Hi good profile! one question.. What makes Lifeless Leaffish better for you? Normal summoning you prefer to do lantern or buzz, with lifeless you send crystal shark to gy special summon it and make a kraken, and nothing more, right?
It's true that it's not the prefered normal. In fact, I usually find buzz and leaffish together and it's a pain (the same with tuna). The thing is that tuna, although is sensible to less hand traps than the others and searches the deck, doesn't leave anything on field to keep extending, you always need a body there (angler, nettle, abyss shark, crystal...). Hoping that you have the tenyi on hand with tuna, or the ready/instant fusion package etc. is too much. My best tuna plays have been using OFO discarding a tuna, or right hand/crystal to not use the normal, reviving tuna with mirror after discarding it with OFO, or in long duels drawing it. It's a good card, but it's a pain
I've been siding numbers protection as well, very good in this deck. Congrats on the win!!
Hi good profile! one question.. What makes Lifeless Leaffish better for you? Normal summoning you prefer to do lantern or buzz, with lifeless you send crystal shark to gy special summon it and make a kraken, and nothing more, right?
It's true that it's not the prefered normal. In fact, I usually find buzz and leaffish together and it's a pain (the same with tuna). The thing is that tuna, although is sensible to less hand traps than the others and searches the deck, doesn't leave anything on field to keep extending, you always need a body there (angler, nettle, abyss shark, crystal...). Hoping that you have the tenyi on hand with tuna, or the ready/instant fusion package etc. is too much. My best tuna plays have been using OFO discarding a tuna, or right hand/crystal to not use the normal, reviving tuna with mirror after discarding it with OFO, or in long duels drawing it. It's a good card, but it's a pain
Are Beautunaful Princesses too much of a liability when they get Ashed to play?
Yea just play leafish
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