it is also possible to implement a similar functioning circuit with a single IC using a PWM chip such as TL494 or SG352X to control duty cycle to around 10% or so, thus eliminating the need for the extra inverter chip with all the other component function remaining the same
Thanks for this video. There are many ways to not use the inverter IC: Simple NPN or N-FET to invert the 555 output, or use two diodes in the resistor timing path (this allows for separate on/off times), or use a P-fet and other ways.
Desulfation is a myth today cause plates are too close together. Sulfate has nowhere to go after it has been unbound from PbO. On older batteries it worked cause plates were not so packed. Eventually there was a problem too, desulfation led to sulfate accumulate on the bottom of battery.
Good job making the video, it was very informative. I use a Pulse Tech PowerPulse passive desulfator, they claim to have a patented frequency they use to desulfate batteries, I have been using it on my BMW battery for the past three years and never have any issue's starting even though I only drive about 25 miles per week.
I have experimenting with astable multivibrator for the frequency generator instead of 555 and the inverters. It works great and is very simple to build.
@@anindyamitra5091 555 can easily drive gate of fet. it has same totem pole transistor output as cmos gates. gate of fet very high impedence virtually zero current
In video is lot of miss-understoods...... 1. 555 can make 5 to 95 % PWM with out problem... 2. mosfet is CAP... with 500p - 1nF ... you can supply with every signal (TTL) if u have high impedance just put resistor between this can, so charge process- on state will be slower... for. ex.: micro-controller can make 20mA of output.... We can say that we will use only 15mA R=U/I =5 / 0,015 = 333,33 ohm.....the close in E... will be 330 if you know that Cap is 1nano Farad, and Current = 15mA, Mosfet will be active after 333ns, with is really nothing when you play with 1KHz t = C*U / I t = 1nF * 5V / 15mA t= 333 ns There is good way to use inverter, but for 100KHz swithing time when you need to low down power-loosses during swithing. but if you compere a 333nS or less for 3V TshV, and to 1mili S... this is less than 0,1% of working time. I looks like you take something form the Net and try to explain what is what, bu you didnot engineer this, just copy and paste, but you are talking like it was your project...
You might be right in your explanations and/or calculations but I'll be honest, I didn't verified/validated your results. The only thing I can say is that the initial circuit was in the document at the following link : [ ]. You will notice the differences when comparing the circuits. One important thing to note is the fact that this particular design is suitable for the small amp hour aircraft style and kid scooters etc, gel cell batteries, so I'm not too sure about the effectiveness with lead acid batteries.
Sounds like you got a chip on your shoulder. If you watched the video, he clearly said the "Author" of the circuit .... This implies that he was not the original designer, nor did he ever claimed that he was. Plus, this is a video for hobbyists and enthusiasts not for Engineers. As a matter of fact, I actually learned something new from this video. I would not have thought of using a NOT gate as a way to change the duty cycle.
Got your back WTF BBQ! Its just some people see only what they want to see, hear what they only want to hear, and read only what they want to read - Just plain ignorance on their part.
Der Desulfator wird ganz einfach verbessert, indem man die Leiterbahnen vom Schutzlack befreit und zusätzlich verzinnt zum 100uF C1, zum IRF 3205 , zur Spule und die Leiterbahnen zum Plus und Minuspool. Zusätzlich noch 1,5mm2 Gauge 14 zum Akku und größere Krokodilklemmen.
The only restriction of a 555 timer, is it can't produce 50% duty cycle pwm. Lower or higher is not a problem. You don't need an inverter. Produce 10% pulses instead of 90% and directly drive the mosfet.
A 555 can easily do 5-95% duty cycle, even adjustable through the whole range. A 555 can deliver quite a high output current (it must not be the CMOS version though), but a driver for the MOSFET is always a good idea. In this case two transistor would be enough to drive the gate. No extra logic IC needed.
In video is lot of miss-understoods...... 1. 555 can make 5 to 95 % PWM with out problem... 2. mosfet is CAP... with 500p - 1nF ... you can supply with every signal (TTL) if u have high impedance just put resistor between this can, so charge proces- on state will be slower... for. ex.: microcontroller can make 20mA of output.... We can say that we will use only 15mA R=U/I =5 / 0,015 = 333,33 ohm.....the close in E... wiil be 330 if you know that Cap is 1nano Farad, and Cerrent = 15mA, Mosfet will be active after 333ns, with is realy nothing when you play with 1KHz t = C*U / I t = 1nF * 5V / 15mA t= 333 ns
Only 1resistance connect on pin no. 5 to ground we can get reduce the duty cycle of 555 timer ic. In this case ground to pin no. 5, 1k resistor sufficient. And 8 to 7 pin should be 1k resistor।
While it is true that the 555 can be driven below 50% duty cycle using diodes, I do think a CD4049 makes a better gate driver than the 555 output, so kind of a two-birds-one-stone type thing.
Lead sulfate, when it falls off the plates, will reduce capacity and destroy the battery. More a problem with wet types as opposed to SLA with the electrolyte as a gel.
Great video, as always very useful. I am considering building this project. I wanted to check-back for your that we are 5 years later. Could you recover many batteries? or did they have other issues? thank you /chriV
J'ai remarqué une autre erreur que vous avez faites. Vous avez soudé la broche n°16 du CD4049 au GND alors que le shéma indique la broche N°8 ! ! ! Pourquoi ?
Why this R1 limiting the NE555 voltage supply, since it can be perfectly povered at 12V? Furthermore, CD 4049 is absolutely useless if you adjust NE555 duty cycle that, with a different configuration from this, can be set from 10 to 90%
NOCO makes a battery charger with a desulfator at a very reasonable price: NOCO GENIUS2, 2A Smart Car Battery Charger, 6V and 12V Portable Automotive Charger, Battery Maintainer, Trickle Charger and Desulfator for AGM, Lithium (LiFePO4), Motorcycle and Deep Cycle Batteries
Far as I know, its the high discharge that cleans the plates up, not a charge or pulse charge. It needs to be a high current pulse discharge instead. Has anyone made this circuit and actually repaired the battery???
I .tried it with ne555 only it works 1.3khz pin8 to pin7 10k pin7 to pin6 100k with in4148 diode paralled with the 100k resistor and 1k to pin 3 to gate using 10nf capacitor pin2 to gnd and 10nf pin5 to gnd it works 9duty cycle
Interesting but what makes this superior to commercially available desulfators. For example ,I own one "BLS desulfator", "two Battery Extras" and one PulseTech Power Pulse PP-12L. All of these are permanently connected to 12v batteries. My first question is how is this circuit superior to these commercially available models? How one compares to the others, is, in my opinion subjective. I can only say that on two cars with a Battery Extra on one and a Pulse Tech on the other that after 18 months with the same batteries purchased at the same date; the Battery Extra setup showed issues on a load tester, while the Pulse Tech did not. Do these products really extend battery life? Hard to say. I have the same questions about this circuit. For most of us it is easier simply to buy something off the shelf as opposed to chasing around looking for components. Then at the end of the day you can see the pulses on the scope but do these really desulfate a battery?
I love your videos, I watch so many of them. And I try to watch the ads on videos of youtubers I like such as yourself. But, 7 ads in one video is getting a little out of hand for a
Hi I have a question! in the circuit diagram you displayed it shows that pin no 8 of CD4049 is connected to ground, but in the printed circuit board it shows no 16 is connected to ground instead while no 8 is not connected at all. I am a bit confused, which one is correct?
i made this circuit without the 4049 and tried it on my 12v car battery which wasn't charging beyond 8.5 volts... after a week, i tried charging the battery again... lo and behold, i got 11.4 volts! putting it back again on the desulfator for another week... and then test it again after charging if it can turn an engine over...
disconnect pin 7 of 555, remove R2, connect R3 from pin 6 to pin 3, now you have 50% duty cycle. connect r3 from pin6 to pin 3 with diode, connect another diode from pin3 to new resistor to pin 6, now change new resistor to change duty cycle to 10%
il semble que vous avez fait une erreur sur la résistance R3 . Vous avez soudé une 39 Ohms et il fallait selon le schéma que vous donnez une 39k Ohms... Regardez votre vidéo à 10'08"
I built this. It does not work for me. No pulsing at all. One thing I did differently was grounding the unused inputs on the CD4049 per advice from electronics forums.
I don't have the application to open lay6 extension, so I just take a look carefully to the pcb in the video in order to copy the layout... something strange is in the schema CD4049 pin 8 is grounded, but in the pcb (in the video) pin 9 is grounded.... I can not proceed to make one... (sigh...)
2,4,6,10,12,15 are Outputs. 3,5,7,9,11,14 are Input pins. Pin 1 is Vcc and pin 8 is Vss. Pin 8 should be grounded. unused Inputs should be grounded as well so 9,11,14 would also be grounded.
First of all your explaining method is too good. Please help me how I can make boost power supply 3V input 12V output required for Fan. Fan current is 700mA. Thanks
Dear madame, your channel is very useful to me.please make a video , how to convert 12v dc battery to 12-0-12 dc dual supply. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Li-ion use an entirly different chemistry. Doing this to them will either blow them, or destroy their capacity. Recovery of a dorment li-ion usually requires a very low controlled current imput over a period of time. It's been a while since I last looked it up, so do your research.
i charge my batteries with this weak charger that can't even supply an amp, but do you suggest charging them trough a 1k resistor? also do you mean over a period of time like days and let it overcharge? i have at least 10 batteries in this state and your information could be very usefull to me
This is all fine and dandy, but nearly all batteries that failed me were do to cell(s) opening or shorting. There is NO fix for that! For batteries that are just weak, where all cells are just overly discharged, just a low amp charger that outputs a voltage of around 14.8 for a few days, watching that it doesn't boil hard. Don't use the type of charger that just cycle on at 13 volts and shut off @ 14.2 volts. You need a constant steady output (regulated). Junk stupid chargers (non regulated) just keep going till they top out around 17 volts or so! These ruin batteries fast!
While the circuit is not the ideal way to accomplish the goal, her accent makes up for that ten fold. Da PIMP (which stands for 'Power In My Pocket') is a simpler and cleaner desolator. No affiliation. Nor do I even know where to get one, but videos are on YT.
@@platinumsky845 Making me revisit a 2 year old video, are you? Where are you getting the 18V spike from? Without a battery there is NOTHING to limit the inductor voltage, except the turned OFF transistor. It doesnt even matter what type you use here, the inductor *WILL dump ALL of its energy into it* because there is no other current path. Energy of these spikes *_WOULD BE_* E = 1/2*L*I^2 = 1/2*0,0002H*1,75A^2 = 306uJ per pulse maximum *IF C1 WASNT THERE.* Now to find out the actual POWER dumped into the transistor I would have to look at the operating frequency and on time etc, which I'm not going to do now. And whether the Transistor will get damaged by this is another question still, which depends on the type and so on. The point was that this is not a great design because it has this flaw.
My guess high temps destroys by warping plates and removing electrolyte. and going flat destroys by sulphation. Over charging also removes water/acid. De Sulphating hard sulphate deposits, you need a higher voltage across each cell and therefore a high current but this causes heat/high temps, which removes electrolyte and warps plates. So you use a DC welder, but only for 15 seconds, Then let the battery cool and have another 15 seconds go in 2 hours time checking the CCA after each try and a trickle charge in between. Keep repeating this while the CCA increases. But once this stops going up quit. with a trickle charge in between. Using a trickle charger with an amp meter. Stop charging once the charge current drops to about an amp so as not to over charge and loose electrolyte. I have had some success doing this, getting a change from 50 CCA to 325 CCA, but Chinese desulphating charger ()*&Q^(#*&%()#*&^%_)(*&%_)(*+%_)#????????. You also need a load tester or something to measure the CCA. I have seen U tube videos of people bring batteries to the boil, but this would remove electrolyte and or warp plates, Since most 12Volt car batteries are maintenance free, You can't top up with out surgery on the battery case somehow. So look after the electrolyte you have My 2 cents worth. And don't electrocute yourself with your welder. Electricity is heart stopping stuff. a tenth of an amp for a tenth of a second can stop your heart, Your welder produce 60-160 amps your car battery like wise with even more amps, Extra low voltage like DC12-25 volts can still be deadly.
A good channel, but the word throttle should be choke and maybe best avoid the phrase 'the size of my ring is now in front of you' - it has a certain (slightly dodgy!) meaning in English.
Hi I've tried Infinitum desulfators and even made my own. No luck and the infinitum desulfator was 50 AUD? absolutely ridiculous. I need your desulfator bad! Any reply appreciated cheers from Australia just subbed.nice work love it so much 🙂👍👍👍
it is also possible to implement a similar functioning circuit with a single IC using a PWM chip such as TL494 or SG352X to control duty cycle to around 10% or so, thus eliminating the need for the extra inverter chip with all the other component function remaining the same
Thanks for this video. There are many ways to not use the inverter IC: Simple NPN or N-FET to invert the 555 output, or use two diodes in the resistor timing path (this allows for separate on/off times), or use a P-fet and other ways.
This is the best video on desulfator circuit, very good you show the output on the scope!!
Desulfation is a myth today cause plates are too close together. Sulfate has nowhere to go after it has been unbound from PbO.
On older batteries it worked cause plates were not so packed. Eventually there was a problem too, desulfation led to sulfate accumulate on the bottom of battery.
Good job making the video, it was very informative. I use a Pulse Tech PowerPulse passive desulfator, they claim to have a patented frequency they use to desulfate batteries, I have been using it on my BMW battery for the past three years and never have any issue's starting even though I only drive about 25 miles per week.
Your voice is so great and your videos are the best!
I have experimenting with astable multivibrator for the frequency generator instead of 555 and the inverters. It works great and is very simple to build.
No, 555 ic allows duty cycle lower than 50%, just connect a diode from pin 7 to pin 6 or pin 2 and that's it.
Though, a buffer circuit is suitable for sharp switching of the FET, so, the logic NOT gates are necessary.
@@anindyamitra5091 True, but single transistor could be used to invert signal.
@@cekpi7 , of course.
@@anindyamitra5091 555 can easily drive gate of fet. it has same totem pole transistor output as cmos gates. gate of fet very high impedence virtually zero current
@@WereReallyRelayCamping The 555's I have used decades ago were +/- 200mA drive, easily handle fet gate cap charge/discharge.
Tried this circuit, it works. Great job.
Your channel is mine of knowledge for Me.
From Poland with love :)
As always... Great video and was ready to do some research on recovery of old batteries. Great timing!! Thank you
Very nice I will have to make one as I have a 12 volt battery that needs some love, thank you for your hard work and video
In video is lot of miss-understoods......
1. 555 can make 5 to 95 % PWM with out problem...
2. mosfet is CAP... with 500p - 1nF ... you can supply with every signal (TTL) if u have high impedance just put resistor between this can, so charge process- on state will be slower... for. ex.:
micro-controller can make 20mA of output....
We can say that we will use only 15mA
R=U/I =5 / 0,015 = 333,33 ohm.....the close in E... will be 330
if you know that Cap is 1nano Farad, and Current = 15mA, Mosfet will be active after 333ns, with is really nothing when you play with 1KHz
t = C*U / I
t = 1nF * 5V / 15mA
t= 333 ns
There is good way to use inverter, but for 100KHz swithing time when you need to low down power-loosses during swithing. but if you compere a 333nS or less for 3V TshV, and to 1mili S... this is less than 0,1% of working time.
I looks like you take something form the Net and try to explain what is what, bu you didnot engineer this, just copy and paste, but you are talking like it was your project...
You might be right in your explanations and/or calculations but I'll be honest, I didn't verified/validated your results. The only thing I can say is that the initial circuit was in the document at the following link : [ ]. You will notice the differences when comparing the circuits. One important thing to note is the fact that this particular design is suitable for the small amp hour aircraft style and kid scooters etc, gel cell batteries, so I'm not too sure about the effectiveness with lead acid batteries.
Sounds like you got a chip on your shoulder. If you watched the video, he clearly said the "Author" of the circuit .... This implies that he was not the original designer, nor did he ever claimed that he was. Plus, this is a video for hobbyists and enthusiasts not for Engineers. As a matter of fact, I actually learned something new from this video. I would not have thought of using a NOT gate as a way to change the duty cycle.
Got your back WTF BBQ! Its just some people see only what they want to see, hear what they only want to hear, and read only what they want to read - Just plain ignorance on their part.
the true inventor. and i trust this channel.
Der Desulfator wird ganz einfach verbessert, indem man die Leiterbahnen vom Schutzlack befreit und zusätzlich verzinnt zum 100uF C1, zum IRF 3205 , zur Spule und die Leiterbahnen zum Plus und Minuspool. Zusätzlich noch 1,5mm2 Gauge 14 zum Akku und größere Krokodilklemmen.
DIY desulfator.
This is what I need!!!
Pls make another video soon on the results and report while using this desulfator...waiting for it.
The only restriction of a 555 timer, is it can't produce 50% duty cycle pwm. Lower or higher is not a problem.
You don't need an inverter. Produce 10% pulses instead of 90% and directly drive the mosfet.
PirateKitty I don't think 555 can supply enough current for driving a mosfet a high frequency
A 555 can easily do 5-95% duty cycle, even adjustable through the whole range. A 555 can deliver quite a high output current (it must not be the CMOS version though), but a driver for the MOSFET is always a good idea. In this case two transistor would be enough to drive the gate. No extra logic IC needed.
In video is lot of miss-understoods......
1. 555 can make 5 to 95 % PWM with out problem...
2. mosfet is CAP... with 500p - 1nF ... you can supply with every signal (TTL) if u have high impedance just put resistor between this can, so charge proces- on state will be slower... for. ex.:
microcontroller can make 20mA of output....
We can say that we will use only 15mA
R=U/I =5 / 0,015 = 333,33 ohm.....the close in E... wiil be 330
if you know that Cap is 1nano Farad, and Cerrent = 15mA, Mosfet will be active after 333ns, with is realy nothing when you play with 1KHz
t = C*U / I
t = 1nF * 5V / 15mA
t= 333 ns
@@marcinwitkowski6443 You have a problem, mister. Do your own video and stop trolling other people's work.
Repeating the same thing doesn't add weight
Only 1resistance connect on pin no. 5 to ground we can get reduce the duty cycle of 555 timer ic. In this case ground to pin no. 5, 1k resistor sufficient. And 8 to 7 pin should be 1k resistor।
I have made it and it works.
Thank you so much Kasyan TV.
cmon guys this guy give you idea on your battery dont redicule person trying to help
While it is true that the 555 can be driven below 50% duty cycle using diodes, I do think a CD4049 makes a better gate driver than the 555 output, so kind of a two-birds-one-stone type thing.
Really nice work, dude! Really useful! 😊
Lead sulfate, when it falls off the plates, will reduce capacity and destroy the battery. More a problem with wet types as opposed to SLA with the electrolyte as a gel.
Hmmmm basically Boost converter with 10% duty cycle
You had a good insight here. Thanks, that helps people see from multiple angles.
Yes ur very right my friend😁😊
Thanks for the schematics...... looking forward more helpful videos
Nice vocal. Beautiful
Your links to the products are broken..
Great video, as always very useful. I am considering building this project. I wanted to check-back for your that we are 5 years later. Could you recover many batteries? or did they have other issues?
thank you
Very nice channel, nice project, nice voice;) ... just maybe the explanation about the role of C1 in the circuit is a bit incomplete.
where can i buy this device
Please make a BMS topology
J'ai remarqué une autre erreur que vous avez faites. Vous avez soudé la broche n°16 du CD4049 au GND alors que le shéma indique la broche N°8 ! ! ! Pourquoi ?
download archive link is not working
your explanation was awesome
Why this R1 limiting the NE555 voltage supply, since it can be perfectly povered at 12V?
Furthermore, CD 4049 is absolutely useless if you adjust NE555 duty cycle that, with a different configuration from this, can be set from 10 to 90%
NOCO makes a battery charger with a desulfator at a very reasonable price: NOCO GENIUS2, 2A Smart Car Battery Charger, 6V and 12V Portable Automotive Charger, Battery Maintainer, Trickle Charger and Desulfator for AGM, Lithium (LiFePO4), Motorcycle and Deep Cycle Batteries
Far as I know, its the high discharge that cleans the plates up, not a charge or pulse charge. It needs to be a high current pulse discharge instead.
Has anyone made this circuit and actually repaired the battery???
I .tried it with ne555 only it works 1.3khz pin8 to pin7 10k pin7 to pin6 100k with in4148 diode paralled with the 100k resistor and 1k to pin 3 to gate using 10nf capacitor pin2 to gnd and 10nf pin5 to gnd it works 9duty cycle
Interesting but what makes this superior to commercially available desulfators. For example ,I own one "BLS desulfator", "two Battery Extras" and one PulseTech Power Pulse PP-12L. All of these are permanently connected to 12v batteries. My first question is how is this circuit superior to these commercially available models? How one compares to the others, is, in my opinion subjective. I can only say that on two cars with a Battery Extra on one and a Pulse Tech on the other that after 18 months with the same batteries purchased at the same date; the Battery Extra setup showed issues on a load tester, while the Pulse Tech did not. Do these products really extend battery life? Hard to say. I have the same questions about this circuit.
For most of us it is easier simply to buy something off the shelf as opposed to chasing around looking for components. Then at the end of the day you can see the pulses on the scope but do these really desulfate a battery?
I love your videos, I watch so many of them. And I try to watch the ads on videos of youtubers I like such as yourself. But, 7 ads in one video is getting a little out of hand for a
Use an ad blocker. The you'll only get an ad in the side bar, none in videos (for the way I use, anyway).
This project is very good!
Hello, I was looking at the schematic and I see that the 100uf capacitor in the video is placed in the opposite direction. I'm wrong?
No, it is put right way around. Positive is on positive, and negative is on ground.
Yes, I see the same...
I mean I see that the polarity of 100uF is in strange position.... somebody will say it is correct (what??)...
I have a question!
in the circuit diagram you displayed it shows that pin no 8 of CD4049 is connected to ground, but in the printed circuit board it shows no 16 is connected to ground instead while no 8 is not connected at all.
I am a bit confused, which one is correct?
I noticed the same issue. Did you get any feedback on this?
see datasheet
i made this circuit without the 4049 and tried it on my 12v car battery which wasn't charging beyond 8.5 volts... after a week, i tried charging the battery again... lo and behold, i got 11.4 volts! putting it back again on the desulfator for another week... and then test it again after charging if it can turn an engine over...
Post your results please
disconnect pin 7 of 555, remove R2, connect R3 from pin 6 to pin 3, now you have 50% duty cycle.
connect r3 from pin6 to pin 3 with diode, connect another diode from pin3 to new resistor to pin 6, now change new resistor to change duty cycle to 10%
Do you have circuit for this sir?😊
Hmm, I wonder if you could make SO3 (and H2SO4 in turn) this way?
thank u madam..2 weeks continuously with the circuit or along with charger
How to replace CD4049UBE with a proper transistor circuit?
Great content and presentation
HER508 diode is not available in market, can you please recommend the alternate diode for it.
il semble que vous avez fait une erreur sur la résistance R3 . Vous avez soudé une 39 Ohms et il fallait selon le schéma que vous donnez une 39k Ohms... Regardez votre vidéo à 10'08"
Do not see the need for the CD4049 .....just change the Duty Cycle of the 555
Just use a P channel mosfet
Why dont you just use a simple npn transistor to flip the signal?
Really helpful , many thanks ....
What this circuit do for battery ..why you charge in direct by transformer ...what frequency do for battery
nice work!
Good and detailed explanation 👍 thxs
51 batteries manufacturers doesn't like this video....
I built this. It does not work for me. No pulsing at all. One thing I did differently was grounding the unused inputs on the CD4049 per advice from electronics forums.
Did you try... not grounding them?
It simpler to use p type mosfet instead 4049 inverting buffer...
I don't have the application to open lay6 extension, so I just take a look carefully to the pcb in the video in order to copy the layout... something strange is in the schema CD4049 pin 8 is grounded, but in the pcb (in the video) pin 9 is grounded.... I can not proceed to make one... (sigh...)
2,4,6,10,12,15 are Outputs. 3,5,7,9,11,14 are Input pins. Pin 1 is Vcc and pin 8 is Vss. Pin 8 should be grounded. unused Inputs should be grounded as well so 9,11,14 would also be grounded.
Can we use toroid coil more than 200 uh?
great video!!!! Tank you!!!!
Can I use a 74n04 not logic gate instead of cd4049
i tested it it draws more than 1A b4 connect to battery and not more than 27V output and the mosfet become too hot ....
How are the circuit and battery going after several days of desulfating?
Any feedback please.
Kaysan TV, please tellme where can i find the cicuit diagram???
It's on the video do a screenshot
First of all your explaining method is too good. Please help me how I can make boost power supply 3V input 12V output required for Fan. Fan current is 700mA. Thanks
links wont work
How to make that 200uh inductor?
Is it wrong circuit? I want to make it
The circuit basically a boost converter Without feedback circuit and output capacitor...nice video though
If the unloaded voltage of the battery is 12v, it is practically empty.
Great video thanks
Thank for sharing this video
Can I use it on home inverter battery?
كيف احصل على ترجمة
Dear madame, your channel is very useful to me.please make a video , how to convert 12v dc battery to 12-0-12 dc dual supply. Thank you. Thank you so much.
buck boost stage followed by differential 7812 linear regulators
Is anyone assembling and selling these?
Thank you 👍👍👍👍👍
can this work on lithium cells? i have a bunch of cells with good capacity but bad discharge current after a few seconds under load
John Scarce just don't. Or else they will explode
Kasyan has videos talking about li-ion batteries,take a look before you try anything.
Li-ion use an entirly different chemistry. Doing this to them will either blow them, or destroy their capacity. Recovery of a dorment li-ion usually requires a very low controlled current imput over a period of time. It's been a while since I last looked it up, so do your research.
i charge my batteries with this weak charger that can't even supply an amp, but do you suggest charging them trough a 1k resistor? also do you mean over a period of time like days and let it overcharge? i have at least 10 batteries in this state and your information could be very usefull to me
Can you make tesla meter for the number of design wind turbines .. I need it very much and I have a lot of waiting
This is all fine and dandy, but nearly all batteries that failed me were do to cell(s) opening or shorting. There is NO fix for that! For batteries that are just weak, where all cells are just overly discharged, just a low amp charger that outputs a voltage of around 14.8 for a few days, watching that it doesn't boil hard. Don't use the type of charger that just cycle on at 13 volts and shut off @ 14.2 volts. You need a constant steady output (regulated). Junk stupid chargers (non regulated) just keep going till they top out around 17 volts or so! These ruin batteries fast!
the unused inputs on the hex inverter ought to be grounded
Thair is a rating for cranking amps if you're car requisers more thain batreys is rated for will not start the car even if it has 12v
simple pic or arduino project with flexibility of code control
While the circuit is not the ideal way to accomplish the goal, her accent makes up for that ten fold.
Da PIMP (which stands for 'Power In My Pocket') is a simpler and cleaner desolator. No affiliation. Nor do I even know where to get one, but videos are on YT.
Basic boost converter
There is no current path for the inductor if you run this without a battery connected. So It will probably blow up.
@@platinumsky845 Making me revisit a 2 year old video, are you?
Where are you getting the 18V spike from? Without a battery there is NOTHING to limit the inductor voltage, except the turned OFF transistor. It doesnt even matter what type you use here, the inductor *WILL dump ALL of its energy into it* because there is no other current path. Energy of these spikes *_WOULD BE_* E = 1/2*L*I^2 = 1/2*0,0002H*1,75A^2 = 306uJ per pulse maximum *IF C1 WASNT THERE.*
Now to find out the actual POWER dumped into the transistor I would have to look at the operating frequency and on time etc, which I'm not going to do now. And whether the Transistor will get damaged by this is another question still, which depends on the type and so on.
The point was that this is not a great design because it has this flaw.
so the voltage will increase to high volts...
Thanks. ..super 👍
My guess high temps destroys by warping plates and removing electrolyte. and going flat destroys by sulphation. Over charging also removes water/acid. De Sulphating hard sulphate deposits, you need a higher voltage across each cell and therefore a high current but this causes heat/high temps, which removes electrolyte and warps plates.
So you use a DC welder, but only for 15 seconds, Then let the battery cool and have another 15 seconds go in 2 hours time checking the CCA after each try and a trickle charge in between. Keep repeating this while the CCA increases. But once this stops going up quit. with a trickle charge in between. Using a trickle charger with an amp meter. Stop charging once the charge current drops to about an amp so as not to over charge and loose electrolyte. I have had some success doing this, getting a change from 50 CCA to 325 CCA, but Chinese desulphating charger ()*&Q^(#*&%()#*&^%_)(*&%_)(*+%_)#????????. You also need a load tester or something to measure the CCA. I have seen U tube videos of people bring batteries to the boil, but this would remove electrolyte and or warp plates, Since most 12Volt car batteries are maintenance free, You can't top up with out surgery on the battery case somehow. So look after the electrolyte you have My 2 cents worth. And don't electrocute yourself with your welder. Electricity is heart stopping stuff. a tenth of an amp for a tenth of a second can stop your heart, Your welder produce 60-160 amps your car battery like wise with even more amps, Extra low voltage like DC12-25 volts can still be deadly.
Interesting! 😁
It can't work anymore due to plates are packed today too tight together. Therefore sulfate can't drop.
I did it.
A good channel, but the word throttle should be choke and maybe best avoid the phrase 'the size of my ring is now in front of you' - it has a certain (slightly dodgy!) meaning in English.
Once it's sulfated it's fucked end of no battery will recover it's just that simple.
Hi I've tried Infinitum desulfators and even made my own. No luck and the infinitum desulfator was 50 AUD? absolutely ridiculous. I need your desulfator bad! Any reply appreciated cheers from Australia just subbed.nice work love it so much 🙂👍👍👍