Todd Bentley - Lakeland FL "Outpouring" - May 20, 2008

  • Опубліковано 31 січ 2025
  • Personal Disclaimers: PART 1: To meet the requirements for "fair use", I hereby criticize these videos that I am using to educate the public; to wit, I absolutely do not endorse, approve, or condone anything (or anyone) presented herein. I consider the vast majority of the content to be unbiblical, ungodly, potentially harmful to your temporal earthly life, and certainly dangerous to your spiritual welfare and your eternal soul! Please view with caution and an open bible. PART 2: What is claimed to be the work of the Holy Spirit in these videos is a sad substitute that will never satisfy the soul. "...*we are filled with the Holy Spirit when we are filled with the Word, which He inspired and empowers. As we align our thinking with biblical teaching, applying its truth to our daily lives, we come increasingly under the Spirit’s control.” PART 3: The miracles that are promised and claimed in these videos are rarely realized, and never documented. God certainly heals as he wills, but if healing is the "privilege of believers" today, and if certain men are "gifted" to heal, why does every believer die from some physical ailment? Why aren't the hospitals regularly cleaned out by these modern-day "apostles"? Why don't doctors and nurses give any substantial evidence for the many testimonies of miraculous healings and disease reversals? What true, verifiable miracles can believers hope to see every day? "*To see a spiritually dead sinner made alive in Christ Jesus by the power of the Spirit is to witness an actual miracle of God.” PART 4: The plain, simple Gospel of Jesus Christ is the POWER OF GOD for salvation. (Rom 1:16) Calling down fire from God is simply calling for his judgment to fall. (II Pet 3:7) Instead, call on him for his mercy, grace and salvation, confessing your sins and unrighteousness and you'll experience the true power of God, and the true indwelling of the Holy Spirit. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
    Source: These videos were recorded by me from the live broadcast on GodTV and archived for my own research purposes. These broadcasts, as recorded, provide a historical record of the actual events that occurred at the so-called "Lakeland Outpouring Revival" in 2008. They are important historical documents of public interest and, as such, they must be available for institutional, corporate, and personal use, in research, commentary, criticism, teaching, and reporting.
    Copyright Disclaimer: I do not in any way claim or own any copyrights to these videos. I hereby claim the legal "fair use" allowance permitted by copyright statute for non-profit, educational or personal use, under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, which makes its provisions for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. These videos are historic documents of a highly criticized international event making public availability necessary.
    (*quotes by Dr. John MacArthur)