Many Falsifiers of Religion mean just falsifying Believers in that Religion. Religion as such is the Text. If a Believer in a Text does not follow what is in the Text, authentically and Scholarly so, then he/she discredits his/her Religion. But that does not exclude the Existence of Enemies to the Idea of Theism per se, Text or Believers in a text.
The universe is God''s energy, simultaneously one with and different from him. Therefore it can provide both remembrance and forgetfulness of God, depending on our desire.
If one closely examines those highly educated believers in the non-physical, spiritual world including a form of a supreme being, I think you will find one or more of the following: (1) A strong religious upbringing (a person could have had a period of atheism, but returned to the fold); (2) A spouse or close friend who witnessed to them and convinced them that there is something to spiritual reality; (3) Had an experience that convinced them that God exists or a spiritual reality exists. The experience could be: (a) A near-death experience, (b) A hyper-sensory illusion, hallucination, or subjective experience while in nature or meditating that is defined as a "religious experience as William James described. (c) A close call with death where the probability was high that they should have died, but were "spared." (d) A deliberate "analysis" where they decided objectively that the best course was to believe in God (such as, Pascal's Wager). (4) Have a brain that is given to belief in superstitions, the possibility of ESP, OBEs, etcetera - the world of parapsychology. They possess a "believing brain." One can think of a few of these people off the top of the head (some are deceased): Dr. Francis Collins, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dr. John Polkinghorne, Sir John Eccles, Dr. Abdus Salaam, Dr. Ian Barbour, Dr. Katherine Johnson, Dr. Kenneth Miller, Dr. Joan Roughgarden, Dr. George Ellis, etcetera.
You're an NPC. You likely have not intuition, empathy, wisdom or are aligned towards Truth or Divine. I assume you're a liberal and would never risk your life for a good cause or cause greater than yourself because there's no point or such thing as 'good'. You're not a visionary, or a revolutionary because only a Soul who is movesd within acts in such a way to bring Truth, Justice, Peace apon the earth and others and because you are Souless makes you a materialist thus you're not a contemplative or Spiritual man; there's no purposes, no meaning, no point; there's nowhere to go, nothing to obtain. Virtue is a made up word. You can say that we come from monkeys, that there's no mystery no God, and that it's only due to the nervous system that we are functional and conscious meat suits. You're a liar and there's a very high probability of you acting in very evil ways.
90% of all people who ever lived on earth believed in a god. The greatest mysteries of science: how did consciousness arise in humans? What is it that allows humans alone, from among all the brutes, to understand the mysteries of biology, physics, mathematics, etc.? And what enables us to create great works of art, music, and literature? Science is nowhere close to explaining these deep mysteries and will never find the answer. Blaise Pascal : "Some people know instinctively that if Christianity is true they will lose control, and they will not be able to live anyway they wish. So they are rooting for it not to be true, and are more than willing to accept any objections to the faith they hear."
@@jamesrey3221 I don't know where you retrieved the "90%" figure, but I doubt it. Think of all the "people" (i.e., hominins) - species that had a brain and consciousness that ever lived. One estimate puts it at 117 billion "modern humans" that ever lived (ref: PRB: How many people have ever lived on earth?). But, the actual percentage doesn't matter. The flaw in your statement is that "90%" of people who ever lived also believed the Earth was flat, and had many other erroneous beliefs, including the belief in gods and God. Science to the rescue. Consciousness is not a mystery - its evolution is not a mystery. True, not everything is known about how the brain produces consciousness and how exactly it evolved, but that is true of many phenomena. Much is known, however. What allows we modern humans to invent, have language, investigate, analyze, create, imagine, plan, etcetera, is our large, complex brain relative to our body mass, and building on the work of those that preceding us. We did not do all that at once, we did it very gradually, and then as breakthroughs were made, we progressed rapidly. In just a few hundreds years ago, most all humans were farmers, and go back a few thousand years and most humans were hunter-gatherers. It's only been since around mid - AD 1500s that humans learned and adopted the scientific method, and then technical achievements exploded. Science is much closer than you believe to explaining consciousness, mind, creativity, and the like -- they are not mysteries. Humans through science discovered where humans came from and how they evolved (evolution). With science, they discovered the DNA molecule, and discovered all types of medicine and medical procedures. In the last few years, a human working with her colleagues, discovered CRISPR and revolutionized genetics. In the next decade, we all will be surprised at the rapid pace of increased knowledge of all these "mysteries" as you call them.
@@georgegrubbs2966 The modern genetic era is now facing a reality. The human genome is full of apparently meaningless “junk”; it is impenetrably complicated; and some inheritable traits seem extremely hard to attribute to specific genes. As researchers calls it: a suspicion we don’t know or understand as much as we thought. This is a crisis of comprehensibility and coherence. In the process it was discovered that around a third of those genes essential to life are an enigma because no one knows yet what they code for. So the spark of life, and the ability to create it entirely from scratch without nature’s help, is still way beyond our capabilities. This just shows the limits of our power and depth of our ignorance: we have no idea what a third of the genes actually do. We could be facing a stone wall to our limits to understand how life is created. The Scientific Method was invented by Catholic scientist...Roger Bacon was a priest, scientist, and Franciscan friar is credited with being the first to define the scientific method. Who emphasized the study of nature through empirical observation. Hypothesis, Testing, Analysis, Replication/Repetition, and finally Data Recording and Sharing. Most of the important discoveries in astronomy, medicine and science came from Catholic scientist and priest. - Galileo, Copernicus, Mendel, Pascal, Pasteur, etc. - Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Mendel where Catholic scientist who highly contributed to the development of evolutionary theory. The Big Bang theory was proposed by Fr. Lemaitre. Stephen Hawking was a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (academy of sciences of the Vatican City). The Jesuits have been "the single most important contributor to experimental physics in the seventeenth century. The Jesuits introduced a substantial body of scientific knowledge and a vast array of mental tools for understanding the physical universe, including the Euclidean geometry that made planetary motion comprehensible. This support for science continues today at Catholic universities throughout the world. The Catholic University of America and the University of Notre Dame, etc., have distinguished departments of physics, biology, and chemistry the equal of rival departments in secular universities. Science and God are compatible, this is what build the western civilization. "God alone is the author of all the motions in the world." This idea that nature was governed by constant and immutable principles was an important precondition for experimental science. This was the foundation of science and technology of the Christian western civilization
My simplest answer to this kind of question: I don't know. Let's be honest here how could I claim to know about something which is beyond our limited and existing Knowledge? Though there's always room for Imagination or Philosophical speculations about the deep Unknown. For this, I have mine too, like any other wandering minds. My imaginative speculation is that what we term "God" or like this video says some "Supraphysical entity", they are beings from higher dimensions. If those scientific theories about the possibility of "Higher Dimensions" actually true. In this perspective, our Universe then becomes conditioned by the dimensional limitations. Whatever we learnt and found out so far about this Universe we live in is dimensionally constructive. Space, Time, Matter, Fundamental Forces, Elements of all kinds and so on are all aspects of this dimension. Though that doesn't mean these aspects don't exist in higher dimensions but there could be more phenomena, more aspects; stuffs that we can't even begin to think about cause we are conditioned by this dimension we live in. God, if it's some higher dimensional existence, we could only imagine about it but that very imagination of ours are limited, conditioned. But there's still a possibility for breaking "the 4th wall". There has to be some element which is common in every dimension, however higher or lower it maybe, through which we could tap into those higher dimensions. Ah forget it, I'm just blabbering nonsense at this point. Our knowledge is limited to our existence, anyways.
I totally agree to this. Infact, theists use this argument to justify gods actions. They say when questioned about why god does what he does, "you cannot know because your imagination and knowledge of the world and god is limited". Which is quite true. At this point, we don't have enough data to come to a conclusion. And we are not sure if we ever will find a conclusion!
Be honest. Do you know & understand ... the origin, purpose & need to enforce ... rules & Laws? Do you know the origin ... of anything that has clear purpose, properties, form, design & FUNCTION? Do you agree ... that everything in the Universe has clear purpose, properties, form, design & FUNCTION ... and ... obey a set of LAWS? Man has always known the Universe has an UNNATURAL origin by a very very powerful intelligence, like man. Religion is a natural phenomena that will always be observed. Atheism is also a religion, for it simply replaces "the gods" with the theories & ideologies of "the man." Over 5 of 7 billion people believe in a soul/spirit, a supernatural existence & intelligence that made everything. We have always known the origin of Law and anything with form, function, purpose & design.
Well expressed, but the belief of the majority in any notion is no valid measure of it's accuracy. Without belaboring the point with countless examples of beliefs, held at various times by vast percentages of mankind, have in fact been subsequently disproved by the discovery of new information.
@@hughbarton5743 Exactly, Facts are often stranger than a Fiction. Though it doesn't change the fact that they are facts. You can certainly hypothesize about something that you truly don't know but to generalize it as a fact and embracing the ignorance of one's own ego is an existential blunder.
Let me deflate one of your conjectures. The LIGOS detectors of gravitational waves not once, but now, multiple times, proves that there are no higher dimensions in our 3 spatial, 1 time dimension reality. That’s “proof”, period! So, dimensions are perhaps compactified at the plank scale (String theory). You directional speculation has derailed off its tracks.
As a non-evangelical atheist, my current position on this question is obvious ,with a caveat: if , after employing the scientific method with rigour, the fingerprints of some sort of diety or underlying spiritual force could be clearly identified, I will certainly revise my opinion on this matter. Science is the only usable tool we have at our disposal, imperfect as it may be. Being proven wrong is not,from the point of view of a scientist, a failure; it is a success. For those of you readers who believe in a diety, I applaud your faith, but disagree with your findings at this time. Thank you all for your interest and your thoughts. Be well.
The beginning and fine-tuning of the universe, consciousness, rationality, human dignity and worth, and free will. - These phenomena are quite startling, if they are the result of valueless, non-conscious, unguided, non-rational material processes. We have every reason to think a naturalistic world would not yield these phenomena. What is it that allows humans alone, from among all the brutes, to understand the mysteries of biology, physics, mathematics, etc.? And what enables us to create great works of art, music, and literature? Science is nowhere close to explaining these deep mysteries and it will never will. "A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah" And why should He reveal himself to the proud and arrogant, who demand that God “prove himself” through divine pyrotechnics? Would that really produce genuine conversion and deep love for God? The Israelites had plenty of signs- Yet most of the Israelites died in unbelief after displays of idolatry, rebellion, and murmuring God is interested in more than our justified true belief that he exists. To seek God with all our heart is fundamental to God’s revealing himself to us. Faith is a gift of grace - as Blaise Pascal put it: God is willing to appear openly to those who seek Him with all their heart, and to be hidden from those who flee from Him with all their heart, He so regulates the knowledge of Himself that He has given signs of Himself, visible to those who seek Him, and not to those who seek Him not. There is enough light for those who only desire to see, and enough obscurity for those who have a contrary disposition. Pascal sympathizes with the passionate agnostic who struggles daily with the ultimate question of whether God exists. But the sad fact is that most “nones” and agnostics are not passionate truth-seekers. Intellectual uncertainty is understandable. Indifference to the question of God is insanity.
@@jamesrey3221 " -We- I have every reason to -think- want a naturalistic world -would- to not yield these phenomena, because they don't fit my emotional needs." Fixed it for you.
Do you believe that physicists really understand the material universe? I'm a physicist and I don't understand. As Feynman said, "if you think you've understood the quintessence of the quantum universe, you've misunderstood it." Sorry!
@Ryan McMullen Dear Ryan, I don't think so, I think we are approaching a new vision of Reality that needs a new scientific vision. Some physicists question whether Time is a physical reality or just a human mental perception, in which case we will have to rethink the meaning of the 't' in our equations. an awkward situation....
It is good that you are honest physicists capable to admit the truth. I am also a physicist and I will be happy to share with you my findings - Space, Time, and energy = (matter) is the material components of the Universe. The Law of Physics, Quantum Information, and Consciousness are the non-material components of the Universe. If you are interested to find their relations and how the Universe works, then I can recommend my book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe" - there you will find the answer to the biggest mystery in QM - the particle superposition and the reason for the collapse of the wave functions in the double-slit experiment.
Isnt belief kind of the same as faith? God or whatever ridiculous idol u wish to have faith in,God lives in ones faith!? It is the exact same concept as Santa claus pretty much! a bit side tracked there 😂🕺
When a loved one dies you are emotionally strained. Whilst emotionally strained it is common to read too much into the everyday normal, sometimes even hallucinate. This can lead to delusions, or a religious experience which for some may lead to a religious life based on faith.
At 1:50 to about 2:03 you said there are only 2 groups; one believes and one doesn’t. But certainly there is the third group who keep questioning. This is the essence of human knowledge otherwise we would still believe the sun revolves around the earth. I could go on but I’m tired,so good night. But keep seeking.
If you belong to the third group, then you will be able to accept the truth! - Space, Time, and Energy = (matter) are the material components of the Universe. The Law of Physics, Quantum Information, and Consciousness are the non-material components of the Universe. If you are interested to find their relations and how the Universe works, then I can recommend you my book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"
@@Orion15-b9j Since I do belong to the third group I do question some of what you have written. I will keep your book. BTW is there a typo (mistake) on the cover of the book?
Imagine a world with a universal religion based in a narrative of the simple, yet elegant truth of why Emptiness, The Void, Perfection (call it what you may) decided to divide its singularity into minute particles, without plan, expectation, or attachment to a specific result, but by pure random chance, just to experience whatever outcome, come what may. An outcome we’re part of and inseparable from. An outcome, like Bucky’s tad rudder, that may in part be determined by our individual and collective choices. That devotion, with the melding of science and spiritual practice, based on the understanding, knowing and direct experience, informed through direct interactions with energies that stream across time and space since that seminal moment of the Big Bang. Rather than an end, it’d be a new beginning for humanity that would put to application our innate sense to organize chaos and make the finest use of our inherent problem solving abilities.
He laughed at the point at which the mention of a PhD was made and then when he started to speak, he said " In the days I was doing my PhD." What the heck!
If there was a god there would be a website. People believe in god for personal gain. For an afterlife, to remove a sin or have a wish come true. Maybe to not feel alone. It's always about a personal god. It's never about proving a distant god that might have initiated the big bang and then disappeared.
Nope. Man has always known that only an intelligence makes Laws ( of Nature ) and things (of the Universe) with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION. Religions are a natural phenomena ... and either all religions are wrong about the identity of the intelligence that made everything ... or there is only One. Atheism is also a religion for it simply replaces "the gods" with the theories, ideologies, and secular rhetoric of "puny humans" The four major regions are: 1. Christianity ( a sect of Judaism 2. Islam ( a violent pagan cult that corrupted the teachings of Christianity) 3. Hinduism 4 Atheism/Humanism Either all are wrong ... or there is one that is clearly correct. Law made for an intelligence ... by an intelligence ... is because of free will to think & do good or evil ... and .. .must be enforced by the Law maker otherwise there will be chaos, disorder, dire consequences or plain simple evil. Man will do good & evil. The maker of Man can only do good as this is His nature. Man's punishment is coming because Law must be enforced ... but God .. is also Love, and does not want any of His creation loss, so He sent his only begotten Son ... to take the punishment of any LAW BREAKER who believes. There is only One ... religion that was correct all along. And the World is stupidly "cancelling it, ... for other religions or ideologies. Silly people. The Law must be enforced ... and you will be punished for your law breaking.
@@abelincoln8885 you just proved its BS. A powerful god should have no need to punish. Religion is a way to control the population and your statement suggests as much. There have been thousands of religions. Most of which you would say are wrong and dead for a reason. The ones today will also see a similar fate. With probably another set to take their place.
@@penultimatename6677 lol. You have just confirmed Atheism is a religion, replacing "the gods" with theories, ideologies, secular rhetoric or plain "beliefs" of "puny man." lol. Again. Man has always known ... the origin of Laws and anything with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION. Either all the religions are wrong ... or thee is One that is correct. The Four major religions are: 1. Christianity( a sect of Judaism) 2. Islam ( a violent pagan cult that corrupted Christian teachings. 3. Hinduism 4. Atheism. The intelligence that made the Universe & Life ... is clearly the God of the Jews & Christians. Bible of the Jews & Christian fully explain what God has, is and will do with the Universe & Man. There are no ambiguities that throws everything up for interpretation. But man being man, and with free will to think, believe, say & do as he please, will always look for ways to make anything about himself, his values, beliefs. Beware the Nature of Man, for it is evil and will pervert or corrupt what is good, .. unless Man has a strong MORAL & eithical compass (eg God, bible, culture) to do good not evil. Only Christianity has identified the Intelligence that made everything and why?
It doesnt seem like religion is ambiguous, in fact... quite the opposite. If you look at world history, you can tell that religious belief is almost entirely based on upbringing and indoctrination. This is why you can have a country where 90+% of the people believe in one god, and a neighboring country where 90+% believe in a completely different god. Basically, religions behave as if they are nothing but man-made stories that have evolved over thousands of years to appeal to all the psychological weaknesses of the human brain, and persist through indoctrination of children, peer pressure, and tribalism. There is nothing "ambiguous" about it.
"...reality beyond the physical.." Beyond the physical..or beyond human physicality? Earthly physicality? Do we really need "gravity" and "electromagnetism" to make sense of reality? Is there a greater understanding of reality that makes quantum mechanics a form of primitive, nature religion?
The Universe is not religiously ambiguous. The human understanding of the universe is very incomplete and there is no super majority of consensus. A coffin washes onto a beach one day, and ten people walk up and crowd around it. The coffin is made of a hard material that they are unable to open. Half of the people believe there is a body in the coffin and half think it's empty. Some hit it and listen for noises, some try to lift it and smell it. Still no definitive answer can be made. I don't think anyone would ask if the coffin was ambiguous to containing a body. The coffin either did or did not have a body in it. A more reasonable summary of the situation is that there was no consensus amongst the people as to what the coffin contained.
The fact that only one species out of the thousands of other species display religious practices would suggest that the universe is NOT religiously ambiguous. Again, we continue to define the world only in terms of our human experiences and that in itself is a sparse data point.
Not of thousands, but millions of specie that has ever lived on earth, humans alone, from among all the brutes, to understand the mysteries of biology, physics, mathematics, etc.? And what enables us to create great works of art, music, and literature? Human anatomy makes him able to create and control fire and make his technology and his civilization. The human use of the mathematical disciplines ...are the works of that reason by which men surpass beasts, for brutes cannot number, weigh, and measure. God has ordered all things in measure, and number, and weight. Mathematics is the language of the universe. Einstein: “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility,” - “The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.”
This question could be reframed somewhat, suggesting three, not two, possibilities: 1) Pure materialism; 2) God as Creator; 3) Consciousness-as-unity/meaning (or some variation thereof). The notion of God as Creator does not explain anything, it just passes the buck down the line, not unlike multiverse theory does (multiverse theory is just creation theory for atheists) - if the question is too difficult, just invent something fantasmical and impossible to falsify, and therein you will find your answer - Father Christmas for adults. Pure materialism, on the other hand, neglects fundamental problems like entropy, the binding problem and the mind-body problem. Some variation of Consciousness-as-unity, some attempt to factor "knowing how to be" into the narrative might be more helpful. For example, the top-down impact of Culture on the human psyche - culture and the choices that we make from culture play a far greater role on the development of personality and the wiring of the brain, than any of the implicitly reductionist theories are equipped to appreciate. For example, schizophrenia and autism are often indicative of some kind of deficit in the imitation of cultural values. But you've got to get your theory right - neural plasticity (autopoiesis, systems theory) over because-genes determinism. Semiotic theory and the role of meaning play an enormous role in how people engage with their cultures. Does factoring meaning (semiotics) into the narrative imply a religious perspective? Depends on what you mean by "religious". If semiotic consciousness is fundamental, then it is realistic, and there is no reason to call it "religious" (no reason to be concerned about dogmatic, unsubstantiated assertions of belief) - though the die-hard materialists might be inclined to dismiss it thus, given that they will never be able to establish purely bottom-up causation.
Why is the s/m/l cones of the eye tuned to pure blue, pure green and pure yellow ? Why should they be perfectly tuned in a way that lets you reverse engineer a linear function table of two primaries and one secondary colour.. into a full spectrum ? Is the nature of primary and secondary colours and there wavelengths subjective....or objective ? This is no different to writing a map for an ECU thats tied to 3 sensors. Is that not intelligent design ?
@@ReverendDr.Thomas Short wavelength cone - Blue (s-cone) Medium wavelength cone - Green (m-cone) Long wavelength cone = Yellow (l-cone) They are higly tuned to specific wavelengths of light. Those wavelengths of light correspond to two primary colours and one secondary colour. Primaries and secondaries are mixed to make all colours of the rainbow. In computing they are the equivalent of RGB colour values. Using those values you can reverse engineer three identical colour ramps, that interlock in a linear fashion (idle/attack/sustain/decay). You can then understand the nature of the rods and visible light in relation to this multisensor Fibonacci table. Taking the wavelengths in nm and mutiplying them by 2^25, or the speed of light 2^49 or 2^24, reveals what distant ancestors had once kept secret among them. While mocked for charging for the privilege. Confused ?
@@ReverendDr.Thomas Also on why two primaries and a secondary. The Ramps are assymetric. There would be no way to determine the assymetric ramp shape, without using a secondary. In English. Were were designed.
@Ryan McMullen So good they handpick and tune themselves to the primary and secondary colours ? I guess they must have been physicists. Also, do you have operational human eyes from 1000s of years ago ?
Only a deluded numbnut believes sight, hearing, taste, smell ... evolve from simple living "machine" that has no sight, hearing, taste, smell. A machine is a physical Function composed entirely of Functions. The Human body is a physical Function composed entirely of Functions. Machine Analogies are a natural phenomena where a "natural" PROCESS will always be like an "unnatural" PROCESS. Only an intelligence makes Abstract & physical FUNCTIONS. Man has always known that only an intelligence makes Laws ( of Nature ) and things (of the Universe) with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION. Religions are a natural phenomena ... and either all religions are wrong about the identity of the intelligence that made everything ... or there is only One. Atheism is also a religion for it simply replaces "the gods" with the theories, ideologies, and secular rhetoric of "puny humans" The four major regions are: 1. Christianity ( a sect of Judaism 2. Islam ( a violent pagan cult that corrupted the teachings of Christianity) 3. Hinduism 4 Atheism/Humanism Either all are wrong ... or there is one that is clearly correct.
I haven’t watched the vid yet, but I have to say this: The question/title alone, is inherently so arrogant and absurd, that I almost feel insulted on my intelligence. Anybody else feel the same way or is it just me?
Any time gawd is invoked to supposedly get "closer to truth" it's an embarrassment and an insult to intellectual honesty. The question is senseless at best.
"God" is a metaphor, a device to conceptualize the ultimate the Jewish tradition- too immense a concept to grasp, to understand. It is the Ultimate Truth, Ultimate Reality...we will never know this. Whether you' believe' in God or not is irrelevant. Read Einstein's thougths on god. You will likely be surprised
So Einstein’s E=MC2 predicted black holes. Now we have proof. They exist. So, you do understand that many theories predict other theories and outcomes without data or measurement? So I think you are somewhat misguided in the context of your broad statement. Eternal inflation theory is the most likely outcome of inflation theory. Now, it is true that inflation theory is not 100% proven although the greatest plurality of theoretical physicists, cosmologists, particle physicists would choose it over other postulates such as Penrose CCC theory.
To get closer to Truth in religion there are a few easy steps: 1) separate Message from Messanger and Mode of Delivery. Focus only on Message with it's context and evidences. 2) look for original authentic preserved sources. In other words examine the evidence for originality, preservation and consistency. 3) compare and contrast the claims, aims, objectives, demands, outcomes, responsibilities of each religion. Hinduism for example doesn't threaten with an everlasting Hell if test fails while Islam does. Judaism is non-evangalizing to gentiles. Buddhism doesn't have judgement day or afterlife outside of planet earth (all reincarnations take place in earth). Using these tips will help sort out the deviation from the pure truth.
Put simply there is no one universal religion! All to date resonate with select cultures and contradict the human mind when it comes to nurture vs nature 😊
@@ReverendDr.Thomas - have you ever considered that mankind has developed stronger communication methods than god? If not, I would strongly advise you to reconsider :)
Some lose their religious faith because of unfortunate occurrences in their own lives. But that's easy to rationalize: maybe God is trying to help them grow in some way. I find it much more challenging to ask why the Deity would permit such ubiquitous animal suffering, especially given the traditional premise that animals don't have souls. And it's REALLY hard for me to imagine why a good God would create so many species whose survival depends on eating smaller snimals alive...hardly consistent with Christian values.
On the other hand, we can imagine a really profound God. That's the feeling I get I consider the "99 names of God" in Islam... we're talking about a Deity so profound as to be able to transcend my objections in my previous comment.
Might be that God is both physical / natural as well an non-physical, so that one can see God either way? Maybe even some understand God in physical nature without an explicit statement of same, and could be without realizing it?
By design we have numerous autonomic bodily functions (respiration, reflex actions etc) that we don't have to think about. Ever wondered why if there is a God wouldn't it be part of our makeup, we wouldn't have to invent thousands of myths. It's as if we don't have to be concerned about it just like our autonomic functions
If religion is the belief in something without evidence, then why isn't it considered delusional? Every definition that I could find of the word delusion includes the word idiosyncratic. A delusion is not just a belief without evidence; it is an idiosyncratic belief without evidence. So, I looked up the definition of idiosyncratic: peculiar or individual. So, to me, it seems that the only reason religious beliefs aren't considered delusional is that they are widely shared. That seems like a pretty weak nail to hang your hat on.
“”Religion,” according to the Bahá’í writings, “is the outer expression of the divine reality. Therefore, it must be living, vitalized, moving and progressive.”[1]“Science is the first emanation from God toward man. All created things embody the potentiality of material perfection, but the power of intellectual investigation and scientific acquisition is a higher virtue specialized to man alone. Other beings and organisms are deprived of this potentiality and attainment.”[2]” Science is the discovery of divine mysteries. When science and religion conflict then it is superstition , vain imagining or idle fancy . For science to hold as fact the universe has a boundary is superstition. Not Difficult to grasp the notion since many human minds in this material realm are held , persuaded by their imagines of boundaries, limitations.
Man has always knwon that only an intelligence makes Laws ( of Nature ) and things (of the Universe) with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION. Religions are a natural phenomena ... and either all religions are wrong about the identity of the intelligence that made everything ... or there is only One. There is a reason why the greatest & most influential Man in all of History ... is a JEW ... who said he is the promised JEWISH Messiah( Savior) and the Son of God. Remove Christianity from world History ... and the Human Race would now be extinct.
The religious will always say we don't have enough "data". Well belief is not dependent on data so the, his argument won't be made whole by it. Unless god, whatever shows his very reluctant face their waiting will continue. I think we at best understand now a 13.9 billion old universe and they believe in a god born in a manger visited by three wiseman, nailed to a cross, a blood sacrifice for our sins. WTF do you think will ever satisfy those who think like that!!
X-Files Jesus (good/god) is the exact opposite of the hostile alien vampires (greed) and their ignorance (hate). Question. Why are the evangelical counting corpses using the bible as a springboard to perform somersaults to do the exact opposite of "love their neighbors" and "treat others like they want to be treated"? Answer. This is sick. Because these simple concepts are too far out there to grasp for vampires. Vampires (greed) who suck the joy out of life have joined the zombies who eat the futures of their children. Zombie Apocalypse is here and happening now. The hostile evangelical monsters are hiding behind the robe of truth (love) to worship ignorance (hate). The truth said with the wrong intent is worse than all that lies invent. Lead into gold Tears into roses Weapons into ploughshares
I would argue that it's reasonable even rational to withhold belief until such time as there is evidentiary warrant to believe. Given this there is no ambiguity, in so much as equal evidence or lack thereof for natural and supernatural. There is overwhelming for natural and practically nothing (besides anicdotal) for supernatural. If the supernatural interacts with the natural there will be fingerprints and as scientific enquiry develops "data" will be gathered and at some point a body of evidence could develop. But until such time, belief without evidentiary warrant is by definition, irrational.
What a ridiculous question. "Espousing views with equal conviction" is not evidence of anything more than humans being capable of holding opinions. Conviction does not require evidence or even internal consistency, as we know from listening to religious bloviations. Closer To The Bottom Of The Barrel, more like.
@@maxwellsimoes238 well you can be in one dimension and peer into others...this can be done remotely as well, you don't always know the timeline or the location
When you compare 2 pHd people you are focusing on Messanger that breaks tip #2. How about you ask each pHd for Evidences of their Messages and analyze that.
No no, you got it wrong. The Supreme father is Rimuru Tempest and we are just fooling around in his imagination, waiting to be Isekaied into his nation.
Of course the universe *looks for the observer* Reliously ambitious as the universe has to be physical as well as in cause and effect functional! The most interesting remark is...*we do not know if one or the other have some correspondence truth to real reality* Thats where you have to solve it. Is there an area of truth where both sides can not be denied. Ponder that, as that is they key as well as the keyhole to solve this. It should be there from logic! It would mean the foundation of reality is not yet found.
Absurd speculations concern phich because guys Not show up honestly concern in Universe. They are talking though baseless concept that Not exist because worthless phich. If guys figuret out phichs concept though consiste elements particles he certain had self respect hinself.
The Holy Bible of Macabre Myths does not even once mention science, nor does it mention where Heaven is; thus, the tome is and religion is a waste of time, just like the fictional books of any other religion. At least in Buddhism, there is value in meditation and proper breathing, with which there are growing numbers of valid research. Gawd Oldmighty never mentions that; moreover, the Old Testicles Book of Leviticus, which is old Jewish law, was plagiarized by Islam as their Sharia Law. The majority of humans are not evolved enough to know that the gawd question is completely irrelevant, that most people are completely befuddles by Microsoft Windows 10/11. 😈
I have Absolute theory of everything which mightily explains each and everything as it! universe, science, philosophy, history, symbology, current situation, international politics, Future predictions, technological revolution, industrial revolution, Quantum computer, endof history and end of time.
Unfortunately, your UA-cam videos are in some strange language without subtitles. But I noticed many muslim ingredients. And since I consider islam an obvious false religion, your absolute theory is likely absolutely false.
Man has always known that only an intelligence makes Laws ( of Nature ) and things (of the Universe) with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION. Religions are a natural phenomena ... and either all religions are wrong about the identity of the intelligence that made everything ... or there is only One. Atheism is also a religion for it simply replaces "the gods" with the theories, ideologies, and secular rhetoric of "puny humans" The four major regions are: 1. Christianity ( a sect of Judaism 2. Islam ( a violent pagan cult that corrupted the teachings of Christianity) 3. Hinduism 4 Atheism/Humanism Either all are wrong ... or there is one that is clearly correct. Everything makes sense ... once you known & understand the ... origin, purpose & enforcement of Law. Matter & energy ... do not have free will ... but must obey the Laws of Nature otherwise there will be chaos, disorder, and dire consequences. Man ... has free will ... to think & do good or evil ... and must obey the Law ... otherwise there will be chaos, disorder & dire consequences. Only an intelligence ... makes Laws & things with purpose, form, design & function.
Hello , I am Rasty I want to make friendship with those who interested in this kind of topics , if u are interested too so let’s know each other I respect all human kinda regardless religion, nationality, …
The physical universe is not understood by anybody. There are many unanswered questions, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, just to name two. We certainly know more than say 300 years ago, but we are only at the beginning. Therefore no scientist should be saying that science can explain everything. How can a scientist know that? This smacks of arrogance. Also to place all your trust in people on the basis of their educational attainment is also not a good idea, because they may be learning erroneous ideas, which will be overturned one day, and their thinking is clouded by preconceived ideas. G-D can never be proven by science, because G-D is by definition a non physical entity. People that experience NDE's describe G-D as light energy, not a physical form.
G-D is described as light energy but light energy is considered physical. The problem gets pushed back to how do we explain G-D which according to people's experience is physical entity of a different material.
This is a wise word. I admire your logical philosophical conclusion. Probably I can give you a nice surprise - "Someone" manages to figure out the correct fundamental elements of the Universe and how they work. The result is mind-blowing because all these mysteries are solved with ease - I can recommend my book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe" and hope you will enjoy it.
@@Orion15-b9j After a number of years of studying the subject, I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a theory of everything(Unified Theory) That is why Einstein and others got nowhere with it and never will. If I get a chance to read your book I might do so, but given my take on Unified Theory, I am unlikely to be impressed. Who is the publisher?
Brother you mentioned all the deviated "religions" but not the One preserved authentic true religion of Islam? Do you need a Muslim friend? Visit your local friendly neighborhood musjid brother.
Mr Isham taught me GR many moons ago.Nice to see he's still going strong
Many Falsifiers of Religion mean just falsifying Believers in that Religion. Religion as such is the Text. If a Believer in a Text does not follow what is in the Text, authentically and Scholarly so, then he/she discredits his/her Religion. But that does not exclude the Existence of Enemies to the Idea of Theism per se, Text or Believers in a text.
The universe is God''s energy, simultaneously one with and different from him. Therefore it can provide both remembrance and forgetfulness of God, depending on our desire.
I'm amazed at how people think they know this kind of nonsense!
@@briandelaney1091 I was about to reply to the original post with something along the same lines as your comment.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
No evidence whatsoever. As the late Carl Sagan put it, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” you have none.
Notice how you said Him. That’s not an accident. It’s your upbringing. And you have no evidence for the existence never mind a gender.
If one closely examines those highly educated believers in the non-physical, spiritual world including a form of a supreme being, I think you will find one or more of the following:
(1) A strong religious upbringing (a person could have had a period of atheism, but returned to the fold);
(2) A spouse or close friend who witnessed to them and convinced them that there is something to spiritual reality;
(3) Had an experience that convinced them that God exists or a spiritual reality exists. The experience could be: (a) A near-death experience,
(b) A hyper-sensory illusion, hallucination, or subjective experience while in nature or meditating that is defined as a "religious experience as William James described. (c) A close call with death where the probability was high that they should have died, but were "spared." (d) A deliberate "analysis" where they decided objectively that the best course was to believe in God (such as, Pascal's Wager).
(4) Have a brain that is given to belief in superstitions, the possibility of ESP, OBEs, etcetera - the world of parapsychology. They possess a "believing brain."
One can think of a few of these people off the top of the head (some are deceased): Dr. Francis Collins, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dr. John Polkinghorne, Sir John Eccles, Dr. Abdus Salaam, Dr. Ian Barbour, Dr. Katherine Johnson, Dr. Kenneth Miller, Dr. Joan Roughgarden, Dr. George Ellis, etcetera.
And that’s why this question is really stupid. Religiosity is a property of the person, not the universe.
You're an NPC.
You likely have not intuition, empathy, wisdom or are aligned towards Truth or Divine.
I assume you're a liberal and would never risk your life for a good cause or cause greater than yourself because there's no point or such thing as 'good'.
You're not a visionary, or a revolutionary because only a Soul who is movesd within acts in such a way to bring Truth, Justice, Peace apon the earth and others and because you are Souless makes you a materialist thus you're not a contemplative or Spiritual man; there's no purposes, no meaning, no point; there's nowhere to go, nothing to obtain. Virtue is a made up word.
You can say that we come from monkeys, that there's no mystery no God, and that it's only due to the nervous system that we are functional and conscious meat suits.
You're a liar and there's a very high probability of you acting in very evil ways.
90% of all people who ever lived on earth believed in a god.
The greatest mysteries of science: how did consciousness arise in humans? What is it that allows humans alone, from among all the brutes, to understand the mysteries of biology, physics, mathematics, etc.? And what enables us to create great works of art, music, and literature? Science is nowhere close to explaining these deep mysteries and will never find the answer.
Blaise Pascal : "Some people know instinctively that if Christianity is true they will lose control, and they will not be able to live anyway they wish. So they are rooting for it not to be true, and are more than willing to accept any objections to the faith they hear."
@@jamesrey3221 I don't know where you retrieved the "90%" figure, but I doubt it. Think of all the "people" (i.e., hominins) - species that had a brain and consciousness that ever lived. One estimate puts it at 117 billion "modern humans" that ever lived (ref: PRB: How many people have ever lived on earth?). But, the actual percentage doesn't matter. The flaw in your statement is that "90%" of people who ever lived also believed the Earth was flat, and had many other erroneous beliefs, including the belief in gods and God. Science to the rescue.
Consciousness is not a mystery - its evolution is not a mystery. True, not everything is known about how the brain produces consciousness and how exactly it evolved, but that is true of many phenomena. Much is known, however.
What allows we modern humans to invent, have language, investigate, analyze, create, imagine, plan, etcetera, is our large, complex brain relative to our body mass, and building on the work of those that preceding us. We did not do all that at once, we did it very gradually, and then as breakthroughs were made, we progressed rapidly. In just a few hundreds years ago, most all humans were farmers, and go back a few thousand years and most humans were hunter-gatherers.
It's only been since around mid - AD 1500s that humans learned and adopted the scientific method, and then technical achievements exploded.
Science is much closer than you believe to explaining consciousness, mind, creativity, and the like -- they are not mysteries. Humans through science discovered where humans came from and how they evolved (evolution). With science, they discovered the DNA molecule, and discovered all types of medicine and medical procedures. In the last few years, a human working with her colleagues, discovered CRISPR and revolutionized genetics.
In the next decade, we all will be surprised at the rapid pace of increased knowledge of all these "mysteries" as you call them.
@@georgegrubbs2966 The modern genetic era is now facing a reality. The human genome is full of apparently meaningless “junk”; it is impenetrably complicated; and some inheritable traits seem extremely hard to attribute to specific genes. As researchers calls it: a suspicion we don’t know or understand as much as we thought. This is a crisis of comprehensibility and coherence.
In the process it was discovered that around a third of those genes essential to life are an enigma because no one knows yet what they code for. So the spark of life, and the ability to create it entirely from scratch without nature’s help, is still way beyond our capabilities.
This just shows the limits of our power and depth of our ignorance: we have no idea what a third of the genes actually do.
We could be facing a stone wall to our limits to understand how life is created.
The Scientific Method was invented by Catholic scientist...Roger Bacon was a priest, scientist, and Franciscan friar is credited with being the first to define the scientific method. Who emphasized the study of nature through empirical observation.
Hypothesis, Testing, Analysis, Replication/Repetition, and finally Data Recording and Sharing.
Most of the important discoveries in astronomy, medicine and science came from Catholic scientist and priest. - Galileo, Copernicus, Mendel, Pascal, Pasteur, etc. - Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Mendel where Catholic scientist who highly contributed to the development of evolutionary theory. The Big Bang theory was proposed by Fr. Lemaitre. Stephen Hawking was a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (academy of sciences of the Vatican City).
The Jesuits have been "the single most important contributor to experimental physics in the seventeenth century. The Jesuits introduced a substantial body of scientific knowledge and a vast array of mental tools for understanding the physical universe, including the Euclidean geometry that made planetary motion comprehensible.
This support for science continues today at Catholic universities throughout the world. The Catholic University of America and the University of Notre Dame, etc., have distinguished departments of physics, biology, and chemistry the equal of rival departments in secular universities.
Science and God are compatible, this is what build the western civilization.
"God alone is the author of all the motions in the world." This idea that nature was governed by constant and immutable principles was an important precondition for experimental science. This was the foundation of science and technology of the Christian western civilization
My simplest answer to this kind of question: I don't know.
Let's be honest here how could I claim to know about something which is beyond our limited and existing Knowledge? Though there's always room for Imagination or Philosophical speculations about the deep Unknown. For this, I have mine too, like any other wandering minds.
My imaginative speculation is that what we term "God" or like this video says some "Supraphysical entity", they are beings from higher dimensions. If those scientific theories about the possibility of "Higher Dimensions" actually true. In this perspective, our Universe then becomes conditioned by the dimensional limitations. Whatever we learnt and found out so far about this Universe we live in is dimensionally constructive. Space, Time, Matter, Fundamental Forces, Elements of all kinds and so on are all aspects of this dimension. Though that doesn't mean these aspects don't exist in higher dimensions but there could be more phenomena, more aspects; stuffs that we can't even begin to think about cause we are conditioned by this dimension we live in. God, if it's some higher dimensional existence, we could only imagine about it but that very imagination of ours are limited, conditioned. But there's still a possibility for breaking "the 4th wall". There has to be some element which is common in every dimension, however higher or lower it maybe, through which we could tap into those higher dimensions. Ah forget it, I'm just blabbering nonsense at this point. Our knowledge is limited to our existence, anyways.
I totally agree to this. Infact, theists use this argument to justify gods actions. They say when questioned about why god does what he does, "you cannot know because your imagination and knowledge of the world and god is limited". Which is quite true. At this point, we don't have enough data to come to a conclusion. And we are not sure if we ever will find a conclusion!
Be honest.
Do you know & understand ... the origin, purpose & need to enforce ... rules & Laws?
Do you know the origin ... of anything that has clear purpose, properties, form, design & FUNCTION?
Do you agree ... that everything in the Universe has clear purpose, properties, form, design & FUNCTION ... and ... obey a set of LAWS?
Man has always known the Universe has an UNNATURAL origin by a very very powerful intelligence, like man.
Religion is a natural phenomena that will always be observed.
Atheism is also a religion, for it simply replaces "the gods" with the theories & ideologies of "the man."
Over 5 of 7 billion people believe in a soul/spirit, a supernatural existence & intelligence that made everything. We have always known the origin of Law and anything with form, function, purpose & design.
Well expressed, but the belief of the majority in any notion is no valid measure of it's accuracy.
Without belaboring the point with countless examples of beliefs, held at various times by vast percentages of mankind, have in fact been subsequently disproved by the discovery of new information.
@@hughbarton5743 Exactly, Facts are often stranger than a Fiction. Though it doesn't change the fact that they are facts. You can certainly hypothesize about something that you truly don't know but to generalize it as a fact and embracing the ignorance of one's own ego is an existential blunder.
Let me deflate one of your conjectures. The LIGOS detectors of gravitational waves not once, but now, multiple times, proves that there are no higher dimensions in our 3 spatial, 1 time dimension reality. That’s “proof”, period! So, dimensions are perhaps compactified at the plank scale (String theory). You directional speculation has derailed off its tracks.
As a non-evangelical atheist, my current position on this question is obvious ,with a caveat: if , after employing the scientific method with rigour, the fingerprints of some sort of diety or underlying spiritual force could be clearly identified, I will certainly revise my opinion on this matter. Science is the only usable tool we have at our disposal, imperfect as it may be. Being proven wrong is not,from the point of view of a scientist, a failure; it is a success. For those of you readers who believe in a diety, I applaud your faith, but disagree with your findings at this time.
Thank you all for your interest and your thoughts. Be well.
The beginning and fine-tuning of the universe, consciousness, rationality, human dignity and worth, and free will. - These phenomena are quite startling, if they are the result of valueless, non-conscious, unguided, non-rational material processes.
We have every reason to think a naturalistic world would not yield these phenomena. What is it that allows humans alone, from among all the brutes, to understand the mysteries of biology, physics, mathematics, etc.? And what enables us to create great works of art, music, and literature?
Science is nowhere close to explaining these deep mysteries and it will never will.
"A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah"
And why should He reveal himself to the proud and arrogant, who demand that God “prove himself” through divine pyrotechnics?
Would that really produce genuine conversion and deep love for God? The Israelites had plenty of signs- Yet most of the Israelites died in unbelief after displays of idolatry, rebellion, and murmuring God is interested in more than our justified true belief that he exists.
To seek God with all our heart is fundamental to God’s revealing himself to us. Faith is a gift of grace - as Blaise Pascal put it: God is willing to appear openly to those who seek Him with all their heart, and to be hidden from those who flee from Him with all their heart, He so regulates the knowledge of Himself that He has given signs of Himself, visible to those who seek Him, and not to those who seek Him not. There is enough light for those who only desire to see, and enough obscurity for those who have a contrary disposition.
Pascal sympathizes with the passionate agnostic who struggles daily with the ultimate question of whether God exists. But the sad fact is that most “nones” and agnostics are not passionate truth-seekers. Intellectual uncertainty is understandable. Indifference to the question of God is insanity.
@@jamesrey3221 " -We- I have every reason to -think- want a naturalistic world -would- to not yield these phenomena, because they don't fit my emotional needs."
Fixed it for you.
Do you believe that physicists really understand the material universe? I'm a physicist and I don't understand. As Feynman said, "if you think you've understood the quintessence of the quantum universe, you've misunderstood it." Sorry!
But of course physicists admit on regular basis that they do not fully understand quantum mechanics. Sorry but what is your point?
Can the study of Quantum Physics be described as the study between the edge of the Present and the Future?
@Ryan McMullen Dear Ryan, I don't think so, I think we are approaching a new vision of Reality that needs a new scientific vision. Some physicists question whether Time is a physical reality or just a human mental perception, in which case we will have to rethink the meaning of the 't' in our equations. an awkward situation....
@Ryan McMullen Poor argument.
It is good that you are honest physicists capable to admit the truth. I am also a physicist and I will be happy to share with you my findings - Space, Time, and energy = (matter) is the material components of the Universe. The Law of Physics, Quantum Information, and Consciousness are the non-material components of the Universe. If you are interested to find their relations and how the Universe works, then I can recommend my book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe" - there you will find the answer to the biggest mystery in QM - the particle superposition and the reason for the collapse of the wave functions in the double-slit experiment.
You said: "my friends BELIEVE...". That's the main issue, nothing to do with education or Phd
Isnt belief kind of the same as faith? God or whatever ridiculous idol u wish to have faith in,God lives in ones faith!? It is the exact same concept as Santa claus pretty much! a bit side tracked there 😂🕺
@@ReverendDr.Thomas jesus christ reverend this is the most egotistical comment i’ve ever seen
@@westy762 faith and belief are opposites. belief is something you cling to, faith is letting go and trusting the universe.
What about those that get to faith when a loved one dies. The man's bias pushed him to not really answer the question.
Your bias pushed you to judge his "non-answer" as such.
When a loved one dies you are emotionally strained. Whilst emotionally strained it is common to read too much into the everyday normal, sometimes even hallucinate. This can lead to delusions, or a religious experience which for some may lead to a religious life based on faith.
At 1:50 to about 2:03 you said there are only 2 groups; one believes and one doesn’t. But certainly there is the third group who keep questioning. This is the essence of human knowledge otherwise we would still believe the sun revolves around the earth. I could go on but I’m tired,so good night. But keep seeking.
If you belong to the third group, then you will be able to accept the truth! - Space, Time, and Energy = (matter) are the material components of the Universe. The Law of Physics, Quantum Information, and Consciousness are the non-material components of the Universe. If you are interested to find their relations and how the Universe works, then I can recommend you my book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"
@@Orion15-b9j Since I do belong to the third group I do question some of what you have written. I will keep your book. BTW is there a typo (mistake) on the cover of the book?
Imagine a world with a universal religion based in a narrative of the simple, yet elegant truth of why Emptiness, The Void, Perfection (call it what you may) decided to divide its singularity into minute particles, without plan, expectation, or attachment to a specific result, but by pure random chance, just to experience whatever outcome, come what may. An outcome we’re part of and inseparable from. An outcome, like Bucky’s tad rudder, that may in part be determined by our individual and collective choices. That devotion, with the melding of science and spiritual practice, based on the understanding, knowing and direct experience, informed through direct interactions with energies that stream across time and space since that seminal moment of the Big Bang. Rather than an end, it’d be a new beginning for humanity that would put to application our innate sense to organize chaos and make the finest use of our inherent problem solving abilities.
He laughed at the point at which the mention of a PhD was made and then when he started to speak, he said " In the days I was doing my PhD."
What the heck!
If there was a god there would be a website. People believe in god for personal gain. For an afterlife, to remove a sin or have a wish come true. Maybe to not feel alone. It's always about a personal god. It's never about proving a distant god that might have initiated the big bang and then disappeared.
@Ryan McMullen I acknowledge your thoughtful response and recognize the value. I still say when not based in the scientific method it fails.
Man has always known that only an intelligence makes Laws ( of Nature ) and things (of the Universe) with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION.
Religions are a natural phenomena ... and either all religions are wrong about the identity of the intelligence that made everything ... or there is only One.
Atheism is also a religion for it simply replaces "the gods" with the theories, ideologies, and secular rhetoric of "puny humans"
The four major regions are:
1. Christianity ( a sect of Judaism
2. Islam ( a violent pagan cult that corrupted the teachings of Christianity)
3. Hinduism
4 Atheism/Humanism
Either all are wrong ... or there is one that is clearly correct.
Law made for an intelligence ... by an intelligence ... is because of free will to think & do good or evil ... and .. .must be enforced by the Law maker otherwise there will be chaos, disorder, dire consequences or plain simple evil.
Man will do good & evil.
The maker of Man can only do good as this is His nature. Man's punishment is coming because Law must be enforced ... but God .. is also Love, and does not want any of His creation loss, so He sent his only begotten Son ... to take the punishment of any LAW BREAKER who believes.
There is only One ... religion that was correct all along. And the World is stupidly "cancelling it, ... for other religions or ideologies. Silly people. The Law must be enforced ... and you will be punished for your law breaking.
@Ryan McMullen Let's wait for the answers rather than making them up.
@@abelincoln8885 you just proved its BS. A powerful god should have no need to punish. Religion is a way to control the population and your statement suggests as much. There have been thousands of religions. Most of which you would say are wrong and dead for a reason. The ones today will also see a similar fate. With probably another set to take their place.
@@penultimatename6677 lol. You have just confirmed Atheism is a religion, replacing "the gods" with theories, ideologies, secular rhetoric or plain "beliefs" of "puny man." lol.
Again. Man has always known ... the origin of Laws and anything with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION.
Either all the religions are wrong ... or thee is One that is correct.
The Four major religions are:
1. Christianity( a sect of Judaism)
2. Islam ( a violent pagan cult that corrupted Christian teachings.
3. Hinduism
4. Atheism.
The intelligence that made the Universe & Life ... is clearly the God of the Jews & Christians. Bible of the Jews & Christian fully explain what God has, is and will do with the Universe & Man. There are no ambiguities that throws everything up for interpretation. But man being man, and with free will to think, believe, say & do as he please, will always look for ways to make anything about himself, his values, beliefs.
Beware the Nature of Man, for it is evil and will pervert or corrupt what is good, .. unless Man has a strong MORAL & eithical compass (eg God, bible, culture) to do good not evil.
Only Christianity has identified the Intelligence that made everything and why?
It doesnt seem like religion is ambiguous, in fact... quite the opposite. If you look at world history, you can tell that religious belief is almost entirely based on upbringing and indoctrination. This is why you can have a country where 90+% of the people believe in one god, and a neighboring country where 90+% believe in a completely different god. Basically, religions behave as if they are nothing but man-made stories that have evolved over thousands of years to appeal to all the psychological weaknesses of the human brain, and persist through indoctrination of children, peer pressure, and tribalism. There is nothing "ambiguous" about it.
The universe, when observed without a filter of ontological naturalism, really does suggest something outside of itself.
"...reality beyond the physical.." Beyond the physical..or beyond human physicality? Earthly physicality? Do we really need "gravity" and "electromagnetism" to make sense of reality? Is there a greater understanding of reality that makes quantum mechanics a form of primitive, nature religion?
hermatism, look up a book called the kybalion by three initiates if you are ready for the truth
The Universe is not religiously ambiguous. The human understanding of the universe is very incomplete and there is no super majority of consensus.
A coffin washes onto a beach one day, and ten people walk up and crowd around it. The coffin is made of a hard material that they are unable to open. Half of the people believe there is a body in the coffin and half think it's empty. Some hit it and listen for noises, some try to lift it and smell it. Still no definitive answer can be made. I don't think anyone would ask if the coffin was ambiguous to containing a body. The coffin either did or did not have a body in it. A more reasonable summary of the situation is that there was no consensus amongst the people as to what the coffin contained.
The fact that only one species out of the thousands of other species display religious practices would suggest that the universe is NOT religiously ambiguous. Again, we continue to define the world only in terms of our human experiences and that in itself is a sparse data point.
Not of thousands, but millions of specie that has ever lived on earth, humans alone, from among all the brutes, to understand the mysteries of biology, physics, mathematics, etc.? And what enables us to create great works of art, music, and literature? Human anatomy makes him able to create and control fire and make his technology and his civilization.
The human use of the mathematical disciplines ...are the works of that reason by which men surpass beasts, for brutes cannot number, weigh, and measure.
God has ordered all things in measure, and number, and weight. Mathematics is the language of the universe.
Einstein: “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility,” - “The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.”
This question could be reframed somewhat, suggesting three, not two, possibilities: 1) Pure materialism; 2) God as Creator; 3) Consciousness-as-unity/meaning (or some variation thereof). The notion of God as Creator does not explain anything, it just passes the buck down the line, not unlike multiverse theory does (multiverse theory is just creation theory for atheists) - if the question is too difficult, just invent something fantasmical and impossible to falsify, and therein you will find your answer - Father Christmas for adults. Pure materialism, on the other hand, neglects fundamental problems like entropy, the binding problem and the mind-body problem.
Some variation of Consciousness-as-unity, some attempt to factor "knowing how to be" into the narrative might be more helpful. For example, the top-down impact of Culture on the human psyche - culture and the choices that we make from culture play a far greater role on the development of personality and the wiring of the brain, than any of the implicitly reductionist theories are equipped to appreciate. For example, schizophrenia and autism are often indicative of some kind of deficit in the imitation of cultural values. But you've got to get your theory right - neural plasticity (autopoiesis, systems theory) over because-genes determinism.
Semiotic theory and the role of meaning play an enormous role in how people engage with their cultures. Does factoring meaning (semiotics) into the narrative imply a religious perspective? Depends on what you mean by "religious". If semiotic consciousness is fundamental, then it is realistic, and there is no reason to call it "religious" (no reason to be concerned about dogmatic, unsubstantiated assertions of belief) - though the die-hard materialists might be inclined to dismiss it thus, given that they will never be able to establish purely bottom-up causation.
Why is the s/m/l cones of the eye tuned to pure blue, pure green and pure yellow ?
Why should they be perfectly tuned in a way that lets you reverse engineer a linear function table of two primaries and one secondary colour.. into a full spectrum ?
Is the nature of primary and secondary colours and there wavelengths subjective....or objective ?
This is no different to writing a map for an ECU thats tied to 3 sensors.
Is that not intelligent design ?
Short wavelength cone - Blue (s-cone)
Medium wavelength cone - Green (m-cone)
Long wavelength cone = Yellow (l-cone)
They are higly tuned to specific wavelengths of light.
Those wavelengths of light correspond to two primary colours and one secondary colour.
Primaries and secondaries are mixed to make all colours of the rainbow.
In computing they are the equivalent of RGB colour values.
Using those values you can reverse engineer three identical colour ramps, that interlock in a linear fashion (idle/attack/sustain/decay).
You can then understand the nature of the rods and visible light in relation to this multisensor Fibonacci table.
Taking the wavelengths in nm and mutiplying them by 2^25, or the speed of light 2^49 or 2^24, reveals what distant ancestors had once kept secret among them. While mocked for charging for the privilege.
Confused ?
@@ReverendDr.Thomas Also on why two primaries and a secondary. The Ramps are assymetric. There would be no way to determine the assymetric ramp shape, without using a secondary.
In English. Were were designed.
@Ryan McMullen So good they handpick and tune themselves to the primary and secondary colours ?
I guess they must have been physicists.
Also, do you have operational human eyes from 1000s of years ago ?
Only a deluded numbnut believes sight, hearing, taste, smell ... evolve from simple living "machine" that has no sight, hearing, taste, smell.
A machine is a physical Function composed entirely of Functions.
The Human body is a physical Function composed entirely of Functions.
Machine Analogies are a natural phenomena where a "natural" PROCESS will always be like an "unnatural" PROCESS.
Only an intelligence makes Abstract & physical FUNCTIONS.
Man has always known that only an intelligence makes Laws ( of Nature ) and things (of the Universe) with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION.
Religions are a natural phenomena ... and either all religions are wrong about the identity of the intelligence that made everything ... or there is only One.
Atheism is also a religion for it simply replaces "the gods" with the theories, ideologies, and secular rhetoric of "puny humans"
The four major regions are:
1. Christianity ( a sect of Judaism
2. Islam ( a violent pagan cult that corrupted the teachings of Christianity)
3. Hinduism
4 Atheism/Humanism
Either all are wrong ... or there is one that is clearly correct.
Buddhism should not mistaken for a religion, in my opinion
I haven’t watched the vid yet, but I have to say this: The question/title alone, is inherently so arrogant and absurd, that I almost feel insulted on my intelligence. Anybody else feel the same way or is it just me?
Any time gawd is invoked to supposedly get "closer to truth" it's an embarrassment and an insult to intellectual honesty.
The question is senseless at best.
"God" is a metaphor, a device to conceptualize the ultimate the Jewish tradition- too immense a concept to grasp, to understand. It is the Ultimate Truth, Ultimate Reality...we will never know this. Whether you' believe' in God or not is irrelevant. Read Einstein's thougths on god. You will likely be surprised
If we want to evolve we must change our environment I think
We only have knowledge and data according to our own measurement systems. Everything outside that is arbitrary.
and which measurement system backs that up? None. It's self-refuting. We can have non-empircal knowledge through logic.
So Einstein’s E=MC2 predicted black holes. Now we have proof. They exist. So, you do understand that many theories predict other theories and outcomes without data or measurement? So I think you are somewhat misguided in the context of your broad statement. Eternal inflation theory is the most likely outcome of inflation theory. Now, it is true that inflation theory is not 100% proven although the greatest plurality of theoretical physicists, cosmologists, particle physicists would choose it over other postulates such as Penrose CCC theory.
To get closer to Truth in religion there are a few easy steps:
1) separate Message from Messanger and Mode of Delivery. Focus only on Message with it's context and evidences.
2) look for original authentic preserved sources. In other words examine the evidence for originality, preservation and consistency.
3) compare and contrast the claims, aims, objectives, demands, outcomes, responsibilities of each religion.
Hinduism for example doesn't threaten with an everlasting Hell if test fails while Islam does. Judaism is non-evangalizing to gentiles. Buddhism doesn't have judgement day or afterlife outside of planet earth (all reincarnations take place in earth).
Using these tips will help sort out the deviation from the pure truth.
There is no truth in religion
Put simply there is no one universal religion! All to date resonate with select cultures and contradict the human mind when it comes to nurture vs nature 😊
@@ReverendDr.Thomas Kindly stop copy and pasting insults Rev.
@@ReverendDr.Thomas - various claims of supremacy over other belief systems
@@ReverendDr.Thomas - have you ever considered that mankind has developed stronger communication methods than god?
If not, I would strongly advise you to reconsider :)
Why on earth would you ask that question of a theist?
Why on earth would you ask the same question of an atheist?
Some lose their religious faith because of unfortunate occurrences in their own lives. But that's easy to rationalize: maybe God is trying to help them grow in some way. I find it much more challenging to ask why the Deity would permit such ubiquitous animal suffering, especially given the traditional premise that animals don't have souls. And it's REALLY hard for me to imagine why a good God would create so many species whose survival depends on eating smaller snimals alive...hardly consistent with Christian values.
On the other hand, we can imagine a really profound God. That's the feeling I get I consider the "99 names of God" in Islam... we're talking about a Deity so profound as to be able to transcend my objections in my previous comment.
Might be that God is both physical / natural as well an non-physical, so that one can see God either way? Maybe even some understand God in physical nature without an explicit statement of same, and could be without realizing it?
By design we have numerous autonomic bodily functions (respiration, reflex actions etc) that we don't have to think about. Ever wondered why if there is a God wouldn't it be part of our makeup, we wouldn't have to invent thousands of myths. It's as if we don't have to be concerned about it just like our autonomic functions
If religion is the belief in something without evidence, then why isn't it considered delusional? Every definition that I could find of the word delusion includes the word idiosyncratic. A delusion is not just a belief without evidence; it is an idiosyncratic belief without evidence. So, I looked up the definition of idiosyncratic: peculiar or individual. So, to me, it seems that the only reason religious beliefs aren't considered delusional is that they are widely shared. That seems like a pretty weak nail to hang your hat on.
@@realitycheck1231 Hilarious! Do you get paid for coming up with that bullshit?
I didn't understand a word of what that guy said! Did he speak in english?
“”Religion,” according to the Bahá’í writings, “is the outer expression of the divine reality. Therefore, it must be living, vitalized, moving and progressive.”[1]“Science is the first emanation from God toward man. All created things embody the potentiality of material perfection, but the power of intellectual investigation and scientific acquisition is a higher virtue specialized to man alone. Other beings and organisms are deprived of this potentiality and attainment.”[2]”
Science is the discovery of divine mysteries.
When science and religion conflict then it is superstition , vain imagining or idle fancy .
For science to hold as fact the universe has a boundary is superstition.
Not Difficult to grasp the notion since many human minds in this material realm are held , persuaded by their imagines of boundaries, limitations.
Man has always knwon that only an intelligence makes Laws ( of Nature ) and things (of the Universe) with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION.
Religions are a natural phenomena ... and either all religions are wrong about the identity of the intelligence that made everything ... or there is only One.
There is a reason why the greatest & most influential Man in all of History ... is a JEW ... who said he is the promised JEWISH Messiah( Savior) and the Son of God.
Remove Christianity from world History ... and the Human Race would now be extinct.
Could you rewright this so it means something, otherwise don't waste the electrons
Unexperienced possibilities for both ambiguous sides
Q: Why waste time on this question?
A: To get views, and comments, and monetize them.
The religious will always say we don't have enough "data". Well belief is not dependent on data so the, his argument won't be made whole by it. Unless god, whatever shows his very reluctant face their waiting will continue. I think we at best understand now a 13.9 billion old universe and they believe in a god born in a manger visited by three wiseman, nailed to a cross, a blood sacrifice for our sins. WTF do you think will ever satisfy those who think like that!!
Jesus (good/god) is the exact opposite of the hostile alien vampires (greed) and their ignorance (hate).
Question. Why are the evangelical counting corpses using the bible as a springboard to perform somersaults to do the exact opposite of "love their neighbors" and "treat others like they want to be treated"?
Answer. This is sick. Because these simple concepts are too far out there to grasp for vampires.
Vampires (greed) who suck the joy out of life have joined the zombies who eat the futures of their children.
Zombie Apocalypse is here and happening now.
The hostile evangelical monsters are hiding behind the robe of truth (love) to worship ignorance (hate).
The truth said with the wrong intent is worse than all that lies invent.
Lead into gold
Tears into roses
Weapons into ploughshares
Merged experience is all we need
@@A3Kr0n wow. Yes this can be like one
I cant understand a single word of the answer
I would argue that it's reasonable even rational to withhold belief until such time as there is evidentiary warrant to believe. Given this there is no ambiguity, in so much as equal evidence or lack thereof for natural and supernatural. There is overwhelming for natural and practically nothing (besides anicdotal) for supernatural. If the supernatural interacts with the natural there will be fingerprints and as scientific enquiry develops "data" will be gathered and at some point a body of evidence could develop. But until such time, belief without evidentiary warrant is by definition, irrational.
What a ridiculous question. "Espousing views with equal conviction" is not evidence of anything more than humans being capable of holding opinions.
Conviction does not require evidence or even internal consistency, as we know from listening to religious bloviations.
Closer To The Bottom Of The Barrel, more like.
It depends on what dimension you are in and which ones you can peer into.
Other not depende dimensioñ because phisch are limited by there dimensions that though it Not figuret out real world.
@@maxwellsimoes238 well you can be in one dimension and peer into others...this can be done remotely as well, you don't always know the timeline or the location
When you compare 2 pHd people you are focusing on Messanger that breaks tip #2.
How about you ask each pHd for Evidences of their Messages and analyze that.
They are any truly evidente though phichs as he mencioned. He arrogance and ignorant left behind honest concept phisch
The God believers are right brain dominant.
Supreme father is Lord Krishna, we are part and parcel of God Krishna.
No no, you got it wrong. The Supreme father is Rimuru Tempest and we are just fooling around in his imagination, waiting to be Isekaied into his nation.
Of course the universe *looks for the observer* Reliously ambitious as the universe has to be physical as well as in cause and effect functional!
The most interesting remark is...*we do not know if one or the other have some correspondence truth to real reality* Thats where you have to solve it. Is there an area of truth where both sides can not be denied. Ponder that, as that is they key as well as the keyhole to solve this. It should be there from logic! It would mean the foundation of reality is not yet found.
The universe is just limited something out of eternal nothing
No Muslim friends?
There do exist Scientist - Believers...
Absurd speculations concern phich because guys Not show up honestly concern in Universe. They are talking though baseless concept that Not exist because worthless phich. If guys figuret out phichs concept though consiste elements particles he certain had self respect hinself.
wtf is phichs
I argue there is only physical. There is the God. Well ET WORLD AND IT IS INCREADABLY NOT AMBIGUOUS
To me that is a nonsensical question
The Holy Bible of Macabre Myths does not even once mention science, nor does it mention where Heaven is; thus, the tome is and religion is a waste of time, just like the fictional books of any other religion. At least in Buddhism, there is value in meditation and proper breathing, with which there are growing numbers of valid research. Gawd Oldmighty never mentions that; moreover, the Old Testicles Book of Leviticus, which is old Jewish law, was plagiarized by Islam as their Sharia Law. The majority of humans are not evolved enough to know that the gawd question is completely irrelevant, that most people are completely befuddles by Microsoft Windows 10/11. 😈
macroevolution doesn't exist
I have Absolute theory of everything which mightily explains each and everything as it! universe, science, philosophy, history, symbology, current situation, international politics, Future predictions, technological revolution, industrial revolution, Quantum computer, endof history and end of time.
What's mean by it?
Unfortunately, your UA-cam videos are in some strange language without subtitles.
But I noticed many muslim ingredients. And since I consider islam an obvious false religion, your absolute theory is likely absolutely false.
@@ReverendDr.Thomas Christian. Jesus is "the Way, the Truth and the Life".
I am not religiously ambiguous.
Man has always known that only an intelligence makes Laws ( of Nature ) and things (of the Universe) with clear purpose, form, design & FUNCTION.
Religions are a natural phenomena ... and either all religions are wrong about the identity of the intelligence that made everything ... or there is only One.
Atheism is also a religion for it simply replaces "the gods" with the theories, ideologies, and secular rhetoric of "puny humans"
The four major regions are:
1. Christianity ( a sect of Judaism
2. Islam ( a violent pagan cult that corrupted the teachings of Christianity)
3. Hinduism
4 Atheism/Humanism
Either all are wrong ... or there is one that is clearly correct.
Everything makes sense ... once you known & understand the ... origin, purpose & enforcement of Law.
Matter & energy ... do not have free will ... but must obey the Laws of Nature otherwise there will be chaos, disorder, and dire consequences.
Man ... has free will ... to think & do good or evil ... and must obey the Law ... otherwise there will be chaos, disorder & dire consequences.
Only an intelligence ... makes Laws & things with purpose, form, design & function.
Facts always remain facts and no one can change facts so don't bother me but consider yourself because you can't recognise facts
Hello , I am Rasty I want to make friendship with those who interested in this kind of topics , if u are interested too so let’s know each other I respect all human kinda regardless religion, nationality, …
Yes and No.
start is wrong already. science does not allow lame excuses,hence there is no god,period.
The physical universe is not understood by anybody. There are many unanswered questions, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, just to name two. We certainly know more than say 300 years ago, but we are only at the beginning. Therefore no scientist should be saying that science can explain everything. How can a scientist know that? This smacks of arrogance. Also to place all your trust in people on the basis of their educational attainment is also not a good idea, because they may be learning erroneous ideas, which will be overturned one day, and their thinking is clouded by preconceived ideas. G-D can never be proven by science, because G-D is by definition a non physical entity. People that experience NDE's describe G-D as light energy, not a physical form.
G-D is described as light energy but light energy is considered physical. The problem gets pushed back to how do we explain G-D which according to people's experience is physical entity of a different material.
Whats this G-D thing?
This is a wise word. I admire your logical philosophical conclusion. Probably I can give you a nice surprise - "Someone" manages to figure out the correct fundamental elements of the Universe and how they work. The result is mind-blowing because all these mysteries are solved with ease - I can recommend my book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe" and hope you will enjoy it.
@@kos-mos1127 By light energy, I mean primordial light, which is not the photonic form. This primordial light was used by G-D in his acts of Creation.
@@Orion15-b9j After a number of years of studying the subject, I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a theory of everything(Unified Theory) That is why Einstein and others got nowhere with it and never will. If I get a chance to read your book I might do so, but given my take on Unified Theory, I am unlikely to be impressed. Who is the publisher?
Brother you mentioned all the deviated "religions" but not the One preserved authentic true religion of Islam? Do you need a Muslim friend? Visit your local friendly neighborhood musjid brother.