NEXT WAR: IRAN Unboxing / GMT Games

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rogerparkhurst5796
    @rogerparkhurst5796 Місяць тому +2

    I am surprised there isn’t a naval aspect as well, unless it is off the map actions…

    • @LegendaryTactics
      @LegendaryTactics  Місяць тому

      Zach is learning the game at the moment, but it seems that the naval aspect is abstracted. It's an interesting choice, but perhaps because Iran doesn't have much of a Navy to speak of, they didn't include it?

    • @MrDragonkin
      @MrDragonkin 2 дні тому

      Actually, in this game in the series naval aspect is a bit more developed than usual, as Iranian patrol boats are simulated. Navy in the series serves mainly as a means to delivering troops to the enemy land. However, there is some fun stuff, like aircraft carriers, naval umbrella etc.