Angela Gheorghiu & Thomas Hampson sing the great duet from Simon Boccanegra: "Orfanella il tetto"

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Angela Gheorghiu and Thomas Hampson sing the beautiful duet "Orfanella il tetto umile... Figlia, a tal nome io palpito" from Simon Boccanegra. This is an extract from the Metropolitan Opera broadcast from March 3rd, 2007.


  • @MadonnaImperia
    @MadonnaImperia 9 років тому +1

    This duet always makes me cry.

  • @loredinusa
    @loredinusa 15 років тому +2

    Who likes this with all their heart?

  • @CatherinePisaroni
    @CatherinePisaroni 9 років тому +1

    Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for posting. I remember this performance well!

  • @alexthomas1750
    @alexthomas1750 10 років тому +5

    I remember seeing this and it was and still is the best Boccanegra I've ever seen (this definitely includes all three Domingo performances with his multiple costars; Milan, London and New York). Gheorghiu was stunning as Amelia and it was my first time hearing Fabio Luisi in the pit, one of the best readings of the score ever. It was very fast paced and constantly moving, non of the over romanticised and stodgy renditions you hear from Pappano, Barenboim and even Levine. Hampson was a dramatically intense Boccanegra, but always believable. No Melodrama. Which is rare considering I normally detest his Verdi. The only weak cast member was Marcello Giordani, who just sounded tired the entire night.

  • @SavHub
    @SavHub 11 років тому

    Angela is a splendid Amelia...I wish she recorded this on DVD!

  • @evaschmid1919
    @evaschmid1919 2 роки тому


  • @SilverSingingMethod
    @SilverSingingMethod 15 років тому +2

    Hollow. Both voices are hollow.

  • @energyglobal
    @energyglobal 15 років тому

    your excellent and again very professional comment from 1 year ago hits the nail right on the head.
    Thomas is a very nice and pleasant guy with a light tenor voice ! Everybody who understands opera knows he is no real baritone and therefore he shouldn't touch dramatic Verdi roles. Leave this for the Brusons and Nuccis.
    However, it brings up a far more important question : How is it possible that management at the house always make such bad and terrible cast decisions ?

  • @corellithebest
    @corellithebest 15 років тому +1

    I like very much Angela's singing and interpretation. She makes so subtle, tender and passionate Amelia! I agree Hampson is not exactly in his form here, although I choose to believe Opera5stage when s/he says Hampson was in a better form that night. But Angela does a wonderful job here!

  • @operalinares
    @operalinares 14 років тому +1

    la voce molto chiara di Hampson fuori repertorio non va per Verdi drammattico questo permette che dopo un tenore come Placido Domingo comincie a cantare come Baritono anche questo immenso ruolo Pena!!!

  • @FranciscoFerrerGaliana1930
    @FranciscoFerrerGaliana1930 8 років тому

    una Dúo maraviloso

  • @corellithebest
    @corellithebest 15 років тому +1

    Yes, Hampson is not really a right choice vocally for Simone, but Angela most certainly IS (for Amelia)!

  • @energyglobal
    @energyglobal 15 років тому

    operacaster :
    You may have made an excellent point by asking "What makes you think the MET management knows what they are doing ?"
    I honestly sometimes really wonder about their singer castings in the House. But I guess also the other major houses in the world (Vienna, London, Berlin) are not too much better.

  • @lilibetp
    @lilibetp 17 років тому

    I saw Hampson in an interview at the Met once. He said he's choosing characters based on their dilemnas. I think he needs to be less concerned with the character's dilemna and more concerned with not destroying the beauty of his voice on Verdi.
    No one is better in Mozart. No one can top him in Barbiere. Posa's fine. He should never do anything heavier than that, though.

    • @operacat1
      @operacat1 5 років тому

      I admire him for choosing characters who are interesting both dramatically and vocally......

  • @onotuoedaul
    @onotuoedaul 14 років тому

    its the same clothing and scenary that that old version with te kanawa and domingo as adorno! hahaahaha

  • @chiara54324
    @chiara54324 15 років тому

    Excuse me, not Nabucco: he interpretated Boccanegra. ;)

  • @cantanteporsiempre
    @cantanteporsiempre 14 років тому

    Is this recording or live?

  • @semiramide1945
    @semiramide1945 16 років тому

    This can be one of the most moving duets in all opera, however Hampson doesn't have the heft for it, ah for the Italian baritones

    • @amber40494
      @amber40494 4 роки тому

      What's wrong with Hampson? I'm a pianist and know nothing about vocal production. He sounds gorgeous to me

    • @semiramide1945
      @semiramide1945 4 роки тому

      @@amber40494 I just think Hampson's voice doesn't have the weight needed for the role as compared to Tito Gobbi or Piero Cappucilli or several others

  • @Opera5stage
    @Opera5stage 16 років тому

    I was in Met on opening nigt of this production - he was in much better voice than I can hear here(seems he is not well), Hampson is rather light bariton for this part (look for Chernov!),yet was heard in all house and sang with easy and both his vocal and his acting were wery GOOD! (yet in Simone I prefere Chernov)

  • @elisabetta611
    @elisabetta611 17 років тому

    The only two Verdi roles this man should touch are Rodrigo and Padre Germont. (And Germont's a stretch for him!) Leave the dramatic roles to dramatic baritones!

  • @ezayi
    @ezayi 16 років тому +1

    Because he is a tenor with no high notes?... He is choosing this or that based on character´s dilemas because he can´t sing what he could before. And now with his, let´s say weak voice, for Verdi he is just not good enough. Sorry but it is the truth.

  • @ezayi
    @ezayi 16 років тому

    But there´s no way they are brilliant compared Placido and Kiri. Im not even thouching Hampson because his just not good enough for Verdi. Too big for him even when he´s already in his 50´s.

  • @operaperu
    @operaperu 15 років тому

    i saw this live and loved it. Now i hear it again and don't like it. BOth are so average, and Hampson sounds dry.

  • @giampierone010
    @giampierone010 12 років тому +1

    @bodiloto Lei ha ragione...un Simone tra i peggiori ...poi il finale del duetto con quel suono orrendo...non parliamo dell' saluto cordialmente

  • @assindiastignani
    @assindiastignani 15 років тому

    How right you are energyglobal! This would be funny, if it weren't so sad. Forty years ago, this would have been a barely acceptable ELISIR D'AMORE cast for the New York City Opera. Who makes these decisions to cast these works with such inadequate voices? Both good singers, but not for this rep.

    • @operacat1
      @operacat1 5 років тому

      Oh not again. Who cares what happened forty years ago......Hampson was a great Boccanegra in his day.

  • @chiara54324
    @chiara54324 15 років тому

    Excuse me, not Nabucco: he interpretated Boccanegra. ;)