No estoy forzando esto, pero tengo la información/hecho más importante y verdadero para decirte que debes creer. Todos somos pecadores y debemos ser castigados por todos nuestros pecados pasando la eternidad en el infierno, pero Dios envió a Cristo. , su único Hijo para tomar el castigo por todos nuestros pecados al morir en la cruz para salvarnos de ir al infierno y para que podamos tener vida eterna con Cristo y Dios en su reino. Al tercer día después de la muerte de Cristo, Cristo resucitó de entre los muertos. Cristo ascendió al cielo y volverá por sus elegidos y los llevará al cielo
I'm not forcing this but I have the most true important information/fact to tell you that you need to believe in. We all are sinners and we must get punished for all of our sins by spending eternity in hell, but God sent Christ, his only Son to take the penalty for all of our sins instead by dying on the cross to save us from going to hell and so we can have eternal life with Christ and God in his kingdom. On the third day after Christ died, Christ rose back from the dead. Christ ascended to heaven and he will come back for his chosen ones and take them to heaven
I'm not forcing this but I have the most true important information/fact to tell you that you need to believe in. We all are sinners and we must get punished for all of our sins by spending eternity in hell, but God sent Christ, his only Son to take the penalty for all of our sins instead by dying on the cross to save us from going to hell and so we can have eternal life with Christ and God in his kingdom. On the third day after Christ died, Christ rose back from the dead. Christ ascended to heaven and he will come back for his chosen ones and take them to heaven
η μουσική είναι σε άλλο επίπεδο, απλά συγκλονιστική 👏
i mousikí eínai se állo epípedo, aplá synklonistikí 👏
Esta muy bueno,demasiado limpio 🥶
No estoy forzando esto, pero tengo la información/hecho más importante y verdadero para decirte que debes creer. Todos somos pecadores y debemos ser castigados por todos nuestros pecados pasando la eternidad en el infierno, pero Dios envió a Cristo. , su único Hijo para tomar el castigo por todos nuestros pecados al morir en la cruz para salvarnos de ir al infierno y para que podamos tener vida eterna con Cristo y Dios en su reino. Al tercer día después de la muerte de Cristo, Cristo resucitó de entre los muertos. Cristo ascendió al cielo y volverá por sus elegidos y los llevará al cielo
good remix
I'm not forcing this but I have the most true important information/fact to tell you that you need to believe in. We all are sinners and we must get punished for all of our sins by spending eternity in hell, but God sent Christ, his only Son to take the penalty for all of our sins instead by dying on the cross to save us from going to hell and so we can have eternal life with Christ and God in his kingdom. On the third day after Christ died, Christ rose back from the dead. Christ ascended to heaven and he will come back for his chosen ones and take them to heaven
epic 😎🎉
Muito bom
0:10 😎
Самый годный ремикс
I'm not forcing this but I have the most true important information/fact to tell you that you need to believe in. We all are sinners and we must get punished for all of our sins by spending eternity in hell, but God sent Christ, his only Son to take the penalty for all of our sins instead by dying on the cross to save us from going to hell and so we can have eternal life with Christ and God in his kingdom. On the third day after Christ died, Christ rose back from the dead. Christ ascended to heaven and he will come back for his chosen ones and take them to heaven
0:14 вы тут за этим😉
Knk şarkıyı begendinmi ciden
@@mustafauzun2233 pek değil edit yaparken kullanılır
эстамос акви
Pop isi ele ooooo ooooo ooooo aaaaaaaaaa ooooo
From midle of feet
not boosted