2023 中國 雲南普洱·小眾旅行地,這座邊陲的千年古寨,這裡有療愈一切的力量 國家地理最佳旅行地 Yunnan·China 景邁山

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • 2023年的第一場旅行,我們來到了雲南普洱,大理火了、沙溪火了……如果你怕去有風的地方人擠人,就來普洱吧!這次我們去了景邁山和普洱郊外的咖啡莊園,其中景邁山還被國家地理評為了2022最佳旅行地。在普洱來我們了一次徹底的放空之旅!如果你也想遠離人群的熙熙攘攘,如果城市的繁忙讓你疲憊,那就來雲南普洱吧~
    On the first trip of 2023, we came to Yunnan Pu'er. Since Dali and Shaxi went viral... If you are not keen on going to places with wind and crowded people, come to Pu'er! This time we went to Jingmai Mountain and a coffee farm outside of Pu'er, where Jingmai Mountain was also rated by National Geographic as the best place to travel in 2022. We had a complete relaxation trip here! If you also want to get away from the hustle and bustle, then come to Pu'er~