[4K] Dog Man Grime and Punishment : Full Book. Book Read Aloud (FULL HD and 4K) and Read Online.

  • Опубліковано 26 сер 2021
  • Interesting story and I read it many times after my school's hour. Here is the summary of the book.
    At the beginning of the story, the mayor and the police chief are attending an important event when the dog man bursts in and jumps all over them with his filthy feet. The mayor is furious when he learns that Dog Man has destroyed the rose garden, and he immediately fires Dog Man. The boss is sad, but he has no choice. Dog Man is also heartbroken at home. Lil' Petey and his robot, 80- HD, realize they must act. They create a headgear that turns Dog Man into a cat. When Dog Man goes to the police station, the Chief finds out his true identity. The mayor, on the other hand, sees only a cat-headed man and decides to hire him. Meanwhile, Grampa is in Cat Jail, where he has developed a headgear that reinforces his own identity. He tries it out on an evil cat named Big Jim, who only wants to cuddle, though he's so big that the hugs are brutal. Grampa is able to escape with his hat and gives himself the nickname Crud. Dog Man, disguised as Cat Man, briefly captures Crud before the mayor intervenes, capturing Dog Man and letting Crud go. Crud uses an animation spray to bring a giant lunch sack to life. Munchy, the bag, ingests radioactive juice and rushes to a neighboring pond where she grabs a fish holder class. When Lil' Petey, Petey and 80- HD arrive, Munchy seems invincible. Petey feels that hate is a strong emotion and that Lil' Petey must resort to violence to stop Munchy. Lil' Petey has another idea. He is a member of a comic book club. He calls his other club members together. They all draw what they like best. Munchy speeds away.
    Petey acknowledges that love has won in this situation, and he makes a decision for himself. He holds a grudge against his father (Grampa, who is Crud as long as he wears the hat). Petey knows that his hatred is in vain. He declares that he has forgiven Grampa. Grampa gets so angry that he hurls the hat to the ground. Big Jim takes it and rushes over to hug Grampa. The characters realize that the mayor's residence is on fire. The mayor panics because his beloved stuffed animal, Mr. Snookums, is in the house. The dog man jumps in after the mayor and saves both the mayor and Mr. Snookums. The mayor is so grateful that he gives Dog Man his badge back. At the end of the story, Petey visits his mother's grave for the first time, accompanied by Lil' Petey. They talk about how she lives on in both of them, and Lil' Petey has the opportunity to "paint" his story any way he wants.