Manage Neuropathy Pain - Re-Education

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @Rollwithit699
    @Rollwithit699 Рік тому

    Thank you so much for your info. After 40 years working in the medical field, I hope to filter through the information I've learned.
    I was diagnosed with migraines as a child that are far more frequent now (3+ weekly), fibromyalgia diagnosed in 1992 at age 35, severe jaw clenching at night with night guard (still cracked all molars, crowned/recrowned), poor sleep, fatigue, bodywide burning pain, genital burning and dysfunction, lifelong constipation and now frequent painful diarrhea, nonalcoholic fatty liver, sudden severe dryness and aging of skin in last three years, intolerance to temperature changes with sudden times of heavy sweating. Have always had extreme hypersensitivities to smells, light (brightness, flashing, fluorescent), sharp sounds, and more recently a worsening of tolerance to all textures touching skin; everything must be very soft and very loose. I cannot tolerate my hair touching my face. I cannot wear earrings, necklaces, or makeup on my skin. I use coconut oil to moisturize.
    I was given klonopin (taken as directed) in 1992 for 28 years, 6 months until I accidentally heard information on how dangerous benzos are to the brain, requested to stop taking them, and was discontinued cold turkey (no taper). That was in December 2020. That was a long nightmare I wouldn't wish on anyone. I'm a fairly stoic woman but think I came close to not surviving that. I'm left with "paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia" that was not there before, and a much flatter personality with a tendency to get easily angry. Still hoping to improve more.
    After many years of doctors thinking I'm a hypochondriac and these issues are all in my head, I've now been diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy. I'm being checked for autonomic neuropathy. Autoimmune has nearly been ruled out. I'm not diabetic or overweight. Strong family history of diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and Alzheimers.
    I'm trying very hard to lessen symptoms or improve my situation with a no sugar, low carb, high fat, high protein diet.
    I'm extremely determined to get better for myself and my adult children. I'm determined they will not have to see me die of Alzheimers like my mother did.
    I am reading a lot of info about improving my level of positivity can improve my brain function and am working on that, avoiding the news, walking more, reading Bible.
    I take thiamine, benfotiamine, ALA, D3/K2, krill oil, milk thistle, etc.
    Do you have any other thoughts to add? Any ideas would be so appreciated. Thank you.