Hui looks so cool while driving, Shinwon is a moooood, and Kino is so caring (and competitive as usual) huhuhu loveeeee when they all held hands together! Beautiful!
To universe who happens to read this comment, let's be with Pentagon until the end. I don't want them to cry when Universe leaves😢 even it's almost 5 years late since I became a uni, I'm happy to stan Pentagon 💙 Let's keep going till the very end! Kajaaaa^
6.25 "each of us walk our own path, but our end is the same" (Hui, Pentagon, 2019) Thank you Hui 💕💕💕 love this quote, this remind us to keep pay attention to ourself in this competitive world 👍
Honestly, at first glance, I would’ve thought that Hui was kind of stoic and all that with being leader and an accomplished songwriter but he’s so adorable and a little odd, in an endearing way, of course.
Hui ... I understood why your younger brothers ( Kino, Shinwon) would not join hands, because I felt that way with my older sister. Not because we don't love, but that's not how we express our love. Ehehe.
Aaah this trip was healing for me too even though I wasn't actually there. Thank you for sharing! I hope the others members get to have fun adventures, too.
Literally all Hui wanted the entire trip was to hold hands while walking oh my gods I stan children
he is such a baby...
후이 역시 리더당ㅜㅠ애들 다칠까봐 걱정하고ㅠㅠ
이럴때 진짜 형아 느낌 뿜뿜이네
Baby hwitaek fussing over kino not locking hands is the CUTEST . FUKING . THING 😩😩😩😩
진짜 그놈의 손잡고 걷기ㅋㅋㅋㄱ 후이 결국 소원풀이했네 ㅋㅋㅋㄱ
운전하는 후이 너무 멋있어❤ 당연히 할 수 있을 나이인데 왤케 뽀짝하지 😂😂
I'm so over the moon, Hui finally got to hold hands with Kino!!!! Yayyyyy!!!!
most happy moment in that day kkkkk
후이 깍지 끼고 싶대..ㅋㅋㅋ 아 귀여워
Hui looks so cool while driving, Shinwon is a moooood, and Kino is so caring (and competitive as usual) huhuhu loveeeee when they all held hands together! Beautiful!
THEY HELD HANDS. Pentagon of leader must be happy 😱
AHAH never forget
To universe who happens to read this comment, let's be with Pentagon until the end. I don't want them to cry when Universe leaves😢 even it's almost 5 years late since I became a uni, I'm happy to stan Pentagon 💙 Let's keep going till the very end! Kajaaaa^
후이약간철안든사촌오빠같다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
i wanna be as excited as Hui in the mornings but in reality, I’m Shinwon lol
I just love Hui so much, he is just my style :3
Hui is so nice !♡♡♡♡ Kino ♡♡♡
셋이 손깎지 끼고 걷는거 넘 귀엽따~~~~~
후이 깎지껴~~~~겁나 웃겨..다정한 성격인거 같다..후신키 넘나 좋은거♡♡♡
hui just wanna hold his brothers hands :( im so sad
The trip was a healing trip for hui shinwon and kino but the fact that I enjoy this and got heal while watching this Im softt :(((
Finally they held Hui oppa’s hand! 😂🥰
Hui ya.. I miss you 😭
It's so cute how Hui really wanted to hold hands he kept bringing it up until Kino gave in hahahaha I love these dorks so much ㅠㅠ
Hyunggu is definitely the daredevil of these three. Maybe of all of Pentagon.
daredevil of Pentagon with the 2 scaredy cats!!
@@kimimiralte3787 Yes its a god-tier combination.
5:56 the way Hyunggu calling his Hyung is precious🌼🌼
후이 진짜 겁쟁이 ㅋㅋㅋㄱ 속도 엄청 느린게 카메라로도 보여 ㅋㅋㄲㄱ
😏I want Hui’s phone...........that must be a lot of demo and unreleased songs in it 🎵
Hui oppaaaa, I need that alarm and the dance of yours every morniiing HAHAHAHAHAHA you're so hyper HAHAHAHAHA
가끔씩 이 후신키 보면서 대리만족합니다
후이 신원 키노 신나고 행복해하는 모습과 여행의 풍경들이 저를 힐링해줘요~ 고마워요❤
그리고 후이가 좀 더 이 여유를 즐길 수 있길💚
shinwon looks like a sleepy kitten >__
6.25 "each of us walk our own path, but our end is the same" (Hui, Pentagon, 2019)
Thank you Hui 💕💕💕 love this quote, this remind us to keep pay attention to ourself in this competitive world 👍
I'm in love with these dorks GOD HELP ME
there is no helping us
Second opinion, same as first: this is a terminal condition 😂
키노오빠 넘 잘생긴 그리고후이오빠는 귀여워 또 신원이오빠는 카리스마
Lee Hwitaek ❤
Ko Shinwon ❤
Kang Hyunggu ❤
I'm rewatching this whole trip again. Aaaaaa they're so cuteeee, I love their brotherhood. Please go on many trips like this againn
이 영상의 킬포 8:43
It’s funny that Kino is always with the most chaotic members
펜타곤 영원하자 ㅠㅠ 오빠들 진심 사랑해요❤❤
hui is the cutest baby in the universe and ahhh them holding hands is the biggest uwu
Honestly, at first glance, I would’ve thought that Hui was kind of stoic and all that with being leader and an accomplished songwriter but he’s so adorable and a little odd, in an endearing way, of course.
다 파트 너무 재미있어 ㅠㅠ 다음에 다 멤버들 같이 가자 ㅠㅠ ♥♥♥♥
우왕 이거 왜 이제봤지
후신키 또가자 이번에 멤버들 다같이 가자아아
i love hyunggu's hearty laugh!
후신키 사랑해💜❤
강형구ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 형한테 자꾸 오바할래요 라니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 8:46 니 옷도 들어주는 형인데
이회택 안전운전ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ개귀여워ㅠㅠㅠ
마지막 말 보고 뭉클했네
키노 개 잘생겼다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
during can you feel it (one of my fav songs btw) hui is so cute and shinwon is SUCH A MOOD OMG WE LOVE
다들 너무 귀엽자나..ㅠㅠ
Just do it yo 😍🥰
입덕한지 얼마 안되서 볼거 많아 넘 행복해~~~♡♡♡
오빠들 진짜로 너무 사랑해용♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
빨리 와서 좋아요♡♡♡
i still replayed this 8:42
another healing trip with Pentagon is nice. I hope they can do this again
Unideul if you happen to read my comment, dont forget to watch do or not mv at least once okaaay. Promise me and lets break the 27M curse!!
Hi! Im from Spain
I love you
Now Im listening a song of you
Hui ... I understood why your younger brothers ( Kino, Shinwon) would not join hands, because I felt that way with my older sister. Not because we don't love, but that's not how we express our love. Ehehe.
9:48 why did I find this interaction so cute🤣
awww the thumbnail😍 hui must be so happy then..
Gak tau kenapa aku gk bisa ngalihin pandanganku dari Hyunggu
When cube releases some......I 🤩
When the title told me that this will be the last season......I 😩
We wanna see more things of them!🤣
Again again again pentagon🥰🥰
Please release the instrumental versions of Like This and CYFI 🙏
So agree with u!!!!
Aaah this trip was healing for me too even though I wasn't actually there. Thank you for sharing! I hope the others members get to have fun adventures, too.
We want Pentagon in reality show!!
큐브에게 회택이 입대 전까지 여행을 준비하는 임무를 주겠다. 후신키 힐링여행처럼 아님 이보다 더 편하게 즐길 수 있도록 8명이 좋은 추억 만들길 간절히 부탁한다. 벌써 11월이 다가온다. 기대하겠다. 콘서트 전에는 너무 바쁠 것 같으므로 후에 하는 게 좋을 것 같다.
넘 좋다
8:40 可愛い💕たまにはこーゆー息抜きもいいのかねぇ。一応仕事だけどさ。みんなのこういう会話聞いてるの楽しい
감사합니다 😭
I stan(d) corrected. Hui radiates big baby energy, not Wooseok. Wooseok is just a goof. lol. 💙
yo yo yo
they are sooooooooo cute
Hui baby!
this was so fun to watch!!!
큐브가 은근 직원 복지가 갠춘해보임 (갠적인생각)
babies 🥺 ahh love these boys so much 🥰🥰
los amo son lo mas bonito de este mundo
Love you guys
babies 💙
Im still waiting another episode of healing trip... Let Shinwon and Hongseok join the next trip, please~
넘 재미있는 기획!!!
I just only know to see more videos . They are really cute and nice .
Saben que los amo 🥰
i'll miss this :" )
ily pentagon
shinwon in the morning.... relatable
Omg cute
Uri leader 😹💖