More about these numbers : Dimensions 0:00 The size of a 1e-100,[1, 1 1]th proton on the year 1,1 F/c^c^c !^!* 1g^^1 2:01 World of the Protoverse 4:35 Entire Playground of Zeros 6:17 Sizes of Planck lengthed Protons 6:47 Zeroed Atoms 7:34 Dust in the sky 8:01 Lines of Th’s 8:17 Sizes Of Small Atoms 9:17 Ants Sized 10:07 Common Numberblocks 11:24 Bigger than 5Km (kilometers or else, 1000 meters.) 12:04 Bigger and the Number System 12:36 Bigger than the Number Galaxy 12:48 Bigger than the Number Supercluster 13:21 Bigger than The Infinitecluster 14:13 Visible in the Number Infiniteverse 14:37 Superinfiniteverse Cluster 14:55 Super Duper infiniteverse cluster 15:13 Quadri-Dimensional 16:38 THE BOX or in case, [1, 1, (1, 1) {10}^1, 1, ^1^1] Light years. 17:16 THE CIRCLE [1, 1, (1, 1,)^1, 1, ^1^1]^1, F/c/ccc1/.. 1/ 1/ xx 1 cc Light years 17:25 Unbelievable Large Dimensionals 18:19 Explosion Of Everything 19:31 Unsizeable By Powerful computers 19:50 Glitch Of Numbers 21:33 Omeganed Dimension 22:15 Human Numberblocks?? tell me what to add next!
0:00 size of plank^senti [f f 7 g-1000^f]^{ॐ} 1:29 core of {[f f f f f }] 2:01 reversed muti-verse 3:49 negative big numbers 3:58 negative common number blocks 4:35 the chain of zero 6:16 super small atom size 6:38 very small atom size 7:16 small atom size 7:23 below normal atom size 7:33 norepinephrine atom size 7:59 just zero 8:02 oblivionth numbers 8:17 atom size 8:54 quadrillionth numbers 9:41 ६^ size 9:43 १^ size 9:46 ८~97 size 10:07 small math numbers 10:09 common numberblocks 10:58 big numbers 11:14 very big numbers 11:20 super big numbers 11:24 ultra big numbers 11:54 bigger then earth 12:10 bigger then sun 12:40 super omega ultra big numbers 12:42 purple virus begins 12:47 purple-verse 13:00 TREE chain 13:07 SSCG chain 13:20 infinite 13:27 alpha’s brother 13:43 bigger then aleph-omega 14:06 Chinese math numbers 14:19 huge chinese math numbers 14:25 cured googol Chinese numbers 14:34 cured googolplex Chinese numbers 14:39 the large number chain 14:44 the super big large number 14:56 the googol sized Chinese number’s 15:15 unlimited chain 15:34 unknown website HTTP 404 number 15:42 huge mega super duper HTTP 404 number 16:38 3D pound/U.S dollar box number 16:48 4D currency box number 16:59 muti 4D box ~{0.-1{0.-1{0.-1~ ~ ४} 17:16 4D sphere yuan numbers {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} 17:24 Duodecillon-verse 18:20 worlds biggest number in the muti-verse 18:51 absolute everything in the duodecillon-verse 19:13 ABSOULTE {4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7^¥~£^^४ 19:25 {10000,10000}^4D omega cube 19:34 omega-verse numbers 19:46 THE MAX LIMIT 19:50 glitch numbers 20:04 most unknown numbers ever 20:09 sheep numbers 21:34 true-muti end numbers 21:53 cool guy number 22:15 Ron numbers
0:00=Negative Absolute God Infinity True End 0:14=Negative Absolutegod God Truest End 0:26=Negative Absolutegod God Truer End 0:37=Negative Absolutegod God True End 0:49=Negative Absolute God True End 0:58=Negative Absoluteultragodsolute True End
Start here 👇 0:00 sized a negative size1e-303 Year: 719197319- 1:36 negative absolute end size 1e-93 Year: 6992837291- 1:43 no arms only legs absolute size 1e-90 Year:58291872- 1:52 negative absolute null Size 1e-87 Year:418383 2:02 Negatives year:391831- 2:07 Negative googol 2:43 vigintillion size 3:25 negative Decillion 3:44 Units Zero but sized million 3:50 normal Million 4:00 Negative -10 to -0.1 4:15 -0.1 zone 4:37 circle zeros zone 5:01 {0,100,10,10,10} zones 5:28 0^10^10^10^100 zones 5:43 many zeros zone 6:16 we gone too far>:) zeros zone 6:38 scary sounded zeros god number 6:48 red number scary sound 7:06 blue number *no sounds* 7:34 Zeroed 7:56 common number Zeroed 8:02 sized a small and Big number but letter 8:17 sized of small atoms 9:17 ants sized 10:07 most commonly numbers 10:10 started in 1 10:25 Ten 10:27 11-20 but halfed 10:49 20-to big size numbers 11:23 1T to many zeros but sky changes 11:36 Big number but sky turns into dark 12:07 big sun but the number small 12:11 bigger than sun 12:42 bigger than galaxy Yellow 12:45 White color number 12:47 in supercluster 13:01 Tree (3) 13:05 Tree(tree(3) 13:07 SSCG numbers 13:18 Xi-Function Number 1Mth 13:21 Infinity 14:04 hfjk number 14:07 Chinese number 14:38 large named numbers 15:14 unlimited number 15:33 HTTP 404 number 16:04 nothing number 16:19 Question mark ? 16:29 Dollars number 16:39 pound number but in box 16:48 indian Rupee number 16:50 97104 number but indian rupees 16:52 one baht number 16:54 one dong number 16:57 one Yuan 17:00 glitches screen 17:23 Too too big number 17:25 omega 18:02 Absolute Everything 18:09 Absolute omega 18:20 Absolute infinity 19:26 triangle 19:51 glitches infinity number 20:09 sheep number 21:34 Absolute Tran multi-end 21:45 absolute Subscriber number 21:54 Cool bruh number 22:26 pink Ron number The end!
0:00 negative 4:34 0's 8:03 utter Numbers 8:16 micro numbers 10:09 start counting 11:56 Planet sized numbers 12:37 Galactic size numbers 13:20 infinity 14:06 chinese 14:38 the _______ number 15:15 unlimited and others 16:39 one pound and others (again) 16:53 one something 17:35 omega 18:12 absolute end 19:50 glitch 20:08 sheep number 21:33 absolute something 21:53 c o o l 22:13 ron
Dimensions 0:00 Smaller than a Protoverse 2:01 Smaller than a Atom 3:50 Atom Sized Negative Numbers 4:34 The Place Of Zeros. 5:43 Zeros Everywhere 6:13 More Zeros 6:15 Darker Zeros 6:16 DNA size 6:38 Darkest DNA size Zeros 6:47 The ??? Zeros. 7:06 The Blue Zeros 7:35 Atom Fun Zeros 8:02 TooTooSmall 8:17 TooSmall 9:41 The Size Of A Grain of Sand 10:09 Numberblocks 10:59 Hundreds 11:12 Thousands 11:17 Millions 11:36 More Illions 11:52 Size Of a Planet 12:12 Size Of a Star 12:18 Size Of The Universe 12:26 Size Of a Multiverse 12:40 Galaxies Illions 12:44 Cosmic Web 12:46 Star Web 12:47 More Than Cosmic Web 13:20 Infinity 13:21 More Than Infinity 14:00 TooBig 14:06 some Chinese Gendinals 14:22 Undefined Planets Spotted 14:24 Rondinals 14:37 a Super Multiverse 14:39 Large Number 15:13 More More Universe 15:15 Unlimiteds 15:33 HTTP 404... 16:04 The Nothingness 16:18 ? 16:28 Currencies: Dollars 16:39 Pounds + THE BOX 16:48 One Indian Rupee 16:53 Baht 16:54 Dong 16:58 Yuan 17:00 Alot Of THE BOX 17:16 Ultimately Superverse 17:20 Glitched+ Too Much Verses 17:25 TooTooBig 17:36 Undefined Numbers 18:01 Absolute... 18:19 Absolute Infinity 18:38 "M" Cardinals 18:46 X 18:52 Absolute Gods 18:55 finitys 19:11 Cardinal Cardinals 19:14 Some More finitys 19:26 TRIANGLE 19:31 TooTooTooBig+ ??? Place 19:45 DIAMOND 19:46 circle 19:50 glitch in glitch in glitch 20:08 Sheep 21:09 Sheep gods 21:29 BAAAAA! 21:33 Omniverse 21:46 thats what you need to do right now 21:52 cool people 22:11 *THIS IS A CERTIFIED HOOD CLASSIC* 22:14 Ron Planet 22:26 end.
More about these numbers and zones 0:00: Most Negative Numbers zone 2:03: Beyond Negative Infinity 3:51: Beyond Negative -1000000 4:15: Beyond -0.9 4:34: Beyond Negative 0 4:36: 1st 0’s zone 6:17: 2nd 0’s zone 6:37: 3rd 0’s zone 6:46: 4th 0’s zone 7:06: 5th 0’s zone 7:23: 6th 0’s zone (0 Question mark zone) 7:34: Extremely tiny decimals 7:45: -zeroed zone 8:02: Oblivion Decimals zone 8:14: Beyond big tumth (big footh he spelled it wrong) 9:03: Very, very tiny decimals zone 9:41: Beyond Decillionth 10:09: Positive whole numbers zone 10:24: 2-digit positive numbers zone 10:59: 3-digit positive numbers zone 11:12: Beyond one thousand 11:20: Beyond 1 km 11:24: Beyond 5 km 11:48: Almost to space 11:51: The size of the moon 11:53: The size of mars 11:55: About half the size of earth 11:56: Size of about Venus or Earth 11:58: Bigger than earth 12:02: Bigger than distance from earth to moon 12:05: Bigger than Saturn 12:06: Bigger than Jupiter 12:09: Bigger than all of the planets combined 12:11: Bigger than the sun 12:19: Bigger than distance from Sun to Kuiper Belt 12:27: Bigger than distance from sun to Oort cloud 12:39: Beyond Googolplex 13:01: The tree number zone 13:08: Sscg number zone 13:19: Bigger than 1000000th-Xi Function Number 13:28: Aleph Numbers 13:37: Epsilon Numbers 13:44: Zeta numbers 13:47: Beyond Eta Null 13:56: The cardinal numbers 14:05: The Gendinal Numbers 14:26: The rondinal Numbers 14:39: Large Numbers 14:46: The Ultimately Large Number Plus ( ) 15:10: The Ultimately Large Number Times ( ) 15:15: Unlimited zone 15:33: HTTP 404 Numbers 16:04: Nothing numbers 16:18: Question mark zone 16:28: Currencies zone 16:39: Weight zone 16:48: Indian Rupees 16:53: Random zone 16:58: Yuan numbers 17:25: Omega numbers 17:33: Random numbers 17:52: _____________________________________________ Omega 18:02: Absolute _______________thing zone 18:10: Absolute ___________ zone 18:19: ????? One quadrillionyuan (set to 0.25x speed) 18:21: Absolute _________ zone 2 18:32: Omega ___________ zone 18:40: The Cardinal Numbers 2 18:46: The X number zone 18:51: Beyond Absolute everynumber 18:56: The -finity zone 19:11: Beyond strong compact cardinal 19:32: Random zone 2 19:39: -finity zone 2 19:51: Glitchfinity zone 20:03:Beyond Jongofinity 20:09: Color Sheep number zone 21:09: Number sheep Number zone 21:29: Best sheep numbers 21:33:Absolute True multi-end zone 21:44: -finity zone 3 21:54: Color Guy number zone 22:15: Ron number zone Tell me to add more or fix anything! I will make more of these comments when another video of this comes out.
10:09 1. Positive integers start. 10:24 10. First positive two-figure number. 10:48 20. Now, numbers start to increase by the smallest number that has as many figures as itself. 11:11 1000. Numbers start to multiply by 10 every time now. 11:16 1000000. Biggest number that says something in Numberblocks and start of the -illions. 11:21 1000000000. Biggest appearance in Numberblocks. (Shown in What If?) 11:35 1 Decillion. The tenth -illion. 11:39 1 Trigintillion. The first unofficial -illion in this video. 11:51 1 Centillion. The 100th -illion. 11:58 1 Millinillion. The 1000th -illion and numberblocks expand into space. 12:15 1 Myrillion. The 10000th -illion. 12:22 1 Micrillion. The 1000000th -illion. 12:38 1 Googolplex. 12:49 The Numberblocks become bigger than the observable universe. 12:59 TREE(3). A very famous big number. 13:21 INFINITY! Transfinite ordinals start. 14:00 Made-up Numbers start. 14:03 The Gendinals. 14:24 The Rondinals. 14:38 The Ultimately Large Numbers. 15:14 The Unlimiteds. O, O^2, O^3, O^4,… 15:32 The HTTP 404s. 16:02 The Nothings. 16:18 The ?s 16:26 The Currency Numbers 17:24 The Omega Zone 18:14 Absolute True End 18:19 A B S O L U T E I N F I N I T Y 18:21 B E Y O N D A B S O L U T E I N F I N I T Y 18:52 C A P I T A L T H E T A 19:32 First Unannounced Section 19:50 The Glitchfinitys 20:08 The Sheep Numbers 21:33 The Multi Numbers 21:52 The Cool Guys 22:08 WHAT 22:10 UHHHHH 22:11 WHOA 22:13 WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW 22:15 RON NUMBERS AND FINAL SECTION??? (Seriously, what is going on here?)
Here's some The absolute GODDING goddest bottom of the number pitfall 0:00 The absolute bottom of the number pitfall 1:29 basic ordinals down the negative side 1:43 Negative uncountable-illions 2:02 Negative countable supergiants 3:50 Teachable negatives 4:00 Negative undecimality 4:14 Zeroth demension 4:34 Unwanted 0D misquitos 7:33 The planck scale 8:03 Yourograbbityzelamenoreted fractionings 8:16 Genuses of viruses scaled 8:41 Dust and fireflies 9:40 Common numberblocks 10:06
Wow, in the "WE'VE GONE TOO FAR" part, even the (creepy) little (detached) mouth was sad! Like the numbers themselves knew they were abominations that shouldn't exist... (seriously why is a floating cartoon mouth combined with unreal numbers so creepy? I dunno, but it is. :P)
Number dimensions 0:00 Proton singularity 1:27 String size of 0.0001 metres 1:48 Eyeless and dead numberblocks 2:05 The inside of the atoms 2:51 Numberblocks looking pretty green 3:49 the start of the other video. 4:01 Inverted Numberblocks (NEGATIVE LAND) 4:15 Inverted Half's (tenths) 4:34 The non-existing Number. 4:49 Zero.mp4 6:18 Negative-zero.mp4 6:43 Negative-infinite-zero.mp4 6:48 Negative-ordinal-zero.mp4 7:07 silence. 7:34 Lower and upper-ros 7:48 Zeroed numbers(Zeroland) 8:03 Oblivionths 8:19 Set of (ths) 9:52. Normal numbers(earth) 11:41 Upper ground(12km) 11:57 Space (3034 km) 12:05 Sun is coming (201241 km) 12:40 Ecthosun is coming (10^10^10^10km) 12:49 Vedecaverse (10^^^10km) 13:23 Vedecavedecaverse (∞^10 14:05 Veveveveveevdecadecadecaverse (Unknown km) 14:40 the larger numbers
Types of numbers 0:00 Uhhh… 1:30 Ummm… 2:02 Deep Negative Darkness 3:50 Original Negatives 4:35 Zeros Paradise 6:16 We Gone Too Far 6:38 Can We Handle This? 6:47 SHUCKS! 7:06 quietly nothing 7:34 Noros 7:45 Zeroed 8:02 Illionths 9:55 Thousandths 10:03 Hundredths 10:06 Tenths 10:09 Original Numbers 10:58 Hundreds 11:12 Thousands 11:17 Illions 11:54 Beyond Earth 12:01 Between Earth and Mars 12:08 Beyond The Solar System 12:13 Beyond Oort Cloud 12:24 Beyond Milky Way 12:35 Close To Andromeda 12:42 Beyond Virgo Supercluster 12:47 Edge of The Observable Universe 13:21 Infinite 14:03 Edge Of The Actual Universe 14:22 THE MULTIVERSE 14:38 THE MEGAVERSE 14:40 Existence 14:51 Multi Existence 14:55 Mega Existence 15:06 Unknown 15:15 THE BARREL 16:38 THE BOX 17:00 More Out There? 17:15 Unknown-Sized Numbers 17:20 ??? 17:24 THE INFINITY OMEGAID LINES 18:20 This Is The Largest Number Possible nor Impossible 19:31 But There’s More… No More :(
0:01 NəЪTIVES ABSOLUTƏS 1:20 Almost to -♾️ 1:43 Negative Infinities 2:02 protoverse 3:51 Negative Big Numbers 3:57 Negative Common numbers 4:14 Negative tenths 4:32 -0 4:34 Zeros chain 6:16 Numbers of a bit bigger size of atom 6:38 numbers of a size of atom 6:47 numbers more to much little 7:05 numbers of size of *nOtInGh* 7:33 Dust in the sky 7:59 Zero 8:02 Oblivionths 8:17 tiny numbers 10:09 Common Numberblocks 10:24 Tens 10:58 Hundreds 11:12 Thousands 11:23 bigger than 100 11:56 Numbers bigger than earth 12:10 Numbers of size of the sun 12:42 purple virus started 12:47 yellow virus started 12:48 The Galaxies Supercluster 13:00 tree chain 13:07 sscg chain 13:21 Infinities 14:06 Chinese mode Activated 14:38 the large numbers chain 15:15 unlimited chain 15:33 HTTP 404 chain 16:05 Nothing chain 16:18 ? CHAIN 16:29 Dollar chain 16:38 Pound Chain 16:48 rupee chain 16:53 baht 16:55 dong chain 16:57 yuan chain 17:25 Omega 17:32 rare number names 17:51 omega types 18:01 ABSOLUTE EVERYTHING 18:20 Explosion of everything 18:47 1x Chain 19:13 You can count on us chain 19:31 Unsizeable By Powerful Compu- 19:50 Glitch numbers 20:02 jongo 20:04 🐧 (8) 20:09 🐑 Numbers 21:33 Omeganed dimension 21:53 cool guy chain 22:14 Ron chain 22:26 End
0:00 *TĤ3 ÅB§ØLŪŤĒ ZØÑ3* 1:19 the circle dissapears 1:30 the screen decoration dissapears 1:43 negative largest ñümbër we could find 1:45 the tentacles dissapears same as the eyes 1:52 eyes get a bit visible 1:55 teeth get a bit visible 2:00 blanck teeth 2:01 negative infinity and heavy stomp sounds start 2:05 a huge gap through googol 2:43 the voice gets older 3:25 te voice gets a bit younger than the older one 3:49 the other video 4:35 ∞∞∞∞∞ and a quick number zoom 4:54 the normal ɠɾąvè voice 4:57 another infinity ∞ 5:24 pull-up alarm sound 5:42 earrape 6:06 the main zero 6:13 zoom 6:15 another zoom 6:16 the size of wattermoscule and average indonesian eas alarm 6:39 ţürbø sound 6:46 average phoenix wing sound 7:06 silent 7:33 zeroes end 10:09 one 10:26 videoedit 11:17 a million 11:55 atmosphere 11:58 space 12:06 sun 12:11 solar system 12:17 blackhole 12:23 stephenson 2-10 12:29 galaxy outline 12:37 galactic core 12:42 galaxy 12:44 cluster 12:46 virgo supercluster 12:47 lanikea supercluster 12:50 the cosmic web 13:20 megacluster 14:00 cosmic microwave 14:14 universe 14:23 universe group 14:31 universe supergroup 14:36 yoctoverse 14:40 multiverse 14:56 megaverse 15:12 omniverse 16:03 the outside 16:38 the box 17:16 the circle 17:36 symbols get a bit triggered 18:20 the big core 18:51 the bigger core 19:13 the biggest core 19:29 the world's biggest core 19:34 numbers get faster 19:51 glitchy background 21:33 the preverse 22:14 ron numbers 22:24 pink ron number 22:26 the end finally!
First, absolute infinity is smaller than absolute everything. Time stamps: 0:00 insanely large negative numbers 2:01 large negative numbers 3:49 regular negative numbers 4:35 zeros type A 7:33 zeros type B 8:01 smallest decimals 8:17 tiny decimals 9:51 small decimals 10:09 regular numbers 11:00 sizable numbers 11:23 huge numbers 11:56 bigger than Earth 12:08 bigger than The Sun 12:22 bigger than The Milky Way 12:57 large functions 13:22 infinity+ 15:14 unlimited+ 16:28 currencies 17:27 unknown numbers 18:20 the absolute 19:32 randomness 19:51 larger function numbers 21:34 multi-end 21:52 even larger function numbers
2:02 good numbers 4:35 good numbers 5:43 good numbers 6:07 good numbers 6:17 bad numbers 7:34 good numbers 7:39 bad numbers 8:17good numbers 6:11 bad numbers 8:31 good numbers
0:01 negative not end 2:01 negative world 4:34 0 world 8:02 oblivion world 8:16 One World 10:09 back to numberblocks 11:23 big number 12:47 fan-made numberblocks 13:20 infinity world 17:24 infinity world part 2 18:19 Infinity world part 3 19:30 infinity world part 4 19:49 glitch numberblocks 21:33 Infinity end 22:13 numberblocks human?
4:35 merging Os 4:58 zeros have { and } 5:22 even the sound goes really fast 5:27 at 0^ 5:43 not the 0^ but so many 0s 6:07 at 0.0 and more 6:11 even if it goes really fast 6:12 at 0^- 6:13 even at the corners have 0.95 light and also some text 6:15 even darker 6:17 we gone too far 6:39 more text 6:47 even the zero turns red 7:06 the zero turns blue, but everything has gone like the lights and text 7:23 does a ? And more and then the last one 😮
0:00 smallest thing in the everythingverse 0:51 same but big 1:35 ytinifni 2:11 verseuni. 4:19 yaw yklim 4:50 zeros place 8:12 werid place (its worse when some people stomp it) 9:32 mini 10:08 classic 11:35 cites or countries 11:57 earth (III PLANET) 12:11 solar system 12:31 milky way 12:45 cosmic web (observable universe) 14:01 universe (update time) 14:34 mutiverse 14:41 metaverse 14:56 xenoverse 15:12 omniverse 16:43 box 17:19 lag!! 17:34 another werid place dead change/ 18:21 dead (god place) 18:52 deadly (heaven and hell) 19:14 deadliest NOOO (trollverse and trollgeverse) 19:32 transvens 19:53 radiovens 21:37 rainbowvens 22:15 fnf mod whats next
0:00 -numbers 2:01 -Infinity 4:00 -tens 4:06 -Default Nunbers Tier 1 4:35 Zeros 4:58 {0,100,10,10s 5:23 {0,100,10}s 6:07 0.0 6:13 0v-(3x(10v153)+3) Tier 2 6:16 Plack Size 6:39 Quantum Size 7:34 Bigger Placks 7:57 First number with a normal face 8:00 0. Tier 3 8:03 Utters 8:13 BIG TUMTH 8:17 Atoms Numbers 8:25 Nano Numbers 8:38 Cell Numbers 8:47 Big Bacteria Numbers 9:17 Ant Numbers 9:42 Coin Numbers 9:51 Default Numbers 10:07 Rare Numbers 10:09 Common Numbers 10:50 Tens 11:01 Big Numbers 11:14 Large Numbers 11:21 Huge Numbers 11:29 Sky Limit 11:37 Small Moon Size 11:55 Size of Africa 11:58 Bigger Than Earth 12:11 Bigger Than Sun 12:22 Larger Than Milky Way 12:43 Bigger Than IC1101 12:48 Cosmic Web Size 13:00 Trees 13:07 SSCGS 13:18 1Mth Si Number 13:21 Infinity 14:22 Bigger Than Universe 14:39 The Large Number 14:43 Mega Numbers 15:39 HTTP 404 16:18 ? 16:29 Dollars 16:39 Pounds 16:48 Indian Rupee 16:53 Baht 16:55 Dong 16:58 Yuan 17:09 Bigger Than The Box 17:23 Bigger Than The Circlr 17:25 Omega 18:20 Absolute Infinity 18:55 £ 19:03 Mega Infinity 19:13 You can Count on Us Size 19:32 Alpha Numbers 19:19 True Infinity 19:50 Gitchlessfinity 20:07 Skeeplo 97 20:10 Sheep Numbers 21:53 Cool Guys Numbers 22:14 RON NUMBERS1!11! 11 22:16 Normal Ron
More about these numbers :
0:00 The size of a 1e-100,[1, 1 1]th proton on the year 1,1 F/c^c^c !^!* 1g^^1
2:01 World of the Protoverse
4:35 Entire Playground of Zeros
6:17 Sizes of Planck lengthed Protons
6:47 Zeroed Atoms
7:34 Dust in the sky
8:01 Lines of Th’s
8:17 Sizes Of Small Atoms
9:17 Ants Sized
10:07 Common Numberblocks
11:24 Bigger than 5Km (kilometers or else, 1000 meters.)
12:04 Bigger and the Number System
12:36 Bigger than the Number Galaxy
12:48 Bigger than the Number Supercluster
13:21 Bigger than The Infinitecluster
14:13 Visible in the Number Infiniteverse
14:37 Superinfiniteverse Cluster
14:55 Super Duper infiniteverse cluster
15:13 Quadri-Dimensional
16:38 THE BOX or in case, [1, 1, (1, 1) {10}^1, 1, ^1^1] Light years.
17:16 THE CIRCLE [1, 1, (1, 1,)^1, 1, ^1^1]^1, F/c/ccc1/.. 1/ 1/ xx 1 cc Light years
17:25 Unbelievable Large Dimensionals
18:19 Explosion Of Everything
19:31 Unsizeable By Powerful computers
19:50 Glitch Of Numbers
21:33 Omeganed Dimension
22:15 Human Numberblocks??
tell me what to add next!
11:57 bigger than Earth
22:15 is cool numbers
12:02 bigger than distance from earth to moon
12:05 bigger than distance from Venus to Earth
12:07 bigger than Jupiter
0:00 size of plank^senti [f f 7 g-1000^f]^{ॐ}
1:29 core of {[f f f f f }]
2:01 reversed muti-verse
3:49 negative big numbers
3:58 negative common number blocks
4:35 the chain of zero
6:16 super small atom size
6:38 very small atom size
7:16 small atom size
7:23 below normal atom size
7:33 norepinephrine atom size
7:59 just zero
8:02 oblivionth numbers
8:17 atom size
8:54 quadrillionth numbers
9:41 ६^ size
9:43 १^ size
9:46 ८~97 size
10:07 small math numbers
10:09 common numberblocks
10:58 big numbers
11:14 very big numbers
11:20 super big numbers
11:24 ultra big numbers
11:54 bigger then earth
12:10 bigger then sun
12:40 super omega ultra big numbers
12:42 purple virus begins
12:47 purple-verse
13:00 TREE chain
13:07 SSCG chain
13:20 infinite
13:27 alpha’s brother
13:43 bigger then aleph-omega
14:06 Chinese math numbers
14:19 huge chinese math numbers
14:25 cured googol Chinese numbers
14:34 cured googolplex Chinese numbers
14:39 the large number chain
14:44 the super big large number
14:56 the googol sized Chinese number’s
15:15 unlimited chain
15:34 unknown website HTTP 404 number
15:42 huge mega super duper HTTP 404 number
16:38 3D pound/U.S dollar box number
16:48 4D currency box number
16:59 muti 4D box ~{0.-1{0.-1{0.-1~ ~ ४}
17:16 4D sphere yuan numbers
17:24 Duodecillon-verse
18:20 worlds biggest number in the muti-verse
18:51 absolute everything in the duodecillon-verse
19:13 ABSOULTE {4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7^¥~£^^४
19:25 {10000,10000}^4D omega cube
19:34 omega-verse numbers
19:50 glitch numbers
20:04 most unknown numbers ever
20:09 sheep numbers
21:34 true-muti end numbers
21:53 cool guy number
22:15 Ron numbers
1st 0:00
2nd 1:29
10th 7:23
@@Dianne469 no 1÷0=Ω
0:00=Negative Absolute God Infinity True End
0:14=Negative Absolutegod God Truest End
0:26=Negative Absolutegod God Truer End
0:37=Negative Absolutegod God True End
0:49=Negative Absolute God True End
0:58=Negative Absoluteultragodsolute True End
20:08 Magenta
20:10 Pink
20:13 Purple
20:15 Blue
20:17 Cyan
20:19 Teal
20:22 Green
20:24 Charteruse
20:26 Yellow
20:28 Amber
20:31 Orange
20:33 Vermillon
20:35 Red
20:37 White
20:40 Light Brown
20:42 Brown
20:45 Gray
20:47 DarkGray
20:49 Black
20:51 Rainbow
20:54 Gold
20:57 Silver
20:59 Bronze
11:22 That music switch was almost on-beat!
2:01 0:01 -
4:35 Zeros
7:46 weird Zeros
8:01 small
9:51 normal
10:09 main
10:59 super normal
11:23 huge normal
12:10 bigger than sun
12:36 bigger than galaxy
12:48 bigger than supercluster
13:21 bigger than Ifinitecluster
14:13 Chinese numbers
13:01 tree and sscg
13:21 inf
15:14 unlimited
17:32 ???
18:20 Absolute Ifinite
You forgot more
Sheep numbers
22:15 is Ron numbers
Start here
0:00 sized a negative size1e-303 Year: 719197319-
1:36 negative absolute end size 1e-93 Year: 6992837291-
1:43 no arms only legs absolute size 1e-90 Year:58291872-
1:52 negative absolute null
Size 1e-87 Year:418383
2:02 Negatives year:391831-
2:07 Negative googol
2:43 vigintillion size
3:25 negative Decillion
3:44 Units Zero but sized million
3:50 normal Million
4:00 Negative -10 to -0.1
4:15 -0.1 zone
4:37 circle zeros zone
5:01 {0,100,10,10,10} zones
5:28 0^10^10^10^100 zones
5:43 many zeros zone
6:16 we gone too far>:) zeros zone
6:38 scary sounded zeros god number
6:48 red number scary sound
7:06 blue number *no sounds*
7:34 Zeroed
7:56 common number Zeroed
8:02 sized a small and Big number but letter
8:17 sized of small atoms
9:17 ants sized
10:07 most commonly numbers
10:10 started in 1
10:25 Ten
10:27 11-20 but halfed
10:49 20-to big size numbers
11:23 1T to many zeros but sky changes
11:36 Big number but sky turns into dark
12:07 big sun but the number small
12:11 bigger than sun
12:42 bigger than galaxy Yellow
12:45 White color number
12:47 in supercluster
13:01 Tree (3)
13:05 Tree(tree(3)
13:07 SSCG numbers
13:18 Xi-Function Number 1Mth
13:21 Infinity
14:04 hfjk number
14:07 Chinese number
14:38 large named numbers
15:14 unlimited number
15:33 HTTP 404 number
16:04 nothing number
16:19 Question mark ?
16:29 Dollars number
16:39 pound number but in box
16:48 indian Rupee number
16:50 97104 number but indian rupees
16:52 one baht number
16:54 one dong number
16:57 one Yuan
17:00 glitches screen
17:23 Too too big number
17:25 omega
18:02 Absolute Everything
18:09 Absolute omega
18:20 Absolute infinity
19:26 triangle
19:51 glitches infinity number
20:09 sheep number
21:34 Absolute Tran multi-end
21:45 absolute Subscriber number
21:54 Cool bruh number
22:26 pink Ron number
The end!
4:57 looks like infinity
0:00 negative
4:34 0's
8:03 utter Numbers
8:16 micro numbers
10:09 start counting
11:56 Planet sized numbers
12:37 Galactic size numbers
13:20 infinity
14:06 chinese
14:38 the _______ number
15:15 unlimited and others
16:39 one pound and others (again)
16:53 one something
17:35 omega
18:12 absolute end
19:50 glitch
20:08 sheep number
21:33 absolute something
21:53 c o o l
22:13 ron
22:08 how is this possible humans?
6:06 it sounds like 0
7:59 why zero is no character
0:00 Smaller than a Protoverse
2:01 Smaller than a Atom
3:50 Atom Sized Negative Numbers
4:34 The Place Of Zeros.
5:43 Zeros Everywhere
6:13 More Zeros
6:15 Darker Zeros
6:16 DNA size
6:38 Darkest DNA size Zeros
6:47 The ??? Zeros.
7:06 The Blue Zeros
7:35 Atom Fun Zeros
8:02 TooTooSmall
8:17 TooSmall
9:41 The Size Of A Grain of Sand
10:09 Numberblocks
10:59 Hundreds
11:12 Thousands
11:17 Millions
11:36 More Illions
11:52 Size Of a Planet
12:12 Size Of a Star
12:18 Size Of The Universe
12:26 Size Of a Multiverse
12:40 Galaxies Illions
12:44 Cosmic Web
12:46 Star Web
12:47 More Than Cosmic Web
13:20 Infinity
13:21 More Than Infinity
14:00 TooBig
14:06 some Chinese Gendinals
14:22 Undefined Planets Spotted
14:24 Rondinals
14:37 a Super Multiverse
14:39 Large Number
15:13 More More Universe
15:15 Unlimiteds
15:33 HTTP 404...
16:04 The Nothingness
16:18 ?
16:28 Currencies: Dollars
16:39 Pounds + THE BOX
16:48 One Indian Rupee
16:53 Baht
16:54 Dong
16:58 Yuan
17:00 Alot Of THE BOX
17:16 Ultimately Superverse
17:20 Glitched+ Too Much Verses
17:25 TooTooBig
17:36 Undefined Numbers
18:01 Absolute...
18:19 Absolute Infinity
18:38 "M" Cardinals
18:46 X
18:52 Absolute Gods
18:55 finitys
19:11 Cardinal Cardinals
19:14 Some More finitys
19:31 TooTooTooBig+ ??? Place
19:46 circle
19:50 glitch in glitch in glitch
20:08 Sheep
21:09 Sheep gods
21:29 BAAAAA!
21:33 Omniverse
21:46 thats what you need to do right now
21:52 cool people
22:14 Ron Planet
22:26 end.
1:46 -Absolute infinity
More about these numbers and zones
0:00: Most Negative Numbers zone
2:03: Beyond Negative Infinity
3:51: Beyond Negative -1000000
4:15: Beyond -0.9
4:34: Beyond Negative 0
4:36: 1st 0’s zone
6:17: 2nd 0’s zone
6:37: 3rd 0’s zone
6:46: 4th 0’s zone
7:06: 5th 0’s zone
7:23: 6th 0’s zone (0 Question mark zone)
7:34: Extremely tiny decimals
7:45: -zeroed zone
8:02: Oblivion Decimals zone
8:14: Beyond big tumth (big footh he spelled it wrong)
9:03: Very, very tiny decimals zone
9:41: Beyond Decillionth
10:09: Positive whole numbers zone
10:24: 2-digit positive numbers zone
10:59: 3-digit positive numbers zone
11:12: Beyond one thousand
11:20: Beyond 1 km
11:24: Beyond 5 km
11:48: Almost to space
11:51: The size of the moon
11:53: The size of mars
11:55: About half the size of earth
11:56: Size of about Venus or Earth
11:58: Bigger than earth
12:02: Bigger than distance from earth to moon
12:05: Bigger than Saturn
12:06: Bigger than Jupiter
12:09: Bigger than all of the planets combined
12:11: Bigger than the sun
12:19: Bigger than distance from Sun to Kuiper Belt
12:27: Bigger than distance from sun to Oort cloud
12:39: Beyond Googolplex
13:01: The tree number zone
13:08: Sscg number zone
13:19: Bigger than 1000000th-Xi Function Number
13:28: Aleph Numbers
13:37: Epsilon Numbers
13:44: Zeta numbers
13:47: Beyond Eta Null
13:56: The cardinal numbers
14:05: The Gendinal Numbers
14:26: The rondinal Numbers
14:39: Large Numbers
14:46: The Ultimately Large Number Plus ( )
15:10: The Ultimately Large Number Times ( )
15:15: Unlimited zone
15:33: HTTP 404 Numbers
16:04: Nothing numbers
16:18: Question mark zone
16:28: Currencies zone
16:39: Weight zone
16:48: Indian Rupees
16:53: Random zone
16:58: Yuan numbers
17:25: Omega numbers
17:33: Random numbers
17:52: _____________________________________________ Omega
18:02: Absolute _______________thing zone
18:10: Absolute ___________ zone
18:19: ????? One quadrillionyuan (set to 0.25x speed)
18:21: Absolute _________ zone 2
18:32: Omega ___________ zone
18:40: The Cardinal Numbers 2
18:46: The X number zone
18:51: Beyond Absolute everynumber
18:56: The -finity zone
19:11: Beyond strong compact cardinal
19:32: Random zone 2
19:39: -finity zone 2
19:51: Glitchfinity zone
20:03:Beyond Jongofinity
20:09: Color Sheep number zone
21:09: Number sheep Number zone
21:29: Best sheep numbers
21:33:Absolute True multi-end zone
21:44: -finity zone 3
21:54: Color Guy number zone
22:15: Ron number zone
Tell me to add more or fix anything!
I will make more of these comments when another video of this comes out.
10:09 1. Positive integers start.
10:24 10. First positive two-figure number.
10:48 20. Now, numbers start to increase by the smallest number that has as many figures as itself.
11:11 1000. Numbers start to multiply by 10 every time now.
11:16 1000000. Biggest number that says something in Numberblocks and start of the -illions.
11:21 1000000000. Biggest appearance in Numberblocks. (Shown in What If?)
11:35 1 Decillion. The tenth -illion.
11:39 1 Trigintillion. The first unofficial -illion in this video.
11:51 1 Centillion. The 100th -illion.
11:58 1 Millinillion. The 1000th -illion and numberblocks expand into space.
12:15 1 Myrillion. The 10000th -illion.
12:22 1 Micrillion. The 1000000th -illion.
12:38 1 Googolplex.
12:49 The Numberblocks become bigger than the observable universe.
12:59 TREE(3). A very famous big number.
13:21 INFINITY! Transfinite ordinals start.
14:00 Made-up Numbers start.
14:03 The Gendinals.
14:24 The Rondinals.
14:38 The Ultimately Large Numbers.
15:14 The Unlimiteds. O, O^2, O^3, O^4,…
15:32 The HTTP 404s.
16:02 The Nothings.
16:18 The ?s
16:26 The Currency Numbers
17:24 The Omega Zone
18:14 Absolute True End
18:19 A B S O L U T E I N F I N I T Y
18:21 B E Y O N D A B S O L U T E I N F I N I T Y
18:52 C A P I T A L T H E T A
19:32 First Unannounced Section
19:50 The Glitchfinitys
20:08 The Sheep Numbers
21:33 The Multi Numbers
21:52 The Cool Guys
22:08 WHAT
22:10 UHHHHH
22:11 WHOA
22:15 RON NUMBERS AND FINAL SECTION??? (Seriously, what is going on here?)
@@TheDoubleTea thanks!
@@jonat012 Never^Never
Never^Never^epsilon null
Here's some
The absolute GODDING goddest bottom of the number pitfall 0:00
The absolute bottom of the number pitfall 1:29
basic ordinals down the negative side 1:43
Negative uncountable-illions 2:02
Negative countable supergiants 3:50
Teachable negatives 4:00
Negative undecimality 4:14
Zeroth demension 4:34
Unwanted 0D misquitos 7:33
The planck scale 8:03
Yourograbbityzelamenoreted fractionings 8:16
Genuses of viruses scaled 8:41
Dust and fireflies 9:40
Common numberblocks 10:06
? ?? ??? ???? ?????
0:00 The first atom of the first plank
2:02 negativefixed
4:35 Unzeroed/fixedzeroed
6:16 Zerotecimal
6:38 Atomizedezeroed
6:47 Atomicallysubbedzeroed
7:06 Soundbreakingplanckzeroed
7:34 Zerotecimalx2
8:02 Linetecimal
8:17 Decimal
9:02 Tecimal
9:40 Common decimals
10:09 Common numbers
11:23 Giganumbers
11:56 Giantecimalnumberclones
12:46 Webtecimality
13:21 Infinitecimal
14:00 Unknowncardinality
14:14 Multecimal
14:37 Calashirulushiverse
14:40 Bluetecimality
14:55 Greetecimal
15:12 Gotrecimal
16:38 Box
17:15 CIRCLE
17:25 Ultimatrecimality
18:15 Backwardsmalldecimatality
18:19 Explogendinaloty
19:32 Computerdestruciontamality
19:50 Głïtçhvērśë
21:33 Multiverseitecimality
22:14 Endingofcoolguysverse
22:26 Limit.mp4 or the end of the video
11:13 half way point.
6:06 Now It's Really A Zero.
Wow, in the "WE'VE GONE TOO FAR" part, even the (creepy) little (detached) mouth was sad! Like the numbers themselves knew they were abominations that shouldn't exist...
(seriously why is a floating cartoon mouth combined with unreal numbers so creepy? I dunno, but it is. :P)
Tier -1
0:00 Negative Infinities
2:05 Negative "illions"
4:02 Negative units
4:15 Negative tenths
Tier 0
4:33 Nullians
8:02 Minuscule fractions
9:40 Small fractions
9:54 Standard fractions
Tier 1
10:09 Start of naturals and Improper fractions
10:26 Teens
10:49 Tens
10:59 Hundreds
Tier 2
11:12 Orders of magnitude
11:22 Illions
Tier 3
12:38 Massive numbers
12:57 Functions
Tier 1 Infinities
13:21 Infinities
13:47 Infinite cardinals
14:03 Gendinals
14:25 Rondinals
Tier 2 Infinities
14:39 Large numbers (Yes, that's the name)
14:46 Large numbers + Previous Infinities
Tier 3 Infinities
15:14 Unlimiteds
15:33 HTTP 404s
16:04 Nothings
16:18 ?s
16:28 Money
Tier 4 Infinities
17:24 Omega
17:33 Random strings
18:01 Absolute Infinities
Tier 5 Infinities
18:31 Refixed points and rebirth of cardinals
18:46 Xs and more "finities"
19:31 Mirror Infinities
Tier 6 Infinities
19:47 Glitches
20:04 Rebirth of functions
21:33 Multiends and even more "finities"
21:53 Cool guy numbers
Tier 7 Infinities
22:15 Ron numbers
19:51 gitch
More tier 7 infinities
Underscore_Hackers: 23:01
Blamibillities: 23:59
D*cks: 25:30
Tier 1 Neouls
Never: 28:40
GogolPlaxians: 30:21
Last numbers: 35:40
Letters: 50:28
Number dimensions
0:00 Proton singularity
1:27 String size of 0.0001 metres
1:48 Eyeless and dead numberblocks
2:05 The inside of the atoms
2:51 Numberblocks looking pretty green
3:49 the start of the other video.
4:01 Inverted Numberblocks
4:15 Inverted Half's (tenths)
4:34 The non-existing Number.
4:49 Zero.mp4
6:18 Negative-zero.mp4
6:43 Negative-infinite-zero.mp4
6:48 Negative-ordinal-zero.mp4
7:07 silence.
7:34 Lower and upper-ros
7:48 Zeroed numbers(Zeroland)
8:03 Oblivionths
8:19 Set of (ths)
9:52. Normal numbers(earth)
11:41 Upper ground(12km)
11:57 Space (3034 km)
12:05 Sun is coming (201241 km)
12:40 Ecthosun is coming (10^10^10^10km)
12:49 Vedecaverse (10^^^10km)
13:23 Vedecavedecaverse (∞^10
14:05 Veveveveveevdecadecadecaverse (Unknown km)
14:40 the larger numbers
14:39 Large Zone
16:15 Wha?/? Zone
16:29 Dollars
16:53 Yuan Zone
17:29 Numbers with Extra ones?
13:21 infinity ♾️
Types of numbers
0:00 Uhhh…
1:30 Ummm…
2:02 Deep Negative Darkness
3:50 Original Negatives
4:35 Zeros Paradise
6:16 We Gone Too Far
6:38 Can We Handle This?
6:47 SHUCKS!
7:06 quietly nothing
7:34 Noros
7:45 Zeroed
8:02 Illionths
9:55 Thousandths
10:03 Hundredths
10:06 Tenths
10:09 Original Numbers
10:58 Hundreds
11:12 Thousands
11:17 Illions
11:54 Beyond Earth
12:01 Between Earth and Mars
12:08 Beyond The Solar System
12:13 Beyond Oort Cloud
12:24 Beyond Milky Way
12:35 Close To Andromeda
12:42 Beyond Virgo Supercluster
12:47 Edge of The Observable Universe
13:21 Infinite
14:03 Edge Of The Actual Universe
14:40 Existence
14:51 Multi Existence
14:55 Mega Existence
15:06 Unknown
16:38 THE BOX
17:00 More Out There?
17:15 Unknown-Sized Numbers
17:20 ???
18:20 This Is The Largest Number Possible nor Impossible
19:31 But There’s More…
No More :(
0^-K so creepy 💀
1:20 Almost to -♾️
1:43 Negative Infinities
2:02 protoverse
3:51 Negative Big Numbers
3:57 Negative Common numbers
4:14 Negative tenths
4:32 -0
4:34 Zeros chain
6:16 Numbers of a bit bigger size of atom
6:38 numbers of a size of atom
6:47 numbers more to much little
7:05 numbers of size of *nOtInGh*
7:33 Dust in the sky
7:59 Zero
8:02 Oblivionths
8:17 tiny numbers
10:09 Common Numberblocks
10:24 Tens
10:58 Hundreds
11:12 Thousands
11:23 bigger than 100
11:56 Numbers bigger than earth
12:10 Numbers of size of the sun
12:42 purple virus started
12:47 yellow virus started
12:48 The Galaxies Supercluster
13:00 tree chain
13:07 sscg chain
13:21 Infinities
14:06 Chinese mode Activated
14:38 the large numbers chain
15:15 unlimited chain
15:33 HTTP 404 chain
16:05 Nothing chain
16:18 ? CHAIN
16:29 Dollar chain
16:38 Pound Chain
16:48 rupee chain
16:53 baht
16:55 dong chain
16:57 yuan chain
17:25 Omega
17:32 rare number names
17:51 omega types
18:20 Explosion of everything
18:47 1x Chain
19:13 You can count on us chain
19:31 Unsizeable By Powerful Compu-
19:50 Glitch numbers
20:02 jongo
20:04 🐧 (8)
20:09 🐑 Numbers
21:33 Omeganed dimension
21:53 cool guy chain
22:14 Ron chain
22:26 End
6:06 the original zero
6:15 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
16:44 bro is out of tungsten
0:00 *TĤ3 ÅB§ØLŪŤĒ ZØÑ3*
1:19 the circle dissapears
1:30 the screen decoration dissapears
1:43 negative largest ñümbër we could find
1:45 the tentacles dissapears same as the eyes
1:52 eyes get a bit visible
1:55 teeth get a bit visible
2:00 blanck teeth
2:01 negative infinity and heavy stomp sounds start
2:05 a huge gap through googol
2:43 the voice gets older
3:25 te voice gets a bit younger than the older one
3:49 the other video
4:35 ∞∞∞∞∞ and a quick number zoom
4:54 the normal ɠɾąvè voice
4:57 another infinity ∞
5:24 pull-up alarm sound
5:42 earrape
6:06 the main zero
6:13 zoom
6:15 another zoom
6:16 the size of wattermoscule and average indonesian eas alarm
6:39 ţürbø sound
6:46 average phoenix wing sound
7:06 silent
7:33 zeroes end
10:09 one
10:26 videoedit
11:17 a million
11:55 atmosphere
11:58 space
12:06 sun
12:11 solar system
12:17 blackhole
12:23 stephenson 2-10
12:29 galaxy outline
12:37 galactic core
12:42 galaxy
12:44 cluster
12:46 virgo supercluster
12:47 lanikea supercluster
12:50 the cosmic web
13:20 megacluster
14:00 cosmic microwave
14:14 universe
14:23 universe group
14:31 universe supergroup
14:36 yoctoverse
14:40 multiverse
14:56 megaverse
15:12 omniverse
16:03 the outside
16:38 the box
17:16 the circle
17:36 symbols get a bit triggered
18:20 the big core
18:51 the bigger core
19:13 the biggest core
19:29 the world's biggest core
19:34 numbers get faster
19:51 glitchy background
21:33 the preverse
22:14 ron numbers
22:24 pink ron number
22:26 the end finally!
music and sound effects:
00:00 hell scream [slowed 700%]
02:03 the caretaker - and heart breaks [reversed and slowed 10%]
03:25 the caretaker - and heart breaks [reversed]
03:50 classical piano [reversed]
04:34 time sound effect from it's spooky month
04:58 sound effects
05:26 heartbeat sound effect
05:45 more sound effects
06:16 creepy sound effects
06:38 horrifying sound effects
06:47 petrifying sound effects
07:35 weird sound effects
08:03 dance head nod [sped 10%]
08:17 jungle [sped 10%]
09:02 chill [sped 10%]
09:41 dance funky [sped 10%]
10:25 idk
10:49 idk
11:23 bossa nova
11:58 dance space [slowed 10%]
12:49 air sound
13:21 navikmusic - newtonia I
15:32 navikmusic - newnonia I [slowed 10%]
16:59 navikmusic - newtonia I [slowed 20%]
17:20 navikmusic - newtonia I [slowed 30%]
17:25 the caretaker - drifting time misplaced [slowed 10%]
18:23 the caretaker - and heart breaks [slowed 10%]
19:31 more sound effects
21:35 hell scream [slowed 600%]
22:14 V.S. Bob's onslaught: ron instrumental from Friday night funkin'
Thanks lol
4:00 -Ten
First, absolute infinity is smaller than absolute everything.
Time stamps:
0:00 insanely large negative numbers
2:01 large negative numbers
3:49 regular negative numbers
4:35 zeros type A
7:33 zeros type B
8:01 smallest decimals
8:17 tiny decimals
9:51 small decimals
10:09 regular numbers
11:00 sizable numbers
11:23 huge numbers
11:56 bigger than Earth
12:08 bigger than The Sun
12:22 bigger than The Milky Way
12:57 large functions
13:22 infinity+
15:14 unlimited+
16:28 currencies
17:27 unknown numbers
18:20 the absolute
19:32 randomness
19:51 larger function numbers
21:34 multi-end
21:52 even larger function numbers
"@@Tareq18049 " or all numbers
Me when I'm in a who knows the most numbers competition & my opponent is a Numberblocks fan:
Unknown 0:00
Void 2:02
Zero universe 4:41
Zero super clusters 4:57
Zero clusters 5:22
Lots of zeros 6:13
????? 6:15
We're gone too far 6:16
Too too far 6:39
Nothingness 7:06
Idk 7:34
Obvilionth zone? 8:02
Atom sized 8:17
One 10:10
Ten 10:24
Hundred 10:59
Sky 11:12
Land 11:23
The earth 11:54
The space 11:58
Solar system 12:09
Galaxy's land? 12:28
Over the galaxy 12:35
Whats that? 12:40
Cosmic web 12:43
Cluster webs 12:47
Supercluster webs 12:49
Infinity 13:21
Transfinity 14:01
Infinity universe 14:15
Infinity multiverse 14:22
Transfinity universe? 14:36
Ultrafinity 14:40
Superfinity 14:56
The ball? 15:12
A another ball? 15:55
THE BOX 16:39
Boxes 17:00
Glicthverse 17:16
20 likes pt 2
No likes?
13:20 Infnity
13:22 Infnityplex
Tree What?? 13:00 Was Because TREE (3) To TREE(TREE(3))
@@mycat7852 Oh. I Check
2:02 good numbers
4:35 good numbers
5:43 good numbers
6:07 good numbers
6:17 bad numbers
7:34 good numbers
7:39 bad numbers
8:17good numbers
6:11 bad numbers
8:31 good numbers
0 36
0:01 negative not end
2:01 negative world
4:34 0 world
8:02 oblivion world
8:16 One World
10:09 back to numberblocks
11:23 big number
12:47 fan-made numberblocks
13:20 infinity world
17:24 infinity world part 2
18:19 Infinity world part 3
19:30 infinity world part 4
19:49 glitch numberblocks
21:33 Infinity end
22:13 numberblocks human?
12:43 fff
You're video=classic+new
6:07 Many Decimals Of Zero’s Zone
7:57 longest sequence number between -0 and 0
Wait is like +-0?
Can we appreciate how every video of him is just scary background noise?
(Cock sheep number where?)
8:03 Big tumb
@@wenda-g7e 8:14*
yes po
@@jerselisaiahr.dionisio4804 yessir
What videos did you use, then?
"Pepepapepapapipo" It Got Me 😂
16:19 The Music is Slower
Please make infinities.MP4, I’ve been waiting this life for it.
my favourite numberblock 10:14
But Three Is The Worst Numberblock.
@@CANCELLED341 you grounded forever numberblock 3 its the not Worst Numberblock its the Beatiful Numberblock
$ground this.guy PG(ω)y start.1s
4:33 that number is kinda melting my brain. (especially 6:07, 6:16, and 6:38)
1:41 -Absolute never
7:21 PAUSE! hidden Tutanoro.
6:16: “We Gone Too Far” , “We Gone Too Far”
6:39:“We Gone Too Far”, “Can We Handle This?”, “I’m Pretty Sure” , “We Gone Too Far”
6:47: “NUMBERBLOCKS!”, “NUMBERBLOCKS!”, “NUMBERBLOCKS!”, “w”, “-nux”, “NUX’ “ “T” “T” , “IN”
@@theobservableuniverse2 it says those words in the background look at 6:16, 6:39 , 6:47
@@theobservableuniverse2 oh, how did you see it?
@@jonat012 full brightness.
(pls pin i worked rlly hard on this)
0:00 Negative Absolute God Infinities and stuff like that
2:02 Negative Infinity
3:49 Beyond Negative One Million
4:33 Beyond -0
4:35 O's
4:58 beyond {0,100,10,10,10}
6:07 beyond 0
6:09 FAST
6:16 beyond 0^-10^^30
6:38 beyond 0^-∞
6:47 beyond 0^-U^3x10^10{10}10
7:06 beyond 0^-U^∞^10{∞^10{10{∞}10}10
7:22 beyond 0^-?
7:33 Noros
7:45 -zeroed
8:01 Beyond One Utter Oblivionth
8:14 Beyond BIG FOOTH
8:15 Beyond One Versillionth
9:04 Beyond One Centillionth
9:41 Beyond One Decillionth
10:08 Beyond 0.25
10:09 One
10:11 One And A Half
10:12 Two
10:13 Two And A Half
10:14 Three
10:15 Three And A Half
10:16 Four
10:18 Four And A Half
10:19 Five
10:20 Six
10:22 Seven
10:23 Eight
10:24 Nine
10:25 Ten
10:26 Beyond Eleven
10:48 Beyond Twenty
10:59 Beyond 100
11:11 Beyond 1 000
11:17 Beyond 1 000 000
11:21 Beyond 1 000 000 000
11:32 Beyond 10^27
11:53 Beyond 10^303
11:57 Beyond 10^6 003
12:33 Beyond 10^3x10^33+3
12:38 Beyond 10^10^100
12:43 Beyond 10^10^10^34
12:48 Beyond 10^^10
13:00 Beyond TREE(3)
13:07 Beyond SSCG(3)
13:21 Beyond ∞
13:27 Beyond Aleph Null
13:36 Beyond Epsilon Null
13:43 Beyond Zeta Null
13:47 Ordinals
13:55 Cardinals
14:03 Gendinals
14:25 Rondinals
14:38 Beyond The Large Number
15:15 Beyond Unlimited
15:33 Beyond HTTP 404
16:04 Beyond Nothing
16:18 Beyond ?
16:28 Beyond One Dollar
16:38 Beyond One Pound
16:48 Beyond One Indian Rupee
16:53 One Baht
16:54 One Dong
16:58 Beyond One Yuan
17:24 Beyond Omega
17:33 Beyond Nevesadetlanidro
17:51 Beyond Kalabosian Omega
18:02 Beyond Absolute Everything
18:19 Beyond Absolute Infinity
18:30 Beyond Absolute Omegaphi
18:39 Cardinals (again)
18:46 Beyond One X
18:53 Beyond Capital Theta
18:55 -Finities
19:28 Beyond Bagiharabogasiafinity
19:34 Beyond Ogiga
19:38 -Finities (again)
20:09 Sheep Numbers
21:34 Multi-ends
21:53 Cool Guy Numbers
22:14 Ron Numbers
did you made this in scratch?
Don't turn on captions
The captions are extremely trash in this video
Huh? it's vietnamese!
I’m gonna turn on the captions I already did 1:00
I’m gonna turn on the captions I already did 1:00
Ron number: *C E R R I F I E D* *H O O D* *C L A S S E S*
This is why I don't like lemon.
4:35 merging Os 4:58 zeros have { and } 5:22 even the sound goes really fast 5:27 at 0^ 5:43 not the 0^ but so many 0s 6:07 at 0.0 and more 6:11 even if it goes really fast 6:12 at 0^- 6:13 even at the corners have 0.95 light and also some text 6:15 even darker
6:17 we gone too far 6:39 more text 6:47 even the zero turns red 7:06 the zero turns blue, but everything has gone like the lights and text 7:23 does a ? And more and then the last one 😮
-Absolute god infinity true end > 0:00
-Absolute true end > 1:31
-∞ > 2:04
-10^06 > 3:51
Zeros > 4:34
Branoro: -=-=- > 7:35
0 > 8:01
One Versillionth > 8:17
One Duecillionth > 8:22
One Mecillionth > 8:25
One Centimillinillion > 8:38
One Quadrimillinillion > 8:54
One Millinillion > 9:00
One Ducentillion > 9:02
One Octogintillion > 9:08
One Quadragintillion > 9:17
One Vigintillion > 9:21
0.0000000000000000000000000000000001 > 9:40
0.0000000000001 > 9:52
1 > 10:10
11 > 10:27
1K > 11:12
1000000000000 > 11:14
1000000000000000000000000 > 11:31
After not watching this for a long long long long time i got inspired by this too make a scratch project based on this
These numbers were invented before existence "Absolute never"
Can you do Test Numbers "TEST(***)"
No its
negative absolute truest super godend to Truestend
@@unractal bruh why no
One plex
Wheres the negative's Remastered voices
we need iy
Part -1
Negative Infinities 0:00
Negative Gods 1:23
Negative "illions" 2:13
Negative Decimals 4:16
Part 1
Doubled Zeros 4:35
10:28 10:29 10:30 10:31 10:33 10:34 10:35 10:36 10:38 10:39 10:40 10:41 10:43 10:44 10:46 10:46 10:48 10:49 10:51
4:57 Zerofinity
5:43 lol0
0:00 smallest thing in the everythingverse
0:51 same but big
1:35 ytinifni
2:11 verseuni.
4:19 yaw yklim
4:50 zeros place
8:12 werid place (its worse when some people stomp it)
9:32 mini
10:08 classic
11:35 cites or countries
11:57 earth (III PLANET)
12:11 solar system
12:31 milky way
12:45 cosmic web (observable universe)
14:01 universe (update time)
14:34 mutiverse
14:41 metaverse
14:56 xenoverse
15:12 omniverse
16:43 box
17:19 lag!!
17:34 another werid place
dead change/
18:21 dead (god place)
18:52 deadly (heaven and hell)
19:14 deadliest NOOO (trollverse and trollgeverse)
19:32 transvens
19:53 radiovens
21:37 rainbowvens
22:15 fnf mod
whats next
Never numbers: The darkness sphere
Limit numbers: TOO FART
Beyond final limit: The void sphere
Never numbers: the dark sphere
17:33 me as an arabian: BRUH WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS A FRICKING 2-
12:38 Googleplex Or Googolplex That Name Is Wrong
Thank you
You heard the numberblock.
Abostule subscribefinity
0:00 -numbers
2:01 -Infinity
4:00 -tens
4:06 -Default Nunbers
Tier 1
4:35 Zeros
4:58 {0,100,10,10s
5:23 {0,100,10}s
6:07 0.0
6:13 0v-(3x(10v153)+3)
Tier 2
6:16 Plack Size
6:39 Quantum Size
7:34 Bigger Placks
7:57 First number with a normal face
8:00 0.
Tier 3
8:03 Utters
8:17 Atoms Numbers
8:25 Nano Numbers
8:38 Cell Numbers
8:47 Big Bacteria Numbers
9:17 Ant Numbers
9:42 Coin Numbers
9:51 Default Numbers
10:07 Rare Numbers
10:09 Common Numbers
10:50 Tens
11:01 Big Numbers
11:14 Large Numbers
11:21 Huge Numbers
11:29 Sky Limit
11:37 Small Moon Size
11:55 Size of Africa
11:58 Bigger Than Earth
12:11 Bigger Than Sun
12:22 Larger Than Milky Way
12:43 Bigger Than IC1101
12:48 Cosmic Web Size
13:00 Trees
13:07 SSCGS
13:18 1Mth Si Number
13:21 Infinity
14:22 Bigger Than Universe
14:39 The Large Number
14:43 Mega Numbers
15:39 HTTP 404
16:18 ?
16:29 Dollars
16:39 Pounds
16:48 Indian Rupee
16:53 Baht
16:55 Dong
16:58 Yuan
17:09 Bigger Than The Box
17:23 Bigger Than The Circlr
17:25 Omega
18:20 Absolute Infinity
18:55 £
19:03 Mega Infinity
19:13 You can Count on Us Size
19:32 Alpha Numbers
19:19 True Infinity
19:50 Gitchlessfinity
20:07 Skeeplo 97
20:10 Sheep Numbers
21:53 Cool Guys Numbers
22:14 RON NUMBERS1!11! 11
22:16 Normal Ron
3212-333 222-355 3212-3333 22321
22:14 ron from Bob mod
Great voicing
6:06 Zero
Negative Absolutegod God Truest End
At 16:28 They start listing types of money… 💀
Why th did they decided to do loke that
@@theawakeneddoughfruit D O N K E Y
And why is yuan pronounced "youwan"
Negative Absolute God Infinity True End
A 22 Mintues Video
@@xixi98755 yes 22
I think HTTP 404 is supposed to be an error.
you also included the zeros.mp4 and the sheep_numbers.mp4! nice!
but at the start of the video and the end of the video, we don’t know where that comes from
also in 19:32 we don’t know as well
@@lolliamfriendly1234 we dunno what is well 19:32
18:20 Absolute infinity - Ω
18:39 Mogaleianoa Cardinal - M
18:41 MinaoNumba cardinal - MN
18:44 Mogeleidoubled - MM
18:47 One X - 1× and One to the power of x One x - 1×¹×
18:50 Absolute everynumber - mΩΛ
18:54 Capital theta - θ
18:55 Transfinity - £
18:58 Superfinity - §
18:59 Ultrafinity - И
19:00 Hyperfinity - Ж
19:02 Megafinity - Ш
19:04 Terafinity - П
19:07 Outerfinity - @
19:09 Thetafinity - θ'NF=∞
19:10 Strong compact cradinal - ƃ
19:12 Enderfinity - W
19:14 Ordinal level breaking - Ѭ
19:18 True infinity - T∞
19:19 Omnifinity - ¤
19:20 Godfinity - Ч
19:23 Jesusafinity - Д
19:25 Ultimatefinity - Ꚗ
19:27 Babogreyroghinafinity - Ѯ
5:43 How many zeroes is this?
15:42 you spelled “entire” wrong.
16:28 Really? You’re using currency as numbers?
He made it up
@@andreacorrea5921 right. i made it up
@I Hate My Life the made-up numbers are just for entertainment
THOSE numbers are confused.
At 20:08 they start listing colors of sheeps💀💀💀
Where’s the scratch project link
22:06”This is why I don’t like lemon”
I don't like lemon 👎🍋
22:11 RON
Sounds like wemon
6:08 A4ER4A44 EXT 2C 2VT21TVF 2
Some of them i dont know how to write
00:00 Negative finitys
02:04 Negative Super Gigantic illions
02:44 Negative Gigantic Illions
03:24 Negative illions
03:52 Negative Thaousands
03:59 Negative Numbers
04:35 Extreme zeros
06:16 Protoms
06:38 Atoms
07:34 Dust in the sky
08:02 Oblivionths
08:17 Th's
10:09 Ones
10:24 Tens
10:59 Hundreds
11:11 Thaousands
11:17 Illions
12:39 Plexes and ohter illions
12:59 Megaverse numbers
13:20 Finitys and ohters
13:55 Cardinals
14:05 The Ukdown numbers
14:38 The large numbers
15:15 Unitilimeds
15:34 HTTP 404's
16:04 Nothings
16:18 ?'s
16:28 Dollars and ohters
17:00 Yuans
17:35 The Ukdown things
18:47 1×'s
I stop added
Fffff 14:03 ffff 14:05 dfff
Dd 14:07
4:56 infinity zero
That Nothing Happends 22:13:32
why is the numberblocks community always tryna rewrite math
4:35 zero.mp4
6:16 scary
Not Scary
6:27 Scary
6:16 0^-10^^30
1000000th-Xi function number
3:25 where the numbers start
8:00 where the numbers start part 2
10:09 where the numbers ACTUALLY start
10:46 10 doesn't come after 19.5
10:59 where the 100s start
10:59 where the 100s start
11:12 where the 1Ks start
11:17 where the 1Ms (and after 1M) start
To be continued...
Ron had me laughing with the C E R T I F I E D H O O D C L A S S I C S .
Dude you forgot a Absolutely Neverend
T h a t i s t o o m u c h n u m b e r s 0:28
22:26 is the final Ron number,if even the best pc goes beyond this it explodes.
6:15 lol
8:14 You forgot to replace big tumth with big footh.
Big Footh
Big tumth
But his name is big tum
12:21 a square in a square
Its a numberblock, every square in the video is a numberblock (except the guy numbers and the ron numbers
And the sheep color numbers are not real.
2:02 ~ 13:21 Negative Infinity To Normal Infinity
17:26 I'm Not sure if you know this, but Omega is not beyond Zeta null.