People are constantly dragging Kylie for being insecure about her looks. But who can blame her, y'all trolling her for her natural face for years and years. And she's still trolled even though she's changed, girl can't win
@@mclmp I agree and Im so happy to see that. Im actually raised and surrounded by so many strong and inspiring women all my life so its so nice and fair to see them winning
Kylie's face legit makes me sad. She was so beautiful and it just goes to show how filtered her pics are on Instagram because she doesn't look like this. Hope she stops with the fillers and all this surgery.. not worth it. So young too
@@dnz2885 When Kylie said “There’s nothing I can’t do” that’s something Kim would totally say. She might* not reach the level of Kim’s confidence but she’s gonna get pretty close.
The bond of two sisters is the most beautiful thing on earth... however, I think if kendall and Kylie weren’t sisters, they would never be friends with each other
No it’s just because these Hermes things are so expensive and people with lot of money always buy them (if you are rich and wanna do a nice gift, you buy something at Hermes)
Kim started getting work done in her 30's because that's when she got famous and that's why hers looks good unlike Kylie she got lip filler at 17 and because she's so young it's just going to make her look older
@@kaolin3373 :Girl she started with surgery when she was 16.We cant pretend thats normal.She changed her entire body.She gets older and her face looks like filler explosion!Can we imagine her for 5 years🙄
I’m not the only one who realize it ! It’s like they don’t vybe with each other, it’s wierd. I feel like Kendall is more into kylie than kylie is with Kendall.
Kylie looks like the missing Billionaire cast member of DHW 😂😂😂 and the Everything of Kylie is making sure that you are aware that I am the richest of them all 😂
"cuz i lost mine in the ocean guys"
she knows the meme LMAO😭
But Kylie said she found it
@@limitless9737 the queen is cultured /j
@@limitless9737 She did tho , But Getting diamond earrings for Kim is Iconic 🤗whahhahaha
Lol how would she not, it was her life and her job is social media it’s not that shocking that she knows the meme about herself
Life would be easier if Kylie was my secret Santa
That's why secret santa doesn't exist.
Life would be easier if Kylie was *everybody's* secret santa.
life would be easier if kylie jenner was my sugar mummy
@@nitishasewa1054 bible doesn’t make sense in this context
Kylie: "I love you. i'll do anything for you"
Also Kylie: "Kendall, why did you think I would give you a ride home?"
She said during their screaming match that if Kendall wanted a ride home she could have organized one for her
Just sister things i guess😂
She also didn’t even let Kendall borrow her clothes in the past…
@@kierstonsaunders ah yes, normal sister shit.
sometimes i forget that kylie is the youngest, they're growing up too fast
Haha don’t act like you still the same
She doesn't look the youngest
@@agocataldig yeah, a lot changed. like A LOT
That and she looks 40
@@TheHilaryous1 not 40 but older lol
"there's nothing i can't do" "but you cant do that" " no i cant" lmaooo
3:08 thank me later
People are constantly dragging Kylie for being insecure about her looks. But who can blame her, y'all trolling her for her natural face for years and years. And she's still trolled even though she's changed, girl can't win
Same with Khloe🤷♀️
im a man and i agree GIRLS cant WIN (not bc i dont want it, im just understanding and sorry for it, thats how our society were built)
@@NamNguyen-ls6pb No girls can definitely win, our society is changing & showing more positivity. It's Kylie particularly I'm talking about
@@mclmp I agree and Im so happy to see that. Im actually raised and surrounded by so many strong and inspiring women all my life so its so nice and fair to see them winning
Changed how?
WE all can't deny KENDAL's beauty
But we can definitely deny Kylie's...
@@saadaakl4549 lmao
@@saadaakl4549 fax
@@saadaakl4549 👀👀👀💀
@@saadaakl4549 kendall is more than natural beauty than kylie but there both pretty
Kylie's face legit makes me sad. She was so beautiful and it just goes to show how filtered her pics are on Instagram because she doesn't look like this. Hope she stops with the fillers and all this surgery.. not worth it. So young too
I know right, she doesn't look like the photos at all!
She will end up like donatella versace...
Lmao let her live it ain’t that big of a deal tbh
Stop obsessing over her plastic surgery she seems happy about it so let her live
@@b1r2i3n4a she's obviously not happy about her surgeries if she keeps doing them...
Why do Kendall always get the cutlery? 😂 As a gift
Cause ppl who are adults who own their own homes gets silverware for gifts now apparently. 😹
Legit tho haha
@@Vankotimanusvanij I agree with your point 😂😂
Kendall dosent have to make cutlery purchasing at all😂😂
At least she’s white! Imagine gifting expensive dishes to a Greek person. I would never!
@@HM-xi5zi I think you mean at least she's American.
Kylie gets more and more being like Kim. Just saying.
more and more plastic surgery. she cannot seem to be holding her eyes open
Same surgeon
She will never have Kim's confidence
Yes omg someone finally said it
@@dnz2885 When Kylie said “There’s nothing I can’t do” that’s something Kim would totally say. She might* not reach the level of Kim’s confidence but she’s gonna get pretty close.
I really loved the way Kendall cleared up the stuff during the conversation ❣️
Idk why but for some reason I like kendall's humour and her individuality.
me too!! I am obsessed. I love the ending of the video lolll
They all have so beautiful hair this season it's crazy!
It's the wigs
Full lace wig for Kylie ! Extensions for Kendall
can y’all in the replies stop being so negative, everyone knows there makeup and extensions just shut up ffs they still look gorgeous
@@myplayhomevideos6733 calm the f down saying it’s a lace wig isnt negative it’s just a FACT
@@vml9314 okay ? we fucking know, y’all don’t have to keep repeating the same shit
I have 99 problems and getting adopted by them will solve 100 of 'em
And create 99 more
hahaaha love it
Lmao 🤣🤣🤣
Kendall is so down to earth and sweet. She's definitely my favorite
It's crazy how old kylie looks, it's so sad that she looks 40 and she is not even in her late 20's
Right 😭
Her looks are changing. Too much plastic surgery is going to ruin her.
Yeah, she looks 40 for real!!!
Can y'all c she is not able to move her face 😭
she is only 23 years old. That's early 20s
The way they hugged excitedly , soo cute
ahh when she said "cuz i lost mine in the ocean guys", my heart went OOPS!
i love the casual vibe in their conversation. I'm happy for them. it feels like they're both in a happy place now
Kendall is really very thoughtful. She's my favourite kardashian-jenner.
crazy to think that Kylie is actually younger than Kendall
Kendall has always been so pretty
2:02 kylie:
“well I love you, I’ll do anything for you.” 😢🤍
The way they hug ..... aww!!
The bond of two sisters is the most beautiful thing on earth... however, I think if kendall and Kylie weren’t sisters, they would never be friends with each other
My sister and I too. I love her to death but we won't be friends if we weren't family
Is KUTWK sponsored by Hermes? Seeing so much of it lately, especially wrt to the gifts Kendall gets. 😂
i think so because they also like have kind of giveaway thing of hermes products on their ig accs
No it’s just because these Hermes things are so expensive and people with lot of money always buy them (if you are rich and wanna do a nice gift, you buy something at Hermes)
@@skirrrk4501 it's not Hermes, it is like gucci or lv. In their giveaways contest. Make research first, before saying something fake.
Hermes is too selfish too sponsor people
Why is Kylie looking so much older than Kendall even though Kendall's the older one here???
she overdid the fillers
@@freiashworth8303 spot on
She should take off those fillers😢
@@freiashworth8303 i don’t think she can take them out, i think she got implants in her cheeks and chin
Kendall is so beautiful ✨💫
Kylie honestly looks older than Kourtney! She’s had so much work done
Kim started getting work done in her 30's because that's when she got famous and that's why hers looks good unlike Kylie she got lip filler at 17 and because she's so young it's just going to make her look older
Kylies face sometimes makes her look like she been stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction. 😅
It looks awful
Yep, that's what it looks like without Instagram filters
@@katetempleton9669 💀
Girl stung by a bee? She looks gorgeous
her whole face looks so puffy without photoshop
Love Kylies hair she looks so good
Kendall’s so beautiful, my god
She's done something to her face. And made her lips bigger
@@sansadrake4133 nose, browlift and lips
I feel I have to watch closely at Kylie’s face to make sure that the eyes and lips are moving naturally.
Me too!
Her cheeks are not even moving.
Kendall is so beautiful like whaaa
kylie has such a warm and genuine lovely vibe about her
Honestly they are the cutest duo ❤️❤️
3:05 Kendall is ME AF😂 kudos to all the gorgeous gals who can keep those long nails cause I can't!
Kendall starting to look like kylie and kyilie like someone else .
hilarious that people only like Kendall cause she's the "natural" one.
@@jessd627 Come on... this was years ago at this point anyone that has eyes can see that she had work done.
@@SelBsful she is not even american anymore. She is a latina now lol.
“Can’t remember a day without filming”!😂
Kenny is my fave!
The little shimmy before the hug 👏🏻
Kylie looks so so so so so different every day and getting more and more and more and more older "filler wise" 💔😭
What.. no it's just a full makeup face that's why, she looks pretty here but anyways, come on guys, I mean I liked it
@@kaolin3373 :Girl she started with surgery when she was 16.We cant pretend thats normal.She changed her entire body.She gets older and her face looks like filler explosion!Can we imagine her for 5 years🙄
@@kaolin3373 like no she literally looks she is hitting her 50s smh
its her demeanor. i guess it's because of the role of her life.
I feel like kendall ist the happiest when kylie is around.
I want Kylie's hair color!!
Love this hair on Kylie!
Kylie said I love you and will do anything for you .💜👑
I love how Kylie mentions Stormi in everything, she’s a good mom 🤍
Kendall and Kylie OMG 🥰💖
Kendall's so beautifull....
KYLIE we love you, please stop messing with your face .. you are beautiful
Ummm she changed everything on her body except her feet.
She can only lose her nose like Michael Jackson.
Kendall finally asked Kylie my part of question.
Kendall Jenner is absolutely gorgeous n the best n highest paid supermodel in the world and she deserves it.She rocks everything ✨💜
Kylie and Kendall both looking amazing in what the way they are... As long as they're happy in that.. why comment ❤️ specially Kylie ❤️
Best part of KUWTK is Kendall.
Preach 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
1:18 aw kenny is looking cute
Kendall is so pretty
I mean, she’s beautiful, with or without makeup. Her body’s beautiful to. Perfect 🤩
The way Kendall said " I thought you gave that because you know it was me"
They are full siblings. Only them. I’m 100% sure they love each other the most.
I feel like Kylie's accent has been changed... She sounds like more matured...❤️
There all so pretty but like Kendal is amazingly beautiful love
I love their bond and sisters relationship. I wish I would have relationship like that with my sister
Kylie is so chill lol
I love the fact their faces don’t move 😂are they sad? Angry? Happy? I can’t tell lol
The last question kendall asked was my question since I started watching this show 🤣🤣 like how they manage their life with those nails ?!
Kendall looks better with dark short hair
I think so too...its her signature look...she looks great both hairstyle tho
i wish i have a relationship with my sister like kylie and kendall😭
I love Kylie.. Perfect 🥰😍
The state of kylie omg
good or bad ?
@@randomerjourney5861 bad
Love kylies hair
I LOVE YOU KENNY! 🥺😍💛💖❤️🔥💯
"A chickeeeeeeen" was hoping for that
Kylie's face looks crazy lmao
My favorite two💘
LOLLL “i didn’t know the rules.” 1:49
There's always some awkwardness between them 😂. Kylies always more comfortable with her friends than with Kendall.
I’m not the only one who realize it ! It’s like they don’t vybe with each other, it’s wierd. I feel like Kendall is more into kylie than kylie is with Kendall.
@@ChristieTE yh a 100. Kendalls more like sisterly with her. N kylie treats kendall like an acquaintance 😂
Life would be easier if Kylie was everybody's secret santa
Am I the only one who loved Kendall's gift?
1:17 kendall is soooo cute!
“A cameraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. A VInTagE CAMERAAA?”
Kendall and Kylie are so cute
Kendall is a genius she sussed out the nail can't do
I gotta miss the show ❤️
Kylie looks like her step mom here
What was the reason behind those Hermes trays tho, everyone else gifted things with sentimental value
Kylie looks so different in photos than videos
Best family season by history 😭😍👨👩👦
The ending was epic tho 😂😂
I think the Kylie we see here is the real one. She is much more sympathetic when she is with Kendall.
I’m just appreciative of all the m…oney I mean memories 🤣😂
Why does Kim keep saying she lost her earrings, Kylie literally said she found them later.
It’s a joke 😐
She just said it for the joke chill
@@REDD0000 sounds like you need to "chill".
@@KCDisney1 yes it's true 🤣😭😭
they look so beautiful 🤩🤩as always...
I like all da Kardashian Jenner.s..each has their own personalities...above all a huge fan of Kris Jenner....lovely lady n a warm mother
Kendalls Nails and hands Are so beautiful
2:09 aww
*purchase a $2000 gift instead of a $20.00 one*
Kylie: "oh well"
Kendall clearly love Kylie so much but Kylie seem like she couldn’t careless about her at all 😂
They’re sisters I’m sure kylie cares about Kendall aswell 😂
What ? Kylie clearly loves her. Have we watched the same video ?
That was some years back honey 😂
Kendall isn't natural, she just knows when to stop with the fillers and surgery
Kylie looks like the missing Billionaire cast member of DHW 😂😂😂 and the Everything of Kylie is making sure that you are aware that I am the richest of them all 😂
I can lived without kylie and kendall😭❤️
Kendall is the most natural one in this family
She has had alot of work done as well. It's just not drastic.