Top 10 Favorite Action JRPGs Ever!

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024


  • @lugesei
    @lugesei 2 роки тому +22

    Ys VIII boss battle as your background music what a way to start a video ❤️

  • @blackrosedragon88gm
    @blackrosedragon88gm 2 роки тому +43

    Scarlet Nexus is an underrated gem.
    I'm playing it right now and its battle system is so great I regret not buying it Day 1 to support the developers...

    • @michaeloconnor1281
      @michaeloconnor1281 2 роки тому +6

      I bought it day 1. The gameplay is so very snappy. I finished 1 playthrough with Yuito.
      My problem with the game...despite it basically being Anime: the game, is the story really seems like they threw ALL the shit at the wall and hoped stuff would stick. There's everything going on its nonsical.
      I felt robbed when I finished it. I was angry I'd spent 30 something hours on it.
      There's so much potential there though. I think a much younger me would have loved it. And maybe that was the target audience, not me. It's such a mish mash game. (All my opinion, I think people should try it, if only because I'd like similar games like it. Just more focused. Cohesive etc)

    • @djsangre
      @djsangre 2 роки тому

      First, Namco doesn’t need our money at day one. Second, I got it half priced before Christmas and yes, the story is a bit too anime cliché, but the combat system is so much fun!

    • @Ms666slayer
      @Ms666slayer 2 роки тому +2

      @@michaeloconnor1281 You need to play the Kasane route, it explains a lot of crap that the Yuito line doesn't even touch, the point of the games is see the 2 routes, because they are really different when the routes separate until they merge.

    • @vkak1
      @vkak1 2 роки тому +1

      Story was downright shit! And the VN style that never ended was annoying.

    • @cloudsclutchcorner
      @cloudsclutchcorner 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah, 100%. I got it Day1, only played the Demo b4 that but that battle system was HELLA FUCKIN FUN, so I played thru Kasane's and Yuitos Halves, and like overall it was Kool. I'm alot more into the Fantasy/Medieval type JRPGs over Sci-Fi so story wasn't that good, as something like ToA, which I really clicked with in both Battles & Story, but SN is still super underrated & was 1 of my Fav/Semi-Gav games. Last year💯🤷‍♂️

  • @KillaCheeto56
    @KillaCheeto56 2 роки тому +58

    Tales of Berseria was the first game in the series I bought and it very quickly became my second favourite rpg of all time. Even have my copy signed by Velvet's voice actress.

    • @juanramos8903
      @juanramos8903 2 роки тому +5

      What's your 1st favorite rpg?

    • @KillaCheeto56
      @KillaCheeto56 2 роки тому +5

      @@juanramos8903 Skies of Arcadia Legends. I would lose my mind if Sega made a sequel.

    • @Cakalank
      @Cakalank 2 роки тому +4

      I'm 15 hours in, but so hard to continue. the combat is just plain boring where I just mash buttons and wait and mash again with occasional therion combo. the environment, graphic and level design are literally plain and uninspired literally just basic dark hallways -> cave -> dark hallways -> some simple town. I loved Vesperia so much but so hard to continue Berseria. The story is the only thing that makes me interested but the gameplay though...

    • @KillaCheeto56
      @KillaCheeto56 2 роки тому +6

      @@Cakalank I haven't played Vespiria but I have heard great things so I will probably pick it up in the future. As for Berseria, I agree on the environments being a little on the bland side of things. I will say though if Velvet isn't clicking with you, you have the option to play any other party member. In fact you can switch between them all mid combo and do some cool chain combos.

    • @Cakalank
      @Cakalank 2 роки тому

      @@KillaCheeto56 Yes, i can swap them but Velvet is so OP so its kind of easier to fight bosses in harder difficulty and that also bothers me since i can basically win without really knowing what i'm doing. But my main complain is still the environment designs since Vesperia was so beautifully designed. I'll try to push through since the story intrigues me.
      Vesperia is amazing, but most people got put off by its combat that "unlocks" until you play through 30hrs in.

  • @Mr._Matt
    @Mr._Matt 2 роки тому +12

    Tales of Berseria made your're good people, Erick. You're good people.

  • @abaoaqu1333
    @abaoaqu1333 2 роки тому +3

    Appreciate the shout out Erick. Funny enough I ended up finding a ps4 copy of Ys 9 that I was planning to send to you but glad to hear that you got one already.

  • @PJC2098
    @PJC2098 2 роки тому +19

    I'm so glad to see Radiata Stories here, it really deserves a remaster 😩🤟

    • @hugogomez326
      @hugogomez326 2 роки тому

      At least a port, i’d be happy with that

  • @Citanoo
    @Citanoo 2 роки тому +11

    Trials of Mana (both SNES original and the recent 3D remake) are also good

  • @n3r0n3
    @n3r0n3 2 роки тому +13

    I agree Xillia 2 and Berseria are by far the best in the Tales bunch (not that I finished them all... but I managed to finish quite a few of them ;) ). They are also the darkest let's be honest and I am a Megaten guy.

  • @Cross177
    @Cross177 2 роки тому +17

    ToB is my first Tales of game.
    Holy hell, the story kept me captivated.

  • @KinakoIshiyama
    @KinakoIshiyama 2 роки тому +24

    Ys IX is underrated? That's a surprise to me. I bought the game after seeing it in your Top 10 of 2021 video and then began playing it as soon as I finished Ys VIII. I loved every moment of Ys IX! If I had played it in 2021, it would have been in my top 3 alongside NEO: TWEWY and Scarlet Nexus.

    • @yass3425
      @yass3425 2 роки тому

      @Old Liquid bad? Nah

  • @ifrit1937
    @ifrit1937 2 роки тому +3

    For me it'd be (gonna only choose 1 game per series...otherwise all 10 slots will be a Tales game and maybe 1 Ys game and Odin's Sphere lol) my top 10 arpgs would be:
    1. Tales (Symphonia 1 would be #1 imo as it's the most solid game in the series imo and the best story, imo, as well but the combat is dated. Combat wise i like Hearts R/Xillia 2 the most. If we go with the game from the last 10 years though it'd be Arise as it's my 2nd favorite combat system in Tales after Hearts R/Xillia 2 (not as good as the 2D horizontal combat but i like it's way of doing artes over the arte tree games and Arise's bosses are easily the best we've gotten in a long time...they've been too easy since Vesperia imo. Biggest issue with Arise was the side quests, final parts of the story (especially forgiveness narrative which wasn't needed), and very bad party based ally AI strategy settings and suicidal AI in general)) and as for story it'd be about 4th or 5th best imo (more or less tied with said places with Xillia...above that would be Symphonia at 1, Berseria at 2, and then Abyss at 3. If they localized them i think Destiny and Rebirth would take 4th and 5th though). So it'd probably be Symphonia (more for story) or Arise (more for combat) for my pick in the end.
    2. Tokyo Xanadu due to perfectly combining Ys style combat and dungeon design (mainly the traps/puzzles/platforming) with Trails style story telling/world building (granted Ys 8 and 9 are getting close to this as well but TX imo did it a bit better). Only real bad aspect about the game was Aksys butchered the localization's translation in particular on the Vita version (PS4 fixed some of it to make it serviceable but Vita was almost as bad as SAO Hollow Fragment imo).
    3. Ys, in particular I'd pick Ys 9 due to it's stronger story and solid combat, granted when combat is considered i liked Origin a bit more even if you don't have party members in it or a plethora of special attacks.
    4. Akiba's Beat...ya probably a choice that'd raise some eyebrows but i liked it a lot due to the characters personalities, story as a whole, and of course the Tales like combat system (in fact it's the closest any company outside the Tales team has ever gotten to Tales like combat used in Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, Xillias, etc (2D tales combat/no arte trees) and this is even compared to star Ocean's attempts as unlike SO Akiba's Beat allowed you to use the directional stick + attack button to change the normal attack as well and it can have just as crazy an air game as Tales games like Hearts R/Xillias with 1 character (Reiji, lance user, and my favorite character to play as...he's a literal dragoon lol). Unfortunately the game got a lot of hate cause Akiba's Trip fans though it'd be replacing the mainline Akiba's Trip playstyle (believe it got a new game/remaster released sometime after Beat so that argument kinda went out the window)...pretty much just like Valkyria Chronicles fans blasted Revolution for changing up to melee action combat for a spin off game only for VC4 to be announced before VR even released if I'm right.
    5. Odin's Sphere Leiftrasir (will also include the other Vanillaware beat em ups here as well as they're almost in the same series...just chose this one due to the emphasis/better written, imo, story) due to it's very smooth beat em up combat (Dragon's Crown Pro is a bit better here though imo...mainly cause with the dwarf you can become a wrestler lol) system and excellent story.
    6. Code Vein as it's souls like combat was excellent and i liked the characters, their backgrounds, and the way they presented memories of characters in the game a lot. As for why i'm placing this rather than a Fromsoftware Souls's mainly due to my definition of jrpg: basically the anime style (aesthetic, characterization, and storytelling) is lacking in Fromsoftware's Souls games so i consider them more wrpg than jrpg...and yes I'm including even Sekiro (also why I haven't chosen something like Dragon's Dogma either which would likely beat this spot if i did)...on top of that haven't actually finished any either (furthest i got is so far with Elden Ring where I've put 40 hours in so far and still on the first continent lol...other Souls games i just haven't gotten into as much as Elden Ring or Code Vein (granted CV is Namco developed not Fromsoftware)).
    7. Radiata Stories due to huge hilarious cast of characters, solid combat system which let you swap weapon types, great side quests/content, and replay ability options with 2 routes and a lot of content you can go back to get if you missed the first time. If there's one complaint i have it'd be there was no neutral 3rd route to choose and it never got a sequel.
    8. Rogue Galaxy, pretty much my comments can boil down to what i said about Radiata Stories but i will also add in that it did the space exploration game far better first than Star Ocean has done to date (closest they got was 4 imo due to how many planets you finally visit there...before that most SO game go to 2 planets at most).
    9. Scarlet Nexus is also a game i liked a lot from last year (a lot of people say 2021 sucked for games but i had SN, Tales of Arise, P5S, Ender Lilies, Ys 9 (as far as games i bought are concerned) and so on that released) and had good characters and a mostly solid story (could've been longer and fleshed out a bit more...especially in regards to the 3 antagonist groups (not even counting the final bosses's) backgrounds/goals/etc. Will also say it' had felt far better if they went with an actual world/field map like Tales/Dragon Quest over the God Eater Hub style of maps and it could've used a lot more lore/character focused side quests over the fetch/hunt quests that a lot of modern games seem to be pushing over the last decade). The setting was definitely the most interesting of the games that i played that released last year (post apocalypse cyberpunk world where monsters are trying to eat your brains).
    10. Trials of Mana OG or Remake don't differ too much...hell the dialogue and map design are 1on 1 copies when you compare them but will be giving this to the Remake only due to some improvements to combat and the overall aesthetic design looking better imo with the new camera angle, not to mention the extra dungeon content/class as well. With that said i mainly put this in the list due to the class system being really well done imo in this game.
    As for why either Nier isn't here: haven't completed either yet (got the new remaster that came out for Replicant last year for Christmas but not far in it yet. And as for why SO isn't here even though it's like Tales...their games just aren't as good as the above games imo....and as for Kingdom Hearts/FFXV/FFVIIR/etc....yeah no thanks, all except FVIIR are garbage in regards to combat and story imo and in VIIR's case it's more passable than anything (the Dementor BS and fact it was broken up was honestly my only giipe with the game...besides that combat and character development is quite a bit better than OG VII imo (hated OGVII's combat tbh, same with all ATB games...only combat that could be worse or just as bad would be MMO auto attack style with cooldowns imo)...I'll be blunt when it comes down to it Square Enix is not good with action rpgs imo...well developing action rpgs themselves anyway (Nier is developed by a 3rd party and even Tri Ace I'm not sure about whether it's a SE subsidiary or not (ant heir best game, imo, was Radiata not Star Ocean). As for a few others like Monster Hunter and God Eater they're their own Monster Hunting genre now imo and as for Ni no Kuni 2 and a few other games that are action jrpgs these 10 are just better best they may beat Trials but not 9 and above (granted...there will likely be action jrpgs I haven't played out there as well of course that could be better than 9 and above)). And as for games like Eternal Sonata which i was also on the verge of putting in here i only didn't due to their combat being more turn based/action based Hybrid more than pure on action or in the case of Xenoblade being more or less auto combat based with cooldowns which i dodo NOT consider action rpg and something closer to turn based tbh...bascially i consider action jrpgs to be games where you can literally do everything combat wise without entering a menu which all of the 10 games/series above fit said criteria (granted you can enter the menu on these too if you felt like it to use items/spells but generally there's a hot key in combat for that as well in half the cases (more so for magic than items tbh as a good chunk of more classic non Souls style jrpgs (Tales, SO, Ys, etc) still seem to focus on pausing combat to use items over giving hotkeys to use them

  • @allthatisj8900
    @allthatisj8900 2 роки тому +1

    I have fond memories of Dot Hack games back on my old PS2

  • @reksaiismaiwaifu578
    @reksaiismaiwaifu578 2 роки тому +3

    a bunch of awesome games, I like hearing your stories on how you acquired some of these, awesome video man keep it up

  • @JetBlack2024
    @JetBlack2024 2 роки тому +8

    Ys 8 still is one of my favorite games of all time too. That game is just too good and I loved everyone in it. The reason why I love the series now. I still can’t get into origins. I also played the hack games at least first two and just couldn’t get into it

    • @jeffjackson9679
      @jeffjackson9679 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, the early Ys games were completely different from Ys8 and Ys9 as far as the battle system went. Kind of like GTA 1 and 2 compared to the later games, or Persona 1 and 2 compared to Persona 3 and later.

  • @ShadowLibrarian
    @ShadowLibrarian 2 роки тому +5

    Just got done playing through tales of arise, now playing Scarlet Nexus. I'll have to put them on my personal list of favorites already.

    • @packmanGB
      @packmanGB 2 роки тому +3

      Tales of Arise is the first game I got all the achievements for on xbox. I have only played one path on scarlet , working on the second now and I can see trying to get everything in it.

    • @ShadowLibrarian
      @ShadowLibrarian 2 роки тому +1

      @@packmanGB tales of arise started off really slow for me but picked up like halfway through when I start getting really interested in it. Scarlet Nexus has started off quite strong for me though it's like a fresh breather of air.

  • @DJTriplestar
    @DJTriplestar 2 роки тому +8

    Honestly I want to play them all. I'm glad there's videos like yours with a small recap. Personal fav has to be YS VIII - gotta keep going with IX

  • @joerobertson7709
    @joerobertson7709 2 роки тому +4

    It's hard for me to pick a favorite action JRPG of all time.. But in very recent memory, I really enjoyed Tales of Vesperia! I played it after seeing you talk about it in several of your videos. It was my second Tales of game, my first being Tales of Xilia. I really loved Vesperia. I grew to care about all the characters, and the artwork and everything was so lovely. I played it on the Switch. I think I might play Berseria next when I get tired of Elden Ring.

  • @1000tlt
    @1000tlt 2 роки тому +2

    The Eleanor thumbnail brought me here

  • @CompassIIDX
    @CompassIIDX 2 роки тому +5

    Legendia is wildly underrated. Best characters, best localization, best story, best soundtrack in the series, and it's not close. Go Shiina is a genius.

  • @sharebear421
    @sharebear421 2 роки тому +4

    Symphonia, vesperia and star ocean 2 for me

  • @theultimategamer95
    @theultimategamer95 2 роки тому +2

    Best girl Eleanor in the thumbnail, approved.

  • @Sithscott
    @Sithscott 2 роки тому +2

    Always love seeing people who give the Dot Hack series love. My absolute favorite series of all time! The other titles are good too of course. Tales of Berseria is my favorite Tales, YS is fantastic though I haven't actually played one all the way through. Nier I need to play!

  • @cykes5609
    @cykes5609 2 роки тому +5

    all of these games are amazing, I'm surprised he didn't mention Trials of Mana... maybe it's too simple

  • @Walamonga1313
    @Walamonga1313 2 роки тому +3

    My top 3 action rpgs: Monster Hunter World, Dark Souls 3, Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana. Of course there's more games to those franchises that can be on a top 10 too

  • @joerobertson7709
    @joerobertson7709 2 роки тому +1

    I almost wish you had put all the Tales Of games into one placement in the Top 10 list so games from other series could have a chance to be on the list! Love your videos dude! Always excited to see a new upload.

  • @theultimategamer95
    @theultimategamer95 2 роки тому +7

    My favourites are just... basically Ys games tbh. Maybe a bit of Tales of Berseria and Zestiria thrown into the mix. NieR Replicant is probably up there too.
    Massive props for putting Ys 9 above 8 btw, I honestly kinda agree. Got into the series with 8 and has been one of my all time favourite games ever since, but then I replayed 9 last December and... idk man, just resonates with me a bit more now tbh (except maybe the OST and story, still a tossup for me). Gameplay is definitely better in 9 though I feel.

    • @Walamonga1313
      @Walamonga1313 2 роки тому

      9 took so long for me to get going, I was practically halfway thru until I actually got into it. It was also shorter, had a worse soundtrack, the prison Adol sections are way worse than Dana's, had performance issues, didn't give the feeling of adventure VIII did and I didn't like playing as most characters (basically only used Adol and Doll). I still liked it and it's probably on my top 3 Ys games, but VIII and Origin are just too good to be topped imo

    • @theultimategamer95
      @theultimategamer95 2 роки тому

      @@Walamonga1313 Yeah, I've heard playing on PS4 and Switch is pretty awful for performance. I play on PS5, so it doesn't really affect me, and heard the PC version is smooth as butter. The problem with not using the other characters is fixed by playing the higher difficulties, pretty much (Inferno and Lunatic inparticular).
      Prison Adol sections are a bit inferior to Dana's sections, yes, but I love them both regardless.
      To each their own though really.

  • @Kenthis15
    @Kenthis15 2 роки тому

    The almighty Al Gore Rhythm finally suggesting a creator I would and now do enjoy? Insanity.
    Subbed. Awesome content. I’m here for it now.

  • @JJ-et7il
    @JJ-et7il 2 роки тому +10

    So glad I preordered hack gu for the switch. Can't wait to play it. I could have gotten the PS4 version but wanted it on the go.

    • @Dxwill10
      @Dxwill10 2 роки тому +2

      You're in for a treat. I never watched the anime stuff or anything, but man, after a few hours I was completely hooked; I played all those games back to back to the end. The story just got better and better as it went on.

  • @ophidianmind333
    @ophidianmind333 2 роки тому +6

    This is an interesting list and it reminds me that I need to play the Tales and .hack//G.U. games. My list has some similarities, but is a bit more retro overall.
    01 The Ys series (my favorite being a tie between Ys Books I & II on the Turbo CD, Ys VIII, & Ys IX)
    02 Odin Sphere
    03 Alundra
    04 A tie between the Shin Megami Tensei Raidou games
    05 Soul Blazer
    06 Beyond Oasis
    07 Illusion of Gaia
    08 Seiken Densetsu 3
    09 Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (the only Star Ocean that I've played)
    10 Terranigma
    It could be debatable whether some of these should be considered action adventure, but there is an area where the genres overlap. Some honorable mentions are: Brainlord, Crusader of Centy, The Legend of Oasis, King Colossus, Light Crusader, Golden Axe Warrior, and Secret of Mana.
    Any recommendations would be welcome as there are likely many more recent games that I have missed.

    • @adambunnell1035
      @adambunnell1035 2 роки тому +1

      Hell yes, Illusion of Gaia! Still one of my favorite games ever!

  • @Alltimefox
    @Alltimefox 2 роки тому +1

    Tales of Symphonia was the first tales of the game I played when I was a kid. That game changed my life on the perspective of anime action jrpg.

  • @mechaotakugamer
    @mechaotakugamer 2 роки тому +1

    I really love Dot Hack Gu on ps2. It's my favorite game(s) of all time. I so happy to see that you love Dot Hack GU as well. And I agree that it's a masterpiece

  • @comedicpuppy
    @comedicpuppy 2 роки тому +4

    Hey brother, I love all your content. If you love dark stuff, I do recommend checking out stranger of paradise demo while it's still available. It's edgy as hell, hilariously at times but it gets the point across

  • @RickySama240
    @RickySama240 2 роки тому +2

    Nice to see both Tales of Xillia and Berseria on the list! Both those games were my favorite games that made me a fan of the Tales series!~

  • @Derkman99
    @Derkman99 2 роки тому +2

    Ys IX was by far my favorite game that year! VIII was fantastic too, but IX gets the edge for me.

  • @ChrisZerotani
    @ChrisZerotani 2 роки тому +1

    Grwat list, Erick.
    For me, these two are great too: Gurumin and Nayuta no Kiseki (this last being the most complete RPG - talking about features- I have played so far)

    • @Walamonga1313
      @Walamonga1313 2 роки тому +1

      I wanna play Nayuta but waiting for next year's localised version for that. As for Gurumin it didn't really catch my interest, is it good? I love Ys and Trails but recently started playing the more niche Falcom games like Xanadu Next, just got Zwei Ilvard but haven't booted it up yet

    • @ChrisZerotani
      @ChrisZerotani 2 роки тому

      @@Walamonga1313 I've played the fan translated version of Nayuta, and it gave me an impression I only had with a few RPGs (that attention capture that makes you want to play until the end, you know?). And as for the most complete RPG, as I said above, it is mainly because the game has 2 characters with unique skills, a simple food craft system, collectibles, mission ranks, various sidequests in every stage, and a post game that adds more to the story. If Nayuta was released these days, each of these features would be paid content - but it's all free in the PSP game!)
      For Gurumin, it's a normal game at the first look, but for those who want a simple action RPG. with side missions in every stage, a cute story, and some difficulty level, it's a good choice. It caught my attention, although I don't expected this at first.
      Other good action RPG games are: Terranigma and Illusion of Gaia (for SNES). These two have good stories and great features. I recommend both of them.
      I hope you enjoy great games always, my friend, and have a great week!

  • @LiangPanda
    @LiangPanda 2 роки тому

    I remember back then I had quite a bit of fun with Summon Night Swordcraft Story series on GBA

  • @CuteAndFunnyFan
    @CuteAndFunnyFan 2 роки тому +5

    My top 5 are
    1. Tales of Graces f
    2. Tales of the Abyss
    3. Ys 8
    4. Star Ocean 2
    5. Tales of Eternia

    • @MrFaceNumeroUno
      @MrFaceNumeroUno 2 роки тому

      I think we tied lol

    • @sofiar.r.9063
      @sofiar.r.9063 2 роки тому

      Very nice list. Tales of Eternia was my first game of the saga, so it will be always in my heart.

  • @jmporkbob
    @jmporkbob 2 роки тому +1

    7:58 "buttman returns" i definitely had a good laugh from that one

  • @hendriwijaya1165
    @hendriwijaya1165 2 роки тому

    in radiata stories,there is a hidden character,you can recruit Lenneth Valkyrie ( from valkyrie profile game )

  • @DayFul
    @DayFul 2 роки тому +1

    I completed YS, 9,8 then Odins Sphere last year before diving in to Trails of cold steel that was a heck of a ride YS 9 was just what I needed to get myself rolling.

  • @Mclearmountain
    @Mclearmountain 2 роки тому

    Enjoyable video! There are some great looking titles I was unaware looked so cool. Radiata Stories, Tales Of Legendia and Odin Sphere looked so nice. You backstories for each game added to my enjoyment of your video. Thank you!

  • @khangnguyen3713
    @khangnguyen3713 2 роки тому

    Radiata Stories is a must try guy !!! It was so much fun back then.

  • @Lotuzyo
    @Lotuzyo 2 роки тому +2

    Nier replicant was such an amazing experience last year for me!

  • @diazflac07
    @diazflac07 2 роки тому

    Always happy to see a reference to Star Ocean the Second Story in peoples top 10 lists!

  • @KiwiDimi
    @KiwiDimi 2 роки тому +2

    SO2 should be higher!!! And Nier Replicant was my last rpg, what an awsome game! The musics OMG

  • @jamiemcalister4600
    @jamiemcalister4600 2 роки тому +2

    Even though story isn't the strongest point I love the level 5 action jrpgs.. Dark cloud one I love, dark cloud 2 I still play today.. Improved on every aspect of dc 1...rogue galaxy ramped up difficulty but still quality gameplay and somewhat improved narrative

    • @medunno645
      @medunno645 2 роки тому

      Gotta love the fact that these classics made it too PS4 just to be able to play them again got far on both dark cloud and rogue galaxy and dark chronicle just have the final mines to plug through love them all

    • @saschafeld5528
      @saschafeld5528 2 роки тому

      Rogue Galaxy has not much difficulty. When you get the first AoE Spell you just stay near a save point and nuke every enemy. Repeat till your level ist op and the game is easy.

  • @leneisa9306
    @leneisa9306 2 роки тому

    I remember renting the .hack games from blockbuster and following when the next part of the game was coming out. I now own all the ones for ps2, and had to buy the ps4 version since I loved them so much.

  • @Spynmaster
    @Spynmaster 2 роки тому +1

    They all look pretty good, though I'm disappointed Tales of Destiny and Eternia didn't make the list, as well as Alundra, being my first real taste of Action RPG, along with Star Ocean Second Story.

  • @Verbalaesthet
    @Verbalaesthet 2 роки тому +1

    The best action RPG of all time? Secret of Evermore. And Terranigma and Secret of Mana 1 and 2 are also awesome.

  • @onmywayto974
    @onmywayto974 2 роки тому

    Damn bro. Not only are the RPGs worth the story journey, but your own journey getting them was awesome 😎. BTW, you have some nice fans to be sending you stuff. Keep doing what you're doing.

  • @sjf51
    @sjf51 2 роки тому +2

    Dark Chronicle will always be in my top 10 action RPG's.
    How does Tales of Arise stand against the others? So many Tales games, so little time...

  • @deusvlad2.083
    @deusvlad2.083 2 роки тому +1

    Star ocean 2 also had 80 different endings, insane I never tried to get more than 2 lol oh I'm surprised you put a game in a completely different timeline in todays top 10 fav list, shows how good the game was back in the day ahead of its time etc.. If only they would remake it with all new 3D

  • @cuckoophendula8211
    @cuckoophendula8211 2 роки тому +1

    I remember starting to play Tales of Xillia many years ago, but never got into it for very long due to there being too many games I had to get through at the time. Then I started playing Berseria many many years later, and felt so guilty when I got to the penguin mission reminding me that I never finished Xillia.

  • @arrownoir
    @arrownoir 2 роки тому

    Ys VIII was such a masterpiece.
    I initially played it on my hacked vita.
    After a few hours, I jumped on my PS4 and immediately bought the PS4 version.
    Love the series. That’s when I vowed to buy every Ys game that will come after in the series.

  • @privateuser9303
    @privateuser9303 2 роки тому +1

    the content king is back

  • @ebesonen
    @ebesonen 2 роки тому

    I have played a few of your favorite action JRPG's, like Radiata Stories and Odin Sphere, I actually own a few of the games that are on your list, Tales of Xillia 1 & 2, Tales of Berseria and Nier automata, all of the JRPG's I have played and own are great, I just hope that I can beat them all at some point In my life, because my JRPG list keeps growing and I don't want to fall behind to much, thank you for telling us about the best action JRPG's there are in gaming Erick Landon ✌️

  • @jrpgaddict7726
    @jrpgaddict7726 2 роки тому +4

    Tales of Arise for me!!!

    • @chronofantasy1987
      @chronofantasy1987 2 роки тому

      I agree, Tales of Arise and Berseria are one of the better ones. Xillia and Zestria are the weaker Tales titles. It's an insult to put the Xillia games on any top 10 lists, even a top 10 Tales of list.

  • @deusvlad2.083
    @deusvlad2.083 2 роки тому +1

    If you haven't played Tales of Phantasia with Cress or Tales of Destiny with Stahn you need to do that right now immedietely lol

  • @zengram
    @zengram 2 роки тому +2

    Odin sphere is one of my favorite games ever.
    Leifthrasir is the how you really should do a remake

    • @Radoojim
      @Radoojim 2 роки тому

      A remake?????? Why??????? Odin Sphere is perfect!!!!!

    • @zengram
      @zengram 2 роки тому

      @@Radoojim leifthrasir is one of the best remakes ever

  • @juancastillo621
    @juancastillo621 2 роки тому +2

    "Naww, that didn't happen" Sure Erick, what did happen was you punched him in the face, took the game and the $25 back😁

  • @theopatino2379
    @theopatino2379 2 роки тому

    31 hours into my first playthru of Tales of Vesperia DE on Switch, my first Tales game... really enjoying it.

  • @jesseanderson3835
    @jesseanderson3835 2 роки тому

    Love your enthusiasm and will be checking out some of the old school titles you've mentioned that I have not tried yet. Just wrapped up a playthrough of Ys Viii this week and actually just received my copy of .hack GU Switch version in the mail, perfect timing. I loved seeing Nier Gestalt as your top pick, the PS3 version left such a mark on me that I couldn't wait to relive it all over again with the PS4 remaster, even the 5th bonus ending. Shout outs to Astral Chain, Scarlett Nexus, and Trails of Mana. Cheers from TX.

  • @marcoochoa9673
    @marcoochoa9673 2 роки тому +1

    Hola Erick, para starocean 2 cual version recomiendas, psp o psx? emulando no hardware original.

  • @michaelcole7745
    @michaelcole7745 Рік тому

    I have a very old hidden gem you should take a look at. Guardian Heroes for the sega saturn. There was a remake downloadable version on the xbox but I never played that one so I can only vouch for the sega saturn. It's a side scroll RPG that combines the fighting combos of a fighting game. The music was really great for it's time and the story, with 40 different endings it takes a while to get them all, but this game is short. You can beat each story in about 4 hours, but the fun doesn't end there. In versus mode, you can pic over 150 playable characters with their own fighting style. All you needed to do was encounter them in the story. Want to play as a little bunny? Sure. How about the timid villager who you only see running away? Why not. How about a massive end game boss battle free for all!? As long as you encountered the character you unlocked it. Building up your states and making it to your play style is how you set your points. With a max level of 255 you become a god. passing 255 the game randomly changes your level with every hit but every time you level up you get full HP so as long as you keep hitting stuff, you wont ever die. Also if you have the controller adapter for 6 players, you can have 6 people fighting in the arena at once. This may not seem like a big deal, but it wasn't until smash bros on gamecube could you have 8 players at once and then you needed to link 2 gamecubes together to do this. Guardian Heroes came out in 1996 and smash bros. on gamecube came out in 2001 so Guardian Heroes was 5+ years ahead of the time. We don't see many fighting games that will have a level up system built in. I'm not sure, because I haven't played the new Mortal Kombat 11 or the latest Street Fighter games yet. Can someone tell me if they have a level up system in them? Don't give me, but the "tales of" games have you push a direction to pull of a move and can be followed by a combo. Sure, moves you set, and not fast passed like a fighting game. Even Legend of Legia 2, a turned based, has more directional based combos in a faster fight than any "tales of" game. I am just saying Guardian Heroes is way ahead of it's time and if any game deserves a proper remake, it's that one.

  • @allthatisj8900
    @allthatisj8900 2 роки тому +1

    Breath of Fire 3! (It may not be action, but damn it, I'm mentioning it!)

  • @madcapper6
    @madcapper6 2 роки тому

    You know a game's got you when you stay up late playing it and it's the first thing you think about when you wake up the next morning (or the next afternoon, depending on how late you stayed up playing it).

  • @deusvlad2.083
    @deusvlad2.083 2 роки тому +1

    Radiata stories when you fight lenneth from valkyrie profile she joins you and you get the most powerful special in the game the ultimate volty blast, Nibelung Valesti!!!

  • @hxntaiguy3318
    @hxntaiguy3318 2 роки тому

    😁 great video, for me I always love the dot hack gu series I beating them multiple times over and over again and to this day still love playing them, even after the initial time I played them back in middle school of 10 years ago, heck even bought the remake before I owned a ps4

  • @deusvlad2.083
    @deusvlad2.083 2 роки тому +1

    14:13 My riding stables LOL did you play it? lol where are you getting your games from man?

  • @lincy9114
    @lincy9114 2 роки тому

    Great list, if you like Odin's Sphere , you can also check out Dragon's Crown, also made by VinillaWare , though I would say it gave me more of a Diablo dungeon crawler vibe, but still quite a beautiful and fun game to play. As for some personal AJRPG list, I would add Sword Art Online into the list, though some might argue that if you haven't watch the series you might not enjoy it as much, but I kind of treat it like an offline MMORPG, that way I can just enjoy explore it open world and the action. I would also add Final Fantasy XII the Zodiac Age , though it more similar to Xenoblade Chronicles it more in the 1/2 Action JRPG category.

  • @CitizenKiryu
    @CitizenKiryu 2 роки тому

    Always stunned to find anyone else who also loves Legendia. But best Tales game? Abyss, all day.
    Also... Star Ocean 3 is a damn masterpiece. Puts Last Hope to shame.

  • @LucaLukaszPascua
    @LucaLukaszPascua 2 роки тому

    I find it funny now that the only reason I bought Tales of Berseria was because of how edgy, and beautiful Velvet's cover art.
    Didn't even know the game, and I never played a Tales game before.
    When I played it, I was hooked.
    I normally play JRPG's for the story, and I can say it was a emotional ride, and guilty pleasure to play. :D

  • @kaninhunter50
    @kaninhunter50 2 роки тому

    I'm a new gamer! loving your content! Im currently trying out JRPGs, and they are awesome!

  • @Insert_Bland_Name_Here
    @Insert_Bland_Name_Here 2 роки тому

    My personal top 5 Action RPGs would be:
    5: Astral Chain
    4: Scarlet Nexus
    3: NieR Replicant 1.22
    2: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
    1: NieR Automata
    I haven't played a lot of Action RPGs. I still haven't played Tales of Berseria, because I haven't had time to really sit down and get sucked into it yet, but I did buy it because it was on sale on the PlayStation Store recently, so I'm gonna play it sooner or later...

  • @stiffygames876
    @stiffygames876 2 роки тому

    Bro your great keep up the amazing vids

  • @hallstar4285
    @hallstar4285 2 роки тому

    Great list.. I’ll add Lunar silver star story ( ps1 version ) and the xenoblade series as some of my personal favorites.

  • @eval_is_evil
    @eval_is_evil 2 роки тому

    Hot damn, this is a great list.
    Dude just 25k more subs and you'll be well over 100k subs,congrats! Come on ,you can do it before Christmas.
    Also how dare you not play Elden Ring 😉

  • @julani00
    @julani00 2 роки тому

    so glad to see .hack gu at #2 my fav rpg of all time.

  • @x-hartletl4600
    @x-hartletl4600 2 роки тому

    Haven't playes many AJRPG, but my favorite would be Legen of Mana, followed by TWEWY and NEO

  • @tchitchouan
    @tchitchouan 2 роки тому +1

    Brightis quintet's last game on PS1

  • @SaviorMonroe11
    @SaviorMonroe11 2 роки тому

    Love this list and its pretty similar to what mine would be except I'd probably have Symphonia, Arise and Scarlet Nexus somewhere in there. And MAYBE Persona 5 Strikers because im such a Persona fan. But Nier, Berseria, And both Ys games you have would DEFINITELY make it on my list as well. Very well done. 👏🏾

  • @TheWeeabooKid
    @TheWeeabooKid 2 роки тому

    I have the same shirt! And am wearing it today aswell lol

  • @evilfurion
    @evilfurion 2 роки тому

    Hello, Erick. I think I've never seen you cover any Sword Art Online games. Are they that bad or you simply haven't had the opportunity to try them out? I am asking because the franchise picked my interest recently with its action combat system.

  • @Shatterglass23
    @Shatterglass23 2 роки тому

    He said " Dont get me wrong...HE SAID " Don't GET me wrong!!!! "😃👍

  • @cyanryann64
    @cyanryann64 2 роки тому

    Glad I brought xillia and xillia 2 along with graces a few months ago all physical and finished berseria probably a couple months ago

  • @jrpggamer93
    @jrpggamer93 Рік тому

    Ghost of shushima is my all time favorite action rpg

  • @katapicture
    @katapicture 2 роки тому

    Been binge watching your videos for the past 3 days and love everyone of them! As Suikoden 1+2 as my top ranked RPGs of all time I'm sure you're excited about Eiyuden Chronicles?!?!?!!?!? Also what do you think of Legend of Legaia? I havent gone through all your videos to find out what you think of it.

  • @deusvlad2.083
    @deusvlad2.083 2 роки тому +1

    I have Ys 9 monstrum nox but I never had the time to play it lol sad innit.

  • @robertwahlstrom
    @robertwahlstrom 2 роки тому

    Personally I think YS 8 on the Switch have a really enjoying problem with shadows flickering for threes and so on so would sorta be a bit careful before buying it.

  • @mjanime786
    @mjanime786 2 роки тому

    Omg I loved radiate stories!!!! Need a part 2 or remake like they doing everything else lol......those dot hack gu games also need to continue!!! Love my boy haseo

  • @Outmind01
    @Outmind01 2 роки тому

    I haven't played any of the Ys games... Would it make sense to start with 9 since that one looks most appealing?

  • @gary9708
    @gary9708 2 роки тому

    Nice vid as always Erick. Did u play Tales of Destiny DC? It got a english patch some time ago and seems like a wonderful game ;)

  • @tepasgame
    @tepasgame 2 роки тому

    I've never managed to finish star ocean the second story. I progress in what i believe is the final dungeon but keep having to come back cause everyone is dead or dying. Put it on the shelf for a few years. Came back to it and found it even more difficult. Put it on the shelf still. This thing is like a game thats been going on for more than 20 years since ive started it. Please hype me enough so i find the courage to finally finish it!

    • @nimazsheik5152
      @nimazsheik5152 2 роки тому

      Just use a guide and get it over with!!! I barely have time to play games anymore so if I get stuck for more than half an hour with some of these retro games then I just look at a guide.

    • @tepasgame
      @tepasgame 2 роки тому

      @@nimazsheik5152 its one of the few 'old' rpgs i dont have the strategy guide yet. Sure, i could use one online but... Its just not the same.

  • @masterquake7
    @masterquake7 2 роки тому

    I liked Ys 8 and wanted to try Ys 9 when it came out, but previews made me skeptical. Holy crap, I had nothing to worry about. Ys 9 ended up being better than 8 for me, and one of my favorite RPGs ever.

  • @introvertedwall44
    @introvertedwall44 2 роки тому +2

    Dayum. He did FF7R dirty. Lmao

    • @Jack-ji8kr
      @Jack-ji8kr 2 роки тому

      Nah, Square Enix did FF7R dirty, lol

  • @paulfu8894
    @paulfu8894 2 роки тому

    I think Radiata’s Story from PS2 is worth mentioning

  • @veghesther3204
    @veghesther3204 2 роки тому

    These days I barely play any Trials of Mana ie Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) but the PS4 remake of it was the last action type I played.
    YS I haven't played since the 6th game game OUT on the PS2.

  • @Tenkuuken
    @Tenkuuken 2 роки тому

    If action rpg we're talking about, where's Dragon's Crown for the PS3?

  • @giorgioscalici468
    @giorgioscalici468 2 роки тому

    Great video! Would you advice to play the PS1 or the PSP version of Star Ocean the second story?

  • @TravelandLiveFree
    @TravelandLiveFree 2 роки тому

    Best action RPG is an oxymoron because turn-based RPG is always better than action RPGs! Though I've got to admit, Nier Automata, Secret of Mana (Snes), and FF7 remake were all pretty good. But they're the rare exception. I couldn't finished tales of Berseria, I couldn't stand how repetitive it was.