Who and what is Barelwi Barelvi ? - The Best of Murtaza Khan

  • Опубліковано 3 лип 2011
  • I ask All my Barelvi Brothers and sister to fear Allah more than Fearing His/her own sect. Follow Rasool Allah Sal Allahu Aleyhi wasallam rather than Ilyas Qadr, tahir ul qadri or Ahmed Raza Khan. If you love your sect more than Allah and his rasool Sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam then i urge you to check your Emaan and pray that Allah guides you. May Allah guide us All.Ameen
    The Following is a very very important list of articles that on the Aqeedah The Barelvi Sufi Sect:
    There is tremendous work done by The Urdu Speaking Scholars in refutation of Barelwi Sect. Contact me if any 1 would like to have details in urdu about this sect or just check the lectures of Sheikh Tawseef ur Rehman on youtube from the following links.
    / calltotawheed
    / cal2tawheed
    May Allah guide us All. Ameen.
    Dont forget to The Most watched, Most Famous and Free to Air Islamic Channel Peace tv:
    Some Famous Websites:
    A List of Recommended Websites by Dr Bilal Philips:
    Urdu Islamic Websites:
    Comparative Religions and Answers to Allegations Website:


  • @sarni786
    @sarni786 13 років тому +29

    Barelwism is more closer to Hindism than it is Islam, fact!

  • @FarzadFazel
    @FarzadFazel 12 років тому +38

    Subhanallah, powerful speech, may Allah swt guide us all.

  • @sghazi
    @sghazi 13 років тому +30

    i dont know how so many brothers and sisters in Pakistan fell for Barelvism....iyyaka na'abudu waiyyaka nastaeen

  • @0nly1truth
    @0nly1truth 12 років тому +24

    May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa ta 'Ala) Bless You & keep you firm upon the path of as-Salaf us-Saalih - as-Siraatul-Mustaqeem! Ameen!

  • @sufinaqshabandi9852
    @sufinaqshabandi9852 12 років тому +25

    Masha Allah! powerful speech and powerful slap to those grave worshipers... Jazak Allah khairan brother for uploading this awesome lecture.... May Allah guide us all.

  • @mostpowerful
    @mostpowerful 12 років тому +8

    Good solid speech. This is the first time ive heard this brother and mashallah, he speaks very good and clearly, referring ONLY from the Quran and Hadith, which is real Islam. This shows that we Muslims do not need people like Sheikh Nazim or Tahir Ul Qadri to guide us or take us to Jannah. Verily it our own virtuous deeds and staying away from any kind of Shirk, which will give us success in this life and in the hereafter, inshallah. Ameen.

  • @joychoudhury2376
    @joychoudhury2376 12 років тому +26

    Makes SENSE to me. Jazakallah, for uploading.

  • @MsYouthink
    @MsYouthink 12 років тому +8

    subhanallah look at hw these barelvis has created fitnah on this earth!May allah swt guide them or destroy them.May allah reward this brother with the best of the reward!

  • @iKamMedia
    @iKamMedia 13 років тому +6

    i do agree with this brother and i like his lectures.. but i only see one problem... the brother never smiles! lol

  • @slaveofallah8jannah
    @slaveofallah8jannah 12 років тому +5

    @LawsOfSalah After staying a long time in a Hindu land, some of the muslims become Hindu but they still call themselves muslims. In Indian subcontinent these Zindeeq are known as Berelovi. May Allah guide these pagans to Islam.

  • @WeBorn2DieAnyTime
    @WeBorn2DieAnyTime 12 років тому +2

    As Salaam aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
    Masha Allah brother Murtaz Khan,keep telling the truth,
    Jazaka Allah kheiran for sharing
    wa salaam aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

  • @safiAmar
    @safiAmar 12 років тому +15

    May ALLAH protect shekh Murtaza khan from every evil and shaytan al ens and jin...

  • @zarish74
    @zarish74 13 років тому +4


  • @sarni786
    @sarni786 12 років тому +52

    By Allah! I left Suffiyyah/Barelwiyyah! If I was to die upon that belief, verily I would have died a Kafir Mushrik! By Allah Salafiyyah is nothing but the truth! If only other Sufi/Barelwis opened their eyes to the reality of the Baatil they are upon! Allaahu Musta'aan!

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +1

    is that challenge for the Ahlul hadeeth? :)

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +4

    Brother, problem is that the Barelvis only call them selves Ahlul Sunnah and label themselves ahlul snnah. They consider every 1 else as Kuffaar and their leader Ahmed raza khan has given such fatwas already. So any 1 that speaks against their shirk,bidah and kufr.. he becomes wahabi and against "Ahlul Sunnah"where as in reality these barelvis have nothing to do with Ahlul Sunnah..Absolutely nothing. They have their own seperate religion.

  • @sarni786
    @sarni786 12 років тому +3

    Hayakallaah akhi al kareem.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    Brother do u know what ahle sunnat wal jamaat means?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +5

    seems like u r quite frustrated at his lectures that closed barelvi shops. Why is that so?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +4

    @Faruk1189 I think i mentioned earlier that i am a former deobundi barelvi mixture, but i was 95% deobundi. In my view there are differences in deobundis. A Vast Majority of them, like Tableeghi Jamaat, propogate to follow Quran and Sunnah but behind the veil it is actually blind taqleed and following the teachings and Books of Deobundi scholars.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    ok, challenge accepted. The debate will be in urdu and held online in a chatroom coz im not in the UK. :) Accept or no?

  • @toofanibreeze
    @toofanibreeze 12 років тому +2

    Aslaam u alaikum, brother do you have any contact with asrar? A few months ago I tried to arrange a debate with him and my sheikh, I found a number for some one hat teaches in the same place as him. He was on umera then and that man said he will give him my number on his return. NOW I dont know if asrar is walking it back to the uk. Is there contact with him, he is good at stirring things up then hiding.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    brother i had asked u something about your shaykh, did u get the answers?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +17

    According to them, Any one that is against their Shirk and Bidah is a Najdi.
    But According to the classical Scholars of Islam, Najd is Iraq and its a place of fitna according to ahadeeth.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +5

    Imam Ahmed raza was reviver....? Brother, one of the greatest mushriks of this ummah was ahmed raza khan. If you've been brain washed into believing that wahabis are muqallids of Muhammad ibn abdul wahab then its the stupidity of barelviyyah to do so and its one of their lies too. Because we only follow Allah and his rasool sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam.

  • @MrZoheebiqbal
    @MrZoheebiqbal 12 років тому

    from what i am listening to i am gathering that he is ahle hadith??

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +7

    ok, so with this absurd laughable incident, u want to show that he loves and respects the prophet pbuh more than the Sahaba? The prophet pbuh wont be presented to us in our graves, but if thats what barelvis believe then dont u know the simple fact that the prophet pbuh disliked the sahaba standing up for him???

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    Jazak Allah khair.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +1

    walykum Assalaam, yes Alhamdulillah.

  • @skkamalpuri
    @skkamalpuri 13 років тому +3

    MashaAllah a very good eyes opening speach may Allah Subhanahu wa t'aala guide all who are away from the touheed(Islamic Monotheism) and the true religion ISLAM-aameen. i pray to Allah azza wa jall to reward and protect all the true daees who are calling people to Islam to obey Allah wahdahu la shareeka lahu and adhere to the Sunnah of Muhammad SallAllahu t'aala alaihe wa aalehe wa ashabe wa baraka wa sallam-Aameen ya Rabbalaalameen.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    W.salaam. if i had time,then yes Insha Allah.

  • @Generallex786
    @Generallex786 12 років тому +5

    asalamualaikum jazakallah khair for the lecture so true i live in Slough where there are plenty of Barelvi's and its so true that their beliefs resemble christians/catholics etc. Bro just wanted to ask is it rue about the gates of jannah being open on Mondays and Thursdays, i know its from the sunnah to fast on those days but wanted to ask if the gates of jannah open on those days and if thats authentic jazakallah khair.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +3

    So you have nothing but the Kissing the Thumbs to mention as my wrong statement? Its a Bidah and will remain bidah until yamul qiyamah, and secondly if exposing the shirk and Bidah of the Barelviyyah makes you think that we are puppets of the british then i can only say May Allah guide you. The religion of Barelviyyah may teach you to be silent on Shirk and thats why barelvis are hand in hand with shias, but the religion of Islam Condemns Shirk and Bidah, so will we. Jazak Allah khayr.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    tell me shaykh asrar's challenge, i will respond Insha Allah. In the mean while u go thru the links which i gave in the description and please dont flood in comments. This is comment section and not debate section. All these questions are answered already if u insha Allah just click on the links provided.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    Our website has all the refutations to Barelviyyah, Ask him to respond to any of our articles on barelviyyah. The links are in the description of this video from SYSTEMOFLIFEdotCOM. I hope i get a respond in 1 week now.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    No more debating on comments, You can email me for further questions.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +3

    Ahle sunnat wal jamaat dont have this shirk aqeedah, its the barelvis who have this aqeedah and hence u shud not call your self ahle sunnat if u r a barelvi. Having said that, what if i prove what ever i said.. will u then reject barelvism and accept Islam?

  • @sqaish
    @sqaish 12 років тому +4

    @LifewithAllah u lot reject hadith ur self like many salafis women say that the hanfi namaaz prayed by women is not accepted. but we got hadith to back ou way up, so make a video about that

  • @zakncsqwertyuiop
    @zakncsqwertyuiop 12 років тому +14

    MashaAllah - I agree to what he is saying and Say the Shadha - I bear witness that - There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
    The people like Raza Khan Mardood are to condemed in this life and also in the life of hearafter!

  • @sarni786
    @sarni786 12 років тому +3

    @Sunni90zs ''Weaking day by day''??? I swear by Allaah I have seen the Salafi Da'wah increase day by day! I used to be a Naqshbandi Sufi. But Alhamdulillah Allaah guided me to Salafiyyah. And I have met LOADS of people who were Sufi (barelwi) and have now become Salafi, Alhamdulillah. Why dont you debate Salafi SCHOLARS who are Arab? The answer is, you'd be slaughtered in the issue, thats why Habib Jiffri and Muhammad Yaqoubi were afraid to debate Sheikh Adnan Aroor live on syrian TV!

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +7

    No brother, Only deviants can believe these things to be mutashabih Because Shirk is not equals to Tawheed And Bidah is not equals to Sunnah. If you say its mutashabih then my advise is that brother you gain knowledge of Quran and Sunnah. Barak Allah feek.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +4

    Thats one of the arguements of Ahlul Bidah which they give to the unlearned normal muslims in order to justify their Bidah. Point no.1 is that this definetely proves that they are Ahlul bidah because they use arguements to justify their Bidah, in every friday Prayer we hear "Kullu Bidatin Dhalaala wa Kullu Dhalaalatin Fin Naar", "Every Bidah is Misguidance and Misguidance leads to Hell fire". Point no.2 is that you can refer to my article about taraweeh on systemflifeDOTcom

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +2

    Asrar is a barelvi that follows a person by the name of Ahmed Raza Khan who was born nearly a 100 years back and he responsible for the supreme spread of Bidah and Shirk in Hindustan(India). Murtaza Khan is Ahlul hadeeth and he is on the Manhaj of the Salaf and he follows the Pure Quran and Sunnah with the understanding of the sahaba and Salaf. and he blindly follows Mohammad Sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +1

    Take print of anything u wish, dancing in Dhikr, Melaad, tawassul, anything.. take anything and ask him to prove it in the light of Quran and authentic Sunnah.

  • @MultiGurl1234
    @MultiGurl1234 12 років тому +1

    Awsum Video...Ise kehte hain Authentic knowledge of Islam!
    Hum to koshish kersakte hain sab aise logon ko samjhane ki...At the end of the day...Allah jise chahta hai hidayat deta hai aur jise chahta hai Gumrah kerta hai!Its all upto Him!We shud pray to Allah for our Barelvi Muslims brothers and sisters who hate us and give us different types of name..Nice work @Life with Allah

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +2

    Bro im still waiting for u to show me ur proof on hanafi namaz.

  • @Asrarulhaq2011
    @Asrarulhaq2011 12 років тому +2

    @1988Sarajevo Rather than making a video, why don't we arrange a debate with the ashari Asrar Rashid of Birmingham? Lets make a video of this debate and put it all over UA-cam insha Allah!

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    inshaAllah tomorrow. I just came back home after 3 weeks :)

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    soon inshaAllah. Remind me in 5 days time.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    Brother, Dont Debate in comments. There are links made available in the description of the video which refutes all these things which u r posting, My advise to u is go through these links and then respond to them accordingly. Dont copy paste and flood in comments.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    Sorry the comment was for the other brother using dirty language, :)

  • @MrZoheebiqbal
    @MrZoheebiqbal 12 років тому

    is murtaza khan a salfi or deobandi or ahle hadith please tell me

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    The video i gave u is an old one, the newer version is coming out soon inshaAllah and also the other detailed video of deobandi fiqh channel will be answered shortly. Ive delayed the responses deliberately :) otherwise i could have responded to them at the time of their release. Make sure u read the article on "Difference of Salah between men and women" provided in the description of the video that i gave u. InshaAllah i again hope that u will reject deobandism for the sake of Allah and Sunnah.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    Iit is entitled as "Taraweeh: 8 0r 20? A Response to Fanatics" Insha Allah that will help with the references that indeed a Jamaat was done by Rasool Allah sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam himself.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +4

    its not "oh" Allah, its "o" Allah.
    see the effects of shirk, u cannot even call on Allah properly.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    And it is highly encouraged for a muslim like u n me to stay away from the sects game and keep the love of Allah and his rasool Sal Allahu Aleyhi wasallam more than any sect. Many people cross the limits which is called "Ghuloo" and hence they deviate immensely in the love of their Imam or sect. We Should always see to it that we Follow Quran and Sunnah and whenever any imam or sect contradicts Quran and Sunnah, we should reject the mistake and follow the pure Quran and Sunnah.

  • @mrnassr
    @mrnassr 13 років тому +1

    @noorulbasar37 brother, i was at your stage at one point in my life. Inshallah you will see, like i did that the key to paradise is acting in accordance to the prophet PBUH. Not adding new matters to the religion in the name of worship or love. just ask yourself, are we better than the sahaba's? do we love the prophet PBUH more than Abu bakr or Umar (may Allah be pleased with them)? they didn't celebrate his birthday nor did they call people to it. Wassalam my brother in islam.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    So the true path of Islam is to Do Shirk, do sajda to Barelvi Scholars, to believe that Allah and his rasool s.a.w are one and to do every ounce of possible bidat and shirk and then try and prove it from Quran (which in reality is a Buhtaan on the Quran), is this the true path of Islam acc to u? or is It following Quran and sunnah with the understanding of the sahaba and salaf us saliheen?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +1

    Where did u look at what i want to show u? Just tell me brother, if i prove all that i said from Barelvi Books, will u then reject Barelviyyah and accept the pure Islam? Answer in yes or no and that will help us conclude in no time.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    I asked you, dont comment until u go to asrar and bring back an answer for me. If u comment, u will be blocked. Jazak Allah khair if u co operate to save ur bidah and shirik in aqeedah.

  • @khaled268
    @khaled268 12 років тому

    @abdur28 Yes bro, that is true.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +1

    Dear brother, those that want to divide,, Allah will judge them. The Ahlul hadeeth has never been responsible for dividing the ummah but rather calling the people to pure Quran and Sunnah. In the Early generations of Islam there were many Baatil groups generating and the Group which was upon the Haqq required a title and hence the Victorious group was called Ahlul hadeeth. This is not a sect but just an attributive term for the people of Ahlul Sunnah and Haqq.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +1

    walykum assalam, na.. none of his fans or him ever contacted me again nor did they respond to a single point from our articles. They are just looking for fame as i see it. Its easy to get fame over youtube.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +1

    if u watch this lecture, you'll know :) by the way salafi and ahlul hadeeth are the same. A Much better term and classical term is Ahlul hadeeth. or Asshaabul Hadeeth.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    there is plenty done in urdu :) tons of irrefutable work has been done in urdu.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +2

    the issue here is that previously i ignored asrar as it was clear for me that he was looking for cheap fame, now the way that he adopted to get that cheap fame is disgusting, hence u will now soon inshaAllah see me make an official video for that barelvi to answer our articles. The barelvi time jamaah may have lost senses and converted from iqra to Isma, hence also proving the fact that u dont read the Quran either, watch "Murtaza Khan Confronted by Barelvis WHAT REALLY HAPPENED Asrar Rashid"

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +1

    I agree with wht you said, but if you think that we disagree with you because u love the prophet pbuh then i can only say Inna Lillaahi wa inna Ilayhi raji'oon. We ask you not to do Ghuloo and the prophet sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam stopped us from ghuloo. And tell me what did i state wrong? What did purposely misinform you about? which agenda do i have?

  • @its_your_boi_zaf
    @its_your_boi_zaf 12 років тому +2

    Guyz allah (Swt) has sent down the quran n hadith for whom....
    its not for ahmed raza khan...or khawaja garib nawaz not for sheikh abdul qadir.......dis for all the human on earth.......so please read quran n sahi hadith wid ur own....dont listen to ney other people who give refernce from invotated hadith.....

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    Probably u havent watched this video
    I want you to show me one quote of Imam Abu Hanifa from ur videos. I dont see any quote or saying of imam abu hanifa in ur videos, its amazing that these sufis fool the audience in the name of Imam Abu Hanifa but they fail to quote imam abu hanifa even once.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +1

    And then he is quoting Nuzul ul abrar, I can quote tons of Dirt from books of Barelviyyah but this is not the issue here. Our Aqeedah is that NO MATTER WHO SAYS ANYTHING AGAINST QURAN AND SAHI HADEETH, we REJECT it even if it is the best of the best from Ahlul hadeeth. We Reject it, no one is Masoom in this world, the only Masoom is Mohammad Sal Allahu Aleyhi wasallam and he is our Imaam ul Aa'zam. His Sayings And Quran are our touch stones to judge the truth.

  • @pakhtun1
    @pakhtun1 12 років тому +3

    Just one question: If the Deen was completed 100%, what was the need of making TARAWEH by jama'at which is not proven from the life of Prophet? Isn't that BIDA' ?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    @hafeez82 email me, no more comments from u will be allowed.

  • @slaveofallah8jannah
    @slaveofallah8jannah 12 років тому +2

    @MrGrandDragon Many of the Deobandi scholars are similar to berelovi in some sufi belief , such as Wahdatul wujud, seeking blessing from the grave, Tadabbur e shaikh, Gaus, Kutub Abdal, Anal Haq, All thses are nothing but crystal clear shirk propagated by major deonbandi scholars such as Imdadullah Muhajr Makki, Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Ashraf Ali THanvi.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    and tell asrar rashid of barelvi religion to debate with me and respond to our articles on systemoflifeDOTcom

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    He is not Barelvi so please dont call him deviant. @qas86
    What is the credentials of your barelvi scholar? And What do u mean? One of the barelvi Spies recorded his conversation with murtaza khan and he said clearly that Asrar Rashid should respond. What is it trying to be Stupid and Challengin without even touching any thing?? Ask him to respond.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому +2

    If you read the comments, i have openly challenged asrar rashid to respond to our articles in our website. Im making a video right now to challenge him to respond to my articles.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    I can give u tons of other references of imam bukharee, Imam Shafee, imam Dawood(son of Imam Abu Dawood), and tons of others who have praised the ahlul hadeeth and called it The victorious group mentioned in the sahi ahadeeth. Ahlul Sunnah was Ahlul hadeeth, is ahlul hadeeth and will Remain Ahlul hadeeth. Both these terms ahlul sunnah and ahlul hadeeth are 2 terms used for the same group. Your information about its recent existance has absolute no basis.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +1


  • @ids228228
    @ids228228 12 років тому +2

    Tell me just one thing??? Can you imagine the sahaaba R.A addressing themselves as " barelvi's" or "Raza khani's" mahazAllah ! Fear Allah and use your interlect.

  • @sqaish
    @sqaish 12 років тому

    @LifewithAllah brother these so called grave stories are also mentiones by scholars who saafi hold in high esteem

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    Asrar responded to our articles in arabic????????? Subhan Allah we dont even have an article in arabic. All our articles are in english with arabic references and asrar responds to it in arabic?? Do u understand arabic?? This is just getting worse, ur scholar challenges in english but responds in arabic?? Wallahi take my challenge to him and ask him to respond in english. I am waiting. Now dont comment until u go and talk to him, show him our articles and ask him to respond in english.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    Many times the Imaams did Rujoo right after finding out that a certain Sahi hadeeth is going against what they taught. We should learn from them instead of Making One Scholar Equal to Rabb and do his Taqleed no matter what he says,, wallahi there are examples of Deobundi scholars admitting that a certain matter of theirs is against Quran and Sunnah but Taqleed is wajb on them hence they will do taqleed and not follow the correct matter from Quran and Sunnah.. i hope this helps.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    @Faruk1189 I was always taught to follow quran and sunnah but when i found out what Quran and sunnah is actually saying, i went to deobundi people and scholars and i was shocked to say the least at what sort of people they are. Now you can see their channels like hanafifiqh etc making videos like "following hadeeth or Madhab?" and the end conclusion they give is madhab.. This comes in rejection of Sunnah.. And We how dangerous rejection of sunnah is.

    @MrJOKELA 12 років тому +3

    @MrZoheebiqbal Brother you are very confused. There is no difference between Salafi or Ahlu Hadith. Murtaza Khan is on the sunnah, which simply is Salafi.
    You need to learn these terms brother to lift the confusion.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    have u read the Quran and have u read the story of Death of the Prophet sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam and what did abu bakr rahdi Allahu anho say right after the death of prophet mohammad sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam?
    Wallahi u people just dont even know the basics... U make statements as if the Quran and sahaba were Wrong and u r right.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    insha Allah i will prove it to you. :)

  • @safiAmar
    @safiAmar 12 років тому

    la hwla wala quata ela bellah, i cant belive you people are going on about sheikh abdul wahab (rahemahu allah).. i just ask ALLAH to guide you...

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    I invite you, wallahi.. give ur self a chance to know the group about which Imam shafee said that when ever i look at Some one from Ahlul hadeeth, it is as if i am looking at the prophet pbuh Alive. And he himself was Ahlul hadeeth too. Imam Abu haneefah, Shaf'ee, Imam Maalik, Imam Abu daawood, imam Ahmed bin hanbal, imam bukhari, Imam Muslim and so many others.. all were ahlul hadeeth.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +1

    Alhamdulillah the ahlul hadeeth are the ahlul sunnah and the Taif al Mansoorah according to the salafs. Labelling or calling ur self sunni does not make a barelvi into sunni.

  • @fakimus
    @fakimus 12 років тому +1

    @mostpowerful Salam bro i agree with what you are saying but I don't agree with him calling other muslims kaafir that isnt right. Only allah can judge and we have enough fitna between muslims and we should be getting rid of this not fuelling it through petty debates about what is bidah and what isnt..Jazakallah

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    Brother, Hanafi fiqh channel is a deobundi channel and not a hanafi fiqh channel though it contains many correct views of Ahnaaf but they seriously do not represent hanafi fiqh rather they present Deobundi sufism and i was a deobundi my self. And There are stories of grave worshipping in books of Deobandi scholars but they reject Melaad.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    My video number one to you and let me know if u understand urdu.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 років тому

    Akhi those that divide and seperate themselves from the Original Classical islam, definetely we dont have anything to do with them.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому

    Brother it is very wrong of me to give fatwa on a Group, Fatwa of some one doing shirk is given in extra ordinary care by the best scholars of this ummah. There are some deobundis that do commit shirk yes, and there are some that are pure from it. Those that are pure from it, they are not deviated, those that commit such acts, they r indeed deviated and we should help them. Reference will be provided but not now. Ramadan has begun so i tend to stay away from debates in Ramadan.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +1

    When u learn manners, then u come back ok brother?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +1

    The story of My cconversion to Ahlul hadeeth is quite big but if i summarize it to you then i would say that Take Scholarly Guidance in Quran and Sunnah and by scholars i mean the scholars that Understand Quran and Sunnah the way the sahaba did or the salafs did and not a particular sect. Get some basic knowledge on Quran and Sunnah and following the Sunnah, keep ur self unbiased and always open to Sahi hadeeth coz thats what the salaf us saliheen did in their lives.

  • @sqaish
    @sqaish 12 років тому

    @LifewithAllah Abdu Rabbihi reports: “I saw Ummu Darda raising her hands up to her shoulders in salat” (Juz Raf’i Yadain by Bukhari, pg 66, #50, Dar Ibn Hazam.
    Yazid bin Abi Habib (radiyallaahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) once passed by two women who were performing salaat. He said: “When you make sajdah, attach your body to the ground, for indeed, women are not like men in this matter”.(Maraseel of Abi Dawood, pg 118, #87, Muassasah Al-Risalah)

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +1

    Nice to see you use the language of Barelvism, this again shows that u r from the religion of barelviyyah and not from the religion of Islam, bcz Religion of barelviyyah teaches u that language and Islam doesnt. 7th barelvi to be blocked. no thank u for commenting.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +1

    YOur examples is just like standing infront of the Sun and Closing ur eyes and claiming thats it night and not day time. You dont know the meaning of backbiting nor have u heard the rubbishes of tahir ul qadri who has many times lied about Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaah and its scholars. Plz do not comment when u have not done ur research.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  13 років тому +3

    You are not ahlus sunnah, you are barelviyyah. Ahlul Barelvi.are not Ahlul Sunnah. Ahlul Sunnah means the people of Sunnah, and Sunnah is taken from hadeeth, so its simple logic that Ahlul Sunnah is Ahlul hadeeth. And this is the group which Imam Malik, Imam Bukhari and other Greats Imams said that it is the saved Group from amongst All groups in Muslims.