I Accidentally Discovered Amazon's Massive Pokemon Card Scandal

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SirBobbyK
    @SirBobbyK Рік тому +162

    I used to be a operations manager at Amazon and the thing with the warehouse deals are a hit or miss. Half of the products are just damaged during transit by associates or by the AR robot pods. The other half are customers abusing the Amazon return policy.

    • @ScreamingwithAsher
      @ScreamingwithAsher Рік тому +1

      I would’ve stole them anyway 😏

    • @Pokemagee
      @Pokemagee Рік тому +9

      I’m an Amazon delivery driver and if it’s usually our fault…. Even if we bend over the customer and shove the package up their backside… they’ll still say they never got it! Horrible company to work for but unfortunately not much work going about!

    • @reconegade4006
      @reconegade4006 Рік тому +3

      I ordered an outside light that was in “like new” condition last week from Amazon. Let’s just say that it was obvious that the light had been used for years prior to being sent to me…the rust, dead spiders and bird poo made it pretty obvious lol

    • @KadeBenji
      @KadeBenji Рік тому +4

      ​@@reconegade4006 I worked there. They don't give a damn they just want your $$. Good thing you can return it again

    • @brendenconner9686-x1o
      @brendenconner9686-x1o Рік тому

      @brendenconner9686 phantom wolf zero 0:21

  • @ToadTWE
    @ToadTWE Рік тому +220

    It’s crazy how Amazon allows stuff like this to happen. It’s sad that people do this and ruin it for everyone else

    • @Briifizzleini
      @Briifizzleini Рік тому +3

      Dude, SO crazy that they're allowing this! Just to make money off of buyers like you and I.

    • @GYungBaeOfficial
      @GYungBaeOfficial Рік тому +5

      It's pretty much 3rd party, like random people who open their own amazon page and sell them, similar to ebay or wish. Not the actual company.

    • @wendytestaburger8321
      @wendytestaburger8321 Рік тому

      I bought 2 NEW 36 Booster packs 180 bucks each and in one of them they didnt even but the effort to glue them together and didnt even leave reverse holos inside

    • @biglollol
      @biglollol Рік тому +4

      Amazon is a huge company with tens of thousand of employees handling millions of goods. It's not crazy to assume that most of these employee's have no clue what they are working with and, per item, would qualify as 'as good as new' 'used' 'practically new' 'new but opened' etc.
      I'm willing to be that most of these employee's don't even know what Pokemon is, having heard about it at best.
      If I were to show you 10 different ming dynasty vases I would bet for 100% that you wouldn't know what states they are in, what they'd be worth and what time they originate from.
      It's always easy to look at things from a personal perspective, but that's not how it works most of the time.

    • @josejohn9478
      @josejohn9478 Рік тому

      Look man I used to work at Amazon. Anything that has an LPN barcode like that means it was recognized in the facility as a damaged item. When they damage out an item that has been sent to the facility by a vendor they have to pay the person for their item being damaged, we are actually more or less implied to never damage out a vendors items, because then Amazon has to pay for it. We can damage out Amazon items, because it's ours anyway and we never want to ship "Our" customers a bad product. Anyone who sells items through Amazon is also competing directly with Amazon selling their own products at the same time. Pretty sure there's a law suit about that right now, because Amazon gets to see what items that get sent in sell the best and then make their own Amazon brand version of it and crush the competition. A lot of items get damaged in the facility because most things are crammed into an equivalent of a junk drawer with a million other items and people are very careless at work because we have to make quotas or we get wrote up and fired. Also people steal. It was likely someone in the facility who opened those packs and stole the rare cards. They aren't going to set of the metal detector when they leave work. I've opened bins at works and saw entire boxes of cards opened and picked through. When they damage that item out, if they think it's reasonably worth salvaging (A lot of time it's just the packaging that is crushed or damaged from being stuffed into a bin or mishandled by the workers trying make productivity.) they will try and repackage it into a bag like what you got with the label on it and sell it at a discount to reclaim some of the money they lost from compensating the vendor. Anything they deemed unsalvageable gets thrown into a pallet of other items and they liquidate them to places like Bargain Hunt or 5 Below. They will auction of the whole pallet of items and those places get them and hopefully make their money back off their investment. Working at Amazon is like stepping straight into the heart of consumerism. A giant warehouse with millions of items and a business just churning through workers who can't meet their standards like it's survival of the fittest in a literal jungle. Walking through an Amazon facility is very shocking the first time. There is so much stuff going on it's complete madness. Millions of items that go on for several football fields with thousands of workers going 24/7.

  • @Chris-ot7lf
    @Chris-ot7lf Рік тому +165

    The man, the myth, and the legend PokeRev always taking the hit for the community so the community dont take the hit. Thank you for all you do man.

    • @churrle8528
      @churrle8528 Рік тому +8

      Do you know how much he gets paid for his channel…?

    • @Toybonniefan333
      @Toybonniefan333 Рік тому

      Your right

    • @connortitley6458
      @connortitley6458 Рік тому


    • @rachedlimam5090
      @rachedlimam5090 Рік тому +1

      Top 3 glazing for sure, bro got paid back 10fold for this video

    • @Chris-ot7lf
      @Chris-ot7lf Рік тому +1

      @C Hurrle yeah I know he makes way more back on UA-cam. I wasn't born yesterday. Still dope tho making sure people don't get scammed who don't have big UA-cam money. Like kids and parents.

  • @GameNut1811
    @GameNut1811 Рік тому +28

    The service you have done for Poke communities around the world cannot be understated! Thank you for opening all our eyes to the horrors of Amazon pokemon cards

    • @daleHarrison93
      @daleHarrison93 Рік тому +1

      like making fake "mystery box" videos showing how you can profit lmao, like any1 would do that.

  • @EMPyoutube
    @EMPyoutube Рік тому +10

    That's such a bad strategy from amazon just accepting every return and reselling like that. Thanks for sorting this out so others don't have to be scammed.

  • @yorkshirebhoy4049
    @yorkshirebhoy4049 Рік тому +46

    Thank you, Rev, for putting yourself through this it's a shame some people do this sort of thing.

    • @skiplays2k
      @skiplays2k Рік тому


    • @Cornholio064
      @Cornholio064 Рік тому +1

      Yes thank you rev for spending $150 and making $2k off the vid

    • @Mikesusendsadasdc
      @Mikesusendsadasdc 11 місяців тому

      "some" I got out of this hobby (collecting card's ect) cause the amount of people willing to scam you. Nothing like the 90 and early 2000's with even card shops weighting there packs now.

  • @higgyfbaby
    @higgyfbaby Рік тому +11

    They've been doing this for a few years now actually. I bought some "like new" pokeball tins back in 2021 and it was exactly the same thing. They didn't even bother gluing the packs back together and they had like 5 cards in them. I left a scathing review about detailing this issue, nice to see someone with some clout bringing this to light finally. Nice work Rev we appreciate you 🙏

  • @logan398
    @logan398 Рік тому +6

    you are doing the entire community a favor with this video. I want to thank you and hopefully this gets out to more people and amazon stops this.

  • @TheNaggerGuySPPD
    @TheNaggerGuySPPD Рік тому +35

    As someone who works at an Amazon warehouse (technically), I work at a UPS warehouse for UPS but they have a contract with Amazon so once we’re done with our work, Amazon workers come in for the day. And I’ve heard plenty of stories like this, NEVER trust it unless it’s brand new. ESPECIALLY from Amazon. That goes for anything not just trading cards.

    • @vipergtsrgt1
      @vipergtsrgt1 Рік тому

      My brother's new Pokemon packages have been tempered with too, so I don't even trust those anymore.

    • @AgneseV10
      @AgneseV10 Рік тому

      Hi pokerev

    • @CobraSmokehouse
      @CobraSmokehouse Рік тому +2

      I just bought a 38$ scarlet ETB off Amazon two days ago, my die bag was cut and the die were all tossing around the box. I looked past that and started opening packs, luckily I pulled Miriam 251 and Professors Research 241 plus a few more full arts. This was yesterday,so seeing this video come out is a odd surprise and hopefully people can learn to avoid certain sellers!

  • @dantegp5372
    @dantegp5372 Рік тому +61

    Damn that’s crazy, somewhat expected though, I think because the company is worth billions they don’t care about the scams that happen because in the long run they are losing nothing compared to what they are making.

    • @EpicBongZilla
      @EpicBongZilla Рік тому

      Nah not surprising at all. I work for Amazon. The associates looking over returns are regular old associates. With absolutely no training in collectable authentication what so ever. They just look the product up based of the label. If everything that is supposed to be in the product is there, they greenlight it for return and resale. If it's damaged it goes to damages where someone who still has absolutely no training in authenticating collectable look over it and decide whether to sell it or damage it out.
      I doubt there's a single associate in the entire warehouse that could identify revealed packs aside from myself lmao. And I'm definitely not working returns, jobs ass.

    • @djk6297
      @djk6297 Рік тому +2

      I guess valuing money over reputation is fine for their position.

    • @stephenritucci7468
      @stephenritucci7468 Рік тому +1

      I hear you about Amazon and they shouldn't resell returns as they don't inspect anything not damaged. I blame the people in "the community" who are committing fraud more than Amazon

  • @Purple_Shrooms
    @Purple_Shrooms Рік тому +202

    Can everyone just thank pokerev for all the hard work

  • @jacobdanel2437
    @jacobdanel2437 Рік тому +7

    Glad to hear you’re good with this because you are definitely bringing more awareness to new hobbyists.

  • @aprilmercury8698
    @aprilmercury8698 Рік тому +20

    I never order my cards off Amazon anymore, and this video just solidified how I feel about it

    • @jenniferwirth9243
      @jenniferwirth9243 Рік тому

      I bought 3 tins off of Amazon...not "like new" but as new product. It was obvious that the tins were open.

    • @jenniferwirth9243
      @jenniferwirth9243 Рік тому

      I don't buy sealed product off of Ebay either...really anywhere except a game store or store in person

    • @jenniferwirth9243
      @jenniferwirth9243 Рік тому

      It shouldn't be allowed to be sold at all.

    • @jenniferwirth9243
      @jenniferwirth9243 Рік тому

      Bummed ecayse at beginning, I bought sealed product from Amazon.

  • @PocketRave865
    @PocketRave865 Рік тому +10

    I appreciate you rev. I wouldn't personally ever get cards that were "like new". I usually get my cards new at Walmart or GameStop. But this does need attention so others don't get scammed.

  • @claywise1372
    @claywise1372 Рік тому +13

    I’m glad you are giving the younger generation perspective on these things so they have less of a chance of getting ripped off..👏 Doin good work Rev!!

  • @Bacon_B0I.
    @Bacon_B0I. Рік тому +6

    I can't believe that Amazon actually allows this stuff to happen. I can understand if they have no idea what pokemon is, but still. Thank you for keeping us entertained!

  • @brendalockwood1642
    @brendalockwood1642 Рік тому +5

    That is so sad. People scamming everyone. Thanks for sharing this video to let others know.

  • @gabe_giardino1239
    @gabe_giardino1239 Рік тому +6

    I can’t believe stuff like that happens. Thanks for making the video so a lot of people can be aware.

  • @E_Emeraldtcg
    @E_Emeraldtcg Рік тому +12

    Love getting the insight on scandals! Prevents others from making the same mistake hopefully

    • @freshbud6113
      @freshbud6113 Рік тому +3

      While a scammer comments on your post... lol

  • @975gms
    @975gms Рік тому +1

    You know someone's grandma is buying these for their grandchildren thinking they got a deal.

  • @Alexisovski
    @Alexisovski Рік тому +5

    This video already speaks loud in volume to not ever risk your money into buying Pokémon off of Amazon, love the vid and content you’ve been putting out lately, Rev

  • @Koslo25
    @Koslo25 Рік тому +13

    Amazon must not understand that the vast majority of value comes from the sealed packs in these products…. And since most of these packs are either opened or resealed, the value is pretty much zero 😢. I wish Amazon would be a bit more strict on their returns… and that people wouldn’t open sealed products and then try and return them 😅

  • @edwardhenson5001
    @edwardhenson5001 Рік тому +14

    Why do you take these kind of hits for us man I'm glad someone does it so we don't have to thank you rev for all you do

    • @rachedlimam5090
      @rachedlimam5090 Рік тому +9

      Because he makes 10 times more money from the video then he spent on the packs

    • @cafe100mph6
      @cafe100mph6 Рік тому +1

      He makes 500x more money on this vid compared to the $35

    • @JohnDoe-ld8nr
      @JohnDoe-ld8nr Рік тому

      Just like rached said. If he gets just $5 (which is a low guess) per 1,000 views and 90% of the views come from people who don't employ ad blockers he would have 180,000 views on this video that went towards ad revenue. '
      That's 180 times $5 for $900 and on top of that he could probably report the products to Amazon and get a refund.

  • @SDV89
    @SDV89 Рік тому

    Awesome of you pointing this out, this is exactly the reason I only buy cards from shops I know are trustworthy or when I have the packs in hand directly

  • @PikaCATsoup
    @PikaCATsoup Рік тому +5

    This makes me cry, getting a deal is always great, but to see scams like this is so pathetic and so low for being human. It’s like the phone scams and UA-cam comment scams, I work at a restaurant and they now have Uber and doordash scammers who try to gain access to the business accounts and redirect the incomes (or so I would think they are trying to do). Hopefully you got your money back. Keep the content coming and I guess I will continue to buy retail till PokeRev releases more booster packs bundles😅❤

  • @enjolimarks266
    @enjolimarks266 Рік тому +3

    Rev always be busting the scammers!❤ thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Pokémon community

  • @danielmitchell5830
    @danielmitchell5830 Рік тому +3

    Revvie boy, investigator in chief, hard hitting reporting

  • @ripgeorge
    @ripgeorge Рік тому

    cheers, glad someone with a platform as big as yours is exposing these scams!

  • @ChaseCooper-b2r
    @ChaseCooper-b2r Рік тому +4

    Pokémon cards are so fun to open. Me and my dad do it for Christmas and my birthday every year, and I can’t believe even the 2nd thing was counted “like new” the should have a section called cosmetically flawed.

    • @V8chump
      @V8chump Рік тому

      You’d have people selling rare cards printed on printer paper that are “cosmetically flawed”

    • @ckwi2245
      @ckwi2245 Рік тому

      Honestly, when that box came out, I figured it'd be non-tampered. Since I worked in one of those warehouses as a forklift operator. That damage just looked like an "oops angle on my forks was off". And frankly comparing that to "Amazon Refurbished/Re-Sell" is a way safer bet for things like this.

  • @Caiden_Clayton
    @Caiden_Clayton Рік тому +5

    Well done for all the hard work you put in all of your videos hope that you won’t come across any over scams in future

    • @TyrrellIsadore
      @TyrrellIsadore Рік тому

      Hey nick can you send me details to get ahold of you. People saying g that they are you are scamming me

  • @AnotherBadFuture
    @AnotherBadFuture Рік тому +6

    Can’t believe Amazon does this😒

  • @linz_waz_ere6609
    @linz_waz_ere6609 Рік тому

    12:40 wonder if those packs was weighed then added in?

  • @Sockums
    @Sockums 10 місяців тому +1

    14:59 BRO- your hands are really callused- are you okay? :(

  • @MarathonTheGamer
    @MarathonTheGamer 3 місяці тому +1

    its thing like this, is why i only buy from TCG sites rather then general sites like amazon and walmart.

  • @edubbled
    @edubbled Рік тому +1

    This actually blows my mind... other retailers like target have done well matching the market but sending already opened product? Wow..

  • @thesenate_4273
    @thesenate_4273 Рік тому +1

    Amazon be giving product straight from the shredder

  • @Dillon-Cawthon
    @Dillon-Cawthon Рік тому

    Been an issue with Amazon for a long time, not just with pokemon.
    People buy high end firearm optics for $1k+, return a $30 replica from wish, and then the next customer buys a fake optic straight from Amazon. Many are sold as new product also.

  • @GaminGlaceon3707
    @GaminGlaceon3707 Рік тому +1

    I can’t believe people buy ANYTHING from Amazon, the only reason I could ever see someone doing that is if some new game comes out with a better preorder bonus than other retailers…

  • @Zabuza.
    @Zabuza. Рік тому

    As someone who used to work in Amazon Customer Returns and Processing. If an item is open you're supposed to open the box and check inside to see if the item itself has been used or unsealed. If the seal is broken then it doesn't get resold. That being said whomever reviewed these items likely didn't check the content and just sent it through.

  • @austinwinston684
    @austinwinston684 3 місяці тому +1

    Amazon better refund yours and everyone who ever bought "used" packs.

  • @---kr3zg
    @---kr3zg Рік тому

    Not a funny situation but at 9:06 when you opened that pack and it had 3 energies I laughed out loud

  • @Anonym-dc6hf
    @Anonym-dc6hf 3 місяці тому +1

    That Scarlet and violet base set etb should pass. It was sealed! And wanting higher price for something Is not a scam

  • @ramongalaviz8849
    @ramongalaviz8849 Рік тому

    Thank you PokeRev! I don’t know what we would do without you in this community.

  • @ivangotyokes
    @ivangotyokes Рік тому

    On the flipside of this...as someone who sells on Amazon, there are FAR more scammers who purchase, returning items after they've opened it and taken what they've wanted. Amazon makes it EXTREMELY easy to scam sellers. In the case of these boxes...they're not scamming you. It literally says the condition. Anything other than NEW/Sealed is used. Unless its like the damaged box but should say that in condition notes.

  • @5153A
    @5153A Рік тому +1

    My man just earned himself a spot on Amazon’s kill list

  • @jtipping93
    @jtipping93 Рік тому

    Thanks for enlightening the community Rev!!!

  • @M4TT4LL1C
    @M4TT4LL1C Рік тому

    Unreal man! Can't believe this is happening. If you're getting scammed, no telling how many others bought this for a "deal" and the kids getting scammed

  • @johnw2290
    @johnw2290 Рік тому

    Dude. People in the MTG community have been saying this about Amazon, for years. The difference is, they were doing this to collector booster boxes, which are usually $250+ boxes. Saw one where they replaced the collector boosters with draft boosters. Imagine the rage, when you open a $250 box, with like $50 worth of packs.

    • @johnw2290
      @johnw2290 Рік тому

      And those products were listed as new, never opened. So if you just wanted it in your sealed collection, then decided to sell it later on, and the new owner opens it, then YOU look like the scammer. And no one would believe that you weren’t the one to open it. So that’s why I never even look at Amazon for sealed TCG product. I just assume, it’s all been opened or in terrible shape.

  • @TheTomasiJolivet
    @TheTomasiJolivet Рік тому

    Thank you for exposing this! I don’t know if someone has made one yet, but a video on how to identify resealed packs etc. would be a good idea.

  • @JPumpkinKing
    @JPumpkinKing Рік тому

    Amazon is always so sketchy when ordering Pokemon stuff.

  • @liukimy
    @liukimy Рік тому

    As a mum of a 8 yrs old who's mad about pokemon. this video was very useful and educational and i like you energy. you make getting scam fun to watch. who knew you could do that.

  • @chrisnunez111
    @chrisnunez111 Рік тому

    Glad i found your channel!! Will be tuning in!

  • @thekingplayz810
    @thekingplayz810 Рік тому

    PokeRev always does stuff for his supporters! TY😀

  • @conemsrs444
    @conemsrs444 Рік тому +1

    This is just sad. Some unsuspecting family member probably buying it for a kid and getting sorted cards.

  • @blooyuh
    @blooyuh Рік тому

    all i can think about is imagine a single mom buying her kids pokemon cards for christmas, and deciding to save a bit of money for groceries and bills while giving her kids a good christmas birthday whatever, and then they get an opened box that some neck beard rummaged through. crazy how people cant stop and think how somethings gonna effect someone else before doing it. pretty disgusting

  • @KetchumKidJ
    @KetchumKidJ Рік тому +2

    This helps us see the risks involved in buying second hand thank you for taking the hit for us on some of those boxes ❤

  • @funez-
    @funez- Рік тому

    If this happens to you just get a refund and notify Amazon. Amazon will shut down their store for scamming.

  • @brandonshoffer4839
    @brandonshoffer4839 Рік тому

    Thanks for calling people out on their bs , I can say I wouldn’t notice and I’m learning a lot from this video! Thanks you

  • @coconutmall1
    @coconutmall1 Рік тому

    This is a great video, however, upon looking at Amazon, they do in fact sell these ETBs in "New" condition as the first option for the same price. You have to deliberately click the "Used - Like New" condition. Love the videos Rev!

  • @EbonyUnicorn324
    @EbonyUnicorn324 Рік тому

    I'm so glad he exposed this scam! I was really considering buying the "like new" stuff thinking that like the S&V ETB it would just be damaged due to the regular chaotic mishandling that happens in a warehouse. But this is RIDICULOUS!
    Thank you Rev for putting this out there and taking the hit for us little ppl. I know you don't want to give away your account name on Amazon, but if you purchase them like you do on ebay leave a review with video or pics showing they are revealed. WOULD HELP IMMENSELY!

  • @PapiSalad
    @PapiSalad Рік тому

    This man buying things to be mad for us lol - we love you dude

  • @ForgottenGames
    @ForgottenGames Рік тому

    I worked in a music store where we called it B-Stock -- People buy stuff and send it back within the 30-day money back period. This is no bad intent of Amazon, just complete ignorance in their own products. People will buy the boxes new, take out all of worth, send it back and get their money back. Simple employees then reseal it and put it up for B-stock sale.

  • @BigDaddyLoggg
    @BigDaddyLoggg Рік тому

    I wouldn’t even think to scam people. That’s real messed up.

  • @Ghahgsbdbxjen
    @Ghahgsbdbxjen Рік тому

    Always tell people to absolutely avoid ordering cards from Amazon for these reasons. It’s not worth the risk.

  • @lewisdulson7123
    @lewisdulson7123 3 місяці тому +1

    Are there acutal etbs on amazon?

  • @Volkradpwn
    @Volkradpwn Рік тому

    My wife and I ordered a Charizard UPC off Amazon. Sold/shipped by Amazon. Instantly it was clear it had been opened. Promo cards missing, sleeves were cut with a knife, all of the items were out of their packaging, and all of the packs were resealed. They refunded us, but it was very obvious they were just going to sell it to someone else. Imagine getting something like that for a child and how disappointed they would be. The fact that adults do this is insane.

  • @corruption25
    @corruption25 Рік тому

    Great video man! Thank you for the insight!

  • @dingross
    @dingross Рік тому

    Good job helping people avoid buying these scams. Thank you

  • @matthewfountain1446
    @matthewfountain1446 Рік тому

    Been watching your videos for a little while now, and love your content. My nephew has just started collecting sword and shield Pokémon cards. he’s opened about 12 packets. I have got him sleeves to starting off but need to teach him how to play the game properly. He’s only five-year-old and he loves Pokémon everything Pokémon and the best thing is that excitement when he pulls a rare for the first time, I love a look on his face is so enthusiastic about collecting cards now. I hope it keeps it with him through the future. PS keep up the great content. Love your Videos great work

  • @ryanrehrer2458
    @ryanrehrer2458 10 місяців тому

    I’ve purchased two different Pokemon 151 products from Amazon, a poster collection and binder bundle and they were clearly opened and half way resealed and returned to Amazon but then they re sold them as brand new never opened. The promos were even just standard commons. Amazon fulfillment is on a different level with this.

  • @AdamCogToyota
    @AdamCogToyota Рік тому

    No point in having these items be re-stockable or used/damaged sell-able. Amazon is just asking for trouble.

  • @thekiller989
    @thekiller989 11 місяців тому +1

    anybody know if there is an update with amazon's return policy on trading cards? They should do what Target does and just straight up refuse to take back trading cards even if its brand new and unopened and the person has no ill will. Its the best way to stop resealers imo

  • @MrFrancobash
    @MrFrancobash Рік тому

    Glad to get this info, have seen reviews on Amazon with this happening on even new product. Luckily have not had it happen yet.

  • @2olejose996
    @2olejose996 Рік тому

    I'm binging the last few vids since I missed them the last couple of days. It a great way to entertain myself and relax from the day.

  • @ACE_censation
    @ACE_censation Рік тому

    Pokerev is the king of Pokémon pack pulling, not just on UA-cam, but Amazon and the world!!

  • @yohan2914
    @yohan2914 Рік тому

    How do you contact winners for your giveaway?

  • @Retronize84
    @Retronize84 Рік тому

    This is what happens when you completely automate everything, your customers start to scam you.

  • @nickcarballo6039
    @nickcarballo6039 10 місяців тому

    This is exactly the reason target and Walmart don't take returns anymore. Resealers ruined it for everyone

  • @johnchan9392
    @johnchan9392 Рік тому

    How can sealed Pokémon packs/boxes be “like new”? It is expected to be open with that terminology. Just a like new car which is basically a used car. Thus, like new Pokémon packs/boxes are basically opened packs/boxes. If it says damaged box, then the box is damaged but not opened. Amazon has gone so big that scammers are putting shady products for sale. When a customer files a complaint, all Amazon will do is just do a full refund. The corporation is so large that a 50 buck return is a slim particle of water drop in their bucket. Lesson take from this video, don’t buy any Pokémon products on Amazon. Thanks PokeRev for putting out this video for us to learn from. 👍

  • @rcigv5422
    @rcigv5422 Рік тому

    Yep, that is a risk. Even buying "New" stuff are returns sometimes, it happened to me 3 times in a row. Amazon of course offered the refund on all of them.

  • @PokedexLoading
    @PokedexLoading Рік тому

    Surely just report it to amazon that it’s a scam and the seller should be traceable? What a shame for the community

  • @weirdo808hi
    @weirdo808hi Рік тому

    the thing is all it takes for amazon to fix this problem is to be like every other retailer and not accept returns on trading cards. they're enabling scammers of the hobby to open and return products, it used to happen with Target too until they stopped accepting returns on all trading cards

  • @luthersoul0324
    @luthersoul0324 Рік тому +1

    I've never had an issue with any Pokemon items I've purchased from Amazon. The first opening in this video, I am just taken aback at that

  • @dangoffard7751
    @dangoffard7751 Рік тому

    I can't believe amazon does this. There should be something in place to prevent these from being sold.

  • @QueenCheetah
    @QueenCheetah Рік тому

    I suspect a lot of these 'like new' batches are actually the ones that people rip into in the stores and leave on the shelves- it's probably major stores like Walmart and Target that are actually selling these through 'third parties' because they know they're worthless as products in-store.

  • @DolphinTM
    @DolphinTM Рік тому

    You don't even know how Amazon works... they don't check it and say it's like new... they trust what people say and just go off that😂😂

  • @PenguinClashRoyale
    @PenguinClashRoyale Рік тому

    I could never buy used and damaged Pokémon, love your videos definitely my favorite Pokémon UA-camr

  • @abtoog
    @abtoog Рік тому

    Thanks for taking one for the team! As always great content

  • @revond7261
    @revond7261 Рік тому

    my expectations were low, but oh man, amazon BLEW this

  • @Spartan3457
    @Spartan3457 Рік тому

    Pokemon cards are like food items. There is no way that you can safely return them and re-sell them, even if they look like they are in original packaging.

  • @paulksenofontov1394
    @paulksenofontov1394 Рік тому +1

    I’m not a big Pokémon collector but enjoy these videos. The thing that blows me away about the Pokémon world is how many low dollar scams there are when it comes to resealing low end packs similar to these. I mean Jesus.. all that work to get 30 bucks back and then screw someone else over.

  • @prussianknight7435
    @prussianknight7435 Рік тому

    It's crazy that this is allowed by Amazon but still glad you atleast showed what the non-new boxes look like from Amazon

  • @mikie1462
    @mikie1462 Рік тому

    What are the best places to buy pokemon packs online? My stores dont sell them anymore, so now i need to go online any recommendations???

  • @garysep14
    @garysep14 Рік тому

    Not surprised at Amazon doing stuff like this.

  • @binggao9946
    @binggao9946 Рік тому +1

    Let's be honest ppl be watching this and reading the comments could be the few of the scammers out there

  • @Infinidisc
    @Infinidisc Рік тому +1

    I bet you it cost Amazon more to prevent stuff like this from happening then to just let it happen, and take the loss. Amazon gives millions of dollars worth of stuff away every year, or just straight up throws it away and is still massively profitable.

  • @gio-gk6nz
    @gio-gk6nz Рік тому

    Bezos was doing his dr.Evil laugh when he was watching this lol

  • @EurynomusBH
    @EurynomusBH Рік тому

    I've bought ETB's off Amazon and they shipped it in a plastic bag instead of a box. Was so disappointing.

  • @cknow3368
    @cknow3368 Рік тому

    What’s sad is Amazon isn’t taking the L the seller using the Amazon fulfillment center is

  • @NathanielLKN
    @NathanielLKN Рік тому

    "I'm actually mad" says the man with the fumes coming off his head