CHIC - Le Freak (Official Music Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 7 тис.

  • @derrick9313
    @derrick9313 День тому +9

    RIP Alfa Anderson. Thank you for being the voice that brought Nile and Bernard’s incredible music to life.

  • @brianfrolo245
    @brianfrolo245 8 місяців тому +98

    The absolute and untouchable definition of cool ❤

  • @anitas5817
    @anitas5817 Рік тому +407

    I’m 65 and the 70’s and 80’s music always bring back such great memories. So glad we will always have this music.

    • @WilliamGallucci-k1r
      @WilliamGallucci-k1r Рік тому +4

      no doubt about it im 59

    • @shivansingh1633
      @shivansingh1633 Рік тому +2

      Happy listening

    • @GarryH60
      @GarryH60 Рік тому +8

      I'm 63, and I just love music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

    • @verica774
      @verica774 11 місяців тому


    • @burkhardraum1956
      @burkhardraum1956 10 місяців тому +5

      I am 70, have this long player lp and like that groove 😀😀🎸🎉🇩🇪

  • @Nicole-uu3zn
    @Nicole-uu3zn 4 години тому +3

    Rest in Peace Alfa Anderson. Co-Lead Vocalist of Chic 2024 ❤!

  • @Mikeaj-un6mf
    @Mikeaj-un6mf Рік тому +1256

    Perfect example of “when everybody does their part on the group project”
    The bass, guitar, drums, violins, keyboard, singers, just the entire way this song was composed, it’s got 70s disco written all over it 👏🏾👌🏾👏🏾

    • @joelebruno
      @joelebruno Рік тому +24

      yeah it's because it's a 70's disco song, who would have thought?

    • @falsedelic
      @falsedelic Рік тому +11

      I hear the funk!

    • @garyrutledge3017
      @garyrutledge3017 Рік тому +2


    • @AsafZamir5
      @AsafZamir5 Рік тому +8

      My favourit bass line ever, whos on the Bass ?

    • @RichardHeeren
      @RichardHeeren Рік тому +11

      and they have clothes on!!!!!!

    @ELIOSANFELIU 9 місяців тому +127

    B.Edwards and N.Rodgers are genius¡¡That bass line is amazing¡¡

  • @jeffblack5024
    @jeffblack5024 4 роки тому +1044

    When you've got Bernard on bass, Nile on guitar and Tony on drums, you just cannot fail. One of the greatest rhythm sections of all time.

    • @philc4520
      @philc4520 4 роки тому +32

      💯% you got that right brother. It’s perfect in its’ style, integrity & simplicity.

    • @OriginalSmoothOperator
      @OriginalSmoothOperator 3 роки тому +15

      C'est Chic was the first LP I ever bought, and I still have it to this day, and play it on occasion!!

    • @jeremiahdeasy6803
      @jeremiahdeasy6803 3 роки тому +7

      I totally agree

    • @adroapatricklumumba1618
      @adroapatricklumumba1618 3 роки тому +9

      As Diana Ross,Madonna and others found to their "cost"

    • @ridedamaverick
      @ridedamaverick 3 роки тому +15

      I'm TELLING you! Three of the most talented musicians this world has ever seen, and they never get their due.

  • @tikneshiabeauford7289
    @tikneshiabeauford7289 5 годин тому +2

    R.I.P Alfa. Thank you for your iconic voice and gorgeous presence in one of the greatest bands in music history. ❤
    Also, R.I.P Tony and Bernard. One of the most iconic rhythm sections in music.

  • @petergarthe629
    @petergarthe629 8 місяців тому +85

    Le Freak is super disco music!

  • @SpartanBookhead
    @SpartanBookhead 10 місяців тому +122

    I could listen to that groove for 24 hours straight and not get bored. Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards are incredible.

  • @santannavalter
    @santannavalter 5 років тому +5286

    Now THAT´S a bass line, ladies and gents.

    • @McBurnside6380
      @McBurnside6380 4 роки тому +152

      Bernard Edwards was THE man. Learned a lot from figuring out his bass lines. R.I.P. Bernard.

    • @zangzang1268
      @zangzang1268 4 роки тому +28

      Nard' was the man - thank you brother - RIP

    • @zekegarzaiii2012
      @zekegarzaiii2012 4 роки тому +13

      I agree

    • @pixxz1
      @pixxz1 4 роки тому +19

      Its funny to see none are plugged in, ahhhh the old days.

    • @paulmeekcoms217
      @paulmeekcoms217 4 роки тому +15

      And the rest of it aint too shabby either!

  • @gloriaerol7675
    @gloriaerol7675 4 години тому +2

    Chic is the Best group of All
    RIP Alfa Anderson
    Thank you for All the beautiful moments 🙏🙏

  • @african-history-fountain
    @african-history-fountain 2 місяці тому +67

    You have no idea how big this song was in Nigeria. This defined our youth. Thanks Nile Rogers and Chic, for Le Freak.

  • @orobleh77
    @orobleh77 3 роки тому +2963

    I am 65 years and I grew up this music during the 70's and 80's. I will never get tired listening this music.

  • @TachyBunker
    @TachyBunker 3 роки тому +641

    I can't explain how much I love classic 70's/80's funk songs.

  • @oscaru5342
    @oscaru5342 8 місяців тому +43

    Damnnn, that bass is off the chain!

  • @bobblowhard8823
    @bobblowhard8823 2 роки тому +196

    Jesus H. Christ, Bernard was an absolute MASTER on that bass! May he rest in peace. He certainly left his mark in this world.

    • @vortex900enterprise4
      @vortex900enterprise4 2 роки тому +6

      Dont say the Lord's name in vain

    • @bobblowhard8823
      @bobblowhard8823 2 роки тому +3

      @@vortex900enterprise4 Sorry! I didn't mean to offend.

    • @lololololol3908
      @lololololol3908 Рік тому +11

      @@vortex900enterprise4 Jesus Christ is fake

    • @paintore
      @paintore Рік тому +1

      Yes he did!

    • @thomaslutro5560
      @thomaslutro5560 9 місяців тому +3

      I really don't think he used Bernards name in vain here.

  • @The70sChick
    @The70sChick 9 місяців тому +663

    NOW this is REAL music. Anyone else?

  • @Carlparishhonda
    @Carlparishhonda 4 місяці тому +201

    I'm 75 years old and this brings me memories of the 1970s my favorite decades.

    • @marlonjackson3244
      @marlonjackson3244 4 місяці тому +4

      You should listen to: La Toya Jackson - My Love Has Passed You By (1980) 🌹

    • @MaryKaschak-pf6ho
      @MaryKaschak-pf6ho 4 місяці тому +2

      Wish you were close, we would dance up a storm

    • @laural1784
      @laural1784 2 місяці тому +3

      I miss the70's!❤

    • @gordocarbo
      @gordocarbo Місяць тому +1

      20 yrs behind you feel the same way! Good music takes us there its magic!

    • @abeljoe-n4v
      @abeljoe-n4v 25 днів тому

      😢the 70s were the best years for me. I am 70 now.

  • @strictlynorton
    @strictlynorton 2 місяці тому +21

    Atlantic records biggest selling single to this very day. A monster tune. This is real Disco music. Chic changed the dance game.

  • @SquirrelMonkeyCom
    @SquirrelMonkeyCom 4 роки тому +2753

    That bass line.

  • @wehosrmthink7510
    @wehosrmthink7510 2 роки тому +547

    One of the greatest bands ever. Pure magic.

  • @lyssah819
    @lyssah819 9 місяців тому +71

    This music will never get old.

  • @LoneWolfMama22
    @LoneWolfMama22 8 місяців тому +232

    When music was MUSIC!❤

    • @mauriciomagalhaes3621
      @mauriciomagalhaes3621 Місяць тому +2

      👍Verdade, concordo com você plenamente

    • @traceybonds8794
      @traceybonds8794 Місяць тому +3

      Lovely.. My first disco.. Paris

    • @danaa.zeller7239
      @danaa.zeller7239 Місяць тому +4

      Yes indeed ❤ & look @ the ladies clothes, didn't need 😂to be to be half naked either ❤ Nile Rodgers is on guitar! Jammin out! New generation take note ❤

    • @mathiasguieno8702
      @mathiasguieno8702 27 днів тому +2

      God himself Was with us on earth.

    • @amazingbridescouture8481
      @amazingbridescouture8481 10 днів тому


  • @gogoyubari366
    @gogoyubari366 3 роки тому +1282

    I wish Disco never died.

    • @rockybarzini8786
      @rockybarzini8786 3 роки тому +50

      The coolest thing that happend

    • @dimensionexo.
      @dimensionexo. 3 роки тому +70

      There's a way to revive it,by opening up a disco only club.

    • @franklofarojr.2969
      @franklofarojr.2969 3 роки тому +37

      @@dimensionexo. If people are ever allowed to gather in big groups again.

    • @dimensionexo.
      @dimensionexo. 3 роки тому +11

      @@franklofarojr.2969 Indeed.

    • @lou626
      @lou626 3 роки тому +31

      Is not dead yet darling 😎

  • @StevenC32
    @StevenC32 3 роки тому +2146

    This song still sounds good 42 years later. I remember listening to this in 1979 when I was in High School. Good music never gets old.

    • @carlclarke5351
      @carlclarke5351 3 роки тому +35

      Yessir! That was my official theme song in High School too!

    • @lisalu910
      @lisalu910 3 роки тому +25

      Me too! This was popular when I was a senior in high school. It was SO cool then - still is!

    • @mariedupont1139
      @mariedupont1139 3 роки тому +9

      Do you remember the line dance that we danced to

    • @philmccracken414
      @philmccracken414 3 роки тому +16

      Same here. I was a junior when this came out. Fantastic era for music.

    • @patrickoconnor9104
      @patrickoconnor9104 2 роки тому +20

      That bass is a relentless groove

  • @WalkingVibes4K
    @WalkingVibes4K Рік тому +305

    Im leaving a comment so that after a month or a year or a decade when someone likes it i get a reminder to listen to this beautiful song again.!

    • @crecenciogonzalez9875
      @crecenciogonzalez9875 6 місяців тому


    • @chriscastillo4275
      @chriscastillo4275 5 місяців тому +3

      Get back in here! lol And be ready to shake yer a$$ (cuz it’s impossible not to)

    • @prakaashj5485
      @prakaashj5485 4 місяці тому +4

      One year passed.

    • @TrapAttire
      @TrapAttire 3 місяці тому +3


    • @lisasullivan2384
      @lisasullivan2384 2 місяці тому +2


  • @ALVINEL-e4v
    @ALVINEL-e4v 5 місяців тому +58

    Can't get no better than 70's R&B, Funk, and Soul!!!

  • @PerogiXW
    @PerogiXW 2 роки тому +366

    Nile Rodgers is an incredible talent. I'm happy I got to be alive at the same time as the greatest funk guitarist of all time.

    • @gabotdf
      @gabotdf 2 роки тому +18

      He's funk IQ is insane

    • @SandroSilva-tv1oe
      @SandroSilva-tv1oe 2 роки тому +3


    • @terracecrofts7581
      @terracecrofts7581 Рік тому +6

      No not just one of the greatest funk guitarists just one of the best guitarists full stop that's all a great man

    • @sandrinerousseau6579
      @sandrinerousseau6579 Рік тому +5

      l'important dans le funk et le disco c'est la musique qui est derrière qui est hyper recherché et qui pourtant semble simple et limpide juste pour nous faire danser... très intéressant c ' etait ...

    • @probalbagchi1457
      @probalbagchi1457 Рік тому +11

      Don’t forget Bernard Edwards

  • @eugenemanning3340
    @eugenemanning3340 8 місяців тому +18

    The man is a bassist out of this world!😅

    • @thiammady4782
      @thiammady4782 Місяць тому +1

      Late Bernard Edwards left his mark with this.

  • @owenjackman426
    @owenjackman426 2 роки тому +85

    Nile Rodgers really deserves to be in the Rock and Roll hall of fame. Also so cool that a song with violins actually has violin players in the video!

    • @michellelekas211
      @michellelekas211 9 місяців тому +4

      Love that ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @jeremynv89523
      @jeremynv89523 4 місяці тому +2

      I remember being surprised to see that, the first time I saw he video.

  • @jackdeberry
    @jackdeberry 7 днів тому +4

    We need music like this again

  • @KOHF34
    @KOHF34 Рік тому +125

    Bernard Edwards not only managed to play that sick bass line, but he did so in a business suit. The man should have his own wing in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for pulling that off.

    • @josiechas
      @josiechas Рік тому +5

      You're right that is a great bass line.

    • @dilsiam
      @dilsiam 9 місяців тому +4

      This was a time when people did use clothes, Mr Bernard looks very good in his suit...

    • @nadabrahmamedia731
      @nadabrahmamedia731 5 місяців тому +1

      not taking anything away from bernard’s great bass line, but in this film they’re all miming to their own prerecorded studio track and not playing what we’re hearing… perhaps he wore the suit in the studio when they recorded it… 🤷‍♂️

  • @IlmuMasaHadapan
    @IlmuMasaHadapan 4 місяці тому +34

    One of the greatest vibrations ever created in the universe! This video deserve at least 10 billion views!

  • @djcorona319
    @djcorona319 2 місяці тому +10

    Best bass line ever! Bernard Edward is a beast! The best disco song ever! ❤

  • @Sapphire_007
    @Sapphire_007 4 місяці тому +52

    The instrumentation in the music of the 70's was unbeatable and there was no choice but to dance and freak out!

    • @marlonjackson3244
      @marlonjackson3244 4 місяці тому

      You should listen to: La Toya Jackson - My Love Has Passed You By (1980) 🌹

    • @boywonderrr71
      @boywonderrr71 3 місяці тому

      Man the bassist is one of the best!! Plays so clean!!

    • @LauraShaw-ur6sx
      @LauraShaw-ur6sx 3 місяці тому


  • @doyleperkins4916
    @doyleperkins4916 4 роки тому +139

    One of my all time favorite songs...I am a child of the 70s, born in the 60s...I'm now in my 50s...If I live fifty more years, I will still want to get down and move to this beat...Life furnishes the RHYTHM...

    • @forex85
      @forex85 4 роки тому +3

      I was born in 1975 but i wish if if lived in 1950s , 1960s and 1970

    • @stanley6920051
      @stanley6920051 4 роки тому +5

      hit song of my schooldays..
      love the memories it brings...

    • @mikey6214
      @mikey6214 4 роки тому +5

      Same, born in the late 60’s. I remember grooving to this song at skateway roller disco, had my own skates, with hand painted markings on them. For a few years we lived on our skates.

    • @reginakey8794
      @reginakey8794 4 роки тому +1

      Ah freakout

  • @jeremiahdeasy6803
    @jeremiahdeasy6803 3 роки тому +118

    This is one of the best disco hit's of all time, classic record

  • @paulcampbell6377
    @paulcampbell6377 3 роки тому +132

    I cannot believe i saw Chic at the Liverpool Empire in 1978, so cool.

    • @yanethaguilar8712
      @yanethaguilar8712 3 роки тому +2

      Oyeeee que biennn... para mi eso era un sueño que nunca cumplí 😞

  • @1goldbaby
    @1goldbaby 3 місяці тому +15

    The smoothest. Ever. Now this is REAL DISCO...OFTEN IMITATED, BUT CAN'T BE DUPLICATED.

  • @ramonpurugganan6865
    @ramonpurugganan6865 3 роки тому +220

    One of the classiest disco hits ever! Very sophisticated yet so danceable. One of my all-time favorites.

  • @maxinenall9950
    @maxinenall9950 Рік тому +59

    Life was so much better in the 70's 😍 Great music, dancing and the fantastic clothes 🥰

  • @timprismusic376
    @timprismusic376 4 роки тому +169

    That string arrangement, those progressions are FIRE!!,

  • @debbiemathieson2766
    @debbiemathieson2766 4 місяці тому +12

    Greetings from new zealand 🇳🇿 55 yr old kiwi, disco lives forever, music is freedom 🌏 🎵

  • @alanswann9338
    @alanswann9338 2 роки тому +735

    The bass-lead instrumental part from 1:40 to 2:44 is absolute magic! If your foot doesn't tap, you must be already dead.

  • @kaushikganguli1091
    @kaushikganguli1091 4 роки тому +168

    30 yrs of listening to Le Freak. Never tired of jiving. After so much listening, the structure of the song is amazing.

  • @a.tanner8524
    @a.tanner8524 Рік тому +231

    One of the greatest songs ever made. Hands down

    • @KilluaZodyck2000
      @KilluaZodyck2000 Рік тому +1

      Maybe back then but I can’t agree with you

    • @GiselleGrape
      @GiselleGrape Рік тому +5

      Couldn’t agree with you MORE!!!!!!
      Remember the days of dancing to this song!!!!!!
      What an incredible and most memorable time of my life!!!
      Couldn’t wait for this song to be played at the discos! You would automatically jump up, and dance!!!!!!!!😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤

    • @shivansingh1633
      @shivansingh1633 Рік тому +1


    • @shivansingh1633
      @shivansingh1633 Рік тому +1

      Keep on enjoying

    • @cherrybaby3271
      @cherrybaby3271 Рік тому +2

      Agreed 😂

  • @TomTom-OMG
    @TomTom-OMG 9 місяців тому +10

    Everything about this music clip is pure perfection 🎉

  • @JimSting
    @JimSting 2 роки тому +24

    One of the best funk tracks ever

  • @ethanbrittain-watts9005
    @ethanbrittain-watts9005 2 роки тому +325

    Most people don’t give the drummer some but the drummer is killer and deserves credit and recognition as well!

  • @jbucktheman
    @jbucktheman Рік тому +59

    I’m not a big fan of disco but this song is definitely the best of the genre. The guitar riff and the baseline is some of the best of all time

    • @sstills951
      @sstills951 11 місяців тому +9

      Nah you’re a fan of disco. Everybody is.

    • @Shaddyraddy92
      @Shaddyraddy92 11 місяців тому +6

      The best Disco songs have unforgettable basslines🎶🎶🎸

  • @ティーワィ輸送
    @ティーワィ輸送 2 місяці тому +5


    • @風間忍-m3n
      @風間忍-m3n 2 місяці тому


  • @jacobpule6390
    @jacobpule6390 2 роки тому +31

    I don’t know which one I love more.
    That killer bass from Bernard Edwards.
    Or that classic, amazing guitar playing by Nile Rodgers. So goooooood!!!

  • @JB-fd6gr
    @JB-fd6gr 3 роки тому +44

    Nile Rogers: legend. He combines rock-'n'-roll, funk, & classical all in one song. Thank you Let Chic!

  • @crossdefexia
    @crossdefexia Рік тому +55

    The best bassline ever

  • @FedorMachida
    @FedorMachida 4 місяці тому +6

    I am in love with the lady singer in the purple! Great beat. The Bass player is a beast.

  • @renjivargis804
    @renjivargis804 Рік тому +50

    One of the greatest disco hits for ever

  • @mrmoore2050
    @mrmoore2050 5 років тому +38

    That Guitar Riff!!! It's in my bones!!! Disco hips and pointing is imminent!

  • @trancefreak64
    @trancefreak64 5 років тому +150

    Bernard Edwards, My man slammin that bassline! RIP

    • @jimjam1719
      @jimjam1719 5 років тому +10

      you bet,,,,,, he's one cool cat,,,, with really cool crafty bass lines,,, not in just this song, but all of his stuff. he's a master bass man. class act.

    • @LinkRocks
      @LinkRocks 5 років тому +8

      Yes! One of the greatest bassists of all time. Such sick grooves.

    • @tabby4949
      @tabby4949 5 років тому +4

      Is he the one wearing glasses?

    • @Miist3rDuce1
      @Miist3rDuce1 5 років тому +3

      It ashemd that bernard left us in 1996

    • @colinjennings3661
      @colinjennings3661 4 роки тому

      He was a genius. And Nile Rogers. All of chics hits are absolute classics.

  • @mexwyatt2211
    @mexwyatt2211 9 місяців тому +38

    So sad that my generation today isn’t like this :(

  • @baronvonblueeyes7685
    @baronvonblueeyes7685 4 роки тому +564

    This band has the most underrated bass player.

    • @robvoyles
      @robvoyles 3 роки тому +46

      He was not underrated!! EVERYBODY.... knew Bernard Edwards was the best with Louis Johnson as well!

    • @edgarcordova9500
      @edgarcordova9500 3 роки тому +6

      Not true...

    • @SweetTea742
      @SweetTea742 3 роки тому +5

      That's not true at all!!!!

    • @laminage
      @laminage 3 роки тому +13

      Yes, and Tony Thompson was an underated Drummer. Hard to believe this was inspired because they weren't allowed in Studio 54.

    • @albertomaldonado3675
      @albertomaldonado3675 3 роки тому +7

      Not true, everyone related to this genre knew who Bernard Edwards was, an absolute legend on the bass🔥

  • @oraleechristopher6664
    @oraleechristopher6664 4 роки тому +279

    I'm 55 yrs old now and still remember getting my groove dance on when I was like 12 to this song !! I would dance so much over & over to it I would be out of breath ... Awesome music !!❤️❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯💯💯

  • @bigg4057
    @bigg4057 2 роки тому +165

    This was a era of time music was just pure gold …hell YESSS..

  • @Nat-mw3bz
    @Nat-mw3bz 5 місяців тому +190

    Still grooving in 2024!

  • @juliafrietsch7.
    @juliafrietsch7. Рік тому +19

    Dealing with chronic illness listening this to kick it ass and raise above it.

  • @muffs55mercury61
    @muffs55mercury61 2 роки тому +65

    I remember people couldn't get enough of this one. It debuted in Nov, 1978 and was in the top 40 for almost five months and number 1 for 6 non-consecutive weeks. A great time and memories for me and still listen to all the music from that era.

    • @deborahpaley21
      @deborahpaley21 11 місяців тому +1


    • @paulweber3962
      @paulweber3962 10 місяців тому

      This one was one of several "Christmas Gift Singles." People bought them as gifts too. Check the charts and so many songs stayed #1 in December because of gift sales. This one was an absolute monster though!

  • @rubbersoul3723
    @rubbersoul3723 4 роки тому +69

    One of the real masterpieces of late 70s funk/R&B. Songs like this at this time shot across all the divides and reminded us that we all belong to the same family.

  • @GwendolynMartin-j7v
    @GwendolynMartin-j7v 15 днів тому +2

    Lol Danced and Skated to this endlessly ❤❤❤💯❤️✌🏾

  • @elletronicca5933
    @elletronicca5933 2 роки тому +106

    The bass line is legendary. Very groovy. Bernard Edwards is a bass legend. R.I.P

    • @samuelwashington3646
      @samuelwashington3646 2 роки тому +9

      No knock on Niles, but Bernard on the bass made the song.

    • @benoitserrano9193
      @benoitserrano9193 2 роки тому +6

      This baasse line is epic & hot!

    • @elletronicca5933
      @elletronicca5933 2 роки тому +4

      @@benoitserrano9193 I play bass and I love to play this song. The bass line is really epic.

    • @bucktis9
      @bucktis9 2 роки тому +2

      killing it!!!!

  • @squishmallowfan025
    @squishmallowfan025 Рік тому +34

    This is a masterpiece. The bass note bend during the solo and the diminished chord at the "Savoy" part. They knew what they were doing.

    • @BigSlim48916
      @BigSlim48916 Місяць тому


  • @gabzguy6195
    @gabzguy6195 3 роки тому +39

    When I was a young boy (growing up in Africa), this song was played every weddings!

  • @SouleimanBarkad
    @SouleimanBarkad 6 місяців тому +64

    Am 56 years old I listened this song 80s till now oh its sweet!!!❤

    • @lynndafarmer
      @lynndafarmer 5 місяців тому +3

      I’m 63! I still sing this song!

    • @DrBackshotsV2
      @DrBackshotsV2 5 місяців тому +1

      You should give a try to the remaster by bbno$ he used a sample from this song and it sounds really good

    • @souldrakula8353
      @souldrakula8353 5 місяців тому

      Me too, I'm 43.

    • @eliflaurayasa5782
      @eliflaurayasa5782 3 місяці тому

      48 still loving it....freak😂

  • @8920498
    @8920498 Рік тому +17

    That bass guitar ! 🎸 😍

  • @salcin9558
    @salcin9558 2 роки тому +19

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you make great quality popular music with class and talent. A lesson, really.

  • @cyberT3000
    @cyberT3000 6 місяців тому +17

    This music is actually of my parent's time, but I've been obsessed since I was a kiddo. Still a banger today!

  • @jwutube1000
    @jwutube1000 День тому

    After long (years) of deliberation, one must come to the conclusion that this is the DEFINITIVE disco track. Competition was hard (disco inferno a.o.), but if asked in 100 years "what was disco?", then this song must be played.

  • @doyleperkins4916
    @doyleperkins4916 4 роки тому +35

    One of the best surprise hits of all time...I think this came out in 1978 when I was 13...the whole damned nation thrilled to the beat and rhythm of Chic's Le Freak...

  • @philc4520
    @philc4520 4 роки тому +56

    The musical chemistry between Nile Rogers & Bernard Edwards is undeniable.

  • @d.greeleyjohn2937
    @d.greeleyjohn2937 4 роки тому +47

    One of the best bass lines in the business, the solo bass part in the song is priceless,,
    Never tired of listening to this timeless classic!

  • @CalvinRagusin
    @CalvinRagusin 3 дні тому +2


  • @gnosis7662
    @gnosis7662 4 роки тому +16

    Wow! They don't write music like this anymore! The 70's was the best decade for music, in my humble opinion.

  • @saintandrew9860
    @saintandrew9860 4 роки тому +2034

    Incredible hit, who’s still here ?

  • @melovebono
    @melovebono 3 роки тому +397

    I was 17... I was in the hospital. I had been a passenger in a car wreck that broke my back. 😔
    This song came on and it was still pretty new. I was up dancing in my hospital room.... I was doing the freak.... and by the end of the song.... me and two nurses and the guy who delivered food was getting DOWNNN in my hospital room. LOL
    Yeah yeah I know... they shoulda been working and not dancing... but I assure you... that little dance healed me as much as the 6 hour surgery.
    Thank U Good Sam hospital employees from July of 1979ish 🖐🥰 xo xo

    • @abbiewhite2767
      @abbiewhite2767 2 роки тому +29

      I requested that this song be played while having a spinal MRI a few years ago. Listening to this music made me happy during the procedure.

    • @melovebono
      @melovebono 2 роки тому +18

      @@abbiewhite2767 I know exactly what you mean lol

    • @melovebono
      @melovebono 2 роки тому +9

      @@abbiewhite2767 you know I really do believe music soothes the soul. If I’m in a bad mood but I hear one of my favorite songs it really lifts my spirits. I wish you lived next door we could open our windows and blast some REAL good music. I’m in my 60’s so I got some songs you wouldn’t think was even legal ! lol @myself again hunny bunny ROFLMBO have a great night. Sweet dreams.

    • @moi-d5w
      @moi-d5w 2 роки тому +6

      LOVE this story

    • @Annayasha
      @Annayasha 2 роки тому +6

      What a great story! Good music is timeless and even healing 😊

  • @Kenneth-c4j
    @Kenneth-c4j Місяць тому +2

    I loved me some Chic back in the day.
    Bernard Edwards was a great bass player.May he R.I.P .🙏

  • @virginioilgrande2236
    @virginioilgrande2236 2 роки тому +29

    Opera D'Arte!!Nile Rodgers talento IMMENSO!!Gruppo top the CHIC!!

  • @jeffconway8729
    @jeffconway8729 3 роки тому +34

    If they hadn't been turned down at Studio 54 from getting in after Grace Jones invited them, then this song would have never existed. The Bouncer deserves our thanks.

  • @discussdebate
    @discussdebate 4 роки тому +40

    They're killin' it!! What a groove!!

  • @fran-wk2pq
    @fran-wk2pq 3 роки тому +126

    one of the best most positive songs ever..gets you moving, feelin funky

    • @abercrombieeeeeable
      @abercrombieeeeeable 3 роки тому +2

      I can’t stop🕺🏻

    • @craigmcadams4221
      @craigmcadams4221 3 роки тому +5

      The origins of the sons weren’t so positive, the chorus was “f*** off! Lol

    • @ethanang8099
      @ethanang8099 Рік тому

      @@craigmcadams4221 But they make it non vulgar at all.

  • @Colt-ii4qn
    @Colt-ii4qn 2 роки тому +75

    That bass !!!! Kicks ass 😮😮😮

    • @bobblowhard8823
      @bobblowhard8823 2 роки тому +3

      That was the late, great Bernard Edwards.

  • @64north20west
    @64north20west 5 років тому +395

    With this song alone they deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

    • @SaneTheBro
      @SaneTheBro 5 років тому +16

      this is disco though

    • @DerEchteBold
      @DerEchteBold 5 років тому +42

      Oh of course, only Rock and Roll allowed, like...
      Gladys Knight, Joni Mitchell, The Mamas and the Papas, James Taylor, Isaac Hayes, Percy Sledge, Miles Davis, Leonard Cohen, Run D.M.C., Public Enemy, Donna Summer, Hall & Oates, Linda Ronstadt, Bill Withers, N.W.A., Joan Baez, Tupac Shakur, Nina Simone, Janet Jackson... did I forget any true R & R artists?!

    • @victor1978100
      @victor1978100 5 років тому +26

      @@DerEchteBold ABBA, Bee Gees, Earth, Wind & Fire, Jacksons 5, Nile Rogers from Chic (notice from Chic) are in Rock and Roll Hall of Fame too.

    • @DerEchteBold
      @DerEchteBold 5 років тому +13

      Haha, Nile Rodgers actually is?!
      I was kinda scanning through the list, must've missed that, thanks!

    • @danielmeyer5535
      @danielmeyer5535 5 років тому +7

      you mean the disco funk hall

  • @kotchstevens2321
    @kotchstevens2321 18 днів тому +1

    everything from the outfits, the fashions, colors, the rhythms, violins.. actually the entire presentation.. it just doesn't get any closer to perfect than this.

  • @stuartmorriss
    @stuartmorriss Рік тому +19

    What a band.Nile Rogers is a genius and a legend.

  • @timothykozlowski3346
    @timothykozlowski3346 6 місяців тому +60

    Nile Rogers is still going strong in the music industry

    • @bryanwilliams3665
      @bryanwilliams3665 3 місяці тому +1

      Saw him a few months ago in Sydney,, Awesome.

  • @monticlassictv
    @monticlassictv 3 роки тому +78

    As far as I’m concerned this was the sound of the late 1970’s and early 80’s . . . my god Chic were superb and with Nile Rogers on rythum guitar and Bernie Edwards on that superb bass you couldn’t lose . . long live the 1970’s because if you were a teenager at this point it was a fantastic time to be alive.

    • @jeffconway8729
      @jeffconway8729 3 роки тому +2

      Yep, we were BLESSED!

    • @chocolatecity6488
      @chocolatecity6488 3 роки тому

      So true!

    • @tarbert363
      @tarbert363 3 роки тому

      It was a total joy to experience these times. So glad to have lived these special moments in music.

    • @rocco...
      @rocco... 3 роки тому

      Can't forget Alfa and Luci.

    • @jonnielsen9001
      @jonnielsen9001 2 роки тому

      F’n right my friends and I went to the disco’s every night best time I ever had.

  • @mbp7060
    @mbp7060 2 місяці тому +6

    These brothers was handling those instruments.

  • @wayneb8495
    @wayneb8495 2 роки тому +13

    I like how the theme is "freak out!" Yet, everyone in this video is super cool, professional, and collected - not freaking out at all.

  • @htc1m89
    @htc1m89 6 місяців тому +20

    One of the top 10 dance songs of the '70's!

  • @jimmycameron6568
    @jimmycameron6568 2 роки тому +18

    So many memories associated with this song. Heard it first time on the high school disco dance floor. Also met my future wife that night. So many happy memories with her. Thanks for all the love, Honey. You're still my rock.

  • @rtgd7136
    @rtgd7136 4 місяці тому +7

    i've been searching for this song's name for a long long time and today, i made it. happy as f man

  • @MarcG7424
    @MarcG7424 5 років тому +25

    Totally underrated this band deserves to be in the R&R Hall of Fame the bass and guitar riffs are classics