no... they will only make it a generic CGI "grrrr arggh!" monster... it will be lame. Just like the weeping angels "moving" in their second episode. The episode itself was fine... but that part was a let down. I always thought that outside of their stone form or "unobserved" they would look different. Turns out they still look the exact same way. Also the whole thing worked on a meta level. Not only the character could never see them move... the audience also couldnt. Showing things or explaining stuff to death is a modern trend that seriously grates me. Its like the Nolan Batman movies.... good movies yes... but characters cant go 5 minutes without heavy handed exposition about philosophy and the "meaning" of whats going on etc. Thats stuff for the audience to talk about after the movie... not the characters during the movie.
Daelyas not if they do it right.. obviously if they did bring it back, they would prolly F it up, but if done the right way, they could maintain the menace and mystery while also explaining away some of the secrets that keep me up at night.. mainly "is it a species, or a one off anomaly" "was it actually a creature, or just some sort of powerful psychic experience they were all having? and if so. why? was it just the planet?" "was it related to any other Who enemies we've seen before? and if so, which one?" if they just answered these few things, without ever showing the beast, I'd be happy
I have no confidence in them pulling off such subtlety. New Who (while I do like it a lot) does have the tendency to beat the viewer over the head with the "message". Then again thats modern television/movies for you. Subtlety is a lost art it seems :(
My main one would be Never completely end the show. By which I mean - cancel it again if you must, But leave it narratively open to be picked up again from that after a 10 year rest. No rebooting from the start.
I hate to think that at some point a new season of 'Who' won't be commissioned. I liked how 'Survival' ended, leaving things open, rebooting is inevitable. I cannot express the joy I felt when I heard it was coming back in 2005. But, certainly they should never erase the previous Doctors.
Robin Hislop - I don’t think reboots are inevitable (a reboot discards all previous continuity) if they can relaunch the series after 16/9 years (depending if your counting from TV movie or not) once they can do it again after another rest.
WAIT! I just had an idea. How to make the "ginger" joke work: 1) Doctor regenerates. Becomes ginger. No comment is made of it. 2) There's a multiple-Doctor story with David Tennant... Tennant: Hey! Ginger! Ginger Doctor: What? Tennant: Your - my - our hair! It's ginger! Ginger Doctor: Yeah, so? Tennant: But we always wanted to be ginger! Ginger Doctor (puzzled): We did? Tennant: (gasps and sputters incoherently for several minutes) ... Never mind.
Small Pox what if he regenerates into Mat Smith as a ginger and says look I'm a ginger gingers are cool and then River shoots him and he regenerates again.
Personally I think the show should never entirely roboot it's continuity. I love that Doctor Who has so much history to it so you can watch an episode from the 60s and know that the show as it is now leads directly off of it. Granted I don't like it when the show gets so caught up in it's own continuity but there should never ever be a Doctor Who reboot. It's just unessisary as the way the show is set up with regeneration, you never have to reboot.
Doctor Who's continuity is such a mess anyway so no need to reboot it. I personally rationalise that the Doctor has screwed around with time so much he can't keep straight what exactly happened in the past and what didn't. Unreliable narrator in a way.
Doctor Who should NEVER EVER reveals the doctor's name. There is no reason that learning his real name is something like 'Guliman', or whatever Time Lord name they can come up with could actually have an impact on the plot by knowing it, it also feels weird, do we call him Guliman now? The show is called Doctor Who, not Doctor Guliman. Whovians will ask this for the rest of the show because we don't want an answer (because we're weird)
I would add to that, don't play up how important his name supposedly is. Like in Matt Smith's era everyone screaming out Doctor Who? every second episode. All that most important question crap. He has a name, he doesn't want to tell anyone, move on with your life.
As for "young Doctor" prequels--a fan proposed an idea that I thought was intriguing. (I think he's trying to do a Kickstarter for it.) It would be a series about two young Time Lords who we know are supposed to grow up into the Doctor and the Master...*but we never find out which one is which until the very end.*
What about a glitch episode? Doctor gets hit with a weird energy and spends the episode glitching between previous incarnations. Eventualy fixing the problem in the end.
What if that was the 100 year special Like the energy turns him back to William hartnell and he spends the episode going from troughton to pertwee to baker to Davidson to Baker2 to mccoy to mcgann to hurt to eccleston to Tennant to smith to capaldi to Whittaker until he or she gets to her present incarnation
Valpas Kankaristo Doctor Who’s primary audience (despite the fandom you see on the internet) is kids anyway. That’s why so many episodes have stupid plot lines because they’re catering for a younger target audience. I believe the secondary audience is more adult and adult fans of the show and from that we get the more interesting episodes like Heaven Sent which don’t appeal to kids as much.
I have a different theory on the curator: As proven in the show, the Doctor has taken the face of existing people, look at the abbott of amboise (also played by William Hartnell), Salamander (Patrick Troughton), Maxil (Colin Baker) and Caecilius (Peter Capaldi). So, what if the curator was the human that looked like the Fourth Doctor and was somehow aware of the fact that he had an alien doppelganger and that's what Tom Baker was playing in that scene. Probably a silly theory, but at least it keeps your number 1 safe from not happening.
Interesting, as Capaldi's doctor told himself he took that face to remind him of lessons from that person. If that is the case I wonder if we might see some future doctors who do that too. Even some minor characters have done the same, for example Nicholas Courtney (sp?) playing a character before the brigadier.
In regards to the running gag of The Doctor wanting to be ginger, I kind of feel like the perfect way to wrap that up is for one of the companions to say "If you want to be ginger so bad, why not just dye your hair?", then a few episodes later casually just have an episode start with The Doctor having dyed her hair and it's never brought up.
Deathlygunn the thing is it's not really a running gag. It's the fans that have turned it into a big thing, but in the show it is only a couple of brief comments. Nothing more. For the show to make casting or story decisions based on this would be stupid fan service.
One thing doctor who should never do is give Jodie a love interest companion. I grew to hate all the companions falling in love with the doctor. And I begged for more male companions to avoid this. But now that we have a female doctor. I don’t now want to see male companions popping up and fawning over her. I want this to end. The doctor is an alien. And married. Please stop this. It’s an instant turn off when the companion starts thinking of the doctor as their SO. I hated rose for it. I disliked Martha because of it. I loved Donna because she actively fought against that trope. I turned on Amy when she tried to cheat on Rory with the doctor I loathed Clara for the bitch fit she threw when her young pretty 11 dared regenerate into a grumpy old man. I threw a party when bill was a lesbian because it was done. New doctor new gender let’s not have thirsty companions trying to get their sonic screwdriver into her time vortex.
Mine are essentially all that you said plus: 1. Never reveal the Doctor’s real name. 2. Never fix the Chameleon Circuit (again.) 3. Never recast a past companion actor/actress as the Doctor. 4. Never make the Master good (fully.) 5. Never make a canon mutual (romantic) relationship between the Doctor and a companion. (Aside from River?)
The World of Movies Honestly, I don’t consider that appearance as him being a companion....It just never came off as that to me. In any case, when I said companion I was referring to the ones that either traveled with him actively or were essential characters.
(The Doctor looks in a mirror and holds fringe in front of him/her) The Doctor: I... I...I'm Ginger! (Fast Crescendo in the score) The Doctor (whiney): I don't like it. (CUE END CREDITS)
Accents are irrelevant. Some of the doctors have strong regional accents they have lost while in the role. In RL too ... I have confused UK people by having various British accents even though I have never been there (I watched a LOT of PBS as a kid).
If this list was "in order," as in, listed in reverse priority order, than that means the Doctor _not_ being ginger is more important than Gallifrey keeping its mysticism?
What about the Master regenerating to look like a former Doctor? I've heard the idea tossed around a couple times and never had a firm opinion one way or the other
Life Upgrade While that sounds cool, I think it should be the Rani. It’s a different time lord we’ve never seen in New who rather than the master who shows up every other season
Life Upgrade so the doctor should only ever be a woman from now on? because if Jodie does regenerate into a tall old man, it would still just be the doctor, she's gotta regenerate sometime
Now that the Doctor's female... NEVER suggest that any part of the Doctor's personality comes about as a direct result of being female. Jodie Whittaker's Doctor will have a different personality that Peter Capaldi's, of course, just as his has a different personality than Matt Smith's, etc. That's a normal part of regeneration. But PLEASE don't even have the Doctor say, "Now that I'm female, I'm much more ________." NO. Big mistake. There will always be people who will make assumptions. If the 13th Doctor enjoys cooking, for example, people will say, "Oh, the writers of the show are suggesting that women are better cooks than men." Well, people will say things like that. There's nothing you can do about that. But what I DON'T want to happen is for the SHOW ITSELF to make such a statement. PLEASE don't suggest that any aspect of the Doctor's personality is dictated by his/her gender.
Small Pox Cannot agree more! Gender stereotypes are very useless and get on my nerves quickly... I cringed when the General Timelady talked about men's supposed "big ego". I hope they let Jodie be a person and more importantly the Doctor instead of being "female" first.
Actually, having a Jodie Whittaker Doctor enjoy cooking would be a VERY good idea, if done correctly. Have her casually mention, in an episode in which one or more earlier Doctors (David Tennant, Matt Smith, et al) ALSO appear, that she enjoys cooking. And "David Tennant" (or whomever) mentions that he ALSO liked cooking, but could never get a certain recipe come out right (perhaps a soufflé, in a nod to Clara), and then have them chat about cooking before someone else present (probably a companion) bring them back to the subject at hand.
The Doctor is arguably cold and evil and should definitely not be seen as a caring character when they have commit genocide and been merciless on multiple occasions.
They shouldn't have any episodes about real recent historical tragedies. I'm not saying it would be impossible to do tastefully, but the risk just wouldn't be worth it
On the Gallifrey spin off. It's already been done in Big Finish to a surprisingly good extent. The spin off stems directly from the main range stories: The Apocalypse Element, Neverland and Zagreus. Thing is with the spin off and the stories like neverland: they use what they reveal about Galifreyan society to add mystery and a sense that we are only seeing the surface of timelord society and there are many hidden layers underneath. The BBC wouldn't have nearly as much skill as Big Finish when making a Gallifrey spin off.
The thing is audio stories have the advantage of the listener's imagination providing the graphics. Its the same way that a radio breakfast show wouldn't feel the same if it was filmed in a TV studio. It is the opposite but similar reason to why silent movie stars failed when sound came in. The lead actors rarely (if ever) sounded like people imagined they did.
I've been pretty pleased with Big Finish's depictions. Barns and farmers is somewhat dull in comparison. The citadel looks nice - but not even that advanced.
Never make more episodes with River. I know it sounds weird, I like River very much, but her timeline is perfect as it is. The only way I would except another appearance of her is in that data-ghost form in the Name of the Doctor and she would be there like a ghostly aid-ind of character, but leaving her alone is the best choice in my opinion.And never make a spinoff series out of her, we know far enough about her, and pleeeease never ever make Riverx13 (or other future female Doctor) ship canon in the show, leave that to the fanfic writers.
The show should never stick with one doctor for more than 3 series at this point. Eccelson got series 1, Tennant got 2,3,4 Smith got 5,6,7 Capaldi got 8,9,10 and Whittaker should have 11,12,13. Then the 14th doctor should be cast for series 14. Yes the entire reason I want this is so the 14th doctor can be in series 14 and the 13th can be done with the 13th series.
Oh wow, I didn't actually notice that XD that would be... interesting, though a part of me wants Whittaker to stay longer at least by one series so the 3-series cycle can end as it's getting a bit too predictable.
I agree and yeah, the novelty of the numbering would be cool. I would just like to throw out there that it's extremely likely that is how it will happen. In an interview in the 80's, Patrick Troughton recommended to Peter Davison to limit his time in the TARDIS to 3 years because character actors risk getting typecast beyond that. Proof of it was Tom Baker's experience. After 7 years as the Doctor, he complained in another interview that it ruined his career. He couldn't do television for quite some time after because all people thought when they saw him was "The Doctor." He had a great deal of difficulty pulling off other characters and committed himself to theatre acting until it all blew over. Since Tom's run, no one has stood in the Doctor's shoes for longer than 3 series.
I’m of the firm opinion that the reason the TARDIS “kicked” the Doctor out was because it KNEW the whole control room was going to blow up and that this could kill the Doctor - and the TARDIS doesn’t want that. I think it will literally rematerialise below the falling Doctor, and let the Doctor fall into the swimming pool or a room full of pillows, or a friggin bouncy castle-room. Saved and unharmed.
HOWEVER: That somehow implies that Jodie Whittaker's Doctor is more fragile than the Doctor played by either David Tennant or Matt Smith, both of whom fell from great heights (orbit, or very nearly in orbit) and survived, uninjured, making a crater in Matt Smith's case.
David Briggs - hmm, point taken! Did not think about that! However, still saying that the TARDIS “kicked them out” because it doesn’t approve of the gender change is BS. It’s about not wanting the Doctor to blow up. And the TARDIS often locks the Doctor out after regeneration, to repair itself. We don’t know how long that takes, but hey, time machine. It can just come back whenever. :)
For Tennant to Smith it was simply a fire with a couple sparks here and there, nearly as dangerous but nothing was too in his face and lethal as long as he didn't jump straight into it. Smith to Capaldi didn't actually do any damage, he just forgot how to fly it for a second while fling through space and time, and that ended with them caught "safely" in a dinosaur's mouth. But then with Capaldi to Whittaker, the entire TARDIS is exploding and tipping from side to side, pressing one button made it literally blow up in her face, this is definitely the most dangerous post-regeneration condition the TARDIS had been in. The Doctor didn't stand a chance.
I agree with all of these points, except for the Ginger point. That running gag isn't really a fundamental thing in the show, what colour the doctors hair is, is irrelevant as long as the actor and writing is good
I have to disagree on the ginger doctor.... I would love to see a ginger doctor. I think the world deserves a ginger doctor but I agree with you on everything else tho.
The only time I would accept the Doctor regenerating into a previous incarnation would be in a special/multi-doctor story, where the proper conflict is that the Doctor is for some reason regenerating backward and that by the end of the special it is solved/fixed and the current Doctor is restored.
I agree with this list, but I'd add never revealing the Doctor's real name. Even though one could argue that the only name that matters is the Doctor because thats what the Doctor identifies as, a huge part of the character's mystique would be lost if we know what his real/original name is.
Agree they should never have the doctor regenerate into a past doctor it’s a cop out but I would absolutely LOVE another multi doctor story preferably with Paul mcgann
totally agree with the returning actors point. personally i saw tom baker's cameo in the day of the doctor as him being the very last doctor, retired and waiting to help 11 in finding gallifrey before finally dying.
I saw tom baker as a Matrix representative - where the matrix is where all timelords go when they die so the combined knowledge can be used for the good of gallifrey, these guys liturally control time i dont see why timelords uploaded in the future cant be accessed or sent back in time, if help was needed maybe they brought tom out to give advice on what the war doctor was up to or how to get back to the proper universe, or maybe it gets updated every regeneration regeneration.... point is tom may not have been THE Doctor just a Doctor like a clone with his memoies sent to inspire the doctor to look for gallifrey
perhaps but that seems a little to convoluted for what's a quite simple, poetic scenes. either way it was a nice nod to classic who, regardless of intent.
I like the idea that Baker was just the face the Doctor took after meeting the curator. Similar to how 6 and 12 took their faces from other people. The curator is the original.
The ginger thing was only ever a 10th/11th Doctor thing. If an actor/actress they want to be the Doctor is ginger, the Doctor should be ginger. It's not a thing that matters, and it shouldn't. They shouldn't even reference the 10th/11th Doctor wanting to be ginger.
Although it would be amusing if a future doctor was a ginger actor/actress ..... but they died their hair something else before starting the role. I can just imagine the internet comments.
Agreed... It's the fans that have turned the "being ginger" storyline into this whole big thing. It's not though. It's only mentioned briefly on the show and while some fans found it funny, it's not the hugely important thing it is discussed as...
yeah I'm so sick of the fanbase trying to turn the whole "still not ginger" thing into a meme... it was said once as a joke, and again as a follow up to that joke. Hes never said it again. Its nothing. Stop trying to make it a thing fanbase
multi-part serials again Adventures in the past without aliens again Occasionally having entire series or sometimes more than one series being one seamless story (I don't mean 'bad wolf' arcs or that shit, I mean, like, The Key to Time, The Trial of a Time Lord, or even how every story from 'An Unearthly Child' to 'The Chase' was one seamless adventure to get back to Earth.
There's word that the BBC actually has lifted the restriction that every episode needs some alien action (apparently Vincent and the Doctor was going to be just hanging out with Van Gogh for a few days until the execs made them put in a monster).
Cruel elements can work, we've had incarnations in the past be rude (See Colin Baker, though in reality it wasn't the best choice for his incarnation), or manipulative (See Sylvester McCoy), it would only really become problematic if the Doctor became totally villainous, excluding a parallel universe Doctor (something Big Finish have done a few times) or if some other circumstances lead to the Doctor acting that way for a reason not of their own doing.
Maybe the show could do a guest spot for the cast of the Sarah Jane Adventures- not have them be companions, just have the Doctor meet them and maybe an one episode adventure with them. But not have them be the new companions. Also, have the companions limited to 1 or 2 people.
The show should, also, never have The Doctor regenerate into a companion. This also plays into the whole dwelling on the past and not focusing on the future thing.
Also I’m fine with a previous actor returning to the role as long as they play the doctor differently... they’re just faces the personality should always be different... and it wasn’t hinted at, it was stated as a fact by Tom bakers curator that the doctor would revisit some old faces (but just a few old favourites)
Can you imagine the geek wars if the same person played the role again but everything was the complete opposite of what they did before? :) Nobody would want it done again.
Kara Harkins it wouldn’t matter as long as we got a new doctor, the old face could be a plot point like Capaldi’s was... the doctor subconsciously gets an old face to remind him of something important
The Gallifrey spinoff thing works on audio (as far as I know, I have yet to listen to that audio range but have heard good things about it) but I doubt that it could successfully maintain the mystery on TV.
Here's an odd one: Never ever being back Donna Noble. She had an amazing run and an amazing heart breaking ending. Bringing her back would be a mistake.
I might be interested at some point to the Doctor trapped on a completely alien planet. Like, imagine if the show got stuck on Vortis or something like that.
Patrick Mcgann I actually would like to see that. An alien planet the Doctor often returns to, saves from mass destruction, has companions that are almost exclusively from there and constantly talks about how special the dominate race are. Make it some bizzare parallel to Earth and humans.
I wouldn't want the doctor to regenerate into a face he's already has but I'd be fine with a temporary degeneration like how the 10th doctor became the 9th doctor for a single story after being temporarily de-aged in the comics
Never reveal the doctor's name - there's two ways it can go. It can either go something like 'my name is Jim'. A boring earthbound name, no use. or, 'My name is Kostarlek'. An alien sounding nonsense name which doesn't mean anything or give us extra details. I like the theory that the doctor's name is basically incomprehensible to humans, and that it betrays every detail of their timeline which is why it's so closely guarded
I was always confused by the ginger thing when I was a kid because I was certain that the 6th doctor was ginger, I think I was blind when I was a kid 😂
I would like to see at some point Doctor falls from the mountain and when he hit a rock he regenraties to David Tennant and he says "oh its me again" but then he immidetly hit another rock and change to a new actor XD
Except that couldn't happen. 'The Christmas Invasion' showcases that all injuries suffered by newly regenerated Time Lords within fifteen hours of the regeneration are healed. In other words, the Doctor can't regenerate twice during that small a time.
Instead of making the doctor earthbound for a series I wouldn't mind seeing the opposite where for whatever reason they can't get back to 21st century earth and all of the episodes are either period pieces or off on other worlds and the storyline for the whole series is "How to get the companions home"
Have you read Lungbarrow? It does a pretty good job of explaining some of Gallifreyan culture but keeping it very alien. Honestly, it raises more questions than it answers, but it gives an excellent insight into the culture of the world.
I would have loved Lungbarrow to be "canon"... but that ship has sailed thanks to Moffat making the time lords way to human. Though in fairness it did not start with him.
the mother thing was "implied" but never actually "said" so as a viewer you can ignore it. (As I do for instance ;) ) But I agree... New Who messed up loads. -Time Lords are now a species apparently not a rank. oO -They have kids and get married -They have barns :D ... jesus... that barn... over and over again its shown as if its some super mystical important building. And all I can think about every time it appears is: "Its! A! Barn!"
The Doctor having a mother was established in the VNAs, but yeah, it's still kinda stupid. I personally subscribe to the theory that they used the Lungbarrow Loom to facilitate the human/time lord birth (with the mother being female), but it's still a stupid idea. As far as I know, it was made to try and explain away the "half human" shit from the movie, which was people not understanding the source material and running with it. And Moffat did do shit with the Time Lords. We got the Barn in the 50th and Listen, and the orphan-things in Hell Bent. Hell Bent also fucked over the general society, completely changing the dynamic of how it actually works.
Okay, if the Lungbarrow novel was taken as canon, and I wish it was, then the Doctor could not in any way be half-human, since all the loom does is create a new gallifreyan from the genetic material stored within it, in this case replicating the genetic material of The Other, who jumped inside the loom to escape Rassilon. We know this is the case as he is described as looking exactly like William Hartnell's doctor, to the extent that The Other's granddaughter Susan recognises him as such, when he meets her with his first ever trip in his newly purloined TARDIS. The only way I can sit with what the film tries to state, is that because he had taken so much damage from the shots, and subsequent operation his body needed extra genetic material to suceed with the regeneration, and used some of the genetic material of the bodies next to him, which of course would be human. He may have also inherited certain memories from whichever person was absorbed. But, as to the actual point, indeed showing more of the Gallifreyans and Gallifrey, never seems to end well.
I would like a nod to Broadchurch. I would like a simple run in, where David Tennant sees the Doctor and goes "Beth!, it's been awhile" and after he leaves Yas goes "Who was that guy?" and the Doctor says "I don't know but it feels like I've been that man"
I think they should never tell us the doctors real name, and if they do, it should be the very last episode ever. Telling the doctors name would humaninze the doctor and demystify it. The doctor would start to feel so human and normal, which the doctor isn't and should never be. But also I don't want them to use the doctor's name as a clickbait thing like they did with Matt Smith . Omg you know my name. River I am going tell you my name. All that shit. Leave it. I just want the doctor to remain some sort of mystery, I want the doctor to stay alien.
The only people who benefited from the Name of the Doctor tease were the bookies who were offering odds on what his name actually was. Pity anyone who was stupid enough to put any money down.
I firmly believe in the Doctor's name being the Gallifreyan equivalent of "Steve". And I believe just as firmly that I never need to find out what the Gallifreyan equivalent of "Steve" is.
Simeya - I didn't mind River knowing his name, like some Gallifrey thing where they only tell their closest loved ones their name. I did deeply dislike how important they made his name, all that "most important and first question that must never be answered: Doctor Who?" bull shit. It's a private thing and leave it at that.
The Sarah Jane adventures was originally pitched as a prequel to doctor who following a younger doctor on galifrey. RTD rejected this idea though as he believed it would ruin the mystery of the character.
Council of Geeks There’s an interview with RTD somewhere but I can’t find that as easily.
Ok, you've covered what they should never do pretty thoroughly now here is what the should do: 1. Give the 8th Doctor his own web series! 2. Stop teasing us with Susan and have her finally show up again! 3. Have the Doctor talk about her family and children. She doesn't have to go into too much detail. 4. Bring back the Master! 5. Yeah, stay away from Gallifrey! 6. Animated episode!
Oh no, I don‘t want to know anything about the doctor‘s family, it would completely demystify them, also Susan coming back could be a massive disappointment, so I don‘t think I wanna see that either ... I‘m totally here for the eigth doctor web series though :)
I disagree. Don't bring back the Master. At least not for a while. Have no Master or Missy for Whittaker's entire run and maybe longer. Then, when the Master comes back, it's fresh.
As someone who LOVES Gallifrey stories, I couldn't disagree with you more on that point. I appreciate that the rather humdrum presentation puts you off, but that's clearly by design. Its a deliberate subversion of audience expectations that the Time Lords are these great and powerful beings, instead showing you that they're just people who happen to have drastically more advanced technology then most other species and often times have the hubris to believe their own hype. Deadly Assassin would easily be in my top 10 of classic Who stories if I ever got around to actually compiling such a list, maybe even top 5. Also, I may be biased on this but I say bring on a ginger Doctor!
they should never I meen never give the doctor super powers it would ruin his/her character the DOC is ment to me a gadget person (even if they have turned the sonic screw driver into all their gadgets) the doctor is batman and many of his enemy's have power or powers so when the doctor beats them (usually without weapons) its more fantastical
4. There is actually a Gallifrey spinoff by Big Finish about Romana's time as president (with Leela as one of her confidants) and it's actually one of their most popular series. But I know what you mean when you say you don't want to see it. Personally, I have very little interest, but a friend of mine lent me some stuff I'll listen to. 3. ... Ok, so I'm fine with a female Doctor and all, but when people complain about that I sorta get where they're coming from, but I feel like you're making a bigger deal out of the ginger thing than the gender swap thing. Besides, the ginger thing has only ever been brought up twice in the show. It's not even that big of a running joke. 2. I agree. They did it with the Third Doctor, they don't need to do it again. Though I don't mind stories set in the modern day. 1. If you want an actor to reprise their role as The Doctor, then either go back and rewatch their episodes, wait until they come back in a multi-Doctor episode, go buy some extended universe stuff with that Doctor, or just get over it and get used to the new guy.
My four: 1/ Meeting an alternate history Doctor or having a series from the POV of an alternate history. 2/ Similar to point one about showing a prequel Doctor - don't have a child regeneration. 3/ Switching from science fiction to fantasy. 4/ Have a canon crossover with another science fiction show ie. Star Trek or Star Wars.
Worse (in my opinion) was David Tennant regenerating into David Tennant. That's even more firmly "canon" than Tom Baker being a future Doctor. The latter is only a theory, but the former happened on screen, and was then explained as being a genuine regeneration on screen.
But since it was back to back, nothing changed. It wasn't the show stagnating. When it happened, it wasn't even billed as a full regeneration, Moffat later interpreted it like that so he could deal with the 12 regeneration ceiling.
The script never states that this character is the Doctor. An early draft of the script had this as the Moment played by Piper. Moffat thought this could be the moment interacting with the Doctor using the 4th Doctors appearance. He prefers to interpret him as a distant future Doctor, but the key word is "interpret". Much like RTD likes to think that the woman who covered her eyes was the Doctors mum, he was happy for people to believe it's his daughter or Romana. These were left open to interpretation deliberately. You (and for that matter I) may be on the same wavelength as Moffat here, but for now, it's still open to interpretation. That's probably why the BBC have said the curator cannot be used in Big Finish's modern (or classic) series dramas.
Nulono I think that would actually be fun and at least something different. I wouldn't want all of the stories on earth to be centered around America though.
I agree with all of these: especially the last one. Which, after i spent years thinking "Paul McGann could come back and be given a decent shot!", might be odd - but after 20 years i have to be happy with the audios and acknowledge that the show needs to keep forging ahead and not folding back on itself like an Ouroboros eating its own ass. Also, every time someone suggests a "Young Doctor Who Adventures" type show (which always ends up sounding like Gallifreyan Hogwarts), somewhere a tafelshrew dies.
As much as I like John Hurt, I've always thought it was weird that they didn't just use Paul McGann. It would explain why the new series never mentions him.
@@SonofSethoitae Fuck, Paul McGann as the War Doctor would've been amazing, but his character always came across as too nice, even by the non-war Doctors' standards. I suppose that the Time War could have changed him, maybe.
I'm trying to think of something that Doctor Who should never do that hasn't been done already suggest there was an incarnation before William Hartnell's Doctor...I wish that I could say that... If I saw this video when it was first made, I could have said that.
I think the show should absolutely never ever actually reveal the Doctor's real name or give us more of his back story then we need. I say that for the same reasons you don't want more Galifrey, it would demystify the Doctor and take away a lot of his power if we knew his name. Plus any name he is given couldn't live up to the mystery.
@@TheSmart-CasualGamer it likely is quite a long name, as many Gallifreyan names are, Romanadvoratrelundar isn't even close to the most ridiculous one. You've got names like Gandarotethetledrax, or my personal favourite Leelandredloomsagwinaechegesima, which is Leela's name after marrying Andred.
Personally, I believe that their titles ARE there names. But these are great fun to make. I'd love to hear Rassilon's. Or rather Rassilonavenbarantshrandrax.
Crossovers. While this occasionally works in the comics, and there have ben unofficial (thinly disguised) crossover characters in big finish and the various novels, having an episode where a character from another show (not part of the whoniverse) appear would be disastrous as it would require either suspending disbelief that both existed in the same cannon, or that dr who is part of a multiverse, which would inevitably dominate future plotting over time and space travel. Now I know they have actually used other timelines sporadically, but usually with a very strict rule - this was an exceptional circumstance and as a rule it is impossible for the Tardis to travel outside of its home universe. Sure it might be fun to see sherlock or merlin on board the tardis, but just look at how STUPID the crossover with Eastenders was for children in need and tell me you want more of that!
There were rumblings of a crossover with Star Trek: Enterprise (STE) after the latter's "Future Tense" episode. The starship crew found a defunct space vessel from 900 years in the future that was bigger on the inside, had a circular control room with a console at the centre and some round wear patterns on the walls, had traces of blue paint everywhere, and was part of a long running meta-arc called the Temporal Cold War. It was a Tardis and the showrunners knew it, although they didn't call it that. The crossover could have been done as a passing incident on both sides. Both have seen far stranger things happen and there's nothing fundamentally incompatible between the DW and ST universes. But the idea was more fantasy than anything else, not least because Doctor Who was still regenerating in 2003 and STE was ultimately cancelled in 2005.
The TARDIS has rejected the new DOCTOR and 13 will have to spend the first episode trying to win over the TARDIS (and the audience) and reassure her/us that she is, in fact, the real and genuine Doctor!
I agree with the Doctor not being Earth bound - it made sense then but it would just be a dodgy retred of the past. The only exception to this is the Doctor getting bored being stuck on earth in The Power Of Three
timrob12 there is no real controversy with Jodie being cast. Most of it was fake media. If you do proper research on the subject you'll see that. Even moffat said it during a panel at comicon (it's why I looked it up myself). But I do agree that the doctor shouldn't be earth bound again. It probably wouldn't do the show any justice. Maybe what we saw when capaldi regenerated into Jodie was the TARDIS kicking the doctor out as it also had to go through some form of 'regeneration' itself. I reckon by the end of the Jodie's first episode the TARDIS will be back in full swing.
Well, there is no controversy indeed. Like Moffat says: "No one has a problem with it". (Or something like that) And I certainly haven't. I do think as well that she's merely been thrown out of the TARDIS because the ship needs to regenerate itself.
There IS a controversy, just because the showrunner dictates there isn't it doesn't change that. Personally I have no problem with it so long as it's explained in universe to a satisfying level - just saying "yeah the doctor could always have been a woman it's just pure chance that the first 13 versions were male" is ludicrous. They had the perfect opportunity to explain it by saying that the new regenerations the timelords gave the doctor to save him weren't "programmed" to a certain gender and so from now on the doctor can be either.
About the whole Gallifrey thing. They don't really touch on it that much but I believe that not all Gallifreyans are Time Lords. There is an aristocracy to their society where the Time lords a select few of the population reside in Arcadia the rest are just Gallifreyan and live in the wilds. It's not clear whether an ordinary Gallifreyan can regenerate as they haven't been exposed to the untempered schism and have never spent any time above the eye of harmony. (not including any extended media in this only in show canon.)
its been established since the 4th doctor not all Gallifreyans are time lords, its an earned title the doctor went to one of three universities to get his title. But all time lords (with the possible exception of River- who is not a true time lady, she just has the enenrgy of the TARDIS ) are Gallifreyan. Gallifrey was rather isolationist at that time and did not allow outsiders
Also number 5: NEVER REVEAL THE DOCTORS NAME! Once they do, every episode that uses the secrecy of his name as a plot point becomes moot because it eventually gets revealed anyway so what’s the point Literally the entire river song arc revolves around the fact that ONLY river knows his name and that’s how the doctor knows they are married, and once we know the doctors name too it loses its impact Lots of episodes in the Matt Smith era would lose their impact now that I think about it Maybe MAYBE make it the last reveal of the last episode of doctor who EVER but you have to be SURE doctor who isn’t gonna come back Imo of course
One thing the show should DEFINITELY do: Have a character who can do voices sneak up behind the Doctor and go :EX-TERMINATE!" JUST to see the look on the Doctor's face. :) :) :)
except that cyberman episode needed cant butcher a human being and fuse metal into them and turn them into a walking nightmare, without the episode being dark. It's about balance. Some things need darkness, some things need light, the show should never be too dark or too light.
@@michaeltaylor4375 Two words: Bubble wrap. (that was more in reference to the Wirrn grubs being actors wrapped in green dyed bubblewrap, not the series 11 episode with bubblewrap) But in all seriousness, if you don't enjoy the new series, don't watch it, you've got plenty of Classic Who stories, and Big Finish do their main range in the style of the classic series. Just because YOU do not enjoy something does not mean it should be cancelled, as there are plenty of people who do still enjoy it.
@@ErinTheFennec Ok...I admit, maybe that was a little heavy and indirect. let me try again. "Kevin Thomas, this show has only had one or 2 really dark stories in the season before last...and those episodes were about people being turned into robots, and history has shown only the dark horror angle works. Before this, there was the series 9 and 8 finale...........the only 4 dark episodes of each season. I am sorry, i know everybody loves the unmemorable, overated smith era....but just like not every episode needs to be dark and gritty, not every episode should be a childish comedy. you're extremes are no better than mine.
I hope the fanbase realises that people who want the show to be a total g rated comedy, are just as bad as the ones who want it to be dark and gritty all the who was always about variety.
#4 - Yes - Leave Gallifrey alone. #3 - Yes - No ginger or let it happen with little or no reaction. The Doctor regenerates, changes clothes, looks in a mirror, brushes his hair back, and goes on without even saying a word. Maybe a little grin. That's all. #2 - Yes - Space stories are better. #1 - Yes - Multiple Doctor stories with past Doctors*, yes. Regenerating to past Doctors again, no. *I always loved the multiple Doctor episodes (The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors, even The Two Doctors). Seeing the actors aging but still playing the part gave me the feeling that even though the regeneration had happened, that Doctor was still out there having adventures that we haven't seen. Additions: Never fix the chameleon circuit... again. 6th Doctor, looking at you. Never, ever, never, ever, NEVER, EVER reveal the Doctor's name. Nothing they ever come up with could possible meet fan expectations and would be a HUGE letdown.
Yes! I completely agree! Specially with number 3. I would only add that I think the ginger joke could at some point get old. If that’s the case, then I’m fine with them making him ginger and saying “I hate it” which could be hilarious! Haha I would add to the list: #5 bring Donna back. I absolutely LOVE her. But I see people asking for it and it makes me mad because that would pretty much cancel all the weight of her leaving the show and all the sadness of that moment when she loses her memory.
I agree. I would add one, which they already did and failed at IMHO. I was excited to see the 8th Doctor and the War Doctor, but was _sooooo_ disappointed in what we *actually saw* of the *Time War.* The descriptions that Ten gave us had been so completely fantastically alien and otherworldly. . .clearly meant solely for our imaginations: *_"You weren't there, in the final days of the War. You never saw what was born. But if the Time Lock's broken, then everything's coming through. Not just the Daleks, but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, the Could-Have-Been-King with his army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres; the War turned into Hell!"_*
Never fully explain Rassilon. We were kinda close to this with The End of Time and Hell Bent, but luckily Rassilon didn't do much other than be intimidating. Well, not that much in Hell Bent. They can explain some things. I would be fine with knowing what that gauntlet is, or how many times he regenerated. They could even show him again if they wanted. But I don't want to know why he's so powerful. How he essentially created the Time Lords. If they were to explain that, he would stop being this mysterious God figure. He would essentially just be an OP Doctor. A few more things: Never reveal the Doctor to be a reincarnation of the Other. You can maybe hint at the Doctor having a past life, but don't confirm anything. Never cast someone as a younger first Doctor or war Doctor. Respect Hartnell and Hurt. Never have the Doctor regenerate into something other than a humanoid. We know it's possible because Romana "tried" on a short blue body, but I don't want three years of lizard person Doctor.
*In Peter Capaldi's voice* Always be fun. You can be intense and even scary but always be fun. Be mysterious. Throw us hints and clues but never full answers. Run fast! Be silly! Smile and laugh and don't take yourself too seriously. Give the fans what they need even if it's not what they necessarily want. Be adventurous. Never be afraid to play with your own format. Be scary, be mysterious, be intense, but always be fun!
Never fix the chameleon circuit.
Dave Herres the Sixth doctor did it
I wouldn't mind one episode where its fixed, but then gets broken again
He already has, but it still didn't work properly.
I think the Fourth tried as well. It changed into a few different things, then went back to police box.
I don't remember that.
Never explain what was outside the bus in 'Midnight'
I really hope they can resist that urge... what a great episode.
are you mad? I wish they would! it literally has kept me up some nights trying to find hints!
just so long as they make it a GOOD reveal
no... they will only make it a generic CGI "grrrr arggh!" monster... it will be lame.
Just like the weeping angels "moving" in their second episode. The episode itself was fine... but that part was a let down. I always thought that outside of their stone form or "unobserved" they would look different. Turns out they still look the exact same way. Also the whole thing worked on a meta level. Not only the character could never see them move... the audience also couldnt.
Showing things or explaining stuff to death is a modern trend that seriously grates me.
Its like the Nolan Batman movies.... good movies yes... but characters cant go 5 minutes without heavy handed exposition about philosophy and the "meaning" of whats going on etc.
Thats stuff for the audience to talk about after the movie... not the characters during the movie.
Daelyas not if they do it right..
obviously if they did bring it back, they would prolly F it up, but if done the right way, they could maintain the menace and mystery while also explaining away some of the secrets that keep me up at night..
mainly "is it a species, or a one off anomaly"
"was it actually a creature, or just some sort of powerful psychic experience they were all having? and if so. why? was it just the planet?"
"was it related to any other Who enemies we've seen before? and if so, which one?"
if they just answered these few things, without ever showing the beast, I'd be happy
I have no confidence in them pulling off such subtlety. New Who (while I do like it a lot) does have the tendency to beat the viewer over the head with the "message".
Then again thats modern television/movies for you. Subtlety is a lost art it seems :(
My main one would be Never completely end the show.
By which I mean - cancel it again if you must, But leave it narratively open to be picked up again from that after a 10 year rest. No rebooting from the start.
I hate to think that at some point a new season of 'Who' won't be commissioned. I liked how 'Survival' ended, leaving things open, rebooting is inevitable. I cannot express the joy I felt when I heard it was coming back in 2005. But, certainly they should never erase the previous Doctors.
Robin Hislop - I don’t think reboots are inevitable (a reboot discards all previous continuity) if they can relaunch the series after 16/9 years (depending if your counting from TV movie or not) once they can do it again after another rest.
I think 13 should regenerate at the end of season 13 and then be left on a hiatus for a while to be picked up later
@@MrRjhyt Survival was never meant to be an end, every one was booked to return for next year. (the ending voice over was added in post)
Never reveal the Doctor's name.
That would suck that would be awsome
nightowl Does their college nickname count as a reveal
I think if they ended the show forever they should reveal it.
Promane55 eh?
I just assumed that was a given.
NEVER change the theme song from the base structure.
YES. A perfect never. That theme song is part of Doctor Who.
I hated Matt Smith era theme tune due to the fact they added the notes that ascend. I am glad it reverted in Peter Capaldi era.
Does anyone like the Smith opening?
The Lego Communist yep, it still had the middle 8 so that makes it good
WAIT! I just had an idea. How to make the "ginger" joke work:
1) Doctor regenerates. Becomes ginger. No comment is made of it.
2) There's a multiple-Doctor story with David Tennant...
Tennant: Hey! Ginger!
Ginger Doctor: What?
Tennant: Your - my - our hair! It's ginger!
Ginger Doctor: Yeah, so?
Tennant: But we always wanted to be ginger!
Ginger Doctor (puzzled): We did?
Tennant: (gasps and sputters incoherently for several minutes) ... Never mind.
Small Pox what if he regenerates into Mat Smith as a ginger and says look I'm a ginger gingers are cool and then River shoots him and he regenerates again.
Somthing like that would be greate!
Matt Smith and Jodie Whittaker could also be there and Matt could exclaim "I'm a girl!" for real this time
That would be so funny lol
It wouldn't be good if the ginger doctor didn't care about being ginger but it would be funny if he didn't notice and the past doctor had to tell him
Personally I think the show should never entirely roboot it's continuity. I love that Doctor Who has so much history to it so you can watch an episode from the 60s and know that the show as it is now leads directly off of it.
Granted I don't like it when the show gets so caught up in it's own continuity but there should never ever be a Doctor Who reboot. It's just unessisary as the way the show is set up with regeneration, you never have to reboot.
Tom Stych I agree! A reboot basically says that the last 50+ doesn’t count for anything
Doctor Who's continuity is such a mess anyway so no need to reboot it. I personally rationalise that the Doctor has screwed around with time so much he can't keep straight what exactly happened in the past and what didn't. Unreliable narrator in a way.
baybarsedturner2 it’s like the show is on “auto-reboot” all the time anyway 😂
I agree. Doctor Who just keeps on renewing itself all the time. Each Doctor, no, each season, is noticeably different from the previous one.
Due to the nature of the show, there’s no real point to a reboot. It’s just a continuing string of soft reboots.
Doctor Who should NEVER EVER reveals the doctor's name.
There is no reason that learning his real name is something like 'Guliman', or whatever Time Lord name they can come up with could actually have an impact on the plot by knowing it, it also feels weird, do we call him Guliman now? The show is called Doctor Who, not Doctor Guliman. Whovians will ask this for the rest of the show because we don't want an answer (because we're weird)
The Doctor is Roboute Guilliman confirmed.
Matt Ward is the new showrunner! He does love blue...
In 'The Armageddon Factor' I believe it's revealed he was known as Theta Sigma on Gallifrey because his real name was long and unpronounceable.
I would add to that, don't play up how important his name supposedly is. Like in Matt Smith's era everyone screaming out Doctor Who? every second episode. All that most important question crap. He has a name, he doesn't want to tell anyone, move on with your life.
His name is Basil.
You: The Doctor should NEVER regenerate into a previous incarnation!
4 years later...
The Doctor: I know these teeth.
As for "young Doctor" prequels--a fan proposed an idea that I thought was intriguing. (I think he's trying to do a Kickstarter for it.) It would be a series about two young Time Lords who we know are supposed to grow up into the Doctor and the Master...*but we never find out which one is which until the very end.*
Now THAT could be interesting
@@XYVARIA That sounds like the American TV show Jack and Bobby where two brothers grow up and one will become president but they never tell us which.
If they did that... Never reveal which is which.
Ah you guys were from a simpler time
What about a glitch episode?
Doctor gets hit with a weird energy and spends the episode glitching between previous incarnations.
Eventualy fixing the problem in the end.
Eh.... MAYBE if that's how they opted to do a multi-Doctor story for like a Christmas special.
Council of Geeks More or less yeah.
They'd probably have to do that with one hell of a CGI budget, finding actors that look like the previous incarnations would be really hard.
@@wilfordbrimleyful they only have David Bradley as Hartnell, idk who for Troughton, maybe Sean Pertwee as the Third Doctor
What if that was the 100 year special
Like the energy turns him back to William hartnell and he spends the episode going from troughton to pertwee to baker to Davidson to Baker2 to mccoy to mcgann to hurt to eccleston to Tennant to smith to capaldi to Whittaker until he or she gets to her present incarnation
I agree with the first point completely. A child Doctor spin off would be the worst. That last point is also spot on.
They seriously considered doing this, but fortunately it evolved into The Sarah Jane Adventures instead.
Yes, Russel T Davies pointed out that it would be a bad idea for the exact reasons Nathaniel pointed out, and so convinced them to instead create SJA.
Would the target audience have been kids in that case, too? Because that could've went south really fast.
ummmmm theres already a spin off its one of the point i honestly think he needed to reserch
Valpas Kankaristo Doctor Who’s primary audience (despite the fandom you see on the internet) is kids anyway. That’s why so many episodes have stupid plot lines because they’re catering for a younger target audience. I believe the secondary audience is more adult and adult fans of the show and from that we get the more interesting episodes like Heaven Sent which don’t appeal to kids as much.
I have a different theory on the curator:
As proven in the show, the Doctor has taken the face of existing people, look at the abbott of amboise (also played by William Hartnell), Salamander (Patrick Troughton), Maxil (Colin Baker) and Caecilius (Peter Capaldi). So, what if the curator was the human that looked like the Fourth Doctor and was somehow aware of the fact that he had an alien doppelganger and that's what Tom Baker was playing in that scene.
Probably a silly theory, but at least it keeps your number 1 safe from not happening.
Interesting, as Capaldi's doctor told himself he took that face to remind him of lessons from that person. If that is the case I wonder if we might see some future doctors who do that too. Even some minor characters have done the same, for example Nicholas Courtney (sp?) playing a character before the brigadier.
That is excellent.
Why would a museum curator be that important? I'd be fine with the idea if there was a logical reason
I'm only saying this so that fans don't get their hopes up that the Doctor can regenerate in an existing face in the future.
In regards to the running gag of The Doctor wanting to be ginger, I kind of feel like the perfect way to wrap that up is for one of the companions to say "If you want to be ginger so bad, why not just dye your hair?", then a few episodes later casually just have an episode start with The Doctor having dyed her hair and it's never brought up.
Deathlygunn the thing is it's not really a running gag. It's the fans that have turned it into a big thing, but in the show it is only a couple of brief comments. Nothing more. For the show to make casting or story decisions based on this would be stupid fan service.
There is a canon story somewhere out there that a ginger regeneration of the Doctor is the mythical wizard Merlin, so yeah that would be dope
or his* cause it could happen during a male regeneration
It would be even funnier if he realizes he hates it, but then still continues to want it naturally because he thinks it will be better
If a non natural ginger doctor dyed their hair ginger, whenever they mini regenerated for healing the hair would turn back to the natural colour
One thing doctor who should never do is give Jodie a love interest companion.
I grew to hate all the companions falling in love with the doctor. And I begged for more male companions to avoid this. But now that we have a female doctor. I don’t now want to see male companions popping up and fawning over her. I want this to end. The doctor is an alien. And married. Please stop this. It’s an instant turn off when the companion starts thinking of the doctor as their SO. I hated rose for it. I disliked Martha because of it. I loved Donna because she actively fought against that trope. I turned on Amy when she tried to cheat on Rory with the doctor I loathed Clara for the bitch fit she threw when her young pretty 11 dared regenerate into a grumpy old man. I threw a party when bill was a lesbian because it was done.
New doctor new gender let’s not have thirsty companions trying to get their sonic screwdriver into her time vortex.
Javo agree
"trying to get their sonic screwdriver into her time vortex."
Thank you for this description, it made me laugh.
i am hiting like on that coment purely for the sonic screwdriver and time vortex pun,
BaconArmy281 don't hit it
Reason:It will hurt you
I didn't need the detals.....
Thats your one every comment!
Mine are essentially all that you said plus:
1. Never reveal the Doctor’s real name.
2. Never fix the Chameleon Circuit (again.)
3. Never recast a past companion actor/actress as the Doctor.
4. Never make the Master good (fully.)
5. Never make a canon mutual (romantic) relationship between the Doctor and a companion. (Aside from River?)
The World of Movies Honestly, I don’t consider that appearance as him being a companion....It just never came off as that to me. In any case, when I said companion I was referring to the ones that either traveled with him actively or were essential characters.
I don't know anyone who dislikes the Tenth-Rose relationship. And what's a "Shipper"?
The Lego Communist a Shipper is someone who ships (or likes) a certain pairing.
Why does that have it's own word?
@The World of Movies how is that a plot hole, they explained it already in the girl who died
(The Doctor looks in a mirror and holds fringe in front of him/her)
The Doctor: I... I...I'm Ginger!
(Fast Crescendo in the score)
The Doctor (whiney): I don't like it.
Never cast a non brit as the Doctor. I never want to hear a Doctor with an American accent.
Accents are irrelevant. Some of the doctors have strong regional accents they have lost while in the role. In RL too ... I have confused UK people by having various British accents even though I have never been there (I watched a LOT of PBS as a kid).
In the future lots of planets have American colonies.
I know that was a stretch.
But he's THE Doctor😂
I kinda want Eddie Murphy as the Doctor and I really want Amanda Tapping as the next Doctor.
what if they can do a great British accent?
If this list was "in order," as in, listed in reverse priority order, than that means the Doctor _not_ being ginger is more important than Gallifrey keeping its mysticism?
I never thought of any of the Doctor's regenerations coming back in canon. Man, that would be terrible. -Matt
Those Guys Play Matt? As in Matt Smith? Well, it’s good to know he’s against it.
There were a bunch of asshole Tennant fans demanding that Eleven have a "reverse regeneration" at the end of his run.
What about the Master regenerating to look like a former Doctor? I've heard the idea tossed around a couple times and never had a firm opinion one way or the other
Life Upgrade While that sounds cool, I think it should be the Rani. It’s a different time lord we’ve never seen in New who rather than the master who shows up every other season
Life Upgrade so the doctor should only ever be a woman from now on? because if Jodie does regenerate into a tall old man, it would still just be the doctor, she's gotta regenerate sometime
Now that the Doctor's female... NEVER suggest that any part of the Doctor's personality comes about as a direct result of being female.
Jodie Whittaker's Doctor will have a different personality that Peter Capaldi's, of course, just as his has a different personality than Matt Smith's, etc. That's a normal part of regeneration. But PLEASE don't even have the Doctor say, "Now that I'm female, I'm much more ________." NO. Big mistake.
There will always be people who will make assumptions. If the 13th Doctor enjoys cooking, for example, people will say, "Oh, the writers of the show are suggesting that women are better cooks than men." Well, people will say things like that. There's nothing you can do about that. But what I DON'T want to happen is for the SHOW ITSELF to make such a statement. PLEASE don't suggest that any aspect of the Doctor's personality is dictated by his/her gender.
Small Pox Cannot agree more!
Gender stereotypes are very useless and get on my nerves quickly... I cringed when the General Timelady talked about men's supposed "big ego".
I hope they let Jodie be a person and more importantly the Doctor instead of being "female" first.
Chibnall is pretty sensible in this regard unlike Moffat so I'm sure she won't be like that.
Actually, having a Jodie Whittaker Doctor enjoy cooking would be a VERY good idea, if done correctly. Have her casually mention, in an episode in which one or more earlier Doctors (David Tennant, Matt Smith, et al) ALSO appear, that she enjoys cooking. And "David Tennant" (or whomever) mentions that he ALSO liked cooking, but could never get a certain recipe come out right (perhaps a soufflé, in a nod to Clara), and then have them chat about cooking before someone else present (probably a companion) bring them back to the subject at hand.
The Doctor is arguably cold and evil and should definitely not be seen as a caring character when they have commit genocide and been merciless on multiple occasions.
Glad to see you have such a complete understanding of exactly episodes of this show.
12:21 "Jodie regenerates into Matt Smith" oh how close you were to predicting the possible future LMAO
They shouldn't have any episodes about real recent historical tragedies. I'm not saying it would be impossible to do tastefully, but the risk just wouldn't be worth it
Isabel Rentoul imagine how bad an episode based on 9/11 would be If it was actually daleks that caused it
i could seriously imagine them doing an episode where its revealed the NRA are Slitheen or something stupid like that
@ClownPrince 96 9/11 was the doctor losing control of the TARDIS mid regen
On the Gallifrey spin off. It's already been done in Big Finish to a surprisingly good extent. The spin off stems directly from the main range stories: The Apocalypse Element, Neverland and Zagreus. Thing is with the spin off and the stories like neverland: they use what they reveal about Galifreyan society to add mystery and a sense that we are only seeing the surface of timelord society and there are many hidden layers underneath. The BBC wouldn't have nearly as much skill as Big Finish when making a Gallifrey spin off.
The thing is audio stories have the advantage of the listener's imagination providing the graphics. Its the same way that a radio breakfast show wouldn't feel the same if it was filmed in a TV studio. It is the opposite but similar reason to why silent movie stars failed when sound came in. The lead actors rarely (if ever) sounded like people imagined they did.
This. Big FInish can create Gallifrey without demystifying it precisely because so much is left to the imagination
yeah i dont think he did reserch
I've been pretty pleased with Big Finish's depictions. Barns and farmers is somewhat dull in comparison. The citadel looks nice - but not even that advanced.
Never make more episodes with River. I know it sounds weird, I like River very much, but her timeline is perfect as it is. The only way I would except another appearance of her is in that data-ghost form in the Name of the Doctor and she would be there like a ghostly aid-ind of character, but leaving her alone is the best choice in my opinion.And never make a spinoff series out of her, we know far enough about her, and pleeeease never ever make Riverx13 (or other future female Doctor) ship canon in the show, leave that to the fanfic writers.
The show should never stick with one doctor for more than 3 series at this point.
Eccelson got series 1, Tennant got 2,3,4 Smith got 5,6,7 Capaldi got 8,9,10 and Whittaker should have 11,12,13.
Then the 14th doctor should be cast for series 14.
Yes the entire reason I want this is so the 14th doctor can be in series 14 and the 13th can be done with the 13th series.
Same lol
Though, I doubt Whittaker will stay any longer than that.
Oh wow, I didn't actually notice that XD that would be... interesting, though a part of me wants Whittaker to stay longer at least by one series so the 3-series cycle can end as it's getting a bit too predictable.
that last thing is indeed nice but its so predictable I want them to break the pattern of always 3 series and then the next doctor
I agree and yeah, the novelty of the numbering would be cool. I would just like to throw out there that it's extremely likely that is how it will happen.
In an interview in the 80's, Patrick Troughton recommended to Peter Davison to limit his time in the TARDIS to 3 years because character actors risk getting typecast beyond that. Proof of it was Tom Baker's experience. After 7 years as the Doctor, he complained in another interview that it ruined his career. He couldn't do television for quite some time after because all people thought when they saw him was "The Doctor." He had a great deal of difficulty pulling off other characters and committed himself to theatre acting until it all blew over. Since Tom's run, no one has stood in the Doctor's shoes for longer than 3 series.
I’m of the firm opinion that the reason the TARDIS “kicked” the Doctor out was because it KNEW the whole control room was going to blow up and that this could kill the Doctor - and the TARDIS doesn’t want that.
I think it will literally rematerialise below the falling Doctor, and let the Doctor fall into the swimming pool or a room full of pillows, or a friggin bouncy castle-room. Saved and unharmed.
HOWEVER: That somehow implies that Jodie Whittaker's Doctor is more fragile than the Doctor played by either David Tennant or Matt Smith, both of whom fell from great heights (orbit, or very nearly in orbit) and survived, uninjured, making a crater in Matt Smith's case.
David Briggs - hmm, point taken! Did not think about that!
However, still saying that the TARDIS “kicked them out” because it doesn’t approve of the gender change is BS. It’s about not wanting the Doctor to blow up.
And the TARDIS often locks the Doctor out after regeneration, to repair itself. We don’t know how long that takes, but hey, time machine. It can just come back whenever. :)
For Tennant to Smith it was simply a fire with a couple sparks here and there, nearly as dangerous but nothing was too in his face and lethal as long as he didn't jump straight into it.
Smith to Capaldi didn't actually do any damage, he just forgot how to fly it for a second while fling through space and time, and that ended with them caught "safely" in a dinosaur's mouth.
But then with Capaldi to Whittaker, the entire TARDIS is exploding and tipping from side to side, pressing one button made it literally blow up in her face, this is definitely the most dangerous post-regeneration condition the TARDIS had been in. The Doctor didn't stand a chance.
I agree with all of these points, except for the Ginger point. That running gag isn't really a fundamental thing in the show, what colour the doctors hair is, is irrelevant as long as the actor and writing is good
I have to disagree on the ginger doctor.... I would love to see a ginger doctor. I think the world deserves a ginger doctor but I agree with you on everything else tho.
The only time I would accept the Doctor regenerating into a previous incarnation would be in a special/multi-doctor story, where the proper conflict is that the Doctor is for some reason regenerating backward and that by the end of the special it is solved/fixed and the current Doctor is restored.
I agree with this list, but I'd add never revealing the Doctor's real name.
Even though one could argue that the only name that matters is the Doctor because thats what the Doctor identifies as, a huge part of the character's mystique would be lost if we know what his real/original name is.
9:56 Lmao I always think about this video when I remember Tennant is returning as the 14th Doctor
Agree they should never have the doctor regenerate into a past doctor it’s a cop out but I would absolutely LOVE another multi doctor story preferably with Paul mcgann
totally agree with the returning actors point. personally i saw tom baker's cameo in the day of the doctor as him being the very last doctor, retired and waiting to help 11 in finding gallifrey before finally dying.
I saw tom baker as a Matrix representative - where the matrix is where all timelords go when they die so the combined knowledge can be used for the good of gallifrey, these guys liturally control time i dont see why timelords uploaded in the future cant be accessed or sent back in time, if help was needed maybe they brought tom out to give advice on what the war doctor was up to or how to get back to the proper universe, or maybe it gets updated every regeneration regeneration.... point is tom may not have been THE Doctor just a Doctor like a clone with his memoies sent to inspire the doctor to look for gallifrey
perhaps but that seems a little to convoluted for what's a quite simple, poetic scenes. either way it was a nice nod to classic who, regardless of intent.
I like the idea that Baker was just the face the Doctor took after meeting the curator. Similar to how 6 and 12 took their faces from other people. The curator is the original.
The ginger thing was only ever a 10th/11th Doctor thing. If an actor/actress they want to be the Doctor is ginger, the Doctor should be ginger. It's not a thing that matters, and it shouldn't. They shouldn't even reference the 10th/11th Doctor wanting to be ginger.
Although it would be amusing if a future doctor was a ginger actor/actress ..... but they died their hair something else before starting the role. I can just imagine the internet comments.
Agreed... It's the fans that have turned the "being ginger" storyline into this whole big thing. It's not though. It's only mentioned briefly on the show and while some fans found it funny, it's not the hugely important thing it is discussed as...
yeah I'm so sick of the fanbase trying to turn the whole "still not ginger" thing into a meme... it was said once as a joke, and again as a follow up to that joke. Hes never said it again. Its nothing. Stop trying to make it a thing fanbase
Skullcrusher430 - yeah, I kinda agree.
LiveHedgehog Capaldi was ginger!
next up is three things doctor who needs to start doing
multi-part serials again
Adventures in the past without aliens again
Occasionally having entire series or sometimes more than one series being one seamless story (I don't mean 'bad wolf' arcs or that shit, I mean, like, The Key to Time, The Trial of a Time Lord, or even how every story from 'An Unearthly Child' to 'The Chase' was one seamless adventure to get back to Earth.
More companions that aren’t contemporary humans.
MyNameIsCody change the tardis back to how it used to look
Make The Doctor less of a superhero for the entire universe
There's word that the BBC actually has lifted the restriction that every episode needs some alien action (apparently Vincent and the Doctor was going to be just hanging out with Van Gogh for a few days until the execs made them put in a monster).
9:59 this aged well 😂
Never, even in a state of madness, allow the doctor to become cruel, just because s/he can.
Cruel elements can work, we've had incarnations in the past be rude (See Colin Baker, though in reality it wasn't the best choice for his incarnation), or manipulative (See Sylvester McCoy), it would only really become problematic if the Doctor became totally villainous, excluding a parallel universe Doctor (something Big Finish have done a few times) or if some other circumstances lead to the Doctor acting that way for a reason not of their own doing.
@@ErinTheFennec Big finish did a possessed doctor at least once, and was THAT entertaining!
Never bring back the American Diner TARDIS.
SO agreed!!!
The last one dated well.
Never give the doctor an extended backstory that destroys the mystery of the character and makes the story feel more redundant...
Wait a minute
Maybe the show could do a guest spot for the cast of the Sarah Jane Adventures- not have them be companions, just have the Doctor meet them and maybe an one episode adventure with them. But not have them be the new companions. Also, have the companions limited to 1 or 2 people.
The show started with 3 companions back in 1963: Susan, Barbara, and Ian. With the modern Doctor there were times with Rory, Amy, and River.
@@davidcheater4239 yes and there was also Tegan Nyssa and Adric, then torlough with 5th, and that got messy!
The show should, also, never have The Doctor regenerate into a companion. This also plays into the whole dwelling on the past and not focusing on the future thing.
If the best actor in auditions was ginger then so be it.... their hair colour is irrelevant it’s about acting ability
Also I’m fine with a previous actor returning to the role as long as they play the doctor differently... they’re just faces the personality should always be different... and it wasn’t hinted at, it was stated as a fact by Tom bakers curator that the doctor would revisit some old faces (but just a few old favourites)
Can you imagine the geek wars if the same person played the role again but everything was the complete opposite of what they did before? :) Nobody would want it done again.
Kara Harkins it wouldn’t matter as long as we got a new doctor, the old face could be a plot point like Capaldi’s was... the doctor subconsciously gets an old face to remind him of something important
The Gallifrey spinoff thing works on audio (as far as I know, I have yet to listen to that audio range but have heard good things about it) but I doubt that it could successfully maintain the mystery on TV.
Hey is anyone here in 2023 laughing hysterically at number 1
Yep 😭😂
Here's an odd one: Never ever being back Donna Noble. She had an amazing run and an amazing heart breaking ending. Bringing her back would be a mistake.
You must be worried about her returning in 2023…
Aged wonderfully
I might be interested at some point to the Doctor trapped on a completely alien planet. Like, imagine if the show got stuck on Vortis or something like that.
Patrick Mcgann I actually would like to see that. An alien planet the Doctor often returns to, saves from mass destruction, has companions that are almost exclusively from there and constantly talks about how special the dominate race are. Make it some bizzare parallel to Earth and humans.
I wouldn't want the doctor to regenerate into a face he's already has but I'd be fine with a temporary degeneration like how the 10th doctor became the 9th doctor for a single story after being temporarily de-aged in the comics
Never reveal the doctor's name - there's two ways it can go.
It can either go something like 'my name is Jim'. A boring earthbound name, no use.
or, 'My name is Kostarlek'. An alien sounding nonsense name which doesn't mean anything or give us extra details. I like the theory that the doctor's name is basically incomprehensible to humans, and that it betrays every detail of their timeline which is why it's so closely guarded
Listening to number one in november 2022 was HILARIOUS
I was always confused by the ginger thing when I was a kid because I was certain that the 6th doctor was ginger, I think I was blind when I was a kid 😂
The colors on your TV probably wasn't adjusted properly.
No, the Sixth Doctor was very much blond.
I would like to see at some point Doctor falls from the mountain and when he hit a rock he regenraties to David Tennant and he says "oh its me again" but then he immidetly hit another rock and change to a new actor XD
Except that couldn't happen. 'The Christmas Invasion' showcases that all injuries suffered by newly regenerated Time Lords within fifteen hours of the regeneration are healed. In other words, the Doctor can't regenerate twice during that small a time.
Valpas Kankaristo It's a really tall mountain.
And ten be like, _"I don't wanna go..."_ he could do so much more all over again.
Who was voiced by an angry UA-cam personality ranting about The Doctor being female now.
Instead of making the doctor earthbound for a series I wouldn't mind seeing the opposite where for whatever reason they can't get back to 21st century earth and all of the episodes are either period pieces or off on other worlds and the storyline for the whole series is "How to get the companions home"
the was the 1st doctors era, except to begin with, the travelling was not exactly voluntary!
Have you read Lungbarrow? It does a pretty good job of explaining some of Gallifreyan culture but keeping it very alien. Honestly, it raises more questions than it answers, but it gives an excellent insight into the culture of the world.
I would have loved Lungbarrow to be "canon"... but that ship has sailed thanks to Moffat making the time lords way to human. Though in fairness it did not start with him.
No, Russell T. Davies made the time lords too human by giving the Doctor a mother. Moffat really didn't do anything with time lords.
the mother thing was "implied" but never actually "said" so as a viewer you can ignore it. (As I do for instance ;) ) But I agree... New Who messed up loads.
-Time Lords are now a species apparently not a rank. oO
-They have kids and get married
-They have barns :D ... jesus... that barn... over and over again its shown as if its some super mystical important building. And all I can think about every time it appears is:
"Its! A! Barn!"
The Doctor having a mother was established in the VNAs, but yeah, it's still kinda stupid. I personally subscribe to the theory that they used the Lungbarrow Loom to facilitate the human/time lord birth (with the mother being female), but it's still a stupid idea. As far as I know, it was made to try and explain away the "half human" shit from the movie, which was people not understanding the source material and running with it.
And Moffat did do shit with the Time Lords. We got the Barn in the 50th and Listen, and the orphan-things in Hell Bent. Hell Bent also fucked over the general society, completely changing the dynamic of how it actually works.
Okay, if the Lungbarrow novel was taken as canon, and I wish it was, then the Doctor could not in any way be half-human, since all the loom does is create a new gallifreyan from the genetic material stored within it, in this case replicating the genetic material of The Other, who jumped inside the loom to escape Rassilon. We know this is the case as he is described as looking exactly like William Hartnell's doctor, to the extent that The Other's granddaughter Susan recognises him as such, when he meets her with his first ever trip in his newly purloined TARDIS. The only way I can sit with what the film tries to state, is that because he had taken so much damage from the shots, and subsequent operation his body needed extra genetic material to suceed with the regeneration, and used some of the genetic material of the bodies next to him, which of course would be human. He may have also inherited certain memories from whichever person was absorbed. But, as to the actual point, indeed showing more of the Gallifreyans and Gallifrey, never seems to end well.
The Timeless Child - NEVER, just never...
When you were talking about the endlessness of DW, I did start humming The Doctor Forever... Am I too into this show?
I would like a nod to Broadchurch. I would like a simple run in, where David Tennant sees the Doctor and goes "Beth!, it's been awhile" and after he leaves Yas goes "Who was that guy?" and the Doctor says "I don't know but it feels like I've been that man"
I think they should never tell us the doctors real name, and if they do, it should be the very last episode ever. Telling the doctors name would humaninze the doctor and demystify it. The doctor would start to feel so human and normal, which the doctor isn't and should never be. But also I don't want them to use the doctor's name as a clickbait thing like they did with Matt Smith . Omg you know my name. River I am going tell you my name. All that shit. Leave it. I just want the doctor to remain some sort of mystery, I want the doctor to stay alien.
The only people who benefited from the Name of the Doctor tease were the bookies who were offering odds on what his name actually was. Pity anyone who was stupid enough to put any money down.
I don’t think they should even do it in Doctor Who’s final episode. It should remain a mystery forever.
I agree, but we shouldn’t refer to them as it
I firmly believe in the Doctor's name being the Gallifreyan equivalent of "Steve". And I believe just as firmly that I never need to find out what the Gallifreyan equivalent of "Steve" is.
Simeya - I didn't mind River knowing his name, like some Gallifrey thing where they only tell their closest loved ones their name. I did deeply dislike how important they made his name, all that "most important and first question that must never be answered: Doctor Who?" bull shit. It's a private thing and leave it at that.
"HAIR! I've got new hair! ...I don't like the colour."
id like to see jenny come back and see her reaction to her dad now being her mom lol
The Sarah Jane adventures was originally pitched as a prequel to doctor who following a younger doctor on galifrey.
RTD rejected this idea though as he believed it would ruin the mystery of the character.
*citation needed.
Council of Geeks
There’s an interview with RTD somewhere but I can’t find that as easily.
Ok, you've covered what they should never do pretty thoroughly now here is what the should do:
1. Give the 8th Doctor his own web series!
2. Stop teasing us with Susan and have her finally show up again!
3. Have the Doctor talk about her family and children. She doesn't have to go into too much detail.
4. Bring back the Master!
5. Yeah, stay away from Gallifrey!
6. Animated episode!
Apart from the animated episode, I agree.
Doctor Who should always embrace it's weirdness.
What about the Shalka Doctor?
Oh no, I don‘t want to know anything about the doctor‘s family, it would completely demystify them, also Susan coming back could be a massive disappointment, so I don‘t think I wanna see that either ... I‘m totally here for the eigth doctor web series though :)
I disagree. Don't bring back the Master. At least not for a while. Have no Master or Missy for Whittaker's entire run and maybe longer. Then, when the Master comes back, it's fresh.
As someone who LOVES Gallifrey stories, I couldn't disagree with you more on that point. I appreciate that the rather humdrum presentation puts you off, but that's clearly by design. Its a deliberate subversion of audience expectations that the Time Lords are these great and powerful beings, instead showing you that they're just people who happen to have drastically more advanced technology then most other species and often times have the hubris to believe their own hype. Deadly Assassin would easily be in my top 10 of classic Who stories if I ever got around to actually compiling such a list, maybe even top 5.
Also, I may be biased on this but I say bring on a ginger Doctor!
John Fielding well said!
Thank you for that!
Theres already a gallifrey audio drama spinoff that's really good you should check it out, it's a political thriller
they should never I meen never give the doctor super powers it would ruin his/her character the DOC is ment to me a gadget person (even if they have turned the sonic screw driver into all their gadgets) the doctor is batman and many of his enemy's have power or powers so when the doctor beats them (usually without weapons) its more fantastical
zeonthefox he already has super powers . Regeneration, quick healing powers and a super brain .
4. There is actually a Gallifrey spinoff by Big Finish about Romana's time as president (with Leela as one of her confidants) and it's actually one of their most popular series. But I know what you mean when you say you don't want to see it. Personally, I have very little interest, but a friend of mine lent me some stuff I'll listen to.
3. ... Ok, so I'm fine with a female Doctor and all, but when people complain about that I sorta get where they're coming from, but I feel like you're making a bigger deal out of the ginger thing than the gender swap thing. Besides, the ginger thing has only ever been brought up twice in the show. It's not even that big of a running joke.
2. I agree. They did it with the Third Doctor, they don't need to do it again. Though I don't mind stories set in the modern day.
1. If you want an actor to reprise their role as The Doctor, then either go back and rewatch their episodes, wait until they come back in a multi-Doctor episode, go buy some extended universe stuff with that Doctor, or just get over it and get used to the new guy.
Russell Tietjen the third doctor was Jon pertwee.
A regeneration before William Hartnell? Don’t be ridiculous
My four:
1/ Meeting an alternate history Doctor or having a series from the POV of an alternate history.
2/ Similar to point one about showing a prequel Doctor - don't have a child regeneration.
3/ Switching from science fiction to fantasy.
4/ Have a canon crossover with another science fiction show ie. Star Trek or Star Wars.
Worse (in my opinion) was David Tennant regenerating into David Tennant. That's even more firmly "canon" than Tom Baker being a future Doctor. The latter is only a theory, but the former happened on screen, and was then explained as being a genuine regeneration on screen.
But since it was back to back, nothing changed. It wasn't the show stagnating. When it happened, it wasn't even billed as a full regeneration, Moffat later interpreted it like that so he could deal with the 12 regeneration ceiling.
The Curator is the doctor. It's not a theory. It has been expressed in comics and by moffat that he is the doctor in the future.
The script never states that this character is the Doctor.
An early draft of the script had this as the Moment played by Piper. Moffat thought this could be the moment interacting with the Doctor using the 4th Doctors appearance. He prefers to interpret him as a distant future Doctor, but the key word is "interpret". Much like RTD likes to think that the woman who covered her eyes was the Doctors mum, he was happy for people to believe it's his daughter or Romana. These were left open to interpretation deliberately. You (and for that matter I) may be on the same wavelength as Moffat here, but for now, it's still open to interpretation. That's probably why the BBC have said the curator cannot be used in Big Finish's modern (or classic) series dramas.
Paul Walker in the comic The Then and the Now, he is confirmed as a future doctor.
Paul Walker also, in Lord and Masters, a story in the book The Missy Chronicles, it confirms Romana is not the woman in the end of time.
This might sound weird, but never make the Doctor LOOK like an alien. I think the makeup would get jarring after a while.
It's fun watching this video five years after the fact...!
I think the Doctor should never be played by an American
What about an American companion?
Nulono I think that would actually be fun and at least something different. I wouldn't want all of the stories on earth to be centered around America though.
Have you watched any episodes with Peri? She was American.
What about a Mexican
Mario Gonzalez I think that would be awesome! I would love it if the Doctor had some companions of different nationalities.
I agree with all of these: especially the last one. Which, after i spent years thinking "Paul McGann could come back and be given a decent shot!", might be odd - but after 20 years i have to be happy with the audios and acknowledge that the show needs to keep forging ahead and not folding back on itself like an Ouroboros eating its own ass.
Also, every time someone suggests a "Young Doctor Who Adventures" type show (which always ends up sounding like Gallifreyan Hogwarts), somewhere a tafelshrew dies.
As much as I like John Hurt, I've always thought it was weird that they didn't just use Paul McGann. It would explain why the new series never mentions him.
@@SonofSethoitae Fuck, Paul McGann as the War Doctor would've been amazing, but his character always came across as too nice, even by the non-war Doctors' standards. I suppose that the Time War could have changed him, maybe.
Paul McGann has some awesome stories in the Big Finish audio adventures.
Hmm...yes, the Doctor *could* regenerate into David Tennant again...
I'm trying to think of something that Doctor Who should never do that hasn't been done already suggest there was an incarnation before William Hartnell's Doctor...I wish that I could say that... If I saw this video when it was first made, I could have said that.
I think the show should absolutely never ever actually reveal the Doctor's real name or give us more of his back story then we need. I say that for the same reasons you don't want more Galifrey, it would demystify the Doctor and take away a lot of his power if we knew his name. Plus any name he is given couldn't live up to the mystery.
Especially if it's something daft like Doctortrovetralundar.
@@TheSmart-CasualGamer it likely is quite a long name, as many Gallifreyan names are, Romanadvoratrelundar isn't even close to the most ridiculous one.
You've got names like Gandarotethetledrax, or my personal favourite Leelandredloomsagwinaechegesima, which is Leela's name after marrying Andred.
Personally, I believe that their titles ARE there names. But these are great fun to make. I'd love to hear Rassilon's. Or rather Rassilonavenbarantshrandrax.
Crossovers. While this occasionally works in the comics, and there have ben unofficial (thinly disguised) crossover characters in big finish and the various novels, having an episode where a character from another show (not part of the whoniverse) appear would be disastrous as it would require either suspending disbelief that both existed in the same cannon, or that dr who is part of a multiverse, which would inevitably dominate future plotting over time and space travel.
Now I know they have actually used other timelines sporadically, but usually with a very strict rule - this was an exceptional circumstance and as a rule it is impossible for the Tardis to travel outside of its home universe.
Sure it might be fun to see sherlock or merlin on board the tardis, but just look at how STUPID the crossover with Eastenders was for children in need and tell me you want more of that!
There were rumblings of a crossover with Star Trek: Enterprise (STE) after the latter's "Future Tense" episode. The starship crew found a defunct space vessel from 900 years in the future that was bigger on the inside, had a circular control room with a console at the centre and some round wear patterns on the walls, had traces of blue paint everywhere, and was part of a long running meta-arc called the Temporal Cold War. It was a Tardis and the showrunners knew it, although they didn't call it that.
The crossover could have been done as a passing incident on both sides. Both have seen far stranger things happen and there's nothing fundamentally incompatible between the DW and ST universes.
But the idea was more fantasy than anything else, not least because Doctor Who was still regenerating in 2003 and STE was ultimately cancelled in 2005.
The TARDIS has rejected the new DOCTOR and 13 will have to spend the first episode trying to win over the TARDIS (and the audience) and reassure her/us that she is, in fact, the real and genuine Doctor!
3 years later, and DW is still holding strong on all 4 of these :)
4:03 The Gallifrey audio drama spinoff is pretty good.
"they've got barnes made of wood?" Isn't that the same barn from The Day of the Doctor?
I agree with the Doctor not being Earth bound - it made sense then but it would just be a dodgy retred of the past. The only exception to this is the Doctor getting bored being stuck on earth in The Power Of Three
And especially with the controversial opinions on Jodie's casting it would be a very stupid thing to do.
timrob12 there is no real controversy with Jodie being cast. Most of it was fake media. If you do proper research on the subject you'll see that. Even moffat said it during a panel at comicon (it's why I looked it up myself). But I do agree that the doctor shouldn't be earth bound again. It probably wouldn't do the show any justice. Maybe what we saw when capaldi regenerated into Jodie was the TARDIS kicking the doctor out as it also had to go through some form of 'regeneration' itself. I reckon by the end of the Jodie's first episode the TARDIS will be back in full swing.
Well, there is no controversy indeed. Like Moffat says: "No one has a problem with it". (Or something like that) And I certainly haven't. I do think as well that she's merely been thrown out of the TARDIS because the ship needs to regenerate itself.
The TARDIS has a mind of her own. She will come back by herself, the Doctor doesn't even have to be looking for it.
There IS a controversy, just because the showrunner dictates there isn't it doesn't change that. Personally I have no problem with it so long as it's explained in universe to a satisfying level - just saying "yeah the doctor could always have been a woman it's just pure chance that the first 13 versions were male" is ludicrous.
They had the perfect opportunity to explain it by saying that the new regenerations the timelords gave the doctor to save him weren't "programmed" to a certain gender and so from now on the doctor can be either.
Imagine if his name was John Smith all along
LOL brilliant!
About the whole Gallifrey thing. They don't really touch on it that much but I believe that not all Gallifreyans are Time Lords. There is an aristocracy to their society where the Time lords a select few of the population reside in Arcadia the rest are just Gallifreyan and live in the wilds. It's not clear whether an ordinary Gallifreyan can regenerate as they haven't been exposed to the untempered schism and have never spent any time above the eye of harmony. (not including any extended media in this only in show canon.)
'Listen' would make it seem like Time Lord is a title that needs to be earned, in some way.
in classic who there was a group of non-time lord gallifreyans living outside the main society. i think it was in the invasion of time.
There was? Awesome. I'll make sure to watch that at some point.
its been established since the 4th doctor not all Gallifreyans are time lords, its an earned title the doctor went to one of three universities to get his title. But all time lords (with the possible exception of River- who is not a true time lady, she just has the enenrgy of the TARDIS ) are Gallifreyan. Gallifrey was rather isolationist at that time and did not allow outsiders
@@ValpasKankaristo it is
Once they do, every episode that uses the secrecy of his name as a plot point becomes moot because it eventually gets revealed anyway so what’s the point
Literally the entire river song arc revolves around the fact that ONLY river knows his name and that’s how the doctor knows they are married, and once we know the doctors name too it loses its impact
Lots of episodes in the Matt Smith era would lose their impact now that I think about it
Maybe MAYBE make it the last reveal of the last episode of doctor who EVER but you have to be SURE doctor who isn’t gonna come back
Imo of course
Huh - just rewatched this - number 1 has aged pretty badly lol
One thing the show should DEFINITELY do:
Have a character who can do voices sneak up behind the Doctor and go
JUST to see the look on the Doctor's face.
:) :) :)
I love how much passion you have in these shows and movies!
They should get an actor/actress who used to have ginger hair but is now grey/white to play the doctor, that'd be hilarious
Or get a ginger actor and force them to dye their hair for the role
And maybe lighten up a little. The show has been dark as hell lately!
Kevin Thomas I think series 11 will do it
except that cyberman episode needed cant butcher a human being and fuse metal into them and turn them into a walking nightmare, without the episode being dark. It's about balance. Some things need darkness, some things need light, the show should never be too dark
or too light.
@@michaeltaylor4375 Two words: Bubble wrap. (that was more in reference to the Wirrn grubs being actors wrapped in green dyed bubblewrap, not the series 11 episode with bubblewrap)
But in all seriousness, if you don't enjoy the new series, don't watch it, you've got plenty of Classic Who stories, and Big Finish do their main range in the style of the classic series. Just because YOU do not enjoy something does not mean it should be cancelled, as there are plenty of people who do still enjoy it.
@@ErinTheFennec Ok...I admit, maybe that was a little heavy and indirect. let me try again. "Kevin Thomas, this show has only had one or 2 really dark stories in the season before last...and those episodes were about people being turned into robots, and history has shown only the dark horror angle works. Before this, there was the series 9 and 8 finale...........the only 4 dark episodes of each season. I am sorry, i know everybody loves the unmemorable, overated smith era....but just like not every episode needs to be dark and gritty, not every episode should be a childish comedy. you're extremes are no better than mine.
I hope the fanbase realises that people who want the show to be a total g rated comedy, are just as bad as the ones who want it to be dark and gritty all the who was always about variety.
I kinda wanna see a prequel series with the 8th doctor taking place after the events of the 1996 movie leading up to the events of the time war
never let Steven Moffat write again for Doctor Who
#4 - Yes - Leave Gallifrey alone.
#3 - Yes - No ginger or let it happen with little or no reaction. The Doctor regenerates, changes clothes, looks in a mirror, brushes his hair back, and goes on without even saying a word. Maybe a little grin. That's all.
#2 - Yes - Space stories are better.
#1 - Yes - Multiple Doctor stories with past Doctors*, yes. Regenerating to past Doctors again, no.
*I always loved the multiple Doctor episodes (The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors, even The Two Doctors). Seeing the actors aging but still playing the part gave me the feeling that even though the regeneration had happened, that Doctor was still out there having adventures that we haven't seen.
Never fix the chameleon circuit... again. 6th Doctor, looking at you.
Never, ever, never, ever, NEVER, EVER reveal the Doctor's name. Nothing they ever come up with could possible meet fan expectations and would be a HUGE letdown.
If she/he becomes ginger, he/she has to HATE it. Also, if they have an Earthbound series again, it's only to save money. Damn the BBC.
Yes! I completely agree! Specially with number 3. I would only add that I think the ginger joke could at some point get old. If that’s the case, then I’m fine with them making him ginger and saying “I hate it” which could be hilarious! Haha
I would add to the list: #5 bring Donna back. I absolutely LOVE her. But I see people asking for it and it makes me mad because that would pretty much cancel all the weight of her leaving the show and all the sadness of that moment when she loses her memory.
I agree. I would add one, which they already did and failed at IMHO. I was excited to see the 8th Doctor and the War Doctor, but was _sooooo_ disappointed in what we *actually saw* of the *Time War.* The descriptions that Ten gave us had been so completely fantastically alien and otherworldly. . .clearly meant solely for our imaginations: *_"You weren't there, in the final days of the War. You never saw what was born. But if the Time Lock's broken, then everything's coming through. Not just the Daleks, but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, the Could-Have-Been-King with his army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres; the War turned into Hell!"_*
Yeah, the thing RTD did best was how he handled Gallifrey and the Time War
Never fully explain Rassilon. We were kinda close to this with The End of Time and Hell Bent, but luckily Rassilon didn't do much other than be intimidating. Well, not that much in Hell Bent. They can explain some things. I would be fine with knowing what that gauntlet is, or how many times he regenerated. They could even show him again if they wanted. But I don't want to know why he's so powerful. How he essentially created the Time Lords. If they were to explain that, he would stop being this mysterious God figure. He would essentially just be an OP Doctor.
A few more things:
Never reveal the Doctor to be a reincarnation of the Other. You can maybe hint at the Doctor having a past life, but don't confirm anything.
Never cast someone as a younger first Doctor or war Doctor. Respect Hartnell and Hurt.
Never have the Doctor regenerate into something other than a humanoid. We know it's possible because Romana "tried" on a short blue body, but I don't want three years of lizard person Doctor.
OOOOO that didn't age well
I am a little conflicted because i agree with minimzing the Modern day earth stories but I also want more Unit episodes.
*In Peter Capaldi's voice* Always be fun. You can be intense and even scary but always be fun.
Be mysterious. Throw us hints and clues but never full answers.
Run fast!
Be silly! Smile and laugh and don't take yourself too seriously.
Give the fans what they need even if it's not what they necessarily want.
Be adventurous. Never be afraid to play with your own format.
Be scary, be mysterious, be intense, but always be fun!
And never ever eat pairs.
Are pairs toxic to gallifryans?
I hope the first ginger doctor's last words before they regenerate are, "Well, at least I was ginger..."