Centering Prayer changes you - and in a good way. I have been practising this for only 3 weeks and I definitely feel, well, more centered. All you need to do is: sit on your butt, say "Yes, my sincere intention is to be open and available to God" - and then gently release your attention from whatever thought pops up in your head. It's amazing.
Cynthia is a Gift-She balances the abuses of the fundamentalist's esp those who just hang out in the absolute and can't integrate it with the Relative.
I am so excited about Christians are catching up to the concepts of Centering Prayer and Christian Meditation. I often wonder what Jesus was doing during his 40 days in the desert? Now I know he overcame the temptations by using the meditation to free his human mind to be reunited with God the Father. Thank you for your work and the video.
Neuroplasticity is the new unconsciousness. Neuroplasticity underlies all this. We have to gradually remove our past conditioned ideas about good and bad people, lazy and hardworking people, hating and loving people if we really want to dive deeply into truth and see the utter blamelessness of everything and everyone. And the utter indescribable beauty of it all!
We are all called by God. Sitting quietly and LISTENING to His voice is DEFINITELY NOT new age garbage. If you don't cultivate a relationship with God by speaking and listening, you'll only believe in a god of your own imagination.
In addition, in the Eastern part of Christianity (today the Orthodox Churches) there was a method known as hesychasm (quiet prayer) that has been know and practiced not only by monks, but by lay persons as well.
This is way beyond the basics of Centering Prayer. The modality of Jesus in a single gesture. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God summed up in a movement. You have to pretty simple to get this. It is beautiful.
Although it is true that Centering Prayer in its current form as a method of non-discursive meditation goes back to the '70-s, the main roots of this form of contemplative prayer go back at least to the 4th century desert monks, In Western Christianity it is John Cassian, a 5th century hermit, who first mentions the method of praying on the rhythm of breathing and using a single word.
Any of the people decrying and dismissing Centering Prayer as simply meditation or a "mind altering" experience and call it new age and try to direct people away from it are either 1. People who know nothing about it or 2. Agents of evil themselves trying to push Christians away from something the helps bring them closer to the heart and mind of God. In Jesus' name may you be counfounded. Centering Prayer has helped me find my way to God and my relationship with Christ in the most profound way. To be pure of heart, loving...All that Jesus asked us to be... How is that evil? It's just a can be used for good or evil it depends on the user.
If I was to come back, if I were ever there, to Christianity, which I don't, it would be because of this woman. There are parts of the gospels in the NT that resonate perfectly with other wisdom traditions - 'rizomatically', i.e. 'underground', through the earth -; there are other gospels, first of all the Gospel of Thomas, that resonate perfectly with 'all time wisdom'. I'm taking a 'perennial stand', more or less. The problem for me is that there is no 'perennial practice', no 'perennial church'. Not to my knowledge. Centering prayer for me fills that gap most wonderfully. Lectio divina includes for me the contemplation on the Laozi, the Zhuangzi, the Dhammapada, the Bhagavad Gita, the Shobogenzo, the Gospel of Thomas, Meister Eckhart (condemned by the church in 1329), Tantra Loka, the De Imitatione Christi, The Gospel of Ramakrishna, Religion and Nothingness and so on. Silence as openness, or Dao, or Sunyata, or Unground, or 'absolute nothingness ('mu'), or Wadat al Wujud, or Kingdom of God and so on, is absorbing all this, a kind of a black (w)hole that because of its gravity unifies all these perspectives without destroying their uniqueness. We are to be reborn into this Kingdom of God, i.e. Silence, i.e. Openness. Famously once upon a time a man from Judea showed us how. This is an amazing woman, able to speak whole heartedly about this Silence in a way that discloses. God blessed you, Cynthia Bourgeault.
I view this as a way of learning the voice of Christ and distinguishing it from that of the enemy's. It also has the potential of healing addictive tendencies, as well as loosening the stranglehold of iniquity. It's a spiritual detoxification and a healthy uptake of God's love, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. This may be the answer to those who have fallen away from the faith and as way to prevent a falling away. Very interesting! Keep an open mind.
Maranatha! Finally I hear that Christian Mantra being taken into consideration! It is an Aramaic(the dialect Jesus/Yeshua spoke)which is interpreted as meaning,"Come Lord." Repeated in meditation as a Mantra. -Ma-ra-na-tha There is a book entitled "Moments of Christ, " written by a Benedictine monk- John Blain I think his name was. The book may now be out of print, but possibly obtainable!
+MScott Scott spirit comes from the Latin spiritus meaning's where the word respiration also comes from. The holy spirit is The breath. the breath that was 'breathed' into Adams is not a ghost or entity which you seem to have interpreted as
+MScott Scott I think you are confused. You see there's no "new age" in centering prayer. Jesus Christ preached it and can be found for instance in the book of Matthew 6:5.
He also said to go into your room and pray to the father in secret. Centering prayer, or any kind of meditation, is only listening to the voice of God. With all the activity of daily life, there is usually too much noise in our heads to hear the still small voice. The Desert fathers heard that voice. You should try reading the Carthusian Novice Lectures series. This may enlighten you as to what meditation means taught by arguably the Catholic Church's experts on meditation and silent prayer.
It's amazing reading everybody posting and judging information and people as if what someone else believes can be true or false. And behind that judgement is the fear that unless we believe in the "truth" we are wrong. Truth can't be believed or has it ever existed as knowledge or concepts or anything other than Who You Already Are And Always Have Been. You are looking for the discovering yourself as The Divine Living Truth
Cynthia Bourgeault quote highlights from this video: “Rather than clearing away thoughts so we can encounter God or source in unbroken silence, centering prayer is a repeated practice with release-release of the attention from an attached state onto an object of thought to a different thought.” “Jesus taught a method, and once you saw it, you saw it everywhere. His method was let go-it was a basic non-clinging practice … The mind in this attached state identifying with everything, he practices let go, let go, let go.” “The ego is merely the mirage of self that you get by running the egoic operating system which is a program that perceives reality by discriminating/differentiating subject and object.” “The shift into second tier (see Integral Theory) is contingent on the mind being in the heart, and mind and heart working together to run the nondual program which can perceive from oneness.”
Between 12-14th centuries there has been a whole movement in the Western Christianity, when "contemplation" (praying without words and discursive thoughts, that is the equivalent of Eastern type "meditation"), praying with the repetition of one single word or phrase, using the rhythm of one's breathing, has been developed and practiced. In the 16th century, it was Ignatius of Loyola who recorded it in writing two different Methods of Prayer that he has learned from the Benedictines in Spain...
Surprised that she doesn't credit John Cassian and the early desert monks/nuns with the roots of Christian meditation. Menninger and Pennington did. Read Cassian's Conferences and then tell me Christianity had to get meditation from the Buddhists and Hindus.
Cosmic Consciousness does not think like the mind does. The realm of the ultimate Truth is pure consciousness, that is not governed by the laws of this realm of this world. The mind thinks from thought to thought, where in God consciousness, there is one point which all things, thoughts, dimensions, what have you, are experienced simultaneously.
Ricksville There is faith Paul) and there is "knowing,"(gnosis), and this is a debate that has been going on since the first century CE. This is too much to get into here, but gnosis- knowledge- is seeking direct experience of God/ divine, which is the preferable to the Mystic. In most religions there is what they call the exoteric, and the esoteric, which are stages on the spiritual path. The exoteric is the parables, literature meant to attract individuals to the path, and the esoteric(gnosis- the aim)are like meditation techniques and direction by a spiritual master aimed at directed experience of the divine which is ultimately, the more desirable of the two. Christ said to his disciples," to you my chosen disciples, I am to teach the secrets of the Kingdom of God, and to those that are without(the multitude), I am to teach in parables for seeing they shall not believe, and hearing they shall not understand." This captures this point. Remember, the Church of Rome was not, and did not offer the higher teachings, and in fact, they persecuted, and declared the higher teachings of Christianity, and even Judaism, heresy! How many Christians today even know the true value, and importance of the truth that the kingdom of God is within you?! Christ said," seek and you shall find; knock and the the door shall be opened;the Kingdom of God is within you." This is not meant to judge and attack Christians. I mean no disrespect of someone's faith. Those Christians that seek to know their God on a more intimate level, can use this information to seek out methods that will enable them to know(gnosis) their God. What this Episcopalian priest is speaking of is one such method of meditation. God speed!
My comment was directed at MScott Scott, but I appreciate your reply. I know so many Christians and Muslims (and even atheists) who claim knowledge of things that can't be empirically determined. Their premises and presuppositions are like walls of a prison. By setting up these walls they convince themselves that they have embraced truth by doing what they have been convinced are the mandates of their respective gods, and from within those walls they feel confident to judge the thoughts, actions, intentions and even relationship to truth of everyone whose perspective differs from theirs. So, when someone who takes as axiomatic the contentions of a faith based belief system, I challenge their devotion to seeking truth.
rather than talking about the ego and the unit of or the true self I like to talk about the egoic operating system because the ego is merely the Mirage of self that you get by running the ego egoic operating system which is a program that perceives reality by discriminating differentiating subject object inside outside it's all part of the structure of the mind to allow us to organize the visual field out there .... the shift into that second tier is contingent on the mind being in the heart and mind and heart working together to run the non-dual program which can perceive from oneness
Spirituality is yet to be proven science. Duality with its singularity are one in the same. Each is within the other, as the other (God is all, all is God,.). Each of the three is the creator and the creation of one another. So, All that we, form, spirit and so on, is/are one. One cannot be without the other. To embrace that people are afflicted with an inefficiency (Ego) separate/distinct from all other lifes things/beings is contrary to,- All one, perfect, not broken, synchronicity, symbiosis, love,. Believing humans to be different I S suffering. Spirituality, meditation, intent, choices,., are not something to do, they re something to observe. Observing activates. 'Trying' activates the equal/opposite. For one to see 'good', this means they have already decided what 'bad' is. They then become that.
+ultracalicokittycat Well Zen mindfulness ( non dualistic thought) does what Christianity and other religions have tried to do very baddy and inside closed doors in monasteries. So zen is the Ferrari , and Christianity is a brokendown Volkswagen .
divinechemechanical Who told you that ? God ? Or your mind ? I know a chap whose mind is pretty sick . Me personally the Mind is just what the brain does . It should be a verb I dont see any evidence for a god . None for what we call "consciousness" and none for what we call "Free Will" Theres just the brain , and sence of self or Ego (or if your lucky , lack of ego )
divinechemechanical I could take that as a compliment the illusion of free will and self consciousness is essential for self preservation . Ill accept mindless , but not in the way you mean it . Can you prove either free will or consciousness ,? and "I think therefore I am " , doesnt necessarily work in reverse . A dog will have a sense of self . It will believe it decides its own actions. ------------- When you read this an answer will probably be there before youve finished reading . Your brain does it automatically , not your ego. In fact most , if not all of your actions are decided automatically without thinking . All you need to do is sit there and the brain will produce an answer whether you choose to or not
I like Cynthia Bourgeault very much and I would recommend any of her books, especially "The Wisdom Jesus," but this time, in this particular presentation, her short comments on the history of Christian meditation were way too sketchy and thus easily misleading. At least, I would have expected her to clarify that Eastern type "meditation" is more or less equivalent with the Western concept or method of "contemplation" or "contemplative prayer."
"The Desert Fathers were fourth century hermits who abandoned the cities of the pagan world to live in solitude in the wildernesses of the near East." (Thomas Merton) Question: Where in the Bible does Jesus tell us to "abandon the cities" and "‘live in solitude" as "Hermits"? The Lord said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15) The Desert Fathers disobeyed the Word of God; so it is not surprising that they also introduced Contemplative Prayer!
Jesus gives the example of fasting in the desert for 40 days, by himself, totally away from society. He also asked one man to abandon the world and follow him, when he said, "Let the dead bury the dead".
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2Cor.2:13-15)
Notice . . . how this woman just talks, and talks, and talks like a phonograph record. Do you get any sense that she is EXPLORING her topic . . . to see what might be true and what not . . . and share it with us (?) Or is she just REPEATING a previous thought pattern that she picked up somewhere at some other time (?)
By their fruit you will recognize them. its sound toooo new age, contemplation its a big topic in Catholic Church but difficult these people try to deviate the real way...i dont know intentions GOD knows...but classic lectures Saint John of the cross, Jesuits mystics, Franciscans, Dominican contemplatives etc Saint Therese :interior castle...READ THE SAINTS teachings before this...wait some years to see tge fruits of these people...but sound to border and DANGEROUS
Most of the friars (Dominicans, Franciscans) and Jesuits frankly have no direct experience of genuine liturgy or monasticism, much less classical Christian hesychasm. The Carthusians and the Discalced Carmelites are a step in the right direction. But Scholasticism has horribly scarred Western Christianity. The trick is to get into the Doctors of the Church like Hildegard von Bingen, Albert the Great, and John of the Cross---who really gets that "God is formless."
JESUS SACRAMENTADO , I don't understand why you would think this is "New Age" since the main text that is the foundation of Centering Prayer is the anonymous fourteenth century classic The Cloud of Unknowing and in the writings of Christian mystics such as John Cassian, Francis de Sales, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, and Therese of Lisieux. Fourteenth century England is really not a part of the "New Age." I think you have the cart before the horse in that the "New Age," in my limited understanding, has borrowed from many traditions including Hinduism, Native American Spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, and others. This may sound "New Age," because the focus is not on the thinking brain and is focused on relationship, it is about getting in touch with the indwelling of God rather than focusing on the God as external. The emphasis shifts from study about God to practices, praxis, that enhance the relationship with the Triune God. While that may feel "New Age," it is well within the Scriptures. Start with Matthew 6:6 about prayer. You said: "wait some years to see the fruits of these people." Centering prayer has been around for four decades, is that not long enough? I have been practicing for 15 years and know many who have been practicing for more that 20 years. These are very dedicated Christians, and their fruits are beautiful, caring, loving Christians.
Martin Johnson, don't worry: most churchy Christians today would call the Gospel itself "New Age" if they had their druthers. It's a symptom of institutionalization and closet-modernism.
+MScott Scott If you examine the history you speak of, and your intention is to discover the "truth," you will be surprised by what you find about "Christianity," Jesus? Yeshua?, Paul/James the Just/the brother of Jesus! The conflicts that existed between Paul and the Apostles.The "Church," emphasized the physical resurrection, and denied and persecuted the idea of the spiritual resurrection! Christians don't understand the fact that Yeshua/Jesus was a spiritual Master who initiated his followers into the esoteric knowledge, to enable his followers to experience GNOSIS-which is GOD! Meditation is the tool, and there was a method he taught them! The hierarchy of the church that came after, did not want their followers to be enlightened! They wanted their followers to be subservient, so Gnosis was forced underground! The Church was so thorough at persecuting and denying the possibility of Gnosis,, that you are defending the mythology they used to substitute, and cover it up!!
+MScott Scott "To you my chosen disciples, I AM TO TEACH THE SECRETS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD," and to those that are without(the multitude)I am to teach in parables, for seeing they shall not perceive, and hearing they shall not understand, for the Kingdom of God is within you." Jesus/Yeshua the "Christ."
"Many are called but few are chosen." (Matt.22:14) There is ONLY ONE WAY to "cultivate a relationship with God", and that is through His Son,The Lord Jesus Christ. - "I am The Way,The Truth and The Life: no one comes to the Father but by Me." (John 14:6) A "god of your own imagination" is trusting in any other! "There are ways that seem right to men, but they end in death." (Pr.14:12) - Sadly C.P. is such a way. *Unless a man is born again, he cannot see or enter the Kingdom of God." (Jn Ch.3)
Centering Prayer changes you - and in a good way. I have been practising this for only 3 weeks and I definitely feel, well, more centered. All you need to do is: sit on your butt, say "Yes, my sincere intention is to be open and available to God" - and then gently release your attention from whatever thought pops up in your head. It's amazing.
still doing this daily?
Cynthia is a Gift-She balances the abuses of the fundamentalist's esp those who just hang out in the absolute and can't integrate it with the Relative.
I am so excited about Christians are catching up to the concepts of Centering Prayer and Christian Meditation. I often wonder what Jesus was doing during his 40 days in the desert? Now I know he overcame the temptations by using the meditation to free his human mind to be reunited with God the Father. Thank you for your work and the video.
Neuroplasticity is the new unconsciousness. Neuroplasticity underlies all this. We have to gradually remove our past conditioned ideas about good and bad people, lazy and hardworking people, hating and loving people if we really want to dive deeply into truth and see the utter blamelessness of everything and everyone. And the utter indescribable beauty of it all!
Encouraging in that finally a tangible method in Christianity for spiritual growth and peace. I certainly strayed to other traditions seeking such. 💞
I could listen to Cynthia speak all day. Love the way she articulates herself. I have gained a lot of insight by listening to this lecture.
We are all called by God. Sitting quietly and LISTENING to His voice is DEFINITELY NOT new age garbage. If you don't cultivate a relationship with God by speaking and listening, you'll only believe in a god of your own imagination.
In addition, in the Eastern part of Christianity (today the Orthodox Churches) there was a method known as hesychasm (quiet prayer) that has been know and practiced not only by monks, but by lay persons as well.
This is way beyond the basics of Centering Prayer. The modality of Jesus in a single gesture. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God summed up in a movement. You have to pretty simple to get this. It is beautiful.
"... cosmic consciousness is thinking, the way the universe thinks, and that is all out there in the universe ! That's wonderful ! ! "
+MScott Scott
Thanks for noticing correctly .
Although it is true that Centering Prayer in its current form as a method of non-discursive meditation goes back to the '70-s, the main roots of this form of contemplative prayer go back at least to the 4th century desert monks, In Western Christianity it is John Cassian, a 5th century hermit, who first mentions the method of praying on the rhythm of breathing and using a single word.
Any of the people decrying and dismissing Centering Prayer as simply meditation or a "mind altering" experience and call it new age and try to direct people away from it are either 1. People who know nothing about it or 2. Agents of evil themselves trying to push Christians away from something the helps bring them closer to the heart and mind of God. In Jesus' name may you be counfounded. Centering Prayer has helped me find my way to God and my relationship with Christ in the most profound way. To be pure of heart, loving...All that Jesus asked us to be... How is that evil? It's just a can be used for good or evil it depends on the user.
They didn't listen to Jesus ...
That's why we have Christianity ... Be Still and Know ...
If I was to come back, if I were ever there, to Christianity, which I don't, it would be because of this woman.
There are parts of the gospels in the NT that resonate perfectly with other wisdom traditions - 'rizomatically', i.e. 'underground', through the earth -; there are other gospels, first of all the Gospel of Thomas, that resonate perfectly with 'all time wisdom'.
I'm taking a 'perennial stand', more or less. The problem for me is that there is no 'perennial practice', no 'perennial church'. Not to my knowledge.
Centering prayer for me fills that gap most wonderfully. Lectio divina includes for me the contemplation on the Laozi, the Zhuangzi, the Dhammapada, the Bhagavad Gita, the Shobogenzo, the Gospel of Thomas, Meister Eckhart (condemned by the church in 1329), Tantra Loka, the De Imitatione Christi, The Gospel of Ramakrishna, Religion and Nothingness and so on.
Silence as openness, or Dao, or Sunyata, or Unground, or 'absolute nothingness ('mu'), or Wadat al Wujud, or Kingdom of God and so on, is absorbing all this, a kind of a black (w)hole that because of its gravity unifies all these perspectives without destroying their uniqueness.
We are to be reborn into this Kingdom of God, i.e. Silence, i.e. Openness. Famously once upon a time a man from Judea showed us how.
This is an amazing woman, able to speak whole heartedly about this Silence in a way that discloses. God blessed you, Cynthia Bourgeault.
I view this as a way of learning the voice of Christ and distinguishing it from that of the enemy's. It also has the potential of healing addictive tendencies, as well as loosening the stranglehold of iniquity. It's a spiritual detoxification and a healthy uptake of God's love, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. This may be the answer to those who have fallen away from the faith and as way to prevent a falling away. Very interesting!
Keep an open mind.
Maranatha! Finally I hear that Christian Mantra being taken into consideration! It is an Aramaic(the dialect Jesus/Yeshua spoke)which is interpreted as meaning,"Come Lord." Repeated in meditation as a Mantra. -Ma-ra-na-tha
There is a book entitled "Moments of Christ, " written by a Benedictine monk- John Blain I think his name was. The book may now be out of print, but possibly obtainable!
+MScott Scott spirit comes from the Latin spiritus meaning's where the word respiration also comes from. The holy spirit is The breath. the breath that was 'breathed' into Adams is not a ghost or entity which you seem to have interpreted as
+MScott Scott I think you are confused. You see there's no "new age" in centering prayer. Jesus Christ preached it and can be found for instance in the book of Matthew 6:5.
4th and 6th cent- orthodox christain practice - hesychasm- prayer of the heart!
Absolutely.....been doing it for almost 2000 years....
He also said to go into your room and pray to the father in secret. Centering prayer, or any kind of meditation, is only listening to the voice of God. With all the activity of daily life, there is usually too much noise in our heads to hear the still small voice. The Desert fathers heard that voice. You should try reading the Carthusian Novice Lectures series. This may enlighten you as to what meditation means taught by arguably the Catholic Church's experts on meditation and silent prayer.
It's amazing reading everybody posting and judging information and people as if what someone else believes can be true or false. And behind that judgement is the fear that unless we believe in the "truth" we are wrong. Truth can't be believed or has it ever existed as knowledge or concepts or anything other than Who You Already Are And Always Have Been. You are looking for the discovering yourself as The Divine Living Truth
Cynthia Bourgeault quote highlights from this video: “Rather than clearing away thoughts so we can encounter God or source in unbroken silence, centering prayer is a repeated practice with release-release of the attention from an attached state onto an object of thought to a different thought.”
“Jesus taught a method, and once you saw it, you saw it everywhere. His method was let go-it was a basic non-clinging practice … The mind in this attached state identifying with everything, he practices let go, let go, let go.”
“The ego is merely the mirage of self that you get by running the egoic operating system which is a program that perceives reality by discriminating/differentiating subject and object.”
“The shift into second tier (see Integral Theory) is contingent on the mind being in the heart, and mind and heart working together to run the nondual program which can perceive from oneness.”
Fascinating. Thank you.
Between 12-14th centuries there has been a whole movement in the Western Christianity, when "contemplation" (praying without words and discursive thoughts, that is the equivalent of Eastern type "meditation"), praying with the repetition of one single word or phrase, using the rhythm of one's breathing, has been developed and practiced. In the 16th century, it was Ignatius of Loyola who recorded it in writing two different Methods of Prayer that he has learned from the Benedictines in Spain...
Surprised that she doesn't credit John Cassian and the early desert monks/nuns with the roots of Christian meditation. Menninger and Pennington did. Read Cassian's Conferences and then tell me Christianity had to get meditation from the Buddhists and Hindus.
Much gratitude
Cosmic Consciousness does not think like the mind does. The realm of the ultimate Truth is pure consciousness, that is not governed by the laws of this realm of this world. The mind thinks from thought to thought, where in God consciousness, there is one point which all things, thoughts, dimensions, what have you, are experienced simultaneously.
A person of faith asks about knowing?
Ricksville There is faith Paul) and there is "knowing,"(gnosis), and this is a debate that has been going on since the first century CE. This is too much to get into here, but gnosis- knowledge- is seeking direct experience of God/ divine, which is the preferable to the Mystic. In most religions there is what they call the exoteric, and the esoteric, which are stages on the spiritual path. The exoteric is the parables, literature meant to attract individuals to the path, and the esoteric(gnosis- the aim)are like meditation techniques and direction by a spiritual master aimed at directed experience of the divine which is ultimately, the more desirable of the two. Christ said to his disciples," to you my chosen disciples, I am to teach the secrets of the Kingdom of God, and to those that are without(the multitude), I am to teach in parables for seeing they shall not believe, and hearing they shall not understand." This captures this point. Remember, the Church of Rome was not, and did not offer the higher teachings, and in fact, they persecuted, and declared the higher teachings of Christianity, and even Judaism, heresy! How many Christians today even know the true value, and importance of the truth that the kingdom of God is within you?! Christ said," seek and you shall find; knock and the the door shall be opened;the Kingdom of God is within you."
This is not meant to judge and attack Christians. I mean no disrespect of someone's faith. Those Christians that seek to know their God on a more intimate level, can use this information to seek out methods that will enable them to know(gnosis) their God. What this Episcopalian priest is speaking of is one such method of meditation. God speed!
My comment was directed at MScott Scott, but I appreciate your reply. I know so many Christians and Muslims (and even atheists) who claim knowledge of things that can't be empirically determined. Their premises and presuppositions are like walls of a prison. By setting up these walls they convince themselves that they have embraced truth by doing what they have been convinced are the mandates of their respective gods, and from within those walls they feel confident to judge the thoughts, actions, intentions and even relationship to truth of everyone whose perspective differs from theirs. So, when someone who takes as axiomatic the contentions of a faith based belief system, I challenge their devotion to seeking truth.
To 'let the thought go', is this,- let it run, or suppress it by denying it, resisting it, kicking it out, shutting it out,.?
YES! She nails the confusing part I've always had about Wilbur's model...
it is a form of Buddhist mediation. Eastern religions don't all use mantras and practice non duality.
rather than talking about the ego and the unit of or the true self I like to talk about the egoic operating system because the ego is merely the Mirage of self that you get by running the ego egoic operating system which is a program that perceives reality by discriminating differentiating subject object inside outside it's all part of the structure of the mind to allow us to organize the visual field out there .... the shift into that second tier is contingent on the mind being in the heart and mind and heart working together to run the non-dual program which can perceive from oneness
This is great stuff
Spirituality is yet to be proven science. Duality with its singularity are one in the same. Each is within the other, as the other (God is all, all is God,.). Each of the three is the creator and the creation of one another. So, All that we, form, spirit and so on, is/are one. One cannot be without the other. To embrace that people are afflicted with an inefficiency (Ego) separate/distinct from all other lifes things/beings is contrary to,- All one, perfect, not broken, synchronicity, symbiosis, love,. Believing humans to be different I S suffering. Spirituality, meditation, intent, choices,., are not something to do, they re something to observe. Observing activates. 'Trying' activates the equal/opposite. For one to see 'good', this means they have already decided what 'bad' is. They then become that.
I like when she said she was some kind of mechanic working on the broken down vehicle known as Christianity, LOL
Well Zen mindfulness ( non dualistic thought) does what Christianity and other religions have tried to do very baddy and inside closed doors in monasteries.
So zen is the Ferrari , and Christianity is a brokendown Volkswagen .
+Ollie Phelan LOL I do A Course in Miracles : ) wh/ has been compared to Buddhism, and Advaita Vedanta
Ex orientis lux .
I didnt understand your comment properly .
Come again ?
The G in "Gnosis" is silent .
same as K in "knowledge"
Yep , I checked it .
Its the exact same as Zen "emptying"
The only difference is that they put the results down to "god" rather than the mind .
God is the Mind.
Who told you that ?
God ?
Or your mind ?
I know a chap whose mind is pretty sick .
Me personally the Mind is just what the brain does .
It should be a verb
I dont see any evidence for a god .
None for what we call "consciousness"
and none for what we call "Free Will"
Theres just the brain , and sence of self or Ego (or if your lucky , lack of ego )
Then, obedient to your logic, you are literally a mindless pawn whose words are worthless.
I could take that as a compliment
the illusion of free will and self consciousness is essential for self preservation .
Ill accept mindless , but not in the way you mean it .
Can you prove either free will or consciousness ,? and "I think therefore I am " , doesnt necessarily work in reverse .
A dog will have a sense of self .
It will believe it decides its own actions.
When you read this an answer will probably be there before youve finished reading .
Your brain does it automatically , not your ego.
In fact most , if not all of your actions are decided automatically without thinking .
All you need to do is sit there and the brain will produce an answer whether you choose to or not
I like Cynthia Bourgeault very much and I would recommend any of her books, especially "The Wisdom Jesus," but this time, in this particular presentation, her short comments on the history of Christian meditation were way too sketchy and thus easily misleading. At least, I would have expected her to clarify that Eastern type "meditation" is more or less equivalent with the Western concept or method of "contemplation" or "contemplative prayer."
"The Desert Fathers were fourth century hermits who abandoned the cities of the pagan world to live in solitude in the wildernesses of the near East." (Thomas Merton)
Question: Where in the Bible does Jesus tell us to "abandon the cities" and "‘live in solitude" as "Hermits"?
The Lord said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)
The Desert Fathers disobeyed the Word of God; so it is not surprising that they also introduced Contemplative Prayer!
Jesus gives the example of fasting in the desert for 40 days, by himself, totally away from society. He also asked one man to abandon the world and follow him, when he said, "Let the dead bury the dead".
Buddha rings up a pizza parlour and says "Make me one with everything"
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2Cor.2:13-15)
Does she know nothing of the Eastern Orthodox church ?
Aw , ..........
She should stick to OM
Notice . . . how this woman just talks, and talks, and talks like a phonograph record.
Do you get any sense that she is EXPLORING her topic . . . to see what might be true and what not . . . and share it with us (?)
Or is she just REPEATING a previous thought pattern that she picked up somewhere at some other time (?)
Arbiter she a true seeker, researcher i judge. See her joy
By their fruit you will recognize them.
its sound toooo new age,
contemplation its a big topic in Catholic Church but difficult these people try to deviate the real way...i dont know intentions GOD knows...but classic lectures Saint John of the cross, Jesuits mystics, Franciscans, Dominican contemplatives etc Saint Therese :interior castle...READ THE SAINTS teachings before this...wait some years to see tge fruits of these people...but sound to border and DANGEROUS
Most of the friars (Dominicans, Franciscans) and Jesuits frankly have no direct experience of genuine liturgy or monasticism, much less classical Christian hesychasm. The Carthusians and the Discalced Carmelites are a step in the right direction. But Scholasticism has horribly scarred Western Christianity. The trick is to get into the Doctors of the Church like Hildegard von Bingen, Albert the Great, and John of the Cross---who really gets that "God is formless."
JESUS SACRAMENTADO , I don't understand why you would think this is "New Age" since the main text that is the foundation of Centering Prayer is the anonymous fourteenth century classic The Cloud of Unknowing and in the writings of Christian mystics such as John Cassian, Francis de Sales, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, and Therese of Lisieux. Fourteenth century England is really not a part of the "New Age." I think you have the cart before the horse in that the "New Age," in my limited understanding, has borrowed from many traditions including Hinduism, Native American Spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, and others.
This may sound "New Age," because the focus is not on the thinking brain and is focused on relationship, it is about getting in touch with the indwelling of God rather than focusing on the God as external. The emphasis shifts from study about God to practices, praxis, that enhance the relationship with the Triune God. While that may feel "New Age," it is well within the Scriptures. Start with Matthew 6:6 about prayer.
You said: "wait some years to see the fruits of these people." Centering prayer has been around for four decades, is that not long enough? I have been practicing for 15 years and know many who have been practicing for more that 20 years. These are very dedicated Christians, and their fruits are beautiful, caring, loving Christians.
Martin Johnson, don't worry: most churchy Christians today would call the Gospel itself "New Age" if they had their druthers. It's a symptom of institutionalization and closet-modernism.
+MScott Scott If you examine the history you speak of, and your intention is to discover the "truth," you will be surprised by what you find about "Christianity," Jesus? Yeshua?, Paul/James the Just/the brother of Jesus! The conflicts that existed between Paul and the Apostles.The "Church," emphasized the physical resurrection, and denied and persecuted the idea of the spiritual resurrection! Christians don't understand the fact that Yeshua/Jesus was a spiritual Master who initiated his followers into the esoteric knowledge, to enable his followers to experience GNOSIS-which is GOD! Meditation is the tool, and there was a method he taught them! The hierarchy of the church that came after, did not want their followers to be enlightened! They wanted their followers to be subservient, so Gnosis was forced underground! The Church was so thorough at persecuting and denying the possibility of Gnosis,, that you are defending the mythology they used to substitute, and cover it up!!
+MScott Scott "To you my chosen disciples, I AM TO TEACH THE SECRETS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD," and to those that are without(the multitude)I am to teach in parables, for seeing they shall not perceive, and hearing they shall not understand, for the Kingdom of God is within you." Jesus/Yeshua the "Christ."
Ex Orientis Lux
It's so eastern...just like Christianity...
Mercury = Hermes...
"Many are called but few are chosen." (Matt.22:14) There is ONLY ONE WAY to "cultivate a relationship with God", and that is through His Son,The Lord Jesus Christ. - "I am The Way,The Truth and The Life: no one comes to the Father but by Me." (John 14:6)
A "god of your own imagination" is trusting in any other!
"There are ways that seem right to men, but they end in death." (Pr.14:12) - Sadly C.P. is such a way.
*Unless a man is born again, he cannot see or enter the Kingdom of God." (Jn Ch.3)
new age occultism wrapped in christian words........
Or based on comprehending the Bible as it once meant?
Very Christian response. Probably not worth saying more
this is sooooooooooo evil
donna Vanproyen wonderfully so !
Yes, looks evil only for the egotistical mind that does not want to let go