Rachel Nesvig on the Hardanger Fiddle

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @heidgandreiter8438
    @heidgandreiter8438 Рік тому

    Love it, thanks Rachel
    The Völve

  • @robertnoonan9555
    @robertnoonan9555 Рік тому

    Hello Rachel, It's Noonan from Grand Canyon oh so world class you are! Presently in Norway will be again at Utne Hardanger for music hiking kayaking leading my 2nd trip over here this summer

  • @andyharpist2938
    @andyharpist2938 Рік тому

    Så flott! Vi må få høre mer!

  • @nolanjohannsen5553
    @nolanjohannsen5553 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the great variety of songs!

  • @emilianoooooooooful
    @emilianoooooooooful 3 роки тому +3

    Love it.

  • @MrLuridan
    @MrLuridan 4 роки тому +1

    Great tunes and superb playing. Really awesome! Thank you for posting

  • @nancek664
    @nancek664 Місяць тому

    Hi Rachel, can you tell me what modes/scales each song is in? I love the Scandinavian use of modes!

  • @KrivvarElBardo
    @KrivvarElBardo 4 місяці тому

    Hi I recently started with hardanger fiddle but I cannot find tunes to play. Can you recommend a book with some tunes? Thank you

  • @mauriceperret5111
    @mauriceperret5111 3 роки тому +2

    Absolutely remarkable! What mastery of this very special instrument. Pleasant for the eyes and the listening. A question: what is the accord of hardingfelle? Well done, thank you very much and congratulations. Of France.💙

  • @Captain_FixIt
    @Captain_FixIt Рік тому +2

    8:53 Klunken

  • @rikeischen3548
    @rikeischen3548 2 роки тому

    Veldig bra!

  • @cliffsandifer3877
    @cliffsandifer3877 10 місяців тому

    one of the GREATEST inventions of hooman kind is the violin. the greater invention is Hardanger fiddle ....i m biased.