" The third eye does not mean someone's forehead cracked and something came out! It simply means another dimension of perception has opened up" - Sadhguru 🙏🏽🙏🏽
It's insane how Hidden Pineal Activation on Shirlest isn't more popular. After implementing the practices, my senses heightened, and I started experiencing vivid lucid dreams. Plus, the Hidden Astral Projection Techniques have taken my meditation to another level.
If you are reading this, you have found the video above . You seek guidance. Answers . Love. Peace . Kindness . Want. Need. If you find what you seek, or don’t . Stay strong my friend . We’re all in this together. You are not alone . ❤
@@Kai-ln9zp well then what happened to iron man happens we make humans lazy and all the work is done by robots so they will feel the need for credit too but it’s like harassing little babies so we humans shall first change the we had been treating Mother Earth first and then think about anything else later or now but not implement it to quick in greed
@@arpanghoshal6910 If the amount of food wasted around the world were reduced by just 25% there would be enough food to feed all the people who are malnourished, according to the UN. ... Reducing food wastage would ease the burden on resources as the world attempts to meet future demand.
Sadhguru, after my parents died I was by myself in my apartment playing video games..calm and in the moment. Then all of a sudden before my eyes I saw images and heard my parents...then my soul was lifted from my physical being and lifted towards the stars at rapid speeds. Before I knew it there I was in empty space...I saw stars, colors, and nebulas..then my parents were there again speaking not with their mouths but with their minds. This scared me so then BAM! I was back in my body at rapid speed back on Earth..so now I know heaven does exsist for I have seen it. There was so much energy that the lid of my trash can was spinning in cirles. Two weeks later the exact thing happened to my twin brother. Since then we keep the lids off the trash cans..
Maybe the lids blowing off trashcan is symbolic - you held all your emotions - grief - maybe regret - all inside till there was no more room- and it literally was a metaphor for your spirit- since it burst the lid off on all those low vibration emotions and thoughts.
could have been Heaven, could have been Nirvana, or could have been the Indu. the spirit realm is vast. but splitting hairs aside, you saw the universal real. lucky duck! lol. much love
I found by accident that PURE authentic UNCONDITIONAL LOVE will open this aspect of perception ….. Pure heart Pure intention Righteousness Kindness Truthfulness Love Joy Happiness Forgiveness Brings you higher and higher and then IT OPENS ONCE WE ALLOW! No judgement No labels And the beginning happens
Please tell me I am already free with no tensions. Now this pain between my eyebrows. I have obtained complete knowledge. How should I calm this pain.?
I think this should be included in school subjects cause spirituality will increase the awareness around everything around and it will help to grow as a better human being.- Sadguru🏰
It's very competitive subject. Most are envious, jealous, of others spiritualilty.. even family members are not our friends. That's why most parents prevent their kids. And those parents who encourage their kids for meditation, then neighbors, friends, etc will prevent the kid. Why else great yogis go away, sit in caves? Spirituality is most competitive. Everyone is your enemy (even ur gurus won't teach u everything). Everyone wants this GEM, first!
Would never happen in America.. Schools are used for the indoctrination of "The American way and standards" which value and wealth are held as a high standard rather than loving and caring about your fellow beings, and the one Earth we all share
They don't teach u anything in school that u need for the real world cooking, building shelter spirituality, finances ect they want a world of workers not thinkers
@@malakai-mi6dg I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in the US .citizens do not realize how easily they are programed and manipulated. We are told soliders fight to keep us free (only one taking freedoms is our own government) that we are the best country, that we have so many freedoms and should be thankful for them. Everything we learn in schools gets approved by the government. All of our "news" is our only source of information. The white house indeed feeds stories (and lies) to manipulate people. We look at other countries as "bad"or dangerous when in reality we have gone to, and been in more wars, and leading invasions the most... We believe our government is there for us, when if you watch what they do (very little, they now distract us with mindless things to argue over like gender,race etc) so we do not pay attention to what's really going on... I could keep going on but I think I said enough
The third eye is the minds eye, you can see what's going on without your physical eyes, coming in touch with the connections in the universe, everything is connected in a way that you can only see with the third eye. Peace and love to everyone.
@@Iamyourcasanova to feel(mean-deep in experience that we understand in our mind) inside of me and different from outside of our life. ➕➕🅰🅰🅰➕➕ 🍀🍀😊😊😊🍀🍀 📖📖🙏🙏🙏📖📖
Many may have a fascination with "seeing" through the third eye, but most are not aware of the fact that they have glanced many times through it, and the problem is that they are not willing to accept the truth of their realisation, the truth of the reality.
@Allan Copeland There's different levels too seeing, it's not just about sight, but being able to handle it. You should have a healthy level of spirituality, wisdom and mental healthy. But folks out here with too much personal issues think opening this portal is going to fix it to only end up traumatized.
I love listening to this man , everything he states is common sense, and the third eye is being destroyed by the government, thru additions in our food and water
It's totally true that when something or some path doesn't turn up our way we tend to give up on it and teach the same to 100 others ,whereas if the person would have pushed himself/herself out of their comfort zone they would have succeeded.
Was waiting for this topic. The third eye and it's power .Sadhguru is the biggest current blessing humanity can gain. It depends how we make use of his preachings 🙏
As someone who is deep into zen buddhism, a path that speaks a lot about the middle way, I would argue that the middle way is important for understanding the grand scope of things and the balance of things. Of accepting the interplay of the light and dark of life. That is sort of like going to school. But I will agree that to become something, anything you cannot stay in the middle. Life won't let us. The middle is a powerful place to learn but it is impossible to commit to the middle without becoming lost and untethered..
If I don't steer towards the extremes, if I let go of the steering wheel, i do not contain anything, thats the middle path. You don't have to become something. These are just words, Sadhguru misunderstands the Bible and concepts outside of his culture just like Westerners.
Sadhguru is merely using the same terminology. If you reflect further on what he is saying, you will realise that the Buddhist approach is actually the first way he is referring to.
@@paulalecq388yes. He also says that the middle path is extremely powerful to become strong, but it’ll not get you anywhere because the middle path is about “being untethered”; depending on whether one wants to achieve something on the material realm, they should choose. If yes, surf the extremes, if no (by that I mean they’re beyond the material plane), stick to the middle math. My subjective understanding.
To know what exactly? And who knows it? And who knows what you know about what you know you knower? There is a knower that knows your no and yes so just say yes when you want to say yes or else nothing you're aiiight bro know the knower that knows the knower
There is no other option or way. We are all always working on ourselves consciously or not. Some just take the path of least resistance while others work on themselves the hard way. 😉
During my practice opening the 3rd eye, i realize this enlightment thing is not as cool as i thought 😂. Kinda scary, because for most people the truth is scary. But it gives us the more precious thing, freedom.
I would like to know how scary it was. Could you pls give me the example if u dont mind. I also heard about people seeing ghost after opening third eye or extreme meditation.
It warms my heart to see the subscriber list growing every time I listen to one of these videos. That means its spreading which I think the world needs these teachings badly
To All those who are saying that he did not tell the method to do it, so he did tell about the second method but not the first one cuz the first method can tear your life apart, and thats why you need to go slowly thru inner engineering and other yogas where you progress slowly living all aspects of life gently and when you are ready then you might find yourself capable of performing the first method yourself...
I don't know who needs to hear this right now but remember that you did everything you could in that situation, its not your fault. Stop stressing about it and blaming yourself for things that are out of your control, I promise it will get better for you and you will find a beautiful future ahead of you. You have what it takes to endure any hardship. I wish you all peace, love and happiness
Forced my 3rd eye open a couple of years back. Ended up having extremely unsettling "experiences" after. To know is to be free... it also means being alone in the aftermath of knowing. People think I am crazy when I share my real life experiences.
@@ceebee7707 lmao no🤣🤣🤣🤣 opening your third eye is awareness, u can't force awareness. If that was possible then everyone on earth would've done it. U cannot force any spiritual understanding
I opened my 3rd eye while in deep meditation at 17 yr age. I was using a past life regression tape that was really good at helping me relax every part of my body. It taught collection light at the temples, having it project into the universe, then drawing light from the universe into specific chakras, their color matching the chakra area. I then started studying astral projection and had a few out of body experiences where I could come out of body and see myself lying in bed then move around the house briefly. I trained myself to breathe in for approx 60 sec and out for approx 60 sec. My sister lent me a book about lucid dreaming and projection, and I learned how to move between astral planes. At the library there was a book about "breathing the breath of life." It spoke about chi-ducts and how you can push energy, feels like air, from one part of the body and have it flow into another. Having combined all of these techniques at once, after a year or so of practice, the light I was drawing in formed a cocoon around me. My breathing had slowed to the 60/60. I then started trying to push the chi out of my hands and I felt it flow out like a wave of air. I then pulled it into my feet, out of my chest, into my forehead, etc. My body began pulsating from head to toe with energy. Becoming stronger and intensifying. I focused again on the light beam I had connected to the universe and my chakras. A double helix of prismatic light began to spiral directly into my third eye. I felt it crack open a little bit then slam shut. The wave of energy was incredibly intense, keeping my mind relaxed I allowed it to push again on my third eye and it burst open. It was like seeing myself in the 3rd perspective, as though I was out of body yet in my body simultaneously. It almost felt like I was screaming, the sound of the energy was so intense. Then there was complete silence. My form was in a void between what I considered to be heaven and the Earth was on the other side of me and below as though I was floating in empty space. My form was doing what looked like Tai Chi moves and then energy, light, knowledge all came from Earth and Heaven and flowed through me as I moved. At this point I was perceiving myself in the 3rd perspective completely. But the knowledge and understanding were presented to me. After a short time, I came out of the experience and laid there for several minutes before moving. FOr three days afterward the room I was in would seem to vanish at times and be replaced with only the atoms and particles that are the true form of what we consider to be solid objects. I could never get back to the state again because every time I would have a brief moment where I knew what I was hoping would happen next to go deeper and the thought broke my concentration. I wish I knew someone who could explain what I experienced and help me make sense of it. It's been 24 years.
@@cavedancesinc.6775 well I'm 17 rn and I'm trying to start my spiritual journey of opening my pineal gland or third eye 👁🗨...but I'm so stunned so see what happened with you. Is it all very scary? And how do you differtiate yourself from someone who hasn't yet opened their third eye?
I can explain that to you. And we already found a good way for explaning everything in soul science. Also, both of us opened our third eyes. - FEEL Center
Dearest Sadhguru, as you navigate through the tempest of your recent health ordeal, it’s your enduring spirit that touches us profoundly, akin to the essence of a fresh rose in spring's warmer air and the solace of its coolest breeze-an air of freshness that renews and inspires. In this trying period, your teachings serve as a sanctuary, a gentle reminder of comfort and light in times of darkness. We are deeply thankful for this solace you provide. May your recovery be swift and serene, enveloped in the warmth and hope you've always shared. With heartfelt gratitude, we wish you the very best on your journey back to radiant health!❤🙏
You gave the right words to my experience of life by saying, "there is no substitute for knowing." You can make someone to learn and you can teach but you can't make someone to know exactly what you want them to know. 😇
I was reading comments on vision improvement videos, and a guy wrote that this finger position at 0:23 increase vision acuity by relaxation of some muscles. When I meditate I used to do this finger position and "connect" both eyes and looking for my forehead (eyes closed). I dont know why, but the fusion of the eyes helps me getting a deeply state of relaxation and my eyesight improves a lot.
Your comment is commendable, application of what sadhuguru execute, you have applied for yourself, making you, yourself. Thank goodness you are not like others who only want to be sadhuguru, your way is the way. Appreciated.
The hardest thing to witness is your own ego and healing that part of you. When we come to realize everything around us is connected to what is within us we slowly begin to awaken to who we really are and are connection to the highest
Believe, agree or not, I feel Sadhguru is a genuine person of faith of truth... thank you for just being you. You bring hope and faith to so many of all beliefs.
A total vacuum inside. Everything is gone. So beautiful. When emptiness is there you can feel energy moving exactly at the point between the eyebrows. Then there is no one and nothing to see. (!) 🕉
I used to remember how my third eye as a baby ...its just flashes of my past lives then constant rotations of bright colors circling.i could not tell this to anyone as a child growing up however I really wish I could get that ability back. 🙏🏼
@@AI-ji2sq hey thank you somuch.. M grateful.. M a small UA-camr.. Just currently started a channel as an experiment.. M not promoting it much because m yet to find my niche.. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻..you made my day..
In a guitar if you tighten the string too tight it will break and not sing again. If you loose the string too much it will not produce a good sound at all. But by tightening not too loose or too tight it will be TUNED. The middle path is the path of staying in perfect tune with the universe. To understand is to be free. Understand how the door works. When you open your house door you don’t blow it open with a kick or have to make your house a vacumm chamber so it collapses. You just grab the knob and swing it open. Just understand that doors have knobs… the middle path …
My third eye opened last year whilst meditating and wow I wasn't expecting a literal eye(faded, closed and black and white) to appear, then open itself and see a slideshow of previous lifes(too offensive to say who) before astral projecting to the 4th and seeing demons before losing concentration. The pineal gland is our connection to everything, the peace and love of the 5th dimensional and above and it's almost time for us to rediscover our divinity/stop being repressed and violent, during our next 1000 years of Peace
Hi sorry for the late reply, basically if you don't drink the water, eat the food or breath the air we can connect with peace and love😁 but seriously; distilled water, no flesh(I eat a bit of fish now), Zeolite and sweating a lot to rid yourself of heavy metals, Haritaki powder and no fluoride can really help. Basically anything to decrystyslise your Pineal Gland, but don't tell anyone lol as when I started to tell people I can astral project and heal myself, I got chemtrailed every day by constant multiple 'planes' whilst working outside and have had a terrible year being attacked
You must be living from the heart for the higher chakras to open. If they do you will go back to living from the heart. For it is the true key. Few will glimpse the other shore. No one can stay. ✌❤
After doing this for myself… I don’t think anyone has ever done it. Because I found answers that I didn’t even know the question to begin with. 7 is important. If someone in the comments can reply with something from the plains and realms. I’d like to meet you. I feel like I need to meet this woman i keep getting led too
The third eye. “ AJNA” opens inwardly. My body is the temple. There is nothing but MAYA outside. The vast doors of the path of self mastery is found in each of us. Focus gently upon the exact center of your head to open your third eye 👁 Barakabashad- may the blessings be
Watch his reality on krk channel reviewing his reality..come out of illusion of babas and politicians...most of the time it is not true wht we see and hear.
For me, an image arrives in my creative dimension and appears first from a feeling and is then turned into an image. A feeling of fulfilment and excitement.
I live with my 3rd eye always open and that’s why I’m in perfect harmony with my self and the energy around me and how I use that to further my own life
Om Namah Shivaya ! Shiva has healed me from suffering and loss and I have been richly blessed and nourished by Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma as well as Kali. Kali has freed me from samskaras actually because I was bound by material things and physicality and now I am free in terms of kundalini shakti which is in all of Us and lives within You and is your natural health and vitality and energy and abode, Amun-Ra. amen.
The middle path is the one most traveled by. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost
Once when I was driving and missing someone, I felt sad and in my mind. Then all of a sudden my vision joined into one vision not two eyes, between my forehead and up a little. It was light and I saw my sweetheart in a light garment with his arm stretched out, he was smiling . after a short bit my vision returned to seeing out of my two eyes. But I felt joy and the sorrow never came back. But I never had that experience again. Not yet.
Love you Sadhguru🙏🙏🙏I also recently stumbled upon interesting information from Irina Podzorova Cassiopeia Project, ET contactee (communicator) with extraterrestrial civilizations and wow all puzzles was completed for me it is unbelievable .Thank you very much you changed my life❤️❤️❤️
in the universe, in galaxies, on planets, in cities, we will always have two types of spiritual leaders, those who are spontaneously loved, and those who impose their leadership, those of the second type do not appreciate competition ...
Its like you relaxed, feel complete doing nothing, you are the king on nothing, beast of happiness and joy, on nothing, detachment total, living fully free, happy, everything its fine, no hurry.
Sadhgru. Thank you my kindred spirit. You explained something I did not understand. How on many things I just don't have knee-jerk reactions. Like death, I am neutral with. Many topics I have no opinion on and have wondered why don't I have an opinion about it, but I use to. Sadhgru years back in Santa Barbara CA. I took your Inner Engineering training. Thank you for that.
My third eye chakra is the most balanced and evolving. I have more and more premonitions and am more intuitive. I also trust my insticts and have faith in the visions or premonition thoughts. I dont go looking for this i just stay open to it as a gift and have faith in it or belief in it.
I had a lucid dream where I saw the time line of mother earth next to my own life timeline and saw how short my life was. I felt different from that day on
The realization I came to is that we do not know everything in this life so we can enjoy this life, if we knew everything then we would not have the joy of surprise. I get premonitions of things about myself, and others in my life and I've come to learn that it is important that we show love to every being, even to those who hate us. If you have knowledge of the future that would save someone and you fail to share that information then you are guilty for their untimely death because you didn't try to stop the inevitable death. That is why it is best to be humble when you open the third eye, because you will see more than you want to see, and it will ruin the ignorant joys of life. We are not the ego, but the one who sees with the third eye without judgement.
Amazing Video. Second Time Watching And I Understand Way More. I'm Currently Practicing Silence For 2 Days. Eventually I Will Try Both Exercises. Peace Passion & Balance.
the words that goes around, comes back around.. words can only descibe a part of the meaning, there are so many things that's beyond words.. thus it's no longer a language .. just an unknown matter, energy, or form the third eye sees, everything is clear. not the just two sides of the energy, but the things within was seen with all the 5-WH is all answered and also the chain reaction that it creates.. it's basically the eye of infinite
Enlightenment at an unnatural typically fastened pace will lead to that, I tried to artificially expedite it in highschool, definitely not recommended😁
In order to open the third eye/ajina chakra the MIDDLE PATH (i.e. Madhyamachara ) is the only way - because for the kundalinii to raise the only way is through Sushumna Nadi; and Sushumna Nadi is the middle path, and in this context has nothing to do with "comfort zone" (in fact, kundalini shakti will automatically throw you out of your comfort zone!)
I was paralyzed from a fall told never walk and life expectancy of 4 month's that was 9 years ago and i walk. I put full intention on my spines healing..
To whomever is reading this, I love you. May your vibrations rise high.
The Mind Matters what the Heart Feels.
Love you mucho ❤️ 💗 May you continue to stay blessed 😇🙏
❤ I love you too
You too . We are already one.
" The third eye does not mean someone's forehead cracked and something came out! It simply means another dimension of perception has opened up" - Sadhguru 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Namaste 🙏💚
Right said
Will u plzz say wt is dimension
Wt does it mean
But when it happening it seems like it will bust your head. Thats why one want to run away from it.
@@dharannikondru1942 that's his go-to word. Another dimension just refers to another type may be, or another perspective
It's insane how Hidden Pineal Activation on Shirlest isn't more popular. After implementing the practices, my senses heightened, and I started experiencing vivid lucid dreams. Plus, the Hidden Astral Projection Techniques have taken my meditation to another level.
best book for sure
Top book
thank you
thank you very much
i agree
If you are reading this, you have found the video above . You seek guidance. Answers . Love. Peace . Kindness . Want. Need. If you find what you seek, or don’t . Stay strong my friend . We’re all in this together. You are not alone . ❤
Sadghuru talks about creating a vacume inside oneself, how does one do this?
@@poucxs9246by not expressing yourself maybe?
Everyone who sees this: You’re beautiful, and never give up your dreams, you are in this world for a reason! Lots Of Love 🙏🙏
This whole video was about not to make belief just being vacant
Right back atcha!!!!
Lots of love to you as well.
Thank you -you too!:)
Wow i think so too like why I’m seeing this at 4 in the morning thank you God
Meaning for me Sleeping in darkness and meeting my shadows before I’m myself?
Wow. This really resonated with me. Thank you.
I don’t want to do my homework
@@user-dl5ge7th2r its something you hate to do but you can’t hate because you know you love it
So interesting
I just had that realization hours before I read your comment !
Thank you
“Once you understand that your time here is limited, you will live sensibly.” -SADHGURU🙏🏽🧡
That’s been my feeling literally everyday I am in pain
U are hear so maybe looking into other pain control methods ?
It starts with an awareness sometime relief comes through unforseen ways
But you don't know future ,
If human able to make smart AI ..
And that AI is able to stop death ..
You don't know..
Nobody knows.
@@Kai-ln9zp well then what happened to iron man happens we make humans lazy and all the work is done by robots so they will feel the need for credit too but it’s like harassing little babies so we humans shall first change the we had been treating Mother Earth first and then think about anything else later or now but not implement it to quick in greed
@@devhutimatte3771 that was just movie
Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts. : Sadhguru
there is dearth of food too
Dearth of fresh foods
@@arpanghoshal6910 If the amount of food wasted around the world were reduced by just 25% there would be enough food to feed all the people who are malnourished, according to the UN. ... Reducing food wastage would ease the burden on resources as the world attempts to meet future demand.
@@kevzf Strategize with freshness. Eat foods based on how quickly they spoil.
I worked in food production for years the waste truly used to make me cry.only buy what you NEED,
Sadhguru, after my parents died I was by myself in my apartment playing video games..calm and in the moment. Then all of a sudden before my eyes I saw images and heard my parents...then my soul was lifted from my physical being and lifted towards the stars at rapid speeds. Before I knew it there I was in empty space...I saw stars, colors, and nebulas..then my parents were there again speaking not with their mouths but with their minds. This scared me so then BAM! I was back in my body at rapid speed back on Earth..so now I know heaven does exsist for I have seen it. There was so much energy that the lid of my trash can was spinning in cirles. Two weeks later the exact thing happened to my twin brother. Since then we keep the lids off the trash cans..
classic. 'Thou Shallt Beware of Yonder Trash Lids', as sayeth our Teachers.
Maybe the lids blowing off trashcan is symbolic - you held all your emotions - grief - maybe regret - all inside till there was no more room- and it literally was a metaphor for your spirit- since it burst the lid off on all those low vibration emotions and thoughts.
Nice joke😂
could have been Heaven, could have been Nirvana, or could have been the Indu. the spirit realm is vast. but splitting hairs aside, you saw the universal real. lucky duck! lol. much love
ur parents died and u were playing video games
I am sorry but i cant 😂
I found by accident that PURE authentic UNCONDITIONAL LOVE will open this aspect of perception …..
Pure heart
Pure intention
Brings you higher and higher and then IT OPENS ONCE WE ALLOW!
No judgement
No labels
And the beginning happens
Which all of these in the Bible is the called THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT
I've noticed this also
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ☺
Please tell me I am already free with no tensions. Now this pain between my eyebrows. I have obtained complete knowledge. How should I calm this pain.?
@@asimarbindsamal2553 People say walk in nature will release third eye pain.
I feel so lucky by knowing Sadhguru in my teenage 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I know right😇
Me too bro
*I have 3 eyes*
🍁 2 to look 🍁
⚡ 1 to see ⚡
Does it visible?
I love this!
@@MariaGennetti1111 thank you!
I've done 100's of so called third eye meditations, but isha kriya is unbeatable 🔥
I'm doing Isha Kriy since 1.5 years
@@Hharshit01 any changes ?
@@tusharkukrety4626 whole life changed
For me Bramhananda Swaroop chant is best
@@WithoutAUsername yess.. it's very enchanting, charming and introduces one to blissful states of experience💕🙏
I think this should be included in school subjects cause spirituality will increase the awareness around everything around and it will help to grow as a better human being.- Sadguru🏰
They would never , they don’t even want the adults to know fr .
It's very competitive subject. Most are envious, jealous, of others spiritualilty.. even family members are not our friends.
That's why most parents prevent their kids. And those parents who encourage their kids for meditation, then neighbors, friends, etc will prevent the kid.
Why else great yogis go away, sit in caves?
Spirituality is most competitive. Everyone is your enemy (even ur gurus won't teach u everything).
Everyone wants this GEM, first!
Would never happen in America.. Schools are used for the indoctrination of "The American way and standards" which value and wealth are held as a high standard rather than loving and caring about your fellow beings, and the one Earth we all share
They don't teach u anything in school that u need for the real world cooking, building shelter spirituality, finances ect they want a world of workers not thinkers
@@malakai-mi6dg I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in the US .citizens do not realize how easily they are programed and manipulated. We are told soliders fight to keep us free (only one taking freedoms is our own government) that we are the best country, that we have so many freedoms and should be thankful for them. Everything we learn in schools gets approved by the government. All of our "news" is our only source of information. The white house indeed feeds stories (and lies) to manipulate people. We look at other countries as "bad"or dangerous when in reality we have gone to, and been in more wars, and leading invasions the most... We believe our government is there for us, when if you watch what they do (very little, they now distract us with mindless things to argue over like gender,race etc) so we do not pay attention to what's really going on... I could keep going on but I think I said enough
The third eye is the minds eye, you can see what's going on without your physical eyes, coming in touch with the connections in the universe, everything is connected in a way that you can only see with the third eye. Peace and love to everyone.
Amitabha 🙏💖😁
My Soul has been searching for the Truth all of my life on Earth. I believe this is the next rung of the ladder. I need to re-member!
His lisa
I want to know what is reality of this world? Please ,can u clear about it lisa for me. Plzz plzz
How do u know ur soul searching for truth?
What is soul??
@@Iamyourcasanova to feel(mean-deep in experience that we understand in our mind) inside of me and different from outside of our life. ➕➕🅰🅰🅰➕➕
follow hinduism and you will know every secret of the world
Everyone wants their third eye open, but haven't mastered the ability to be aware of what's right in front of them.
Many may have a fascination with "seeing" through the third eye, but most are not aware of the fact that they have glanced many times through it, and the problem is that they are not willing to accept the truth of their realisation, the truth of the reality.
Exactly..Not that easy to open the third eye..There is stages to go
right...it's like trying to lift 100lbs yet can't lift 50lbs...
@@jean991199 Keep it yourself bro..We dont need such comment as this here
@Allan Copeland There's different levels too seeing, it's not just about sight, but being able to handle it. You should have a healthy level of spirituality, wisdom and mental healthy. But folks out here with too much personal issues think opening this portal is going to fix it to only end up traumatized.
I love listening to this man , everything he states is common sense, and the third eye is being destroyed by the government, thru additions in our food and water
Cell phone too big time
Cell phone too
Yes!! Also sunscreen and shoes!!! Let your skin soak liquid gold, and DO ground yourself to your beautiful mother EARTH💚
It's totally true that when something or some path doesn't turn up our way we tend to give up on it and teach the same to 100 others ,whereas if the person would have pushed himself/herself out of their comfort zone they would have succeeded.
Knowing is everything. Ive been saying that for years. My guides and teachers have taught me this
Ancestors always have the chosen one 🤞🏽 Queen Grand Rising
Thanks Queen Grand Rising 🤞🏽
Was waiting for this topic. The third eye and it's power .Sadhguru is the biggest current blessing humanity can gain. It depends how we make use of his preachings 🙏
When your mind is clear and your third eye is open, you can see and know things that are taking place thousands of miles away from you.
You can see true nature of reality!
@Positive Soul: Is this your own experience?
@@robmarshall9204 YES!
I once heard someone’s prayer from thousands of miles away.
@@darooster5787 how did u open your third eye?
Jamaica is here with love and a open mind. Sadhguru you are changing lives in the most positive ways here in my country.
🕉🕉🕉 That is beautiful to hear
Yes, yes, yes!!! My greatest wish is that humanity can stand with this Titan of wisdom. Spread it fearlessly dear sibling:)
As someone who is deep into zen buddhism, a path that speaks a lot about the middle way, I would argue that the middle way is important for understanding the grand scope of things and the balance of things. Of accepting the interplay of the light and dark of life. That is sort of like going to school. But I will agree that to become something, anything you cannot stay in the middle. Life won't let us. The middle is a powerful place to learn but it is impossible to commit to the middle without becoming lost and untethered..
Middle path is the path of mediocrity. Loosers
If I don't steer towards the extremes, if I let go of the steering wheel, i do not contain anything, thats the middle path. You don't have to become something. These are just words, Sadhguru misunderstands the Bible and concepts outside of his culture just like Westerners.
@@mozis88 perfectly said.
Sadhguru is merely using the same terminology. If you reflect further on what he is saying, you will realise that the Buddhist approach is actually the first way he is referring to.
@@paulalecq388yes. He also says that the middle path is extremely powerful to become strong, but it’ll not get you anywhere because the middle path is about “being untethered”; depending on whether one wants to achieve something on the material realm, they should choose. If yes, surf the extremes, if no (by that I mean they’re beyond the material plane), stick to the middle math. My subjective understanding.
"To know is to be free" 🙏🏽
Still can't go south, were not free!😉
To know is to be Free. Freedom comes when you know
To know what exactly? And who knows it? And who knows what you know about what you know you knower? There is a knower that knows your no and yes so just say yes when you want to say yes or else nothing you're aiiight bro know the knower that knows the knower
Continue to work on yourself never give up 🙏🏿
There is no other option or way. We are all always working on ourselves consciously or not. Some just take the path of least resistance while others work on themselves the hard way. 😉
@@LVXMagick yup
I will not give up. I do fight.
Never! WORD
During my practice opening the 3rd eye, i realize this enlightment thing is not as cool as i thought 😂. Kinda scary, because for most people the truth is scary. But it gives us the more precious thing, freedom.
I would like to know how scary it was. Could you pls give me the example if u dont mind. I also heard about people seeing ghost after opening third eye or extreme meditation.
Yep that's why they say ignorance is bliss
@@mhan6648 yeah I seen one lol I don’t think che was a ghost tho
@@mhan6648 he*
@@BrieGenevieve oh. Really. May be a spirit.
It warms my heart to see the subscriber list growing every time I listen to one of these videos. That means its spreading which I think the world needs these teachings badly
We should have a better world today n need for peace n love
please😂 all this guy does is waffle
@@user-ce1lm2gg3c You need to be very mindful to catch the nuggets
@@user-ce1lm2gg3c You can also watch his teaching on Meditations
We really do need these teachings
To All those who are saying that he did not tell the method to do it, so he did tell about the second method but not the first one cuz the first method can tear your life apart, and thats why you need to go slowly thru inner engineering and other yogas where you progress slowly living all aspects of life gently and when you are ready then you might find yourself capable of performing the first method yourself...
I don't know who needs to hear this right now but remember that you did everything you could in that situation, its not your fault. Stop stressing about it and blaming yourself for things that are out of your control, I promise it will get better for you and you will find a beautiful future ahead of you. You have what it takes to endure any hardship. I wish you all peace, love and happiness
Forced my 3rd eye open a couple of years back. Ended up having extremely unsettling "experiences" after. To know is to be free... it also means being alone in the aftermath of knowing. People think I am crazy when I share my real life experiences.
You cant "force" your third eye open.
@@Christian_-mt6dd Yes you can.
@@ceebee7707 lmao no🤣🤣🤣🤣 opening your third eye is awareness, u can't force awareness. If that was possible then everyone on earth would've done it. U cannot force any spiritual understanding
@@Christian_-mt6dd yes you can..with Haritaki
Yes, you can force it.
Unfortunately, this is why people get bad experiences with third 👁
I opened my 3rd eye while in deep meditation at 17 yr age. I was using a past life regression tape that was really good at helping me relax every part of my body. It taught collection light at the temples, having it project into the universe, then drawing light from the universe into specific chakras, their color matching the chakra area. I then started studying astral projection and had a few out of body experiences where I could come out of body and see myself lying in bed then move around the house briefly. I trained myself to breathe in for approx 60 sec and out for approx 60 sec. My sister lent me a book about lucid dreaming and projection, and I learned how to move between astral planes. At the library there was a book about "breathing the breath of life." It spoke about chi-ducts and how you can push energy, feels like air, from one part of the body and have it flow into another. Having combined all of these techniques at once, after a year or so of practice, the light I was drawing in formed a cocoon around me. My breathing had slowed to the 60/60. I then started trying to push the chi out of my hands and I felt it flow out like a wave of air. I then pulled it into my feet, out of my chest, into my forehead, etc. My body began pulsating from head to toe with energy. Becoming stronger and intensifying. I focused again on the light beam I had connected to the universe and my chakras. A double helix of prismatic light began to spiral directly into my third eye. I felt it crack open a little bit then slam shut. The wave of energy was incredibly intense, keeping my mind relaxed I allowed it to push again on my third eye and it burst open. It was like seeing myself in the 3rd perspective, as though I was out of body yet in my body simultaneously. It almost felt like I was screaming, the sound of the energy was so intense. Then there was complete silence. My form was in a void between what I considered to be heaven and the Earth was on the other side of me and below as though I was floating in empty space. My form was doing what looked like Tai Chi moves and then energy, light, knowledge all came from Earth and Heaven and flowed through me as I moved. At this point I was perceiving myself in the 3rd perspective completely. But the knowledge and understanding were presented to me. After a short time, I came out of the experience and laid there for several minutes before moving. FOr three days afterward the room I was in would seem to vanish at times and be replaced with only the atoms and particles that are the true form of what we consider to be solid objects. I could never get back to the state again because every time I would have a brief moment where I knew what I was hoping would happen next to go deeper and the thought broke my concentration.
I wish I knew someone who could explain what I experienced and help me make sense of it. It's been 24 years.
How old are you rn?
@@Raj-Lakshmi 41.
@@cavedancesinc.6775 well I'm 17 rn and I'm trying to start my spiritual journey of opening my pineal gland or third eye 👁🗨...but I'm so stunned so see what happened with you. Is it all very scary? And how do you differtiate yourself from someone who hasn't yet opened their third eye?
I can explain that to you. And we already found a good way for explaning everything in soul science. Also, both of us opened our third eyes. - FEEL Center
Isha yoga is very powerful🙏 own experience 😇
Woow sadhguru darshan is here
Sadhguru Darshan is not isha official channel.
@@sbhairava7694 yes i know
What kind of yoga 🧘🏻♂️ you did and what was your experience?
@@VK-fm7rm I did Isha Kriya And Bramhananda Swaroop Chant.
It was amazing. No words to describe it.
Feels very calm and ecstatic.
Dearest Sadhguru, as you navigate through the tempest of your recent health ordeal, it’s your enduring spirit that touches us profoundly, akin to the essence of a fresh rose in spring's warmer air and the solace of its coolest breeze-an air of freshness that renews and inspires. In this trying period, your teachings serve as a sanctuary, a gentle reminder of comfort and light in times of darkness. We are deeply thankful for this solace you provide. May your recovery be swift and serene, enveloped in the warmth and hope you've always shared. With heartfelt gratitude, we wish you the very best on your journey back to radiant health!❤🙏
You gave the right words to my experience of life by saying, "there is no substitute for knowing." You can make someone to learn and you can teach but you can't make someone to know exactly what you want them to know. 😇
I was reading comments on vision improvement videos, and a guy wrote that this finger position at 0:23 increase vision acuity by relaxation of some muscles.
When I meditate I used to do this finger position and "connect" both eyes and looking for my forehead (eyes closed).
I dont know why, but the fusion of the eyes helps me getting a deeply state of relaxation and my eyesight improves a lot.
This is Gyan mudra
Seriously please tell more
His talk isn't normal,he is talking something very extraordinary which is not found now a days.Thank you Sadhguru you are present on this planet.
Amitabha 🙏💖😁
Don't just listen the sadhguru's gyan please apply them in day to days life it will helps in good future of the world (people's)🙏
Your comment is commendable, application of what sadhuguru execute, you have applied for yourself, making you, yourself. Thank goodness you are not like others who only want to be sadhuguru, your way is the way. Appreciated.
We all know that
The hardest thing to witness is your own ego and healing that part of you. When we come to realize everything around us is connected to what is within us we slowly begin to awaken to who we really are and are connection to the highest
that is why it says ,to be god like
Believe, agree or not, I feel Sadhguru is a genuine person of faith of truth... thank you for just being you. You bring hope and faith to so many of all beliefs.
Love, power, justice and wisdom when the four attributes sound as one,until then your third eye cannot open.
Kaalona janaati thava jananam
Kaalona janaati thava samaapanam
Dhristo maya tava mahaakaaraha
Yogeshwara! Kaalakaaala.
Yogeshwara kaala kaaalaa🙏
Amitabha 🙏💖😁
Sadguru is explaining exactly what I'm going through....
A total vacuum inside. Everything is gone. So beautiful. When emptiness is there you can feel energy moving exactly at the point between the eyebrows.
Then there is no one and nothing to see. (!) 🕉
I used to remember how my third eye as a baby ...its just flashes of my past lives then constant rotations of bright colors circling.i could not tell this to anyone as a child growing up however I really wish I could get that ability back. 🙏🏼
I once asked myself where did all these visions went to when I used to see all the colours scary vision something moving like sky blue
@Lilia C …EXACTLY the same! Me too! 😃
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻... His voice is super soothing.. Calm soul..
FYi I'm your 100th subscriber 😊
@@AI-ji2sq hey thank you somuch.. M grateful.. M a small UA-camr.. Just currently started a channel as an experiment.. M not promoting it much because m yet to find my niche.. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻..you made my day..
it kinda feels we're already in a different realm ...
I mean with those headphones on lol
Very true he’s soothing and his knowledge is 💯
Who else just loves Sadhguru? 😍
Not PTR for sure 🙄
Me me me
Billions of ppl😋😋👍
How wonderfully he explained it... So poetic... There is no substitute for his intelligence.. Pranams to the lotus feet of beloved Sadhguru
Proud to be a disciple of sadhguru....we are blessed to have such a gurus within us
In a guitar if you tighten the string too tight it will break and not sing again. If you loose the string too much it will not produce a good sound at all. But by tightening not too loose or too tight it will be TUNED. The middle path is the path of staying in perfect tune with the universe. To understand is to be free. Understand how the door works. When you open your house door you don’t blow it open with a kick or have to make your house a vacumm chamber so it collapses. You just grab the knob and swing it open. Just understand that doors have knobs… the middle path …
My third eye opened last year whilst meditating and wow I wasn't expecting a literal eye(faded, closed and black and white) to appear, then open itself and see a slideshow of previous lifes(too offensive to say who) before astral projecting to the 4th and seeing demons before losing concentration. The pineal gland is our connection to everything, the peace and love of the 5th dimensional and above and it's almost time for us to rediscover our divinity/stop being repressed and violent, during our next 1000 years of Peace
Nice bro my eye opened 10 years ago and I've never been to those levels of it because of fear
I wanna open mines how ??
Help me
Hi sorry for the late reply, basically if you don't drink the water, eat the food or breath the air we can connect with peace and love😁 but seriously; distilled water, no flesh(I eat a bit of fish now), Zeolite and sweating a lot to rid yourself of heavy metals, Haritaki powder and no fluoride can really help. Basically anything to decrystyslise your Pineal Gland, but don't tell anyone lol as when I started to tell people I can astral project and heal myself, I got chemtrailed every day by constant multiple 'planes' whilst working outside and have had a terrible year being attacked
The third eye is the eye of God looking at the eye of God within you. Pure truth, consciousness, and awareness in the wheel of life.
Absolutely we are all connected one consciousness
there is no substitute to knowing to know is to be free. God bless Master Sadhguru
"To know is to be free"
Thank you God, I'm free now ☺️🙏🙏🙏
Listening to your teachings have opened my mind to understand the world from another dimension and to be peaceful from within, Thanks Sadhguru🙏🙏
You must be living from the heart for the higher chakras to open. If they do you will go back to living from the heart. For it is the true key. Few will glimpse the other shore. No one can stay. ✌❤
I opened my eyes and on the child who lost her mother I saw an
Ocean of Love in A Single teardrop
look up ⬆️ ⬆️⬆️ the name they got D M T that opened my third eyes it’s was awesome guy’s they are the best plug I do purchase stuffs 🍫🍄💊from them
From Myself, 1 Mirror I'm sending my Love to You Sadhguru another Mirror of the Holy Spirit! 🙏🤲💫💓💯
After doing this for myself… I don’t think anyone has ever done it. Because I found answers that I didn’t even know the question to begin with. 7 is important. If someone in the comments can reply with something from the plains and realms. I’d like to meet you. I feel like I need to meet this woman i keep getting led too
The third eye. “ AJNA” opens inwardly. My body is the temple. There is nothing but MAYA outside. The vast doors of the path of self mastery is found in each of us. Focus gently upon the exact center of your head to open your third eye
👁 Barakabashad- may the blessings be
U r the light of my life sadhguru 🙏
So sweet. So lovely 🥰
Watch his reality on krk channel reviewing his reality..come out of illusion of babas and politicians...most of the time it is not true wht we see and hear.
@@SurajSingh-wc8ur we are not immersed in any illusion bro we are acting with our own mind rather than relying upon any fools talking negative words.
Indeed hes truly a gift to humanity..🙏
Sadhguru speeches give us wings to fly high in the ocean of consciousness .jai Sadhguru 🙏
WOODS instead of Ocean 🙂
@@maximhollandnederlandthene7640 ocean seems to be endless so i feel like lost in ocean
For me, an image arrives in my creative dimension and appears first from a feeling and is then turned into an image. A feeling of fulfilment and excitement.
god talks to us through feelings
@@anthonysalonek1509 indeed and our feelings are heard, especially in need sometimes
I live with my 3rd eye always open and that’s why I’m in perfect harmony with my self and the energy around me and how I use that to further my own life
"To Know is to be Free" That pretty much encapsulates everything.
look up ⬆️ ⬆️⬆️ the name they got D M T that opened my third eyes it’s was awesome guy’s they are the best plug I do purchase stuffs 🍫🍄💊from them
I have only 6 days by doing isha kriya 🙏 and I am feeling so happy.🙏🙏☺️☺️😌 आनंद
Om Namah Shivaya ! Shiva has healed me from suffering and loss and I have been richly blessed and nourished by Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma as well as Kali. Kali has freed me from samskaras actually because I was bound by material things and physicality and now I am free in terms of kundalini shakti which is in all of Us and lives within You and is your natural health and vitality and energy and abode, Amun-Ra. amen.
“Essentially, karma means moving life from compulsive reaction to conscious action.” -🙏🏽🙏🏽🧡🧡
The middle path is the one most traveled by.
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost
Once when I was driving and missing someone, I felt sad and in my mind. Then all of a sudden my vision joined into one vision not two eyes, between my forehead and up a little. It was light and I saw my sweetheart in a light garment with his arm stretched out, he was smiling . after a short bit my vision returned to seeing out of my two eyes. But I felt joy and the sorrow never came back. But I never had that experience again. Not yet.
Love you Sadhguru🙏🙏🙏I also recently stumbled upon interesting information from Irina Podzorova Cassiopeia Project, ET contactee (communicator) with extraterrestrial civilizations and wow all puzzles was completed for me it is unbelievable .Thank you very much you changed my life❤️❤️❤️
First way, empty your mind all the time.
Second way, extreme pressure of thoughts in your mind can be opened third eye. So first way is better.
i cant empty my mind its too hard
@@mepersonalacc8092 try as much as you can....
Tried the second way, felt my soul leaving my body
@@DeliveringTrends 🤣
@@DanielMartins-md4os try it in both ways
in the universe, in galaxies, on planets, in cities, we will always have two types of spiritual leaders, those who are spontaneously loved, and those who impose their leadership, those of the second type do not appreciate competition ...
usually destroying his opponents, isn't shiva the god of destruction? Krishna knows pretty well about this...
So we'll said & true.Thx.
To whoever is reading this, good luck on your spiritual path. 🙏 love you all
Amitabha 🙏💖😁
Peace, love & so much joy TO ALL be kind to each other, a smile directed toward a stranger can go a very long way!
Its like you relaxed, feel complete doing nothing, you are the king on nothing, beast of happiness and joy, on nothing, detachment total, living fully free, happy, everything its fine, no hurry.
Namaskaram my Sadhguru..this why I only write...I love you"
Sadhgru. Thank you my kindred spirit. You explained something I did not understand. How on many things I just don't have knee-jerk reactions. Like death, I am neutral with. Many topics I have no opinion on and have wondered why don't I have an opinion about it, but I use to. Sadhgru years back in Santa Barbara CA. I took your Inner Engineering training. Thank you for that.
Iam not spiritual at all. I have no idea even what that means but this guy’s wisdom is other worldly! Wow 😯 🙏🏻
My third eye chakra is the most balanced and evolving. I have more and more premonitions and am more intuitive. I also trust my insticts and have faith in the visions or premonition thoughts. I dont go looking for this i just stay open to it as a gift and have faith in it or belief in it.
If you're truly guided by the creator who is the source of all love you will have access to the Creators infinite wisdom...
knowledge is there ,we have to remember how to tap into it. we are not on earth to learn ,to remember who we really ARE
"To know is to be free." Wah sadhguru wah wah.....👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼....
Every time I listen to SADGURU i get the sensation of not learning anything!
I had a lucid dream where I saw the time line of mother earth next to my own life timeline and saw how short my life was. I felt different from that day on
The realization I came to is that we do not know everything in this life so we can enjoy this life, if we knew everything then we would not have the joy of surprise. I get premonitions of things about myself, and others in my life and I've come to learn that it is important that we show love to every being, even to those who hate us. If you have knowledge of the future that would save someone and you fail to share that information then you are guilty for their untimely death because you didn't try to stop the inevitable death. That is why it is best to be humble when you open the third eye, because you will see more than you want to see, and it will ruin the ignorant joys of life. We are not the ego, but the one who sees with the third eye without judgement.
Namaskaram to All 🙏🏻
I am so lucky that in this generation i found my guru ji
Isha and osho two gems of india. 🙏🏻
Amazing Video. Second Time Watching And I Understand Way More. I'm Currently Practicing Silence For 2 Days. Eventually I Will Try Both Exercises. Peace Passion & Balance.
the words that goes around, comes back around..
words can only descibe a part of the meaning, there are so many things that's beyond words..
thus it's no longer a language ..
just an unknown matter, energy, or form
the third eye sees, everything is clear. not the just two sides of the energy, but the things within was seen with all the 5-WH is all answered and also the chain reaction that it creates..
it's basically the eye of infinite
Sudhguru_thanks for sharing all your wisdom and powerful! knowledge! We Love ya!
The third eye is your back of your brain 🧠
Life is about to be free and be happy.
BTW: Huge performance and I think this guru is extremely clever.
Enlightenment can turn into a battle against insanity
Enlightenment at an unnatural typically fastened pace will lead to that, I tried to artificially expedite it in highschool, definitely not recommended😁
@@100ghillie what do you mean by that
@@dnk451 psychedelics
@@100ghillie I see, and what happened afterwards
Enlightenment has no battles
In order to open the third eye/ajina chakra the MIDDLE PATH (i.e. Madhyamachara ) is the only way - because for the kundalinii to raise the only way is through Sushumna Nadi; and Sushumna Nadi is the middle path, and in this context has nothing to do with "comfort zone" (in fact, kundalini shakti will automatically throw you out of your comfort zone!)
I was paralyzed from a fall told never walk and life expectancy of 4 month's that was 9 years ago and i walk. I put full intention on my spines healing..
Shiva can give third eye.........after number of strugles in life and meditation
Without video' s opening how do people dislike Sadhguru's video, that's really surprising.
Because they already had their third eye opened.
@@nuclearblast5688 hahaha
I opened door from torture. It closed again now Im working on opening it the better way 🙏❤️
Ha!!! 😀🥰
@@LoriPARK1111-u1b Thank you
Sending everyone love, health, wealth , abundance, safety, security and healing lights💖💖💖
The way i love Sadhguru's teachings,can he please come to South Africa ❤