What's Inside? Amazon's Best Selling Home Powered Subwoofer? Polk Audio PSW-10

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @wal
    @wal  6 років тому +11

    Shop for subwoofers:
    Polk Audio PSW10: amzn.to/2R9Mgp6
    Newer version PSW110: amzn.to/2CxhY7H
    Other home subwoofers: amzn.to/2RbOiVQ
    Send me a tip: paypal.me/BigDWiz
    Support Monthly: www.patreon.com/OldSchoolStereo
    My Favorite Screwdriver Kit: amzn.to/2x0VzcE

    • @ilovetoyotatrucks
      @ilovetoyotatrucks 6 років тому

      BigDWiz idk y but i didn't expect the built in amplifier too totally awesome... & a 4ch out+w!

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +3

      @@ilovetoyotatrucks it's a mono amp. Has speaker and RCA level inputs and speaker level outputs for passing the signal on to your satellite speakers

    • @riveralley
      @riveralley 6 років тому

      @@wal Would you do the SvS PB 6000? Also I saw you on Five star car stereo.

    • @gregorycarter9352
      @gregorycarter9352 6 років тому


    • @lajuanpride239
      @lajuanpride239 6 років тому

      BigDWiz best pioneer home stereo sub woofer

  • @elderfarms
    @elderfarms 6 років тому +41

    I bought this sub over 8 years ago when I was 13 years old (I’m 21 now). And I still play it to this day. It hasn’t let me down EVER! 10/10 best $90 you’ll ever spend on a sub.

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +7

      Not the first time I’ve heard this!

    • @elderfarms
      @elderfarms 6 років тому +4

      When I bought it brand new it was $200. And even then I thought that was a good deal.

    • @yamahonkawazuki
      @yamahonkawazuki 4 роки тому +2

      @@wal your videos made the third one done in similar fashion. but fwiw ill repeat what ive said on the others. i bought this sub, a jbl northridge surround setup, 2 yamaha receivers one onkyo receiver 2 cassette decks and one cd playr, for 35 from the goodwill i worked at. sold the receivers already . still have the speakers, including the subwoofer. sure yo could work it hard, but REALLY do not need to. what im meaning by all of this is, you do not have to spend an obscene amount of money to get good sound.

  • @jmcg7906
    @jmcg7906 6 років тому +54

    The front of the box looks as thick as the rest. It’s just thin where the sub is so it sits flush.

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +14

      Yeah, supa thin, like yo Girl Scout cookies!

    • @fallofthezombies1379
      @fallofthezombies1379 6 років тому


    • @2011joser
      @2011joser 6 років тому +3

      I agree J Mcg. The front panel was routed for the flush mount. You can see board where the trim plastic is split around the hole.

    • @stevengoelzer
      @stevengoelzer 6 років тому +2

      Good thing the sub could never stress the box to fail because the amp would die long before. There is a reason the black tared the crap out the PCB, its the right amount to last 1 year of lite use. Then sell you another next Xmas. :)

    • @Only1Sethy
      @Only1Sethy 6 років тому +2

      @@stevengoelzer Mines been bumping for 3 years now... No issues whatsoever. Amps been just fine, and the box is honestly built plenty solid for such a low power sub.
      EDIT: I've actually had it for 5 years now, just checked when I ordered it on Amazon!!!

  • @tadda6282
    @tadda6282 6 років тому +11

    The front panel is actually 0.75" thick. The sub is recessed mounted on the baffle so right where its mounted is thin because of the recess cut into it.

    • @bikdav
      @bikdav 3 роки тому

      @Tadda: Oh. OK. Got it. That's far better than my present sub (which quite old now).

  • @r1derbike
    @r1derbike 6 років тому +4

    Have had one of these for years in a bedroom. It 'fills' the low-end with muddy, chuffy, ill-defined, bass. Use it at levels that 'just' make its presence known and then it shines as only an 89 buck sub may do! Har!

  • @dexeter3033
    @dexeter3033 5 років тому +6

    I just got mine today. It sounded horrible right out of the box. I removed both the sub and the amp from the box, removed the metal plate thing from the back side of the port and added more poly fill to the box. I added some silicone gasketing to the mounting surfaces of both the amp and the sub before putting it all back together. I also left the trim ring off. It sounds much better now. No chuffing or rattling.

    • @wal
      @wal  5 років тому +4

      Great post. I should totally do a follow up vid

  • @DjCjx
    @DjCjx 6 років тому +5

    I actually own this sub woofer. Great to see it was worth my investment. Sounds good for what I use it for.

  • @deadlybananas
    @deadlybananas 6 років тому +1

    That box opening technique makes so much sense and is so simple yet last week I pulled some tower speakers straight up out of their boxes and almost dropped one like a fool

  • @mpfoote
    @mpfoote 3 роки тому

    I've had 2 of these for almost 10 years now. Still working great.

  • @Internationalmanofmysteries
    @Internationalmanofmysteries 6 років тому +5

    Always love to see some home audio stuff on your channell. Your dyno videos are truly the best. Keep up the good work and merry christmas!

  • @alxprogrmz6093
    @alxprogrmz6093 5 років тому +2

    Thank you so much for taking your time and expenses to make this video. I got that bad boy and yes I paid $129. The sub does sound good for a 50 watts. The only complaint I have is the grill rattles so much that it make a loud noise that sounds distortion. Whenever I play music or watch a movie, I remove the grill and the noise is gone. Really recommend this sub for anyone on a tight budget. I have placed in the basement and the first floor tenants could hear and feel the bass. I am very happy with my PSW10 sub.

    • @wal
      @wal  5 років тому

      Great feedback, thanks 👌

  • @Zoom-ui2pf
    @Zoom-ui2pf 3 роки тому

    My dad bought this over 13 years ago and I still use it to this day. Bought another one (now called the psw10 which is the same but black) to use in my shop.

  • @tonedriverss8629
    @tonedriverss8629 6 років тому +5

    Well done review as usual . Much appreciate your honest and knowledgeable work . I have this Polk Audio Sub in my living room Home theater system . I will say , this unit does not disappoint whatsoever ! This coming from a pro audio tech / installer as well as recording studio tech . I may just get another one . It sounds real good . It sounds absolutely fabulous and fills the room with deep rich bass for the past year . Volume on it set to mid - point ... plenty of clean , non farting bass . Hard to beat this sub at that price . You could NOT make one for less .

    • @Hellboy-V
      @Hellboy-V 7 місяців тому +1

      You're not a pro tech audio installer... they dont call themselves that... and those ppl dont come up with that crap... let alone buy it...
      Stop fooling yourself, when you buy this cheap stuff, don't try to elevate this crap to levels trying to act you install audio.... not even close...

  • @pospc2
    @pospc2 6 років тому +3

    I have had a few Polk subs, never this exact one. I was always happy with it. My Polk car subwoofers on the other hand disappointed me a bit.
    Btw I work with furniture almost daily, that flipping it over is helpful.

  • @jermainepearson6835
    @jermainepearson6835 2 роки тому

    I just build a hile audio system and picked this sub up from a seller on offer up, this sub sounds good and everything came together nicely.

  • @yodabolt1247
    @yodabolt1247 6 років тому +1

    The front baffle was the same thickness as the back, they just have it routed out to countersink the woofer. Then they add blocks for the woofer to screw to. They should have just double up on the thickness of the front panel.

  • @jmanko
    @jmanko 4 роки тому

    @7:16 I have the PSW110 and it's been discontinued a long time ago. In fact my amp broke on it and I can't even find a replacement plate for it anymore. It's a nice speaker and enclosure and it seems a waste to throw it out because no plate will fit it.

  • @JamilLeslie
    @JamilLeslie 5 років тому +6

    heck yea!!!!!!! same unboxing technique i learned while delivering furniture myself!!!!!

    • @wal
      @wal  5 років тому +1

      Wondered how many people would actually notice this

  • @anthonydefr
    @anthonydefr 5 років тому +1

    I have one. I'm pretty happy with it. For the price I can't complain

  • @Live_Loud
    @Live_Loud 3 роки тому

    You'll recommend such active subs over dedicated pro amp and car subs in home?

  • @cain2bad
    @cain2bad 6 років тому +3

    Merry Christmas big d. Thanks for the video brother

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +1

      Merry Christmas brother 🎅🏻

  • @robertbrown2395
    @robertbrown2395 3 роки тому

    I love it that you use real music to test

    • @wal
      @wal  3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching and commenting!

  • @Mr.Robert1
    @Mr.Robert1 4 роки тому

    Good sense of humor I love it.

  • @TechGorilla1987
    @TechGorilla1987 5 років тому +4

    You're a big freaking goofball, but your stuff is addictive, man. Thanks!

    • @wal
      @wal  5 років тому +1

      Having fun is just my personality...making vids is fun, so I enjoy mixing them together 🤘

    • @TechGorilla1987
      @TechGorilla1987 5 років тому

      @@wal It shows Big D. I haven't been in to car audio since the late 90's, but I really get sucked in to these videos. Makes me want to spend money on subs. Something about putting a big 12" sub in the back of my Lexus RX is just wrong though.

  • @chasehammock
    @chasehammock 3 роки тому

    good job with the tech details & taking it apart & putting a multi meter on it, explaining all the components!

  • @madmax2069
    @madmax2069 6 років тому +10

    That sub suffers from pretty bad Port chuffing, there is a fix that will massively reduce it.
    When you took off the plate amp at the bottom left there is a metal grate at the end of the bass port (this is the source of most of the chuffing), when you remove it it'll greatly reduce the port chuffing.
    I know it's meant to keep thing from going into the box, but it makes the sub chuff more than what it should.
    But I'd love to see how the Micca MS10 would compare to the PSW-10, And the Dayton audio Sub-1000

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +2


    • @madmax2069
      @madmax2069 6 років тому +1

      @@wal here's the video I ran into while researching the PSW-10 in my search for a powered sub
      ua-cam.com/video/gKsMdcjh8KM/v-deo.html the port noise is still there but hardly noticeable in that video.

  • @adamnelson7389
    @adamnelson7389 6 років тому +4

    I used to have a pair of those back in the day... not very impressive. But for the $120 for the pair when I was on a college budget... hard to beat...

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому

      I was thinking 2 of these would make a serious setup for most people. The single one is enough thump for my living room system. People who have a simple sound bar or small bookshelf speakers will appreciate the low-end offered by this sub.

    • @biteme263
      @biteme263 5 років тому

      Like I said above, I have two of the 108's which are the same thing bascially. Started with one and added another. Two is by far better than one, it made a pretty big difference. Two subs is almost always always better than one in a home theater though. It smooths out the response in the room, moves more air and you don't have to push them as hard. Not sure if I would call two of these a "serious" set up for most people but it works fairly well. And the price isn't bad. Sony has a 10 inch sub for like 150 bucks at best buy right now that is a bit better.

  • @danielhillwick8430
    @danielhillwick8430 6 років тому +60

    You need to get a wig to do hair tricks with Big D. Lol

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +5

      So much truth here!

    • @hifiman4562
      @hifiman4562 6 років тому +1

      Hell yea! "Big Wig D" yelling "you big dummy!"

  • @Hellboy-V
    @Hellboy-V 7 місяців тому +1

    Problem is, people who bought this and still say they use it, never really owned real decent stuff anyways...
    With that small magnet, cheap amplifier, port chuffing...
    Those people don't even know what they're talking about.
    It's just a simple boombox equal to those 5.1 soundsets or soundbar sets nowadays..
    None of these cheap subs can't even reach the low octaves...

  • @AquariumBro97
    @AquariumBro97 6 років тому

    I used to have one of these. Then i upgraded to their psw505. Then i upgraded to a svs pb2000. Absolutely love my svs its everything i wanted from a sub.

  • @BblastedD
    @BblastedD 6 років тому +1

    Big D with the Diaper on his head = priceless!

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому

      It’s a micro fiber rag 🤦‍♂️

    • @BblastedD
      @BblastedD 6 років тому

      @@wal ok Derek ,it's a "microfiber" rag......cough Diaper!

  • @Brian1.
    @Brian1. 6 років тому +7

    Merry Christmas my brother

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +2


  • @stevenneese2823
    @stevenneese2823 5 років тому +1

    I wish it played a bit lower, especially for home theater. So On mine, i got rid of that stupid rat guard at the back of the port that caused so much chuffing, added almost a pound of polyfill batting, and extended the air port by 3" with a PVC coupler. Based off the calculations, it's now tuned to about 31 hz. It will play a solid 28 hz note, as where before, 35hz was a serious struggle. There's always a give and take though. The lower tuning lost me a little bit of peak output. For me it's totally worth it, as I use it for home theater and run dual subs

  • @alfa7108
    @alfa7108 6 років тому +6

    Polk audio makes some good sounding product.

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +1

      Steal of a deal

    • @alfa7108
      @alfa7108 6 років тому

      +Dale Gribble True, within like top 10.

    • @amb3cog
      @amb3cog 6 років тому +1

      @@Chilling4Shillings Still are really, if you're on a budget. Here's their current TOTL speakers, technically home theater, but I know guys that use the LSI line on some pretty high end 2 channel setups, and swear by them. BTW I know many wouldn't consider $2000 a piece a budget speaker, but it is in the world of high end audio, and supposedly these perform above there price point. They've certainly got impressive specs, and reviews. That's for sure.

    • @alfa7108
      @alfa7108 6 років тому

      +Dale Gribble Very true

    • @jacobwebb8818
      @jacobwebb8818 4 роки тому

      @@amb3cog $2000 a speaker is NOT budget in mid-fi/hifi. Sure there are $25,000 but those are the exceptions, not the majority. I'd say anything $650 and below a sub, and $700 for towers and $600-500 is budget for bookshelves

  • @anthonynorthover2693
    @anthonynorthover2693 9 місяців тому

    I got this sub in 2009 on sale for 90 dollars. And it still playing great 👍👍👍👍

  • @ronjlwhite8058
    @ronjlwhite8058 6 років тому +8

    LOL...BIG D WIZ DROPPIN BARS!!! Merry Christmas!!!

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +1

      Droppin’ some respect most likely 🤦‍♂️

  • @michaelskramii2245
    @michaelskramii2245 2 роки тому

    Thank you for the concise and thorough review.

    • @wal
      @wal  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching and commenting!

  • @RBS22
    @RBS22 6 років тому +2

    I have two Polk audio psw10, I called my receiver, it's a great subwoofer, in cost benefit, I really liked the result. Great video,I liked the demonstration. A merry Christmas.🎅🎄😎👍

  • @iamgriff
    @iamgriff 4 роки тому

    i bought this sub a year ago, googled this subwoofer you popped up. I subscribed then ordered the sub. Lol, i’m watching this video, writing this comment. My sub is rattling the house listening to Magic Mike play on the subwoofer that you are reviewing. Lmfao! thanks for the videos!

  • @crocoped
    @crocoped 5 років тому

    I Found one of these at my local goodwill for like $15. One of my best good will finds

  • @etanthegreat138
    @etanthegreat138 6 років тому

    I have the Polk psw505. The 12" next size up from this ome and I love it. Ben banging with it for 5years now. Best $200 sub for the house.

  • @SlowSpyder
    @SlowSpyder 5 років тому +1

    Sometimes Newegg and others have the PS505 (12" 460 watt version) for as low as $150. I have two of them and love them for the price.

  • @badazzbro3756
    @badazzbro3756 5 років тому +1

    A huge thumbs up on the proper way to open a darn box dah..

    • @wal
      @wal  5 років тому


  • @edud8452
    @edud8452 6 років тому +6

    I have an old school Cerwin Vega 12 inch passive home subwoofer using sony amplifier it shakes my house 😎

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +3

      There ya go!

  • @Prad2007
    @Prad2007 6 років тому

    I recently bought the same Sub to replace the ailing sub I got with my Infinity TSS-450 setup. I'm amazed how much better it is. More than I need for my apartment. If anyone needs a sub for lease breaking, this would be a fine candidate at a good price!

  • @PrezidentHughes
    @PrezidentHughes Рік тому

    These are still available in the UK and I'm interested in getting one, but I would definitely want to spray that front baffle black so it can match the T50s I'm also considering.

  • @garrettfowle3332
    @garrettfowle3332 6 років тому

    I have had this sub in my works install bay for the past 11yrs.

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому

      Reliability FTW

  • @jeffm2787
    @jeffm2787 3 роки тому

    I have a PSW450 that I still like. Polk makes not too bad of stuff.

  • @billbones1000
    @billbones1000 6 років тому +1

    Plug the port with closed cell foam. 100% improvement.

  • @buddybeavers2691
    @buddybeavers2691 3 роки тому

    The Bic Acoustic is a beast for the price. The gold sub with black dust cone and silver ones.

  • @BobGeogeo
    @BobGeogeo 3 роки тому

    3:50 foam surround? I know they have to squeeze material prices. And this sub is the price point for me. Foam surrounds may give you 7-15 years in my experience, even when kept far from sun and in temp controlled spaces.

  • @tonedriverss8629
    @tonedriverss8629 5 років тому

    This sub is a superb value . It sounds VERY good and rocks and fills the house with CLEAN powerful bass . I was so impressed with my first one that I went and bought a second one . One is at the front of the room and the other at the back opposing wall . Wow , my system is killer with these Polk subs . Pioneer THX amplifier is my head unit , another killer piece . All together , I have not heard a better system than mine . Great review

  • @kaedeschulz5422
    @kaedeschulz5422 6 років тому +3

    The front baffle just seems to be thin. That is because of the flush mount. As a speaker builder i would have made the baffle out of 2 layers so that there still is a lot of wood to hold the sub.
    And happy new year by the way! :D

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому

      Right! Happy New Year brother

    • @kaedeschulz5422
      @kaedeschulz5422 6 років тому

      @@wal Sister ;) Thanks (^_^)

  • @Arc-popz
    @Arc-popz Рік тому

    I used the box off one of those turds that blew out. I cut a face plate out of plywood with a opening to fit a 10" kicker L7 and moved the port funnel out the back of the other plywood that covers where the amplifier went. It bumps pretty good hooked up to a jensen 1000 class d (wallymart) amp. Wired 2 ohms

  • @gabrielh.50
    @gabrielh.50 5 років тому

    Can someone please Tell me the name of this song 7:09 ?

  • @gilbertos1984
    @gilbertos1984 4 роки тому

    They all sound awesome

  • @i23intheplace2b
    @i23intheplace2b Рік тому

    I live in an apartment with thin walls. I don't care about spl (how loud it booms.) I just want to extend my lower frequencies as seamless as possible. I like the tightness, accuracy and punchiness of smaller subs.
    I'm trying to decide between Polk, klipsch, elac and JBL. My stereo speakers are Sony sscs5.

  • @charlesnorris3449
    @charlesnorris3449 6 років тому +1

    Loved the freestyle! LOL. Have a great Christmas brother

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому

      Yeah I suck...you can say it 😊

  • @ericbachmann8037
    @ericbachmann8037 6 років тому +1

    Great video as usual !!!!
    I have the PSW505. I’ve been a fan of Polk Audio since 1988, when I bought my first pair of Polk Audio Speakers, the SDA-1C. :D
    The front is called the Baffle. The Baffle should have been doubled, this would have left more thickness to the Baffle (with added weight). I did notice there are wooden blocks on the back side (inside) where the subwoofer mounting screws go, giving the screws more material to screw into.

  • @jonathanpinders.r.5627
    @jonathanpinders.r.5627 6 років тому

    Merry Christmas 🎄 Big D

  • @boutthatvolvolifevolvo242g9
    @boutthatvolvolifevolvo242g9 6 років тому +1

    Nice little subwoofer Merry Christmas big D

  • @Van1018s
    @Van1018s 4 роки тому

    The front panel is actually rather thick. Normally when a sub is recessed like that they sandwich two pieces of wood together. In this case they just router it out where the sub goes leaving where the sub mounts very thin. At least that’s what it looked like to me. All in all it looks like a very good value. Love the stupid raps at the end. Always keepin it fun. You truly have one of the best personalities on UA-cam.

  • @juliuswashington9734
    @juliuswashington9734 6 років тому +1

    Merry Christmas Big D...

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому

      To you as well!

  • @Wolfie66
    @Wolfie66 5 років тому

    Thinking of purchasing this sub for my 10' X 15' living room. I have a pair of 1986 Polk Audio bookshelf speakers powered by a 100 watt Onkyo receiver. Great review!

  • @alfa7108
    @alfa7108 6 років тому +1

    Good video Big D.

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому

      Just having fun 😬

  • @felipegoes8834
    @felipegoes8834 Рік тому

    Is it normal for the air duct to make that noise ??

  • @violater7026
    @violater7026 6 років тому

    Wonder if a skar 12” would be a good sub for home

    @VALAREZ 4 роки тому

    I've had one of these for a few years and the sub just blew. say I buy a replacement 10" sub, how easy/hard would you say that process would be?
    I wish you disassembled and resembles it in regular speed so I could have a better Idea, but from this I did notice you had tape on the wires when you were putting the sub back inside........

  • @weasel2htm
    @weasel2htm 5 років тому

    I picked myself up a pair of Dayton audio B452-AIR and a Lepai 2020 to use for work computer audio, but I realized I was going to need some low end. I wanted something like a 6.5 or 8" but the PSW10 was cheaper than my other (next to none) options. I have been impressed, if I listen at low volumes, it fills in nicely without bleeding into the adjacent rooms, if nobody is around and I crank it, it'll rattle the whole building. The Dayton Audio B452-AIR very are impressive as well, I would recommend this setup to anyone, though if you have the room, I would go for the B652-AIR, desk space limited me to the smaller speaker.

    • @land.1368
      @land.1368 2 роки тому

      hey check out the new Dayton MK402x's, they are quite abit better than the airs for only about 20 bucks more, they have a built in crossover and are very good reference speakers for mixing music. Super small, 4 inch woofer, .75 inch tweeter.

  • @rupe53
    @rupe53 6 років тому

    Looking for something like this in a more compact version for a smaller vehicle. When I say compact, I mean that there's a height restriction of about 12" but I can go wider and deeper if there's something out there, self powered, 12 volts. Any suggestions?

  • @MrPhins
    @MrPhins 6 років тому

    Man, Amazon shoppers love Polk and Cerwin Vega too. It's almost like it's eternally the 80s.

  • @k....98
    @k....98 6 років тому

    LMFAO the end killing me for real awesome vid as always Merry Christmas

  • @Guygamer1981RD
    @Guygamer1981RD 6 років тому +3

    The best unpacked than seen from this subwoofer, Thanks!

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому


  • @Dan_Hazard
    @Dan_Hazard 2 роки тому

    Are there any home subwoofer that could possibly go into a car and sound good?
    I noticed that there are some videos of people using car subwoofers in there home theater system so I was wondering if the opposite was true

  • @brandondannys-menary3678
    @brandondannys-menary3678 5 років тому

    I have a set of self amplified tower speakers (vm audio to be exact) they come with built in 10in subs but they’re not great, any way I can connect a sub similar to this to them using 2 male to 2 male rca cables? I’d appreciate it very much if you responde
    -thank you

  • @isaeagle4031
    @isaeagle4031 6 років тому

    big D, can you measure the inside dimensions and port length? would be interesting to see the Fb

  • @2fast4you20
    @2fast4you20 4 роки тому

    Big d does it play the lows well?

  • @joeydelmarsjr.646
    @joeydelmarsjr.646 3 роки тому

    thanks for testing this out, can this handle the dayton audio 250w amp or the dayton 1000w amp?

  • @tjappie8860
    @tjappie8860 5 років тому +2

    not bad at all, perfect for beginners!

    • @wal
      @wal  5 років тому +2


    • @tjappie8860
      @tjappie8860 5 років тому +1

      @@wal 😬👍

  • @bikdav
    @bikdav 3 роки тому

    That PSW10 construction is FAR better than my PARADIGM PDR-10 form 2001. Admittedly, my PDR-10 is getting tired, so I might consider this POLK PSW10.

  • @eugenesnell6600
    @eugenesnell6600 6 років тому

    Thank you, great vid.... As usual.... Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Big D !

  • @concertexperiences1602
    @concertexperiences1602 10 місяців тому

    Finding these on firesale picked up 2 and have them running by the line in for left and right channels as dedicated left/right bass. I'm about to grab two more for the rear surrounds listening to vintage quadraphonic! 4 of these at the same time should be awesome! I have a lower frequency sub running from the amp sub out for home theater use. :)

  • @noodles_and_bananas
    @noodles_and_bananas 4 роки тому

    how do i set this up to my TV? any special cords an amp or extra things needed? this will be my 1st time setting a subwoofer up.

    • @TAnimations
      @TAnimations 4 роки тому

      I am also doing this for the first time. Would you know what exactly I would need to set this up to my PC since it's been a month, have you figured it out?

  • @michaelvickers89
    @michaelvickers89 6 років тому +50

    50 watts rms! ouch! I guess it’s for people who want literally a Touch of bass. 👍😂

    • @Only1Sethy
      @Only1Sethy 6 років тому +20

      Honestly louder than you'd think! I have it in my basement and it rattles pictures upstairs if I have it cranked.

    • @kenabi
      @kenabi 6 років тому +30

      its not always about wattage, its about how well designed the components are to make the most of that 50w rms.

    • @julianpalmer2410
      @julianpalmer2410 6 років тому +8

      I have this im my home and its pretty damn good for 50wrms def drowns out my onkyo 10 that came with my set up

    • @FakeTheAntivirus
      @FakeTheAntivirus 6 років тому +6

      2 FAST & 2 LOUD!!! Feed a PA subwoofer with 50 Watts, or some good speakers that have a high sensitivity like my regent speakers with 99db/w/m and you get a whole lot of bass, it’s not just about the power, at least not in the PA section. Car-Hifi is something different because the resonance frequency of the speaker needs to be low in order to achieve a good bass output, and that is achieved by making the membrane harder and stiffer, and then of course, with stronger drives

    • @MediumG11
      @MediumG11 6 років тому +2

      @@Only1Sethy I have one and it says on it 100w

  • @simmyqux
    @simmyqux 6 років тому

    Thank you for this vid, I wouldn't have found this great sale if it hadn't been for you.

    • @Only1Sethy
      @Only1Sethy 6 років тому

      You won't regret having it! It is only 50w rms but honestly packs a punch. I've had mine for 5 years now and it's still kicking!

  • @ngwoeijiang7468
    @ngwoeijiang7468 6 років тому

    How much volume it have? And do the sound quality good ?

  • @s7v7nfiv5
    @s7v7nfiv5 6 років тому

    Am on a $200 budget what is the lowest hz this thing picks up, any better recommendations.

  • @jgvtc559
    @jgvtc559 6 років тому

    Can the amp dyno run systems or is it just for testing

  • @dgc940
    @dgc940 4 роки тому

    Im not sure if you will check a video this old but I have this same sub and Ive owned it for idk 10 years? Never was quite sure how to connect it? it has the two RCA;s on the rear but my Pioneer elite receiver only has one rca sub out? I ran it for a while with just the one. On the speaker cable clip connections on sub never to sure how those worked so sub just sits in closet not being used? Help info greatly appreciated

  • @karl6823
    @karl6823 6 років тому

    Big d, I remember when this came out new a good friend of mine bought this and it’s sounds awesome very nice sound quality!!

  • @yogeshsakhare8299
    @yogeshsakhare8299 6 років тому

    Great videos. Will be waiting for more..

  • @Topp-Dogg-AKA-A.C.E
    @Topp-Dogg-AKA-A.C.E 4 роки тому

    Can you test the Acoustic Audio by Goldwood
    Acoustic Audio PSW400-10 Home Theater Powered 10" LFE Subwoofer Black Front Firing Sub

  • @chuntcorey
    @chuntcorey 6 років тому

    I love your vids , is their a chance of you testing a svs ulta 16 amp test?

  • @ninji5226
    @ninji5226 5 років тому

    Talk about a full in depth review. subbed. It's still on sale as of this writing too prob gonna pick it up since all my other ht speakers are polk and I'm weird like that.

  • @hammerjoe2008
    @hammerjoe2008 6 років тому

    What is the ideal gain knob position for this sub? On mine i have it at the middle position and I've been reading that is best to have it at 3o clock position (75%) to get the best out of the sub.. any comments about that?

  • @HifiVega
    @HifiVega 6 років тому +2

    Bringing the boom fo under a hundie!

    • @HifiVega
      @HifiVega 6 років тому

      High bass is boomy, lower bass is windy.

    • @wal
      @wal  6 років тому +2

      Boom shocka locka 🔊

  • @jgvtc559
    @jgvtc559 6 років тому

    I play both my ps10s a little over halfway and all the way through to the highest hz crossover and didn't remove my ports grilles not a single problem in my studio

  • @c0uchsl0uch
    @c0uchsl0uch 6 років тому

    Hey bro, do you get more sound/volume by using both left and right RCA connections on the sub ❓

    • @biteme263
      @biteme263 5 років тому

      On these subs yes you do. You get 3 db more output if you use both line level inputs. I just tested them. So if you use these and have a single sub out on your amp/receiver use a Y adapter to feed both inputs if want a bit more out of them. Other subs it really depends on how they are designed. Some have a dedicated LFE input, some have a swtich, some just say which input to use if you only have one feed line others it doesn't matter how you do it. You kind of have to test them to see if you have never used it before. I pretty much always use a Y adapter and feed both inputs unless it has a dedicated LFE input. And sometimes it depends on what you are using the sub woofer for. Like is it a dedicated subwoofer for the LFE channel on movies, or is it to fill in the low end your other speakers can't do. Some poeple get pretty technical with their bass management on home theater systems.

  • @Argedis
    @Argedis 6 років тому

    Merry Xmas Big D

  • @austinrupard9302
    @austinrupard9302 5 років тому

    I bought one about 6 years ago used for40$ on ebay, I've run the piss out of it and it's still kicking and sounding good.

    • @wal
      @wal  5 років тому

      Decent boom for minimal dolla