  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024
  • #blackamericans #blackamericanhistory #africanamerican #blackpeople #blackness #usa #africanamerican #africanamericanhistory #africanamericanculture #jamaican #jamaica


  • @evans_rayolah
    @evans_rayolah  6 днів тому +10

    The speaker in the video is Dr.Aj Varmah to all my subscribers asking

    • @plainwhitepaper3898
      @plainwhitepaper3898 6 днів тому

      Challenge PWP, the false doctrine Slayer, with your doctrine of the devil.

    • @miguelpasamano4995
      @miguelpasamano4995 4 дні тому

      We have read it. I'm in the middle of an exposé which proves "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" is Satan; not God; and the biblical, talmudic, and koranic writers were henopseudotheists which means they only adored "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" but believed in many other pseudodeities which means "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" is not God the Father and the juizh "yshv" of Nazareth is not God the Son Christ Jesus Who Was Crucified by the juz and ReSurrected and the unholy spirit is not the God the Holy Ghost.

    • @plainwhitepaper3898
      @plainwhitepaper3898 4 дні тому

      @@miguelpasamano4995 With all due respect, That was a bunch of nothing. .

    • @miguelpasamano4995
      @miguelpasamano4995 4 дні тому

      ​@@plainwhitepaper3898 with all due disrespect, you're a Satan-worshipper.
      "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" punishes children for their parents' sins.
      ExOdus 20:1-6; DeuteroNomy 5:6-10:
      "And the Lord Spoke all these Words, Saying: "I Am thy Lord thy God Who Brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage. Thou shall have no other "gods" beside Me. Thou shall not make to thyself an idol nor similitude of anything whatever of the things which are in Heaven above and whatever of the things which are in Earth beneath and whatever of the things which are in the waters under Earth. Thou shall not bow down to them. Thou shall not serve them. For I Am thy Lord thy God, a Jealous God, ReComPensing the sins of the fathers upon the children to the 3rd and 4th generation to them who hate Me and BeStowing Mercy on them who love Me to thousands of them and on them who keep My ComMandMents."."
      ExOdus 34:6-7:
      "And the Lord passed by before his face and ProClaimed "Thy Lord thy God, PitiFul and MerciFul, LongSuffering and Very ComPassionate, and True and keeping Justice and Mercy for thousands taking away licentiousness and inJustice and sins. And He Will not Clear the guilty Bringing the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and to the children's children to the 3rd and 4th generation."."
      This is where the Roman catholic church gets her Satanic pseudodoctrine of "hereditary original sin and guilt"!
      "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" is pro-human-(sex-)trafficking.
      ExOdus 21:2-11:
      "If thou buy a Hebrew servant, 6 years shall he serve thee and, in the 7th year, he shall go forth free for nothing. If he should have come in alone, he shall also go forth alone. And, if his wife should have gone in together with him, his wife also shall go out. And, if his master gives him a wife and she has born him sons or daughters the wife and the children shall be his master's and he shall go forth alone. And, if the servant should answer and say, "I love my master and wife and children. I will not go away free.", his master shall bring him to the JudgMent Seat of God and then shall he bring him to the door to the doorpost and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl and he shall serve him forever. And, if anyone sell his daughter as a domestic, she shall not depart as the maidservants depart. If she be not pleasing to her master after she has betrothed herself to him, he shall let her go free. But he is not at liberty to sell her to a foreign nation because he has trifled with her. And, if he should have betrothed her to his son, he shall do to her according to the right of daughters. And, if he takes another to himself, he shall not deprive her of necessaries and her apparel and her companionship with him. And, if he will not do these 3 things to her, she shall go out free without money."
      Leviticus 25:44-46:
      "And, of the sons of the sojourners who are among you, of them, ye shall buy and, of their relations, all which shall be in your lands. Let them be to you for a possession. And ye shall distribute them to your children after you. And they shall be to you permanent possessions forever. But, of your brethren, the children of IsRaEl, one shall not oppress his brother in labors."
      Lucas 12:47-48:
      ""And that servant who knew the will of his lord and prepared not himself and did not according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who knew not and did things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes. And, unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required. And to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more.""
      Ephesians 6:5-8:
      "Servants, be obedient to them who are your lords according to the flesh with fear and trembling in the simplicity of your heart as to HaMashiaħ. Not serving to the eye as it were pleasing men but as the servants of HaMashiaħ doing the Will of God from the heart, with a good will serving as to the Lord and not to men knowing that whatsoever good thing any man shall do, the same shall he receive from the Lord whether he be bond or free."
      1 TimoTheus 6:1-2:
      "Whosoever are servants under the yoke, let them count their masters worthy of all honor lest the Name of the Lord and His Doctrine be blasphemed. But they who have believing masters, let them not despise them because they are brethren but serve them rather because they are FaithFul and beloved who are partakers of the BeneFit. These things teach and exhort."

    • @miguelpasamano4995
      @miguelpasamano4995 4 дні тому

      "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" orders IsRaElites to murder even their own family, friends, and neighbors if they adore other pseudodeities and other pseudodeities' pseudoprophets even if those pseudoprophets' pseudoprophecies are inerrant.
      ExOdus 32:27-28:
      "And he says to them, "Thus Says thy Lord thy God of IsRaEl "Put everyone his sword on his thigh and go through and return from gate to gate through the camp, and slay everyone his brother and everyone his neighbor and everyone him who is nearest to him.".". And the sons of Levi did as Moses spoke to them. And there fell of the people to the number of 300 in that day."
      DeuteroNomy 13:1-12:
      ""Every Word Which I ComMand you to this day, thou shall ObServe to do it. Thou shall not "add" "to" it nor "diminish" "from" it. And, if there arise a ProPhet or 1 who dreams a dream and he gives thee a sign or a wonder and the sign or the wonder come to pass which he spoke to thee saying "Let us go and serve other "gods" whom ye know not." ye shall not hearken to the words of that ProPhet or the dreamer of that dream. Because thy Lord thy God Tries you to Know whether ye love your God with all your heart and with all of your soul. Ye shall your Lord your God and fear Him. And ye shall hear His Voice and attach yourselves to Him. And that ProPhet or dreamer of the dream shall die. For he has spoken to make thee err from thy Lord thy God who Brought thee out of the land of Egypt Who ReDeemed thee from bondage to thrust thee out of the Way Which thy Lord thy God ComManded thee to walk in. So thou shall abolish the evil among you. If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend entices you secretly to serve other "gods" whom you and your fathers have not known, "gods" of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from 1 end of the earth to the other, yield not to him nor listen to him nor look with pity upon him to spare or shield him but slay him. Your hand shall be the 1st raised to slay him. The rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death because he sought to lead you astray from thy Lord thy God Who brought you out of the land of Egypt that place of slavery. And all IsRaEl, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst.""
      So much for "Thou shall not murder." [ExOdus 20:13; DeuteroNomy 5:17], "Thou shall not covet." [ExOdus 20:17; DeuteroNomy 5:21], and "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself." [Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:38-39; Marcus 12:30-31]. What a schizophrenic pseudodeity.
      "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" moons people.
      ExOdus 33:23:
      "And I Will ReMove My Hand. And then shall thou see My Ass. But My Face shall not ApPear to thee."
      "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" orders women to be burned alive to death.
      Leviticus 21:9:
      "And, if the daughter of a Priest should be profaned to go a whoring, she profanes the name of her father, she shall be burnt with fire."
      "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" sets wild animals on children.
      Leviticus 26:21-22:
      "And, if after this, ye should walk perversely and not be willing to obey Me, I Will further Bring upon you 7 plagues according to your sins. And I Will Send upon you the wild beasts of the land and they shall devour you and shall consume your children. And I Will make you few in number. And your ways shall be desolate."
      "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" murders infants and irrational animals.
      Leviticus 27:28-29:
      "And, every dedicated thing which a man shall dedicate to the Lord of all that he has whether man or beast or of the field of his possession, he shall not sell it nor redeem it. For every devoted thing shall be Most Sacred to the Lord. And whatever shall be dedicated of men shall not be ransomed but shall be surely put to death."
      Ezechiel 20:26:
      "And I Will DeFile them by their own DeCrees when I Pass Through UpOn everyone who opens the womb that I May DeStroy them."
      "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" admits he is not a man nor a son of man.
      Numbers 23:19:
      "God Is not as man to waver nor as the son of man to be threatened. Shall He Say and not PerForm? Shall He Speak and not Keep to His Word?"
      Psalms 145("146"):3:
      "Trust not in princes nor in the children of men in whom there is no safety."
      Matthew 8:20:
      ""The foxes have holes. And the birds of the air have nests. But the Son of man Has nowhere to lay his head.""

  • @jesserice9446
    @jesserice9446 15 днів тому +163

    The SADDEST THING in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD, is that, I've never heard black Preachers, teaching some of the things this guy is teaching, We don't Know who we are, This Truth has been in the Bible ever since the Bible was First printed, and as of Today we still don't BELIEVE IT,

    • @franciscafagerholm9457
      @franciscafagerholm9457 14 днів тому +9

      The enemies tricks

    • @torifrazier6930
      @torifrazier6930 14 днів тому +25

      Stephen Darby spoke about it before he died. You can find him on UA-cam.

    • @JeanFleming-gd6mm
      @JeanFleming-gd6mm 14 днів тому +4


    • @c.georgethomas5084
      @c.georgethomas5084 14 днів тому +14

      The Rasta man from Jamaica have been saying that for a very long time

    • @andrewhowson7540
      @andrewhowson7540 14 днів тому +6

      Most black Preachers don't know. This is not taught in seminaries. We have to teach them about who they are. Just a few months ago I was listening to a Ghanaian man explaining to the church congregation that his people are Gadites who escaped from Israel, but this was not a preacher.

  • @1andOnlyJDauntless
    @1andOnlyJDauntless 7 днів тому +39

    We so-called African-Americans, aka the Tribe of Judah, have been called to remember.

    • @bofloa
      @bofloa 6 днів тому +1

      how do you know you are of that tribe.. all so call israelite live as one in west Africa before slavery.. and as matter of fact the name Judah is transletral not the true name

    • @miguelpasamano4995
      @miguelpasamano4995 4 дні тому

      I wouldn't be so proud to be descended from someone who heard and obeyed a voice in his head who told him to murder his own son in a human sacrifice ritual if I were you. I'd look up henopseudotheism if I were you because the biblical, talmudic, and koranic writers were henopseudotheists which means they only worshipped "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/ "al'lah" but believed in probably 359 other pseudodeities which means "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" is not God the Heavenly Father which means the juizh rabbi "yshv" is not God the Son Christ Jesus which means the unholy spirit is not God the Holy Ghost. Marcion was onto something but even he missed the mark. Mister NoBody's "fatima" movement cybercult is onto something but even they missed the mark.

    • @ericwilliams5553
      @ericwilliams5553 3 дні тому +1

      ​@@bofloa hater u is a liar, Israelites scattered all over the globe not just in Africa...Africa is not the real name any way because God calls it "Land of Ham" from Noah's son......

    • @ericwilliams5553
      @ericwilliams5553 3 дні тому +3

      ​@@miguelpasamano4995yall didnt have a problem when dey said Christ is we woke up & knows his black, now everybody dont believe in him now😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @miguelpasamano4995
      @miguelpasamano4995 3 дні тому

      @@ericwilliams5553 we don't acknowledge your ju-masonic-Satanic biblical fictional "yshv" who only pretends to be but isn't God the Son Christ Jesus of Nazareth Who's MediTerranean; not "black"; not "white"; not "red"; not "brown"; not "yellow". "yhwh"/"jhvh"/"ba'al"/"al'lah" ain't God. The bible, the talmud, and the koran are all a séance with Satan. You have the "whitest" name ever.

  • @Sci-Fi_Fan296
    @Sci-Fi_Fan296 12 днів тому +29

    This was great brother! We are waking up! Halleluyah! Apttmhy 🙌🏾

  • @jeniferlalite3374
    @jeniferlalite3374 14 днів тому +46

    The truth is being exposed.No more lies.Thank God!

  • @karenkelly1216
    @karenkelly1216 9 днів тому +16

    Gil Scott Heron said that the revolution will not be televised and he was right , it is a spiritual revolution; it will be felt!!!✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

    • @uncommonwoman100
      @uncommonwoman100 6 днів тому +2


  • @gretapantophlet9201
    @gretapantophlet9201 10 днів тому +63

    💯🎯 that’s exactly what the Bible is, a book about a black people called Israelites, then they made it what it is today.

    • @bigwill7097
      @bigwill7097 9 днів тому

      That’s what the Old Testament is. The only reason that the Old Testament was even included in said holy book is because it claimed the coming of Jesus. Which by the way Jews do not believe.

    • @Tellzel107
      @Tellzel107 8 днів тому +2

      Moses grew up as an Egyptian Prince and nobody could tell otherwise. When there was famine and Joseph was the number 2 man in Egypt, 10 of his brothers who initially sold him into slavery travelled down to Egypt to buy food and did not recognise Joseph as they thought he was an Egyptian. One of the disciples, I think was Saul was also mistaken for an Egyptian in Rome. At that time Egyptians were black and Arabs were white as they are today either.

    • @gretapantophlet9201
      @gretapantophlet9201 8 днів тому

      @@Tellzel107 Arabs were never white, they mix with the white man and whites did this all over the world where they had the chance. Many places are black, but the whites new the truth about black people, so they whited out everything to show that they are superior and are the chosen, how dare god chose a black skinned people over white skinned people, this is why there is white supremacy. The annunaki gods were black, it’s mixing with Neanderthal is what you see today.

    • @bigwill7097
      @bigwill7097 8 днів тому

      @@Tellzel107 No Moses is just a made up biblical figure. Moses never existed. There was no Exodus. There is no historical or archaeological evidence that Egyptians kept Hebrews as slaves. Just stories

    • @miguelpasamano4995
      @miguelpasamano4995 7 днів тому

      Abrahamites are also pagans. Moses was a mason who adored a burning bush pseudodeity called "the Lord". Ismaelites have a version of that same pseudodeity called "the God". This pseudodeity is Satan with whom the bible, the talmud, and the koran are nothing more than séances. juz, catholics, moslems, and protestants are Satanists.

  • @sidneycoverson4234
    @sidneycoverson4234 11 днів тому +15

    The Truth can no longer be hidden! It has always been about Us, the Hebrew Israelites who were scattered to the four corners of the earth 🌎 🤔

    • @TanutamunJuneBlood-ud3qv
      @TanutamunJuneBlood-ud3qv 9 днів тому

      Yes the affirm brothers and sisters did go to the four corners of the earth Yes indeed in Amerika we was calling ourselves black ⚫️ Indians who kept the tradition of KEMET the NUBIANS upper and lower Egypt of the nile river 🙄 of the first people's to have the personality of the Creator within of the godhead thoughts 🙄 👏

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      || TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @pamlarandall2659
    @pamlarandall2659 14 днів тому +46

    This was good teaching and I am still learning about keeping the law of the Most High God, for my guidance in my life!🙏🏾🔥🙏🏾🔥

    • @Bernard-no4ph
      @Bernard-no4ph 10 днів тому +1

      Keep pushing sis

    • @sunsetroblox9759
      @sunsetroblox9759 10 днів тому +1

      Simple Geographics should tell us clearly that everything started in Africa
      Biology confirms that every person, regardless of depth or lack of originate from African patronage

    • @plainwhitepaper3898
      @plainwhitepaper3898 6 днів тому

      No. This was an EVIL teaching. Proof only one scripture slays this vile evil wickedness.
      Revelation 7:9 From every nation, tribes, people and tongues. New testament you say?
      Daniel 7:I0
      I strongly suggest you read and follow the teachings of the King. Matthew 38-4I and stop with the hate.
      Hate and all those who will be cast into the furnace of fire. Matthew I3:4I-42

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      -=.TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @stefonsullivan1129
    @stefonsullivan1129 12 днів тому +12

    The Bible is our history book past present and future, we are the ( Israelites), and we're back!!!! Why do you think those impostors call themselves Israeli, and you can never get any of them to tell you what tribe they're from?!! I am from the tribe of Judah.

  • @troybowden2011
    @troybowden2011 13 днів тому +15

    There is more to know than we think we know! Real talk.🤔

    • @juniorhector9582
      @juniorhector9582 10 днів тому

      We will never know it all as human being.

    • @TanutamunJuneBlood-ud3qv
      @TanutamunJuneBlood-ud3qv 9 днів тому

      We would if the Arabs,Europeans, Latin,and some black peoples who had their hands and negative thoughts in slave trades ! They the POPES and other races of people's wanting to keep us blind of our godly powers of positive gifts of magic that was giving ✨️ to us from God the ONE CREATOR WITHIN US FIRST BEINGS ! ASE

  • @LorenzoTHughes
    @LorenzoTHughes 14 днів тому +34

    Thank you for spreading this TRUTH!!! The Bible took place in Africa NOT Europe or France or England. We are the people of the Sun. Our color is our mark of God. We have a RELATIONSHIP with the Sun raise. 😌🙏🏾

  • @vvbrown770
    @vvbrown770 12 днів тому +10

    Black Africans, We are the one that’s in the bible. We are the bible.

  • @marsheacaraballo6977
    @marsheacaraballo6977 12 днів тому +14

    I found his video about 2 years ago. i hadn’t seen nothing else from him. He was very knowledgeable. i hope all is well with him.🙏❤️

  • @lindajones684
    @lindajones684 13 днів тому +9

    Awesome information!!! Thanks keep bringing this knowledge!

  • @Melanated-w-Nappyhair
    @Melanated-w-Nappyhair 6 днів тому +5

    ...Not surprised' everything wuz black' everything !!!✌😎

  • @barbarahill6186
    @barbarahill6186 10 днів тому +6

    Oh yes! I’ve read aboutBlacks in the Bible. This is just increasing my knowledge of Blacks in the Bible.✝️✝️✝️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😇

  • @aemsiw3798
    @aemsiw3798 13 днів тому +13

    0:13 thankfully our place in the scriptures is the whole Bible. We are the Israelites.

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      -'TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @JosephBoakyeYiadom
    @JosephBoakyeYiadom 11 днів тому +7

    They don't teach African history in Africa country but they teach European history in most African countries

  • @renee5063
    @renee5063 3 дні тому +3

    So far this is a good teaching, sadly what’s being written on the board isn’t visible

  • @PatrickWashington-t7f
    @PatrickWashington-t7f 12 днів тому +21

    Jesus is definitely a pale skin factious being created by the Roman pope . YAHUSHA is in fact the SON of YAHUAH. The FATHER’S NAME can be found in Psalm 64 as YAH in many KJV that are not totally corrupted with the name Jah. YAHUSHA said that HE came in HIS FATHER’S NAME which means YAH IS SALVATION. HE went on saying that you would not accept HIM but another will come in his own name he you will accept. Jesus although a fictional character came in his own name which means earth pig . Now, I must correct the speaker Canaan wasn’t white people . How can Canaan be white when Ham his father was black? The pale (white)skin people came from Japheth mixing his seed with the fallen and neanderthal this is a fact and this is why caucasian people have Neanderthal DNA today.

    • @rodneysheppard3296
      @rodneysheppard3296 8 днів тому +2

      I was wondering why he said Canaan was white??? That is not Truth!!! Appreciate your whole comment. APTTMHY

    • @nonyabiz12
      @nonyabiz12 4 дні тому

      I've heard others claim the Canaanites were cursed with leprosy which is whitening of the skin. I'm not sure of the validity of this but that's what those that make this claim say.

    • @daviddaniel2198
      @daviddaniel2198 4 дні тому

      Y’all nuts

  • @sidneycoverson4234
    @sidneycoverson4234 11 днів тому +5

    Notes: The author discusses the origins of the Hamites and Shemites (or Semites). He states that the original Israelites were of the Black race and that the biblical Abraham (or Abram) was a Black Shemite (a descendant of Shem). Abraham was the father of both the Hebrew-Israelite and Arab nations.

  • @darrellgatterson960
    @darrellgatterson960 14 днів тому +29

    When everything is all set and done, the people that lied will be made a fool of 😮knowing that they perverted the truth.

    • @franciscafagerholm9457
      @franciscafagerholm9457 13 днів тому +1

      @@darrellgatterson960 amen

    • @hendricksismael7810
      @hendricksismael7810 13 днів тому

      @darrellgatterson960 we are a lovely race of people, no disrespect to anyone, in 625 EC, The arabs brutalized us , castrated our men, gave us their religion, their names, and we face east praying to Mohammed who is an arab. The christians came and did even worse, now the chinese and indians are here, if we started civilation why are we are the bottom 5000 years later saying what these people did to us? We are still promoting their religion and what they continue to do, and we still follow their religion and find ways to say they stole everything from us, well if all that is true their must be the original book somewhere in africa, let us find it and stop promoting the Bible, who are we? They made us mentally lazy where all we do is do happy talk and dance , and they know if we don't change where we make our own medicines, grow our own food, do we build aircraft, we do not own you tube, we have to start talking about building everything and take control. So let's say we created the Bible, what's next for us to do? 100 of us would starve tomorrow if they don't sell us food, we are going to be slaves again if we don't use our brains more productively

    • @hendricksismael7810
      @hendricksismael7810 13 днів тому +1

      @darrellgatterson960 so now we know the truth, what's our next move to have full employment for all blacks to make their own medicines and grow their own food? Solutions, solutions, do we have any? Why are we at the bottom, and what do we do to get out? Please help me, I am the 7 generation suffering from slavery, I need your help to build a factory making cars to give my people jobs that we create as african folks, I am so tired of happy talk without action, the man has a chain around my neck, I am chocking , please help me

    • @franciscafagerholm9457
      @franciscafagerholm9457 11 днів тому +1

      @@darrellgatterson960 it is happening.the whole world will know who the real liars are.

    • @SpecialiBe
      @SpecialiBe 11 днів тому

      @@hendricksismael7810read next thing to do Jesus tells Us in Deuteronomy 10;12. Follow Gods laws statues and commandments Women get out those pants. Man don’t you put on no Dress Deuteronomy 22;5. Repent of your Sins. And mean if. No boyfriend and girlfriend. That’s a Sin. No Pork/ Swine Sabbath on 7th Day. Find an IUIC Camp In your state or download IUIC TV Bible Classroom and recaps Read Kjv Bibles

  • @yahphirah182
    @yahphirah182 12 днів тому +16

    Reverand A.J. Varmah or Haru Hotep Tar. You can find the full series in "Black Butterfly Channel. Ancient Africans in the Bible."

    • @vernalrolle9857
      @vernalrolle9857 8 днів тому

      I need to know where to go at to look for black butterfly

    • @SandyChinogurei
      @SandyChinogurei 7 днів тому


      @HEBREWESS 7 днів тому

      Thank YOU‼️

  • @teelane9365
    @teelane9365 14 днів тому +14

    I found no where in Genesis 11 stating that Canaan bloodline were of European descent. In Zondervan under Ham it states that he is the progenitor of the dark races which include the Canaanites but not the negro.

    • @rosekt2023
      @rosekt2023 13 днів тому

      Who is Zondervan?

    • @Luis-tv2bq
      @Luis-tv2bq 13 днів тому

      Thank you. Afrocentrists are trying to make our people Africans. The Hebrews were Black but they were not Africans. They were Israelites.

    • @deloresburke1197
      @deloresburke1197 12 днів тому

      Japhet is the progenitor of the white people. They merged with Easau/ Edom later after many wars.

    • @karenkelly1216
      @karenkelly1216 9 днів тому

      @@rosekt2023It’s a Bible dictionary.

    • @rodneysheppard3296
      @rodneysheppard3296 8 днів тому

      To the initial statement: You Are Correct!!! APTTMHY

  • @HebrewOvercomer
    @HebrewOvercomer 10 днів тому +4

    Let’s gooooo!!! Praise YAH 🤲🏾🔥

  • @vwapatriyotla2322
    @vwapatriyotla2322 11 днів тому +13

    To make it simple the Arabian Penensula is in Africa. They redefined its location but they cant change the plate tectonic. All of the Bible is an Africa. Part of Africa is the land of Shem and the rest is land of Ham. Shem and his descendants are also black. The entire tribes of Israel is black.

  • @deborahjackson542
    @deborahjackson542 14 днів тому +10

    Evans Rayolah! Awesome video thank you so for sharing where can we find the full video can you put the link in here please! May TMH continue to bless you!❤🙏

    • @evans_rayolah
      @evans_rayolah  13 днів тому +1

      Thank you❤️

    • @deborahjackson542
      @deborahjackson542 13 днів тому +3

      @evans_rayolah You're welcome but you still haven't answered my question @evans_rayolah where can we find the full video please

    • @yahphirah182
      @yahphirah182 12 днів тому +2

      My brother, I saw quite a few of your audience asking for the full lecture, and you did not give your audience any help. Please understand that when you help others, your channel will grow. You knew where you got it fm, so please give to your listening audience that is asking of you, so you too can be difficult was it to supply this information??
      Did you hashtag or give a name shout out to the brother or include his name or channel in the description box, or are you just wanting everyone to follow your channel for you to be recognized??? Give honor where honor is due.

    • @SandyChinogurei
      @SandyChinogurei 7 днів тому

      Full video

    • @SandyChinogurei
      @SandyChinogurei 7 днів тому

      Full video

  • @Estellamedical
    @Estellamedical 7 днів тому +3

    The sad thing is they lied to us about JC

  • @lovelinesswhite
    @lovelinesswhite 8 днів тому +3

    Jesus was not just Black, He was tar Black when I saw Him. I called him like my intestines were coming through my mouth and who walked in front of me about three months later? It was Jesus. He was extremely Muscular, tall and Black. He looked into my eyes and lower His eye lids and send me His message that He was Jesus. If anyone wants to see Jesus, Just say out loud in your room on on the street, "Jesus, if You are real, show Yourself to me." He is the original Black Man created by the Creator so He is not mixed. From then on, I never set foot back into another church because Jesus is not White and I will not worship the white statue they have in churches. That said, Jesus is coming back to teach for one thousand years and He will be preaching to all nations throughout the world. The bottom line is: The spirit of man is Black so all races will be welcomed for all will be changed from mortal to immortality and immortality is Black just like Jesus. Let's pray for everyone and let the devil we called Satan go to hell alone because there is forgiveness for all except Satan.

  • @trecyflow6430
    @trecyflow6430 11 днів тому +4

    Where can I find this entire video. I want to see the rest of it

  • @PamelaSonja-fc9cy
    @PamelaSonja-fc9cy 12 днів тому +4

    Thank you for this,,wish I can hear more

  • @veraharris6830
    @veraharris6830 12 днів тому +12

    Wow what an awakening been knowing some of this for years but never had a man of God teaching it.🙏❤️ 22:43

    • @marygrey7034
      @marygrey7034 10 днів тому

      How do you know he is a man of God?

    • @petronillamcgill1112
      @petronillamcgill1112 10 днів тому

      What type of man do you think he is????

    • @honesty2152
      @honesty2152 7 днів тому

      He's speaking about the things of God?

    • @Sarah.s-w1j
      @Sarah.s-w1j 6 днів тому

      We youth 1976 new this by history at school, and we sked God in Regina Mundi church, to help us bring back our Land. God did just that, he brought back ours Land and our Leaders from prison and Exile. And because we were young, we thought that Desmond Tutu a leader of Regina Mondi church, will let Mandela know that they were free by God, and they must bring back God's constitution and lead this Country South Africa, but Tutu failed God and he thank Satan in Heritage cultures in FNB stadium by calling Traditional healers to burn incense for Baal(amadlozi) who failed with witchcraft to protect this Country, and the hell break loose
      Drug dealers came and destroyed people of SA, all kind of witchcraft rituals are here destroying SA people.
      All those filthiest evil ways that God do not want from us his Nations
      (Deuteronomy 18: 9-24) Leviticus y: 26-31) Leviticus 20: 23)
      Those evil rituals churches we mocked God with, although he told us he do not allowed in( Jeremiah 23: 1-40) Jeremiah e: 1-11)
      (9) God asked us South Africa, will you steal, murder, commit adultery, and swear falsy, and burn incense to Baal(amadlozi) and walk after other gods whom you know not?
      (11) And come and stand before me, in the house which is call by my name, and say, we are delivered to do all these abominations?
      (11) God asked you SA again, is this house, which is call by my name, become a den off robbers in your eyes?
      But we always ignored and mocked God, as his Nations, now in your stupidity you happy to know that you are God's Nation, really, after all sins you mocked him disrespecting thin you all did, hurting him like that,?

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      | ,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @jahdeesimplymeansoneofgods120
    @jahdeesimplymeansoneofgods120 11 днів тому +13

    While I, as a person of African descent, will be one of the first to say that I agree with most of what the pastor is saying, I would like to add something to what is being said. Knowledge in itself, without obedience, equals nothing. So, while it is true that European theologians have misled us in many of their theological teachings, most of these European scholars were not true Christians; they used the Bible to promote white supremacy. Yes, it has a negative effect on us people of color, especially those of the darker shade. However, we must be careful that we don’t fall into the same category as them ,by trying to use scripture to promote black supremacy. We must remember that the true God of the Bible is the God of all humanity. So, while it is good to do some revisionist theology, we must ultimately be obedient to the word of God. God is not black, white, brown, yellow, or of any human mixture. He is a spirit, and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth . The significance of what complexion Jesus was when He was on earth is really of no significance to one’s salvation.

    • @HowardPryor
      @HowardPryor 10 днів тому +2

      Well said. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @petronillamcgill1112
      @petronillamcgill1112 10 днів тому +5

      I do agree with most of what you said. Yes, God is a spirit. How come Jesus's original color was changed, we all accepted him. Now, his color doesn't matter???

    • @PatrickJ-i4h
      @PatrickJ-i4h 10 днів тому +1

      true but it is most important to know who were are as we who were carried away into captivity was and is the true house of Israel and we need to return back to our God who said we were suppose to be the light of this world instead due to our stiff neck and rebellious ways he allowed the wicked to carry us into all nations of the world, where we who were suppose to be first will be the last and heathens will rule over us. And no man can redeem us but God himself but we must first turn back to him. The scriptures is about us and we cant be worried about others we need our father to reclaim us again and reinstate us to where we should have been and avenge the wicked, that is the gospel

    • @JackieLastrada
      @JackieLastrada 10 днів тому +1

      With all due respect , we must first understand there is no Christianity in the Bible. There are just Hebrew Israelites . When we understand the other BS will go away.

    • @PrettyPettyKitty
      @PrettyPettyKitty 10 днів тому +5

      There is no such thing as black supremacy. We don't have the numbers, political control, discipline, or the power to be supreme over another group in America. If you mean be careful of having hate towards another group, that's different. True, hate is soul crushing. However, recognizing who you are with God's spirit in you is very important. Maybe that will encourage brown folks to stop equating Christian love with being a doormat.

  • @GeeLove
    @GeeLove 13 днів тому +10

    He was not only if Africa. He was also in India. They recently found a brother here in the states who is a direct descendant of Ramses III. No cap. Look it up.

    • @biggakarlittobiggzbkb5087
      @biggakarlittobiggzbkb5087 11 днів тому +1

      4 corners of the earth 👍🏿

    • @biggakarlittobiggzbkb5087
      @biggakarlittobiggzbkb5087 11 днів тому

      4 corners of earth 👍🏿

    • @ALin-lh8lx
      @ALin-lh8lx 10 днів тому

      there are 16 read the pagan origins of the christ myth (John G. Jackson)

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      |\TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @TheOliveBranchDigest
    @TheOliveBranchDigest 14 днів тому +17

    Black isn’t a color, black is the essence from which all colors come; African is an European term…

    • @rosekt2023
      @rosekt2023 13 днів тому +3

      Africa come from Afra which is where Eden was. Europeans did not create it. Africanus was named after Africa because of the battles he led and won in northern Africa. Stop continue spreading this lie.

    • @TheOliveBranchDigest
      @TheOliveBranchDigest 13 днів тому +1

      If I'm not mistaken, it was afra until then Romans affixed (can)

    • @trizzmatic413
      @trizzmatic413 12 днів тому

      @@TheOliveBranchDigestIt was Afri. The Afrii people.

    • @juniorhector9582
      @juniorhector9582 10 днів тому

      In fact there is no such thing as black people it is a byword as the Bible said would be call all sort of bywords by our enemies.not so-called black people but Hebrew Jews.

    • @rodneysheppard3296
      @rodneysheppard3296 8 днів тому +2

      What about the ancient name, Alkebu-lan?

    @LINDACOLEMAN-m2x 11 днів тому +3

    I Enjoy Watching Your Teaching

  • @thecookiiemonsterkoolazbg1506
    @thecookiiemonsterkoolazbg1506 9 днів тому +1

    Where can find the Full Video

  • @GwendolynLashley
    @GwendolynLashley 13 днів тому +10

    If Canaan son of Noah were the Europeans.One must conclude that the early Europeans were black.

    • @thundacat415
      @thundacat415 11 днів тому

      Cananaites are africans also known as hammites/cushites

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому


  • @SegoAyah7-i6g
    @SegoAyah7-i6g 10 днів тому +4

    King Solomon, My skin is black.

  • @OG.DetroitTrae
    @OG.DetroitTrae 12 днів тому +4

    Can you share the link to the video please

  • @DuaneGaines-n6q
    @DuaneGaines-n6q 14 днів тому +11

    Yes Jesus was white which is a creation of a false name. They had to change the people names and cultures. Christianity is part of there deception, it's pagen. The True name of the most high is Yahuah and our mashiach is Yahusha long version Yahushua. Like in Halleluyah praise ye Yah.... shalom...

  • @Bev-qs4wl
    @Bev-qs4wl 14 днів тому +7

    Putin showed Jesus as black and got the internet talking

    • @charv8913
      @charv8913 13 днів тому

      incorrect... the Bible show's the world that everybody in the Bible are BLACK...

    • @RuralmoneyOfficial
      @RuralmoneyOfficial 13 днів тому +3

      It's hidden everywhere.

    • @Thespeedrap
      @Thespeedrap 12 днів тому +2

      He's not the only one everyone with knowledge about Scriptures knows that The Truth is revealed.

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      -|/TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @moscato5306
    @moscato5306 6 днів тому +2

    I. Mizraim(son of Ham, uncle of Nimrod) is the Hebrew word for Egypt!!! 2. Miriam(Moses sister) spike out against Moses because he married someone out of his TRIBES NOT RACE like God forbade. 3. Miriam was curse and turned "leprosy, white as snow! 4. Moses stuck his hand in his bosom as a sign and "his hand became leprous as snow" 5.Leviticus Chpt 13 speaks about te curse of leprosy being "white spots on the skin and if it is all turned white it is a clean leprosy". 6. 2 Kings 5-19 talks about Gehazi being cursed and turned white, leprosy as snow him and all his descendants after him!! 7. Jeremiah described God as being the color of Jasper stone in appearance(brown)8. Jesus we know is described as having feet the color of burnt brass and hair white, like wool. 9.In those days in Semitic languages it was up to the reader to include punctuation...without a comma after the word white would suggest only the color if Jesus hair...wool comes in white,brown,black and spotted...anytime the Bible wanted to describe the color white it uses snow or ivory. 9. Google The Book of Daniel description of The Ancient of Days and you will find that Daniel described God sitting on the throne as having hair like wool! No reference there to color...only texture! We can conclude that Jesus had white(grey) wooly hair!! Jesus being the son of God had the same hair as the/his Father!!! 10. God made man after "His Image and Likeness" meaning not just a head 2 arms and 2 legs...but rather his likeness the same your your own son looks like you...brown skin and wooly hair and skin(melanin) thats protected from the sun in the African heat!!! Ham and his 4 sons controlled Africa and the land of Israel(Cannanite land). So know the stories of Joseph,Moses and Jesus in Egypt(Mizraim) makes sense! Also Paul was mistaken for an Egyptian! Google what God says about Egypt and the Ethiopians!! Enuff for now I'm on my lunchbreak at work!🎯♟️

  • @ricklamb772
    @ricklamb772 10 годин тому +1

    Evans,how can you agree with my test? I can't even make out what I typed? My phone keys stick,and messed up my text.

  • @JackieLastrada
    @JackieLastrada 10 днів тому +4

    Ezekiel 37 :1-2 *The hand of YHWH was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of YHWH, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry. And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Master YHWH, thou knowest.* This is us

    • @soniapinkney1342
      @soniapinkney1342 8 днів тому

      Our Bones have come ALIVE !! 🙏🏽🙏🏽👍🏾

  • @michaelfrancis3261
    @michaelfrancis3261 10 днів тому +3

    The Greek name Christos (Χρίστος) means "anointed one" or "messiah". It has deep religious connotations and symbolizes carrying or representing Jesus Christ, the savior. Latin and Greek name Christo means "follower of Christ". It is a boy's name that is a unique and preppy choice. I love information so i look it up

    • @ALin-lh8lx
      @ALin-lh8lx 10 днів тому

      it's a name from lemet the karast which osiris was called it's not a name it's a title

  • @mrfavorovermylifewhite7194
    @mrfavorovermylifewhite7194 10 днів тому +1

    What’s so crazy is that we’ve known this for quite some time but still con😢in the lies

  • @althetruth7811
    @althetruth7811 14 днів тому +10

    It's very clear the hebrews are black and it literally mostly takes place in Africa.

    • @AnthonyRamsay-tg8xg
      @AnthonyRamsay-tg8xg 11 днів тому

      Are you knowledgeable about the 12 tribes of Israel?

    • @althetruth7811
      @althetruth7811 11 днів тому

      @@AnthonyRamsay-tg8xg yes

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      -_-TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @insearchoftruth07
    @insearchoftruth07 13 днів тому +5

    Father God revealed this truth to me in 1975, and I’ve been teaching it, and or telling it ever since. My ministry is on KOKA online and on FM/AM radio each Saturday at 12:30… God’s Warrior Ministry, Bobbie Flowers.

  • @Betterbeing45
    @Betterbeing45 6 днів тому +2

    Now that we know, how will this knowledge help us, are they going to give us money or maybe finally recognize us as great people, what will it do?

    • @beach_boy1141
      @beach_boy1141 5 днів тому

      Your supposed to free yourself with the information in those books. I mean literally give up the citizenship and create your own nation governed by ecclesiastical law.
      It’s not gonna happen but I’m just saying what’s supposed to happen. They did exactly what I’m saying you’re supposed to do.

  • @bridgettestokesconner9401
    @bridgettestokesconner9401 9 днів тому +2

    Thank you for sharing

  • @kelilahqetsiyah6925
    @kelilahqetsiyah6925 8 днів тому +2

    He speaks Truth!

  • @verderriscursey
    @verderriscursey 6 годин тому +1

    The kjv overseer was a European archbishop named richard bancroft. Some of the translations are incorrect.

  • @courtneycherry255
    @courtneycherry255 8 днів тому +1

    Excellent video. Great information. Thank you! What is the name of the man teaching?

  • @DuaneGaines-n6q
    @DuaneGaines-n6q 14 днів тому +7

    Remember no letter J or V in original paleo hebrew

    • @ALin-lh8lx
      @ALin-lh8lx 10 днів тому

      The letter "J" came into existence in the 16th century, after Italian Renaissance grammarian Gian Giorgio Trissino distinguished between the sounds of "I" and "J" in 1524:
      Before 1524
      Scribes used "I" and "J" interchangeably to represent both vowel and consonant sounds.

    • @rodneysheppard3296
      @rodneysheppard3296 8 днів тому

      So, no doubt, the J word is not, nor could never be his name. This knowledge I know myself. Yet, we don't wanna hear the Truth. 2 Thess 2:9-12!

  • @beamshobbyshack266
    @beamshobbyshack266 8 днів тому +5

    Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor, used come on frequently on Television, at least once a year, but ever since it was found out that Cleopatra was Black woman, it stopped coming on like it used to in the past.

  • @stelstar6154
    @stelstar6154 11 днів тому +2

    YAHUAH exposes the lies. AhlaluYah!!

  • @derricks2835
    @derricks2835 11 днів тому +3

    Basic instructions before leaving earth. Black Book.

  • @malenesainz2136
    @malenesainz2136 10 днів тому +2

    Yes they are. Praise Yah!

  • @QueenBrooks8
    @QueenBrooks8 12 днів тому +2


  • @jesserice9446
    @jesserice9446 15 днів тому +7

    I'm so Glad that you comes behind a real Preacher, snd and Interpret and Commentate on his Messages, As though we have no Understanding 😢

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      ---TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @susancohen153
    @susancohen153 10 днів тому +3

    Enoch's scroll was found written in ancient Geez

  • @realityhijack1985
    @realityhijack1985 10 днів тому +2

    tribe of Dan alone throws a lot of this into doubt..

  • @LeeGivens-q1v
    @LeeGivens-q1v День тому +1

    I knew Isa now called Jesus was black because he said so in.the biblical text, I am black and Cummly, so therefore it is a matter of reading the original biblical text if you can find any of them hanging around because they have slowly been removed.... And this is why they kept changing the biblical texts...
    Wow that's deep!🤔

  • @jamesgreen1031
    @jamesgreen1031 14 днів тому +4

    What's the pastor's name? UA-cam channel?

  • @jeannie20001
    @jeannie20001 11 днів тому +6

    I'm glad to know who I'm and whose I'm. I'm a Hebrew Israelite decendents of the atlantic slave trade Deuteronomy 28. I belong to the Most High Yahuah and my Messiah is Yahusha HaMashiach the Most High Son. 🙏🏾💜🙏🏾

    • @rilla1983
      @rilla1983 9 днів тому

      APTTMHG YAH!!!

    • @TanutamunJuneBlood-ud3qv
      @TanutamunJuneBlood-ud3qv 9 днів тому

      YAHWAH was one of the ellioms

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      .]TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @jamesstephens3522
    @jamesstephens3522 10 днів тому +2

    what's the link to the preacher's clipl?

  • @rodellwilliams871
    @rodellwilliams871 12 днів тому +3

    Real talk ☑

  • @Puertoricanmarriedtofilipina
    @Puertoricanmarriedtofilipina 10 днів тому +5

    If Jesus is black or white he's still heavenly father that I love so much. He loves us all . Black or White is not important to me to love someone . Jesus is love 🙏🏼🙌🏼😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. God bless you brother . I really enjoyed this video

    • @Meberatu
      @Meberatu 10 днів тому

      You really do not know what you are talking about. It's important to know his color because it tells my people who we are. Only the black Latinos who's father is black are Israelites as the Bible states the Israelite lineage comes from the father. The Bible stated that edomites will steal our heritage. They would make us forget who we are. You have seen Russia, Spain, Portugal admit we are the true chosen of Yahuah. This is why it's important. You are a gentle so you should keep your trap shut. It's very important to know his color. Scientist have taken our DNA and matched it to bodies from 2000 years ago in the holy land and our DNA is an exact match e1b1a. Mv38. Obviously you haven't researched the fact there's over 500,000 paintings of the Messiah, Mary, disciples as black in Europe. Do you really believe it does not matter to the most high. There's a reason the Messiah was described with black color and features and Jeremiah, Solomon and other were described as having visage as black as coal. You ignorant d vil wether you like it or not we black people are the chosen and the Mashiach looked like us. The fact the eurogroup lied is why it's important. If your name was Juan yet I always call you chung Lee you and your family would say it's a lie yet you think it's okay to lie about the most high and his people. I despise when my people call you people Israelites. You are not at all. Your ancestors came from the white male and black female. Shut your trap.

    • @lydianewman2415
      @lydianewman2415 10 днів тому +3

      You missed the point ENTIRELY!

    • @Meberatu
      @Meberatu 9 днів тому

      @@lydianewman2415 you are typical of the eurogroup you have all the answers and think you are the authority on what's right and wrong and what people do and don't understand. The Bible did not lie about the edomites. You are what you are when it's you that missed the point.

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      __TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @mathiasatelefack
    @mathiasatelefack 9 днів тому +2

    Very informative 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @troybowden2011
    @troybowden2011 13 днів тому +4

    Let's get it🤔

  • @Brotherisrael349
    @Brotherisrael349 12 днів тому +4

    Thank GOD for IUIC……

  • @natashaedwards2941
    @natashaedwards2941 13 днів тому +2

    So should we be reading the Ethiopian Bible instead of the king James Bible,
    Because I'm trying to learn more about our heavenly Father I have a neurologist disorder and I find it hard to understand the Bible but I'm trying so these videos online help me thank you

    • @thundacat415
      @thundacat415 11 днів тому

      No.king James was s black man(israelite/judite) of the Iberian stock and ruled during the dark ages when blacks were in rulership in Europe the original monarchy.ethiopean(hammites) stole our books and relics during the Babylon captivity of our people who are israelites this is why you have the false doctrine of the "Ethiopian bible"

  • @maximillianphoenix9374
    @maximillianphoenix9374 13 днів тому +3

    It doesn’t matter that the bible is translated into English or Japanese it still is the word of god and a relationship with a living god and not a book no matter how perfect the translation ✝️

  • @MCfact1827
    @MCfact1827 День тому +1

    @16:46... Keep in mind...they try to pretend that people in Egypt, during biblical times were like what's shown in Hollywood movies

  • @jeanwinerpascal8812
    @jeanwinerpascal8812 10 днів тому +2

    What is the full name of the Pastor?

  • @SegoAyah7-i6g
    @SegoAyah7-i6g 10 днів тому +2

    Brazil and blacks in the USA.

  • @nonyabiz12
    @nonyabiz12 4 дні тому +1

    All praises to the Most High God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. It's nice to see so many acknowledge the truth instead of denying it like those that claim our Hebrew writings were supposedly written by the so called yt man. That doesn't even make sense because the Ethiopian Bible is the oldest Bible. Which means the Ethiopians had the Bible before the so called yt man. Which makes sense because the Ethiopians lived near our Israelite ancestors.

  • @PrioryCampion
    @PrioryCampion 11 днів тому +2

    “I have posted on many platforms that the Bible doesn’t belong to any one race. The oldest and original Bible is in Ethiopia, and the first Christian was the Ethiopian eunuch. Yet, many believe that Christianity was brought to the African continent by white people. The Bible was only translated by King James, not written by him, which is why the KJV is considered the best version. Check out Deuteronomy 28.” It’s all about us and why we are in this position now. Our disobedience has caused a lot we are the chosen ones read for yourself.
    Acts 8: 26 - 40
    Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
    26 Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south[a] to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place. 27 And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship 28 and was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah. 29 And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.” 30 So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” 31 And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. 32 Now the passage of the Scripture that he was reading was this:
    “Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter
    and like a lamb before its shearer is silent,
    so he opens not his mouth.
    33 In his humiliation justice was denied him.
    Who can describe his generation?
    For his life is taken away from the earth.”

  • @CG-cx9fv
    @CG-cx9fv 2 дні тому +1

    Andrew told Simon, his brother, "We have found the messiah". The rest of the verse is the writer's explanation. It is not what Andrew said. It was included for the benefit of the readers because it was written in Greek.
    Jesus was not totally black nor totally white. He was brown skinned as most mid-eastern people are.

  • @marygrey7034
    @marygrey7034 10 днів тому +3

    🕊. God choose a people to reveal himself . The Bible tells us that story. 🤦🏾The people rejected Him many times and continue to reject Him even today. Africans continue to embrace polytheism and Islam and reject Jesus. When judgement day comes, will God give salvation according to the colour of a person’s skin? I think not. Africans should repent and seek God’s mercy! For He is just according to his standard not man’s.🙏🏾

    • @patrickmiller3849
      @patrickmiller3849 5 днів тому

      And in the end, HE will still choose Israel!

    • @cwnoway
      @cwnoway 2 дні тому

      ,|TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

  • @tjack72052
    @tjack72052 13 днів тому +2

    The Lion is Awakening

  • @RevELBanks
    @RevELBanks 9 днів тому +4

    The people of the bible were the only people God chose to be His on above all the people on the face of the earth, they were the Black Hebrew Israelites. Deuteronomy 7:6 For you are a holy people, dedicated to the Lord your God. He has chosen you above all the people on the face of the whole earth to be His own chosen ones. Yes now Black Americans you know why you are hated so., because you are the only chosen.

    @BLACKBABY72 13 днів тому +12

    The biblical scriptures was only given to one family the bloodlines of Abraham Isaac and Yakob (Jacob) the 12 tribes of Israel all are so called black peoples Israelites….. the African are Hamitic people the children of Ham and His sons and they work hand in hand with Japheth who are the gentile the so called Eurasian peoples and Hamitic peoples both missed treatment the House of Israelites and sold then it is enslavery the bloodlines of Abraham Isaac and Yakob offsprings of the Israelites and the Hamitic peoples are not like us the Israelites…. Remember those who hate us still hate us 💯💯💯💢💢💢

    • @rudolphwilkens4665
      @rudolphwilkens4665 13 днів тому +3

      Wow So true… So heavy

    • @franciscafagerholm9457
      @franciscafagerholm9457 13 днів тому

      @@BLACKBABY72 moab, median Ismaelites, ammonites, and the philistines were thr ach enemies of the children of Jacob. Simeon, Judah, Joseph, Moses all the judges in the bible. Ephraim, Manasseh. Africans. Ephraim is a called Israel.descedants of Ham,

    • @AnthonyRamsay-tg8xg
      @AnthonyRamsay-tg8xg 11 днів тому

      Are you knowledgeable about the 12 tribes of Israel?

    • @franciscafagerholm9457
      @franciscafagerholm9457 11 днів тому +1

      @@AnthonyRamsay-tg8xg the twelve tribes of Jacob are called the patriots, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Gad,Asher , Joseph and Benjamin, Dan and Naphtali.

    • @AnthonyRamsay-tg8xg
      @AnthonyRamsay-tg8xg 11 днів тому

      @@franciscafagerholm9457 thanks...each tribe of Israel were given a specific calling before disobedience. For example..
      Levi calling - priesthood.

  • @michaelbenisrael7121
    @michaelbenisrael7121 10 днів тому +2

    This Brother has no Understanding of the Bible Truly he simple has ideas and he has definitely heard our teachings!

  • @bawabawa4506
    @bawabawa4506 13 днів тому +2

    So true bro.

  • @demetriadavenport5110
    @demetriadavenport5110 День тому +1

    The word in Africa

  • @Clarence-si9tt
    @Clarence-si9tt 7 днів тому +1

    The book of Jeremiah explains it all including God plans for us ❤

  • @VictorDaniel-ff4bq
    @VictorDaniel-ff4bq 13 днів тому +3

    Am 11:26 in and he said that the children of Canaan are the Europeans, but the Bible says Canaan is the son of ham and we know that ham is black because the same Bible called Egypt the land of ham and Egyptians of biblical times were black. I will however continue to see where this is going.

    • @franciscafagerholm9457
      @franciscafagerholm9457 12 днів тому

      @@VictorDaniel-ff4bq True dat ,Canaan, mizaraim/Egypt, Put/Phut, is Lybia Cush/Ethiopia are Hams' sons, bible facts.

  • @lmjr400
    @lmjr400 4 дні тому +1

    Thank you

  • @finitofindlay4942
    @finitofindlay4942 10 днів тому +2

    What is that pastors name

  • @bigwill7097
    @bigwill7097 9 днів тому +1

    It’s kinda funny. Why are so many people so obsessed with claiming a lie?

  • @realityhijack1985
    @realityhijack1985 10 днів тому +2

    what really annoys me is that logic would tell you if Israel are captives of Eygpt (africans) how can the captives also be African
    ??? it makes little to no sense

    • @voiceofthekingdom2378
      @voiceofthekingdom2378 10 днів тому +1

      The problem is the generalisation of distinct nations in the Continent by African term.

  • @richardgardiner3351
    @richardgardiner3351 12 днів тому +2

    The Greek Christmos what or who is this word referring to

  • @Zie2k
    @Zie2k 6 днів тому +1

    Give us the link to this video

  • @leibennafield6824
    @leibennafield6824 7 днів тому +1

    Please provide credits of the Pastor.

  • @solomonessix6909
    @solomonessix6909 12 днів тому +2

    Regardless of who wrote the corrupted literature, it still a “useful fiction “. No different than a Greek Epic; the tale a hero, spiced with some historical mentions, myths, borrowed mimesis of other stories, astrology, numerology, etc. Changing the color of the authors of the Bible doesn’t undo the centuries of slavery nor make this book of pacification any more endearing. It’s a weapon and should be treated as such.

  • @williamwinn2114
    @williamwinn2114 14 днів тому +4

    He was not schooled in Epygt. He was schooled in Nazareth.

    • @jayohwhy1
      @jayohwhy1 14 днів тому +2

      Jesus was in Egypt until he was 12. I’m sure he learned there

    • @pchrides1559
      @pchrides1559 14 днів тому +1

      @@jayohwhy1 Schooled? Where in the Bible does it say Jesus was taught anywhere? Whats the name of that school and the teachers or Rabbis that taught him? Jesus first spoke in the temple with religious leaders at the age of 12 when he and his family had traveled to Jerusalem for Passover (Luke 2:41-52). The religious leaders marveled at his wisdom. He taught them!

    • @jayohwhy1
      @jayohwhy1 14 днів тому

      @@pchrides1559 children learn. Jesus learned. The End

    • @pchrides1559
      @pchrides1559 14 днів тому

      @@jayohwhy1 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      2 The same was in the beginning with God.
      3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
      4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
      5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
      On the last great day of the feast, Jesus called out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of His heart will flow rivers of living water.’” (John 7:37-38). When the people heard this, some believed that He was the Prophet and others said, “This is the Christ” (7:40).
      Again, (without your high opinion) where in the Bible does it say that The Son of God was taught by men???? Please quote scripture and not opinion, I will wait,

    • @jayohwhy1
      @jayohwhy1 14 днів тому +1

      @@pchrides1559 why is my opinion high 🤨. I wrote a few words. You wrote a book. I said I’m sure Jesus had school in Egypt. Obviously he didn’t need anyone to teach him the Bible being that he’s the word.

  • @cushitepeople9165
    @cushitepeople9165 7 днів тому +1

    in 1945, Ethiopia changed it from Abyssinia to Ethiopia, and the name "Abyssinia" fell out of use!
    The Biblical reference to Ethiopia is not the small little country based in East Africa but rather the entire African Continent. The term Africa was named and given by the Europeans and if you read your Bible the name Africa never comes up not even once but Ethiopia comes up continuously!
    Isreal too was originally part of North Africa until 1862 when the Europeans built the Suez Canal that separated Isreal from North Africa!
    Finally Arabs are just settlers in Egypt and North Africa, it was in the 1400 hundreds that the Ottoman Empire conquered Egypt and as a resort Arabs began to settle in these regions! Arabs didn’t build the Pyramids these were built by ancient black Egyptians before the Arab settlers came!