Whale water master direct water connection to caravan or motorhome.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Dizzie20vt
    @Dizzie20vt 3 роки тому

    Amazing. I just bought the in aqua roll type for our first serviced pitch holiday (pretty sure we’ll go serviced all the time now). This seems like a much neater system. Many thanks.

  • @andysroadtrips7770
    @andysroadtrips7770 5 років тому

    bought one last year great simple device. two things to consider. make sure the hose is long enough for pitch where staying secondly when going out for day turn off tap at source. they do recommend in instructions. had the aqua roll float never worked and pipe inside kept curling up so alarm would go off low water. usually early hours of morning. ive got internal water pump which needs to be switched on still using this connection. works well hope others viewers find useful thanks

    • @Tintenter
      @Tintenter  5 років тому

      andy's roadtrips great advice. Thank you.

    • @PADR
      @PADR 3 роки тому +1

      I've used the Whale float type for three seasons and never had a single problem. Not sure what you mean by "the pipe inside". Mine only has a cistern type float mechanism. I have an external pump; as you have an internal pump perhaps this is the difference.

  • @petersalur1111
    @petersalur1111 5 років тому +5

    Started using one of these beginning last season, absolutely great adapter. Don't think I will go back to the aqua roll .

    • @Tintenter
      @Tintenter  5 років тому

      Peter Salur I know. It does make life a lot easier.

  • @britsd6397
    @britsd6397 5 років тому

    Hi. The kit does come with a Truma adapater which is what I use. Just one word of warning be very gentle when inserting the Truma adapter into the van or the Whale as the "O" ring seals are prone to splitting. I have used mine six times and gone through two seals already.

  • @garethwatkins5524
    @garethwatkins5524 3 роки тому +2

    Will this work to fill an on board tank on my Swift Conqueror? I have two water inlets, which would i use?

    • @timleaning6695
      @timleaning6695 3 роки тому

      One is labled direct to tank
      Other direct to tap.
      Think bottom one is tap on ours.

  • @superbike1
    @superbike1 2 роки тому

    Newbie question, I have just purchased a Bailey Phoenix 640+ 2022,it has the truma combi boiler so I am asking if I were to get the watermaster direct to caravan then how does the water get pumped through to the taps if I am not using the external water pump.

    • @mailbox1016
      @mailbox1016 Рік тому

      It replaces your external water pump which sits in the aquaroll as it's all included in the kit. No more aquarolls.

  • @mickotinexxx1107
    @mickotinexxx1107 4 роки тому +1

    So you can use this even if you normally have an external pump?

  • @alanhorbury8389
    @alanhorbury8389 5 років тому +1

    Is mains pressure not too high for the van ?

    • @Tintenter
      @Tintenter  5 років тому +1

      alan horbury As a precaution I don’t turn the mains on high keep it low just in case. Always works well. Thank you for watching.

    • @grahamwatson6570
      @grahamwatson6570 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@Tintenteru are only reducing the flow not the pressure by partially opening the tap 👍

    • @IanBage
      @IanBage Місяць тому +1

      There is a water pressure reducing valve fitted to limit pressure going into the caravan

    • @grahamwatson6570
      @grahamwatson6570 Місяць тому

      @@IanBage some do some don't, think if rather have one 👍👍

  • @ianturner3017
    @ianturner3017 3 роки тому

    So, do you need to prime the water system at all, ie fill it with water first? Do you then drain the tank down at the end?

  • @ChrisBarlow
    @ChrisBarlow 3 роки тому +1

    Great loved video content 👏👌

    • @Tintenter
      @Tintenter  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks for the comment. Thanks for watching. Stay safe.

  • @karensalmons5998
    @karensalmons5998 3 роки тому

    hi just wondering l have a 1999 Abbey Spectrum 418, l have that fitting and the hose connected to it but haven't as yet connected to the water supply tap as so far l have just been using the tank below floor with the internal pump is there anything l need to do to the tank inlet or does this bypass the tank and the internal pump l also have micro switches on my taps

  • @jamiehart4753
    @jamiehart4753 4 роки тому

    can this be used on a elddis xplore 586 2018 model caravan

  • @oceanmaster7
    @oceanmaster7 4 роки тому

    Does it work on motorhomes?

    • @airwolf08
      @airwolf08 3 роки тому

      no it doesnt you can use it to fill up the motorhome but you have to turn off the tap when your tanks is full

  • @PADR
    @PADR 3 роки тому

    Whilst this method means you can leave the Aquaroll at home, I decided not to go with this direct-to-mains connection, but bought the float type, after a friend of mine had an internal pipework failure that meant this device continued to flood the interior of his van whilst he was out. The van was inches deep in water. You can of course turn the water off when you go out, but that's an additional thing to remember to do. At least with the "Float-in-the-Aquaroll" version there is never a chance that there will be a continous flood directly associated with the device. Not needing to take an Aquaroll is of course a benefit of the direct method.

    • @peakstrad
      @peakstrad 2 роки тому +2

      You’ll get exactly the same result with the float in the aquaroll. As soon as the level drops in the aquaroll the float will allow water in to replace as if you left a tap on

    • @PADR
      @PADR 2 роки тому +1

      @@peakstrad I omitted to add to simply turn off the pump electrical supply as you leave the van, usually situated at the doorway. It becomes second nature and much easier than messing with a tap.

    • @sparkmeister4706
      @sparkmeister4706 10 місяців тому

      @@peakstrad actually not, as the water to enter the system will only work when the pump is turned on. usually this will only happen when you open the tap and the low presssure sensing changes.

  • @thaibagco8692
    @thaibagco8692 Рік тому

    Brilliant video game changer 👍

  • @paulandbiancaadventures3458
    @paulandbiancaadventures3458 5 років тому

    Looks a good piece of kit. My pump is not a whale though

    • @britsd6397
      @britsd6397 5 років тому +1

      Hi Paul. It does come with a Truma adapter.

    • @paulandbiancaadventures3458
      @paulandbiancaadventures3458 5 років тому

      I think I will look into getting one 👍🏼 thanks

    • @chrisl9620
      @chrisl9620 5 років тому +1

      @@paulandbiancaadventures3458 .......truma do their own version, so no need for adapter.

    • @paulandbiancaadventures3458
      @paulandbiancaadventures3458 5 років тому +1

      Chris knows I picked one up last week, not tried it yet. Our next outing in a month or so, has a serviced pitch. 👍🏼

    • @paulandbiancaadventures3458
      @paulandbiancaadventures3458 4 роки тому

      SS CH here’s one on amazon. Whale Aquasource Caravan Mains Water Connection www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01DCA0CI4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0jkuFbMAZ93K8

  • @andrewliberadzki8473
    @andrewliberadzki8473 9 місяців тому +1

    Just to correct you get your facts right before posting its not a stop tap its a ball valve