lighting our way through this ecstatic maze 💓
Thank you so much. Needed this very much 🙏🏻
Thank you K 🙏 your guidance offers so much clarity towards this twin flame journey. There is not a lot of sound advice out there for us.
Your time and energy producing all these videos is very much appreciated. 💐💐💐💐💐
Glad it was helpful!
Really so beautiful. Thank you 🙏🏼
Beautifully Spoken words ❤️❤️
WOW!!! This is so powerful 🌟
I can resonate soooo much 💝
January was a very challenging but intense month for me. So much purification and i can feel these words so deeply. The attracting others without even trying , I felt I was becoming at peace with the masculine energy. This explains everything so perfectly 🌟💝 thank you so much for another wonderful message 💝🌟✨💫 much love ❤️
SO powerful. Thank you 🙏 🤍
Thank you for your light, loving support and clarification - I am bathing and cleansing in a waterfall of tears - namaste
Deep!!! Thank you K Moon ❤️❤️
Pure beautiful truth, my dear K! With sheer power to blast right through to deep cellular & soul recognition like wildfire. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BEAUTIFUL WORK!!!!! Wishing you all the best in your own journey... Feel like it's shared between us all, anyway, don't you?! 😀❤️💖❤️✨
You are so welcome, and so well said!
You just describes my twin experience to the point! Literally everything...!! From unavailability, deep yarning and dispare that he did not recognise me, codependency (empath/narcissist experience), no-contact where I cannot even think of dating another eventhough my twin is egotistical and noncommital, telepathy, recognising traumas that I need to release (servere Stokholm syndrome).(Several healers are helping me). Recognising my annihilated self and I’ve started healing this now. I’m SO grateful that he was my catalyst, and that I now help release traumas like mine not only for me, but for other extremely abused women across the world going through so much pain. I have come to accept that I don’t know when this is “complete”. And it does not matter anymore... because it’s not solely about me and eventually him, it is SO much more to be a lightworker and wayshower. To take my power back and step into my lifework for humanity🙏❤️
Thank you for this confirmation, truely.... it confirms what I have experienced in mind, body and soul... and it offers great encourishment to continue this journey eventhough it can be painful and exhausting.
I send love and light to everybody outthere ❤️🕯
Wow thank you so much 🙏 I am moved, touched and deeply inspired by your message. Blessed be, thank you for sharing your gifts 💗
She knows.. I just hope she realizes the depth that we share and what could come out of that. A huge longing within myself for her to realize thissss but that being said I also know she has to come to it on her own and I know she will it’s just a matter of time
This was right on time!! I so needed this message today!
So beautiful, everything resonates 100% ❤️❤️❤️
This is in my opinion the best video you’ve ever done ( love them all though). Spot on.
Glad you think so!
Completely profound. I resonated very strongly with this message. Thank you so much.
You are so welcome
@@KMoonAstro I sent a payment for a reading via PayPal. Haven't received a scheduling email though.
Thank you K Moon!
This was so resonant for me at this very time on my journey. I listened to it before but it did not hold the same meaning because I had not begin the process yet. It all makes so much sense now. Thank you ❤️
This was the missing piece, my clarification of my journey for the last two years. This video is resonating at such a high level, I felt my vibration move in recognition. Thank you 🙏🏽 love lite to you 💕
Thank you K moon, this resonates much in my twinflame journey😘
This was very helpful❤️.. thank you
Thank you K, as a newly awakened person on this TF journey I was seeking some answers in regards to my current circumstances. In fact, I am going through this very purification process now. I’ve been in separation from my twin these last few months...but have only just discovered the path & TF journey in the last few weeks/month if that. There’s so much reassurance and knowledge, not only in this video but many of your others. I appreciate your energy & light in guiding us all. For you to have traveled through this journey so far (and be) able to lend that knowledge and love to us, it no doubt came at a great cost to you. It makes me appreciate your words even more. Thank you. 🙏
I made a vow. Under our holy creator. My loyalty is unbeatable. If I must fade way to keep this vow than loyalty means nothing in this universe. I still am loyal to those who betray me. If that can’t compute in your divine light than why did I play?
Beautiful said and explained
Wow... literally what I needed to hear today
thank you, this has helped me so much. i met my twin who is 17 years younger and married to someone else. there is so much to my story, i've always wondered why since meeting him that i couldnt be sexually with anyone else. he is now unavailable to me, so now i'm happy to work on my self but still everyday he is on my mind. its a hard journey.
Mystic RedBird Tarot I’m in a similar boat, my DM is 13 years younger than me and in a karmic relationship with 2 young kids. Very difficult to hang on and to trust. I’m ok now with whatever happens. If he can’t walk away from his family, then I understand have compassion for him, and learning to have compassion for myself. 🙏🏼🦋🙏🏼💕
Does the age difference bother you? I’ll be 48 in July and do worry that I’ll be too old by the time he decides what path he will take.
Thank you Kay (and guides), as always, for the beautiful messages. ❤️
P.S. Loving the new branding!
This is so precious ❤️💜💙
Beautiful message 💖
Thank you so much!