Whoever is reading this, God loves you and will not change His mind about you. You are made in His image, and He paid everything for you, despite what other people think and say.
They have cancelled my Son's nativity, they have cancelled our Church services...but they will never cancel our Savior, Jesus Christ ~ Light of the world 💓
I am always so humbled by the fact that our King of the Universe chose to be born in a manger with hay and animals surrounding Him. I love my God so much.
One thing I find even more humbling is that a manger is where animals come to feed - and he is the Bread of Life given to us in the Eucharist :D ahhhh I just love love love Jesus!
When things were at their very worst: 2 Suns, Cross in the sky, 2 comets will collide = don`t be afraid - repent, accept Lord`s Hand of Mercy. The first sign - the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin. Scientists will say it was a global illusion. Beaware - Jesus will never walk in flesh again. After WW3 - rise of the “ man of peace“ from the East = Antichrist - the most powerful, popular, charismatic and influential leader of all time. Many miracles will be attributed to him. He will imitate Jesus in every conceivable way. Don`t trust „pope“ Francis = the False Prophet - will seem to rise from the dead - will unite all Christian Churches and all Religions as one. One World Religion = the seat of the Antichrist. Benedict XVI is the last true pope - will be accused of a crime of which he is totally innocent. - banking collapse was deliberately masterminded by the Antichrist - Antichrist will step in and create a false peace in the state of Israel by joining them with palestine in an unlikely alliance. - „He will recite extracts from My Teachings, which he will passionately proclaim from every secular stage in the world, until people sit up and take notice of him.“ The Book of Truth mdmlastprophet.com/the-world-is-about-to-undergo-the-next-stage-of-cleansing/ mdmlastprophet.com/you-have-been-given-the-armour-use-it/
"Thus says The Lord: Most assuredly, I say to you, any and all rituals which are rooted in paganism are an abomination in the eyes of God! And all who place My name upon them, or do them by permission in My name, have surely taken the name of The Lord in vain! I know many say they celebrate this holiday in loving memory of My earthly birth, yet on this day I did not come into the world by way of water and blood. For that day and hour remains unknown to you, nor do you understand. For you cast off knowledge, and refuse to honor the appointed times which The Father commanded you to keep holy and remember.[1] Thus My people are indeed destroyed for lack of knowledge, as it is written.[2] How long shall you mar My image before the people?! How long shall My name be blasphemed Because of you, O churches of men?!... How long shall you commit adultery with the Harlot and revel in the idolatries of the pagan?! How long shall you remain married to this world And all its fornications against God?!... Again I tell you, ALL religions, religious rituals And celebrations, rooted deeply in paganism, Are an abomination in the eyes of The Most High God! Well did My servant Sha’ul (also known as Paul) prophesy of you, saying: In the latter days some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared as with a hot iron.[3] And well did he prophesy of this generation, saying: Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof[4]. Therefore, woe to all who celebrate this detestable holiday of men! Woe, I say to you! And three times woe, to all who do so in MY name! Hypocrites! Workers of idolatry! You are a perverse people who do always take the name of The Lord in vain! Yet I hear you saying, “But we only seek to honor You, Lord, in any and all ways.” Yet I ask you, how can we be one if your heart belongs to another?[5] And how does reveling in those things I hate honor Me? I tell you the truth, all who love this world more than Me are not worthy of Me! And all who honor the ways of the harlot dishonor Me and shall share in her judgment! And ALL, who revel in the ways of the pagan, have cast their lot with satan! Or have you never read these Scriptures: You can not drink the cup of The Lord and the cup of demons; you can not partake of The Lord’s table and of the table of demons?![6] Indeed, what do all these things have to do with Me? Why do you decorate the tree? Is it not beautiful as it is? And why do you decorate your house? A household, which seeks to honor Me, has no need of worldly decorations. For in humility, set apart, shall you shine forth. And why do you give worldly gifts in My name? Am I not The Gift, He who ascended on high, He who led captivity captive and gave gifts to men?[7] Therefore receive of Me, of all I offer, and be separate. For in following My ways do you give gifts to Me and to each other, even to all those around you, for the gifts I bring endure forever. Therefore, again I ask you, what matter these things of the world and men, which shall soon pass away? Yet you say, “All these things are a metaphor and a testament to You, Lord.” Yet I tell you, anything which comes from sin is sin; do not do it! Tear down all these whitewashed walls of abomination, and do only as The Word of God instructs! For the season of giving is each and every day, and the season of love is every day, every hour, every minute, every moment of your life lived in Me. So then, share My gifts and withhold not; lift up the poor in spirit and feed the hungry, help the needy and comfort the sick, doing so in My name. Yet do not do as the pagans do, for this is sin. Be completely separate and shun these perverse holidays of men; stop breaking My Commandments! You wish to celebrate My name and My earthly birth, do so; yea, bring glory to My name by your obedience, set apart. You wish to enjoy festivals with your family, do so; I have given you seven.[8] And in these seven is wisdom and understanding, the very mind of God, revelation beyond words, the will of God made manifest. Yet no more do as the pagans and false teachers would have you do. Cast off this holiday; throw away your tree and lights, rid your house of all decorations, turn away from these filthy traditions. Honor Me as I truly am, obey the Scriptures, and turn away from the commandments of men.[9] Know this: The Salvation Day of Men is four-fold... It was ordained before the foundation of the world, Fulfilled at My birth, finished at My death on the cross, And solidified eternally upon My resurrection... I AM THE LORD." [1]answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_The_Holy_Days_of_God [2]Hosea 4:6 [3]1 Timothy 4:1-2 [4]2 Timothy 3:2-5 [6]1 Corinthians 10:21 [7]Ephesians 4:8 [9]Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7, Titus 1:14 ~ "Thus says The Lord: My children, keep The Passover. Keep it according to the New Covenant, in faith and love, and remember. Yet you who call of yourselves Christian do always dishonor Me. Behold, you pollute the glory of My sacrifice with filthy traditions and desecrate My resurrection with pagan practices, forsaking those things which you were to keep holy and remember, nor will you incline the ear. Churches of men, know you not that in these Seven (the Holy Days) is wisdom and understanding, the very mind of God?! Yet you choose vanities on top of vanities, embracing corrupt doctrine and pagan-laced tradition, placing your stamp of approval on them. For you are a most perverse and adulterous generation. Churches of men, I am not of this world, yet you are of this world. Thus only those who obey My voice trust in Me, and only those who embrace Me as I truly am are set apart. For I live in them and they follow Me. You claim you trust in Me and that I live in you, yet not one of you obeys My voice; indeed, you ignore My example and refuse to walk in My ways. For if I truly lived in you, then you would do as I did. Beloved, follow Me! Keep the Passover, honor the Holy Days, and remember the Sabbath. Only then will you begin to see, only then will you understand. For the Holy Days are revelation, every Sabbath a blessing, a sign between Me and you that you may know I am The Lord who sanctifies you. And behold, four are fulfilled: Salvation assured, sin and death overcome, the Spirit given... Three are coming quickly: Sin destroyed, evil bound, My seat taken, Judgment... A new day, even one thousand years... Then a short season, consummation... An everlasting day in The Lord!... Amen, and amen." ~ "Therefore, again I call you to kiss The Son And bow before your King!... For He alone is your salvation, He alone is your only escape!... He is The Light, The Only Way, The Only Truth!... There is no life apart from Him; Apart from Him is only darkness and death, The wide path which leads to destruction... YAHUSHUA-YAHUWAH Is His name, The Mashiach!... The Bearer of your cross, The Lover of your soul, The Risen One, The Mighty One of Jacob... Immanu El!"
@@patriciajohanson7087 one of the most amazing singers I have ever heard!! I got my FAITH BACK LISTENING TO HIM!! WOW AMEN!! HATS OFF TO THE MAN ABOVE:) LOVE YOU GOD ABOVE DADDY ... MOTHER MARY MOMMY... MY BROTHER MY SAVIOR:) JENNIFER WINCHELL
Most beautiful "away in a manger" I have ever heard in my life. It truly brings a whole new depth to it-as someone else said, it truly feels very worshipful.
@@noahsmith3654 As this is what the Bible teaches; "believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved", it is also what I believe, yes. It's a beautiful gift really. What do you believe?
Absolutely cannot stop crying and so very humbled at our Saviour's birth! He came from heaven to Earth..Emmanuel God with us..fully God and fully man..and born in the midst of political upheaval and unrest..to become our PRINCE OF PEACE..ALMIGHTY GOD..AND EVERLASTING FATHER! AMEN! BLESSED HOLY KING OF KINGS!!
Lyrics: Away in a manger, no crib for a bed The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head The stars in the sky look down where He lay The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes The dawn of salvation beginning to break I love Thee, Lord Jesus, oh, gift from above The King of the heavens, forever with us I worship You, Jesus for all of my days The highest of praises be unto Your name My God and my Savior My King and my friend Yours is the glory, forever amen Yours is the glory, forever amen Yours is the glory, forever amen
Away in a manger No crib for a bed The little Lord Jesus Laid down His sweet head The stars in the bright sky Looked down where He lay The little Lord Jesus Asleep on the hay The cattle are lowing The Baby awakes But little Lord Jesus No crying He makes I love You, Lord Jesus Look down from the sky And stay by my side Until morning is nigh Be near me, Lord Jesus I ask You to stay Close by me forever And love me I pray Bless all the dear children In Your tender care And fit us for heaven To live with You there
To take a child’s lullaby and turn it into a true worship song… Amazing, especially the lyrics of the last verse. Phil Wickham’s voice evidently has no upper limit! Love the set, the orchestration, the key change, background vocals. Superb music for Christmas.
Please keep me in prayer I’m going to a chiropractor to help me get my movement back last choice trying to get my Bending and straightening back and I have a trainer to help me build my muscles back up but I’ve been through a bad car accident and shattered my humerus bone above my elbow and 2 different surgery’s and my 2 one was for 2 different staph infections in my elbow and 2 months of hospital visits for medication and wound care and 9 months of therapy
I pray for you in the name of Jesus Healing is flowing in your body, in your bones. I rebuke every devil trying to make you unhealthy. My love goes out to you 😘
I’m getting some of it back but still going to a chiropractor for my right arm and that I can build my muscles back up and quickly and that I’ll find a higher paying job then the one I have now please and thank you. I’m also praying too
Jesus loves you and wants you to follow Him ❤ He is the way, the truth, and the life. I was an atheist for years until I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus that profoundly changed my life. The gift of salvation and eternal life is available to all who put their trust in Jesus. He can heal you of the deepest pain, disease, trauma, addictions, and shame. Seek Him with a genuine and humble heart and He will reveal His existence to you.
@@noahsmith3654 yes Noah, the word of God says they are a triune God and no one comes to the Father except throuhgh Jesus, who paid the way for you with His own life... Also Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life... Same verse. JOHN 15:6
I love this song so much the first time I heard it, this is the best rendition I’ve ever heard. I was here last Christmas, but I came back again and again and again. Jesus is coming back, what a great song to sing when we finally are in His presence. “I love thee Lord Jesus oh gift from above The King of the heavens forever with us”
This one is the best song into Christmas I ever heard besides silent night it really takes you into the spirit of God salvation and peace throughout we always pray now for God to heal the land to heal his creation and this song really brings us up to date God bless us all
This song moves me to tears whenever I listen to it. Jesus is my BFF and He has helped me through many dark days, including losing my Grandma, both parents and only sibling (sister). I WILL meet Him in Heaven. I ❤❤❤❤❤ YOU, JESUS!!
"The Messiah Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death - even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus the Messiah is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2)
@@noahsmith3654 Yeah brother why not. I don't belong to this Earth nor Hell . God created us to be with him . But when Adam and Eve sinned , we lost connection with Heaven ( the place where God lives) then long story short, God sent Jesus so that we can be close to God . So whoever believes in Jesus are saved . I don't know in which perspective you have asked but in my perspective I am in realm of both Heaven and Earth which is possible through Jesus I mean making peace with others , helping those who can't help us back, forgiving those who sin against me , etc . But if you asked about afterlife Heaven , I don't just believe Jesus so that he can take me to Heaven but I have truly seen his sacrifice made for me and I know I can't live without him ( he is my vine and I am a branch ) . If I loose connection I will die. And yeah ofcourse one day if we believe that Jesus came to this Earth , dies and rose again we will be saved. Not just believing but our faith must be seen in actions. So brother, I believe Jesus for who he is and not just that he gives permission to see God and also he too is God so, if I know him I know God ( the father) . It's clear that without Jesus you can not reach God. I really don't know how to put it together correct me if I am wrong at any point. All I want to say is I love God that's it. Blessings from India
I’m not religious and never have been but this song brought me to tears. Maybe it’s time I try to find something to believe in. Goodness has eluded my family (through some faults of my own) for quite awhile
I know this comment was awhile ago, but just confess and give your life to Christ, if you haven't. It's not a religion, but a relationship with Jesus Christ. I'll pray for you 😊
Wooow, this was so so beautiful!! May God lee using you Brother Phil!! Man, Battle Belongs has helped me soooo much, and it is now my favorite song! Thank you, thank you very much! For letting yourself be used by God!🙏❤️ God bless you and your family this holiday season
Thanks for this masterpiece. This is my Christmas song of 2024. I praying that God will continue touching many with these anointed songs. Feeling Blessed ❤
Whoever is reading this, God loves you and will not change His mind about you. You are made in His image, and He paid everything for you, despite what other people think and say.
@@mariabaratepa3724 🙏🏻
Amen 🙏🏻
Amen Praise God
Thank you guys, for providing love and hope. God bless you
Glory be to God in the highest forgiving us baby Jesus. I just turned December 25th and I am grateful for having Jesus in my life
This has made me shed tears! I keep falling in love with Jesus. Confessing my love devotion to him. Merry Christmas 2024
They have cancelled my Son's nativity, they have cancelled our Church services...but they will never cancel our Savior, Jesus Christ ~ Light of the world 💓
Amen 🙏🏻
Same here only
Nice song bro
I am always so humbled by the fact that our King of the Universe chose to be born in a manger with hay and animals surrounding Him. I love my God so much.
I know
I just pray that everyone will have their lives changed and that they will look up to god amen...
One thing I find even more humbling is that a manger is where animals come to feed - and he is the Bread of Life given to us in the Eucharist :D ahhhh I just love love love Jesus!
Most amazing!!!
Yes, His great Love ❤️ for us shown in such an amazing way!
When a song is anointed, you will definitely feel it. This song is so beautiful and touching.
may our Lord who came down in the humblest of ways be worshipped and adored for the great things He did and accomplished!
And what He currently does. Great is our Lord.
I love Phil’s rendition of this song. It truly makes a Christmas song feel like a worship song. 🙌
When things were at their very worst:
2 Suns, Cross in the sky, 2 comets will collide = don`t be afraid - repent, accept Lord`s Hand of Mercy.
The first sign - the Earth will spin faster.
The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin.
Scientists will say it was a global illusion.
Beaware - Jesus will never walk in flesh again.
After WW3 - rise of the “ man of peace“ from the East = Antichrist - the most powerful, popular, charismatic and influential leader of all time. Many miracles will be attributed to him. He will imitate Jesus in every conceivable way.
Don`t trust „pope“ Francis = the False Prophet
- will seem to rise from the dead
- will unite all Christian Churches and all Religions as one.
One World Religion = the seat of the Antichrist.
Benedict XVI is the last true pope - will be accused of a crime of which he is totally innocent.
- banking collapse was deliberately masterminded by the Antichrist
- Antichrist will step in and create a false peace in the state of Israel by joining them with palestine in an unlikely alliance.
- „He will recite extracts from My Teachings, which he will passionately proclaim from every secular stage in the world, until people sit up and take notice of him.“
The Book of Truth
Took the words out of my mouth. This rendition is a blessing.
"Thus says The Lord: Most assuredly, I say to you, any and all rituals which are rooted in paganism are an abomination in the eyes of God! And all who place My name upon them, or do them by permission in My name, have surely taken the name of The Lord in vain!
I know many say they celebrate this holiday in loving memory of My earthly birth, yet on this day I did not come into the world by way of water and blood. For that day and hour remains unknown to you, nor do you understand. For you cast off knowledge, and refuse to honor the appointed times which The Father commanded you to keep holy and remember.[1] Thus My people are indeed destroyed for lack of knowledge, as it is written.[2]
How long shall you mar My image before the people?!
How long shall My name be blasphemed
Because of you, O churches of men?!...
How long shall you commit adultery with the
Harlot and revel in the idolatries of the pagan?!
How long shall you remain married to this world
And all its fornications against God?!...
Again I tell you, ALL religions, religious rituals
And celebrations, rooted deeply in paganism,
Are an abomination in the eyes of The Most High God!
Well did My servant Sha’ul (also known as Paul) prophesy of you, saying: In the latter days some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared as with a hot iron.[3] And well did he prophesy of this generation, saying: Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof[4].
Therefore, woe to all who celebrate this detestable holiday of men! Woe, I say to you! And three times woe, to all who do so in MY name! Hypocrites! Workers of idolatry! You are a perverse people who do always take the name of The Lord in vain! Yet I hear you saying, “But we only seek to honor You, Lord, in any and all ways.” Yet I ask you, how can we be one if your heart belongs to another?[5] And how does reveling in those things I hate honor Me? I tell you the truth, all who love this world more than Me are not worthy of Me! And all who honor the ways of the harlot dishonor Me and shall share in her judgment! And ALL, who revel in the ways of the pagan, have cast their lot with satan! Or have you never read these Scriptures: You can not drink the cup of The Lord and the cup of demons; you can not partake of The Lord’s table and of the table of demons?![6]
Indeed, what do all these things have to do with Me? Why do you decorate the tree? Is it not beautiful as it is? And why do you decorate your house? A household, which seeks to honor Me, has no need of worldly decorations. For in humility, set apart, shall you shine forth. And why do you give worldly gifts in My name? Am I not The Gift, He who ascended on high, He who led captivity captive and gave gifts to men?[7] Therefore receive of Me, of all I offer, and be separate. For in following My ways do you give gifts to Me and to each other, even to all those around you, for the gifts I bring endure forever.
Therefore, again I ask you, what matter these things of the world and men, which shall soon pass away? Yet you say, “All these things are a metaphor and a testament to You, Lord.” Yet I tell you, anything which comes from sin is sin; do not do it! Tear down all these whitewashed walls of abomination, and do only as The Word of God instructs! For the season of giving is each and every day, and the season of love is every day, every hour, every minute, every moment of your life lived in Me. So then, share My gifts and withhold not; lift up the poor in spirit and feed the hungry, help the needy and comfort the sick, doing so in My name. Yet do not do as the pagans do, for this is sin. Be completely separate and shun these perverse holidays of men; stop breaking My Commandments!
You wish to celebrate My name and My earthly birth, do so; yea, bring glory to My name by your obedience, set apart. You wish to enjoy festivals with your family, do so; I have given you seven.[8] And in these seven is wisdom and understanding, the very mind of God, revelation beyond words, the will of God made manifest. Yet no more do as the pagans and false teachers would have you do. Cast off this holiday; throw away your tree and lights, rid your house of all decorations, turn away from these filthy traditions. Honor Me as I truly am, obey the Scriptures, and turn away from the commandments of men.[9]
Know this: The Salvation Day of Men is four-fold...
It was ordained before the foundation of the world,
Fulfilled at My birth, finished at My death on the cross,
And solidified eternally upon My resurrection...
[2]Hosea 4:6
[3]1 Timothy 4:1-2
[4]2 Timothy 3:2-5
[6]1 Corinthians 10:21
[7]Ephesians 4:8
[9]Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7, Titus 1:14
"Thus says The Lord: My children, keep The Passover. Keep it according to the New Covenant, in faith and love, and remember.
Yet you who call of yourselves Christian do always dishonor Me. Behold, you pollute the glory of My sacrifice with filthy traditions and desecrate My resurrection with pagan practices, forsaking those things which you were to keep holy and remember, nor will you incline the ear. Churches of men, know you not that in these Seven (the Holy Days) is wisdom and understanding, the very mind of God?! Yet you choose vanities on top of vanities, embracing corrupt doctrine and pagan-laced tradition, placing your stamp of approval on them. For you are a most perverse and adulterous generation.
Churches of men, I am not of this world, yet you are of this world. Thus only those who obey My voice trust in Me, and only those who embrace Me as I truly am are set apart. For I live in them and they follow Me. You claim you trust in Me and that I live in you, yet not one of you obeys My voice; indeed, you ignore My example and refuse to walk in My ways. For if I truly lived in you, then you would do as I did.
Beloved, follow Me! Keep the Passover, honor the Holy Days, and remember the Sabbath. Only then will you begin to see, only then will you understand. For the Holy Days are revelation, every Sabbath a blessing, a sign between Me and you that you may know I am The Lord who sanctifies you.
And behold, four are fulfilled:
Salvation assured, sin and death overcome, the Spirit given...
Three are coming quickly:
Sin destroyed, evil bound, My seat taken, Judgment...
A new day, even one thousand years...
Then a short season, consummation...
An everlasting day in The Lord!...
Amen, and amen."
"Therefore, again I call you to kiss The Son
And bow before your King!...
For He alone is your salvation,
He alone is your only escape!...
He is The Light, The Only Way, The Only Truth!...
There is no life apart from Him;
Apart from Him is only darkness and death,
The wide path which leads to destruction...
Is His name, The Mashiach!...
The Bearer of your cross, The Lover of your soul,
The Risen One, The Mighty One of Jacob...
Immanu El!"
I was saying this to my daughters. His beautiful voice and love for Our Lord is truly heard in his songs.
Seems like every artist is loving the chosen set
Yes, this is the song Phil Wickham played in Christmas with The Chosen last Monday.
This is actually for the Chosen and it's beautiful ♡
Check out The Chosen Christmas special - that's where this excerpt is from :)
Merry Christmas 🎄 2023
I always pray when I see Jesus thank you Phil🎉.
This version of Away in a Manger is so beautiful. I love this song and Phill has taken it to another level.
I have to agree.
@@patriciajohanson7087 one of the most amazing singers I have ever heard!! I got my FAITH BACK LISTENING TO HIM!! WOW AMEN!! HATS OFF TO THE MAN ABOVE:) LOVE YOU
Amen!! Forever AMEN!!!
wishing everyone a safe and blessed christmas.
Merry Christmas to you too🥰
I Wish the same to you❤❤
Thank you. Merry Christmas!
@@eriyanisilalahi6074 4r
This is the best version of Away in a Manger ever!!! ❤️💝🙌
Most beautiful "away in a manger" I have ever heard in my life. It truly brings a whole new depth to it-as someone else said, it truly feels very worshipful.
Do you have to believe in Jesus in order for God to take you to heaven?
@@noahsmith3654 As this is what the Bible teaches; "believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved", it is also what I believe, yes. It's a beautiful gift really. What do you believe?
Needed tissues. God with us. Thank you God & thank you Phil.
We’re signing this song for sign language class❤
"Away in a manger" will always be my favourite...love the lyrics and tune ♥ Phil has taken this song to another level👍 keep singing for God's glory.
Absolutely cannot stop crying and so very humbled at our Saviour's birth! He came from heaven to Earth..Emmanuel God with us..fully God and fully man..and born in the midst of political upheaval and unrest..to become our PRINCE OF PEACE..ALMIGHTY GOD..AND EVERLASTING FATHER! AMEN! BLESSED HOLY KING OF KINGS!!
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head
The stars in the sky look down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay
The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes
The dawn of salvation beginning to break
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, oh, gift from above
The King of the heavens, forever with us
I worship You, Jesus for all of my days
The highest of praises be unto Your name
My God and my Savior
My King and my friend
Yours is the glory, forever amen
Yours is the glory, forever amen
Yours is the glory, forever amen
Do you have to believe in Jesus in order for God to take you to heaven?
@@noahsmith3654 Yes, Jesus is the way the the truth and the life. Only He is the way to heaven.
@@noahsmith3654 Yes Noah. John 3:16-17.
Thank you for the lyrics!
I love you Jesus 🎉🎉🎉
from Indonesia as "Di dalam palungan Terbaring lah Yesus".happy merry christmas
Beautiful… I can imagine being there 💜
Jesus is King :´D
Away in a manger
No crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus
Laid down His sweet head
The stars in the bright sky
Looked down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay
The cattle are lowing
The Baby awakes
But little Lord Jesus
No crying He makes
I love You, Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by my side
Until morning is nigh
Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask You to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray
Bless all the dear children
In Your tender care
And fit us for heaven
To live with You there
To take a child’s lullaby and turn it into a true worship song… Amazing, especially the lyrics of the last verse. Phil Wickham’s voice evidently has no upper limit! Love the set, the orchestration, the key change, background vocals. Superb music for Christmas.
Beautifully said!
Please keep me in prayer I’m going to a chiropractor to help me get my movement back last choice trying to get my Bending and straightening back and I have a trainer to help me build my muscles back up but I’ve been through a bad car accident and shattered my humerus bone above my elbow and 2 different surgery’s and my 2 one was for 2 different staph infections in my elbow and 2 months of hospital visits for medication and wound care and 9 months of therapy
I pray for you in the name of Jesus
Healing is flowing in your body, in your bones. I rebuke every devil trying to make you unhealthy.
My love goes out to you 😘
I’m getting some of it back but still going to a chiropractor for my right arm and that I can build my muscles back up and quickly and that I’ll find a higher paying job then the one I have now please and thank you. I’m also praying too
Yours is the Glory forever Amen got me in tears Phil, WoW so beautiful!
Glory to God!! 🙌🏻 From Brazil🇧🇷
Love you Phil! Your voice is so AMAZING! I will do my best to be there
Nico. Being our best is never good enough. That's why Jesus came - to pay the price for anyone to go to God's place forever.
@@davidberry8431 I meant his concert. But I agree with what you said
@@nicolodeiro6862 Gotcha brother.
@@davidberry8431 God bless you, dude!
@@nicolodeiro6862 See you "there"!
hi! from korea
Bless you!
I love that this was on the set of The Chosen, so amazing & you brought tears to my eyes & filled my heart with joy. Amen 🙏 Phil Amen 🙏 💜✝️
Same for me!
Love this so much. Praise be to the King of Kings.
Do you have to believe in Jesus in order for God to take you to heaven?
@Ivan Ramos Fuentes
Do you have to turn away from your sins in order for God to take you to heaven?
@Ivan Ramos Fuentes
Do you have to turn away from your sins in order for God to take you to heaven?
What makes me cry when i hear this song is the fact that these shepherds just gave themselves to the newborn king
The Holy Spirit
Well done. Love the lyrics and how they draw us to Christ. God bless all my brothers and sisters out there. Thank you Sir.
Jesus loves you and wants you to follow Him ❤ He is the way, the truth, and the life. I was an atheist for years until I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus that profoundly changed my life. The gift of salvation and eternal life is available to all who put their trust in Jesus. He can heal you of the deepest pain, disease, trauma, addictions, and shame. Seek Him with a genuine and humble heart and He will reveal His existence to you.
Fan-TASTIC as always my friend!
Such a beautiful song! Praise the lord!!
Such a beautiful version. What a voice! I love the way Phil makes every song his own..
Do you have to believe in Jesus in order for God to take you to heaven?
@@noahsmith3654 yes Noah, the word of God says they are a triune God and no one comes to the Father except throuhgh Jesus, who paid the way for you with His own life... Also Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life... Same verse. JOHN 15:6
Amen love from India : Nagaland
Amen😇...(luv u Phil Wickham)
Phil Whickham and For king and country would go amazingly 🙏🏻🤩
This version by Phil is so good to the ear and the heart😇.
What a blessing for me a kid.
That added final verse.... 🔥🙌😭
“The King of the Heavens, forever with us”
Forever thankful for our Saviour!
Brot happy tears! What a precious real life baby in this scene!!
🇧🇷Hi I Alive in Brazil, I love your songs!! I wait this video!! God bless we forever
Still listening, even though christmas season is over 😍
I love this song so much the first time I heard it, this is the best rendition I’ve ever heard.
I was here last Christmas, but I came back again and again and again.
Jesus is coming back, what a great song to sing when we finally are in His presence.
“I love thee Lord Jesus oh gift from above
The King of the heavens forever with us”
I love you jesus
Agreed ❤ the first time i heard this song i must or listened to it it over and over and o er again ❤ Amen
Can't get enough of this song. tells the story, filled with the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus.
You have my heart and I have yours.
This one is the best song into Christmas I ever heard besides silent night it really takes you into the spirit of God salvation and peace throughout we always pray now for God to heal the land to heal his creation and this song really brings us up to date God bless us all
So beautifully done , brought tears to my eyes
It doesn’t have to be Christmas to listen to this song
Love this version, this song is so reverent . 🧑🏻🦰❤
❤ne ❤f the best Christmas s❤ng ever.
This song moves me to tears whenever I listen to it. Jesus is my BFF and He has helped me through many dark days, including losing my Grandma, both parents and only sibling (sister). I WILL meet Him in Heaven.
I ❤❤❤❤❤ YOU, JESUS!!
Well done Phil!! Really blessed by your collection of Christmas songs 🙌🏼👆🏼
He is blessed with a voice of an angel
He sure has a Great voice. God. 😇👑🌈📖
What a rendition 🎉✨🔥 GOD bless the singer and the entire team 🙏
"The Messiah Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death - even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus the Messiah is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2)
Finally it's out. I was waiting for this video since it's had been announced by the Chosen team.
God bless you all and Phil
Do you have to believe in Jesus in order for God to take you to heaven?
@@noahsmith3654 Yeah brother why not. I don't belong to this Earth nor Hell . God created us to be with him . But when Adam and Eve sinned , we lost connection with Heaven ( the place where God lives) then long story short, God sent Jesus so that we can be close to God . So whoever believes in Jesus are saved . I don't know in which perspective you have asked but in my perspective I am in realm of both Heaven and Earth which is possible through Jesus I mean making peace with others , helping those who can't help us back, forgiving those who sin against me , etc . But if you asked about afterlife Heaven , I don't just believe Jesus so that he can take me to Heaven but I have truly seen his sacrifice made for me and I know I can't live without him ( he is my vine and I am a branch ) . If I loose connection I will die. And yeah ofcourse one day if we believe that Jesus came to this Earth , dies and rose again we will be saved. Not just believing but our faith must be seen in actions.
So brother, I believe Jesus for who he is and not just that he gives permission to see God and also he too is God so, if I know him I know God ( the father) . It's clear that without Jesus you can not reach God.
I really don't know how to put it together correct me if I am wrong at any point. All I want to say is I love God that's it.
Blessings from India
So Beautiful 🙌
"My God and my Savior,
My King and my Friend,
Yours is the glory forever, amen."
Ahhhh beautiful - real!
Such an outstanding and heartfelt rendition. Brought tears to my eyes and elation to my heart. Praise the LORD Jesus. Thank you.
This is beautiful. All year long, all eternity long.
I love this 🥺
Absolutely beautiful. The presence and love of God pours through this song. I picture God listening to this and being deeply pleased.
Love the arrangement Phil and team 💯❤🔥Hope whoever reads this have a blessed and safe day 😊 God bless 😊❤
Thank you Phil ❤️
Love this Phil .
Favourite song of advent
God bless all people. Amen 🙏🏻
You're doing great Phil. God bless you 🙏
Merry Christmas and happy New year y'all.....
Stay blessed and happy..
Jesus loves y'all.. 💓
Merry Christmas 2024
This is my favorite Christmas song ! Thankyou so much Phil!
I’m not religious and never have been but this song brought me to tears. Maybe it’s time I try to find something to believe in. Goodness has eluded my family (through some faults of my own) for quite awhile
I know this comment was awhile ago, but just confess and give your life to Christ, if you haven't. It's not a religion, but a relationship with Jesus Christ. I'll pray for you 😊
Merry Christmas to all! Phil please come to Goa, India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
U 2
@@rosaliaessy4810 Thank you Rosalina 😄🙏🏻
One year later... Even so, This still being one of my favorites from the album.
I'll worship you Jesus , all off my days
I love this hymn and Phil Wickham. He has a glorious voice and clearly loves worshipping his savior.
Got a teary eyes for this version of this song. 😢
Absolutely precious
I experience peace every time i utter the lyrics, so refreshing, unifies me with the Almighty Lord, "My God and my Saviour my King and my Friend" ❤️
I love this song. artist and the scenery. It has to be the top song for Christmas.
mi infancia 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Phil , I am so amazed by your talent . This song has move my heart and brought tears .Beautiful song and heartfelt love from God . Thank you Phil
wow amazing song yes Jesus is my savior the king of a king the lord of all
Bro Phil Jesus bless u walk in Love faith in JN
Forever amen.❤
My 1 year old son loves your music
God bless
Do you have to believe in Jesus in order for God to take you to heaven?
@@noahsmith3654 Yes
Merry Christmas 🎄 Jesus Loves you and so do I! Even if we never met, may Your home be filled with Love, joy and peace❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💜🖤🙏
Wooow, this was so so beautiful!! May God lee using you Brother Phil!! Man, Battle Belongs has helped me soooo much, and it is now my favorite song! Thank you, thank you very much! For letting yourself be used by God!🙏❤️ God bless you and your family this holiday season
Do you have to believe in Jesus in order for God to take you to heaven?
just incredible
Goosebumps. Beautifully divine.
Thanks for this masterpiece. This is my Christmas song of 2024. I praying that God will continue touching many with these anointed songs. Feeling Blessed ❤
My new all time fav musician 😭😭🧡🧡