Piszesz, że kochasz Mew Mew ale twoje zachowanie w ogóle nie wskazuje na to 🤭😢 Ciągle go odsuwasz od siebie 🙉 😢on potrzebuje trochę miłości tak jak każde dziecko 🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ay. EL joven le da cariño. Porque hay algunos que se empeñan en querer hacer ver a éste joven dueño como maltratador.No es así. Lo cuida y EDUCA MUY BIEN
@@trinidadgraneros2335you seriously need to go out & do some much needed research about that sweet baby stumped tailed macaque monkey so you can finally know that he’s a liar & so is everyone else up here who’s making 💰 off of delusional naive as heck people who believe his bs fictional stories because y’ll individuals have not ☝🏻 darn clue about what that man is honestly only about every single day.
@@trinidadgraneros2335OMG. Enough already. Are you being paid for commenting “pro” Mews dad? You should. How many times did you post just in this video? Get a life. 😂
Why would you think a monkey would understand 'I have to work'? He doesn't know anything except you are his caregiver. You talk to him like he understands what you are saying but he seems to recognize harsh tones and actions. I don't blame him for running from you. Caring for him isn't part time or when you feel like it, it is full time all the time. He seems afraid of you now and that's sad. You seem to care but you shouldn't treat him with anger or frustration. This is meant to encourage a softer understanding for the betterment of Mew Mew. 😢
She have no confiance on you because you are not stable with her lets her alone!!! You dont realise she is confused and effraid you are hot and cold with her and she dont know why!!!!
Papá tienes que tener más paciencia con tus monitores preciosos eres muy duro a veces por favor ellos alimentan el alma se más paciente y cariñoso con ellos
Quand on veut un bébé on s'en occupe et on l'aime et surtout on lui donne du lait au lieu d'être sur l'ordinateur vous pouvez vous mettre sur l'ordinateur quand il dort et je ne vois pas en quoi il vous dérange quand il est couché tranquillement sur votre bras sans bouger vous n'êtes pas assez fort pour le porter.....vos vidéos ne sont que déception et en plus tu l'empêche de dormir ça ne t'arrange pas qu'il dorme la vidéo n'est pas assez longue encore c'est honteux de ne pas le laisser dormir quand il en a besoin 😢
Que dice? Porque no deja de hablar tonterías!. Al contrario éste joven lo está educando BIEN!. Qué? Su dueño tiene que trabajar en la computadora y estar en ella, sólo cuando el monito duerme????. Está equivocado! el hombre tiene una vida , no todo debe girar al rededor de su mono.Mew es bien tratado y educado. Sí su dueño tiene que trabajar, tiene derecho a hacerlo
@@eldamariarodriguezorozco9555 No es verdad! está en muy buenas manos. Tiene comida, vestimenta, techo y cariño. Éste joven le hace bien, no le da con todos los gustos ni cede a sus caprichos. Eso es querer
Está equivocado o equivocada. Éste joven dueño, lo educa con cariño. No le molesta su monito, a quién le da leche, vestimenta y cariño. Para nada comparto, que Éste Joven tenga que trabajar en su computadora o donde sea cuando el monito duerme. Hasta un bebé humano, despierto o dormido se queda en su cuna o juega, depende la edad , mientras sus padres trabajan. No por eso, sus padres no los quieren.Por el contrario, los quieren y mucho. En el mismo sentido, NO PUEDE éste joven dueño andar TODO el tiempo detrás del mono y dándole A TODO MOMENTO COMIDA . Que mentalidad esta de pretender, hacer esclavo al joven dueño de Mew de éste?. Mew es Cuidado, educado, muy bien. Su dueño tiene una vida.Fijese al monito Sinsin, queda solito desde bebé mientras sus dueños trabajan, solito se sirve.Mew es lindo , inteligente,y él también puede aprender. ESO ES AMAR
Сладкая малышка как обиделась на папу что он ее грубо брлсил на пол. Очень умная малышка все понимает и не хочет идти к папе. Еле уговорил молочком. Поэтому папа ненадо так грубо обращаться с Мью она очень умная и все понимает когда плохо а когда хорошо. Я люблю сладкую малышку. Любите всегда.
Dad has temper.... Dad should calm down n b nice n cool with mew mew. He's just a baby who needs attention n loving care. U shd know how to handle him. Dad shd watched Bibi's video and how his dad handled him. ❤ Mew Mew is so cute n clever. Please take good care of him. U will make a lot of money if u take good care of him.
Он постоянно голодный?Молоко пьёт взахлёб?Вы, заводчики , не понимаете, что у матери он целыми сутками висит на животе и ест и спит.А у вас кормление 2, 3 раза по , даже 50гр-это живот у малыша растягиваете.Он у мамы 30 минут сосёт 25 мг и 30 мин. спит.От неправильного режима кормления этот вид макак болеет и гибнет...
I think Mew Mew stays angry with you for so long to make you come ask him to be happy. He loves to listen to you talk to him gently and ask him to be a happy monkey. :D
Маленький Мев хочет побыть с Вами, а Вы его отбрасывает! Зачем тогда взяли? Отдайте хорошим людям макашонка, которые действительно будут его любить, а Вы просто издеваетесь над ним. Мев все понимает, сначала его откидывает от себя, а потом ласкает, разве так воспитывают? И зачем чавкаете, так только маленьких поросят подзывают к себе. А Вы макашонка! Перемените свое отношение к нему, он очень послушный и мордочка у Мев красивая! Берегите его! Здоровья Вам и Мев огромного!!!!!
Falta que el muchacho se arrodille ( que lo hizo ) y le pida perdón de pie vida. Es un animal y hay que ponerle límites como a un chico. Es que alguna vez criaron un hijo ?? Manda el minuto.pir favor !!!!!!!!
This lil guy's been looking for attention & all that fool can do is work, sleep & answer the phone!!😢 why do you take animals to neglect & ignore?? Just let them be!!!!
My god !!!She want to sleep and you play with her and wakeup her it is no nice !!! She is not a toy !!!! you can t control as you want respect her !!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel you should be reproved. You seem to expect this little baby to obey your every whim. You throw him aside when it doesn't suit you and then after slighting him you expect him to come to you with open arms. On top of that you ridicule him adding insult to injury. You were not respecting it in this video. You were out of tune. A baby doesn't understand parents having to work. When they are little it is all about them. He/she felt rejected when you pushed him/her aside. He/she did not want to bond with you after the incident because your behaviour towards him/her wasn't deserving. What were you doing on the computer anyway? What was so important that it couldn't wait? Were you really trying to work? The little monkey may have been seeking your attention partly because it didn't feel like playing with the cat. The cat kept jumping on him/her. Someone in the comments mentioned getting your little one toys so it can entertain itself. You could also have a relative come over to interact with it while you are busy so the little one doesn't feel neglected. The little one has needs that should be met if one is to be considerate. There is no substitute for your care and attention but in unavoidable situations, these could be alternatives. These would allow you to keep the little one's mind occupied, distract him from his emotions due to your absence. The little monkey is learning like the rest of us so with time you can find ways to teach him about waiting about you having to work. I have been a bit harsh here. I'm sorry. I see I need to make allowances for you, too: You are allowed to make mistakes. That is how we grow.
Decko na zalost ti ne umes sa Bebom ona je dragocjena i Mila...ljubav i strpljenje joj moras pruziti premala je dabi bila to sto ti zelis...priroda i njeznost njoj nedostaje.😥
Support you? Us? Why don’t you support yourself,you are a grown up little boy. Stop begging like that, didn’t your parents teach you that? And now you have a cash cow, I mean a cash monkey 🙈 literally falling into your lap and you’re still begging. I feel so sorry for Mew that he has you as his keeper. A father would at least not jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of his kid just for money like you have been doing in the past few videos. And then you pretend that you care for and love that poor little thing. You are a horrible actor and your setups sucks even more. I love Mew but not you. 😞 Grow up.
If you are so concerned with Mew getting in the way of your work then you should not have a baby monkey. Your voice tone is harsh, you expect a baby to understand your words. Have you bothered to educate yourself with appropriate care and understand your responsibilities. I have yet to see you have continous skin on skin bonding. Mew needs to be held. I see Mew does not trust you and chirps and wiggles in protest. Mew seems scared of you. Why is that?
Bota ése bicho tan feo !!solo aTi te parese hermoso semejante Demonio conciente al atito ke es noble y obe diente!! Yo amo alos gatos y los perros odip y detesto a esas cosas tan espeluznantes y demoniacas
Toutes les créatures de Dieu sont belles, par contre les êtres humains qui ne se sont pas converties à Jésus-Christ sont aveuglés spirituellement par des démons mais ne s'en rendent pas compte....
@@KarenARA-911 No es Así! Depende como lo crié. EL dueño no puede estar atendiendolo las 24 horas.Seria esclavo del animal , y el hombre tiene una vida.El mono bebé aprenderá a estar sólo algunos momentos.
a very loving father. And the little monkey is full of tantrums like all children do. Beautiful! They will be very happy together / um pai muito amoroso. E o macaquinho está cheio de birra como fazem todas as crianças . Lindo! Eles vão ser muito felizes juntos
Mew Mew Thank you everyone, please help little monkey Mew Mew subscribe and follow new channels to watch more interesting videos. Love you all ❤❤❤
Он боится тебя
Piszesz, że kochasz Mew Mew ale twoje zachowanie w ogóle nie wskazuje na to 🤭😢
Ciągle go odsuwasz od siebie 🙉 😢on potrzebuje trochę miłości tak jak każde dziecko 🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ay. EL joven le da cariño. Porque hay algunos que se empeñan en querer hacer ver a éste joven dueño como maltratador.No es así. Lo cuida y EDUCA MUY BIEN
@trinidadgraneros2335 Oh stop fibbing
@@trinidadgraneros2335you seriously need to go out & do some much needed research about that sweet baby stumped tailed macaque monkey so you can finally know that he’s a liar & so is everyone else up here who’s making 💰 off of delusional naive as heck people who believe his bs fictional stories because y’ll individuals have not ☝🏻 darn clue about what that man is honestly only about every single day.
@@trinidadgraneros2335OMG. Enough already. Are you being paid for commenting “pro” Mews dad? You should. How many times did you post just in this video? Get a life. 😂
Wat voor werk doe je ? Je verdient aan dit babyaapje? Je gaat dat dier echt niet houden als hij volwassen is ga werk zoeken dit ziet er erg sneu uit
Why would you think a monkey would understand 'I have to work'? He doesn't know anything except you are his caregiver. You talk to him like he understands what you are saying but he seems to recognize harsh tones and actions. I don't blame him for running from you. Caring for him isn't part time or when you feel like it, it is full time all the time. He seems afraid of you now and that's sad. You seem to care but you shouldn't treat him with anger or frustration. This is meant to encourage a softer understanding for the betterment of Mew Mew. 😢
An diesem Mann ist alles künstlich. Sowas unsympathisches habe ich selten erlebt :das Verhalten sein Wesen …..einfach alles…..
Donde está este monito
Mew mew you are very spoiled and want Dad 24 hours a day
The macaques are extremely smart and cute but they are also a full-time job to take care of them.
She have no confiance on you because you are not stable with her lets her alone!!! You dont realise she is confused and effraid you are hot and cold with her and she dont know why!!!!
*Mew Mew baby monkeys are very intelligent and affectionate*
Love pika
Papá tienes que tener más paciencia con tus monitores preciosos eres muy duro a veces por favor ellos alimentan el alma se más paciente y cariñoso con ellos
Muchas gracias
Das ist so goldig anzusehen, wenn klein Mew Mew mit seinem " Daddy" schmollt. 😊😊❤❤❤❤❤
Quand on veut un bébé on s'en occupe et on l'aime et surtout on lui donne du lait au lieu d'être sur l'ordinateur vous pouvez vous mettre sur l'ordinateur quand il dort et je ne vois pas en quoi il vous dérange quand il est couché tranquillement sur votre bras sans bouger vous n'êtes pas assez fort pour le porter.....vos vidéos ne sont que déception et en plus tu l'empêche de dormir ça ne t'arrange pas qu'il dorme la vidéo n'est pas assez longue encore c'est honteux de ne pas le laisser dormir quand il en a besoin 😢
Tiene toda la razón no tiene paciencia pobrecito cayó en malas manos😢
Que dice? Porque no deja de hablar tonterías!. Al contrario éste joven lo está educando BIEN!. Qué? Su dueño tiene que trabajar en la computadora y estar en ella, sólo cuando el monito duerme????. Está equivocado! el hombre tiene una vida , no todo debe girar al rededor de su mono.Mew es bien tratado y educado. Sí su dueño tiene que trabajar, tiene derecho a hacerlo
@@eldamariarodriguezorozco9555 No es verdad! está en muy buenas manos. Tiene comida, vestimenta, techo y cariño. Éste joven le hace bien, no le da con todos los gustos ni cede a sus caprichos. Eso es querer
Warum nimmt er das Baby beim Arbeiten am PC nicht auf seinen Schoß?! Dann fühlte es sich geborgen. Vielleicht ist es müde?
Está equivocado o equivocada. Éste joven dueño, lo educa con cariño. No le molesta su monito, a quién le da leche, vestimenta y cariño. Para nada comparto, que Éste Joven tenga que trabajar en su computadora o donde sea cuando el monito duerme. Hasta un bebé humano, despierto o dormido se queda en su cuna o juega, depende la edad , mientras sus padres trabajan. No por eso, sus padres no los quieren.Por el contrario, los quieren y mucho.
En el mismo sentido, NO PUEDE éste joven dueño andar TODO el tiempo detrás del mono y dándole A TODO MOMENTO COMIDA . Que mentalidad esta de pretender, hacer esclavo al joven dueño de Mew de éste?. Mew es Cuidado, educado, muy bien. Su dueño tiene una vida.Fijese al monito Sinsin, queda solito desde bebé mientras sus dueños trabajan, solito se sirve.Mew es lindo , inteligente,y él también puede aprender. ESO ES AMAR
Não é assim que se trata os animais
Сладкая малышка как обиделась на папу что он ее грубо брлсил на пол. Очень умная малышка все понимает и не хочет идти к папе. Еле уговорил молочком. Поэтому папа ненадо так грубо обращаться с Мью она очень умная и все понимает когда плохо а когда хорошо. Я люблю сладкую малышку. Любите всегда.
So cute 😂❤
Il faut que les singes s'accommode à notre vie et non nous . Les petits d'ingestion sont très collants.
Вот так обезьяны воспитывают хозяев!..
Dad has temper.... Dad should calm down n b nice n cool with mew mew. He's just a baby who needs attention n loving care. U shd know how to handle him. Dad shd watched Bibi's video and how his dad handled him. ❤ Mew Mew is so cute n clever. Please take good care of him. U will make a lot of money if u take good care of him.
Einfach nur abartig, wie man mit diesen Wesen Geld verdient😢
Este hombre no debería tener a este animalito es muy duro no le da cariño ni comida era que lo regalará a otra persona para que tuviera más atención
Exactly right & thank you for speaking the 💯 truth because we’ve got some delusional viewers up here believing that man’s bs.
Esta enojado el bebecito bello chikitito hermoso cuidalo con amor cuidalo bien al giaguito lindo💋💋💋💋💋💖💖💖💖💝💝💝💝💞💞💞💝💝💝💜💜💜❤💚💙💘❤💚💙💞💝💖💖💖💖💖💖
On nju jos vise baca u Depresiju...nema pojma kako da postupa sa malom prekrasnim stvorenje.
Он постоянно голодный?Молоко пьёт взахлёб?Вы, заводчики , не понимаете, что у матери он целыми сутками висит на животе и ест и спит.А у вас кормление 2, 3 раза по , даже 50гр-это живот у малыша растягиваете.Он у мамы 30 минут сосёт 25 мг и 30 мин. спит.От неправильного режима кормления этот вид макак болеет и гибнет...
New new is very nervous. please give him hugs❤
Eu quero um é muito lindo ❤️
I think Mew Mew stays angry with you for so long to make you come ask him to be happy. He loves to listen to you talk to him gently and ask him to be a happy monkey. :D
You should let him watch u work because Bibi dad lets him watch it's all about him please don't tease him or hurt him 😭
Mew Mew doesn't have a patient step father
No entendeis que necesitan estar pegaditos,,no teneis paciencia😢pobrecito, llevalo pegado al pecho no molesta
Botalo ese askeroso no te da fastidio estar con esa cosa pegada
Vous dîtes merci mais vous ne répondez pas aux questions....
No te quiere, la tratas muy feo,y no le das cariño😮
Lo trata muy bien. Seguramente usted. está siguiendo a otro mono y viene a tirar mierda aquí
Wstretny ojciec!!!..🙈🙈🤪😁😁😁😂
مااحلى ميو ميو وهو غاضب من ابي ويخبئ رأسه أشاهد الفيديو عدة مرات.. انه جميل وصوته مميز... كم عمره
مرحبًا أيها الصديق العربي، ميو ميو عمره 3 أشهر، صغير جدًا ولطيف
Наверное вы хотели спросить сколько ему месяцев наверное около 3
Маленький Мев хочет побыть с Вами, а Вы его отбрасывает! Зачем тогда взяли? Отдайте хорошим людям макашонка, которые действительно будут его любить, а Вы просто издеваетесь над ним. Мев все понимает, сначала его откидывает от себя, а потом ласкает, разве так воспитывают? И зачем чавкаете, так только маленьких поросят подзывают к себе. А Вы макашонка! Перемените свое отношение к нему, он очень послушный и мордочка у Мев красивая! Берегите его! Здоровья Вам и Мев огромного!!!!!
Sorry you got the cat to keep the monkey occupied. Yhen you got yhe moniey
Зачем вы завели обезьянку,вам она не нужна это видно по вашему к ней отношению-отдайте её добрым людям
Falta que el muchacho se arrodille ( que lo hizo ) y le pida perdón de pie vida. Es un animal y hay que ponerle límites como a un chico. Es que alguna vez criaron un hijo ?? Manda el minuto.pir favor !!!!!!!!
Bé thật dễ thương. Nhìn cách bé hờn dỗi bố thật cưng quá đi. Xem đi xem lại nhiều lần vẫn thấy thích. Yêu bé nhiều 💖💖💖💖💖💖
IL est en colere parcequ'il veut s'atacher a toi et tu refuse
I see you giving the little brat all the attention, and what about the kitten?
Thank you for taking care of kittens, kittens are always loved like members of the family
Я люблю когда малышка обижается,когда капризничает ❤а потом все равно идёт к любимой папочке.
He is so cute what is this monkey country different name i need know please
Хохочу с каким она характером молодец папочка еле уговорил как красиво ее папочка одевает молодец приятно смотреть
He is beautiful does he have toys and a space to play so that you might get some peace when you're working. Such patience with him
Está llamando la atención jajajajaja ya hizo enojar al su papá se va enojado es muy inteligente
Ma kleszcza w domu to powinien najpierw zajac sie dla niego jedzeniem z potem komputerem!
I love mewmew so much so why did you colse your chanel i misse you
Как красиво малыш поет, красавец, какой замечательный, все время разговаривает и поет, прелесть.
This lil guy's been looking for attention & all that fool can do is work, sleep & answer the phone!!😢 why do you take animals to neglect & ignore?? Just let them be!!!!
Папа хороший, ему, чаще его надо прижимать к себе, он еще маленький.
Mew Mew is special; he has character. ❤he seems to express: Don’t bother me if you don’t want me to bother you !😂
Mew Mew love you ❤
You are falling for this animal abuse scam.
Como acalmar um bebê?? Ele deixa esse bebê estressado, doente e infeliz, uma pessoa instável!!
Не подлизывайся, я обиделся.
My god !!!She want to sleep and you play with her and wakeup her it is no nice !!! She is not a toy !!!! you can t control as you want respect her !!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel you should be reproved. You seem to expect this little baby to obey your every whim. You throw him aside when it doesn't suit you and then after slighting him you expect him to come to you with open arms. On top of that you ridicule him adding insult to injury. You were not respecting it in this video. You were out of tune. A baby doesn't understand parents having to work. When they are little it is all about them. He/she felt rejected when you pushed him/her aside. He/she did not want to bond with you after the incident because your behaviour towards him/her wasn't deserving. What were you doing on the computer anyway? What was so important that it couldn't wait? Were you really trying to work? The little monkey may have been seeking your attention partly because it didn't feel like playing with the cat. The cat kept jumping on him/her. Someone in the comments mentioned getting your little one toys so it can entertain itself. You could also have a relative come over to interact with it while you are busy so the little one doesn't feel neglected. The little one has needs that should be met if one is to be considerate. There is no substitute for your care and attention but in unavoidable situations, these could be alternatives. These would allow you to keep the little one's mind occupied, distract him from his emotions due to your absence. The little monkey is learning like the rest of us so with time you can find ways to teach him about waiting about you having to work. I have been a bit harsh here. I'm sorry. I see I need to make allowances for you, too: You are allowed to make mistakes. That is how we grow.
какой он маленький и хороший и какой вредный ты
So sweet!!!
k bonito está enojado 😠 con el joven es que parece niño ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Cuidado, se você está fazendo o bem, ele volta para você, mas se é o mal também volta, pode demorar mas retorna.
Que’ cómico el miau miau, quiere su dosis de cariño !! Y copia a su papa’ regañón !!
Find den Typen irgendwie crazy🤔😆
The way the monkey flinces when dads hands move fast near his face??
Decko na zalost ti ne umes sa Bebom ona je dragocjena i Mila...ljubav i strpljenje joj moras pruziti premala je dabi bila to sto ti zelis...priroda i njeznost njoj nedostaje.😥
Monkey je pametan dječak, Mew Mew uvijek želi biti voljen
Beba je OK, Ali nema dovoljno ljubavi i paznje...to je jako za nju bitno.@@mewmewmonkey824
Absolutely love mew mew x his squeaks he is so cute x adorable love his litte face love x hugs sent from wales ❤❤❤❤❤❤🐵🐒
Mew Mew loves his friend from Wales ❤
Aclaro yo lo quiero a New. pero no quiero que sea caprichoso con su dueño
Muchas gracias, deseo que siempre estés a salvo.
Опять эти издёвки🙈 Корми уже давай обезьянчика, очень кушать хочет, видеть же.🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🐒
Pour quel raison est il si nerveux il devrait le gronder peut être le punir mais pas le repousser et le mettre a terre si brusquement
Il ressemble a bibi quand il était petite
Bibi es lo peor
Suparata Suparata, dulceață mică pe tati?Iartă dar numai dacă primești lapte in brațe,!!❤❤😮
He is such a sweet boy, so adorable you give him the love he deserves❤❤❤❤
MewMew was hungry. He was trying to tell you. He really is a very good baby. 😇
Mew Mew has a little temper when he gets upset.
If you love dad and baby monkey Mew Mew, please subscribe and support me. Thank you everyone ❤❤❤❤❤❤
I dont. You are CRUEL
Support you? Us? Why don’t you support yourself,you are a grown up little boy. Stop begging like that, didn’t your parents teach you that? And now you have a cash cow, I mean a cash monkey 🙈 literally falling into your lap and you’re still begging. I feel so sorry for Mew that he has you as his keeper. A father would at least not jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of his kid just for money like you have been doing in the past few videos. And then you pretend that you care for and love that poor little thing. You are a horrible actor and your setups sucks even more. I love Mew but not you. 😞 Grow up.
@@leannem2015I advise you not to watch anymore, it's okay for us to watch because your mind is full of negativity.
He is a very good daddy
Τι γλυκούλι είναι!!!! Αξιαγάπητο! πανέξυπνο γελάω πολύ μαζί του με τις αταξίες του. Θέλει πολύ προσοχή και αγάπη!!! Να τον προσέχετε!
Hey don't forget your cat beautiful cat needs love also and don't spoil to much to mew mew
New Mew demands the attention. Poor kitty
Me gusta tus video❤
Mow mow e nervosa povera piccola del mio cuore❤ ti amo dolce creatura ❤
Grazie amico della bellissima Italia ❤❤❤
Que hombre tan pesado no lo deja tranquilo
Как лепучка
Ну совсем кроха! Такой милаш
Estressado igual papai!!
Na minha opinião ele esta certo esses maquinho quer o tempo todo só atenção para eles
Он очень красивы, мили и любящий не обежай его пожалуста..
Amo muito maw Maw, seus gritos,suas artes, suas birras❤❤❤um abraço 🇧🇷 Bresil❤
Obrigado por amar Mew Mew ❤
If you are so concerned with Mew getting in the way of your work then you should not have a baby monkey. Your voice tone is harsh, you expect a baby to understand your words. Have you bothered to educate yourself with appropriate care and understand your responsibilities. I have yet to see you have continous skin on skin bonding. Mew needs to be held. I see Mew does not trust you and chirps and wiggles in protest. Mew seems scared of you. Why is that?
Da la impresión de que ese joven la maltrata poreso no lo quiere, demuestra en el vídeo que le fastidia 😮 recuerda qué es un bebé ❤
Bota ése bicho tan feo !!solo aTi te parese hermoso semejante Demonio conciente al atito ke es noble y obe diente!! Yo amo alos gatos y los perros odip y detesto a esas cosas tan espeluznantes y demoniacas
Toutes les créatures de Dieu sont belles, par contre les êtres humains qui ne se sont pas converties à Jésus-Christ sont aveuglés spirituellement par des démons mais ne s'en rendent pas compte....
Em dep lam ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Que lindeza esses macaquinho tão fofo q lindeza ❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Kolejny dręczyciel małych małpek. Głupi albo naiwni ludzie dodają serduszka. Ciekawe, co zrobi z małpką, jak ta urośnie?
❤❤que lindo es Mew❤❤expresa todo muy bien❤❤se hace entender❤❤
Está así porque tiene hambre. El papá debe de tenerle paciencia
Mais ele é muito fofo, amo ver ele tomando mamadeira❤
❤❤❤ Por favor, inscreva-se no canal do Mew Mew, obrigado
Hej killen 👋 du vet inte dina jour är hungrig snälla gör inte mot de små jour oh may lord han är ledsen ge honom mat 🥘 han så mycket söta 😊😍💖
Tack, mina damer
He’s spoiled DAD
Just love him so much ❣️ he's precious 💗
💗💗💗💗 Mew Mew love you
You are not good with her stop to take care of her if you are always agresive with her!!!!!!
😂piccolo cucciolo fa l'offeso😂😂😂❤❤❤
MEW MEW de thương quá
Wystarczy porzadnie strzasnac reka a skrzat lezalby jak dlugi na podlodze.
Ele e tão fofinho!❤❤❤
Ponle también atención al garito portador y sale cariño
El monito es un bebé y como tal necesita amor.
Así es, gracias
Él joven SÍ LE DA AMOR.Que pretenden? Que deje su vida para dedicarse 24 horas al monito?.
@@trinidadgraneros2335Yes, you take a wildlife monkey into your home it is 24/7 care, unlike dogs and cats.
@@KarenARA-911 No es Así!
Depende como lo crié. EL dueño no puede estar atendiendolo las 24 horas.Seria esclavo del animal , y el hombre tiene una vida.El mono bebé aprenderá a estar sólo algunos momentos.
@@trinidadgraneros2335 The Monkeys natural life was taken away by this man, and you are worried about the man??? Unbelievable, SMH
a very loving father. And the little monkey is full of tantrums like all children do. Beautiful! They will be very happy together / um pai muito amoroso. E o macaquinho está cheio de birra como fazem todas as crianças . Lindo! Eles vão ser muito felizes juntos
Tadinho do maw, ele quer ficar com o papai, o gato judia dele,amo vc.pequeno, que pena papai tá sem paciência com o pequeno hoje❤
Тате много съм ти сърдит ❤остави ме на мира❤ Аз сам ще дойда😅😅 милият ми той ❤ Обичам те мъниче ❤❤❤❤
Hágase de cuenta un niño malcriado jajajajajaajja