@@JTG313’ve personally found that if I consume a lot of salt my blood pressure reaches the 140s the next day, when I reduce it, it comes back to the 110s
I’ve been Whole Foods plant based diet for 3 weeks. I’ve lost 15 pounds, my heart burn is gone, I feel so energetic, and I feel like my mood is so much more elevated. I’ve convinced my husband to start as a result of seeing me get healthier. I have 2 kids under 4 years old and now I feel I can be around for them for a very long time.
Your body is no longer digesting processed food and is now burning your fat/nutrients stored in your body (This is why you feel energetic and good), You'll run out and slowly start feeling worse and worse. Meanwhile you're causing hard damage to your digestive system with the anti-nutrients, oxalates & plant defense mechanisms in these vegetables. This will cause depression, disease, mood disorders, and extreme discomfort in the gut. Meanwhile you're lacking over 15 micronutrients which is also sewing disease and depression in your body.
The only doctors coming around are the ones that can see the millions being made selling books and DVD's. You can buy Greger's off his 'charity' website, cost you about $1000 to buy them all. He's laughing all the way to the bank, aAs are the others, each of whom have at least 4 books on the subject for sale. Why not just 1? easy, repeat custom is best custom. money for old rope. Shame he hasn't got 1 piece of actual proof and every study shows his lies.
proof? it's simple really... just adopt a plant based diet yourself and you will feel the proof. you will not need any studies to prove how good you feel. and if you happen to be pre diabetic and have hypertension like i did, you will no longer need those meds as those symptoms will disappear. give it an HONEST try. i promise you will feel better than you have in years. YOU will be the only proof you need.
M1ggins Sadly some people and organizations don't respect your opinion unless you have written and had a book published. The test is to see how often they attempt to plug their books.
"It's hard to cherry-pick when there's one cherry." Can we just take a minute to appreciate how perfectly worded this interview is. Breath of fresh af air.
I agree that everyone cares about their heath for the most part, but for me if being vegan was only for myself I would give myself "cheat days." Even for the environment, which was my original reason for going vegetarian, i would probably have a cheat day here and there. But seeing the animal cruelty made me go vegan 100%. That is what sticks with me all the time. That is why I never eat any of the cupcakes and cookies people bring into my job. I don't see it as food, I see it as cruelty. Different people are effected by different things for sure, but for me it was seeing what the animals go through that made it so easy to make the change, because it wasn't about me anymore.
mike rizzy no. The difference is that meat eaters or w/e eat meat for nutritional benefit while vegans are vegans because of the ideology of not wanting to slaughter animals for food. Don't force your ideology on people, it is as easy as that. You like being vegan then so be it but you can't force others to adopt your way of thinking especially considering that there is no scientific evidence that going vegan is nutritionally better than being an omnivore. omnivores eat for nutrition while vegan eat for ideology. You like being a vegan then go ahead but don't castigate others for not adopting your way of thinking.
proved my point, this is pure dissonance to factual information. caveman mentality. meat outside of wild game and indigenous wild cultures is unnatural, not progress.
mike rizzy that's your ideology, pure and simple. Your opinion and not fact let alone the truth. You just decided to be a zealot about it for no particular reason other than satiating your personal feeling of superiority. You are free to think whatever you want but do not force it upon others. There is no scientific platform for you to stand on. It is that simple. Natural? Unnatural? Who are you to say??? Where is this coming from? Nowhere.....
you want science? go to any random vegan restaurant, vs any random meat friendly eatery, just looking at physical appearance it's obvious who's superior. Since you can't discern any science in the above video and type nothing but lobbyist rhetoric, i'm sure the simple logic scientific platform i stand on is way over your head.
Eating a plant based diet is truly the cure for all ills. Our bodies are amazing, healing machines but you have to give it the right tools to function optimally. My family and I have been plant based for over 2 years now and have gone from being tired, sluggish, overweight and just plain not happy, to being vibrant, healthy, happy people that are full of energy! I could not be more grateful for finding this lifestyle!
The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show this is not factual. I’m a vegan but it wrong both factually and morally to claim a plant based diet can cure all ill.
+Robert Iniguez There are videos regarding oxalates and kidney stones on Dr. Greger's website. nutritionfacts.org/questions/what-are-the-hazards-of-oxalates/
Unfortunately most people prefer to live a shorter life to enjoy junk food, not knowing that they are affecting the quality of life that they are living right now.
Exactly! This is my bf who is suffering from heartburn, inflammation and muscle pain from sports. You can feel more energetic, happier and enjoy tasty vegan food!
It's called "personal choice", just how it's personal choice for a person to gouge down 5 boxes of pizzas and guzzle 3 gallons of coca cola every day and get super-unhealthy. I don't care how many facts about how unhealthy meat is you throw at me. I. Fucking. Love. Eating. Meat. Veganism is a choice, not an obligation. (:
Antonio Maria Fiscarelli exactly. My boyfriend says "oh so you think that if you go vegan you ll live forever? You re still gonna die" and i roll my eyes.. yes i will die, everyone does, but when it comes to the quality of life, i dont wanna be elderly and in pain for 10 20 30 years before i die! Smh
I’m a family Doctor Who runs the homeless services for a not for profit in New York City. I am trying to help my clients and the soup kitchens where I see patients to go plant-based. It breaks my heart to see so many people on many medications never really getting better knowing that the major cause is food and lifestyle related. I have been acculturated to be the agent of the drug company But they are the only ones making real money. Dr. Gregor has given me so much free information on his website and I really appreciate his work. I have seen two of my housed clients reverse their diabetes on a plant based diet.
Steven it actually does prove something. 30 years vegan and still having the motivation to work out and not be depressed is an achievement. If you eat meat its easy to be healthy.
I'm vegan, not making much efforts to be healthy, and I'm doing fine. Never went to the gym though, I always have been a lazy bitch. My mood is better than it used to, but I don't know if vegansim really played a role in there. I'm also healthier and loosing weight (I'm overweight so that's good) but maybe that's just because of all the knowledge I gathered when I started going vegan. Being a healthy vegan is a piece of cake actually, once you have some basic vegan nutrition knowledge.
E.G.White wrote about this way of eating more than 160 years ago and encouraged a large group of people to stop eating meat in the mid 1800's as well as diary and eggs. She is the one who advanced this way of thinking long before anyone else talked about it. She talked about meat killing you and the problem with the way animals were being raised and their health and how it effects people. People laughed at her and now it is all true. All from a woman who had less than a third grade education.
Mauro Miceli Consigli (MauM) | Ética y Bienestar Vos sabes que no me gusta Ornish, no se que sera, tiene un discurso horrible, cero carisma. Klaper un genio jajaj
"It's hard to cherry pick when there is only one cherry!" and "Of course I'm scared of dying, I still have a lot of work to do" Great interview, thank you both!
i dunno why people are complaining that he doesnt show more of the ethical side of veganism i thinks hes smart not to do so. people give a damn about their health more than animals and nowadays people are numb.. if people stop eating meat and dairy naturally animals will become free its cause and effect. you dont go to a dying person advertising veganism ETHICALLY and expect them to give a damn about animal lives where their on their death bed. talk to the people about what they wanna hear they will wanna go vegan if u go that route
If he talked about the ethics all the time people might think that he is lying to push a vegan agenda. Honestly if someone said "this vegan says meat is bad for you" they will dismiss him much quicker.
I am a vegan activist who does constantly use the moral argument. I absolutely agree with you. I think there are multiple ways to approach influencing people and the more people he inspires to go vegan through health the more people will be more willing to look into the ethics of it when they aren't eating hypocritical foods
You are so wrong you know , all these so called foods ,crap being flown from China , then too factory to be made into " meat" ha ha . The fields without animals will turn into deserts . Please look further than your noses !!
Dr. Greger has probably saved more lives than any physician in history! He is the champion of evidence-based nutrition advice. A true warrior, and funny to boot. Thanks!
No Greger haven't achieved nothing worth to be written into history books and will be forgotten one day. You can't compare him to the physicians who have actually saved the most lives ever in history. For example Jonas Salk, Alexander Fleming, Rune Elmqvist and Karl Landsteiner.
Dr. Greyer is a SAINT he puts out what we all need to know. It is up to people to just learn from him. l've switched 3 months ago God l wish it would have been many years ago. I can see how better l feel and yes even look better, weight is reaching normal my labs all perfect, no more meds. l only wish l would have seen one of his videos sooner, bought all his books. l try to teach others what is good for them, but everyone needs to decide on their own if they want to live healthier or start to die while alive. When l didn't need my blood pressure meds the drug store was fighting with me to keep taking it, it took my doctor to call them and demand they would stop. They didn't want to let this cash cow go even if it would kill me. Now that is when l saw the drug company's greed. THANK YOU DR.GREYER l even tell my family doctor as well about you to help her advise others. Thank you from Lynn S.
Thank god for Dr Greger. I cannot thank this bloke enough. Nutritionfacts.org has opened my eyes to the lies and dodgey behaviour of those in the meat, dairy, egg and pharma industries.
he not he full of shit he paid and bought for by the system that wants people geting ill and weak and what a better way to go about this than to feed people deceptive lies about there diet he doesnt give two f*cks about your health just the big fat pay check he geting for feeding us all misinformation
@@darrenmcintosh8471 interesting. Or maybe it would be if there were a few punctuation points. Which system are you saying has bought him? I would be very interested to know.
In the short time I have switched to plant based foods I'm in remission from Cancer, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes. & working on reversing fibromyalgia. All the Drs I saw thru my battle of 6 years fighting for my life none of them told me anything about it.. I had to research it for myself. Now I'm on a mission of sharing this with everyone around me & saving lives. We can do this together & spread the word. We owe it to our children & the poor animals we keep slaughtering.
Hi Jade, you may find some further great vegan information from medical medium on Fibromyalgia if you haven't already stumbled upon it. I'm sure you'll solve it :)
As a Physician and Dietitian this is a simple answer. You go to a DOCTOR for MEDICAL advice and you go to a DIETITIAN for NUTRITIONAL advice. Doctors don't receive enough education in proper dietetics to be giving advice. Two separate fields of study, if you ask a doctor about dietary needs you will get an answer from ignorance.
Here in Australia, our so called "qualified nutritional experts" warn against veganism as being a nutrient deficient diet. We have also had 5 prime ministers (presidents) in the last few years. Thank god no one really cares because the beaches are a constant source of soul renewal.
Yotam Sho True, it again falls back on education and the quality. Where did they receive their education and who funded it. You need to find one that specializes in more of a plant-based style
Klaus is a great interviewer, his interviews with Greger and Barnard are what made me become vegan. He plays devils advocate in most interviews bc he knows his audience and knows what questions need to be addressed to open people to veganism, and it's clearly working. Thanks.
not really. he is the look of ill health. i would have immediate concern for any one of my friends who looked as pasty and dry mouthed and weak looking as this poor man.
I have been a meat eater all my life, have fasted for 5 years every week 36 hours, and try to have organic meats, grass fed. It is very confusing as I have read "The big fat surprise" "Fat for fuel" and "the bullet proof diet" Dr Gerber is so passionate and clear on his subject and I really feel in my heart that this is the way to go.. Hope I can make the transition. Will try to wean myself out by having more fish.
Hannah Montoya yeah, it’s so irritating because people are dying meanwhile they can reverse the disease, but the hospitals get money through prescribing drugs. More people could be living if we had the education 💗💗💗
You're a weird bitch, saw your video. Past life? No wonder you're a clueless vegan. B12, k, D3, certain amino acids, cholesterol, CANNOT BE FOUND IN PLANTS
When he mentioned the lawsuit from Atkin's then said, "Well, he dropped dead before they could take me to court, then went bankrupt" I just about died myself. I almost feel bad with how hard I laughed. Almost...
“Lives are in the balance!” So true. I feel my own life was saved by Dr. Greger. My health was not great at age 42, I had no idea how my body would last another 10, 20, 30+ years. Now I’m 44, 75lbs lighter, full of energy, and feel better now than I did as a teenager. I no longer deal with disordered eating which was another issue I’d had for decades. I eat healthy food until I’m full and it lasts me until the next meal! My husband finally joined me as well, he has a family history of heart attacks and is nearing the age his dad was when he had one. He feels his life has probably been saved as well. So grateful for Dr. Greger and everyone working to get this info out!!
Feldenkrais with Alfons won't happen. Meat,dairy, pork associations will bury that idea. We are going up against big money. Big pharma and medical profession will downplay the obvious.
I became a vegan when a coworker who has a small farm brought in a magazine about raising farm animals. There was a picture of this lady petting a cow on its head and I swear that cow was tilting his head in ecstasy and smiling. It blew me away. I think about that every time I even consider eating meat. Just no...these are living creatures with social capacity, joy, life. There are plenty of things to eat that meet nutritional requirements. And it finally sunk in that I was eating dead carcasses and contributing to cruelty. No thanks. I've actually saved a ton of money, food prep is simple freeing up time and my health is 100% better.
I had a couple cows and yeah, they can be playful and cute. If anyone is going to have cows or animals though, it should be tiny farms and factory animal farms ought to be abolished.
I'm ready!! I'm already a vegan, i've been for five weeks, i plan to do this for the rest of my life, so now i want to be a raw til 4 vegan. :) Love you Dr. You're such an inspiration to my generation.
@@JohnSmith-tw3rw Not all vegans eat well. Beer is allowed in small amounts because of alcohol. Vegans can eat junk food. When someone says plant based which would exclude shugar, oil and salt.
I think this is by far my favorite Greger interview, you asked great questions, I loved hearing him speak from the heart and with passion. It makes so much sense, I feel driven myself, I am currently in school, I hope to do similar work and educate myself in this topic. Vegans may not get all the money and fame like other groups, but we are by far the most passionate. When you see yourself and others heal you just want to share the message!!! Keep working hard everyone and fight the good fight!! Thanks Plant based News! This was wonderful and I'm sharing it with my friends.
Thank you, Dr Greger, for mentioning Dr Scott Stoll. what a fantastic guy!!! I had never heard of him. So glad to find a Christian doctor promoting God's foods. Yay!!! :)
Its because its not the norm. If it's the norm and everyone in this world is vegan. Then all the foodstuff available will be only plant based and we will all live happily ever after (human and animals together)
This is the best interview that I have ever heard on promoting a whole food plant based (healthy vegan) diet. Dr Michael Greger is my hero. His writings, lectures, website and books have changed my life from a sickly, overweight cancer patient to a cancer free, healthy and vibrant life. My weight became normal, my blood pressure is now normal, my cholesterol fell to below average, my GFR improved, and my oncologist can no longer find any sign of cancer. In fact he has declared me completely cured. In my opinion Dr Greger deserves a Nobel prize in medicine for his amazing work.
This was so great...Thank you so much for having Dr. Greger on! I'm a vegan and will share this with my family ( a few have diabetes). I've been waiting for a really good video like this, kudos to you for asking all the pertinent questions that no one else asks.
I really really like this Dr. Michael Greger. Not only is he willing to share this important information I like how he explains the science and the findings. He makes it easy for me to understand and he’s funny too. Thank you for all of your hard work Dr. Greger! 🌱🌱
Great interview! Great, probing questions and nobody speaks with more passion and authority than Dr. Greger. I didn't really have time to watch a 30-minute interview this morning, but I couldn't stop watching!
Dr. Gregor is a good guy, an honest guy. Really appreciate his candor, especially his answer the last question in the interview. But he is absolutely right on all fronts. Same wiht McDougall and Klaper, and Essylstein.
Going vegan changed my life. From suffering from severe eczema since childhood, to having clear skin and losing 20 lbs in the process! #plantsforlife 🙏🏽🌱
They don't recommend it because they know that 98% of Americans will never try it, or will try it and fail. That's why they don't recommend it. Another reason - since 98% of doctors are not vegans, how can those 98% recommend something that they do not follow.
If that was true Drs wouldn't tell people to stop smoking. Drs know some people will never quit but they still tell them they need to quit. They don't tell people about a plant based diet because they don't believe it's healthy or don't know about it.
Had my doubts about going plant based. Saw "Forks over knives" years ago. Did some vegan days as part ongoing healthy plan. The game changer came this spring when my heart finally gave up on my unhealthy lifestyle. Six months later I watched "Game Changers" ...next day I went vegan... Day two on this trip
My new family doctor told me to change my diet , I started plants based diet only 3 weeks ago , and I am surprised, why no one told me before. I am already feeling, I am happy and alive again , thank you to good Doctor.
My doctor looks at my bloodwork and says "you get plenty of protein from your bloodwork" and then I tell them I am Vegan. They then say, you would have insufficient protein call me a liar. But my bloodwork says I am getting all the protein I need from being Vegan.
Just keeps getting better as it goes on - and so well filmed too! Trying to share everywhere, great to capture him being so passionate about the injustices in public information...
Facebook is for old people ? are you kidding my 11 year old niece has one that's not young enough for you? older people shouldn't get the news too? what a useless thing to say ......
Heyitsme It has nothing to with me, ma'am. "Useless"? Facts are facts. Social media is extremely dynamic. What was hot & popular yesterday, is old today. "The age breakdown varies quite significantly from country to country. In the U.S., the average Facebook user in the U.S. was 40.5 years old, while it's 29 years old in Lebanon. Fewer than 10 percent of U.S. users are 17 years or younger, and even fewer are 65 or older, but 65 percent are 35 or older." While I wouldn't say 40 is old, it is middle aged. Your niece and her friends are more likely to use one of the more popular and recent SM sites.
Dr Greger is awesome. I switched to Whole Food plant based diet after I read his book. I feel so much healthier now. Never had so much energy (teaching yoga everyday). Thanks Dr Greger.
His website is extremely one sided and a very bad source for objective information if you are seeking for the truth. I suggest reading the opinion of scientific institutions. You would probably be surprised to read this but veganism in fact isn't healthy and brings lots of risks with it, particularly mental health risks due to a lack of quality protein. Greger is a great example on the dangers of veganism. You can clearly tell he has mental health issues. Just look at his energy, face and the way he talks. Most long term vegans develop mental health issues. though most vegans start eating fish and chicken again. About 80% gives up on this extreme lifestyle.
I already read that article. It's the most positive scientific institute regarding veganism. The many hundreds of others aren't. Basically they are giving you a wrong idea by not elaborating on the background of the studies. Vegans generally are healthier than omnivores, but that's because of their lifestyle. They tend to work out more and smoke less etc. It gives the reader the impression veganism is a good diet. It's like saying chocolate is healthy because you saw a top athlete eat chocolate. But you did a great job going from Greger to this. The jump is HUGE. You are progressing. Good luck with everything. :)
SpiritLeash Haha nah, I still think Dr. Greger and nutritionfacts.org is rad, no need for your condescension. I also think that it's funny how you're throwing down these vast statements with no substantiation. Link me up, bro! There have been many trials that control for diet and other factors (most of the ones I can think of offhand are by Dr. Ornish so I won't link them because clearly he is part of the plant-based conspiracy too ;) ) and plant-based diet still wins. Anyway, I sleep well at night knowing that I am on the side of justice & of health and that y'all carnists are going to be eating your words soon enough. Whether you choose veganism or not with climate change, overpopulation, nitrogen depletion in the soil, the acidification of the oceans, the massive meat substitute market growth, etc.... you'll be vegan before ya know it! Take care!
This is why I dislike commenting. You are so incredibly ignorant and not open to anything that doesn't fit your extremely narrow view. The entire world says one thing yet you believe some retarded feeling. Vegans are in the same category as reptilian believers and flat earthers. Yet you think you are the smart one. The entire world is wrong and crazy and controlled. the 1% must be right. Dummy.
I started cutting on my milk and meat intake a few days back. Already breathing deeper, and more energy. Deeper sleep. Elevated mood especially during evening wen i wud feel grumpy. I think I will pursue it longer. Edit: Been almost 2 mnths since i last ate meat or eggs. Still taking tea made from milk. Feeling light.
Have to have milk in tea and I love cheese too. Cannot give these up. Just eat less of milk and cheese. Just eat less in general. Processed meats are bad if they contain nitrites. I’m still not convinced meat and chicken do not contain antibiotics. I’m tired of meat and chicken. I adore salmon but that’s definitely off the table since it is so very expensive here. Rice with beans or tofu is cheaper and you still get a complete protein. Maybe we should just give up meat chicken fish first and do dairy after we get used to a more vegetarian diet.
Thanks for such a great interview. I think people would convert by listening to Dr Gregor's passion and enthusiasm alone leaving the health benefits and zero harm to animals as an added bonus! Keep up the good work.
Plant based for 4 months. I’m older but better late than never I figure. Down some weight and feeling better every day. Recently recovering from a heart attack and cancer so I feel I’m being proactive with my health. The vegan eating is really east and very tasty. I don’t feel deprived in any way
Cindy Orcutt, it's hard for the gov't. to guide keep us from eating the wrong foods. God helps those who help themselves. We have to care enough about our own health and the health of our loved ones, to choose what is healthy.
cindy o Our government practices Keynesian economics. They are not gonna put down bad eating habits, if it's going to affect jobs. That's why real estate, tort law, business laws, tax laws and Medicare/ health care rules are so complex. We have to hire a myriad of people to figure it out for us. That creates more jobs. Bad eating gives us the beef,pork,dairy and processed food industry. Hundreds of diet books and businesses, doctors selling drugs for pharmacies.
@@patsycav are you not aware that the FDA has sold out to corporate interest? are you not aware that Donald Trump and our government has sold out for money? The American taxpayer pays about 14 trillion dollars in federal taxes every year. Why isn't this money going to help people? If anything, we should get correct information about the food we eat and the water we drink. The water in America is toxic almost everywhere. Whose responsibility is that? Almost everyone's food and water are so toxic that it is slowly killing Americans. How about Monsanto? Almost all our politicians have sold up to them. Do you know what round-up does to the body? It's in most of the food Americans eat.
@@dancindavey1515 Read my response to Pat kavanaugh and tell me what you think. Do you have any awareness about how corporate interests are poisoning our food because they pay our government elected or appointed officials enough to look the other way? what do you know about glyphosate and Roundup in our food? I am in my 70's and started having severe health issues about 20 years ago. My holistic doctor had me start eating organic food and I got a reverse osmosis water system. he helped me to rebuild my immune system, which had been destroyed by the food I was eating in the water I was drinking.The food and water in our society are all toxic, due to the money that our politicians receive from corporations. They allow the corporations to either neglect or poison our food and water for profit. If you think you won't have health issues soon, you better wake up.
Dr. Greger is awesome, informative, and oh so intelligent. Next time I go into my doctors( I'm a type 1 diabetic and a vegan) I'm going to confront her for highly recommending her clients to eat a low carb high fat diet.( She works with tons of diabetics, heart disease, and high blood pressure patients) Will defiantly be bringing up the fact that processed meats cause cancer. Will defiantly be bringing up the fact that plant based diets slow down and help prevent the major medical conditions killing americans every year. I also plan on brining in several articles and studies to prove that a vegan diet is more beneficial for everyone including Diabetics. Hopefully I will make her question why she is backing a diet that is actually slowly killing ALL of her patients.
No. Hello, I know that you made this comment a while ago and that you might not remember this but hopefully you get an email about my reply. How did it go with your doctor? Did she argue back and bring up misinformation or did she go over everything with you respectfully and slowly agree?
HiiisandLows I am also curious about how it went with your doctor. I find mine are not open to anything I bring to them outside of their own practice or teachings.
This is where I saw you before! I told you last night at the cooking class that your face looked familiar and that's because I had this video in my "watch later" section! Great interview, I've learned quite a few new things there!
6 weeks of plant based eating has absolutely given me the lowest blood pressure in the last 10 years!!! Bless this man!!!
Keep going; you'll be amazed at the changes you see!
Did you cut back on salt or would tou say it was about the same
@@JTG313’ve personally found that if I consume a lot of salt my blood pressure reaches the 140s the next day, when I reduce it, it comes back to the 110s
a plant based diet completely reversed my hypertension... i'm thankful for doctors like this that are willing to tell the public the truth
Veronika Bauer so did my mom!
Veronika Bauer Same here!! 🤗🤗
For real???
Yes me too. Once i ditched eggs and dairy my pot belly melted away in 2 months. I was amazed. Getting it back as muscle isn't easy though.
Hey that's my problem... I'm listening because that last hospital visit cost $75k.
Interviewer did a great job. Asked some tough questions, but gave time without interruption for an answer. This is how its done.
Was thinking the same thing not even 1/4 through video!
I concur. Great interview and excellent questions.
Intelligent questions asked and he teases out great answers. Brilliant.
wait during an interview are you not supposed to interrupt someone or give your opinion????? Lol.
Yes and the interviewer asking the questions he’s cute! crushing here! 😏😏
I’ve been Whole Foods plant based diet for 3 weeks. I’ve lost 15 pounds, my heart burn is gone, I feel so energetic, and I feel like my mood is so much more elevated. I’ve convinced my husband to start as a result of seeing me get healthier. I have 2 kids under 4 years old and now I feel I can be around for them for a very long time.
Your body is no longer digesting processed food and is now burning your fat/nutrients stored in your body (This is why you feel energetic and good), You'll run out and slowly start feeling worse and worse. Meanwhile you're causing hard damage to your digestive system with the anti-nutrients, oxalates & plant defense mechanisms in these vegetables. This will cause depression, disease, mood disorders, and extreme discomfort in the gut.
Meanwhile you're lacking over 15 micronutrients which is also sewing disease and depression in your body.
Doctors are slowly coming around. A friend of mine has stage IV cancer. His oncologist recommended a vegan diet if he wants to prolong his life.
The only doctors coming around are the ones that can see the millions being made selling books and DVD's. You can buy Greger's off his 'charity' website, cost you about $1000 to buy them all. He's laughing all the way to the bank, aAs are the others, each of whom have at least 4 books on the subject for sale.
Why not just 1? easy, repeat custom is best custom. money for old rope.
Shame he hasn't got 1 piece of actual proof and every study shows his lies.
Dr Greger's salary is based on donations to nutritionfacts.org. All proceeds from his book sales go to charity.
proof? it's simple really... just adopt a plant based diet yourself and you will feel the proof. you will not need any studies to prove how good you feel. and if you happen to be pre diabetic and have hypertension like i did, you will no longer need those meds as those symptoms will disappear. give it an HONEST try. i promise you will feel better than you have in years. YOU will be the only proof you need.
fedoragibson 👍👍
M1ggins Sadly some people and organizations don't respect your opinion unless you have written and had a book published. The test is to see how often they attempt to plug their books.
"It's hard to cherry-pick when there's one cherry."
Can we just take a minute to appreciate how perfectly worded this interview is. Breath of fresh af air.
He is the master :)
I agree that everyone cares about their heath for the most part, but for me if being vegan was only for myself I would give myself "cheat days." Even for the environment, which was my original reason for going vegetarian, i would probably have a cheat day here and there. But seeing the animal cruelty made me go vegan 100%. That is what sticks with me all the time. That is why I never eat any of the cupcakes and cookies people bring into my job. I don't see it as food, I see it as cruelty. Different people are effected by different things for sure, but for me it was seeing what the animals go through that made it so easy to make the change, because it wasn't about me anymore.
+Mr President the fish you catch most were grown in laboratory and placed at lakes and beaches. .
+Leo Libby not at all but i know how the government works
not so..?
Same here. Much respect👏🏻
I wish there Was a "love" button on UA-cam
Green Leafy Gael well you can press me anytime 😍😍
Here you go ❤️
Love your b12 deficiency
meat eaters defend meat like alcoholics do alcohol... anger rage and complete dissonance..
mike rizzy yeah it's bizarre!
mike rizzy no. The difference is that meat eaters or w/e eat meat for nutritional benefit while vegans are vegans because of the ideology of not wanting to slaughter animals for food. Don't force your ideology on people, it is as easy as that. You like being vegan then so be it but you can't force others to adopt your way of thinking especially considering that there is no scientific evidence that going vegan is nutritionally better than being an omnivore. omnivores eat for nutrition while vegan eat for ideology. You like being a vegan then go ahead but don't castigate others for not adopting your way of thinking.
proved my point, this is pure dissonance to factual information. caveman mentality. meat outside of wild game and indigenous wild cultures is unnatural, not progress.
mike rizzy that's your ideology, pure and simple. Your opinion and not fact let alone the truth. You just decided to be a zealot about it for no particular reason other than satiating your personal feeling of superiority. You are free to think whatever you want but do not force it upon others. There is no scientific platform for you to stand on. It is that simple. Natural? Unnatural? Who are you to say??? Where is this coming from? Nowhere.....
you want science? go to any random vegan restaurant, vs any random meat friendly eatery, just looking at physical appearance it's obvious who's superior. Since you can't discern any science in the above video and type nothing but lobbyist rhetoric, i'm sure the simple logic scientific platform i stand on is way over your head.
Eating a plant based diet is truly the cure for all ills. Our bodies are amazing, healing machines but you have to give it the right tools to function optimally. My family and I have been plant based for over 2 years now and have gone from being tired, sluggish, overweight and just plain not happy, to being vibrant, healthy, happy people that are full of energy! I could not be more grateful for finding this lifestyle!
The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show this is not factual. I’m a vegan but it wrong both factually and morally to claim a plant based diet can cure all ill.
Not all diseases of course, but most lifestyle diseases.
have you ever had stones from oxalates in the 2 years. do you ever eat meat? I just started due to hospitalization.
+Robert Iniguez
There are videos regarding oxalates and kidney stones on Dr. Greger's website.
The Yam Industry Thanks
Unfortunately most people prefer to live a shorter life to enjoy junk food, not knowing that they are affecting the quality of life that they are living right now.
some of us know but don't care
I'm proud of you for using affecting instead of effecting
Exactly! This is my bf who is suffering from heartburn, inflammation and muscle pain from sports. You can feel more energetic, happier and enjoy tasty vegan food!
It's called "personal choice", just how it's personal choice for a person to gouge down 5 boxes of pizzas and guzzle 3 gallons of coca cola every day and get super-unhealthy.
I don't care how many facts about how unhealthy meat is you throw at me. I. Fucking. Love. Eating. Meat.
Veganism is a choice, not an obligation. (:
Antonio Maria Fiscarelli exactly. My boyfriend says "oh so you think that if you go vegan you ll live forever? You re still gonna die" and i roll my eyes.. yes i will die, everyone does, but when it comes to the quality of life, i dont wanna be elderly and in pain for 10 20 30 years before i die! Smh
This guy's got balls. 100% truth
Gross comment. Just say he has courage.
I’m a family Doctor Who runs the homeless services for a not for profit in New York City. I am trying to help my clients and the soup kitchens where I see patients to go plant-based. It breaks my heart to see so many people on many medications never really getting better knowing that the major cause is food and lifestyle related. I have been acculturated to be the agent of the drug company But they are the only ones making real money. Dr. Gregor has given me so much free information on his website and I really appreciate his work. I have seen two of my housed clients reverse their diabetes on a plant based diet.
30 years vegan and still going to the gym every day
Steven it actually does prove something. 30 years vegan and still having the motivation to work out and not be depressed is an achievement. If you eat meat its easy to be healthy.
+SpiritLeash your an idiot, you know that right?
I'm vegan, not making much efforts to be healthy, and I'm doing fine. Never went to the gym though, I always have been a lazy bitch. My mood is better than it used to, but I don't know if vegansim really played a role in there. I'm also healthier and loosing weight (I'm overweight so that's good) but maybe that's just because of all the knowledge I gathered when I started going vegan. Being a healthy vegan is a piece of cake actually, once you have some basic vegan nutrition knowledge.
E.G.White wrote about this way of eating more than 160 years ago and encouraged a large group of people to stop eating meat in the mid 1800's as well as diary and eggs. She is the one who advanced this way of thinking long before anyone else talked about it. She talked about meat killing you and the problem with the way animals were being raised and their health and how it effects people. People laughed at her and now it is all true. All from a woman who had less than a third grade education.
Xan VVK God shows her in her dreams but we still wonder after the bad eating that’s the only way she could tell us how to eat I just love her writings
Less than a 3rd grade indoctrination, 🤔 that what makes her Smarter than most of these Nuckle-headed "Scientist"🤨🤔
Even Jesus told us not to eat meat and only have 2 meals a day in order to enjoy a long and healthy life.
Ellen White was a "Nut case religious anti sex fanatic"!
@@Yaki-2505Whoa! Even Google knows that never happened. 😅
finally, a real doctor
dr g is a truthbomber 👍 ignore the pills eat the beans greens and fruits
I love this doctor, and Barnard, and Mcdougall, and Campbell and Esselstyn. Geniouses
And Dr. Garth Davis! :D
Me, too! All are the Paul REVERE of good nutrition...they WALK the talk too!
And Kalper, and Ornish. And probably some more!
Mauro Miceli Consigli (MauM) | Ética y Bienestar Vos sabes que no me gusta Ornish, no se que sera, tiene un discurso horrible, cero carisma. Klaper un genio jajaj
No sabía que no te gustaba Ornish, jaja. Abrazo!
"It's hard to cherry pick when there is only one cherry!" and
"Of course I'm scared of dying, I still have a lot of work to do"
Great interview, thank you both!
i dunno why people are complaining that he doesnt show more of the ethical side of veganism i thinks hes smart not to do so. people give a damn about their health more than animals and nowadays people are numb.. if people stop eating meat and dairy naturally animals will become free its cause and effect. you dont go to a dying person advertising veganism ETHICALLY and expect them to give a damn about animal lives where their on their death bed. talk to the people about what they wanna hear they will wanna go vegan if u go that route
If he talked about the ethics all the time people might think that he is lying to push a vegan agenda. Honestly if someone said "this vegan says meat is bad for you" they will dismiss him much quicker.
Ami- lee One logical person!
I am a vegan activist who does constantly use the moral argument. I absolutely agree with you. I think there are multiple ways to approach influencing people and the more people he inspires to go vegan through health the more people will be more willing to look into the ethics of it when they aren't eating hypocritical foods
Well said! Know thy audience
You are so wrong you know , all these so called foods ,crap being flown from China , then too factory to be made into " meat" ha ha . The fields without animals will turn into deserts . Please look further than your noses !!
Dr. Gregor is my go-to doctor for educating myself further on plant based eating 💕
He’s amazing
He is absolutely amazing! No one can say that he doesn't substantiate his arguments with evidence because he definitely does!
I've been on my vegan diet for three weeks now. My resting heart rate began at 65 bpm. Now it's 55 bpm. WOOT!
so proud
we are all getting closer to 0 rpm
lol :P
That is looow!
Dr. Greger has probably saved more lives than any physician in history! He is the champion of evidence-based nutrition advice. A true warrior, and funny to boot. Thanks!
W.J. Kelly His grandmother would be so proud!
No Greger haven't achieved nothing worth to be written into history books and will be forgotten one day. You can't compare him to the physicians who have actually saved the most lives ever in history. For example Jonas Salk, Alexander Fleming, Rune Elmqvist and Karl Landsteiner.
WJ Kelly can u tell which diet is good for gut health - Mediterranean, paleo, low foodmap diet,vegan,vegetarian
@@Healtheltic Vegan!
He surely change mine no longer on medication
I'd never seen such a great interview... until now
^5's ! LOL!
until now :)
His passion is fierce! I love this interview so much :) thank you
Tessa Ⓥ Hi Tessa..how it goes ur diet
Dr. Greyer is a SAINT he puts out what we all need to know. It is up to people to just learn from him. l've switched 3 months ago God l wish it would have been many years ago. I can see how better l feel and yes even look better, weight is reaching normal my labs all perfect, no more meds. l only wish l would have seen one of his videos sooner, bought all his books. l try to teach others what is good for them, but everyone needs to decide on their own if they want to live healthier or start to die while alive. When l didn't need my blood pressure meds the drug store was fighting with me to keep taking it, it took my doctor to call them and demand they would stop. They didn't want to let this cash cow go even if it would kill me. Now that is when l saw the drug company's greed. THANK YOU DR.GREYER l even tell my family doctor as well about you to help her advise others. Thank you from Lynn S.
"It's hard to cherry pick when there's only - one - cherry" lol so amazing
Thank god for Dr Greger. I cannot thank this bloke enough. Nutritionfacts.org has opened my eyes to the lies and dodgey behaviour of those in the meat, dairy, egg and pharma industries.
Plant based SOS free is the truth :)
I love that you asked about the best way to promote veganism and I loved his answer: "know thy audience"!
Yeah, it's called "rhetoric." Aristotle has a good book on it. :D
They will build a statue of Dr Greger one day
Well done with this mate, Greger is an absolute legend and says so much good in this. Good stuff :)
he not he full of shit he paid and bought for by the system that wants people geting ill and weak and what a better way to go about this than to feed people deceptive lies about there diet he doesnt give two f*cks about your health just the big fat pay check he geting for feeding us all misinformation
@@darrenmcintosh8471 interesting. Or maybe it would be if there were a few punctuation points.
Which system are you saying has bought him? I would be very interested to know.
Klaus, this is the best interview of Dr. G that I have seen. Well done!
Yeah, agreed. I'm going to be late for work because of watching it lol
Klaus you did one hell of a job. Best interview of Dr. Greger I've seen as well. Thank-you
Crazy Old Vegan great interview
The best interview would be with his widow, cannot happen soon enough.
PHD in Fitness, you sound like a jerk.
Absolutely sensational interview! Well done to both of you. Btw, congrats on 20K subs 👍
I came here because of your snap chat😂
Omg sameeeeeee
Found this from your snap! Thanks guys, this is a GEM!
wow, now this channel has almost 500k subs!!
In the short time I have switched to plant based foods I'm in remission from Cancer, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes. & working on reversing fibromyalgia. All the Drs I saw thru my battle of 6 years fighting for my life none of them told me anything about it.. I had to research it for myself. Now I'm on a mission of sharing this with everyone around me & saving lives. We can do this together & spread the word. We owe it to our children & the poor animals we keep slaughtering.
Hi Jade, you may find some further great vegan information from medical medium on Fibromyalgia if you haven't already stumbled upon it. I'm sure you'll solve it :)
& the environment.
That’s amazing!!! Well done Jade ❤️
This man is amazing. He is doing such a important work. I admire him so much.
As a Physician and Dietitian this is a simple answer. You go to a DOCTOR for MEDICAL advice and you go to a DIETITIAN for NUTRITIONAL advice. Doctors don't receive enough education in proper dietetics to be giving advice. Two separate fields of study, if you ask a doctor about dietary needs you will get an answer from ignorance.
Even dietitians are wrong. Many still promote meat, dairy, and cheese.
Here in Australia, our so called "qualified nutritional experts" warn against veganism as being a nutrient deficient diet. We have also had 5 prime ministers (presidents) in the last few years. Thank god no one really cares because the beaches are a constant source of soul renewal.
yeah, that's the thing. dieticians I know recommend dairy, meat and eggs
Yotam Sho True, it again falls back on education and the quality. Where did they receive their education and who funded it.
You need to find one that specializes in more of a plant-based style
Exactly *****
Dr Greger is a true Warrior. Klaus you ask some really good questions
Dr. Greger - you Rock. Keep teaching. People are listening.
You are making a difference.
Klaus is a great interviewer, his interviews with Greger and Barnard are what made me become vegan. He plays devils advocate in most interviews bc he knows his audience and knows what questions need to be addressed to open people to veganism, and it's clearly working. Thanks.
REALLY well done!! Thank you for this inspiring gem... Also, enjoyed the McDonald's Salad ads in he middle :D
"I don't talk about acne to the 80 year old who has crushing chest pain" lmfao
Klaus this was a crazy good interview! You can be proud of yourself ;-) He's such an inspirational man isn't he?
not really. he is the look of ill health. i would have immediate concern for any one of my friends who looked as pasty and dry mouthed and weak looking as this poor man.
@@10010x0x0x01101XX0X1 lame attempt
The healthy choice is the only choice, if you want to live. The passion this man exudes is intense.
and that choice shouldnt be vegan
Dr. Greger on FIRE in this interview 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I have been a meat eater all my life, have fasted for 5 years every week 36 hours, and try to have organic meats, grass fed. It is very confusing as I have read "The big fat surprise" "Fat for fuel" and "the bullet proof diet" Dr Gerber is so passionate and clear on his subject and I really feel in my heart that this is the way to go.. Hope I can make the transition. Will try to wean myself out by having more fish.
The big fat surprise is written by Nina Teicholz who makes 150k salary from the beef industry as a marketer. That should tell you a lot.
Fish is comeplety fine if not benificial for health with your plant based diet, even dr ornish uses fish oil in his trials
He's great. Good to hear more challenging questions, well done Klaus.
Cause if there's a bunch of vegans running around, the hospitals don't make any money 😁
Hannah Montoya yeah, it’s so irritating because people are dying meanwhile they can reverse the disease, but the hospitals get money through prescribing drugs. More people could be living if we had the education 💗💗💗
You're a weird bitch, saw your video. Past life? No wonder you're a clueless vegan. B12, k, D3, certain amino acids, cholesterol, CANNOT BE FOUND IN PLANTS
Mike Skaggs these have been answered many time already
@@osamab814 your answers are "supplements " proving your diet is bullshit. Just like you Osmxbal you're bullshit
The nhs uses tax payers money which is a huge burden on the tax payer- how does that in any way mean that hospitals make money?????????
When he mentioned the lawsuit from Atkin's then said, "Well, he dropped dead before they could take me to court, then went bankrupt" I just about died myself. I almost feel bad with how hard I laughed. Almost...
Class acts the both of you
He didn't drop dead.
@@jamesallen6309well, he dropped, then died in the hospital.
My mind is about to blow up seeing my 2 heroes together. Bravo!
“Lives are in the balance!” So true. I feel my own life was saved by Dr. Greger. My health was not great at age 42, I had no idea how my body would last another 10, 20, 30+ years. Now I’m 44, 75lbs lighter, full of energy, and feel better now than I did as a teenager. I no longer deal with disordered eating which was another issue I’d had for decades. I eat healthy food until I’m full and it lasts me until the next meal! My husband finally joined me as well, he has a family history of heart attacks and is nearing the age his dad was when he had one. He feels his life has probably been saved as well. So grateful for Dr. Greger and everyone working to get this info out!!
Dr. Greger 😍😍😍😍😍
He actually has some very pretty eyes - you never really notice that, because he's so inspiring and interesting to listen to :D
umm he's like 60
The Ama Pizza Girl, he is 40 something
Dr Michael Greger born: October 25, 1972 (age 43)
Joe Ogiba Mature nerdy hot man
Interviews like this should be on public tax payer financed national TV, in every country (for example instead of stupid shows)
"How to cherry pick if there's only one cherry??" 19:20
Feldenkrais with Alfons true. 🙏🌱🌱
Feldenkrais with Alfons won't happen. Meat,dairy, pork associations will bury that idea. We are going up against big money. Big pharma and medical profession will downplay the obvious.
I love this man!! He has saved so many lives spreading the fact based info on a plant based lifestyle!!!!
I became a vegan when a coworker who has a small farm brought in a magazine about raising farm animals. There was a picture of this lady petting a cow on its head and I swear that cow was tilting his head in ecstasy and smiling. It blew me away. I think about that every time I even consider eating meat. Just no...these are living creatures with social capacity, joy, life. There are plenty of things to eat that meet nutritional requirements. And it finally sunk in that I was eating dead carcasses and contributing to cruelty. No thanks. I've actually saved a ton of money, food prep is simple freeing up time and my health is 100% better.
Thank you so much for sharing this!❤❤
Yes, there is a video with a dog interacting playfully with an adult cow. It was a beautiful scene to behold.
I had a couple cows and yeah, they can be playful and cute. If anyone is going to have cows or animals though, it should be tiny farms and factory animal farms ought to be abolished.
I'm ready!! I'm already a vegan, i've been for five weeks, i plan to do this for the rest of my life, so now i want to be a raw til 4 vegan. :) Love you Dr. You're such an inspiration to my generation.
Is it going all right?
Beer and pasta is vegan but its not healthy. So u need a sensible balanced diet.
@@JohnSmith-tw3rw Not all vegans eat well. Beer is allowed in small amounts because of alcohol. Vegans can eat junk food. When someone says plant based which would exclude shugar, oil and salt.
so, how'd it go?
I think this is by far my favorite Greger interview, you asked great questions, I loved hearing him speak from the heart and with passion. It makes so much sense, I feel driven myself, I am currently in school, I hope to do similar work and educate myself in this topic. Vegans may not get all the money and fame like other groups, but we are by far the most passionate. When you see yourself and others heal you just want to share the message!!! Keep working hard everyone and fight the good fight!! Thanks Plant based News! This was wonderful and I'm sharing it with my friends.
Great interview dude! Dr. G is such a G!
Thank you, Dr Greger, for mentioning Dr Scott Stoll. what a fantastic guy!!! I had never heard of him. So glad to find a Christian doctor promoting God's foods. Yay!!! :)
Great discussion....thank you Dr. Greger. Would love to see 60 Minutes do show with you!
Dr Gregor. Love this man and his message. Nice tie.
OK, how do I go about forming a broccoli lobby?
I'm in
+TheBroccoliIndustry You are being paged!
broccoli activist here, the more broccoli people eat, the less noodles
I'll donate some yams to further your cause...
I hope it'll help.
Broccoli For All!
Such a legend.
You're such a great interviewer, Klaus! This was so informative. Nicely done.
Itua Yvonne Iyoha
I agree- yes he is - the best interviewer I've seen on YT
i wish that everyone in this world would turn vegan
yes exactly
its just.. if you want to be vegan it takes so much attention what you eat... and i dont have the time or interest to do so.
Its because its not the norm. If it's the norm and everyone in this world is vegan. Then all the foodstuff available will be only plant based and we will all live happily ever after (human and animals together)
I'm not paying too much attention to my diet, once you get the basics it's all pretty easy.
"All we are say-ing... Is give veg a chance....
This is the best interview that I have ever heard on promoting a whole food plant based (healthy vegan) diet. Dr Michael Greger is my hero. His writings, lectures, website and books have changed my life from a sickly, overweight cancer patient to a cancer free, healthy and vibrant life. My weight became normal, my blood pressure is now normal, my cholesterol fell to below average, my GFR improved, and my oncologist can no longer find any sign of cancer. In fact he has declared me completely cured. In my opinion Dr Greger deserves a Nobel prize in medicine for his amazing work.
really great to hear!!
Congrats!! And yes!! He's the best!
Absolute PASSION!! Great words from a outstanding human. Thankyou so much for this interview. Subscribed!
This was so great...Thank you so much for having Dr. Greger on! I'm a vegan and will share this with my family ( a few have diabetes). I've been waiting for a really good video like this, kudos to you for asking all the pertinent questions that no one else asks.
I have listened to many interviews with dr greger and other plant based doctors. This is top quality. The one I’m going to share with my friends.
I really really like this Dr. Michael Greger. Not only is he willing to share this important information I like how he explains the science and the findings. He makes it easy for me to understand and he’s funny too. Thank you for all of your hard work Dr. Greger! 🌱🌱
Great interview! Great, probing questions and nobody speaks with more passion and authority than Dr. Greger. I didn't really have time to watch a 30-minute interview this morning, but I couldn't stop watching!
Dr G is such an amazing human!! I love him and his work.Thanks so much for this interview, Klaus!
Excellent Interview - Dr. Greger is a True Gem!
Fantastic Interview, Klaus!
Im a nutritionist and Dr Greger is one of my heroes! So much to thank to him ❤❤❤
I feel bad for your patients. Your hero is a guy that looks like garbage and pushes a diet devoid of all essential nutrients? Yikes.
Dr. Gregor is a good guy, an honest guy. Really appreciate his candor, especially his answer the last question in the interview. But he is absolutely right on all fronts. Same wiht McDougall and Klaper, and Essylstein.
Going vegan changed my life. From suffering from severe eczema since childhood, to having clear skin and losing 20 lbs in the process! #plantsforlife 🙏🏽🌱
Mandy my ex didn’t want to listen. She was not the one.
They don't recommend it because they know that 98% of Americans will never try it, or will try it and fail. That's why they don't recommend it.
Another reason - since 98% of doctors are not vegans, how can those 98% recommend something that they do not follow.
If that was true Drs wouldn't tell people to stop smoking. Drs know some people will never quit but they still tell them they need to quit. They don't tell people about a plant based diet because they don't believe it's healthy or don't know about it.
Melissa Tee Doctors don't smoke. Nice try.
+Eric K you honestly think there are no doctors who smoke?
+Melissa Tee besides, I wasn't saying they did. But there ARE doctors who smoke. Just like I've been lectured on diet by a 350-400lb doctor.
YEEESSSSS!!! Doctor G!
Great interview and video guys 🙌🏼
Had my doubts about going plant based. Saw "Forks over knives" years ago. Did some vegan days as part ongoing healthy plan. The game changer came this spring when my heart finally gave up on my unhealthy lifestyle. Six months later I watched "Game Changers" ...next day I went vegan... Day two on this trip
My new family doctor told me to change my diet , I started plants based diet only 3 weeks ago , and I am surprised, why no one told me before.
I am already feeling, I am happy and alive again , thank you to good Doctor.
I was Muslim by birth , Where killing animals forGod is recommended. I guess bye bye to mr. Abraham teaching , I am going vegetarian. 🌱👍🙏🧠💐
My doctor looks at my bloodwork and says "you get plenty of protein from your bloodwork" and then I tell them I am Vegan. They then say, you would have insufficient protein call me a liar. But my bloodwork says I am getting all the protein I need from being Vegan.
Lives, are in the BALANCE!
It *IS* an emergency!!! Let's all help get the word out there! Holy heck...folks are DYING because they don't know !
Amazing work, dude! xx
Just keeps getting better as it goes on - and so well filmed too! Trying to share everywhere, great to capture him being so passionate about the injustices in public information...
Folks ARE sharing this on FB ... I've seen it twice today already!
That's good. Only problem is, FB is mostly for older people.
Facebook is for old people ? are you kidding my 11 year old niece has one that's not young enough for you? older people shouldn't get the news too? what a useless thing to say ......
Heyitsme It has nothing to with me, ma'am. "Useless"? Facts are facts. Social media is extremely dynamic. What was hot & popular yesterday, is old today.
"The age breakdown varies quite significantly from country to country. In the U.S., the average Facebook user in the U.S. was 40.5 years old, while it's 29 years old in Lebanon. Fewer than 10 percent of U.S. users are 17 years or younger, and even fewer are 65 or older, but 65 percent are 35 or older."
While I wouldn't say 40 is old, it is middle aged. Your niece and her friends are more likely to use one of the more popular and recent SM sites.
The plant base dr are amazing 👏 thanks all.
Dr Greger is awesome. I switched to Whole Food plant based diet after I read his book. I feel so much healthier now. Never had so much energy (teaching yoga everyday). Thanks Dr Greger.
Your interviews are all fantastic! Great questions and dynamic, Klaus! Dr. Greger and nutritionfacts.org are awesome, their work is so good ♥
His website is extremely one sided and a very bad source for objective information if you are seeking for the truth. I suggest reading the opinion of scientific institutions.
You would probably be surprised to read this but veganism in fact isn't healthy and brings lots of risks with it, particularly mental health risks due to a lack of quality protein.
Greger is a great example on the dangers of veganism. You can clearly tell he has mental health issues. Just look at his energy, face and the way he talks.
Most long term vegans develop mental health issues. though most vegans start eating fish and chicken again. About 80% gives up on this extreme lifestyle.
SpiritLeash This seems to be an unbiased article :) ajcn.nutrition.org/content/89/5/1627S.full
I already read that article. It's the most positive scientific institute regarding veganism. The many hundreds of others aren't. Basically they are giving you a wrong idea by not elaborating on the background of the studies.
Vegans generally are healthier than omnivores, but that's because of their lifestyle. They tend to work out more and smoke less etc.
It gives the reader the impression veganism is a good diet.
It's like saying chocolate is healthy because you saw a top athlete eat chocolate.
But you did a great job going from Greger to this. The jump is HUGE. You are progressing. Good luck with everything.
SpiritLeash Haha nah, I still think Dr. Greger and nutritionfacts.org is rad, no need for your condescension. I also think that it's funny how you're throwing down these vast statements with no substantiation. Link me up, bro! There have been many trials that control for diet and other factors (most of the ones I can think of offhand are by Dr. Ornish so I won't link them because clearly he is part of the plant-based conspiracy too ;) ) and plant-based diet still wins. Anyway, I sleep well at night knowing that I am on the side of justice & of health and that y'all carnists are going to be eating your words soon enough. Whether you choose veganism or not with climate change, overpopulation, nitrogen depletion in the soil, the acidification of the oceans, the massive meat substitute market growth, etc.... you'll be vegan before ya know it! Take care!
This is why I dislike commenting. You are so incredibly ignorant and not open to anything that doesn't fit your extremely narrow view.
The entire world says one thing yet you believe some retarded feeling.
Vegans are in the same category as reptilian believers and flat earthers.
Yet you think you are the smart one. The entire world is wrong and crazy and controlled. the 1% must be right. Dummy.
I started cutting on my milk and meat intake a few days back. Already breathing deeper, and more energy.
Deeper sleep. Elevated mood especially during evening wen i wud feel grumpy.
I think I will pursue it longer.
Edit: Been almost 2 mnths since i last ate meat or eggs. Still taking tea made from milk. Feeling light.
tea made from milk?
Me too! Love milk in tea.
Have to have milk in tea and I love cheese too. Cannot give these up. Just eat less of milk and cheese. Just eat less in general. Processed meats are bad if they contain nitrites. I’m still not convinced meat and chicken do not contain antibiotics. I’m tired of meat and chicken. I adore salmon but that’s definitely off the table since it is so very expensive here. Rice with beans or tofu is cheaper and you still get a complete protein. Maybe we should just give up meat chicken fish first and do dairy after we get used to a more vegetarian diet.
great work Klaus!!!
Thanks for such a great interview. I think people would convert by listening to Dr Gregor's passion and enthusiasm alone leaving the health benefits and zero harm to animals as an added bonus!
Keep up the good work.
Plant based for 4 months. I’m older but better late than never I figure. Down some weight and feeling better every day. Recently recovering from a heart attack and cancer so I feel I’m being proactive with my health. The vegan eating is really east and very tasty. I don’t feel deprived in any way
I love Dr. Greger! I feel like he is trying to advocate for people, as our own lame government should be doing.
To ME, he's like Paul Revere...riding through the streets, shouting out "To PLANTS, GO to PLANTS!" and for no monetary benefit of his own!
Cindy Orcutt, it's hard for the gov't. to guide keep us from eating the wrong foods. God helps those who help themselves. We have to care enough about our own health and the health of our loved ones, to choose what is healthy.
cindy o Our government practices Keynesian economics. They are not gonna put down bad eating habits, if it's going to affect jobs. That's why real estate, tort law, business laws, tax laws and Medicare/ health care rules are so complex. We have to hire a myriad of people to figure it out for us. That creates more jobs. Bad eating gives us the beef,pork,dairy and processed food industry. Hundreds of diet books and businesses, doctors selling drugs for pharmacies.
@@patsycav are you not aware that the FDA has sold out to corporate interest? are you not aware that Donald Trump and our government has sold out for money? The American taxpayer pays about 14 trillion dollars in federal taxes every year. Why isn't this money going to help people? If anything, we should get correct information about the food we eat and the water we drink. The water in America is toxic almost everywhere. Whose responsibility is that? Almost everyone's food and water are so toxic that it is slowly killing Americans. How about Monsanto? Almost all our politicians have sold up to them. Do you know what round-up does to the body? It's in most of the food Americans eat.
@@dancindavey1515 Read my response to Pat kavanaugh and tell me what you think. Do you have any awareness about how corporate interests are poisoning our food because they pay our government elected or appointed officials enough to look the other way? what do you know about glyphosate and Roundup in our food? I am in my 70's and started having severe health issues about 20 years ago. My holistic doctor had me start eating organic food and I got a reverse osmosis water system. he helped me to rebuild my immune system, which had been destroyed by the food I was eating in the water I was drinking.The food and water in our society are all toxic, due to the money that our politicians receive from corporations. They allow the corporations to either neglect or poison our food and water for profit. If you think you won't have health issues soon, you better wake up.
Dr. Greger is awesome, informative, and oh so intelligent. Next time I go into my doctors( I'm a type 1 diabetic and a vegan) I'm going to confront her for highly recommending her clients to eat a low carb high fat diet.( She works with tons of diabetics, heart disease, and high blood pressure patients) Will defiantly be bringing up the fact that processed meats cause cancer. Will defiantly be bringing up the fact that plant based diets slow down and help prevent the major medical conditions killing americans every year. I also plan on brining in several articles and studies to prove that a vegan diet is more beneficial for everyone including Diabetics. Hopefully I will make her question why she is backing a diet that is actually slowly killing ALL of her patients.
No. Hello, I know that you made this comment a while ago and that you might not remember this but hopefully you get an email about my reply. How did it go with your doctor? Did she argue back and bring up misinformation or did she go over everything with you respectfully and slowly agree?
HiiisandLows I am also curious about how it went with your doctor. I find mine are not open to anything I bring to them outside of their own practice or teachings.
"It's hard to cherry pick, when there's only...one....cherry." Love that!
Excellent video. Great man! A person with integrity and compassion and intelligence which is lacking in too many doctors.
The passion in his voice is so compelling! 💚🌱
This is where I saw you before! I told you last night at the cooking class that your face looked familiar and that's because I had this video in my "watch later" section!
Great interview, I've learned quite a few new things there!
Yesssss!!! Been so excited for this. Excellent job.
Have been waiting for this ever since you mentioned it on the VR podcast :DD
This man is a Hero. His work, motivation, passion, expertise and jokes are amazing.
I love this man.