This box has a fake 4gb ram,all h9 x3 boxes have 2gb ram or even 1 gb ram So don’t believe these fake reviews,most of the reviews are paid from the companies I have one myself so I know what I am saying about this particular box
@@Greekparanoia64 Thanks. I read your post and then found a russian website which they all concluded that the box only had 1 to 2GB RAM. Was about to buy it as a present for parents. Now to find another one.
@@StuffedCake buy the tx9s and flash the frank rom is very good or another option that is the best for me and user friendly is the xiaomi box in my country costs 45 10-15 more euros compared to those crap Chinese boxes You can’t go wrong with it and it has google certification As for the tv box reviews don’t believe them they are all sponsored And my h9 x3 died 3 months ago without even 2 months of usage Buy something with warranty
Ive watched dozens of these videos but none of them ever mention what size of hard drive they can take and handle or whether the subtitles can be adjusted if there out of sync this is a must for me as i watch dozens of foreign films
Thanks for a another informative review. How is this compared with the A95x F3 box you reviewed earlier? Between the two, which one would you recommend? Thank you.
@@tvboxstop , thanks for the update! the Vivimage projector was on a lightning deal today at $70 off, but I decided to hold off until your review. Be well, brother Nick!
@@tvboxstop Thanks.. i have problem while playing some downloaded youtube videos on mi box 4k..i use Kodi mostly but even on VLC player that particular video lags
A nossa TV box é um desenho de raio octogonal em cima da TV box mas vi que tem outra TV box h9x3 com desenho redondo de raio em cima eu queria saber a diferença das 2
Hi, I purchaced a x96 max after watching your Great review of the box. I then purchaced an ipega 9099 controller but am unable to pair these devices using bluetooth. Do I need to install Any apps, and or do I need to use a bluetooth 4.0 dongle as they say to use when connecting gamepad to pc. Any help would be gladly appreciated. Regards Mark C
OK sorry about that, no need to get personal, I'm sorry. I was reading some users were getting Bluetooth issues but I did not get any problems during my review and i always use Bluetooth to connect my gamepad because my dongle stopped working so Bluetooth is my only option. Well what I recommend is using the dongle if that is what you are faced with.
Hi again, really scratching the head with getting this gamepad connected. It is ipega 9099 with 4.0 and 2.4 bluetooth. Is it supposed to connect to the android box with a 4.0 bluetooth dongle, but if so I thought dongle need drivers installed first for them to pair with gamepad. Can drivers be installed on android boxes? I've read its not possible?? Can you please explain what I need, as in dongle type and how to get it to pair with gamepad. Will be so grateful if you can set me straight with this for myself and the kids. Regards Mark C.
@@tvboxstop I found out when i googled H9 X3, most of the pic result not the same as this. Can u explain why?As always a spot-on review by u sir, and i think this is the most perfect midrange box up-to-date inside out..Im fully in to this box based on your review test result.
11:06 - Alternative launchers/Live Wallpapers Other alternative launchers will work but not all of them will have their features working. For example the Nova launcher has difficulty.
If you still have the box, use a RAM fill app and confirm that the box you have has 4GB of RAM. Everyone that has test and opened the box on several websites have indicated that all H9X3 boxes have 1GB or 2GB of ram. NONE have 4GB.
Whoa...You literally just saved my life. I’m THIS CLOSE to buying this box (h9x3). I really appreciate you (and some other folks in the comment section) telling us to stay away from transpeed. Cheers!
thanks sir. i already downloaded a cpu governor and set it to performance. i checked it also on aida64, specs are all the same. but still, i find my tv box so slow (only got 43k in antutu, unlike yours 70k) mine is 64gb 4gb variant, very choppy in emulators and my s905 1gb is much faster. so i'm wondering if i got a "fake h9x3" anyways, thanks mate!
HDMI is connected to the Av power amplifier and outputs 5.1 channels. Still through the optical fiber audio connection Av power amplifier output 5.1 channel.
I have no solution for you as these features are controlled by the firmware developer, I just review them and I have no direct contact with the manufacturer.
No puedo entrar a la APP kodi que viene por defecto, intente descargar por otro medio play store y me sale esta app ya asído descargada en otro dispositivo que puedo Acer..
¿Actualizó la caja porque el firmware en mi video no venía con Kodi preinstalado? Intente desinstalarlo desde el área de configuración de la aplicación primero y luego intente instalarlo nuevamente desde Play Store
Utilice este video como guía. El proceso es el mismo: Descargue el firmware aquí:
H9-X3 can't connect to 2.4G WIFI, it can't show ***** The 5G network is connected at once. What's happening here? Is the router incompatible? What's the situation?
@@tvboxstop I flashed this firmware by sd card there is some bug vpn does not work and actually the box is finished for me but do you know about any other firmware ?
Hi Nick. Thanks for your informative, well-organized, and consistent reviews. I am interested in a mid-range TV box, but I find it very difficult to compare products, as the links between product names and "families" seem to zigzag all around. I have a suggestion and a question. - Your ranking table based on benchmarks is helpful, but it would be nice to see more attributes listed in the table. I have seen a table (Chigz Tech) that includes columns for whether any screen casting apps work. Some other attributes that you mention, like keymapping, alternative launchers, and AV output would also be helpful. (I know most people care more about 4K output than they do about composite AV output, but some of us still have an old TV that we like, and we need AV output.) - Have you ever come across this box called the "Q Plus"? (Link: ) It's a decent looking box, but I am trying to understand how it compares to the boxes on your chart. The processors (quad Allwinner H6 A53, Mali T720) seem to roughly match up with the H96 Mini. But it runs Android 9. What do you think, or have you reviewed anything similar?
Ok I'll take your points into consideration. The Q Plus I refused to review because of the Allwinner H6 CPU that overheats in all their models and the lower the CPU lower than usual to try an curtail that instead of improving on heat sinks or cooling fans.
OK, thanks. I understand now why you didn't review that one. I guess the leading candidate for me is the A95X F3, based on price, usability, and performance. I see it is selling out at some vendors, but the A95X F3 Air seems to be available.
Speaking of the HDR playback bug, there is an updated firmware available (2020610) for this box here: Has any one installed it and verified if it fixed any bugs. Thanks for the great work TV Box Shop.
@@tvboxstop Nick you are doing fine I like your reviews.The Temp went up to 74F after 10min of use.Also confused about Android 9 but says 2018?Never buy anything only on say so only.
Got my box today and it's JUNK. It's slow and network speed is about 20% slower than my other boxes. The hardware monitor is incorrect compared to Antutu monitor, by 30° IE antutu = 42° and hardware monitor is 72° both are C° and other differences. Antutu scores are below half what yours are. Very disappointed your video seems to misrepresent this boxes abilities.
So after fiddling for a few hours, my war robots game wont even play. Changed to performance mode but no different. In the bin it goes. Just for the hell of it I ordered a xiaomi mi tv box.
@@tvboxstop Yes you are correct, but not really getting it for gaming. I have said before my gaming tv box Must have 4gb, gigabit Ethernet, and nav bars. The Mi box has none of these. I was interested to see how well they use Google assistant. I currently use my GT mini for my kodi streaming box but voice command and assistant don't work so will try this Mi box "just for the hell of it :). As for gaming the H9x3 ticked all the right boxes but guess the build quality is very bad based on the comments around the internet forums, some even reporting fake memory. In future can you do the benchmarks as it is out of the box, not after you have fiddled the settings. As for my gaming, looks like Nvidia shield is the only option. Thanks Nik
DİKKAT! Merhaba. İnceleme için teşekkür ederim. Fakat bu cihazların hiçbirisi 4GB ram e sahip değil. Çoğunlukla ve şanslıysanız sadece 2 GB. Şansınız azsa 1GB. Çin malı USB belleklerdeki gibi kapasitesi değiştirilerek yükseltiliyor. "fill ram" ve "memory fill" uygulamaları ile test edersiniz bunu görebilirsiniz.
Başlangıçtan itibaren 4 GB. Android'i ve uygulamaları yüklediğinizde, mevcut RAM kesilir. Aynı şey PC RAM için de geçerlidir. Bu yüzden 4GB RAM'in mevcut olduğunu görmeyi beklemeyin
Tabiki android işletim sistemi ve uygulamalar RAM belli bir yer kaplıyor. Fakat benim anlatmak istediğim durum şu şekilde: Cihazda fiziksel olarak en fazla 2 GB RAM bulunuyor. Bunu RAM çiplerini araştırarak görebilirsiniz. Yada bahsetmiş olduğum programlarla test edebilirsiniz. Bende de aynı cihazdan var ve aldığım yurtdışı alışveriş sitesinden tam para iadesi aldım. Amacım insanları bilgilendirmek ve mağdur olmamalarınnı sağlamak. Teşekkürler.
Whoa...You literally just saved my life. I’m THIS CLOSE to buying this box (h9x3). I really appreciate you (and some other folks in the comment section) telling us to stay away from transpeed. Cheers!
Starting from now you are my favorite tv box reviewer by far. Perfect review with all the details I need. :)
Thank you
This box has a fake 4gb ram,all h9 x3 boxes have 2gb ram or even 1 gb ram
So don’t believe these fake reviews,most of the reviews are paid from the companies
I have one myself so I know what I am saying about this particular box
@@Greekparanoia64 Thanks. I read your post and then found a russian website which they all concluded that the box only had 1 to 2GB RAM. Was about to buy it as a present for parents. Now to find another one.
@@StuffedCake buy the tx9s and flash the frank rom is very good or another option that is the best for me and user friendly is the xiaomi box in my country costs 45 10-15 more euros compared to those crap Chinese boxes
You can’t go wrong with it and it has google certification
As for the tv box reviews don’t believe them they are all sponsored
And my h9 x3 died 3 months ago without even 2 months of usage
Buy something with warranty
@@Greekparanoia64 what is it frank rom ?
Ive watched dozens of these videos but none of them ever mention what size of hard drive they can take and handle or whether the subtitles can be adjusted if there out of sync this is a must for me as i watch dozens of foreign films
Will try to remember that going forward.
Thanks for a another informative review. How is this compared with the A95x F3 box you reviewed earlier? Between the two, which one would you recommend? Thank you.
It's about the same performance but the F3 doesn't have any bugs
Nice review Nick! The cell phone remote feature is nifty.
Projector is almost here
@@tvboxstop , thanks for the update! the Vivimage projector was on a lightning deal today at $70 off, but I decided to hold off until your review. Be well, brother Nick!
9:29,it was wondering and educationg since am still studying Electrical engineering
I don't quite understand your statement or if you are asking a question in particular
At 16:33 which player are u using for local files?
I use the VLC player, but I also tried Kodi, and the movie player and the same results
@@tvboxstop Thanks.. i have problem while playing some downloaded youtube videos on mi box 4k..i use Kodi mostly but even on VLC player that particular video lags
Hi, can you suggest me a box that can play correctly dolby TRUEHD (atmos+trueHD) tracks?! Seems no one of these boxes can play correctly trueHD....
There is one to date and that is the Nvidia shield TV pro
hi, great review, how is this compared with the X96 Max+ and T95 Max+ ?
especially about the features...
thanks in advance...
This and the X96 Max+ are on the same level but the H9 X3 has better features. The T95 Max+ I have never reviewed
Hi Great video🤙 my concern is thermal temp it is safe to use this box or other boxes in thermal temp like 58°C that rises sometimes to 67°C Thanks.
Yes 70 degrees and over and you will start to have issues
@@tvboxstop ok thanks for your reply don't stop making these type of videos you are the best🤙
Hi there, with miracast installed on this device, can we mirror iphone to the tv?? Thnx
Sorry i don't have an iPhone I am an Android guy
No, but you can try installing Airstream, it's the best Airplay receiver I've found, still lots of bugs, not a polished app.
wow i like this box, i am impressed, another thing I like is the cooling vents, side and bottom
Glad you liked it
@@tvboxstop HI, I over looked this TV Box, can you access the menus on APK''s such as Cinema HD and Live NETTV?
Just checked it and it does not work with the stock remote
@@tvboxstop Thank you very much for taking the time to test this for me.
No Probs
Hello. Great Vid as always, but the link you provided states a 2 GB ram and 32 storage. Is there another link to the actual box that you reviewed?
I updated it thanks
Eu tenho esse modelo aí da h9x3 octogonal o desenho eu queria saber qual a diferença do outro h9x3 que tem um desenho redondo qual a diferença?
Eu não sei a diferença porque nunca vi esse modelo em forma de octógono que você está se referindo
A nossa TV box é um desenho de raio octogonal em cima da TV box mas vi que tem outra TV box h9x3 com desenho redondo de raio em cima eu queria saber a diferença das 2
Olha o desenho da nossa TV box diz se não parece um octógono. Tem outra só que o desenho é um raio redondo
Hello I want to ask what controller gamepad do you use in tv box?
When I make my videos I use a regular PC mouse. I f I am in the living room watching a movie I use the G30 Airmouse.
Nick; great review. Could you indicate which is the best purchase: H9 X3 or H96 MAX X3 ? Thanks in advance.
They are about the same the H9 X3 has better firmware features
@@tvboxstop Thanks a lot......
Hi, I purchaced a x96 max after watching your Great review of the box. I then purchaced an ipega 9099 controller but am unable to pair these devices using bluetooth. Do I need to install Any apps, and or do I need to use a bluetooth 4.0 dongle as they say to use when connecting gamepad to pc.
Any help would be gladly appreciated. Regards Mark C
OK sorry about that, no need to get personal, I'm sorry. I was reading some users were getting Bluetooth issues but I did not get any problems during my review and i always use Bluetooth to connect my gamepad because my dongle stopped working so Bluetooth is my only option. Well what I recommend is using the dongle if that is what you are faced with.
Yea that one hurt but I hope we cool
Thank you, Regards Mark C
Hi again, really scratching the head with getting this gamepad connected. It is ipega 9099 with 4.0 and 2.4 bluetooth. Is it supposed to connect to the android box with a 4.0 bluetooth dongle, but if so I thought dongle need drivers installed first for them to pair with gamepad. Can drivers be installed on android boxes? I've read its not possible?? Can you please explain what I need, as in dongle type and how to get it to pair with gamepad. Will be so grateful if you can set me straight with this for myself and the kids. Regards Mark C.
Are there any other tv boxes that uses this cellphone remote app?
You can get this feature on any action box with apps such as Cetus Play
São 2 modelos de h9x3 o meu é igual ao seu mas tem o outro modelo e gostaria de saber qual a diferença dos 2 obrigado
Por mais que eu queira te ajudar não conheço ou vi o outro modelo que você se refere.
Como faço para ver se é s905x3 na tvbox h9x3?
Você tem que abrir a caixa e sob o dissipador de calor olhar o que diz na CPU
Que precio tiene esta box tv.?
Esta caja ya no está disponible
I wonder why the H9X3 in this video box pattern(top) differ from others i saw online?
Be Careful with that. It means something is different. Send me the link
@@tvboxstop I found out when i googled H9 X3, most of the pic result not the same as this. Can u explain why?As always a spot-on review by u sir, and i think this is the most perfect midrange box up-to-date inside out..Im fully in to this box based on your review test result.
Is this H9 X3 Box support web cam for streaming... kindly reply....
No it does not
a nice review and video do you checked as any different launcher works on this box ?
11:06 - Alternative launchers/Live Wallpapers
Other alternative launchers will work but not all of them will have their features working. For example the Nova launcher has difficulty.
@@tvboxstop do you know which luncher works on this box?
I like ADW Launcher 2, Evie Launcher, and home square launcher
@@tvboxstop thanks I will try in the evening
You doesn't need miracast app on phone to cast your device
That pops is basically a shortcut you can access it on your phone settings without the app
That is correct
If you still have the box, use a RAM fill app and confirm that the box you have has 4GB of RAM. Everyone that has test and opened the box on several websites have indicated that all H9X3 boxes have 1GB or 2GB of ram. NONE have 4GB.
What other TV boxes do you have?
Whoa...You literally just saved my life. I’m THIS CLOSE to buying this box (h9x3). I really appreciate you (and some other folks in the comment section) telling us to stay away from transpeed. Cheers!
hi, how did you set your cpu scaling governor to performance? i have the same tv box but mine is set to interactive. thanks
Very good observation friend!!! Use Kernel Auditor, you have to side load it using Aptoide or APkpure it's not on the Play store.
thanks sir. i already downloaded a cpu governor and set it to performance. i checked it also on aida64, specs are all the same. but still, i find my tv box so slow (only got 43k in antutu, unlike yours 70k) mine is 64gb 4gb variant, very choppy in emulators and my s905 1gb is much faster. so i'm wondering if i got a "fake h9x3" anyways, thanks mate!
The Antutu version matters Sideload Antutu light
@@tvboxstop ok thanks i'll check again. btw nice review sir!
That's interesting. So, the box used in this review is a "turbined" one? If so, can you explain how to do that?
Great find and at a low price for so much performance.
Glad you like it
Great video! Could you please suggest a box that has truehd passthrough?
The Nvidia Shield
@@tvboxstop thank you! Was aware that Nvidia did truehd , but was looking for a cheaper alternative :(
It's the only TV box that can play Dolby TrueHD. That particular format can only be played by the Nvidia Shield
HDMI is connected to the Av power amplifier and outputs 5.1 channels. Still through the optical fiber audio connection Av power amplifier output 5.1 channel.
Change the audio output to SPDIF in the box setrtings
Is possible install Emuelec?
I don't know if it will. That box is long gone from my hands
For the price this box is good, but I have a Question for you, when I do shortcut it does by Alphabetic, I want custom short cut how?thanks.
I have no solution for you as these features are controlled by the firmware developer, I just review them and I have no direct contact with the manufacturer.
Bro does this box support USB controller? Not Bluetooth, USB!?
Of course it does all boxes do, that's standard.
Is this the same as DroiX X3?
Most likely with different branding
Consulta el codi que viene instalado en el H9x3 lo instale pero derepente se desinstala y no abre la APP porfavor su ayuda gracias
No te estoy siguiendo, debes ser más específico o reformular tu pregunta, por favor.
No puedo entrar a la APP kodi que viene por defecto, intente descargar por otro medio play store y me sale esta app ya asído descargada en otro dispositivo que puedo Acer..
¿Actualizó la caja porque el firmware en mi video no venía con Kodi preinstalado? Intente desinstalarlo desde el área de configuración de la aplicación primero y luego intente instalarlo nuevamente desde Play Store
Hola cómo actualizo mi caja H9x3 porfavor me puede decir los pasos a seguir
Utilice este video como guía. El proceso es el mismo:
Descargue el firmware aquí:
Wow it is feature packed
Sir how to setup home theater systems in android TV box plz make video...
If I get the chance, really always busy on TV box reviews
@@tvboxstop tnk sir I'm waiting for that moment and I'm using Sony HT iv300 Home theater system
Are Ethernet and WiFi stable when using VPN??
It's stable here, I am not getting my full package though but that is expected when you apply some VPNs
whats that racing game
it's called Gear Club
What you found was me watching this video 😲😁🤘
Hope you enjoyed it!
Another great review from you as always. Well done.
I would like a review of the Minix Neo U22-XJ.
OK will do
Awesome, dood.
The box seems to use the same guts of the Droix x3 box, that model has an actual support team & website behind it, might be a better option.
The reviews on Amazon UK seem bad does this get updates regularly seeing as you recommend it?
I have no track record with this brand so I can't speak for firmware updates. Maybe someone on Freaktab will release one
Great review, hdr is a worry
The HDR is working the Icon appears on the screen but no display
H9-X3 can't connect to 2.4G WIFI, it can't show ***** The 5G network is connected at once. What's happening here? Is the router incompatible? What's the situation?
Ensure that the both networks have different SSID names so the box can tell them apart.
@@tvboxstop No TX3, TX6, A95 WiFi yet
@@wujishixun Sorry I don't understand the question
The 2.4G WiFi of this player is not as good as the 2.4G WiFi of TX3, TX6A93 F3.
Tox1 or this?
Identical to the TOX1 it seems
In features yes but the TOX1 performs better without the bugs. The TOX1 also plays Dolby TrueHD, this one can't
@@tvboxstop still buggy? No fixes yet?
There was an update but it presented a new bug in the Google Play Store blocking the installation of apps.
c'est presque le même The Beelink GS King X
Not even close
Why not provide Chinese subtitles
Sorry about that. It was a grave error, I forgot to hit the add button for Chinese. That's no mistake to make right?.
Thanks for your support
Please can you help me i want the frimware for the h9x3
Try this the stock firmware -
@@tvboxstop I flashed this firmware by sd card there is some bug vpn does not work and actually the box is finished for me but do you know about any other firmware ?
I appreciate the view
الماذا الرابط قفل معي وقدكان لدي مبلغ من المال
please add sinhala subtitle
OK adding now
OK cool
No 4K play.
HDR display bug 4K plays OK
Hi Nick. Thanks for your informative, well-organized, and consistent reviews. I am interested in a mid-range TV box, but I find it very difficult to compare products, as the links between product names and "families" seem to zigzag all around. I have a suggestion and a question.
- Your ranking table based on benchmarks is helpful, but it would be nice to see more attributes listed in the table. I have seen a table (Chigz Tech) that includes columns for whether any screen casting apps work. Some other attributes that you mention, like keymapping, alternative launchers, and AV output would also be helpful. (I know most people care more about 4K output than they do about composite AV output, but some of us still have an old TV that we like, and we need AV output.)
- Have you ever come across this box called the "Q Plus"? (Link: ) It's a decent looking box, but I am trying to understand how it compares to the boxes on your chart. The processors (quad Allwinner H6 A53, Mali T720) seem to roughly match up with the H96 Mini. But it runs Android 9. What do you think, or have you reviewed anything similar?
Ok I'll take your points into consideration. The Q Plus I refused to review because of the Allwinner H6 CPU that overheats in all their models and the lower the CPU lower than usual to try an curtail that instead of improving on heat sinks or cooling fans.
OK, thanks. I understand now why you didn't review that one. I guess the leading candidate for me is the A95X F3, based on price, usability, and performance. I see it is selling out at some vendors, but the A95X F3 Air seems to be available.
Actually, after some more thought, I decided on the HK1 box (with the oblong-shaped blue & pink gradient cover).
Speaking of the HDR playback bug, there is an updated firmware available (2020610) for this box here:
Has any one installed it and verified if it fixed any bugs.
Thanks for the great work TV Box Shop.
I will check tomorrow
No 4k hdr....
HDR bug regular 4K plays OK
Gostaria também
não entendi a pergunta completa
Guy you are pushing JUNK.After watching your rewiew I bought it and after 30 minutes it started running HOT.Dont BUY this JUNK.
OK will do better, I am not sure how hot you are running on normal operation temps, but sorry for the negative experience.
@@tvboxstop Nick you are doing fine I like your reviews.The Temp went up to 74F after 10min of use.Also confused about Android 9 but says 2018?Never buy anything only on say so only.
OK understand. I believe you meant 74°C but I understand the point you are making.
@@tvboxstop Thanks you were great help for pointing out the temperature scale.The rest is history.
Got my box today and it's JUNK. It's slow and network speed is about 20% slower than my other boxes. The hardware monitor is incorrect compared to Antutu monitor, by 30° IE antutu = 42° and hardware monitor is 72° both are C° and other differences. Antutu scores are below half what yours are. Very disappointed your video seems to misrepresent this boxes abilities.
So after fiddling for a few hours, my war robots game wont even play. Changed to performance mode but no different. In the bin it goes. Just for the hell of it I ordered a xiaomi mi tv box.
The performance of the Mi Box for games is even worse
@@tvboxstop Yes you are correct, but not really getting it for gaming. I have said before my gaming tv box Must have 4gb, gigabit Ethernet, and nav bars. The Mi box has none of these. I was interested to see how well they use Google assistant. I currently use my GT mini for my kodi streaming box but voice command and assistant don't work so will try this Mi box "just for the hell of it :). As for gaming the H9x3 ticked all the right boxes but guess the build quality is very bad based on the comments around the internet forums, some even reporting fake memory. In future can you do the benchmarks as it is out of the box, not after you have fiddled the settings. As for my gaming, looks like Nvidia shield is the only option. Thanks Nik
Nope not ready for the shield yet so ordered a Magicsee N6 Plus instead :)
Merhaba. İnceleme için teşekkür ederim. Fakat bu cihazların hiçbirisi 4GB ram e sahip değil. Çoğunlukla ve şanslıysanız sadece 2 GB. Şansınız azsa 1GB. Çin malı USB belleklerdeki gibi kapasitesi değiştirilerek yükseltiliyor. "fill ram" ve "memory fill" uygulamaları ile test edersiniz bunu görebilirsiniz.
Başlangıçtan itibaren 4 GB. Android'i ve uygulamaları yüklediğinizde, mevcut RAM kesilir. Aynı şey PC RAM için de geçerlidir. Bu yüzden 4GB RAM'in mevcut olduğunu görmeyi beklemeyin
Tabiki android işletim sistemi ve uygulamalar RAM belli bir yer kaplıyor. Fakat benim anlatmak istediğim durum şu şekilde:
Cihazda fiziksel olarak en fazla 2 GB RAM bulunuyor. Bunu RAM çiplerini araştırarak görebilirsiniz. Yada bahsetmiş olduğum programlarla test edebilirsiniz.
Bende de aynı cihazdan var ve aldığım yurtdışı alışveriş sitesinden tam para iadesi aldım.
Amacım insanları bilgilendirmek ve mağdur olmamalarınnı sağlamak.
@@mehmetgider3981 Pekala, rolünü yaptın, paylaştığın için teşekkürler
Whoa...You literally just saved my life. I’m THIS CLOSE to buying this box (h9x3). I really appreciate you (and some other folks in the comment section) telling us to stay away from transpeed. Cheers!
very nice android box! what we know for sure is that you are bad at playing games lol
second game was Evil Land RPGfor those wondering
Lol just focus on the gaming performance LOl. Yes Evil land
bizard c'est la même vidéo et explixation de GS King
t'a piqué la vidéo du mec lollll
Thanks for watching