I enjoyed taking a virtual ride with you in Tangerang! Your moto vlog captures the essence of exploring new places on two wheels. The video provides a fantastic glimpse of the vibrant atmosphere and the bustling street life in this neighborhood. It's fascinating to see the mix of shops, food stalls, and local activities that give this area its unique charm. The visuals are clear and steady, allowing viewers to fully appreciate the sights and sounds of the journey. As a cyclist, I felt like I was right there with you, experiencing the excitement of the ride. Thank you for sharing this enjoyable adventure with us! New subscriber here!
Mantap bang...
Hadir nyimak jalan jalan ke alun alun perumnas karawaci tenggerang ramai. Hati2 juga bang banyak galian ya....
Banyak aktivitas kegiatan masyarakat di lapangan alun alun ini..
iya bang, rame klo pagi sama sore
Wah rame banget ya..moga bsok bisa jln2 ksna y
iyaaa bang, terima kasih bang
Hahaha... Makasih endorse nya mas...oo.. itu royal batavia... Kirain masih Grand Batavia 2..😅👍👍
sama2 mas 😁, ini ROYAL BATAVIA yang terbaru mas, lokasinya depan pesantren darul mutaqien
Wah ramai sekali suasana nya yah Bang
iya bang, banyak yg pada olahraga
Ramai sekali alun alun di perumnas karawaci
iya bang, banyak yang olahraga
I enjoyed taking a virtual ride with you in Tangerang! Your moto vlog captures the essence of exploring new places on two wheels. The video provides a fantastic glimpse of the vibrant atmosphere and the bustling street life in this neighborhood. It's fascinating to see the mix of shops, food stalls, and local activities that give this area its unique charm. The visuals are clear and steady, allowing viewers to fully appreciate the sights and sounds of the journey. As a cyclist, I felt like I was right there with you, experiencing the excitement of the ride. Thank you for sharing this enjoyable adventure with us!
New subscriber here!
thank's sir, please came to INDONESIA, ☺☺☺
salam kenal sahabat nyimak riding perumnas karawaci
salam kenal juga abang,,, terima kasih
Hati"di jalan bg...
siap bang, terima kasih