I think the highlight of this op for me was all the apothecaries running around pretending like a war wasn’t happening as they extracted a bunch of geneseeds. Also worth noting after the plasma cannon was used the first time in this op we asked people not to overcharge it so it didn’t 1 shot every boss in the event lmao.
Insert bricky meme chote about the fallen dark angels from the sad dark amgels chapter that the inwuesitoon deosnt want to talk about - the changling tormented apostle@@noahsawyer7155
That chaplain doing a lil prayer before charging into the enemy dreadnought and getting KRUMPT is the most single-handedly unhinged dark angel’s behavior I’ve ever seen, mah boi thought he had the big guy made
I'm almost positive a divine being if not the emperor himself cast a bullet magnet on Jay’s leg, as at the end when his allies turned against him only his leg lay destroyed.
11:30 Even in the "Mission Completed" screen, all that was damaged/destroyed was his left leg. I swear Rubix had a GPS sender on it, where everyone only had to push a button to pre-aim at his left leg and only had to click their trigger.
@@drxtale9446 this entire operation was an Alpha legion trap the smoke alarm was a psychic cognitive anomaly that forced the dark angels to turn on one another. There was no fallen, it’s the siege of Vraks all over again.
The Apothecary taking the geneseed in the middle of an artillery strike is perhaps the most lore accurate thing ever. Oh and love how at the very end, after getting shot by everyone, your leg armor broke again.
There's a reason I love the Ragefire Plasma Cannon, this video shows why _very_ well. That babies gotten me 520 vehicle kills, 44 titan kills, nearly a dozen knight kills, and a good chunk of my nearly 3k kills total as a space marine, chaos or otherwise. Love that thing so much, glad it was done justice here
Hopefully the proud sons of the Lion will be able to find the -Fallen- *TOTALLY UNRELATED TRAITOR SPACE MARINES* Note: if you have any disagreements with the previous statement, please follow Interrogator Chaplain Zekiel to our complaints office, which for purely budgetary reasons, is also located in an airlock.
Very glad that *me getting my shit slapped* made it into the video. During this OP, I learned a lot about which targets are fine to engage in melee... and which aren't.
The hud elements really are a nice touch, I really want to see Space Marine / Imperium targeting systems to be more prevalent in games and media. I think adding some more sylized imperium iconography and UI design would be super super cool, kind of like the Darktide 'Church Window' reflex sights.
Ah, yes, Dark Angels. The 1st Legion. The progenitor for the moniker ‘Angels of Death’. Sons of the Lion. And Keepers of the Rock. Truly a force to be reckoned with… … and willing to sacrifice an entire Company to kill a single Fallen. Truly the most fearsome of the Emperor’s Angels of Death.
From one Dark Angels unit to a normally non SM channel: Sufficient amounts of fallen Also. 7:00 AS THE IRONBRINGER OF OUR UNIT THIS TECHMARINE IS A HERO LMAO
Good to have you back and with Space Marines no less. As great as your Imperial guard videos are, in the first Space Marine op you posted Quail was generous enough to show that there is plenty in 40k that can crush power armour.
the moment you said "control space for jump pack" i immediately though "oh hey, bullet jumping space marines! this is going to go horribly wrong" and oddly, it didn't really go that wrong! congrats you guys.
I have the bad habit of watching RubixRaptor videos whenever I'm in physical anguish (the mental anguish comes *after* watching). It's a terrible idea, but it makes it so much funnier to me. Today? Hacking my covid-plagued lungs laughing.
I like how even at the end "kill everybody" gag, they still only took out your left leg...... "The point is in my medical opinion..... and as an apothecary of The God Emperor I do not say this lightly...... That left leg is tainted by chaos"
there are 3 imperial factions that i love just as much death guard and its imperial fist, salamanders and dark angels this video is amazing keep up the amazing content Rubix
Azriel" Wait.. what is that book you have there?" Cawl" Oh nothing, just the secrets of the dark angels chapteerrrrrrr... oh thats not good" Azriel "Asmodai....!!!"
Ok 2 things, 1. The beginning of this video literally reminded me I had meatballs to eat XD and 2. as a Wolf Priest for an Arma 3 Space Wolves unit the Narthecium is both awesome and horrifying can confirm XD
Interesting fun fact, the Dark Angles were based on Plains Indians before they gained their modern hoods and aesthetic. That’s why, if you look, the deathwing are always modeled with distinctive feather decorations.
I think the highlight of this op for me was all the apothecaries running around pretending like a war wasn’t happening as they extracted a bunch of geneseeds. Also worth noting after the plasma cannon was used the first time in this op we asked people not to overcharge it so it didn’t 1 shot every boss in the event lmao.
Even though I never read the books the apothecaries bit seems accurate somehow to me
@@shinyumbreon1774it basically is kek, they can fight but thats not their job and they take that seriously
I cant join ur discord😭😭 give the current discord link ples
Geneseed Gremlins
I miss the old outro music you had.
"Fallen? What Fallen? Do you perhaps know about this...'fallen'?"
-said a Dark Angel calmly
“We would like to introduce you to our chaplain Asmodai”-Dark angel
Is this Fallen in the room with us now?
"Make him repent, Asmodai..."
@@Enkate_Tiefwait! Who is the fallen, I don’t recall any fallen
Insert bricky meme chote about the fallen dark angels from the sad dark amgels chapter that the inwuesitoon deosnt want to talk about - the changling tormented apostle@@noahsawyer7155
I love how in the lore that the reason why Lion El’Johnson didn’t return up until quite recently was because he was literally just asleep.
Big man needs big naps but his sleep wasn't that peaceful
@@jamesbrooks2179 In the grim darkness of the distant future there is only nap, and flapping of that FUCKING mosquito.
-Lion'el Johnson.
Mfer went night night, hard.
The Emperor saw this video and said "Son, you need to wake up"
@@zDToddy Wake up, Mr. Johnson. Wake up and smell the ashes...
rather interesting seeing Jay and the gang actually play as some of the more super soldier types rather than the usual cannon fodder
Augmented Super Fodder
That chaplain doing a lil prayer before charging into the enemy dreadnought and getting KRUMPT is the most single-handedly unhinged dark angel’s behavior I’ve ever seen, mah boi thought he had the big guy made
if he prayed harder i bet he wouldve won
@@beagan8348 by the god emperor that’s a skill issue
I'm almost positive a divine being if not the emperor himself cast a bullet magnet on Jay’s leg, as at the end when his allies turned against him only his leg lay destroyed.
from personal experience with black carapace, enemies REALLY like to hit your leg.. Like 90% of the time..
A Tzeenchian plot most foul
5:15 "angry harmonica" 😂
Favorite moment in this video
Yeah 😂😂😂
That plasma shot wasn’t Overpowered, just lore accurate. Dark angels and plasma weapons just work.
them rerolls to hit and to wound be doing miracles
Always overcharge your plasma.
Even against a knight??
@@Duong-dc6cm Even against a Knight
Strength 7 ap2 small blast is quite brutal
11:30 Even in the "Mission Completed" screen, all that was damaged/destroyed was his left leg. I swear Rubix had a GPS sender on it, where everyone only had to push a button to pre-aim at his left leg and only had to click their trigger.
The Dark Angels aren't played by idiots. They ARE the idiots, hahah-
*Is violently bisected by a screaming Marine using his bare hands*
-Loyal Dark Angels Fan, aka me.
@@drxtale9446 HE HAS A SUSPICIOUS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@solarchos4352 BOOK
Just another day for the Ignis core! huhuhuh :D
@@drxtale9446 this entire operation was an Alpha legion trap the smoke alarm was a psychic cognitive anomaly that forced the dark angels to turn on one another. There was no fallen, it’s the siege of Vraks all over again.
The Apothecary taking the geneseed in the middle of an artillery strike is perhaps the most lore accurate thing ever. Oh and love how at the very end, after getting shot by everyone, your leg armor broke again.
2:33 I'm sure he's fine :D
5:09 Maru has apparently specc'd into Bard XD
Love the implementation of these in game cutscenes, especially the silhouette shots
4:20 "Plasma fire washes back across my very soul..."
Bursting out, but I feel I am in control
There's a reason I love the Ragefire Plasma Cannon, this video shows why _very_ well. That babies gotten me 520 vehicle kills, 44 titan kills, nearly a dozen knight kills, and a good chunk of my nearly 3k kills total as a space marine, chaos or otherwise. Love that thing so much, glad it was done justice here
Wait a minute.
You heard that brother, correct!
Heh, you saw that too eh?
Hopefully the proud sons of the Lion will be able to find the -Fallen- *TOTALLY UNRELATED TRAITOR SPACE MARINES*
Note: if you have any disagreements with the previous statement, please follow Interrogator Chaplain Zekiel to our complaints office, which for purely budgetary reasons, is also located in an airlock.
Fallen? Haha what are those Haha what a silly story Haha you should totally tell me where you saw those "fallen" Haha TELL ME!!
I applaud the fiscal responsibility
3:06 he hit the griddy on his way out.
Did anyone else see at 2:02 one dude who Jetpacked PERFECTLY into a window?
I can imagine this plasma cannon (4:25) making a noise similar to Godzilla charging up his Beam attack
Make him R E P E N T !
Least Loyal Dark Angels operation, folks. At least, least loyal without going full Fallen.
Also, that Plasma Cannon edit goes hard.
“Brother, I have fallen down!”
*”You what”*
Plasma cannon makes things go BOOOOOOOOOOOOM.
Your skill with said cannon will determine whether it's the enemy, or you
This sure looks like a normal Dark Angels operation.
3:22 Yeah, this is normal.
3:42 And this is just beautiful. Peak 40k Space Marine action here.
The final moment, the right leg gets broken again lmao. Constantly broken
Left leg*
"Can you save my friends?"
"No, they're gonna die."
Like a true Dark Angel lmao
Hey at least there not the marine malevolent
@@noahsawyer7155 Surprisingly enough those guys aren't even the worst...
@@noahsawyer7155 No they'd be the culprits and shift the blame on those they just destroyed lol
Even in the outro, his Rubix's Left Leg needs repair
Very glad that *me getting my shit slapped* made it into the video.
During this OP, I learned a lot about which targets are fine to engage in melee... and which aren't.
Well next time, you need more training
What did we learn today? That Jay's Space Marine armor needs more thickness to it's left leg in particular. The more you know ~
I nearly died at “I have Thorns II”.
Also nice to note that after Mission Accomplished it was STILL the leg! 🤣
3:40 Spece Merenes standing still in the open to get a clear field of fire is very First Edition
0:06 and you don’t have a strange fascination with feudal knights?
"Im fixing him!"
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes im...no."
*violently takes out Geneseed* lol
Jeez, that plasma cannon had the impact strength of a MAC round going through that Knight!
U mean a volcano cannon melting coring him
Half expected the Bosnian knight to make a return somehow.
So fitting you posted a Dark Angels video when I'm going to play a tournament with them tomorrow. Good one as usual man.
Watch those 1s on your plasma weapons, and good luck!
6:09 bro realized his saviors weren’t Salamanders
The animation at 4:31 is so hype, need more of this in my life
10:41 no jay that’s a puddle
Time to watch Rubix get reminded there’s always something bigger and badder than a space marine!
Ah, the Dark Angels, a great chapter for Ignis to play considering the copious amounts of friendly fire.
That was an epic edit 4:40
Space marine shenanigans are always the funniest thing to watch in arma
The hud elements really are a nice touch, I really want to see Space Marine / Imperium targeting systems to be more prevalent in games and media. I think adding some more sylized imperium iconography and UI design would be super super cool, kind of like the Darktide 'Church Window' reflex sights.
Jay, you are getting exceptionally good at creating cinematic moments. The music tied with the silhouettes never fails to impress.
Violence, death and pain. For the Emperor!
Meanwhile, have you found Cypher?
You had so many Space Marines! It's nice to see such massive games.
8:33 “Freaking, SHIAKAZING”
Also, Raptor’s new title is Raptor the One Legged.
Ah, yes, Dark Angels. The 1st Legion. The progenitor for the moniker ‘Angels of Death’. Sons of the Lion. And Keepers of the Rock. Truly a force to be reckoned with…
… and willing to sacrifice an entire Company to kill a single Fallen. Truly the most fearsome of the Emperor’s Angels of Death.
Large Ork contact to the south!
Looks over, sees a wall of flak approaching.
Yeah, that seems about right.
the scene at 4:24 of the dude just walking up with the plasma is neat
I know it probably wont happen again, but I would love to see the bosnian Knight return one last time
That boss insta-gib bit was amazing
1:16 High Gothic
"Who ever moves first is a fallen."
The enemy was like "LOAD MEGABOMB" and the plasma gunner went "no."
From one Dark Angels unit to a normally non SM channel: Sufficient amounts of fallen
It’s always enjoyable when Jay and friends/ teammates plays as giant, hulking, space knights/ Space Marines while purging any heretics and or Xenos
The ending music just makes me think of:
"Where's he at?"
"I don't know, last time I saw him he was carrying a bazooka into the front."
@@trevorsizzle3705 Where's that from?
dude that space marine helmet UI looks so goddamn cool it has to be said
YES! my friend originally made it for our own SM unit and has since released it, so i love seeing it being used as it should be!
2:03 Kool-aid man got an upgrade and jetpacking through multi story buildings now!
I commented that too I though no one else noticed!
Guardsman: "I will serve the Emperor."
Space Marine: "That's huge of you."
3:07 He did an Irish jig
Can we acknowledge the legend who jet packed into a 2nd story window at 2:02.
The fact that at the very end, in the mission accomplished screen, your left leg was compromised again.
Good to have you back and with Space Marines no less. As great as your Imperial guard videos are, in the first Space Marine op you posted Quail was generous enough to show that there is plenty in 40k that can crush power armour.
ahhh yesssss, the first 12 minutes and 20 seconds of this video just explains who the dark angles' worst enemy always has been!
Dark angels!
Beautiful, my favorite chapter played by my favorite ARMA youtuber.
10:38 The fallen shall be forever remembered as the Emperor's finest.
7:28 Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate music. Epic.
anyone else recognize the music during the Pravuil the Fallen fight? (7:30 onwards) I swear I've heard it from somewhere else, maybe an old 40k game?
10:39 that's just asmodai doing his best 𝙍𝙀𝙋𝙀𝙀𝙀𝙀𝙀𝙉𝙏
the moment you said "control space for jump pack" i immediately though "oh hey, bullet jumping space marines! this is going to go horribly wrong"
and oddly, it didn't really go that wrong! congrats you guys.
9:46- When you're so badly wounded that your doctor dies.
The bolter sounds in this are god tier. Absolutely love the chunk of them.
That's some fine comedy timing.
Love the hud for this episode. Very few Scifi fps games do something like that even though they should. Kudos whoever made this mod.
2:15 he did heal him... he cured him of a mortal existence!
choas commander (zeus) - "Wasn't my finest drop pod placement "
also who ever does the mod work for this, you are amazing !!!
*angry Harmonica* just ended me lol
Apothecary used Healing Punch! It was GRIMDARK!
"What the frakks a fallen?"
*Hears a power mace be activated behind me*
" _FALLEN?_ "
"Oh ohmnissiah no....."
seeing the space marines get blasted away with their arms and legs wobbling around is def the funniest sh*t i've seen in awhile
Ah yes, Cypher finally gets to play as...Cypher😅
i love how when i was watching this vid my game just started playing epic music while the line "i'm recovering his geneseed" occured
I have the bad habit of watching RubixRaptor videos whenever I'm in physical anguish (the mental anguish comes *after* watching). It's a terrible idea, but it makes it so much funnier to me. Today? Hacking my covid-plagued lungs laughing.
Just got off a shift at my grocery store to find this. God bless the eldritch abyss you and your group crawled out of.
10:38 No, Sir Raptor that is a martyr
I like how even at the end "kill everybody" gag, they still only took out your left leg...... "The point is in my medical opinion..... and as an apothecary of The God Emperor I do not say this lightly...... That left leg is tainted by chaos"
5:17 Does Maquis only communicate with a Harmonica? Because I am all for that!
He may have pissed off an apothecary or ran into chaplain asmodai
*harmonica noises*
4:33 was simply cinematic
the only thing I HATE about this video is that it is only 12 mins!! Love your vids! Make 'em longer!!!
there are 3 imperial factions that i love just as much death guard and its imperial fist, salamanders and dark angels this video is amazing keep up the amazing content Rubix
Honey it can wait, Rubix Raptor posted
You should definitely do an Arma campaign during the Defense of Rynn's World either as Crimson Fists or as the Rynnsguard
Yet another awesome video Rubix! You truly have the ability to make inhuman space marines feel like 9 year olds with anti-materiel rifles.
Azriel" Wait.. what is that book you have there?"
Cawl" Oh nothing, just the secrets of the dark angels chapteerrrrrrr... oh thats not good"
Azriel "Asmodai....!!!"
‘I need you to tell the difference between these two pictures’ *looks at the dark angels and then at Ingis Corp* ‘They are the same picture’
Love that the tech marine shields are necron ones with the marsian logo on em :3
Ok 2 things, 1. The beginning of this video literally reminded me I had meatballs to eat XD and 2. as a Wolf Priest for an Arma 3 Space Wolves unit the Narthecium is both awesome and horrifying can confirm XD
Interesting fun fact, the Dark Angles were based on Plains Indians before they gained their modern hoods and aesthetic. That’s why, if you look, the deathwing are always modeled with distinctive feather decorations.