長野県須坂市 臥竜公園2024春

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024
  • 長野県須坂市にある臥竜公園は「さくら名所100選」に選出された市民憩いの場所です。桜の満開時期に撮影した映像です。この動画を見て気になった方はぜひ臥竜公園にお越しください。
    臥竜公園の桜並木は『さくら名所100選』に選ばれています。池の周りには"ソメイヨシノ"を中心に160本(池の1週は約800m)、公園全体で約600本の桜が楽しめます。(見頃は4月上旬から中旬頃) そのほか、アヤメ・フジ・ツツジ・アジサイが咲き競い、龍が臥しているように見える臥竜山の美しい松は竜ヶ池に映え、『日本の名松100選』にも選定されています。 公園の設計者は、明治神宮や日比谷公園、小諸懐古園などを設計した日本初の林学博士、本多静六(1866~1952)東京帝國大学農科大学(現東京大学農学部)教授で、昭和6年の築造。当時は昭和初頭の世界恐慌でこの築造は、皮肉にも製糸の町・須坂の製糸工場で働いていた多くの人々の失業者対策として行われるなど歴史の哀歌を刻みました。特にこの公園は、動物園を備え、春の花、夏の風、秋の紅葉、冬の雪景色と、一年を通じて憩える公園として多くの市民にも親しまれています。
    Garyu Park in Suzaka City, Nagano Prefecture, is a place of relaxation for local residents that was selected as one of the "Top 100 Cherry Blossom Spots." This video was taken when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. If you are interested in this video, please come and visit Garyu Park.
    The rows of cherry trees in Garyu Park have been selected as one of the "100 Best Cherry Blossom Spots." There are 160 cherry trees, mainly "Somei Yoshino," around the pond (the circumference of the pond is about 800m), and about 600 cherry trees can be enjoyed throughout the park (the best time to see them is from ealry- to mid April). In addition, irises, wisterias, azaleas, and hydrangeas bloom in competition with each other, and the beautiful pine tree on Garyu Mountain, which looks like a reclining dragon, is reflected in Ryugaike Pond and has been selected as one of the "100 Best Pines in Japan." The park was designed by Honda Seiroku (1866-1952), Japan's first doctor of forestry, who also designed Meiji Shrine, Hibiya Park, Komoro Kaikoen, and other sites, and was a professor at the Faculty of Agriculture of Tokyo Imperial University (now the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Tokyo). The park was built in 1931. At the time, it was the Great Depression of the early Showa era, and ironically, this construction was carried out as a measure to deal with the unemployment of many people who worked at the silk mills in Suzaka, a town of silk, and it has left a sad history behind. This park in particular is home to a zoo and is loved by many local residents as a place to relax all year round, with spring flowers, summer breezes, autumn leaves, and winter snowscapes.