Listen to what Padma Shri Chef Sanjeev Kapoor has got to say about IIHM and Young Chef Olympiad 2021

  • Опубліковано 4 лют 2021
  • Want to study hotel and hospitality management? Take a look at what the Masterchef of the Culinary industry, principal judge of #YCO2021 Padma Shri Chef Sanjeev Kapoor has got to say about the largest chain of hotel management schools in India- Only International Institue of Hotel Management (IIHM). Witness the largest virtual culinary event in the history of the world- IIHM Young Chef Olympiad 2021 and kick-start your culinary career at IIHM by learning from industry biggies.
    Chef Sanjeev Kapoor is YCO21's Principal Judge, among the esteemed pool of judges adding much glitz and glory to this 'virtually' held Culinary Battle for 'Hope'. Let's #ForwardTogether and unite for food this edition! Stay tuned on @IIHMhotelschool social pages for the olympiad's fixtures.
    00:18 - It's always inspirational to hear Prof David Foskett, his positivity and he is somebody who can drive not just students, not just colleges, not just chefs like me, not just institutes he can move the whole hospitality industry so thank you Prof David Foskett for this kind of leadership that you have always shown and you have guided us all with. We have been so lucky that YCO has had such tremendous power in you, who has shown us the path and I am hopeful that you will continue to do that for the whole industry all across the globe so thank you very much for that and thank you again for that inspirational talk and Dr.Bose thank you for making sure that people do not lose hope. I think many people especially in the hospitality industry all across the globe were wondering were thinking that what would happen, what next but by arranging YCO 2021 in a way I think it's a first, a global first for anybody in any category.
    2. 01:40 - I have been witnessing many different competitions many different things in different, I would say not just culinary but in different parts, whether its films whether it is other things there is nothing as comparable as this. So thank you very much for believing that this is possible and then actually doing it. It's one thing to be mad it's one thing to practice madness, I think there is so much learning that all of us can take from you, that nothing is impossible, you never say no to anything with that lovely smile of yours. The belief that you have had all along, and to show this hope that yes YCO is a competition that will go on, there's nothing that can stop this and with this kind of arrangement, with this technology by putting everyone together and just listening to you in last few weeks that what arrangements are being made, from one room to the other how things, I think I am just awestruck by the scale of this competition and to maintain the sanctity, to maintain that caliber and I have always said that each year I think to myself 'Oh my god this is so big, what next, what would be next year? would it fall flat?' these are my concerns. I think like this 'how do you make this bigger?' but you break all the barriers. IIHM takes the lead with a leader and the team that is so ably assisting you.
    4. 03:35 - I think kudos to the entire team and I would say that the support of the judges from all across the world. Judges who are part of YCO for all these years, new judges that have come on board this year, and as you've always said, this is not a competition, this is friendship.
    5. 04:23 - All the judges, the job I know this year is not easy. Fortunately, we are in a category of food in which all five senses are at play and we know that if one sense is taken away, two senses are taken away how difficult the job is. So I know that the job at hand is difficult but with this illustrious galaxy of judges that are there nothing is impossible so thank you very much for being part of this biggest culinary extravaganza that's been created by IIHM.
    #ForwardTogether #YCO21Virtual #CulinaryCorridor #CulinaryDiplomacy #NewNormalNewLearning #KitchenCorridor #HopeOlympiad