That was just about the meanest thing i’ve ever seen. How can people inflict this on their children. I hope they are payed back. I’ll never watch his show again.
I would have just called the police on the parents like their poor kids just want to enjoy their candy like. Are you kidding me I feel so sorry for those kids
That was just about the meanest thing i’ve ever seen. How can people inflict this on their children. I hope they are payed back. I’ll never watch his show again.
Say i'm not gonna forgive you
Poor Alex & Aubrey.
good parents who made their kids cry for some links
The boy didn't cry until the girl did
Its teaching to joke and make fun of people. Really poor educational skills.
Then they will steal for the fun of it
My heart is totally broken right now
I would have just called the police on the parents like their poor kids just want to enjoy their candy like. Are you kidding me I feel so sorry for those kids
I though The Boy Cryed First
Poor Alex and Aubrey
And it's like oh no
I feel bad for Alex and Aubrey
Well you should be sorry
You want to go to jail
Why are they crying? It’s just candy they could get more next year