Tribute to finnish warchildren and swedish aid

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2008
  • Sweden's king Gustav V publicly rejected pleas from Finland's government for military intervention in the Winter War to help defend Finland against the Soviet invasion. This statement from the king was aimed at pressuring Finland to accept harsh Soviet peace conditions and to quiet a strong Swedish activist public opinion advocating participation in the war. The statement had this effect, but was also to produce substantial bitterness in Finland.
    During the war, Sweden's government rejected a total of three formal pleas from Finland's government to engage militarily in Finland's defense against the Soviet Union. Finally, Sweden didn' t become actively involved in the conflict, but did indirectly support Finland. They contributed military supplies, cash, credits, humanitarian aid and some 8,700 Swedish volunteers.


  • @Trekker88888
    @Trekker88888 10 років тому +8

    Swedes are good people.

  • @aivopark
    @aivopark 15 років тому +2

    And allso there was Swedish volunteers in Finnish army 1939-1944. Sweden actually did not let all the volunteers come to Finland. Big thank`s to Swedish war heroes who, kept fighting to the bitter end for Finland!

  • @jensrick6106
    @jensrick6106 5 років тому

    God bless Finland and Sweden.

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    he is/ was a great man :)!

  • @tyskbulle
    @tyskbulle 15 років тому +1

    Many think that just becuse Finland was able to resist the soviet union whit great succes Sweden woud be a sleeping warmachine. In fact we had poor military and wasnt ready for a war until like 1942. Our soldiers didnt even have winter traning, so what good woud they do in the winter war where all that matterd where mobile infantry defence. We faced russia so many times and we know the price, we avoided war at all cost and i stand by that. Finland had to defend its own independence.

    @MJODENG 15 років тому

    Vakker film. Har sett original filmen om Eero med Topi Majaniemi om livet i Finland og i Skåne NrK2 1/5-09.
    Gode skuespillere alle sammen.

  • @minna6446
    @minna6446 2 роки тому

    Toistuuko tämä nyt pikku-putinin sodan takia. Pitääkö meidän jälleen lähettää lapsiamme / lapsen lapsia Ruotsiin sodan vuoksi vuonna 2022. Oma äitini sai suojan Ruotsista toisen maailman sodan aikana ❤

  • @freedomthrough
    @freedomthrough 13 років тому

    @reallyfullofmyself That was exactly my point. There is no one left to blame for us, so we need to go on. History will judge him, we need to go on.

  • @granskare
    @granskare 14 років тому


  • @bonda95
    @bonda95 15 років тому

    My neightbour were a volentare swedish soldier in the winter war. If something like this happents agin I will be a volentare !

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    yeah I think too it's a great movie but am sorry to say that I haven' t thought about to send it on utube at the time...but anyway, thanks for the hint ;)!

  • @roth1c
    @roth1c 15 років тому +1

    Nordic brothers! Good vid!

  • @mikaseppanen1632
    @mikaseppanen1632 3 роки тому

    If Not support from USA to Russia,, Finland still have karelia..

  • @MarleanSweden
    @MarleanSweden 15 років тому

    Please show more of the movie "Den bästa av mödrar" I think it is soooooo good and there's no more clips of it on UA-cam, please please please post more!

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    Our neutrality where reacting to the realistic expectations of the outcome of the war. Before the winter failures and stalingrad it was obvious to THE ENTIRE WORLD that Germany would win easily over Russia and then have a free back to focus everything on England who would fall fairly soon.
    In that situation it would have been idiotic to not have had a fairly good relation to a victorious Germany.
    If we had joined Finland we would have had the same alliance with Germany that Finland had.

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    If a nation gives away half its supply of artillery and airplanes to another nation and forms official volunteer army corps and an airforce wing to fight for that nation, do you consider that a NEUTRAL stance? BRODERFOLK! Finlands sak är vår!!!
    No foreign powers except Sweden and Germany wanted to send help to Finland. The allies feigned to help with the purpose of occupying the Swedish ore mines and had no intent whatsoever to help Finland (this was admitted by Churchill after the war).

  • @petrusinvictus3603
    @petrusinvictus3603 7 років тому

    Finland may have a point of having a seed of Finns if all else fails...

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    It is worth to note that Sweden was VERY German-centered before the war. People did not learn English in schools like we do now, they learned German. Also, Germany went to war against our great arch enemy Russia who had attacked our brothers in Finland.
    Sweden would have been far more "on Germany's side" in our neutrality if Germany had not invaded Denmark and Norway.
    That they where killing people on an industrial scale where not known until late in the war.

  • @freedomthrough
    @freedomthrough 13 років тому

    @MrHerrKarl Bildligt talat i alla fall. Inte hade det funnits en chans att "lyckas så bra" utan Sverige.

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    I agree with Gunnar. I mean, it' s as well known that Sweden sent about 8k- 9k voluntary corps but according to jimmy then your army were quite tiny what came to Finnish army, which was poor as hell... of course the humanitarian aid was priceless and accepting the germans secret aid through Sweden to Finland, despite the fact that you were a neutral country in the winter war!

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    But Sweden had a major industrial capacity that would have helped greatly, especially if we got tech from Germany.
    Most of the Finns that fought did not have much training either, and most Swedes at that time did not live in big cities so they knew very well how to behave in cold weather.

  • @bonda95
    @bonda95 15 років тому

    All soldiers in that battle ( finnish and swedsih ) were grat =D I wish that I could have done it too....

  • @juokis
    @juokis 15 років тому

    they wont agree their war crimes.. they denie evrything

  • @freedomthrough
    @freedomthrough 13 років тому

    @gamer5274 Let's just say no one did as much to really help Finland than Sweden did. I don't know anyone who doesn't have a warchild somewhere in their family tree. My grandmother was one and we stayed in touch with her host-mother until she died.

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    I meant the same _type_ of alliance of course.
    And If Sweden had joined Finland then Germany would most likely have had a much higher interest in supporting both countries as the two combined could have done much more damage to Russia. Especially with German tech produced in Swedish factories.

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    I would say that at least a good relationship, not as strong... but you're the first normal dude from russia that I have met here on tube!

  • @tyskbulle
    @tyskbulle 15 років тому

    Swedens neutrality was pretty wierd during the WW2, first we aided the finns whit like half of our heavy equipment and all around supplies, then we aided the german divisions to fight in northen Norway. Then we aided the allies whit spy intelligence and help sunk the bismark as exampel. Then we aided the germans sending a army to fight in Finland. Then we aided the allies again, and even planned to liberate Denmark and Norway. What woud happen if we sided whit one side? The price of neutrality.

  • @tyskbulle
    @tyskbulle 15 років тому

    "Already during the Norwegian Campaign the Swedish Government gave the Wehrmacht access to the Swedish Rail System, to transport divisions of infantry and war material."
    "Access to the Swedish railways was granted on condition that the number of German soldiers travelling to Norway would balance the number leaving."
    So this is false? I yet cant find a history book about it and i never trust internet sources. I do know though the Norweigans have a soure aye for something like this.

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    The quality does not matter, it was what Sweden had and we gave it to you.
    Without the capability to actually help, words and promises where only useless gestures. Only Sweden and Germany had both the will and capability, unfortunately the socialists in the Swedish government stopped us from joining the fight.

  • @tyskbulle
    @tyskbulle 15 років тому

    however if it is true, then we have another enlightment shift. Sense after the Norweigan campaign we trained 8000 of thier resistance fighters.

  • @mattegunnar
    @mattegunnar 15 років тому

    sweden sent 84 000 rifles, 450 MG, 85 antitankguns, 112 artilleryguns 300 000 shells 32 aircraft,300 seamines 500 sunkbombs, and 45 miljon rifle clips

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    Wrong, Sweden never "aided the German divisions to fight in northern Norway". What happened was that German soldiers ON LEAVE where allowed to go by train through Sweden.
    And one time we allowed a German armed force to go from Norway into Finland.
    The first was due to German pressure and the second was to help Finland.
    Sweden was two weeks away from a D-day "invasion" of Denmark to push out the Germans when Germany surrendered.

  • @mattegunnar
    @mattegunnar 15 років тому

    we should have done more. we should have help the finnsh by joning the war agingst russia

  • @freedomthrough
    @freedomthrough 13 років тому

    @beginmaster I would never die to defend Finland, but i would die to defend the people i love and most of them are Finnish, so... Flag-wanking is pointless.

  • @freedomthrough
    @freedomthrough 13 років тому

    @MeHxxRan And how exactly would it do that? By more innocent people suffering? Don't you think the millions that died during the reign of Stalin was enough suffering for the Russian people? Don't you think the million that died at our borders was enough? Have you ever heard a story of the Russian soldiers fighting with pride or having a good time? They did NOT. They were forced to a place they didn't know, by a man they didn't know to fight a war they didn't know the reason for. Blame Stalin.

  • @tyskbulle
    @tyskbulle 15 років тому

    Indeed, and like i explained on another youtube video here. Sweden woudnt stand a chance againt German, it wasnt a winter war whit ukranian pesants that you fight in dense forests. It was the well diciplined german wermacht and airforce, we woud be crushed in matter of days if the germans wanted to. Sweden played both sides but strongly favored the allied side when all was settled and done. In the end its a price of neutrality.

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    haha yeah right... this is a tribute to finnish warchildren and mainly to swedes volunteers (8-9k) that helped us and those that took care of our warchildren, but maybe not for all of you...

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    Name any instance when Sweden took a neutral stance towards the winter war.
    None of what you mention affects the Swedish help. Half of all money in the Finnish budget came from Sweden.

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    Sweden where NOT neutral in regards to the winter war!
    Sweden openly supported Finland in almost any way.
    About 50% of the Finnish national budget came from Sweden during the war...

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    oh c'mon go ape somewhere else...

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 15 років тому

    For some reason some people seem to like spreading false propaganda about what Sweden did during ww2.
    False propaganda such as Sweden letting armed German troops travel on Swedish trains (except the one who went to Finland).
    And this is the first time I have even seen the claim that they did this DURING the ongoing campaign.
    Perhaps it is the same people who think Sweden where cowardly for not declaring war on Germany...

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    and the whole ww2 :)

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    nuh, it' s not that worth :P

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    yeah you' re right! we can always trust to ordinary swedes but your leaders are a piece of shit as always :)...