It is totally criminal that someone is charging over £1000 a month for a room in a hostel. There really is something wrong with that. The chap in the video shouldn't be paying that much and by default the tax payer shouldn't be paying that much. My mortgage is about £1300 a month and I have a 4 bedroom house in the south of England. It isn't clear from the film where this rent money is going. If it is going to a housing association then surely this could easily be legislated against. If it is going to a private landlord then that landlord is on a par with a heroin dealer in my opinion. It is unethical and immoral.
El Porgio . my mortgage + hoa fees are €400/month but in a small town. renting is one of the dumbest and most expensive things to do. it pays the landlords mortgage.
I can get a double room in a safe house on sunny sunny dorset for 100 pounds a week everything included 😂 a bag w month he needs to move his dumb ass else were
Can't see how a landlord is like a heroin dealer. They got where they are from working & putting their money to use. The council pay £1000 for a room, that's the councils fault.
I trained in Greg's gym in the mid 90's when he first opened it. He invited the whole of Benchill Celtic under 15's footy team up to the gym to train. Great to see that he's still going after all these years.
Selfishness nowadays is evil. It's also a choice alot people make because they think the next person will be the same. Its partly due to the communitys being destroyed and having communitys that don't integrate with the local people. Obviously there's a hell of a lot more to it.
You cannot expect different behaviour from people when MPs look after own was millions . Yet people get screwed over small amounts . Invest in people give people common goal encourage community spirit again. End day most people don't care unless in directly effects them , and we idiolise people who spent a streets food budget on one meal or cost of street on a car. It's in media everyday new corruption or issues average person would get sacked for. There are people sat in utter poverty while more people are allowed in everyday. Benefits system set up to support even encourage single mothers. We lose more rights daily and most people have zero trust in local government or councils which is just going to deepen as time goes on
How do you expect to improve your life if you can’t afford the cheap price of hostels? Work 40+ hour weeks. Work 50+ hour weeks at even £8 an hour (low estimate) is formidable. Two 24 hour part time jobs is not unreasonable if you’ve found yourself in a bottom of the barrel situation. This isn’t to mention the receiving of benefits to slightly aid your wages. Also, ever heard of getting a significant other and both contributing towards your living situation?
@@noone6454sounds like you haven't looked for a job recently... you can say oh do 50 hours a week all you want but a majority of them jobs are 0 hour contract bollocks one day you can just turn up at your job and the employer will just turn around and say sod all today mate and not work that day or the next or the next unpaid... you're living in make believe land
The first 1:20 minutes of this video is the most powerful statement about the state of the UK that I have heard in years. And it didn't come from a highly paid journalist or MP, most of whom think that the man speaking should STFU and know his place.
I come from a broken home, working class & hard as nails in the north, I was physically & emotionally abused from an early age, my father was taken away to a mental institution when I was 12. Drug abuse & alcohol dependency ran rife in my family. I have lived alone since I was 15. I got kicked out of school at age 15 by an uncaring & unsympathetic system. With no exams & zero formal education. I was written off & cast aside. My brother was committed to a mental hospital when I was 16. I have saved both my father, brother & sisters from repeated suicide attempts. I can write the book on misfortune & the odds being stacked against someone. I have a multitude of excuses & "victim scenarios" at my disposal. I could literally write THE book, on surviving dysfunction, abuse & the callous nature of the system. I could have easily have gone down the route of crime or the road of being a victim, however, I chose a different path. I have made a success of my life, I have travelled the world, I earn over six figures, I have my own company & I have self-educated myself on the true nature of this world. I decided when I was young that I was not going to be another statistic or victim. I took the attitude that if one is going to beat the odds then one has to look at the rich & replicate what they do to tap into resources & wealth. I was determined that the system would not defeat me & I have fostered an iron will of defiance that I use to propel & motivate myself to further success. Do not let "identity politics" define you, remember first & foremost you are an individual, a sentient being with autonomy over your own destiny. We are not defined by our "class" or where we were born. We do not have to live a predetermined existence of slavery & servitude. As human beings, we all have the capacity & power to be whatever we want to be. Blaming the system & others for your misfortune, will not change your situation, only action & the will to overcome such odds will. We live in an age of amazing access to knowledge. Use that knowledge to change your life for the better. The biggest fear of our enemies is that we will become truly enlightened. We are not born to be slaves, to pay bills & to die.
Wythenshawe was once the largest council estate in all of Europe but now the vast majority of it is privately owned, the house prices here have risen faster that anywhere outside of Mayfair in London, there are no gangs in wythenshawe just groups of lads(scrotes) that ride around on peddle bikes selling drugs, areas here aren't defined by the groups of scrotes in those areas, people from benchill can go into newall green and people from peel hall can go into woodhouse park, trust me, I've lived here for all 21 years of my life, I've never been arrested, cautioned, or even stopped by the police, never used a drug and haven't drank for 4 years, I got my first job at 11 and worked 6 sometimes 7 days a week over the past 4 years, I've done everything I can to make it out of this place, even moved but came back because I realised there's no place like home. You can all say what you like but you actually have to live in these places to know that the majority of what you see on the tv(news) isn't true.
the thing is all of those people are fit and healthy enough to take up a job even if it is lifting boxes or stacking shelves theyre still getting minimum wage
Just to add another point on this, do you have any understanding how benefits work? Yes everyone can get a minimum wage job but how you gonna pay the rent on a council property that's costing say £1200 a month for a flat (considering Jacks hostel was costing him £1000) £7.50 a hour say you can get full time work and nan can sort the kids out. So you pushing 40 hours a week at £7.50 for 4 weeks of the month = £1200 don't forget food shopping, gas, electric, etc etc. And remember full time work means no housing benefit. People need to read and learn educate your self before opening your mouth.
What a stupid comment, do you honestly think people would rather live in a squat or on the street if getting a job was that easy? Homeless people are looked down upon and talked about like they are the lowest of the low, worse than criminals! Do you think they are proud to be seen as a beggar or scrounger? Getting a job is very hard at the best of times, I should know when I was 18 I was on the dole and It is so degrading! Do not judge a community of people because their factories have closed and work is scarce that’s not their fault, it’s the government and the fact we buy from abroad for cheaper and shit quality stuff or sell off our factories to other countries. Blame the government not the people affected by the governments stupid decisions.
My cousin is a copper. We are all from middle income rural towns. He was posted to a large white working class part of a city. He told me how he was really taken aback by the huge numbers of decent, honest, and hard working people in these areas. All united by a tough life, but doing their best. Unfortunately, a small number of vermin like seen here make everyone's lives a misery.
This is what happens whedn a country votes Tory in a 'First Past The Post' system. What kind of place costs £250 a WEEK in Manchester? (opens
M Moseley. Yes matt this first past the post voting is a joke. No wonder people don't want to engage with politics, voting changes nothing so whats the point?
Matt, the thing is if you fin a place for 250 a week the council wont pay that. Its only if you're in a hostel. 400 a month for a single male is what they pay maximum. So it rules you out of a private 1 bedroom flat. Unless you're in social housing you will be paying 350- 400 a month for a poorly maintained bedsit.
How can they justify £265 a week for a room in a hostel, someone is getting very rich of this, probably MP’s or their friends. Another example of the government keeping people down, charging desperate people extortionate rates to stay somewhere shit the system is broken.
Some are released from prison and are sent there, they have no choice. They have no money for deposits/references, some are addicts others have mental health issues. Some have been evicted from council accommodations and no one else would house them.
Henrik, it costs a lot to move to another county, city, town. You need money to move possessions. Normally a month deposit in advanced. You might not own a bed, oven, fridge and kitchen utensils, then moving to a unfurnished home.If you're on housing benefit landlords won't even consider you. Plus why should he have to leave any support network he may have ie family and friends? Its the same for those on minimum wage and children.
My 3 bedroom house costs 360... admittedly I do live in a poorer area but still it goes to show the difference. How they justify £250 for a hostel room is beyond me
I feel one of the biggest problems is people can't or won't help themselves,sometimes because they don't have the right mindset or self belief to actually find something they like and work at it. Sometimes things like mental health issues play a huge part in hindering success for individuals. It can be something as simple as low self esteem which can escalate into anxiety and depression etc. The ones who went to school and through the education system should at least leave school with self esteem, self believe and some direcrion,so they can then live an honest life. All them hours we spent at school and half of it is garbage and not practical for everyone. How much better off would people be if they spent all them hours learning a trade or skill? The low confidence kids just get ignored and sometimes don't even learn because they are shy and won't ask for help,at least with practical,physical things such as cutting wood or making something.
I do not live in the UK but this honestly leaves me with an uneasy feeling. This level of social disharmony breaks down countries. The divides that 'seem' to be happening in the UK are real frightening. It's the stuff of civil war really. To leave on a more humorous note, "I'm jimmy, my dad's jimmy, my grand dad's jimmy and my son's son will be called jimmy..." What the....?! That aside, at least this guy (Jimmy) used his money wisely and bought himself & wife a house.
Wow..those strong guys would be hired within 2 seconds in sweden. We've got everything from café work to cleaning jobs to gardening work..Good pay too!
I had a horrible violent childhood with poor parents, but there is only one person who can change the outcome of your life, and that is you!! I have education, work, and stay out of trouble........stop blaming the system and don't be on yourself , do therapy, do better, live better........
Life isnt fair sometimes people spiral into poverty and there is nothing they can do about it. People like to think that they are in control but none of us ever really are.
NDZ £55 is enough to travel to job interviews outside Manchester a few times a week, pay for two driving lessons, get a suit, invest in a pair of clippers... Just saying
Because you are a part of the class that is economically exploited to in order for the classes above to make capital. Unfortunately due to the fact that that system is unsustainable and grossly unfair, you have slipped into the position where you cannot sell even your labour power on the market.
Im a homeless guy. I've been in a tent for five years. I've been down every single road i can for help. I've even been on radio Sussex. I never did drugs or alcohol prior to this. Now last night, i have an abscess that's traveled from Mt gum to me ear to my brain and because i said i was homeless when i called 111 (nhs non emergency number) i was prioritised as low priority. Im still a fucking human being with a abscess in my BRAIN. Everyone thinks it's cool that winter is coming on game of thrones. I don't.
An abscess can not move about in your body, it can grow in size if not drained but not migrate. 111 are a completely useless service, no matter what your home situation. If you need medical care please go to your GP or if needs be A&E.
Man Afi Tek Dat i charge my phone at the local CAB or library. It's my life saver. Sitting in my tent in the dark with no music or stuff to watch would make me crazy. Not all of us drink white lightning in the park. Hope i cleared that up for you.
Whenever a person lends their heart to give aid to another, Such philanthropist eventually become the victim.. People prey upon the kindness of others..
I agree and disagree. Back 20 or 30 years ago, the lowest class was working class. These people were skint however they were brought up believing in education and had a good work ethic. The schools were strict and youths had a respect for adults. Now we have an even lower class called 'the non working class'. These are people who prefer not to work and believe society owes them. This is because Labour government spent to many years offering handouts through unsustainable benefits to keep voters. Secondly is the influx of migrants taking up low paid jobs. There will be civil war in this country if nothing changes i believe. Kids are running round with no respect for anyone these days.
Oasis1982 in other words Economic Muslim migrants coming to European countries that have th best welfare systems to suite their demands it used to be the British now they've learned that can get more in Ireland and have started coming here, we've took in "Syrain Migrants" that where born in Leeds and Manchester 😂
That's bullshit, most of these people would be working if they could. They've had the worst upbringings with parent's who've either not been there. They need support because they were denied it earlier in life. You'd be in the same situation as them given the same up bringing and not being able to see that is the dumbest shit.
Arthur my upbringing wasn’t great but I still have a degree, a job and a house! I never expected anyone to help me, and no one ever did! You get out what You put in.
It's not something to brag about. You live in a first world nation and a great one or last I heard anyway. You shouldn't be scraping by with 5 pound at the end of the day.
I've lived on the streets and I've been locked up, bail hostels, night shelters, dry houses, ymca, cheap bed sits, just about avoided the nut house. Unfortunately my mother died of cancer in 97, when I was 16, so I was left to my own devices on the streets. The way the government and benefits system, police and legal system, treat the poor and homeless in this country makes me sick. When I was younger I was proud to be British and quite patriotic, not so much any more. The capitalist system does not work for everyone, the rich get richer, the poor are just stuck in a rat race. Feck the police, feck the system! I'd rather be homeless and free, than locked up with leaches and lunatics.
Jheeez I met a lass on holiday when I was 14 and came Down to withenshaw to see her in 2001/2002 , I'm from Scotland and I had a quality but I seen some rough shit scallys attacking each other wi hammers an shit but I met a lot of good hard working people ! One love stand strong 💪
Zen, i guess you never been homeless on the streets? If you're a white male you are told you're fit and healthy to live on the streets. Once your homeless landlords probably won't house you because you have no references from previous landlords. Where are all the homeless immigrants? Not the illegal immigrants.
Don't know why this came up in recommendations' after all these years but it would be interesting to see how they're all doing 7 years later. If anything things have got a whole lot worse since back then.
keep doing what your doing, the work class keep getting fucked over, keep taking it back. Own it , I grow up in Belfast, I've got PTSD , I been told to get a home it be 6years on waiting list, I'm an alcoholic due my time in Army, I use to live in my car, dis used old peoples home, and I'm broke and have 2 jobs. If you need strength people to protest and stand with you, Let Me know
Same here as in rural America when manufacturing left things changed for those people. It’s getting better though the unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been it’s just back in the day if u were working class U were guaranteed a job and decent lifestyle. It’s coming back but slowly at least in the uk u have a decent minimum wage and universal education, healthcare good gov subsidies and cheap public transport.
In America you have to wait 5-7 years before they even consider giving you an apt in major cities. It’s crazy in UK they seem to have council flats for everyone
Yeah clearly this isn't the reality in the UK. There is in fact a shortage of council homes in the UK. Hence the about of homeless. And fyi 10 to 20 years and people are still waiting to get a council flat
North face jackets, cigarettes.. I don't think I can afford those and I live in a nice London apartment. These people throw away the money they do have on garbage. 9:55 that's an Armani bag! 10:20 Is he joking? A haircut and a topup? He could buy on online course and set up an e-commerce store for that much; or he could get a suit for job interviews and some clippers for his hair as well.
manchester was the best place ive ever been by far . its not stuck up like london, very down to earth people,amazing nightlife and just so easy to find a shag after a pint hahahaahahah
Let's be honest.....have we all lost our memories..i am now 56 and back in 1980 it was no better if not it was worse.....we had figjtsbevery night went robbing all the time..drank and was rough as.......lads had knives and if you got caught in the wrong area which co u ld be a couple of streets away then you got wasn't called post code wars but it was the same thing......night clubs were a dangerous place to be........
It’s sad England gave freedom to Europe and Germany are ripping England off 13 hundred million a month to Germany I blame the English politicians they didn’t do there homework properly
Can anyone give me a starting point for applying to run or set up hostel or youth group . I grew up around same shit nothing changed and I have three kids, after school groups shut down, youth centres closed an over priced local health centre. Cost me less than £1 to go swimming in sat and had change for locker and hot chocolate. I've worked with young people and adults in care setting and level of help receive is practically non existent if fed watered that ticks enough boxes. Where are the youth centres groups with activitys for kids to form healthy community relationships take pride in themselves and area. Advice offices with panflets guidance help for those who don't come from good homes or have had trouble. Only thing I've found so far is application to put business plan forward an has to be profitable?? We have money to spend on ridiculous council buildings rent back to themselves and art structures council tax going up.. surely it costs police more time and money.. than it would to make building available for someone to run as a centre...
Yet another example of poverty porn for the Guardian-reading middle classes. Needless to say there are never any solutions, they don't want any, because it makes the self-made yuppy class feel good about themselves, and above all it's a good story, all so beautifully authentic -daahlings
That guy saying he can't make 250£ in a week from working is lying. The average working week is 40 hours, and the minimum wage is 7.38 to earn 265£ he has to work for 35 hours. All he has to do is work 7 hours a week to pay for that but I suspect he's too lazy to do that. If he was to work for a full 40 hour week then he would make enough money for the rent and for a little left over for food etc...
He can probably only get unreported employment that pays less than the minimum wage. No company is going to give these people a contract or descent pay. Just because there is a minimum wage doesn't mean everyone can get a job that pays the minimum wage.
@@silversurfer2058 no, any job could end up with these same people getting evicted because they can't afford the rent on minimum wage. With so little left for themselves, it's depressing. Catch 22.
@@deebest4202 lt is zebby. Its not too bad say if you're living with parents etc. However if you're living alone and relying completely on your self, its much tougher.
The plight of the homeless is never ending, this, I know, however, I’ve seen on other shows where the landlords are evicting, with the high courts assistance, and the squatters literally tore everything up, one episode, they put all their trash human excrement in the old swimming pool, filling it to the brim, I can’t believe this would be the answer, because they are still sleeping rough, but also damaging, I wish I had answers, for sure, whilst I have seen a beautiful, homeless community put something together, I’ve also seen the other side, it’s like anarchy🤷♀️
i can see how family issues at a young age can be a bit tragic, but you have to get on, who in the hell would live on the dole when so much money is to be had, (never) think you cant prosper!
It is totally criminal that someone is charging over £1000 a month for a room in a hostel. There really is something wrong with that. The chap in the video shouldn't be paying that much and by default the tax payer shouldn't be paying that much. My mortgage is about £1300 a month and I have a 4 bedroom house in the south of England.
It isn't clear from the film where this rent money is going. If it is going to a housing association then surely this could easily be legislated against. If it is going to a private landlord then that landlord is on a par with a heroin dealer in my opinion. It is unethical and immoral.
El Porgio .
my mortgage + hoa fees are €400/month but in a small town. renting is one of the dumbest and most expensive things to do. it pays the landlords mortgage.
I can get a double room in a safe house on sunny sunny dorset for 100 pounds a week everything included 😂 a bag w month he needs to move his dumb ass else were
another way to make the poor suffer whilst making rich scum richer , i'd imagine the gov/council et al see this as a win:win situation
Can't see how a landlord is like a heroin dealer. They got where they are from working & putting their money to use. The council pay £1000 for a room, that's the councils fault.
@@DMWBN3 lol you assume too much hahaha
I trained in Greg's gym in the mid 90's when he first opened it. He invited the whole of Benchill Celtic under 15's footy team up to the gym to train. Great to see that he's still going after all these years.
That hostel price is ridiculous.
Katie Merrick that's why you rather save the hostel money and get a tent to live in
Some do include food and heating and gas is also included. I still think it's too much.
Hostels aren't meant to be lived in!
They are for travelers!
I saw the movie, it turns out bad
Pike hotel
"Fusk everyone else" he summed up the problem with this country in one unpleasant phrase.
Bring back national service
Selfishness nowadays is evil. It's also a choice alot people make because they think the next person will be the same. Its partly due to the communitys being destroyed and having communitys that don't integrate with the local people. Obviously there's a hell of a lot more to it.
You cannot expect different behaviour from people when MPs look after own was millions . Yet people get screwed over small amounts . Invest in people give people common goal encourage community spirit again. End day most people don't care unless in directly effects them , and we idiolise people who spent a streets food budget on one meal or cost of street on a car. It's in media everyday new corruption or issues average person would get sacked for. There are people sat in utter poverty while more people are allowed in everyday. Benefits system set up to support even encourage single mothers. We lose more rights daily and most people have zero trust in local government or councils which is just going to deepen as time goes on
Well done to the guy with the boxing,,,,
How are people meant to improve their life if hostels charge this much?There's no way out.Absolutely disgusting.
@Tonya Antony l agree, but the government should monitor how much these hostels charge.
How do you expect to improve your life if you can’t afford the cheap price of hostels? Work 40+ hour weeks. Work 50+ hour weeks at even £8 an hour (low estimate) is formidable. Two 24 hour part time jobs is not unreasonable if you’ve found yourself in a bottom of the barrel situation. This isn’t to mention the receiving of benefits to slightly aid your wages. Also, ever heard of getting a significant other and both contributing towards your living situation?
@@noone6454sounds like you haven't looked for a job recently... you can say oh do 50 hours a week all you want but a majority of them jobs are 0 hour contract bollocks one day you can just turn up at your job and the employer will just turn around and say sod all today mate and not work that day or the next or the next unpaid... you're living in make believe land
Its true what a lad said at the begining. Little brats can do what ever fuck they like in these day no respect for nothing
Julius Jonikas it’s very true in Australia
Greg is spot on in what he says.
"It Is Our Fault Because We Allow It To Happen"
The first 1:20 minutes of this video is the most powerful statement about the state of the UK that I have heard in years. And it didn't come from a highly paid journalist or MP, most of whom think that the man speaking should STFU and know his place.
Your comment makes no sense
I come from a broken home, working class & hard as nails in the north, I was physically & emotionally abused from an early age, my father was taken away to a mental institution when I was 12. Drug abuse & alcohol dependency ran rife in my family. I have lived alone since I was 15. I got kicked out of school at age 15 by an uncaring & unsympathetic system. With no exams & zero formal education. I was written off & cast aside.
My brother was committed to a mental hospital when I was 16. I have saved both my father, brother & sisters from repeated suicide attempts. I can write the book on misfortune & the odds being stacked against someone. I have a multitude of excuses & "victim scenarios" at my disposal. I could literally write THE book, on surviving dysfunction, abuse & the callous nature of the system.
I could have easily have gone down the route of crime or the road of being a victim, however, I chose a different path.
I have made a success of my life, I have travelled the world, I earn over six figures, I have my own company & I have self-educated myself on the true nature of this world. I decided when I was young that I was not going to be another statistic or victim. I took the attitude that if one is going to beat the odds then one has to look at the rich & replicate what they do to tap into resources & wealth.
I was determined that the system would not defeat me & I have fostered an iron will of defiance that I use to propel & motivate myself to further success. Do not let "identity politics" define you, remember first & foremost you are an individual, a sentient being with autonomy over your own destiny.
We are not defined by our "class" or where we were born. We do not have to live a predetermined existence of slavery & servitude. As human beings, we all have the capacity & power to be whatever we want to be. Blaming the system & others for your misfortune, will not change your situation, only action & the will to overcome such odds will. We live in an age of amazing access to knowledge. Use that knowledge to change your life for the better. The biggest fear of our enemies is that we will become truly enlightened. We are not born to be slaves, to pay bills & to die.
Swazer Swazers well said mate
@Harry Smith I now teach people how to trade the markets :)
Well said
What saddens me is these kids know exactly where they are and why they are the way they are. You get a sense of hopelessness from what they say.
Wythenshawe was once the largest council estate in all of Europe but now the vast majority of it is privately owned, the house prices here have risen faster that anywhere outside of Mayfair in London, there are no gangs in wythenshawe just groups of lads(scrotes) that ride around on peddle bikes selling drugs, areas here aren't defined by the groups of scrotes in those areas, people from benchill can go into newall green and people from peel hall can go into woodhouse park, trust me, I've lived here for all 21 years of my life, I've never been arrested, cautioned, or even stopped by the police, never used a drug and haven't drank for 4 years, I got my first job at 11 and worked 6 sometimes 7 days a week over the past 4 years, I've done everything I can to make it out of this place, even moved but came back because I realised there's no place like home. You can all say what you like but you actually have to live in these places to know that the majority of what you see on the tv(news) isn't true.
This Is so true
First guy in this video is absolutely bang on.
the thing is all of those people are fit and healthy enough to take up a job even if it is lifting boxes or stacking shelves theyre still getting minimum wage
Just to add another point on this, do you have any understanding how benefits work? Yes everyone can get a minimum wage job but how you gonna pay the rent on a council property that's costing say £1200 a month for a flat (considering Jacks hostel was costing him £1000) £7.50 a hour say you can get full time work and nan can sort the kids out. So you pushing 40 hours a week at £7.50 for 4 weeks of the month = £1200 don't forget food shopping, gas, electric, etc etc. And remember full time work means no housing benefit. People need to read and learn educate your self before opening your mouth.
What a stupid comment, do you honestly think people would rather live in a squat or on the street if getting a job was that easy? Homeless people are looked down upon and talked about like they are the lowest of the low, worse than criminals! Do you think they are proud to be seen as a beggar or scrounger? Getting a job is very hard at the best of times, I should know when I was 18 I was on the dole and It is so degrading! Do not judge a community of people because their factories have closed and work is scarce that’s not their fault, it’s the government and the fact we buy from abroad for cheaper and shit quality stuff or sell off our factories to other countries. Blame the government not the people affected by the governments stupid decisions.
my mum rents out a house for £450 a month, so why the fuck are these people paying £250 a week. idiots some of em
Emma-Lippy Louise so become self employed? No excuse
You can easily rent a small house for £400 pounds a month
Can you imagine how many heads turn at a family reunion when someone says Jimmy 😂😂😂
Jimmy is an inspiration 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
A superstar
My cousin is a copper. We are all from middle income rural towns. He was posted to a large white working class part of a city. He told me how he was really taken aback by the huge numbers of decent, honest, and hard working people in these areas. All united by a tough life, but doing their best. Unfortunately, a small number of vermin like seen here make everyone's lives a misery.
I LOVE the cutting, insightful, honest, intelligent intro from Greg. Wow!!!
There's numerous aspects making me sad when watching this series. Last time I visited Great Britain was in the 1990's.
This is what happens whedn a country votes Tory in a 'First Past The Post' system.
What kind of place costs £250 a WEEK in Manchester? (opens
hostels do cost this amount, I have been in one that was 350 a week. You pay for staff and services
Right! I live in London and my rent is £400/month! They really need to look up cheaper apartments!
M Moseley. Yes matt this first past the post voting is a joke. No wonder people don't want to engage with politics, voting changes nothing so whats the point?
Matt, the thing is if you fin a place for 250 a week the council wont pay that. Its only if you're in a hostel. 400 a month for a single male is what they pay maximum. So it rules you out of a private 1 bedroom flat. Unless you're in social housing you will be paying 350- 400 a month for a poorly maintained bedsit.
How can they justify £265 a week for a room in a hostel, someone is getting very rich of this, probably MP’s or their friends.
Another example of the government keeping people down, charging desperate people extortionate rates to stay somewhere shit the system is broken.
3:47, *"I'm Jimmy, my wife is Jimmy, my mother's name is Jimmy, mi grandma & grandpa's names were Jimmy" Shit for brains. LMFAOooo*
Once people take responsibility for their own actions, their lives change for the better.
10:13 listen to the pain in his voice
250£ a week for a hostel room?? My apartment costs 500£ a month! Find something cheaper christ
Some are released from prison and are sent there, they have no choice. They have no money for deposits/references, some are addicts others have mental health issues. Some have been evicted from council accommodations and no one else would house them.
He can’t obviously
Henrik, it costs a lot to move to another county, city, town. You need money to move possessions. Normally a month deposit in advanced. You might not own a bed, oven, fridge and kitchen utensils, then moving to a unfurnished home.If you're on housing benefit landlords won't even consider you. Plus why should he have to leave any support network he may have ie family and friends? Its the same for those on minimum wage and children.
My rent is literally £91 a week! So for them to charge £250 a week makes 0 sense to me
My 3 bedroom house costs 360... admittedly I do live in a poorer area but still it goes to show the difference. How they justify £250 for a hostel room is beyond me
When I had to stay up in Manchester for 4 months for work, I rented a room for £430 a month.. That £250 p/w hostel is extortion.
The singer from the 1975? lol
I feel one of the biggest problems is people can't or won't help themselves,sometimes because they don't have the right mindset or self belief to actually find something they like and work at it. Sometimes things like mental health issues play a huge part in hindering success for individuals. It can be something as simple as low self esteem which can escalate into anxiety and depression etc. The ones who went to school and through the education system should at least leave school with self esteem, self believe and some direcrion,so they can then live an honest life. All them hours we spent at school and half of it is garbage and not practical for everyone. How much better off would people be if they spent all them hours learning a trade or skill? The low confidence kids just get ignored and sometimes don't even learn because they are shy and won't ask for help,at least with practical,physical things such as cutting wood or making something.
I do not live in the UK but this honestly leaves me with an uneasy feeling. This level of social disharmony breaks down countries. The divides that 'seem' to be happening in the UK are real frightening. It's the stuff of civil war really. To leave on a more humorous note, "I'm jimmy, my dad's jimmy, my grand dad's jimmy and my son's son will be called jimmy..." What the....?! That aside, at least this guy (Jimmy) used his money wisely and bought himself & wife a house.
Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy, Love that.
Wow..those strong guys would be hired within 2 seconds in sweden. We've got everything from café work to cleaning jobs to gardening work..Good pay too!
Don't you need a degree? or be qualified such as a teacher or nurse to seek employment in Sweden. Are you saying that Sweden takes unskilled workers?
Zebby Best A degree to work in a cafe or as a cleaner?
A nation is judged by how it treats its poorest members. And the UK is sorely lacking in structure and empathy. Plenty of charity shops. No charity.
I had a horrible violent childhood with poor parents, but there is only one person who can change the outcome of your life, and that is you!! I have education, work, and stay out of trouble........stop blaming the system and don't be on yourself , do therapy, do better, live better........
Life isnt fair sometimes people spiral into poverty and there is nothing they can do about it. People like to think that they are in control but none of us ever really are.
Makes £55 spends it on a hair cut and phone top-up. Priorities.
Obviously not all of it was spent on that... 55 is enough to do fuck all
NDZ £55 is enough to travel to job interviews outside Manchester a few times a week, pay for two driving lessons, get a suit, invest in a pair of clippers... Just saying
hbulldo898 All that for £55?? What year are you living in, 1975??
K Mahoney I obviously wasn't implying all that for £55. They're just examples of what you could spend that money on
hbulldo898 OK, I see what you mean.
how are you working class if you dont work though
Cool Cat dunno ask all the economic migrants "doctors" and "lawyers" coming here to sign up for the dole and socail welfare 😂
Because you are a part of the class that is economically exploited to in order for the classes above to make capital. Unfortunately due to the fact that that system is unsustainable and grossly unfair, you have slipped into the position where you cannot sell even your labour power on the market.
Omg... this almost hurts
They’re called precariats
It's a euphemism to call them working class. A better label would be underclass.
Im a homeless guy. I've been in a tent for five years. I've been down every single road i can for help. I've even been on radio Sussex. I never did drugs or alcohol prior to this. Now last night, i have an abscess that's traveled from Mt gum to me ear to my brain and because i said i was homeless when i called 111 (nhs non emergency number) i was prioritised as low priority. Im still a fucking human being with a abscess in my BRAIN. Everyone thinks it's cool that winter is coming on game of thrones. I don't.
An abscess can not move about in your body, it can grow in size if not drained but not migrate. 111 are a completely useless service, no matter what your home situation. If you need medical care please go to your GP or if needs be A&E.
Emma-Lippy Louise Motorola G4. ♥️ i spend my money wisely not on drugs and alcohol
Man Afi Tek Dat i charge my phone at the local CAB or library. It's my life saver. Sitting in my tent in the dark with no music or stuff to watch would make me crazy. Not all of us drink white lightning in the park. Hope i cleared that up for you.
Man Afi Tek Dat and for emergencys i use a 16,000mah power bank with solar panel which you can find at halfords for a reasonable £26 at the moment.
Sammy Ariel i think it's a mixed bag of joy tbh im convinced i have a raw open nerve amongst other things. Definitely a&e tomorrow
Got to respect the land pirate good on ya bro
The tricycle...I MEAN...The Bicycle Gang! 🤣😂😆💥💥
Whenever a person lends their heart to give aid to another, Such philanthropist eventually become the victim..
People prey upon the kindness of others..
I liked that quote.
I agree and disagree. Back 20 or 30 years ago, the lowest class was working class. These people were skint however they were brought up believing in education and had a good work ethic. The schools were strict and youths had a respect for adults. Now we have an even lower class called 'the non working class'. These are people who prefer not to work and believe society owes them. This is because Labour government spent to many years offering handouts through unsustainable benefits to keep voters. Secondly is the influx of migrants taking up low paid jobs. There will be civil war in this country if nothing changes i believe. Kids are running round with no respect for anyone these days.
Oasis1982 in other words Economic Muslim migrants coming to European countries that have th best welfare systems to suite their demands it used to be the British now they've learned that can get more in Ireland and have started coming here, we've took in "Syrain Migrants" that where born in Leeds and Manchester 😂
That's bullshit, most of these people would be working if they could. They've had the worst upbringings with parent's who've either not been there. They need support because they were denied it earlier in life. You'd be in the same situation as them given the same up bringing and not being able to see that is the dumbest shit.
If you keep excluding thousands of people from mainstream society expect the worse to happen in the future , why bother respecting anyone
Arthur my upbringing wasn’t great but I still have a degree, a job and a house! I never expected anyone to help me, and no one ever did! You get out what You put in.
At least they're not driving vans into crowds...
Probably because these failures can't afford vans.
Those are terrorists! What does that have to do with the topic at hand you mug?!
OG Cookie Monster tosser
Ali Khan Hit a nerve did he?
They can't afford the petrol...
Can't live off £10 a day shii I've been having to make £5 - £10 last a week never mind a day
Aye I know hard working people who don't have that spare in a month
It's not something to brag about. You live in a first world nation and a great one or last I heard anyway. You shouldn't be scraping by with 5 pound at the end of the day.
@@Zetunez I don't think that's necessarily bragging. Could be but not necessarily. Could just be a statement about their situation.
@@Zetunez first world nation ??
😂😂😂 yeah if your of another nationality
I make £400 a week and still living by my parents fast money im 18 years old.
I've lived on the streets and I've been locked up, bail hostels, night shelters, dry houses, ymca, cheap bed sits, just about avoided the nut house. Unfortunately my mother died of cancer in 97, when I was 16, so I was left to my own devices on the streets. The way the government and benefits system, police and legal system, treat the poor and homeless in this country makes me sick. When I was younger I was proud to be British and quite patriotic, not so much any more. The capitalist system does not work for everyone, the rich get richer, the poor are just stuck in a rat race. Feck the police, feck the system! I'd rather be homeless and free, than locked up with leaches and lunatics.
my thanks to You!
How come all this "forgotten children" always wear £70+ coats?
Maybe their parents bought them for a tenner in the pub
probabably crime
You do know there are things such as “fakes” fake Nike fake gucci fake everything and they are only sold for a tenner or 15 quid
They steal and do no good stuff
Might have owned it before shit went south...
sound mixing needs work voice over and music are blurring the quality, good doc
Jheeez I met a lass on holiday when I was 14 and came
Down to withenshaw to see her in 2001/2002 , I'm from Scotland and I had a quality but I seen some rough shit scallys attacking each other wi hammers an shit but I met a lot of good hard working people ! One love stand strong 💪
Big up jimie. Working class heros
" don't do that while I'm grafting here....". His arse is grafted to the pavement and that's about it
@@coco11118 🤭🤭🤭
Zen, i guess you never been homeless on the streets? If you're a white male you are told you're fit and healthy to live on the streets. Once your homeless landlords probably won't house you because you have no references from previous landlords. Where are all the homeless immigrants? Not the illegal immigrants.
@@raverhtid224 they're too busy working instead of begging on the streets for their next fix thats where they are
1000£ a month for hostel??? My 160m2 house mortgage was 350€, now payed off. Welcome from Åland/ Finland!
Used to live in Baguley glad to get out!
Don't know why this came up in recommendations' after all these years but it would be interesting to see how they're all doing 7 years later. If anything things have got a whole lot worse since back then.
Why is a room in a hostel £250 per week, wtf??
Jimmy is a cool guy
“Would you go and see his parents?”
Their fathers are in the jail, and their mothers are on the streets at night.
Finally something talking about the real challenges and problems of societies, Greed. It is at the core of societies downfall, not race, but GREED.
I think English goverment should put these kids for 3 years soldiers and the country will gain something
Lorry Camill upper class prick don't no nothing about what goes on round there
You think these guys want to die for rich people?
the voice over is way too quiet
keep doing what your doing, the work class keep getting fucked over, keep taking it back. Own it , I grow up in Belfast, I've got PTSD , I been told to get a home it be 6years on waiting list, I'm an alcoholic due my time in Army, I use to live in my car, dis used old peoples home, and I'm broke and have 2 jobs.
If you need strength people to protest and stand with you, Let Me know
5:25 pre the ringtone. 😬
Same here as in rural America when manufacturing left things changed for those people. It’s getting better though the unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been it’s just back in the day if u were working class U were guaranteed a job and decent lifestyle. It’s coming back but slowly at least in the uk u have a decent minimum wage and universal education, healthcare good gov subsidies and cheap public transport.
Hitler faced this in Germany in the 1930s and sorted it out.
In America you have to wait 5-7 years before they even consider giving you an apt in major cities. It’s crazy in UK they seem to have council flats for everyone
Yeah clearly this isn't the reality in the UK. There is in fact a shortage of council homes in the UK. Hence the about of homeless. And fyi 10 to 20 years and people are still waiting to get a council flat
North face jackets, cigarettes.. I don't think I can afford those and I live in a nice London apartment. These people throw away the money they do have on garbage. 9:55 that's an Armani bag! 10:20 Is he joking? A haircut and a topup? He could buy on online course and set up an e-commerce store for that much; or he could get a suit for job interviews and some clippers for his hair as well.
Lovely people
Looks like where I live, welcome to somewhere in South Australia.
a lot poorer than australia
@@---xi7ev nah the same the street I live in anyway
manchester was the best place ive ever been by far . its not stuck up like london, very down to earth people,amazing nightlife and just so easy to find a shag after a pint hahahaahahah
surprised the bbc air this sort of thing. It is on bbc 3 which nobody watches tho..
I very much dislike that Chris. He is alarmist - potentially dangerous to younger ppls minds
Jimmy jimmy jimmy 😂
I forgot Britain hasn't discovered the thing called a garage yet
So true
Got fuk all to do mate. I’m bored so off course I’m gonna drive a car through a shop window. 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
That dude at the beginning really wants to or has killed a cpl children
Sounds like a bunch of people who wants things given to them? When all you see and think is obstacles... you’re going to run into obstacles.
Let's be honest.....have we all lost our memories..i am now 56 and back in 1980 it was no better if not it was worse.....we had figjtsbevery night went robbing all the time..drank and was rough as.......lads had knives and if you got caught in the wrong area which co u ld be a couple of streets away then you got wasn't called post code wars but it was the same thing......night clubs were a dangerous place to be........
When mother slugs down a litter of gin. You go outside and throw rocks, it's a law
My country men will one day turn
It’s sad England gave freedom to Europe and Germany are ripping England off 13 hundred million a month to Germany I blame the English politicians they didn’t do there homework properly
Working lads army 👊
Britain gonna completely fall into anarchy
@sam mark and do gooder middle class who give more fucks about people from the other side of the world than their own countrymen
Can anyone give me a starting point for applying to run or set up hostel or youth group . I grew up around same shit nothing changed and I have three kids, after school groups shut down, youth centres closed an over priced local health centre. Cost me less than £1 to go swimming in sat and had change for locker and hot chocolate. I've worked with young people and adults in care setting and level of help receive is practically non existent if fed watered that ticks enough boxes. Where are the youth centres groups with activitys for kids to form healthy community relationships take pride in themselves and area. Advice offices with panflets guidance help for those who don't come from good homes or have had trouble. Only thing I've found so far is application to put business plan forward an has to be profitable?? We have money to spend on ridiculous council buildings rent back to themselves and art structures council tax going up.. surely it costs police more time and money.. than it would to make building available for someone to run as a centre...
On a lighter note.. Jack is soooo cute
Yet another example of poverty porn for the Guardian-reading middle classes. Needless to say there are never any solutions, they don't want any, because it makes the self-made yuppy class feel good about themselves, and above all it's a good story, all so beautifully authentic -daahlings
WEll said
£250.00 a week for a hostel?! That's too much. Christ.
the tattoo guy looks like matty healy
That guy saying he can't make 250£ in a week from working is lying. The average working week is 40 hours, and the minimum wage is 7.38 to earn 265£ he has to work for 35 hours. All he has to do is work 7 hours a week to pay for that but I suspect he's too lazy to do that. If he was to work for a full 40 hour week then he would make enough money for the rent and for a little left over for food etc...
He can probably only get unreported employment that pays less than the minimum wage. No company is going to give these people a contract or descent pay. Just because there is a minimum wage doesn't mean everyone can get a job that pays the minimum wage.
W.Films. ln their situation, absolutely any job would be a step in the right direction.
@@silversurfer2058 no, any job could end up with these same people getting evicted because they can't afford the rent on minimum wage. With so little left for themselves, it's depressing. Catch 22.
@@deebest4202 lt is zebby. Its not too bad say if you're living with parents etc. However if you're living alone and relying completely on your self, its much tougher.
£255 a week, that's a bit steep
Them teeth are so hard to look at, i thought mines were bad but mines are doing pretty well in comparison
Lamp pirate hahaha
... yeah he said land
How these ppl end up like this?
No ones going to help them, they need to help themselves.....................
The plight of the homeless is never ending, this, I know, however, I’ve seen on other shows where the landlords are evicting, with the high courts assistance, and the squatters literally tore everything up, one episode, they put all their trash human excrement in the old swimming pool, filling it to the brim, I can’t believe this would be the answer, because they are still sleeping rough, but also damaging, I wish I had answers, for sure, whilst I have seen a beautiful, homeless community put something together, I’ve also seen the other side, it’s like anarchy🤷♀️
I’m from wythenshawe fam they filmed right next to my house
i can see how family issues at a young age can be a bit tragic, but you have to get on, who in the hell would live on the dole when so much money is to be had, (never) think you cant prosper!
For "forgotten men" they get a lot of media attention.