Our fb group Essure Problems has over 30,000 members, women harmed by this device. We grow at an rapid rate, and expect to see thousands more in the future. Until this device is removed from the market, women will continue to be harmed. Please help us raise awareness of the dangers of this device. The risks do not outweigh any "benefit" this device offers.,this is onto birth control. No woman should lose the quality of her life offer and elective form of sterilization.
+NoneNone If the women who got this type of birth control implanted are "science deniers" as you say, they wouldn't not have opted for a medical procedure created by science. Don't drink the cool-aid nonenone (wtf?). It's all about money. This shit is sold to women as painless, non-invasive, hormone free and effective. Scientists came up with this because their funding depends on it. It seems that there will always be a business in finding ways to control a woman's fertility. They fucked up pretty bad on this one.
People have medical failures all the time, Essure complaints are opportunism off of a misunderstanding of the failure rate, denial and a cash grab. I had a medical device fail, funny enough I accepted that I was part of the failure rate and not part of a conspiracy, a victim.
I had this Essure (aka the devil) inside me! I had complications from it and had to have a full hysterectomy! It needs to be removed from production and banned permanently!
the FDA does NO testing, they rely on studies/testing by the companies that make the product. There may be companies that do 3rd party testing, but that doesn't usually happen until after a product's flaws come out (via death and pain and threats of lawsuits).
2 points: If you insert metal into the fallopian tubes how can it be described as non-invasive? If this is a form of permanent sterilization why not just have the tubes ligated, a much simpler and safer procedure?
well, the marketing for this thing seems to have been that its IS the less dangerous alternative. One more thing: they said people had allergic reactions to the spirals. This HAS to be tested before you put it in IMO. You know whats in the spirals, and you can test for allergies.this shit is a travesty.
I can tell you that I had this device implanted in 2008. Had I known the risks, had I known the pain, I would have NEVER gotten this device. I just had to have a hysterectomy on July 26th to remove this device.
+titlexist yes I'm sure you are right but more expensive than lives? I'm in U.K. and I am wondering if the same applies here. Perhaps someone can answer that.
"spitting" is such an easy lie you can get away with. If you confront him, he'll probably say "spits coming out of mouth while shouting" n shit. There were dozens of people around them who can attest to what happened.
These commercials made the product look really attractive. Then when I looked into it it seemed really horrifying. I have nickel allergies too and they didn't even inform the doctors to test for allergies before inserting them.
This really is a shame about the Essure device. When I first learned of it, I thought it was a great, inexpensive way for a woman to undergo voluntary sterilization and that it should be implemented in desperate, poverty stricken 3rd world countries. I had no idea this device was untested and causing widespread serious health problems. Back to vasectomies, I guess.
One woman who was presenting to schools was talking about this device and how many medical bills and pain she went through due to this procedure. Apparently it is being administered by Planned Parenthood and this product is still endangering women.
IUD/ implantation devices intended to prevent pregnancy has been causing problems in women since they were created. That goes at least back to the 1970's. Why do they keep attempting to uSe these tissue perforating devices?
The IUD problem happened in the States in the 70s. It's the most effective form of birth control that isn't sterilization. Tubals have a higher failure rate than Essure.
+NoneNone also not true. You are 10x more likely for re opening after Essure over a tubal. It also is 10% less effective. How about you read the Yale study that came out several years ago
Idiots, "Most of these occurred because patients failed to use an alternative contraceptive until it had been confirmed the tubes were blocked, the report said." The same reason vasectomy fails.
I said back in 09/10 to The Young Turks that they should work with Papantonio and ROF, glad to see they either took my advice, or did it on their own :)
TYT what is going on? If your normal hosts can't appear then just don't post videos. We watch your videos because we like you as hosts. Many comments even said that this seems like you were hacked.
You're starting to fall behind dude. But then again you spend your time trying to troll trolls, so you have all the time in the world to clean your act up, eh?
+Propane TreeFiddy Okay "propane treefiddy". Honestly, the vast majority of Trump supporters aren't smart enough to even consider things like regulation of the health care market.
your fat overweight snake oil sales man was so triggered he had to walk onto other peoples show. And you actually think alex jones looked good or even better. you are a clown
Nick Jermichalesactionjackson Alex Jones thought they wanted to do a scripted fight like they have before. Someone had told him TYT wanted an interview. He probably should have waited to go on the stage, but the difference is Alex Jones doesn't preach about being a SJW either. He is what he is, he doesn't claim to take the high road like TYT do at all times. TYT are clearly upset that Trump is going to win this election.
If I wear a pair of earrings with a small amount of nickel in them, my earlobes turn red, swell up and get painfully crusty with puss... I cannot imagine what this would do to my inner lady bits... are they TRYING to kill us? I wonder what demographic areas they marketed this to
NoneNone I don't wear earrings, let alone cheap ones, did you not read? Also, how do you propose to know what types of food I consume? You're full of ASSumptions today...
profit over patients....the FDA had players on both sides....some already had a financial interest, yet they were also allowed to sit on the panel that approved......seems not legal , eh? I suffered for 11 years
best contraceptive, abstinence, im from africa and i know you shouldnt be putting copper into your body....... come oooon what is so wrong with condoms
This is ambulance chasing. The amount of people with negative effects is not above an acceptable threshold. They ARE doing a class action lawsuit, attempting to make a lot of money off of people who don't understand surgical steel but because of new age nonsense, they are afraid of the nickel component which is smaller than what you consume every day in your food. Long story short, it's a cash grab you are fine.
It's is a bad product! You can tell 31,000 women on one Facebook group that all of their symptoms are made up in their head. Again....we can sue so no ambulance chasing here. We started fighting back ONLY to hopefully save other women. As for stainless steel and nickel, you obviously haven't seen what's in Essure but let's just run with what you said and all I'll say is 30% of the population is allergic to nickel and the "stents" are usually inserted in a vascular setting, these go into the mucosal membrane. Sounds like someone needs more Med school
Is this really a 2015 video on mid 2016? To publicize another channel, on top of that lol Back on topic... nope, they're not putting little coils inside me ever, nope.
There are too many medical procedures for women that are at best sketchy and barbaric. Look endometrial ablation - same craziness. When a medical procedure looks like something you hear a survivalist did to make it out of the wilderness, it's a sad day for medicine.
Wow well as a woman I'm definitely scared😨😰 that's why it's always important to research 📚💻what type of birth control💊 works for you because you never know. whether that's the pill the ring or IU etc it's important to research because most woman need BC and no not for sex reasons🙄😁 either. (Mostly for either Pcos, period issues, low estrogen level and so on😶)
1. I think it has to do with sponsorship, I imagine Ring of Fire is giving them money to put them up. 2. With so many people at the RNC there was relatively little content produced recently by the 1st string TYT hosts.
Lol alright I mean I was watching it live. But yes I guess its a conspiracy to cover up the TRUTH! The illuminati Lizard people are coming! Alex should spend a month on this Conspiracy as well.
TYT, I love you guys but this is the liberal version of ambulance chasing. You're doing an ad for a class action lawsuit based on dubious claims, heightened emotions, bad results of which do not exceed a threshold and a total misunderstanding new-age based garbage belief of how surgical and nickel steel work. I expected more than a commercial for class action garbage like this. Essure for many women is a great, safe , surgery free sterilization option. TYT should be supporting more contraceptive options, not anti-science, cash grabbing hysteria.
First there is no class action because Essure carries preemption status. That prevents litigation against the manufacturer. Second, it might work for SOME but when it fails, it ruins lives. Third, more then 60% of the side effects are NOT listed, hits the reason the FDA at least did a black box. Bayer is a horrible company and responsibile for horrid act against humanity. You need to do some IG farben research.
Essure Problems Sweetheart you and your zombies have filed hundreds of lawsuits with the alcoholic Brokovich because too many people don't actually understand surgical steel and need an excuse for their psychosomatic pains caused by mental illness.
+NoneNone you are full of assumptions aren't you? Erin hasn't filed anything and yes there are lawsuits pending but the pma law is holding them. Oh...AND...you realize there's more then stainless steel in Essure right? Again, you need to do some fact checks
Actually the psychosomatic problems that people with Essure have are often the result of anti-science new age beliefs. Many of them suffer from anxiety disorders, they believe in chronic lyme disease, a lot of people with Borderline personalities already inclined to these behaviors, and 'fibromyalgia' which is largely associated with psychosomatic pain. For example, the voodoo anti-science new age beliefs on surgical steel. Complaints with regard to nickel aren't nearly reported to the same extent with other surgical implants, but people have mystic beliefs about the female body. Also many have new age beliefs about the reproductive system and feel psychological damage from sterilization and regret from a voluntary action.
+NoneNone are you are calling us crazy? What about all of the people from the hip implants? I'm sure they are crazy too. I can tell you one thing, with Essure I was sick EVERYDAY, I felt like I was slowly dying and nobody could tell me why. I didn't automatically blame Essure but after going through my medical records, it's when the problems started and since I had them removed, (via hysterectomy) I feel 100% better and 90% of my issues were gone within a week. Call me crazy, but it seems like a process of elimination that I have personally watched thousands of women go through since 2012
Remember people .. The christian bible says woman were made by god to ONLY serve MAN. Care not for them more than you do for your cow. They are a possession and need to be put into there place as servants of MAN. We screwed up by letting therm talk and give opinion in the first place. Time to step back and follow god`s laws for the care and treatment of women. I must go now .. need to find my whip and teach a few women their role ...
ETericET i know its gonna be something that sounds like it COULD mean that, but if you wanna believe that then the bible also says midgets and bald people shouldnt be alive.
"1 Timothy 2: 11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety." Women are nothing but baby factories according to the Bible. Hilarious how wind whisperers don't even know what their damn book of fairy tales even states.
Our fb group Essure Problems has over 30,000 members, women harmed by this device. We grow at an rapid rate, and expect to see thousands more in the future. Until this device is removed from the market, women will continue to be harmed. Please help us raise awareness of the dangers of this device. The risks do not outweigh any "benefit" this device offers.,this is onto birth control. No woman should lose the quality of her life offer and elective form of sterilization.
Only, not onto....
Science deniers trying to deal with their psychosomatic pain while making a buck.
+NoneNone are you saying we are making up the pain? Do you work for Bayer?
+NoneNone If the women who got this type of birth control implanted are "science deniers" as you say, they wouldn't not have opted for a medical procedure created by science. Don't drink the cool-aid nonenone (wtf?). It's all about money. This shit is sold to women as painless, non-invasive, hormone free and effective. Scientists came up with this because their funding depends on it. It seems that there will always be a business in finding ways to control a woman's fertility. They fucked up pretty bad on this one.
People have medical failures all the time, Essure complaints are opportunism off of a misunderstanding of the failure rate, denial and a cash grab. I had a medical device fail, funny enough I accepted that I was part of the failure rate and not part of a conspiracy, a victim.
I had this Essure (aka the devil) inside me! I had complications from it and had to have a full hysterectomy! It needs to be removed from production and banned permanently!
That's horrible! I hope you're doing better.
Carol Lynch I am. Thank you!
Laurie I did too and on top of it I was diagnosed and suffer from Lupus to the point I am completely disabled..
had pre existing MS.....ended in wheelchair and cancer. Suffered 11 yrs before removed
Lori M Oh my goodness! I am so sorry to hear that! Glad you got it removed.
The FDA is ridiculous! How can they release something without testing?
It's surgical steel, which is implanted hundreds of times every day round the world.
the FDA does NO testing, they rely on studies/testing by the companies that make the product. There may be companies that do 3rd party testing, but that doesn't usually happen until after a product's flaws come out (via death and pain and threats of lawsuits).
2 points: If you insert metal into the fallopian tubes how can it be described as non-invasive?
If this is a form of permanent sterilization why not just have the tubes ligated, a much simpler and safer procedure?
well, the marketing for this thing seems to have been that its IS the less dangerous alternative.
One more thing: they said people had allergic reactions to the spirals. This HAS to be tested before you put it in IMO. You know whats in the spirals, and you can test for allergies.this shit is a travesty.
Agreed. I did and no muss, fuss or bother.
I wasn't even told about nickel, let alone tested
I can tell you that I had this device implanted in 2008. Had I known the risks, had I known the pain, I would have NEVER gotten this device. I just had to have a hysterectomy on July 26th to remove this device.
Most of the Medical doctors in this country aren't in it to save people but to make money.....sigh.
How can it possibly be right that a company ges approval that prevents it being sued?!
I don't have Fallopian Tubes but I can still feel my genitals retreating in horror.
And another point: why is there no independent research on a product before it is licensed?
+titlexist yes I'm sure you are right but more expensive than lives? I'm in U.K. and I am wondering if the same applies here. Perhaps someone can answer that.
The FDA does not have enough funding to do its job, and is in many cases not allowed to do it well.
did any one else notice this interview is hella old? it's from December 15 2015.
ugh this is why these new birth controls scare the shit out of me...
FDA = Federal Death Association
As far as the FDA dropping the ball. Give em a break it's hard to grasp a ball when both hands are full of gifts.
What is this? This isn't TYT
"spitting" is such an easy lie you can get away with. If you confront him, he'll probably say "spits coming out of mouth while shouting" n shit. There were dozens of people around them who can attest to what happened.
Ring Of Fire is a friend/partner of TYT just like Secular Talk and
The Majority Report with Sam Seder
+Tuluvsaikhan Battulga You can actually see it, if you look it up. It's there.
TheSuperSeanyo My comment acknowledgin there's a video is right above your comment.
+SearlesSpiral why would anyone need "damage control" after a highlight of their career?
Repeal Citizens united. Get money out of politics.
These commercials made the product look really attractive. Then when I looked into it it seemed really horrifying. I have nickel allergies too and they didn't even inform the doctors to test for allergies before inserting them.
This really is a shame about the Essure device. When I first learned of it, I thought it was a great, inexpensive way for a woman to undergo voluntary sterilization and that it should be implemented in desperate, poverty stricken 3rd world countries. I had no idea this device was untested and causing widespread serious health problems. Back to vasectomies, I guess.
One woman who was presenting to schools was talking about this device and how many medical bills and pain she went through due to this procedure. Apparently it is being administered by Planned Parenthood and this product is still endangering women.
Please let her know there is a Facebook group with nearly 31,000 women just like her.
IUD/ implantation devices intended to prevent pregnancy has been causing problems in women since they were created. That goes at least back to the 1970's. Why do they keep attempting to uSe these tissue perforating devices?
Agree. I had tubal ligation via plastic clips & have been very satisfied with the results.
The IUD problem happened in the States in the 70s. It's the most effective form of birth control that isn't sterilization. Tubals have a higher failure rate than Essure.
+NoneNone also not true. You are 10x more likely for re opening after Essure over a tubal. It also is 10% less effective. How about you read the Yale study that came out several years ago
Idiots, "Most of these occurred because patients failed to use an alternative contraceptive until it had been confirmed the tubes were blocked, the report said." The same reason vasectomy fails.
+NoneNone "idiot"...that you are. You need to do some medical journal searching
This is just another total lack of responsibility on the part of our government. I is totally disgraceful.
Who is this guy? He is on point in this discussion.
I said back in 09/10 to The Young Turks that they should work with Papantonio and ROF, glad to see they either took my advice, or did it on their own :)
The FDA needs 2 b investigated Big time!
That looks horrid, yikes. :/ I'd rather just have my tubes tied or a hysterectomy.
Nice idea to have a cooperation with "ring of fire"!
Is there anything I can do to have it reversed? I’m always in abdominal pain
Terrible. Hope the company pays till it hurts.
who are these people?
Ring Of Fire is a friend/partner of TYT just like Secular Talk and
The Majority Report with Sam Seder
Like you guys at tyt but this new format looks too boring and mainstrem
Why would you want something like that done to you?
TYT what is going on? If your normal hosts can't appear then just don't post videos. We watch your videos because we like you as hosts. Many comments even said that this seems like you were hacked.
Please, this is infinitely better than their pop culture shit. get over it
They're getting ready for the DNC.
This is horrifying.......
Regressive Trump supporters want less regulation on companies like this.
Say hello to Trump's America.
You're starting to fall behind dude.
But then again you spend your time trying to troll trolls, so you have all the time in the world to clean your act up, eh?
+Propane TreeFiddy Okay "propane treefiddy". Honestly, the vast majority of Trump supporters aren't smart enough to even consider things like regulation of the health care market.
What were you trying to achieve with that reply?
Shit. Laparoscopy tubal ligation is permanent, once and done. Clip, cautery, 4 stitches, 2 band-aids, and 20 minutes later, you're free as a bird.
I thought tyt got hacked by an old dude
I'm still laughing about the Info War fight. Sorry, but TYT really showed their true colors during that. You guys need to chill.
your fat overweight snake oil sales man was so triggered he had to walk onto other peoples show.
And you actually think alex jones looked good or even better. you are a clown
Nick Jermichalesactionjackson
Alex Jones thought they wanted to do a scripted fight like they have before. Someone had told him TYT wanted an interview. He probably should have waited to go on the stage, but the difference is Alex Jones doesn't preach about being a SJW either. He is what he is, he doesn't claim to take the high road like TYT do at all times. TYT are clearly upset that Trump is going to win this election.
The dislike drones are working overtime.
Right? I thought I was the only one that noticed. if you don't like tyt, just don't watch the videos.
+Ana Kasparian Well that's just sad.
I was thinking the same thing.
I know this new TYT is temporary because of the RNC/DNC but damn...bring the bros back.
Why is TYT spamming us with this ring of fire trash?
I love it. I find it FAR better than the average TYT "reporting".
+Mat Broomfield
Their busy at the RNC, so TROFire is filling in.
and how many injured in the Armenian genocide?
If I wear a pair of earrings with a small amount of nickel in them, my earlobes turn red, swell up and get painfully crusty with puss... I cannot imagine what this would do to my inner lady bits... are they TRYING to kill us? I wonder what demographic areas they marketed this to
The amount of nickel in Essure is smaller than what you consume every day in your food. It's surgical steel. Not your cheap earrings.
NoneNone I don't wear earrings, let alone cheap ones, did you not read? Also, how do you propose to know what types of food I consume? You're full of ASSumptions today...
Your just allergic to nickel, mist people would not have that problem.
Nickel is in the food you eat. Seems you made an ass out of yourself. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3667300/
Mallorie Macklin
Maybe women should consider NFP in lieu of artificial birth control.
What's the dangers of deppo shot?
what is this any where is this tyt
so are Doctors and Nurses not aware of this ?
Or is their concern $$$
profit over patients....the FDA had players on both sides....some already had a financial interest, yet they were also allowed to sit on the panel that approved......seems not legal , eh?
I suffered for 11 years
They should have an OB/GYN from ACOG giving the information also. This is the most bias report I've seen on here.
George soros took them off for a little while it looks like
best contraceptive, abstinence, im from africa and i know you shouldnt be putting copper into your body....... come oooon what is so wrong with condoms
that just looks painful. isn't there male permanent birth control? Vasectomy?
Only works for that 1 guy. Much more effective to cut it off at the incubator level.
at 2:56 is that are plane or UFO flying behind him in sky ?
The Mirena IUD caused me to develop Inflammatory Polyneuropathy!
Ooooooh, these guys are not random they are from the ring of fire podcast.
Great. It should be mandatory for all muslim immigrants.
this is a whole bunch of no thank you...any metal in my uterus is a no thank you.
WTF am I watching? I thought I clicked on TYT?
ROF numbers are so low they are forcing them on TYT viewers. courting the whole foods granola enema big pharma hating fucks.
+Mr. Atrophy Well that sucks. Guess I will be back when the thumbnails look familiar again. Thanks for clearing the air
so what is the point of the fda its a joke
OMG! I have the essure!
That aint no man booty Fleece!
This is ambulance chasing. The amount of people with negative effects is not above an acceptable threshold. They ARE doing a class action lawsuit, attempting to make a lot of money off of people who don't understand surgical steel but because of new age nonsense, they are afraid of the nickel component which is smaller than what you consume every day in your food. Long story short, it's a cash grab you are fine.
It's is a bad product! You can tell 31,000 women on one Facebook group that all of their symptoms are made up in their head. Again....we can sue so no ambulance chasing here. We started fighting back ONLY to hopefully save other women.
As for stainless steel and nickel, you obviously haven't seen what's in Essure but let's just run with what you said and all I'll say is 30% of the population is allergic to nickel and the "stents" are usually inserted in a vascular setting, these go into the mucosal membrane. Sounds like someone needs more Med school
Definitely don't like this show.
Haven't these women ever watched The Facts of Life? Blair...or was it Joe, almost died!
Is this really a 2015 video on mid 2016? To publicize another channel, on top of that lol
Back on topic... nope, they're not putting little coils inside me ever, nope.
There are too many medical procedures for women that are at best sketchy and barbaric. Look endometrial ablation - same craziness. When a medical procedure looks like something you hear a survivalist did to make it out of the wilderness, it's a sad day for medicine.
It literally looks like the squiggly thing from the Matrix
Wow well as a woman I'm definitely scared😨😰 that's why it's always important to research 📚💻what type of birth control💊 works for you because you never know. whether that's the pill the ring or IU etc it's important to research because most woman need BC and no not for sex reasons🙄😁 either. (Mostly for either Pcos, period issues, low estrogen level and so on😶)
why are these videos being posted on tyt??? were they hacked or something??? so weird.
1. I think it has to do with sponsorship, I imagine Ring of Fire is giving them money to put them up. 2. With so many people at the RNC there was relatively little content produced recently by the 1st string TYT hosts.
Cody Crawford i guess that makes sense. i hope ring of fire is paying them
Ring Of Fire is a friend/partner of TYT just like Secular Talk and
The Majority Report with Sam Seder
the eccentric guy yea, except tyt doesnt post secular talk or majority report videos on their channel
+sydandtaytum true, I guess there's a first time for everything
Starting to hate this channel
soooo many opinions
I have this piece of crap inside me
As soon as this video opened with "BIG PHARMA 💀💀💀" my eyes rolled out of my head 😂 gtfoh
And I fully support the mission against this harmful and deadly birth control but COME ON! Plz no big pharma ghost stories thx
Hmm I'm early.
Young Turks tried to cover up what happened with Alex Jones
You mean when Alex Jones made a fool of himself. Lol they covered it up? How? Sounds like a typical Jones Conspiracy lol was it the lizard ppl?
Is it a false flag? Or was it the reptilians?
Lol alright I mean I was watching it live. But yes I guess its a conspiracy to cover up the TRUTH! The illuminati Lizard people are coming! Alex should spend a month on this Conspiracy as well.
looks like a bad idea
It's only women who are affected. No big deal.
TYT, I love you guys but this is the liberal version of ambulance chasing. You're doing an ad for a class action lawsuit based on dubious claims, heightened emotions, bad results of which do not exceed a threshold and a total misunderstanding new-age based garbage belief of how surgical and nickel steel work. I expected more than a commercial for class action garbage like this. Essure for many women is a great, safe , surgery free sterilization option. TYT should be supporting more contraceptive options, not anti-science, cash grabbing hysteria.
First there is no class action because Essure carries preemption status. That prevents litigation against the manufacturer. Second, it might work for SOME but when it fails, it ruins lives. Third, more then 60% of the side effects are NOT listed, hits the reason the FDA at least did a black box. Bayer is a horrible company and responsibile for horrid act against humanity. You need to do some IG farben research.
Essure Problems Sweetheart you and your zombies have filed hundreds of lawsuits with the alcoholic Brokovich because too many people don't actually understand surgical steel and need an excuse for their psychosomatic pains caused by mental illness.
+NoneNone you are full of assumptions aren't you? Erin hasn't filed anything and yes there are lawsuits pending but the pma law is holding them. Oh...AND...you realize there's more then stainless steel in Essure right? Again, you need to do some fact checks
Actually the psychosomatic problems that people with Essure have are often the result of anti-science new age beliefs. Many of them suffer from anxiety disorders, they believe in chronic lyme disease, a lot of people with Borderline personalities already inclined to these behaviors, and 'fibromyalgia' which is largely associated with psychosomatic pain. For example, the voodoo anti-science new age beliefs on surgical steel. Complaints with regard to nickel aren't nearly reported to the same extent with other surgical implants, but people have mystic beliefs about the female body. Also many have new age beliefs about the reproductive system and feel psychological damage from sterilization and regret from a voluntary action.
+NoneNone are you are calling us crazy? What about all of the people from the hip implants? I'm sure they are crazy too. I can tell you one thing, with Essure I was sick EVERYDAY, I felt like I was slowly dying and nobody could tell me why. I didn't automatically blame Essure but after going through my medical records, it's when the problems started and since I had them removed, (via hysterectomy) I feel 100% better and 90% of my issues were gone within a week. Call me crazy, but it seems like a process of elimination that I have personally watched thousands of women go through since 2012
Use a rubber.
isis? radical islam?
Remember people .. The christian bible says woman were made by god to ONLY serve MAN. Care not for them more than you do for your cow. They are a possession and need to be put into there place as servants of MAN. We screwed up by letting therm talk and give opinion in the first place. Time to step back and follow god`s laws for the care and treatment of women. I must go now .. need to find my whip and teach a few women their role ...
someone didnt read the bible.
Someone is immune to sarcasm and humor.
ETericET i know its gonna be something that sounds like it COULD mean that, but if you wanna believe that then the bible also says midgets and bald people shouldnt be alive.
great. give us quotes for everything you just said
"1 Timothy 2: 11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety."
Women are nothing but baby factories according to the Bible.
Hilarious how wind whisperers don't even know what their damn book of fairy tales even states.
All in the name of sweet sex lol
this is the least scientific thing I've ever seen. do people use logic at all. I see so many problems with this and I've just herd of it.