Thank you so much for this video! All the other videos I found about this subject start with “hey Guys what’s up” and end with “hit that subscribe button!” This one is short but very informative and spot on. Thank you.
Great and straight forward instructions! I just developed my first rolls of film following your video! The only thing I did differently was to rinse between the CD and blix, I hope it will make no difference. I just wanted to ask, don't you rinse at all in the end? Most other instructions recommend a 10 minute rinse with tap water. Would you recommend doing that?
Hi thanks for that simple and great video. One question, I mixed all in 1Liter bottles but my developing tank only has 500ml. If I use half of the developer and put them back to the 1 Liter bottle, how much time do I add for the next developing process?
Hi Philipp, I have done this before and just halved the time. So where you would normally add 1 minute after each development, just add 30 seconds, seems to work.
Hi great video thanks!! Can i have 750ml instead of 1000? (maintaining the porportions of course) and can i store on clean wine bottles? will the cork ruin the chemicals? thank you!
Yes you can just mix 750ml, wine bottles will be fine, and will also be air tight, ideally you want as little air space in the bottle, which I think most wine bottles are 750ml. So should all be good :)
Pragmatism is your thing. Love it. You should teach it everyone as well as film :) Do you think there is a slight difference using plastic or glass bottles and black/amber colour to protect chemicals from UV radiation? Obviously, no one would store chemicals sun directly but I've been told make a difference if we leave bottles for a while. Thank you for sharing and all the best
Hi! thank you for this! I was wondering- when you are mixing the chemicals at the start with water, do you also preheat the water to 38 before adding it to the mix, or do you just heat them up to the desired temp once it is all mixed? thank you!
I have a question. Can I mix one box of the Tetenal Colortec chemistry, but develop only 3-4 films, and the chemistry store without air for the next development? If yes, how long can the liquid be stored and how I need to store it right?
Hi Aurelijus, how long it will last will depending on a few things, but should last around 3-6 months, maybe longer, it is best to have as much film ready to develop when chemicals are mixed, unless you are shooting often.
You can use directly from the tap, but depending on local water quality may depend of results. Water in my area can sometimes be chalky and leave chalky water marks over the film. Distilled is best, but not essential.
Tap water is fine for the developer, blix and wash. If you have jard water, i.e.,water with minerals which leave a deposit when drying, mix the stabilizer with distilled water. If the stabilizer does not have an additive to keep water from beading up on the film, add a few drops of Photoflo or similar. That will prevent both mineral deposits and water marks on your film.
Hi Francisco, not really had any problems with water marks using this kit, I always use a squeegee (you will always get some very strong options against using a squeegee) I always leave it to soak in warm water to soften the blades, which will help against scratching the film, and rinsing it after each use, which i find really helps remove a lot of the water.
Hello, it depends one what film you are developing 35mm or 120, and what dev tank you are using. With this tank (Paterson PTP116) the 1000ml mix develops 2 120 at a time or 3 rolls of 35mm at a time.
@@ozgegizemyerlikaya5258 yes 2 in your tank with a 500ml mix. The mixed solutions can also be used over and over again, so should get around 16 rolls from a 1L kit
Good video, thanks for the instructional. Quick one for you.. Something I've been wondering... Do you need to wash the film between developer and blix steps? If you don't wash the tank wouldn't the tank have developer residue remaining when you add your blix and then when you return the blix to the bottle it would contaminate it for future development cycles again, wouldn't it?
You certainly would want to avoid chemical contamination if you would want to re-use the chemicals. Rinsing in between is a good idea. I always do that.
@@Fjalll While the kits do not instruct such, a quick water bath between developer and blix will largely eliminate the carryover of developer into the blix, That will enhance the life of the blix and tend to reduce color shifts.The kit makers do not include this instruction because it might be considered an extra "step", which would be looked at as an advertising disadvantage. Recent elimination of the stabilizer from at least one of the "new" Tetenal kits, same purpose, and it saves them a few cents.
yes a minute or so is added every other develop, all times are listed on instructions with kit I also have them listed on my site
Thank you so much for this video! All the other videos I found about this subject start with “hey Guys what’s up” and end with “hit that subscribe button!” This one is short but very informative and spot on. Thank you.
Great and straight forward instructions! I just developed my first rolls of film following your video! The only thing I did differently was to rinse between the CD and blix, I hope it will make no difference. I just wanted to ask, don't you rinse at all in the end? Most other instructions recommend a 10 minute rinse with tap water. Would you recommend doing that?
One of the better and concise videos.Will refer to it when i develop my own film.
Excellent video without the frills, great work!!!
Nicely done. Images look good, proving that the process was sound. Thanks!
Thank you this video & your notes were really helpful!
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for. Did my first develop yesterday with these instructions!
Glad it was helpful, tried to make it as simple as possible 👍
Hi thanks for that simple and great video. One question, I mixed all in 1Liter bottles but my developing tank only has 500ml. If I use half of the developer and put them back to the 1 Liter bottle, how much time do I add for the next developing process?
Hi Philipp, I have done this before and just halved the time. So where you would normally add 1 minute after each development, just add 30 seconds, seems to work.
Hi great video thanks!! Can i have 750ml instead of 1000? (maintaining the porportions of course) and can i store on clean wine bottles? will the cork ruin the chemicals? thank you!
Yes you can just mix 750ml, wine bottles will be fine, and will also be air tight, ideally you want as little air space in the bottle, which I think most wine bottles are 750ml.
So should all be good :)
Pragmatism is your thing. Love it. You should teach it everyone as well as film :) Do you think there is a slight difference using plastic or glass bottles and black/amber colour to protect chemicals from UV radiation? Obviously, no one would store chemicals sun directly but I've been told make a difference if we leave bottles for a while. Thank you for sharing and all the best
Use the collapsible bellows bottles to store chemicals. They store better if you push out the air out of the bottles.
Hi! thank you for this! I was wondering- when you are mixing the chemicals at the start with water, do you also preheat the water to 38 before adding it to the mix, or do you just heat them up to the desired temp once it is all mixed? thank you!
Hi, you only need to heat when mixed and ready to use.
Best instructional video without the whole life story, minute by minute of THAT OTHER GUY that tops the search results.
Thank you for the great video and written instructions! Spot on!
Hello, would there be a difference if I would invert instead of agitate for those 10s every 30s?
No, wouldn't make any difference, as long as the developer is evenly covering the film each agitation
Can the canister be open to light for rinsing after the Blix?
Thanks for the video - this helped a lot. Just done my 1st batch with Tetenal C41 after many with Digibase.
Thank you! What are the differences if I use different ISO films? Does it change the times of developing from 100,200,400 ISO film rolls?
No, they all develop the same, so you can develop different rolls in the same tank.
I have a question.
Can I mix one box of the Tetenal Colortec chemistry, but develop only 3-4 films, and the chemistry store without air for the next development? If yes, how long can the liquid be stored and how I need to store it right?
Hi Aurelijus, how long it will last will depending on a few things, but should last around 3-6 months, maybe longer, it is best to have as much film ready to develop when chemicals are mixed, unless you are shooting often.
can i use water directly from the tap or do I need to buy distilled water?
You can use directly from the tap, but depending on local water quality may depend of results. Water in my area can sometimes be chalky and leave chalky water marks over the film. Distilled is best, but not essential.
Tap water is fine for the developer, blix and wash. If you have jard water, i.e.,water with minerals which leave a deposit when drying, mix the stabilizer with distilled water. If the stabilizer does not have an additive to keep water from beading up on the film, add a few drops of Photoflo or similar. That will prevent both mineral deposits and water marks on your film.
Thanks for a great video and for taking the time to write out the Instructions, subscribed. :)
can you mix only 250 ml of the package, even if its not specified in the mixing user manual?
Yes, as long as all measurements are correct it will be fine
Good video Mr. Gudgeon. Very informative! Thank you from a C41 processing newbie.
Your welcome Kevin, hope it helps you out.
Hi. Thanks for the video. One question: What do you do to avoid watermarks?
Hi Francisco, not really had any problems with water marks using this kit, I always use a squeegee (you will always get some very strong options against using a squeegee) I always leave it to soak in warm water to soften the blades, which will help against scratching the film, and rinsing it after each use, which i find really helps remove a lot of the water.
Should you rinse after using the stabilizer?
At the time using this kit there was no need, other kits may require it, otherwise no.
hi, thanks for sharing this! here's a quick question.
if i want to develop 2 films at a time, should i double this measures of chemicals?
Hello, it depends one what film you are developing 35mm or 120, and what dev tank you are using.
With this tank (Paterson PTP116) the 1000ml mix develops 2 120 at a time or 3 rolls of 35mm at a time.
Will Gudgeon thank you for your prompt response! im using 35mm film and paterson ptp115
@@ozgegizemyerlikaya5258 so the pt115 uses 500ml for 2 rolls for 35mm, so you can half the mix if you get the 1L kit.
Will Gudgeon i get 1L kit but can i still develope 2 films?
@@ozgegizemyerlikaya5258 yes 2 in your tank with a 500ml mix. The mixed solutions can also be used over and over again, so should get around 16 rolls from a 1L kit
Good video, thanks for the instructional. Quick one for you.. Something I've been wondering... Do you need to wash the film between developer and blix steps? If you don't wash the tank wouldn't the tank have developer residue remaining when you add your blix and then when you return the blix to the bottle it would contaminate it for future development cycles again, wouldn't it?
You certainly would want to avoid chemical contamination if you would want to re-use the chemicals. Rinsing in between is a good idea. I always do that.
@@Fjalll While the kits do not instruct such, a quick water bath between developer and blix will largely eliminate the carryover of developer into the blix, That will enhance the life of the blix and tend to reduce color shifts.The kit makers do not include this instruction because it might be considered an extra "step", which would be looked at as an advertising disadvantage. Recent elimination of the stabilizer from at least one of the "new" Tetenal kits, same purpose, and it saves them a few cents.
Thanks! Great video!
Great video!
Great video, will! Keep up the videos on film photography. :)
This Kit is now produced by ADOX and called ADOX C-TEC 41
Should I add a little times for the next rolls
yes a minute or so is added every other develop, all times are listed on instructions with kit I also have them listed on my site
where did you order your c-41 from?
Amazon -