Mar 2023 大安森林公園生態池 野鳥-2: 配對與築巢 Daan Forest Park Ecological Pool, Wild Birds-2: Mating and Nesting

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • The main birds are little egret, Cattle Egret, and night heron at Taipei Daan Forest Park Ecological Pool. About a dozen pairs of wild birds have started to build nests and hatch eggs. You can often see two birds tidying up their nests, or one bird on guard, another is hatching.
    And most birds are still single, still thinking about life and where to build their nests. Wild Bird has implicitly accepted this somewhat crowded, rent-free environment.
    *The link to the all episodes of Wild Bird Records in Taipei Daan Forest Park in 2023 is as follows
    • Taipei Daan Forest Par...
    主要的鳥類是小白鷺, 黃頭鷺 與夜鷺, 約有十多對的野鳥開始了築巢與孵卵的情形, 常常可以看到兩隻鳥一起整理鳥巢, 或是一隻鳥在警戒, 一隻臥在巢內。
    還有多數鳥仍是單身, 仍在思考"鳥生"與築巢的地點。野鳥隱然已接受這個有些擁擠, 確是免房租的環境.
    • Taipei Daan Forest Par...