Kemm had pjacir Nara Lil Frans jigerra arwien ma wenzu u ( shirt naf f-lahhar) ma siehbu immaginarju.......xhin indunaw bih thassartu l Frans Kellu jitlaq
Mhux Vera Ras Tiga qed jaghmel xoghol: jiekol il-popcorn fuq is-sufan u jahra fuq il-pop corn halli jigi bic-cikulata u naqra riha tajjba bil- riha ta sorm meta ikun miftuh ras!!!
i'm tunisian and i understand a lot of the conversations just maltesers cannot pronounce the ق ع غ خ and little ح so i need to guess when these letters existe and they dont pronounce. But if i try to read a malteser text i'll understand without problem beaucoup they write q for ق and ħ for ح or خ and għ for ع or غ i'm so fun about this language because it's so funny to understand what they say despite i'd never been in Malta and i dont speak malti
Frans qamel qaktarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr inhobbok hafnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ma tieqaf qatt tissorprendina ostja! Prosit habib!
Awesome vid :) hehe loved the n.42 on the house number... Hope all is well!! Take care as always. Yan ;)
Ha Terga Tkompli Tal-Malteserz pls ??
Xgisem ghandha joyce
Ta vera siehbi :) stajt issiblu habiba mara imma u kien ikun aktar interessanti.
prosit siehbi.serja gdida u tal ostra nispera li tkomplieha.liked and subscribed :D
hehe...vra originali :D Keep it up
Ewgenju u wenzu , il qahba u ruffjan rasss😂😂
Only just came across this,it made me laugh, nice one
Five gen h t
dawn tal genn!
Any part 2?
nice one man!
Bhal dejjem tohrog b'xi video jaqsam man. Proset hafna u ibqa sejjer hekk :)
Ghamel iktar!
Tal Maltesers
Meta ha taghmel iehor ? Kemm tiehu biex naghmel riklam ?
serje sabiha, keep it up
tal ustja jo.... jifqaw!!
What is this about?
Skond hux ix-xoghol li jinvolvi. Malteserz dejjem haduli xahar u nofs xahrej.. l-ewwel wiehed hadli tlett xhur.
Is malteserz ended
Nice man kompli ghamilhom dawn ee..:P
Proset Habib
proset man kompli sejjer ekk :)
Kemm had pjacir Nara Lil Frans jigerra arwien ma wenzu u ( shirt naf f-lahhar) ma siehbu immaginarju.......xhin indunaw bih thassartu l Frans Kellu jitlaq
Carmen Galea cghhjcsO
Proset man ta l-ostja, kompli ghax vera kapaci !
Proset,dal vid vera tajjeb
x animation software tuza king?
Al mijak jien wenzu, tlaqna jew?
Prosit Man tal-Genn haha :)
Talla Bro ;D
Hahahah :)
Wenzu jiblahhom😂 viva mdrax
Eh, Inti prezzijiet qed tghid nahseb hux? Dawk jigu diskussi mal-klijenti skond ix-xoghol li jinvolvi r-reklam.
ara frans :D
SHOW! proset :D
kinkkk inttt kinkkkk :D
U frans il hamallu 😂
'da min iz zobb hu?' LOFL
Gordin u wenzu
HAHAHA! dejjem titjieb!
Simpson... Maltese version hekk narah .... dan wisq tal gen Il malteserz :D... hasra malta ma jatux support fuq affarijiet hekk eee
I can hear arabic in this vedio ... Iam arabic and I can understand most of the conversation right here
it s maltese
Malcolm did you know Maltese has some Arabic in it
I’m maltese
Ara ix xih xalata rass😂
Mhux Vera Ras Tiga qed jaghmel xoghol: jiekol il-popcorn fuq is-sufan u jahra fuq il-pop corn halli jigi bic-cikulata u naqra riha tajjba bil- riha ta sorm meta ikun miftuh ras!!!
i'm tunisian and i understand a lot of the conversations just maltesers cannot pronounce the ق ع غ خ and little ح so i need to guess when these letters existe and they dont pronounce. But if i try to read a malteser text i'll understand without problem beaucoup they write q for ق and ħ for ح or خ and għ for ع or غ i'm so fun about this language because it's so funny to understand what they say despite i'd never been in Malta and i dont speak malti
Well, just to let you know its bloody hot here.
Hahahaha faqa lallaa aw
Familja ta lostja rass😂
Darbtejn insiru tfal rass😂
Ghamel cameo il-Franz haha
lol,tajjeb dan L-episodju
Xahad jilab agario?
+Alan Grech jien
Alan Grech jien ukoll kont
Tah dahk
komplijom king
haha kemm nifmek wenzz :))
kemm gik tajjeb siehbi proset
Xgisem ghandek
Tista tamel Iktar video ta Frans il Hamallu u l Maltesers ax vera jogbuni u niextieq nibqa nara videos tad dahq
X nambija xadina 😂
werqa frans
prosit kink ibqa uploadja izda ta frans ha tibqa tamel
Frans qamel qaktarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr inhobbok hafnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
gherwien laham..... baahhahahahaha
itefel gay milli jider
lol il menu @ 2:31
Qisni sorm
W jien inhibit il vidjows tieghk
dik tal-pulizja jisparixxi faqatni, looooool, ma kontx qed nistennija
mux isek originali trit tejt lulz
Lilu biss Nara fuq you tube imma prosit
jiena nilghab
no dmfgkx