Queen - Untitled Hidden Track, 13, HD/HQ (from the Made in Heaven album)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Woo5ter
    @Woo5ter 6 років тому +192

    Freddie isn't dead, he just went home. Made in Heaven!

    • @hououinkyouma3864
      @hououinkyouma3864 6 років тому +12

      Don't worry fam soon the universe will be reset so we will have a different and yet the same Freddie.

    • @evelyncastro2632
      @evelyncastro2632 5 років тому +9

      He just reconnected with the mothership

    • @unfunnyfebruary
      @unfunnyfebruary 3 роки тому +2

      @@hououinkyouma3864 He still have the iconic mustace btw

    • @TheDealIsDivided
      @TheDealIsDivided 3 роки тому +6

      @@hououinkyouma3864 KOEREGA MADOEEN HEBUN DA!

    • @Amberlynn_Reid
      @Amberlynn_Reid 7 днів тому

      How can he go home if he is dead?

  • @1061sarahs
    @1061sarahs Рік тому +32

    I have a mental health issue that gets me really low and anxious. I listen to this when I feel I need to calm things. Thank you Queen. Long may they reign

  • @rde4017
    @rde4017 6 років тому +66

    "Are we running?" No Freddie, you're flying. With the angels. RIP xxx

  • @emy3551
    @emy3551 4 роки тому +60

    10:30 Freddie say « Are you running ? »
    20:06 Freddie laugh
    22:23 Freddie say « Fab »

    • @donovangayosso7189
      @donovangayosso7189 3 роки тому +6

      22:23 Freddie say "FAB"

    • @emy3551
      @emy3551 3 роки тому +2

      @@donovangayosso7189 thanks

    • @Westlover808s
      @Westlover808s 3 роки тому +8

      20:06 - Freddie Passes Away, Going Straight to a Better Place, that’s why we hear Freddie laughing.

    • @Westlover808s
      @Westlover808s 3 роки тому +5

      21:09 - Freddie enters Heaven, that’s why we hear orchestral sound.

    • @MelvilleG
      @MelvilleG 3 роки тому +1

      @@Westlover808s Ah, so that’s what they play in Heaven? Then metal must be the sound of the other side?

  • @plzno4768
    @plzno4768 5 років тому +92

    Ray:It goes on forever 22:00 bloody minutes
    Freddie: I pity your wife if you think 22 minutes is forever

    • @mrs1196
      @mrs1196 5 років тому +2

      who's ray foster?

    • @riisikumi2236
      @riisikumi2236 5 років тому +4

      @@mrs1196 A person who never even existed

    • @mrs1196
      @mrs1196 5 років тому +4

      @@riisikumi2236 I mean,
      knock knock
      who's there?
      ray never
      ray never who?

    • @lilianarodriguez5812
      @lilianarodriguez5812 5 років тому

      You should watch Bohemian Rhapsody the movie

    • @riisikumi2236
      @riisikumi2236 5 років тому +6

      @@lilianarodriguez5812 the movie is full of lies, ray foster never existed.

  • @sabbirthedrummer
    @sabbirthedrummer 4 місяці тому +10

    This piece of music always give me the feeling of Freddie's departure from this mortal world to the eternity. It's like the ship is preparing to take him away when the music starts to build and at the end it takes him and starts to fly and get vanished in a blink of an eye. This is so soothing and at the same time so depressing.

  • @shaunlees3752
    @shaunlees3752 3 роки тому +52

    I always wondered if anyone else figured out that the runtime of this track is exactly 30 seconds for every year of Freddie's life, calculated from the day he was born to the day he died? (Brian forgot to factor in leap years, but no one is perfect) I always thought that the various vocals and effects marked landmarks in the timeline of Freddie's life, and that the swells and lulls in the music were the highs and lows of his career. Perhaps the drum at 13:30 was Queen's first arrival in Japan in 1975, when Freddie fell in love with that culture. Someday I'll map it all out.

    • @saratoldo4983
      @saratoldo4983 2 роки тому +4

      Non sei l'unico ad essere giunto a questa conclusione...😊

    • @awesomegale6757
      @awesomegale6757 2 роки тому +4

      damn that kinda makes sense actually, every 30 seconds its like the track changes a little bit

    • @drumsralwaysbest9234
      @drumsralwaysbest9234 2 роки тому +1

      This is in the title of the album in Wikipedia and it talks about each track
      Running at 22 minutes and 32 seconds, "13" began as an experiment by Richards with an Ensoniq ASR-10 sampler. He took the opening chords of "It's a Beautiful Day" and made them loop, and then added Mercury's voice saying “are you running?” Freddie laughing and at the very end Freddie saying “fab”, through strange echoes. May and Taylor also added some ideas to the track. This track was previously only available on the CD edition of the album and the aforementioned promo cassettes. This is also the longest track Queen had ever made.
      Standard cassettes of the album end with the shortened "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)", fading out after Track 12 ("Yeah"), where this untitled track would continue on. Track 13 can be purchased also as part of the full album or as a separate piece from Queen's official online store.
      The LP (vinyl) edition of the album has only the first few seconds, which run into the run-off of the groove on the record, which actually means that if a listener has a record player which does not have an automatic stop activated at this point, it will play indefinitely, consisting only of the few seconds looped over constantly.
      The album's last listed track (all formats) is track 11: "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)". In 2015, upon the re-issuing of Queen's discography on vinyl, Made in Heaven was re-issued as a double disc set with track 13 taking up the entirety of side D. The track was given the name "13" and is listed on the artwork.

  • @rufust.firefly6810
    @rufust.firefly6810 8 місяців тому +9

    Listening to the hidden track for the first time today since 1995. And it is .... overwhelming. Soothing, almost leaving me in meditation, contemplation. So much greater than the pieces, we all are. At the same time, sad for all the loss, mankind faced in the last 2 1/2 decades. All the madness, Queen seemed to have written against in retrospect throughout their whole career. The kindness and deeply humanistic approach, they expressed within their music. Far away from the sheer hedonism, Freddie sometimes had been accused of. Just human - in the meaning, being human should have.

  • @chuwichu1524
    @chuwichu1524 5 років тому +36

    Manito arriba si sos Queenera o Queenero!

  • @danieleraffanti9691
    @danieleraffanti9691 5 років тому +45

    it's the musical expression of the transition from life to the other side..

    • @phioshin
      @phioshin 5 років тому +3

      Daniele Raffanti Da notare che nella foto (retro del disco), sono solo in tre, come a guardare l'anima di Freddie che vola oltre le montagne..Freddie sapeva di avere poco tempo, e questa immagine mi sembra un chiaro riferimento alla sua visione del passaggio che lo attendeva...È una traccia che sinceramente mi incupi' molto quando la sentii..Non so, in qualche modo, pur essendo celestiale e onirica mi spaventava...La sentivo così spaziosa, ci sentivo molta solitudine...E l'ho skippata per tanti anni, perché mi faceva sentire il vuoto intorno e dentro. Non so come spiegarlo, ma credo che Freddie abbia dovuto lavorare per accettare il destino che lo attendeva. Penso si sentisse molto solo.🙁

    • @danieleraffanti9691
      @danieleraffanti9691 5 років тому +1

      @@phioshin ti confermo che anche a me ha dato le stesse sensazioni quel brano, poi nascosto come ghost track alla fine di tutte, anche io la ho skippata per anni, sembra proprio un viaggio nell'aldilà, a tratti anche sinistro.

    • @phioshin
      @phioshin 5 років тому

      Daniele Raffanti decisamente!

  • @mariadelagarza3703
    @mariadelagarza3703 5 років тому +24

    The is the most peaceful music song to remind you are at peace. and life carrys on. gone but never forgotten. We are scared of death but Freddie made it possible not to be afraid. All his songs remind of our past and mistakes we have made in the world he created. I feel his music is preparing us. Its not to late to love what GOD has given us in life.To love one another. AMEN.

  • @nomen_nescio30
    @nomen_nescio30 3 роки тому +39

    This is the most beautiful, strangest and darkest song I've ever listened to in life.... it seems to me it was recorded in the afterlife... under the inspiration from a passed away Freddie... it may sound macabre, but it's what I feel when I listen to it.

    • @BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers
      @BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers 3 роки тому +1

      Try Steve Roach - 'Structures From Silence' too :)

    • @BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers
      @BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers 3 роки тому +1

      Also Fripp and Eno - 'Evening Star'

    • @JR7noir
      @JR7noir 3 роки тому +3

      I remember I felt it like a "travel" to the heaven.

    • @drumsralwaysbest9234
      @drumsralwaysbest9234 2 роки тому +1

      Running at 22 minutes and 32 seconds, "13" began as an experiment by Richards with an Ensoniq ASR-10 sampler. He took the opening chords of "It's a Beautiful Day" and made them loop, and then added Mercury's voice saying “are you running?” Freddie laughing and at the very end Freddie saying “fab”, through strange echoes. May and Taylor also added some ideas to the track. This track was previously only available on the CD edition of the album and the aforementioned promo cassettes. This is also the longest track Queen had ever made.
      Standard cassettes of the album end with the shortened "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)", fading out after Track 12 ("Yeah"), where this untitled track would continue on. Track 13 can be purchased also as part of the full album or as a separate piece from Queen's official online store.
      The LP (vinyl) edition of the album has only the first few seconds, which run into the run-off of the groove on the record, which actually means that if a listener has a record player which does not have an automatic stop activated at this point, it will play indefinitely, consisting only of the few seconds looped over constantly.
      The album's last listed track (all formats) is track 11: "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)". In 2015, upon the re-issuing of Queen's discography on vinyl, Made in Heaven was re-issued as a double disc set with track 13 taking up the entirety of side D. The track was given the name "13" and is listed on the artwork.

  • @juliamcneill1334
    @juliamcneill1334 4 роки тому +28

    As I listend to this beautiful calming melody I closed my eyes and took the moment to have a real conversation with Freddie I talked to him about how we all miss him and how I shouldn't be afraid to keep living live because he was such a lover of life I asked him about how him and Jim we doing and I hope he heard me but this really brought me peace

    • @Samantha-hb4yi
      @Samantha-hb4yi 4 роки тому +13

      I am going to tell you something strange:
      We miss someone that we never meet and that it’s incredible

  • @justish9600
    @justish9600 5 років тому +42

    Freddie named himself Mercury for Hermes - Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, who ran with winged feet. Are you running, are you running? With wings, Darling.

  • @frankbarry975
    @frankbarry975 6 років тому +22

    This to me is Freddies journey back to where he can only possibly been have been made
    With a voice like that and a persona to match in.................. HEAVEN What a journey Their can be only one Miss you always

  • @mae77mulagameplays96
    @mae77mulagameplays96 2 роки тому +22

    When my grandma died, I put an edited-reduced version of this track with a video with scenes of her life in the church. When the song arrived to 16:05, many of the presents got a real big emotion. Thx for the track, Queen.

    • @Naltrex
      @Naltrex 2 роки тому +4

      sorry for your loss

  • @antogame1178
    @antogame1178 5 років тому +48

    This song is really interesting. In my opinion (and for many others) this song can be seen as pretty much the life of Freddie. Even better, I think the weird noise we heard at 13:28 is a representation of the shock then Freddie got when he learn he got AIDS and I could name a lot of reference like that.
    Also, fun fact, it turn out this song first started by Richards who just was experimenting with the keyboard and put the start of "it's a beautiful day" in looping with Freddie's voice mixing with some weird echoes. The other member, May and Taylor got the idea to add a bit more to the track and then, this piece there was created.

    • @uloreskov2241
      @uloreskov2241 5 років тому +3

      I would rather suggest that that part of the sound-track indicates accepting the inevitable, and melancholy coming from that acceptance.

    • @TheAhaArchive
      @TheAhaArchive 4 роки тому +3

      Another theory says every 30 seconds represents a year of Freddie's life, which would make that jingle represent 1973.

  • @Hawking1969
    @Hawking1969 4 роки тому +24

    The Fab at the end was so powerful. The whole piece is saying "here's what ascent into heaven feels like....and you're alive darling"

  • @Lauren-Starship
    @Lauren-Starship 3 роки тому +24

    This is so eerie, yet peaceful.

  • @PNEKarl
    @PNEKarl 5 років тому +23

    Time to remember Freddie as Mercury transits the Sun today 11/11/2019. Not forgotten. God bless Freddie!

  • @DontAskAnythin
    @DontAskAnythin 2 роки тому +31

    You can hear somebody in the background (most likely Freddy) shouting FAB! in second 22:27 - 22:29, I have come to a conclusion that it means that Freddy has already passed away in a coma suggesting that his 1st world in another universe (most likely Heaven) is Fab, short term of the word 'fabulous'.

  • @sophiatuttle1255
    @sophiatuttle1255 5 років тому +42

    I see a lot of people saying that this was made for a movie or that it was made by Freddie moments before his death. Read the description. It will tell you that David, Brian and Roger made it and what it came from. Nobody knows why they made it or even why they added it to the album. But that’s okay. I like to think this is what Freddie heard when he died and that was him realizing that his pain was over or that was Freddie’s spirit encouraging Brian, Roger, and David to suddenly throw this together to show what happiness sounds like... I know it sounds ridiculous but I don’t care.

    • @Riccardo-nl8xb
      @Riccardo-nl8xb 5 років тому

      Who is David? You mean john

    • @starlinger2714
      @starlinger2714 3 роки тому

      @@Riccardo-nl8xb David Richards, read the description

    • @drumsralwaysbest9234
      @drumsralwaysbest9234 2 роки тому

      This was under the album title in Wikipedia as they go over each track this is what was stated, David is the producer of this album that started this instrumental track
      Running at 22 minutes and 32 seconds, "13" began as an experiment by Richards with an Ensoniq ASR-10 sampler. He took the opening chords of "It's a Beautiful Day" and made them loop, and then added Mercury's voice saying “are you running?” Freddie laughing and at the very end Freddie saying “fab”, through strange echoes. May and Taylor also added some ideas to the track. This track was previously only available on the CD edition of the album and the aforementioned promo cassettes. This is also the longest track Queen had ever made.
      Standard cassettes of the album end with the shortened "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)", fading out after Track 12 ("Yeah"), where this untitled track would continue on. Track 13 can be purchased also as part of the full album or as a separate piece from Queen's official online store.
      The LP (vinyl) edition of the album has only the first few seconds, which run into the run-off of the groove on the record, which actually means that if a listener has a record player which does not have an automatic stop activated at this point, it will play indefinitely, consisting only of the few seconds looped over constantly.
      The album's last listed track (all formats) is track 11: "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)". In 2015, upon the re-issuing of Queen's discography on vinyl, Made in Heaven was re-issued as a double disc set with track 13 taking up the entirety of side D. The track was given the name "13" and is listed on the artwork.

  • @badreddinnegr5084
    @badreddinnegr5084 4 роки тому +24

    Im having such a bad day , and now im feeling like im the only one in this and so lonely , i wanted to listen to some Queen songs to chill , after listening to The Miracle and The march of the black Queen , i thought of my mother so i listened to Mother love and that drive me to listen Made in heaven album and so i listened to Its a beautiful day , and when it ends , this started and i felt like i ve never heard it before , it hit different and spiritual , im just feeling like this is heaven door or something .

  • @barbaraworgacz9326
    @barbaraworgacz9326 6 років тому +21

    Strange, hypnotic, oneiric, mysterious, transcendent... making (me) trembling deep inside... Love. Thanks.

  • @Matix01290
    @Matix01290 5 років тому +55

    22.35 x 2 = 45:10 45 years and 2 month (2months = 10 second = 1/6h = 1/6 of year )

    • @shxme_
      @shxme_ 5 років тому +3

      Holy fuck

    • @01782644468
      @01782644468 5 років тому +3


    • @linzi2720
      @linzi2720 4 роки тому +1

      I dont understand what you just said but ok

    • @LeroyBrown84
      @LeroyBrown84 4 роки тому

      Don't Try Suicide... Nobody's worth it...

    • @AriellePedersenSings
      @AriellePedersenSings 4 роки тому

      No way... Yeah that can't be a coincidence

  • @ValentaLamenter
    @ValentaLamenter 2 роки тому +24

    I saw Queen and Adam Lambert at the O2 recently. This was playing as everyone was allowed into the arena. I was looking up at the fantastic stage and hearing this gave me goosebumps. Simply sensational, as was Adam Lambert's and Queen's performance that night! Legends, every one of them.

    • @LifeForm
      @LifeForm  2 роки тому +8

      If only Queen toured with Marc Martel. He is Freddie Mercury reborn.

  • @loveshankme
    @loveshankme 4 роки тому +33

    If you’re here from that one stand eye catch video, 17:56 is for Made In Heaven.

  • @laraj3on
    @laraj3on 6 років тому +65

    How To Cry For 20 Minutes Straight

    • @maryjoyelijah1987
      @maryjoyelijah1987 5 років тому +8

      cry only out of happiness that we had fabulous Fredde among us at all...he would not want our tears

    • @blastromlifyedah
      @blastromlifyedah 5 років тому +1

      I didn't cry.
      I smiled because everything that he did happened.

    • @jeanmichellelaurent
      @jeanmichellelaurent 3 роки тому

      Everywhere at the end of queen

  • @zimtheailen1919
    @zimtheailen1919 3 роки тому +35

    According to spotify there’s actually 2 hidden tracks
    12. “Yeah”
    13. “Untitled”

  • @philiphynes8652
    @philiphynes8652 Рік тому +12

    A divine 'Om' of love from Brian, Roger and John for their dear departed Freddie 🙏

  • @SAT0R1.
    @SAT0R1. 10 місяців тому +7

    this song always fascinated me as a child

  • @redless2952
    @redless2952 4 роки тому +13

    When I got sick, I heard this song and believe me: it is very relaxing to listen to this with your eyes closed without any concern.

  • @SAT0R1.
    @SAT0R1. 10 місяців тому +8

    its like life beginning in the womb....cells dividing ...what an awesome album

  • @Sarah-vv8hh
    @Sarah-vv8hh 6 років тому +62

    Mom: you can play one more song on the aux, then you have to give it to your brother

  • @donnafairburn8531
    @donnafairburn8531 6 років тому +16

    Freddie left us far too soon and music has not been the same since Freddie died

  • @darrenrooke
    @darrenrooke 3 роки тому +9

    I was fortunate to see Queen play for the first time in 15 years when they took to the stage again in Brixton. They played part of this track and it turned me to a crying wreck. The track to me was about being in the wilderness without Freddie. So on this night at Brixton it was seen by me as them coming out of the wilderness. What an emotional moment. Glad I was there.

  • @jeanmichellelaurent
    @jeanmichellelaurent 6 років тому +29

    I like to imagine this as Freddie Mercury’s journey out of his body and into the heavens

  • @carmendominguez5256
    @carmendominguez5256 5 років тому +16

    Emociones, subidas ,bajadas, tristeza, relajación, misticismo, maravilloso, como el camino de la vida❤️allí donde esté, descanse en paz

  • @ronaldwilkin5662
    @ronaldwilkin5662 Рік тому +9

    I chill and listen to this when I feel down so down it’s helps me so much Thank you Freddie

  • @endrizo
    @endrizo 4 роки тому +21

    I get this final track as his ascencion to heaven.

  • @ornellamazzoccamazzocca5191
    @ornellamazzoccamazzocca5191 5 років тому +23

    Meraviglioso pezzo. La mia interpretazione del brano è la vita di Freddie. Gli inizi, la crescita, la notorietà, e poi al minuto 13.25 l'AIDS a rallentare, ma non a fermare la sua musica. Per poi continuare, con la consapevolezza che presto sarebbe andato via, a lasciarci un'eredità musicale notevole. Nel minuto 19,22 l'aggravarsi della malattia, e di seguito la sua risata liberatoria, nei minuti 20.10 e 20.22 i suoi ultimi respiri, la sua risata che si allontana, e per finire la musica angelica del finale e il suo spirito che vola via nel vento. In ultimo il suo "fab" (favoloso), come fermarsi ed ammirare il suo lascito!

    • @samuelemolinelli3994
      @samuelemolinelli3994 5 років тому +2

      Sono d accordo con te in ogni cosa che hai scritto🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎵🎵🎵🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎵🎸🎸🎸🎸🎼🎼🎼🎼

    • @shxme_
      @shxme_ 5 років тому +1

      Un altro italiano qua sotto ❤

    • @paolamagnanini7419
      @paolamagnanini7419 5 років тому +1

      @@matteotroise8774 5

  • @theirishshowman
    @theirishshowman 6 років тому +19

    This has David Richards all over it, it is completely his creation and sound. So very apt given the context of the Made In Heaven idea. It was his contribution and the final song on the final Queen Album, which is my personal favourite. For David Richards to knit something together as dramatic as that album from bits and pieces is astonishing.

  • @tuc-dh4df
    @tuc-dh4df Рік тому +18

    Music for Freddie to enter heaven with all the pomp deserving of the worlds greatest showman.

  • @Woo5ter
    @Woo5ter Рік тому +11

    Imagine a spaceship carrying 5000 people arriving at an unexplored planet and seeing it for the very first time as the viewing screen opens on its golden star creating an eclipse.. Yep this should be what is played!

  • @janiquevaillot8554
    @janiquevaillot8554 3 роки тому +13

    Farrock Bulsara is gone in the skies with the stars. But Freddie Mercury is still alive forever. For he's a Legend, an Highlander !

  • @silvaniaresende6753
    @silvaniaresende6753 2 роки тому +19

    This part is my favorite part of this song 07:22 08:10

  • @saibotyt1012
    @saibotyt1012 3 роки тому +33

    13:30 scared me, completely out of nowhere

    • @itza8742
      @itza8742 3 роки тому +8

      Yes same I fucking jumped off my chair

    • @eklisniplut
      @eklisniplut 3 роки тому +1

      thanks for warning me haha

  • @franko5714
    @franko5714 5 років тому +20

    Freddie Mercury looks from the sky.

  • @delilahm9692
    @delilahm9692 5 років тому +21

    Everytime I listen to it I cry

  • @mariluoceguera5133
    @mariluoceguera5133 5 років тому +19

    Waooo bien puede ser un audio subliminal con acordes perfectamente diseñados para alcanzar un alto grado de meditación y alcanzar la superconciencia!!!
    Como recorrerte desde que estás en el vientre de tu madre, hasta llegar al cielo... me enamoré aún más de Queen!!!

  • @johnsonshaun263
    @johnsonshaun263 5 років тому +8

    So amazing!! They were, are the greatest band, to me! Wish I would have known them!! I love watching there videos! And listening to Freddie! If you could turn back time!! I know right where I would go!! Love you all! Thank you for your music! ❤️

  • @CherryPascalle
    @CherryPascalle Рік тому +11

    This is Queen ASMR and I love it.

  • @americandevo
    @americandevo 6 місяців тому +9

    This is the first time I have listened to this album from beginning to end.
    I now understand John Deacon...... this really feels like "closure".

  • @TeutonicThrashMaster
    @TeutonicThrashMaster 2 роки тому +31

    16:05 Sounds like Super Mario Galaxy

  • @Lapofthegods
    @Lapofthegods 2 роки тому +20

    I have been following Queen for only 3 years and they where before my time but god I am 100% hooked, I have watched every piece of footage, collected memorabilia etc The one thing amongst many that I find fascinating is that every song I come across and search up I keep finding more and more and they have a mystery about them, their not straight forward lyrics and keep you guessing which is what Freddie always wanted, like in the bohemian rhapsody people are still wondering what that is about, then after I think I’ve heard all the songs I come across this and I’m just flabbergasted, and still it’s a mystery of what it’s about, yes people will have their opinions but no one will ever know which is one of the greasiest thing about Queen. Freddie would have loved this! It’s also so relaxing and very emotional, I cried so much thinking of Freddie listening to this. Greatest band ever to have walked this earth ❤️🎸🎹🥁🎤❤️ Love you Freddie ❤️🎤❤️

    • @drumsralwaysbest9234
      @drumsralwaysbest9234 2 роки тому

      You said nobody would know what this is about, it's under the album name Wikipedia and as it reviews The Tracks this is what it states for track 13, it was put together by the producer and then Brian and Roger came in and added stuff, now you know what it's about, I held on to the album forever and I never looked to see what it was about, today was the day I decided to research, glad you enjoyed Queen rest in peace Freddie Mercury
      Running at 22 minutes and 32 seconds, "13" began as an experiment by Richards with an Ensoniq ASR-10 sampler. He took the opening chords of "It's a Beautiful Day" and made them loop, and then added Mercury's voice saying “are you running?” Freddie laughing and at the very end Freddie saying “fab”, through strange echoes. May and Taylor also added some ideas to the track. This track was previously only available on the CD edition of the album and the aforementioned promo cassettes. This is also the longest track Queen had ever made.
      Standard cassettes of the album end with the shortened "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)", fading out after Track 12 ("Yeah"), where this untitled track would continue on. Track 13 can be purchased also as part of the full album or as a separate piece from Queen's official online store.
      The LP (vinyl) edition of the album has only the first few seconds, which run into the run-off of the groove on the record, which actually means that if a listener has a record player which does not have an automatic stop activated at this point, it will play indefinitely, consisting only of the few seconds looped over constantly.
      The album's last listed track (all formats) is track 11: "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)". In 2015, upon the re-issuing of Queen's discography on vinyl, Made in Heaven was re-issued as a double disc set with track 13 taking up the entirety of side D. The track was given the name "13" and is listed on the artwork.

    • @Lapofthegods
      @Lapofthegods 2 роки тому

      @@drumsralwaysbest9234 yes i too have read this on Wikipedia. Even though producers and Brian Roger put this together it is still not revealed what it is about , it would never be revealed as they always wanted it to be up to the lister, Freddie also emphasised this when he was alive. People and critics can write/comment on reviews of the track but it’s still a mystery . Love it!!

    • @solonify
      @solonify 2 роки тому +1

      It’s a requiem. It’s the very last song on the very last Queen album. A lot of grief in it in my opinion, it’s like they want it to go in forever, to never end…

    • @Lapofthegods
      @Lapofthegods 2 роки тому

      @@solonify yes also very moving with a sense of calm and hypnoses

  • @redless2952
    @redless2952 4 роки тому +10

    Every second of this instrumental was worth it

  • @U-YuriZah
    @U-YuriZah 3 місяці тому +4

    Когда играет эта композиция, реально кажется, что ты улетаешь туда, где тебя никто не потревожит... Queen на все времена!!!

  • @marciavallee499
    @marciavallee499 6 років тому +23

    After having seen the movie 3 times, I cannot hear enough of the music of Queen. Of course, I love Freddie and
    the respect his bandmates have for him as they hold him in their hearts.

  • @damianwhite1450
    @damianwhite1450 5 років тому +19

    Chilling to the bone and had never paid attention really to this album until watching the movie!! My god this just blew me away in its scary beautiful way possible and as another mentioned its freddie on his way the heaven :(

    • @sethlindner5955
      @sethlindner5955 5 років тому +2

      I think this is a song about Queen. About their beginnings, their rise to fame, all of that. It's song about reflection.

  • @angelahorn2239
    @angelahorn2239 3 роки тому +22

    I use this song to meditate.

  • @jerlome4467
    @jerlome4467 4 роки тому +25

    Truly the best music to reset the universe to.

  • @springtrapsawesomegang3016
    @springtrapsawesomegang3016 4 роки тому +47

    Why Untitled is the darkest Queen song:
    The name itself sounds creepy enough, but it is also known as Track 13, 13 is known as the unlucky number. At first, it might sound relaxing and peaceful, but then it starts to get creepy. The part where it does so is at exactly 13:00. There, another 13. Freddie tends to say some scary stuff as well, such as "are you running". Now he might be saying that as in "are we recording" but still. And Freddie's laugh at 20:06 sounds different as well, because it's not your usual laugh. I swear, Freddie laughing at something funny sounds way different than this. The echoey effect makes it more dark.
    Don't take this seriously, it's just my opinion

    • @rayres1074
      @rayres1074 4 роки тому +4

      This is just some spaced out ambient song bruv, it's hardly creepy.

    • @springtrapsawesomegang3016
      @springtrapsawesomegang3016 4 роки тому +3

      @@rayres1074 Its just my opinion, but I respect your opinion

    • @itza8742
      @itza8742 3 роки тому +6

      I kinda agree... i know that This is meant as beautiful and freddie passing and entering heaven, but it freaked me out tbh. (I also don’t think it was smart to listen to this at 1am) I literatuur jumped when i listened to 13:00

    • @springtrapsawesomegang3016
      @springtrapsawesomegang3016 3 роки тому +1

      @Aiden Bauman I play Minecraft and I can confirm this

    • @jeanmichellelaurent
      @jeanmichellelaurent Рік тому

      Maybe because it's there last song as a band, it's the remnants of what queen used to be fading away, it's like Freddie Mercurys final goodbye a swansong to all that's happened, it's sad that's its over but it's a peaceful celebration of what happened

  • @interlude44
    @interlude44 6 років тому +25

    Guys I’m a new queen fan. I love the ending to this track !! I miss freddie

    • @in2da205
      @in2da205 6 років тому +3

      How can you miss someone you never knew existed before he died?

    • @julianblake8385
      @julianblake8385 6 років тому +5

      You know what, dude? I think you're probably here because of the movie. And I was hating all the Queen posing hype. But I also thought that there would be some kids who'll get curious with their music. Their music as a whole, not just the pop tracks. And It seems I was right, and It seems you're one of them kids. Great! If you're here is because you went beyond the hype and started exploring their whole albums! Great, kid! Welcome to a world of amazing music. Hope you're enjoying their discography, it's totally worth it.

    • @interlude44
      @interlude44 6 років тому +2

      Julian Blake tf?? I haven’t seen the movie yet kid !!! I always heard queens music it’s just I decided to give it more of a chance with thier other songs . I’m an adult and i haven’t had the free desire to explore thier music because I was raised to listen to certain music . I’m in a band and my band mates told me to give it a chance even before the movie came out . So I did .

    • @interlude44
      @interlude44 6 років тому +1

      Ningerundayo uhhh kid I miss his vocals and his image !! Of course i know the band itself . I just wasn’t a fan

    • @julianblake8385
      @julianblake8385 6 років тому +2

      Damn, just when I was recovering a little hope in kids this generation, and in humanity in general hahaha. Anyway, enjoy their music!

  • @palomasanchez1727
    @palomasanchez1727 5 років тому +7

    Pura magia mística .... surrealista..... hermoso!!!... Queen forever.....

  • @seaseaseaseaseaseaseasea
    @seaseaseaseaseaseaseasea 4 роки тому +23

    Remember listening to this in 2011 Florida. Felt like the entire world sped up.

  • @johngill6404
    @johngill6404 5 років тому +15

    Forever in our ♥️ and memory

  • @juanacarovazquez4627
    @juanacarovazquez4627 5 років тому +7

    Perfecta para escuchar antes de acostarse,me relajo por momentos y otros me puso el bello de punta.

  • @angelpie2398
    @angelpie2398 5 років тому +26

    The number 13 in not an evil number as the devil has gotten us to believe. But rather, it is a number of great promise and blessing. The number 13 is a number of great blessings given by God and God bestow the gift of Artistry and a voice unmatched to Freddie.

    • @LifeForm
      @LifeForm  5 років тому +15

      Or maybe it's just a number ... made up by people ... which doesn't have any special meaning aside from the one we assign it it ;-)

    • @astral5969
      @astral5969 5 років тому +1

      Life Form

    • @yolandakar-igualdadcargach7116
      @yolandakar-igualdadcargach7116 4 роки тому

      Woww, how deep!

    • @orwellianson
      @orwellianson 4 роки тому

      Shut the fuck up, you superstitious sack of shit.

    • @drumsralwaysbest9234
      @drumsralwaysbest9234 2 роки тому

      Running at 22 minutes and 32 seconds, "13" began as an experiment by Richards with an Ensoniq ASR-10 sampler. He took the opening chords of "It's a Beautiful Day" and made them loop, and then added Mercury's voice saying “are you running?” Freddie laughing and at the very end Freddie saying “fab”, through strange echoes. May and Taylor also added some ideas to the track. This track was previously only available on the CD edition of the album and the aforementioned promo cassettes. This is also the longest track Queen had ever made.
      Standard cassettes of the album end with the shortened "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)", fading out after Track 12 ("Yeah"), where this untitled track would continue on. Track 13 can be purchased also as part of the full album or as a separate piece from Queen's official online store.
      The LP (vinyl) edition of the album has only the first few seconds, which run into the run-off of the groove on the record, which actually means that if a listener has a record player which does not have an automatic stop activated at this point, it will play indefinitely, consisting only of the few seconds looped over constantly.
      The album's last listed track (all formats) is track 11: "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)". In 2015, upon the re-issuing of Queen's discography on vinyl, Made in Heaven was re-issued as a double disc set with track 13 taking up the entirety of side D. The track was given the name "13" and is listed on the artwork.

  • @bbdk6548
    @bbdk6548 6 років тому +32

    Freddie's laugh 20:12..hope he's still laughing somewhere..and this "fab" at the end, is it also Freddie's voice?..Freddie and David thank you RIP..

  • @jennypiontek5512
    @jennypiontek5512 5 років тому +36

    Some people say that this is Freddie going into Heaven😱

  • @johngill6404
    @johngill6404 4 роки тому +16

    Important to close your eyes and sit back to fully immerse yourself in the track, to fully appreciate its deep meaning and his purpose for having produced such a time honoured piece. I have always believed in this track since having the original CD.

    • @jeffmaine8759
      @jeffmaine8759 4 роки тому +1

      This song has a lot to do with CDs, I'll tell you that.

  • @CDLuminous
    @CDLuminous 3 роки тому +16

    So ahead of their time

  • @emanuelito85violatour19
    @emanuelito85violatour19 5 років тому +13

    I was born to love you freddie ❣

  • @charkieee7866
    @charkieee7866 3 роки тому +8

    At the end I closed my eyes and pictured Freddie I’ve never felt closer too him

  • @clarmichmarteillat6076
    @clarmichmarteillat6076 7 років тому +13

    " thank You ... Love ... Heaven For Everyone ..... Michel ! FRANCE !

  • @kellyhiggins4234
    @kellyhiggins4234 5 років тому +14

    When my eyes no longer see a note, my ears no longer hear you babble,my nose no longer smells daffodils, my lips no longer kiss the sun, my mouth no longer opens, my tounge no longer tastes, My voice will linger forever, as I wallow in darkness & remain within my own last thought hearts will ache as just my bodie lays within a bed of ashes incased inside granite , my soul as daunting as it my seem shall be forever locked within the matter of heaven & earth all that was me shall live with memories of those left behind in what we know as life ..good bye

    • @01782644468
      @01782644468 5 років тому +1

      That's extremely beautiful, thank you kelly :-)

    • @Samantha-hb4yi
      @Samantha-hb4yi 4 роки тому +1

      Something sad it’s that in one interview Freddie say “if I die who cares, I don’t”
      Now we are hire trying to don’t cry 😔

  • @AhDollar
    @AhDollar Рік тому +8

    after "yeah" on the last side of the original LP from 1995, the first few seconds of this (carved into the run-off groove) played in perpetual loop if the listener didn't have an automatic stop turned on, quite a clever method of ending the album on vinyl when they weren't able to include the full song (it was on the CD releases, as well as the 20th anniversary LP from 2015)

  • @humorlessclown
    @humorlessclown 3 роки тому +18

    That people don’t know this exists… it’s 2021 and if you’ve found yourself here after, hello 👋🏼

  • @john-doe2000
    @john-doe2000 Рік тому +10

    Excelente instrumental

  • @clarmichmarteillat6076
    @clarmichmarteillat6076 5 років тому +12

    " Forever in My Heart ... All Ways !

  • @canalparagentehumilde149
    @canalparagentehumilde149 5 років тому +48


  • @lindalm5167
    @lindalm5167 6 років тому +14

    A great tribute to Freddie from his friends. Very moving.

  • @doreencamerona5849
    @doreencamerona5849 5 років тому +8

    the best of the best forever in our hearts

  • @gracielaflores7961
    @gracielaflores7961 5 років тому +8

    Exelente Producción David Richards. Genio 👏👏❤

  • @ОксанаШабада
    @ОксанаШабада Рік тому +11

    Любимый и неповторимый Фредди. Ты в Раю. Скорблю о тебе. Ты будишь жить в своих песнях. Через ВЕЧНОСТЬ. Царствие небесное тебе!😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @зель_13
      @зель_13 10 місяців тому

      Жалко его

    • @richardharmon647
      @richardharmon647 9 місяців тому +1

      Actually this is not true the kingdom of heaven is open to those who proclaim of faith in Jesus Christ. I don't ever recall in any interviews Freddy proclaiming any faith in Christ. To the best of my knowledge he was in the zoroastrian religion.

  • @BonBon-kr4ps
    @BonBon-kr4ps 3 роки тому +16

    21:09 did you know they used this song for when Frank The Robot visits the Queen concert in 2017

  • @malekoftheseraphim5523
    @malekoftheseraphim5523 6 років тому +17


  • @nero5985
    @nero5985 4 роки тому +36

    Imagine stone oceans ending with this song

    • @redless2952
      @redless2952 4 роки тому

      For Jojo? Wow. It sounds incredible

  • @StrangelyDevoted
    @StrangelyDevoted 5 років тому +8

    This eery track was written by itself

  • @samuelemolinelli3994
    @samuelemolinelli3994 5 років тому +7

    Incredebal sound wonderful Genius Roger Taylor and Brian may and David Richards🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼

  • @rayanalouani8594
    @rayanalouani8594 Рік тому +19

    -1973 (min. 0:00-1:00) pian piano la musica sale, così come pian piano i Queen cominciano ad affacciarsi al complicato mondo della musica
    -1974 (min. 1:00-2:00) la musica sale sempre di più, l’atmosfera è in continua crescita, i Queen sono sempre più famosi
    -1975 (min. 2:00-3:00) la musica si fa ancora più forte, l’atmosfera da un senso di grande importanza e infatti questo è un anno cruciale nella loro carriera
    -1976 (min. 3:00-4:00) l’atmosfera e il volume della musica raggiungono il massimo, l’atmosfera maestosa e regale evidenzia che i Queen sono ormai famosissimi
    -1977 (min. 4:00-5:00) poi arriva il punk e l’improvviso silenzio dimostra come questa rivoluzione sia stata sentita dai Queen
    -1978 (min. 5:00-6:00) pian piano la musica sale di nuovo, si sentono degli archi che si interrompono, forse ad indicare il capolavoro a metà ''Jazz'', settimo album
    -1979 (min. 6:00-7:00) la musica torna ad essere più forte e anche l’atmosfera ritorna regale, probabilmente per il grande periodo live dei Queen, testimoniato dall’album Live Killers
    -1980 (min. 7:00-8:00) finiscono gli anni ’70 e infatti l’atmosfera cambia, inizia una nuova era per i Queen che sperimentano dei nuovi suoni e anche in questo brano viene introdotto il suono insistente di una tastiera
    -1981 (min. 8:00-9:00) la trasformazione da band progressive/art/glam rock a gruppo pop si sente qui con diversi suoni in stile dance, iniziano le sessions x Hot space, album disco-pop
    -1982 (min. 9:00-10:00) continuano i suoni simili alla musica da discoteca e ad un certo punto si interrompono forse perché anche i Queen interrompono provvisoriamente le loro attività
    -1983 (min. 10:00-11:00) si sente Freddie che dice ''are you running?'', ci sono le prime sessions con Michael Jackson e anche le prime voci di un presunto scioglimento
    -1984 (min. 11:00-12:00) poi l’atmosfera comincia a cambiare di nuovo, i Queen in un certo senso rinascono con l’uscita di ‘’The works’’
    -1985 (min. 12:00-13:00) ci sono dei suoni celesti, forse per il grande trionfo del Live AID, che ‘’riunifica’’ definitivamente il gruppo e gli da un nuovo spirito
    -1986 (min. 13:00-14:00) improvvisamente l’atmosfera si fa cupa e misteriosa, Freddie si presume abbia contratto l’AIDS in questo periodo e ci sono delle nuove voci di un possibile scioglimento
    -1987 (min. 14:00-15:00) l’atmosfera è sempre più cupa e misteriosa, i Queen hanno un altro periodo di pausa, come nel 1983
    -1988 (min. 15:00-16:00) la musica sale leggermente e i Queen iniziano le sessions per The miracle
    -1989 (min. 16:00-17:00) c’è un nuovo cambio nell’atmosfera, caratterizzata questa volta da una musica inquietante suonata al pianoforte, siamo in pieno periodo The miracle, quando Freddie stava male e rinuncia ad andare in tour per promuovere l’album
    -1990 (min. 17:00-18:00) il brano si incupisce ancora, sembra proprio l’atmosfera dell’aldilà , Freddie è sempre più malato e sofferente
    -1991 (min. 18:00-19:00) l’atmosfera continua a diventare sempre più pesante e cupa, fino a diventare quasi insopportabile alla fine per evidenziare la morte avvenuta a fine anno
    -1992 (min. 19:00-20:00) in questo anno c’è il Freddie Mercury tribute circa a metà anno e infatti nel mezzo di questo minuto si sente un pianoforte suonare una musica conclusiva, l’atmosfera sembra sottolineare la fine di un percorso
    -1993 (min. 20:00-21:00) esce il remix di Living on my own che si piazza al primo posto in Inghilterra, si sente una risata effettata proprio come un remix forse per dire che Freddie dal paradiso è contento di essere ricordato così
    -1994 (min. 21:00-22:00) finisce la risata, ritorna l’atmosfera celestiale e siamo nel periodo pre-Made in heaven, in cui Brian e Roger lavorano sulle vecchie tracce
    -1995 (min. 22:00-22:32) l’atmosfera cambia ancora per indicare l’uscita dell’ultimo album e alla fine si sente un ‘’fab’’ probabilmente pronunciato da Freddie, che sta ad indicare che lui è contento della sua vita e della carriera dei Queen

    • @thecountoftuscany3447
      @thecountoftuscany3447 Рік тому +7

      Thanks for this, this helped me view the song a lot differently!
      For those who don't speak Italian and don't want to constantly switch between youtube and google translate:
      1973 (min. 0:00-1:00) little by little the music rises, just as Queen little by little begins to approach the complicated world of music
      -1974 (min. 1:00-2:00) the music gets louder and louder, the atmosphere continues to grow, Queen is increasingly famous
      -1975 (min. 2:00-3:00) the music becomes even louder, the atmosphere gives a sense of great importance and in fact this is a crucial year in their career
      -1976 (min. 3:00-4:00) the atmosphere and volume of the music reach their maximum, the majestic and regal atmosphere highlights that Queen are now very famous
      -1977 (min. 4:00-5:00) then punk arrives and the sudden silence shows how this revolution was felt by Queen
      -1978 (min. 5:00-6:00) slowly the music rises again, you can hear some strings interrupting, perhaps indicating the half-finished masterpiece ''Jazz'', seventh album
      -1979 (min. 6:00-7:00) the music becomes stronger again and the atmosphere also returns regal, probably due to Queen's great live period, witnessed by the album Live Killers
      -1980 (min. 7:00-8:00) the '70s end and in fact the atmosphere changes, a new era begins for Queen who experiment with new sounds and also in this song the insistent sound of a keyboard is introduced
      -1981 (min. 8:00-9:00) the transformation from progressive/art/glam rock band to pop group can be heard here with different dance style sounds, sessions begin for Hot space, disco-pop album
      -1982 (min. 9:00-10:00) the sounds similar to disco music continue and at a certain point they stop perhaps because Queen also temporarily interrupts their activities
      -1983 (min. 10:00-11:00) Freddie can be heard saying ''are you running?'', there are the first sessions with Michael Jackson and also the first rumors of an alleged breakup
      -1984 (min. 11:00-12:00) then the atmosphere begins to change again, Queen in a certain sense are reborn with the release of ''The works''
      -1985 (min. 12:00-13:00) there are celestial sounds, perhaps due to the great triumph of Live AID, which definitively ''reunifies'' the group and gives it a new spirit
      -1986 (min. 13:00-14:00) suddenly the atmosphere becomes dark and mysterious, Freddie is presumed to have contracted AIDS in this period and there are new rumors of a possible breakup
      -1987 (min. 14:00-15:00) the atmosphere is increasingly dark and mysterious, Queen have another break period, like in 1983
      -1988 (min. 15:00-16:00) the music rises slightly and Queen begins the sessions for The miracle
      -1989 (min. 16:00-17:00) there is a new change in the atmosphere, characterized this time by disturbing music played on the piano, we are in the midst of The miracle, when Freddie was ill and gave up going on tour to promote the album
      -1990 (min. 17:00-18:00) the song becomes even darker, it seems like the atmosphere of the afterlife, Freddie is increasingly ill and suffering
      -1991 (min. 18:00-19:00) the atmosphere continues to become heavier and darker, until it becomes almost unbearable at the end to highlight the death that occurred at the end of the year
      -1992 (min. 19:00-20:00) this year there is the Freddie Mercury tribute about halfway through the year and in fact in the middle of this minute you hear a piano playing a final piece of music, the atmosphere seems to underline the end of a journey
      -1993 (min. 20:00-21:00) the remix of Living on my own comes out and goes to number one in England, you hear a laugh effected just like a remix perhaps to say that Freddie from heaven is happy to be remembered like this
      -1994 (min. 21:00-22:00) the laughter ends, the celestial atmosphere returns and we are in the pre-Made in heaven period, in which Brian and Roger work on the old tracks
      -1995 (min. 22:00-22:32) the atmosphere changes again to indicate the release of the latest album and at the end we hear a ''fab'' probably pronounced by Freddie, which indicates that he is happy with his life and Queen's career
      È davvero straordinario che tu abbia scritto tutto questo per farci vedere, grazie

  • @freddiemercury8625
    @freddiemercury8625 4 роки тому +12

    I must admit I was scared of how eerie it sounded at first, but now it seems sort of relaxing. Also, I think this would make for a PERFECT Minecraft Nether music.

  • @jovipz0314
    @jovipz0314 2 роки тому +9

    Me encanta la música clásica, instrumental, el rock pero no entiendo de música como para dar una opinión con conocimiento solo la siento y la vivo con cada fibra de mi ser. Queen es mi banda preferida, qué puedo decirte de este tema instrumental de QUEEN, sólo que me eleva inconmensurable a la esfera celestial. Son unos genios, unos eruditos en este arte, es un regalo para que nos gusta la belleza sin entenderla.
    Freddie Mercury, you are my fairy king, you are magical, you are ethereal even in the sky 😇⭐⭐❤🌷
    God save the queens, your majesty, QUEEN !! 👑👑👑👑

  • @fredilublin7597
    @fredilublin7597 Рік тому +7


  • @ninaalfano8194
    @ninaalfano8194 3 роки тому +30

    I would call this track 13..MERCURY RISING.

    • @varonymous6452
      @varonymous6452 3 роки тому +3

      holy shit they should've done that

    • @drumsralwaysbest9234
      @drumsralwaysbest9234 2 роки тому

      Running at 22 minutes and 32 seconds, "13" began as an experiment by Richards with an Ensoniq ASR-10 sampler. He took the opening chords of "It's a Beautiful Day" and made them loop, and then added Mercury's voice saying “are you running?” Freddie laughing and at the very end Freddie saying “fab”, through strange echoes. May and Taylor also added some ideas to the track. This track was previously only available on the CD edition of the album and the aforementioned promo cassettes. This is also the longest track Queen had ever made.
      Standard cassettes of the album end with the shortened "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)", fading out after Track 12 ("Yeah"), where this untitled track would continue on. Track 13 can be purchased also as part of the full album or as a separate piece from Queen's official online store.
      The LP (vinyl) edition of the album has only the first few seconds, which run into the run-off of the groove on the record, which actually means that if a listener has a record player which does not have an automatic stop activated at this point, it will play indefinitely, consisting only of the few seconds looped over constantly.
      The album's last listed track (all formats) is track 11: "It's a Beautiful Day (Reprise)". In 2015, upon the re-issuing of Queen's discography on vinyl, Made in Heaven was re-issued as a double disc set with track 13 taking up the entirety of side D. The track was given the name "13" and is listed on the artwork.

  • @louisaklimentos7583
    @louisaklimentos7583 2 роки тому +10

    I love this song and the album . I bought the CD when it was released .

  • @debradireen3625
    @debradireen3625 Місяць тому +1

    Hauntingly beautiful ❤ Freddie we will always love you.

  • @olivervaupunkt433
    @olivervaupunkt433 6 місяців тому +6

    This year we will visit Montreux and visit the small Queen-Studio and Museum. I think it will be great. 🤗 The time is ripe to visit it. Freddie was and still is one of the greatest singers of all time. I cant still believe that this happened in 1991. Nowadays we have good medicine to supress the HIV-virus in the body and a really good life is possible by mostly taking only one pill per day...and that without any side effects.
    It can still not be healed but hiv+ can not turn to Aids by taking everyday the pill. But the breakthrough (to talk with Freddies words) came 1996 with the medicine. 5 years after he already died.. Its sad. Really sad. But we still have his music. Not to forget the other Queen-Members: Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon, who created this great band QUEEN.

  • @charlesbukowski7730
    @charlesbukowski7730 5 років тому +9

    I meditate on this

  • @hornet1409
    @hornet1409 5 років тому +34

    Did anyone notice that the upload date is 24th November?

    • @LifeForm
      @LifeForm  5 років тому +12

      I surely did :-) strangely it's a pure coincidence. I just wanted to share this song in a good quality and after having failed to find one, I uploaded it. On the day of his untimely demise.