So, I didn't know to put the proximity sensors back in the exact position they came from, and now the system isn't working. Am I super screwed or do you know of an easyish fix?
What happens when you lay the tailgate down, it will lay on the bumper right? Did mine just like you did, learned that from this video and was wrong for my truck. so now i have to lower my bumper down just a little to have a gap from the tailgate and the bumper when it’s down.
@@luteolin6799 glad to see this. Have been looking at ordering one, and immediately after seeing it was powdercoated decided to have it coated in line-x if i go this route.
Let me guess you live up north with salted roads? If you don’t wash the salt off your entire truck is going to rust. Not the products fault it’s a lack of upkeep. If you see it start rusting do a warranty claim or just hit it with rattle can black paint.
@@Mark-ux9spI lived in Pennsylvania for 21 years but was smart enough to move to somewhere that isn’t miserable. So yeah I do know what I’m talking about and I kept my vehicles rust free even when I lived up north. Keep on being a troll.
Bumper looks great! Awesome install vid.
Thanks 👍
At 7:56 I bother's me that that weld on the edge isn't continuous. Could that be a potential weak point later on?
Great camera work there, bud. "Just do this" blocks the entire shot
Great video
So, I didn't know to put the proximity sensors back in the exact position they came from, and now the system isn't working. Am I super screwed or do you know of an easyish fix?
What happens when you lay the tailgate down, it will lay on the bumper right? Did mine just like you did, learned that from this video and was wrong for my truck. so now i have to lower my bumper down just a little to have a gap from the tailgate and the bumper when it’s down.
Same thing happened to me😢
Good vid! I'm liking this better than the Hooke bumper. Not too thrilled about their 3 piece design. I'll probably get this one for my truck.
Is bumper of better quality/Strength of factory bumper?
of course!
Durable powder coat.. 16 months and mine rusted.
Had mine a little less than a year and it’s already rusting
@@luteolin6799 glad to see this. Have been looking at ordering one, and immediately after seeing it was powdercoated decided to have it coated in line-x if i go this route.
Let me guess you live up north with salted roads? If you don’t wash the salt off your entire truck is going to rust. Not the products fault it’s a lack of upkeep. If you see it start rusting do a warranty claim or just hit it with rattle can black paint.
@@jerryp3551 Let me guess. You don't live up north, so you don't know wtf you're talking about.
@@Mark-ux9spI lived in Pennsylvania for 21 years but was smart enough to move to somewhere that isn’t miserable. So yeah I do know what I’m talking about and I kept my vehicles rust free even when I lived up north. Keep on being a troll.