The Art Of Accountability: Bang Chan, Chan's Room, And The Dangers Of Idolization

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • I've said it once and I'll say it a million times more: The intention of this video isn't to bash on Bang Chan. It's to bring awareness to the importance of recognizing the relationship between fans and celebrities/influencers/idols/etc. Chan needs to stop treating Stay in such a familiar way where he doesn't have to restrict what information he divulges to them and how he chooses to articulate said info.
    I want him to be happy. But that's not going to happen if he continues hanging around his miserable fans. Too many Stays lack the emotional and intellectual maturity to handle being the support for a person in Chan's position. They are the reason for so much of his misery (including people not being able to be around him and people attacking him simply because they've had horrible interactions with Stays and want to retaliate against the members for it). Grow up. Learn to take some responsibility for your actions or things will only get worse for Chan and the other members.


  • @oneusforall057
    @oneusforall057  Рік тому +20

    As always, here are links to media related to today's video:
    EGU’s Wonyoung Video:
    EGU's Chan Video:
    EGU Community Post:
    Bang Chan Meet & Greet Video:
    Hyunjin Innocence Thread:
    Other Reading Materials:

    • @VixenVulpix266
      @VixenVulpix266 Рік тому +1

      I wonder if people should realize that Bangchan wants a break from chan's room. Thank you @ONEUSFORALL

  • @d1nae
    @d1nae Рік тому +160

    i really felt a shift in the fandom when stray kids got popular. stays used to be known as one of the most caring fandoms, and now theyre one of the most disrespectful ones. i reflected on it recently and came to the same conclusion, fans entitlement due to stays' parasocial relationship with chan

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +28

      I think a lot of Stays I’ve discussed this with will pinpoint the toxicity of the fandom starting to become noticeable around “God’s Menu” era (when the fandom really started noticing a large, international following) and exploded by the end of 2020 with the Woojin situation. It really sucks how what could have continued to be an amazing fandom (like Aghase) turned into one that eclipses even the likes o Armys and Blinks at times.

    • @Lady_Kunoichi
      @Lady_Kunoichi Рік тому +11

      ​@@oneusforall057I couldn't agree more. I'm a Shawol clutching my damn pearls in these K-Pop streets. I'm like the guy on the phone in the movie "Mean Girls" calling my mother to come pick me up because the girls have gone crazy. I like Stray Kids but I will never forgive what STAYS did to Woojin.

    • @Mashka14
      @Mashka14 Рік тому +6

      Couldn’t agree more with the sentiment the level of Toxicity in the Stray Kids Fandom is getting worse and worse

    • @AwakeningWings
      @AwakeningWings 8 місяців тому

      Oh, this was even before this whole thing happened. It's not because of parasocial relationships. I know some stays were good ones. But most Korean STAY and toxic STAY are the worst humans I have ever been witness to, they are not caring or kind. They secertly hate SKZ. I saw all the nasty comments SKZ has gotten since debut.

    • @AwakeningWings
      @AwakeningWings 8 місяців тому +2

      @@oneusforall057 That hate and toxicity have been there since the very beginning.

  • @bangchanisonlyfive
    @bangchanisonlyfive Рік тому +85

    I think that he DID make the decision of not doing "Chan's room" anymore and I believe that was the right decision. "Chan's room" was a place of comfort so Chan could forget that he was an idol for a moment but the problem is that when you open up and start venting about your problems, feelings and opinions online, people will listen, judge you and analize everything you say. Personally, I'm happy that "Chan's room" is over because now he has more time to rest and he NEEDS that.

    • @JulietSA210
      @JulietSA210 Рік тому +16

      This. I'm glad that he's "lightening" his load. He probably was also aware of how toxic STAY's had become, so made the mature choice to let it go.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +23

      I’m still not convinced that he decided to cancel it (at least, not willingly). But I wholeheartedly agree with the rest. The man needs to take time to de-stress.

    • @Oriana_143
      @Oriana_143 2 місяці тому +1

      He deserves so much better from stay every toxic “STAY” shouldn’t be called a STAY it makes me so mad and the sad part is that he knows that

  • @ruoqifang
    @ruoqifang Рік тому +110

    the toxic fans will never really learn. I feel so bad for chan and skz

  • @nyxeo
    @nyxeo Рік тому +85

    I haven’t been a stay for a long time, since maybe February/March of this year, but NO other stay has believed me when I say that Chan holds responsibility in this situation. I’ve been present for some Chan’s Rooms myself, and let me tell you the live chats are awful.
    As the fandom grows, there’s more hate toward him. And there’s also more demands. Because Chan built such a close relationship with the fandom, they expect him to do what they ask him to because he’s nice and wonderful and perfect, and when he doesn’t they get mad at JYPE because there’s just no way Chan wouldn’t do something for the fans, after all he wants to make them happy because he loves them. And thus Chan is pressured further to adhere to the fans wishes, and in turn the fans put him on even more of a pedestal. The live chats of his streams were 70% fans telling him to do things, and 30% pure hate, and I bet that made him cling more to the comments that acknowledged his talents because we know he struggles with his self-worth and image. Chan’s streams were probably more relaxing for him when the fanbase was small, because they had less entitlement and more appreciation. Now, he’s kept them going, and this relationship is just the worst thing for him. It’s so sad that his knack for connecting so genuinely with his audience has led to such a shitty deal for him, because he absolutely is such a sweet, stand-up, talented guy.
    Stays were immature. They decided they had to stand up for Chan’s honor and went and bullied other groups and fans for no damn reason. Then, when JYPE accurately judged the source of the problem and shut it down (a smart move), they started whining like babies. Stays need to learn that if they’re going to exhibit shit behavior, then they don’t deserve the rewards and the content they get, because Chan was a SAINT for being able to keep those going. Stays took him for granted and they are spoiled. Chan deserves a more mature, emotionally intelligent audience, because it was their shitty behavior that got him in trouble in the first place. If JYPE let those lives keep going, there’d be the same problems over and over again.
    On the topic of Lily, I think her and Chan’s lives were so free because they spoke English. Idols that speak English go viral internationally very quickly, and they’re few enough in number that it’s common for them to create a fanbase after just a few lives. JYPE probably knows this and wants to reach as much of a global audience as possible by just letting the English idols be themselves, because it gets them viral funny moments on social media and it makes people consider the idol as “real” and “bold”. Lily didn’t really say anything harmful, she’s a very funny person, but it’s important for them to guard their speech just a little more.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +22

      My issue with Lily is how she sometimes gets herself caught within her own thoughts. The girl went on a tangent questioning whether or not she’s commit redrum lol I’m just afraid of her accidentally stumbling onto a topic that could get her in trouble (like what happened to Chan).
      And you brought up some great points that reminded me of something that I’m so used to that I forgot about how pressing of a matter it is; Chan is a total people-pleaser. The man struggles with setting boundaries. And I think part of that comes from the abandonment issues JYPE stuck him with (have I mentioned how much I hate this company?).
      And as someone that’s watched a number of streamers group from having 5 to 5,000 people in their chats, I can definitely attest to how it’s inevitable for things to get ugly as a channel rises in popularity. I’m starting to think that cancelling Chan’s Room benefits Chan more than anyone…

    • @OddinaryMe
      @OddinaryMe Рік тому +6

      I criticized STAYs' immature responses after the fanmeeting talk thing was circulated. I remember clearly a STAY calling me disloyal and toxic for criticizing the fandom. If you think it was a typical immature kid, nope. She is a medical doctor, hahaha. I expected her to be more critical tbh. But nah, maybe some medical doctors can be lacking of common sense lol

    • @aussieboi814
      @aussieboi814 Рік тому +2

      Stays need to get more mature
      And Chan should learn to be choosey with his words

  • @justdb4
    @justdb4 Рік тому +61

    These "STAYs" will never learn from this. After what has happened with Woojin, and then Wonyoung twice, this is just Karma to STAYs. The way some of them love using his words to attack others is so wrong. Everytime some fan say "We Believe BangChan" when hurting other idols, I always get a headache.
    I know there are so many people that relied on Chan's Room and know how much fun and deep it was for all STAYs, but the actions of a few have damaged Strays Kids and now all STAYs have to pay the price for those obsessed toxic STAYs.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +11

      Just another example of one bad apple spoils the bunch.
      And yeah, “We believe Bang Chan” needs to be dropped as an argument. It’s only gotten Stays (and now Chan) into trouble.

  • @strwon4
    @strwon4 Рік тому +83

    As a STAY who didn’t even do anything for this to happen in the first place, I literally feel guilty and embarrassed for a reason that I don’t even know myself. I have NEVER been so disappointed in STAYs. I hope they’ve learned their lesson.

    • @foreternityy
      @foreternityy Рік тому +6

      Same. Like genuinely I was so confused when I heard Chan apologized because I didn’t even know what happened. I love stay with my entire heart but sometimes I don’t even how our fandom has managed to get more toxic. I want to thank all of the Stays and Dives who were mature enough to ignore the “situation”. Are y’all actually crazy? All y’all did was hurt Chris’ and our reputations.

  • @StellaStarLuna
    @StellaStarLuna 11 місяців тому +15

    With cases like these, it makes me remeber that parasocial relationships can go both ways. Especially being in the company from a young age you can get alienated and you are put into a mindset of focusing on idol life that you forget about needing a personal life. Especially when you are desperate to debut you can get really attached to your fans. Companies pushing parasocial relationships causes a lot of harm.

  • @GUAGA0612
    @GUAGA0612 10 місяців тому +16

    Also another great point there you made! totally agree with how much companies should monitor their idols behaviours, at the end of the day, THIS IS THEIR JOB! Being an idol is their job, your local Starbucks staff can’t just say rant about their life to their customers, teachers can’t just say what ever they want to their students, this isn’t call silencing, it’s call professionalism. He makes tons of money from fans, therefore they are his customers, his clients, he needs to have boundaries when communicating with them. Not to mention, most of his fans are underage, if Colleen B should be held accountable for ranting about her marriage to minors, causing minors to be cyber bullied, he should also be held accountable for treating his fans as therapist and causing other idols’ chaos.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  10 місяців тому +3

      You spilled with the Colleen comparison. While Chan definitely isn’g doing anything nearly as disgusting as her, he’s responsible for recognizing how many of his fans are kids/teens and how he needs to conduct himself when interacting with minors.
      Enabling them to behave so abhorrently and harm the reputation of Stray Kids is disadvantaging the group.
      Idols are not people. Idols are a product that a company is selling. Christopher Bang is a person. Bang Chan is a product. And unfortunately, he can’t just be Chris in public anymore. Chris is restricted to his private life and his private life only.

    • @GUAGA0612
      @GUAGA0612 10 місяців тому +5

      @@oneusforall057absolutely! I can tell that you are giving him as much grace as possible whilst also being critical. We really need more people like you that’s brave enough to call out idols that’s doing things wrong instead of catering to fans that can only hear nice things about their fav!!!

  • @Haifa386
    @Haifa386 Рік тому +28

    Another point is that chan has been a trainee since he was 12/13 and debuted at 21 years old, he missed on alot of important years where because developed, learn more social skills and what to share and what to keep to themselves. This are all this you learn after middle school but most of chan remaining middle school, high school and college experiences were wheb he was a trainee

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +11

      Someone else brought this up and I really think it’s an important point that we all need to remember. Chan’s spent most of his life in JYPE (especially during the years of ~13 to ~23 where people discover a lot about himself). All that’s done is solidify his identity as another cog in the machine. He doesn’t have the same perspective as to what it’s like to be a regular guy (compared to the rest of us that haven’t been idols for over a decade).

    • @AwakeningWings
      @AwakeningWings 8 місяців тому

      Yeah, that's true. He didn't experience a normal childhood like the rest of us have. But he'll continue to learn how as the years go by.

  • @theanti-veela-leprechaun
    @theanti-veela-leprechaun Рік тому +37

    Chans room wasn’t just a privilege for Chan, but a privilege for stays. Stays have proven time and time again that they set fires everywhere they go. They deserve their privileges to be taken away.
    Chan and Stray kids deserve a much better fandom than what they’ve been given.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +5

      It was a privilege for both. Not idols are entitled to live streaming (much less making a series out of it) and no fandoms are entitled to their faves being able to stream. Chan wasn’t cautious enough in what he said and Stays weren’t mature enough in how they took it all in.
      But you’re absolutely right in that Stays ruin their privileges and they will have to be revoked if they continue to be ab*sed.

    • @theanti-veela-leprechaun
      @theanti-veela-leprechaun Рік тому +7

      @@oneusforall057 don’t get me wrong, it definitely was a privilege for chan too, all I’m saying that chan being clumsy with his words wouldn’t have had to end like this if stays could just be mature for once.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +3

      @@theanti-veela-leprechaunExactly ☕️

  • @Ever.ro143
    @Ever.ro143 7 місяців тому +5

    My problem is with those who spread the hate and misinformation because wonyoung was never mentioned. You don’t have to like wonyoung but to attack her for something that was never said directly is so unhinged. Also I just don’t get how this situation turned so sour when other idols speak about bowing. I think Chan stopped it himself & I don’t blame him. He deserves a break and tbh I think it’s more mentally draining than good. (I wrote this comment halfway in, my question was answered)

  • @pandapaw64
    @pandapaw64 Рік тому +16

    i'm glad that you spoke up on this issue.i was waiting for anyone from ktubers to come up with a well-written video essay. thank you!!

  • @addykleppner4419
    @addykleppner4419 Рік тому +47

    Question for y'all, am I the only one who didn't automatically translate "I can't do Chan's Room" to "JYP won't let me do Chan's Room?" Like hear me out. If I say I can't do something, it might be because an authority figure is stopping me (JYP) OR just because it isn't a good idea. If I say "I can't go outside right now", it might not be because I'm under house arrest. There might just be a thunderstorm. Since he later said it was his decision, I assumed that's how he meant it. He just didn't want to explicitly address why it was a bad idea so he implied it and left it vague. Is this a reasonable interpretation? Still a poor choice of words, but it sucks that Stays keep going to pointless wars after making assumptions and blowing things he says out of proportion.
    Anyway, great video.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +11

      I appreciate your openness to interpreting things differently (and you’re absolutely correct in that there are multiple ways to interpret what he said).
      But then the question that I pose is: If not for JYPE, what is the other reason?
      You expressed in your example the possibility of something like the weather preventing you from going outside. Well, Chan’s Room is an indoor activity. So, we’d have to think of other things. His computer was lost/stolen/broken? He could use another device. There’s no electricity/wifi at his dorm? He could go to JYPE to stream. Maybe he can’t bring himself to stream because he feels guilty over his actions? Again, I feel like how casually he disclosed not being able to stream anymore discredits that theory.
      Ultimately, if there were a reason outside of JYPE preventing him from doing so, it would need to both be plausible and more likely than simply his company saying that he can’t. Again, I love that you’re thinking outside of the box and I respect your reasoning. I just don’t know if a more likely reason exists. If you can think of anything though, I’d be really interested in what you come up with! 😄

    • @addykleppner4419
      @addykleppner4419 Рік тому +11

      I agree that it is unlikely that anything was physically preventing him from doing Chan's room, although that's technically a possibility? It's not what I meant though, let me try to be more specific. My thought process was that he saw the issues Chan's room had caused, after all he had released an apology over the Ive hate train incident. But he wasn't going to dive into that with a random fan at a meet and greet, he at least has that much sense. So he just said "I can't do Chan's room anymore" instead of "I can't do Chan's room anymore because some of my fans have misunderstood my words and have caused other people trouble." If he had said the second thing, people wouldn't have assumed JYP was stopping him, despite still using that pivotal word "can't". As to his casualness in revealing not streaming anymore, I don't necessarily think that discredits the idea that he chose to stop the streams out of guilt. As you talked about, the cancellation was not handled well, it should have been announced clearly when the decision was made. It''s odd that Chan would be allowed to say it was cancelled to a random fan when the company hadn't made a statement, even more so if it was JYP's decision and not Chan's. Like I don't know what JYP or Chan's plan was here? I actually think the casualness of Chan's statement makes it more likely that it was his decision, because maybe it was a decision he came to gradually and then decided to share in that moment.
      I don't know how well I expressed that, let me know if that makes more sense i guess.

    • @lemorceaudubonheur
      @lemorceaudubonheur Рік тому +2

      actually your message was clear from the start. Idk how esle to explain any clear that ppl CAN'T do smth cause their personal reasons and decisions, not restriction. Or they can be agree that it would be better for now. Anyway we can only guess what's really going on

    • @anandiganguly3086
      @anandiganguly3086 Рік тому +5

      have you thought that maybe he himself does not want to do it right now? Like, he knows how much attention he gets on a daily basis, and with how well the group is doing right now, with all the things lined up for them he might not wanna jeapordize any of that with unwanted attention. Despite its charms, Chan's room is a platform for people to say whatever they want and that could be negative or positive, which directly affects the group and while it can be great, maybe he just does not want to risk it right now. Like look at any of the recent JYP posts, the only comments are people spamming about Chan's Room. As a leader of the group, that would be the last thing he would want, especially considering the epic collabs that just came and the dome tour, VMAs etc. He would not want to do anything to take away the overall focus from the group. On bubble, he made it pretty clear that whatever he does is his decision and stays gotta accept that fr. He is not a child that needs to be protected by us, he is a grown ass man handling what is essentially an empire. Trust he knows what's best.@@oneusforall057

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +4

      ⁠@@anandiganguly3086 My issue with that is still in how Chan articulated himself. Wouldn’t he have said something along the lines of “I don’t feel like doing Chan’s Room these days”? Or just something more to tune of “My own feelings are what’s stopping me from continuing the series”. Chan isn’t great at being coy. He’s very open and direct in what he says. With the exception of his medical records, Chan has never shown to be afraid of letting Stays in on how he’s feelings (be it good or bad).
      And frankly, I don’t trust that he knows what’s best. He’s not a business man. He’s an idol and producer. His leadership skills starts and end with Stray Kids. He’s proven time and time again that he doesn’t possess the self regulation capacity to censor himself when needed. If he wants to be a grown man, he needs to act like one. That includes not sharing his controversial and polarizing opinions with a bunch of middle schooler that can’t stop themselves from bashing on others in the name of “we believe Bang Chan”.
      So yeah, I think how Chan articulated himself the first time is showing the reality of the situation. How one chooses to interpret it definitely leaves some room for debate.

  • @KepiCake___HiyyihLicious
    @KepiCake___HiyyihLicious Рік тому +51

    I really agree that JYPE, Chan, and stays are the biggest problem and the ones to blame for this situation. It’s insane how the level of backlash each party has gotten has just increasingly gotten worse by the day ;-;
    _side tangent tho why TF IS IT THAT JYPE HAS DONE NOTHING ABOUT THE LASER SITUATION?!!?!!! Like these guys could potentially be in life threatening danger and jype just _*_lets it happen_*_ without up-ing their protection?!?! I’ve seen videos of those lasers being used of Felix, on Chan, (I think on Hyunjin, but I honestly don’t remember..) and a more recent one being used on Lee know. JYPE NEVER LEARNS. If something happened to any of those members during that time Stays would’ve let hell break loose on JYPE and rightfully so._
    Back to the actual topic tho, JYPE seems to have a really big problem with monitoring their artists actions and lives. I’m not saying they should be strictly controlled like robots and should never be allowed to speak for themselves ever, because that’s also not right tbh. But I AM saying that idols are still celebrities, and there are certain situations where they need to express SOME level of professionalism. JYPE needs to enforce that, or else their artists will casually run their mouths and end up making a mess out of something that could be nothing. This topic actually makes me think a lot about Nmixx’s Lily (sorry for the random name drop NSWERS but I promise I can explain why-), because in her livestreams, she can also be quite lenient with what she expresses with her fans. Now she hasn’t said anything that could be taken advantage of (plus I don’t really think NSWERS would take anything that far like stays do ;-;) but I use her as an example to prove the point that JYPE does not know how to teach their artists LIMITS. JYPE idols need a HEAVY LESSON on media training, and I’m sure there are many other instances from JYPE artists that can further prove that.
    Now, onto Chan himself-
    There is a lot of things I can say about Chan, and I’m not a bit surprised that most of it is positive. He genuinely seems like a kind and amazing person. He has an incredible passion for music, and that inspires me and many stays in so many ways! I even started trying music production myself because of 3Racha and Chan, so I think it’s easy to say that he is an inspirational person. But Danny is right when great power comes with great responsibility. Chan lacks the boundaries that are necessary between an artist and their fans. He treats stays like his besties, and stays treat him like their therapist husband boyfriend bestie etc. which is just NOT okay. Chan is an influential person, and people will listen to the things he says as if they’re the laws of nature or smth. Someone with that large of a platform needs to know when the best time and place is to speak out, or hold their tongue. This situation may not be entirely Chan’s fault, but he still gets part of the blame. He didn’t learn from the many times he’s seen stays rampaging because of his words, and now the consequences have blown up in his face. Knowing constraint is just as important as being honest and speaking out; and Chan obviously hasn’t learned that yet.
    And while I am quite happy and appreciative towards the fans who’ve been in Chan’s comment sections apologizing for taking things too far and for causing this whole situation to turn into a disaster, he’s NOT THE ONLY PERSON WHO DESERVES YOUR APOLOGY. IVE and especially Wonyoung need a *_big apology_* from you guys, and if you really want to convince people that you’ve learned and change, that’s the place to start..
    But the biggest problem in this whole freaking mess is the group that deserves the biggest blame, which is the “stays” who piss me off on a daily basis. Istg I never understood what non-toxic fans from fandoms like army blink etc. meant when they said they hated their own fandoms so much that they hate even being associated with them, but now I seriously get it like it sucks out here fr fr ;-;
    Stays have gone from being one of my favorite fandoms to making me want to pull their hair out and stuff it in their mouths so they don’t spew the most disgusting and stupid sh!t from them again. I can’t believe how feral they have gotten, to the point where there’s just no reasoning with them. They relentlessly attack any one who so much as breathes in SKZ’s direction, and their actions have taken an even worse turn. Now I won’t stand here and say that DIVES were completely free of blame as well, I’ve seen the hate they STILL are sending Chan and all the Wonyoung gifs they post under his Instagram, but to be completely for real here I don’t blame them nearly as much as I blame stays. They started this whole mess because of their hero mentality and their never ending obsession with treating Bang Chan like he’s the second coming. Stays have this weird attitude where everyone that ever does harm to Chan (regardless if he says it’s them or not) must be punished with the penalty of Death which is just like so wrong on multiple levels 😐😐
    One of my biggest problems with this whole situation is that Chan never named any names, but stays and IVE haters just felt the need to make this ALL about Wonyoung (them ive antis really cant keep the poor girl out of their mouths they’re so obsessed istg). The hate that Wonyoung and all of IVE are getting rn because of stays is just disgusting and I can’t believe I have to associate myself with them sometimes. This hate has gone so far to the point where I see Stays leaving hate comments on WONYOUNG AND YUJINS BIRTHDAY LIVES. Non toxic stays have to spam in the chat constantly to beg the toxic ones to leave Wony and Yujin alone because it’s their birthdays and they didn’t do anything wrong to deserve the hate.
    And when Chan’s room rightfully got banned by JYPE (finally a smart business choose they made smh..) stays have the AUDACITY to leave comments off the A2K videos and threatening JYPE as if they actually have that amount of power (honestly made me laugh tbh like y’all think you’re bad like that PLEAAAAASE be sooo fr 😂😂). JYPE actually did the right thing here; Chan and Chan’s room was damaging SKZ’s image because stays couldn’t keep their dirty mouths shut and kept bashing different idols because of Chan’s words. *It happened with Woojin, it happened with IVE, fck it even happened with Chan’s own FRIENDS from Cravity because stays chose to bash them for what Chan said about bowing at Kcon LA. Time and time and time again stays have proven that they DO NOT deserve to have Chan’s room, because all they EVER do with it is use it as an excuse to spread hate to other idols and groups. They deserved to have it taken away from them because Chan’s room is a privilege to both Chan and to stays. And they most DEFINITELY will not get it back if they continue to whine and threaten and complain like immature children. They need to learn from this just as much (if not MORE) as Chan does. Otherwise they will continue it ruin the fan experience for stays and for even other fandoms.
    Damn I made a rant and a half sorry 😅
    But this whole situation makes me so fcking mad. I love Chan and I enjoy Chan’s room so much! Im going to miss it just as much as every other fan, but I actually understand where this decision came from and hence I can accept it for what it is. JYPE failed to catch these habits and keep them under check, Chan ended up saying the same old story, and Stays made the whole mess worse than it needed to be.
    Now because I hate to end things off on a serious note, I wanna send some quick love and support to IVE and especially Wony. I hope those poor girls are alright because they did not deserve to get roped in to such a ridiculous “scandal.” I’ve always respected Wony for her strong mentality, and I only hope she continue to walk with her head held high. And as for Chan, I hope he doesn’t lose that beautiful light in his heart. I truly do adore him, and I believe he is such an incredible and inspiring human being. Sometimes humans do things wrong, there’s no escaping that, but he doesn’t deserve to be threatened and disrespected; no one does. Especially not a person as kind and caring as he is. He will learn from this experience and walk away from it a better person than he already was, I’m sure of it.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +16

      No, I think bringing up Lily is important for this discussion. I didn’t do so because I wanted to focus on Chan and Stays. But Lily went on a tangent over whether or not she thought it was justifiable to commit redrum (spell that backwards or watch “The Shining” lol) and I was like… HOW IS THIS GIRL ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT THIS??? JYPE is way too lenient when it comes to what they let their idols do on live streams.
      And yeah, the company is awful. I remember how Onces had to organize themselves to protect Nayeon from her stalker because JYPE neglect to do so. They just don’t care about their idols. Heck, they clearly don’t try promoting more of a barrier between SKZ and Stays (which they should after fans s*xually ha**ssed Han and Hyunjin during online calls).
      The company is awful and they don’t deserve the amazing artists they’ve been blessed with. No wonder why so many leave once their contracts are up.

      @NEVAEHLOVESHERF4F Рік тому +3

      @@oneusforall057 agreed JYPE doesn't. Help them like the china fan meet with the lazer littersly they coudve been blinded if they didnt move and its sad bc what toxic stays do make. All this happen. Like I feel like will never get. Chan room back. Bc of the toxic stays i really. Hope we do get it back. But its not looking good

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +2

      @@NEVAEHLOVESHERF4FI think we’ll get it back either A. After SKZ leaves JYPE or B. Once JYPE decides that they’re doing putting effort into managing SKZ, they’ve debuted a successful fifth gen boy group, and they’re willing to let SKZ self destruct.


      @@oneusforall057 yeah hopefully

  • @daerincakes
    @daerincakes 2 місяці тому +4

    One of the things that most annoys me about stays is how they always talk about skz being 'self made' which is incorrect in its true meaning. A self made group is a popular group from a small company who makes their own music. Groups that fall into the full definition are ateez and bts ( before hybe got bigger than the big 3 but isnt the big 3 because they didnt make kpop what it is today ) Straykids ? No. The one thing that applies to them in the full definition is the fact that they make their own music. Skz are from THE BIG 3, yes they were lesser known than their label mates twice, but its still the BIG 3, so they were GOING to be popular NO MATTER WHAT. Words like 'ace' and 'self made' are words that are just thrown around in kpop nowadays, and that annoys me

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  2 місяці тому +4

      @@daerincakes Even Ateez is a bit iffy because KQ technically is also Block B’s label, and they aren’t a bunch of nobodies.
      KPop stans continuously fail to recognize the difference between self made and self produced group.
      Some groups like BTS are both. But you can’t go around saying SKZ are self made when they benefitted from the successes of Twice, DAY6, GOT7, Miss A, Wonder Girls, and 2PM. Their entire survival show reaffirms that the group is responsible for continuing the company’s legacy (as sense by many guest appearances by idols from those aforementioned groups).
      Stays give SKZ too much credit some times. Like when it comes to the whole “first group created by its leader” thing. Actually, After School and Brown Eyed Girls did it first. And Chan wouldn’t have the variety of trainees to pick from if there weren’t so many auditioning for JYPE.
      Stans from all fandoms need to learn the weight of the words they use.

    • @daerincakes
      @daerincakes 2 місяці тому

      @oneusforall057 exactly I 100% agree with you, they can't just throw around the word like that 😭😭💕

  • @tiffersakasnimeandcatlover46
    @tiffersakasnimeandcatlover46 Рік тому +17

    Your video was 100% on point as to why Channie's room was canceled and hopefully Chan will do some major self reflection in the meantime. Now for JYP, I don't think Stray Kids would ever leave him since they love him immensely but it's coming to the point of their safety being at risk and i wish they would find a better company or start being more self-powered 🩵

  • @seungmoon1e
    @seungmoon1e Рік тому +6

    thank you for making this video, i wholeheartedly agree with every point you brought up here and i'm so relieved to know that there are other people who are actually seeing the situation for what it is. i've only been a stay since the end of june but in that time i've learned and observed a whole lot both from skz themselves and from the fandom and it has really left me with a lot of thoughts and opinions that i wasn't sure anyone else shared.
    chan doesn't have bad intentions, but he really is honest to a fault. i look up to him a lot and he inspires me more than anyone else has, but he has repeatedly made the same mistake because of how much transparency he has with his fans. the trust he had in them only shows that he's a good person, and it sucks a lot that it was taken for granted and ended up being the downfall of the space he created for himself and stays, but i think the reliance he grew to have on having it as an outlet wasn't the best thing.
    i couldn't agree more about what you said regarding him possibly having unresolved trauma, and chan's room was very likely a huge comfort to him because of that. and that in itself is awesome, because for a while it was such a relaxed and safe enviroment. until it wasn't.
    i truly hope that someday he'll find someone else who he can talk to the way he needs to, but his fans certainly aren't it. while there are some of us who are emotionally mature and truly just there to support him both as an idol but also as a human, we are not his friends, and there are so many more who are the opposite and will constantly use what he says to create negativity. the first two times things went haywire it felt like there was room for him to learn, but at this point he should know better, so i think as much as it's sad to not have chan's room anymore, it'll hopefully give him the time he needs to reflect and grow a bit as a person. he's someone who i think would really benefit from a therapist, but it seems unlikely that he even has enough time for himself to consider that, so i really just hope he's okay, and that there will be some good he can take away from the bad. he's such a kindhearted and honest person, he deserves a company that actually cares about him.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому

      Thank you for watching the video and welcome to Stayville! I’m sorry that your initial experiences had to be so rocky. Fortunately, the group puts out so much content that I think there’s still plenty to keep up occupied! My personal favorite is SKZ Code ❤️

  • @drhysr9545
    @drhysr9545 Рік тому +16

    I could be totally wrong but it feels like chan is like jyps "golden boy", he has the record for the longest time being a trainee for them and imo could've been kinda molded by jyp to be this incredible star, and now that he's gotten that success that he was molded for I think ur point of trauma is pretty solid, I can't quite put my finger on it but something just seems off, it feels like he's incredibly self aware of the situation he's stuck in yet at the same time doesn't know what to do about it resulting in mistakes like this, it could be cope but I really don't think he has malicious intent, it feels too off to be malice, also the obligatory kpop fans need to touch grass and get new hobbies

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +2

      Thiiis!!! Plus, Chan started training in like 2011. He’s practically spent half of his life with JYPE. I was in middle school at that time (we’re the same age). So, pretty much all of those formative years that one spends discovering themselves, Chan’s just been solidifying himself as a part of the JYPE machine. That’s virtually all that he knows. So, he might not even have the perspective of realizing just how out of the ordinary his life is! You just made me have a massive breakthrough! 🙌

    • @drhysr9545
      @drhysr9545 Рік тому +2

      @oneusforall057 shit I'm glad my comment made some sense, I always wondered if I was the only one who realized the fundamental development that chan had being a trainee for half his life compared to the rest of us, it's unimaginable for anyone other than those like him

    • @mixedgems
      @mixedgems Рік тому

      You are not the only person but not sure younger fans would be able to contextualise this.

  • @teeleaf9252
    @teeleaf9252 11 місяців тому +13

    As someone who became a Stay and left the fandom within time Woojin left the group, I have so many thoughts on this.
    First off I don't even know how this got into my recommendations ,but I'm glad it did because it really puts into words my inability to get into this group properly and I'm not talking about it like _ohhh the group I stan is so much better than this one blah blah blah_ I mean it from that one singular moment when all the stress of Woojin leaving just started to boil over and Chan did that one live, that in my opinion, made everything fall apart afterwards. I was fairly new to Kpop so I thought basically that western musicians rules and standards that applied there ,apply the same in Kpop.... which I definitely know now is absolutely not the case. Like Chan going live all the time and being as vocal and honest as he is ,was something I thought was normal like _ah of course he chats with his fans from time to time and talks shit_ until I really got into this Kpop fan culture, stan culture, whatever we call it and realised what a goddamn privilege this man had to even have regular live schedule that he willingly wanted to do. It just shows a different type of power dynamic That I feel that Chan doesn't realise he has. It's the facts that he has as much power as any household name in the West that fans will run for him whether he condons it or not.
    And what really exposed that to me was once again the Woojin situation. I remember watching that live, watching him talk about something so personal and thinking to myself _Why is he telling everyone this?_ because it really crossed the boundaries of personal and professional and as much as we fans all love to know every single thing that goes on in these peoples lives, that stuff is not for us , That's not something he should have ever shared with us, but he did and with that came probably the most fucked fan experience I ever had ; like being a fairly new to kpop at that point and seeing actual people I'm friends with take this mans words as solid proof that Woojin was guilty of his accusations was insane. And Chan had the power to change that if he had spoken carefully or if someone was watching him it could have been different and I know it was probably heart breaking for him, but bro thats not for us the general public to know about.
    Seeing history repeating it self in a somewhat smaller scale because Wonyoung thank god did not get as heavily affected by these fans, really shows ,like you pointed out, that he's dealing with something that he was using Chan's room to filter it out from and not actually getting proper help or communication he needs idk. But maybe ending this segment will do him some good , I would love for it to return because as much as I'm not the most avid skz listener or fan I did like Chan's room I liked watching it while I worked and you could see it did make him happy ,but I really hope this gives him the opportunity to shift his focus, get through all the issues JYP have left him to deal with over the years his been alone in that godforsaken company.
    I would hope this would be a learning experience for stays ,but I'm sorry If I sound rude but I don't have faith in this fandom especially with how things were going on when Chan's room initially ended. like yeah He's influential and has quite the power over his fandom, but they also have their own autonomy and their own minds to think if what they're doing is right or wrong and I feel like they just enable each other to do the wrong things under the guise of saying this is their way of helping when it isn't.
    I hope I came off respectful and not as an anti bc I do respect stray kids I respect Chan a lot and I just wanted to get this experience off my chest and seeing this video really helped❤

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  11 місяців тому +5

      I think that you worded yourself really well! And yeah, the entire situation with Woojin brought out the worst in everyone. Not just the fandom, but in Chan. It revealed his lack of professionalism and how he doesn’t maintain boundaries with his fans. He speaks/reacts without a filter and it’s lead to the tangible negative effects towards his peers.
      As a Stay, I wish that I had more faith in this fandom. But like I said in the video, they’ve failed at every opportunity to show maturity and critical thinking skills. And ultimately, Chan’s the one to receive the brunt of the hate because it’s easier for people to send it to him than to an anonymous Twitter account.
      Anyways, thank you for watching my video and providing your in-depth response! I really enjoyed reading it!

    • @AwakeningWings
      @AwakeningWings 8 місяців тому

      @@oneusforall057 It's more like, Chan filters his words too much to the point his words get twisted and used against him. Sometimes Chan has really good timing and other times it's not the right time to speak. It's a lesson he needed to learn firsthand, to experience it. And then he can use it to make changes in himself.
      Maybe he was not aware of that until now. Sometimes we aren't fully aware of how our words or actions can be seen by others. But I will say this, it's not anyone's job or place to make you feel any type of way. It's just one's own reactions to things and it's not good to blame others for one's own reactions to situations. This is all based on fear and it shows how fearful most people are; that's why they blame "others that make them feel some way." The people who blame others don't see their own insecurities and issues reflected back at them from the external world. What I am saying is, they are not fully aware of it still and they can't see these issues/problems in themselves yet.
      This stuff really bothered people and they took it out on SKZ, Chan, Woojin, IVE and Wonyoung. I don't blame any of them.
      This is based on the comments you got: Someone asked him a question and he answered it. I know Chan wasn't talking about bowing but greeting someone with a smile and all, they don't even need to bow. He was saying that he likes when people greet him with a smile when he greeted them first. He didn't say anything about bowing. Again his words are taken out of context and used to hurt someone, him talking about it wasn't the problem it became a problem when someone toxic decided to use it against another group. If that toxic person hadn't done all this, this whole issue could have been just a normal day where no one got hurt.
      I don't see this as his fault still because I know how toxic the fans are since debut but maybe Chan didn't see it well enough. He must not have been fully aware of it.
      Chan just needs to be more careful now. His caring nature has helped so many people so it's time he cared about himself and took his own advice about caring for his well-being and his groups well-being. I hope he can learn something from these experiences. I hope STAY has learned their lesson and STAY out of trouble.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  8 місяців тому +3

      @@AwakeningWings The issue is that Chan DOESN’T filter himself enough. He could have easily said “The event was great! I met some awesome people! I loved performing for the fans! And I can’t wait for the next one!” That’s the expected and “acceptable” answer from someone in his position.
      But he didn’t stop at that. He went on to elaborate about bowing and respect and those younger than him etc etc etc And while I still hold the position that there’s nothing inherently wrong with expressing disappointment in the standards of respect and decorum, I also believe there’s a time and place (ie not in front of fans that may or may not be able to handle those opinions in a mature and civilized manner).
      So yeah, while his words were weaponized against Wonyoung (and Woojin at an earlier point), he still needs to understand that he can’t treat his fans as if they’re his best friends who he can just tell all of his secrets to. He’s one of the most influential idols in KPop. Not some nugu streamer that barely gets 15 viewers per stream.

    • @AwakeningWings
      @AwakeningWings 8 місяців тому

      @@oneusforall057 That's true. I also think he needs to be more careful. The rest of STAY was okay with him expressing whatever he wants but he doesn't realize that there are toxic people out there, who will use his words against him. We know that his words were getting used against him but did he even realize it back then? I wonder if anyone told him or made him aware of it. I doubt it.
      Maybe we should have said something to him sooner and made him more aware of the issues. Anyway, it's over now, but it's a lesson STAY still had to learn as well; to not take everything Chan says and twist his words to fit their narratives. I think it's best to not interpret his words at all.
      Those fans took advantage of him and bullied him and the other members. Some toxic people wait for idols to make mistakes and go after them for the littlest things. I honestly wish it wasn't like this but that's just how those people are.
      Now, I just hope he is fully aware of this because I feel like he wasn't before. I hope he's learned his lesson and will be more careful with his words and not talk about sensitive things with people online.

  • @Crystalstay0325
    @Crystalstay0325 Рік тому +56

    As a stay, this is the BEST essay/video on this topic I've seen so far. You stated a lot of critical facts. Alot of the things I haven't seen being included were here. As for JYPE......fuck that company cuz i haven't seen them do anything thats helpful nor have addressed any of the things that happend from the laser situation to Chan's room being cancelled. Thank you for this and love you ❤

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +4

      This comment made me so happy! Thank you so much! 😭🙌❤️

    • @Crystalstay0325
      @Crystalstay0325 Рік тому +1

      @@oneusforall057 omg thank you for replying I'm really glad that you're so happy. And yeah no problem and keep it up your work is great 💕

    • @foreternityy
      @foreternityy Рік тому +2

      BSFR! I’m also a stay!

    • @Crystalstay0325
      @Crystalstay0325 Рік тому

      @@foreternityy OMG HIII 👋🤗❤️

    • @foreternityy
      @foreternityy Рік тому

      @@Crystalstay0325 heyyyyy

  • @AwakeningWings
    @AwakeningWings 8 місяців тому +3

    You know what's funny, is that Wonyoung wasn't near any of the other groups while she was filming backstage with a camera. I noticed there weren't many people backstage in IVE's music bank behind-the-scenes video on IVE's channel. I highly doubt she did anything wrong. These toxic people really love stirring up trouble for everyone.
    Also, some of SKZ worked with Wonyoung on stage and she performed with some of the members of SKZ, so they know her. What's interesting is that Hyunjin had a stage performance with Wonyoung.
    I don't think Chan would ever hurt her or IVE with his words. Wonyoung seems like a person who would greet people with respect. People just love picking on her.

  • @eveline3400
    @eveline3400 Рік тому +19

    On top of being the worst fandom, they are proud to be the worst fandom.

      @RUKA_BABYMONST7R Місяць тому +1

      Fr. It's really, REALLY weird. Even as a joke

  • @AwakeningWings
    @AwakeningWings 8 місяців тому +3

    I think you've explained everything really well. You were very clear and I agree with a lot of what you said.

  • @assiunia199
    @assiunia199 Рік тому +5

    I agree with all that you said in the video, there is more than one person responsible for that mess and I believe that canceling "Chan's room" is for the better, especially for Chan himself. I also think that he still doesn't fully grasp the amount of fame and power that he has, maybe due to the trauma, and also his tendencies to self-deprecate. He is a wonderful human being but like everyone has his flaws. One of the main flaws is his inability to create boundaries, especially with fans. I also believe he needs not only time and rest but probably mental health help, because with the amount of responsibility that fans, JYPE, and him himself put on his shoulders it is just a matter of time for him to crumble under all that weight.

  • @Taejiu
    @Taejiu Рік тому +23

    The potential overworking of SKZ is something that isn't talked about enough, my sibling is a pretty big SKZ fan and has voiced her opinions on multiple occasions on their workload and how she's concerned with how much they are doing in such a short span of time.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +9

      JYPE really didn’t learn a thing from Twice. I feel like they’re trying to match SME’s release schedule with like a fraction of the number of artists. SKZ virtually hasn’t had a break since they debuted. Even in 2020, they had multiple releases (including collabing on an OST for the anime “Tower Of God”). I don’t know how much longer until they break down 💔

    • @aan1606
      @aan1606 Рік тому +2

      Omg this but if you tell this to a certain group of stays they are gonna rip you apart. A lot of stays would say that oh they are overwrking themselves and they decide to work and they decide how much they want to work etc etc and source? Chans room. Chan was passed when stays fold him to take a break (I mean anyone would be but ok) and he only said he would rest when he wanted to which created that feeling with stays that skz decides when they want a break 😅

  • @Xinchuan27
    @Xinchuan27 3 місяці тому +1

    Bowing in my school is always a must since primary school to secondary to now adult life bowing is to show respect

  • @rdyplyr2141
    @rdyplyr2141 Рік тому +11

    Thanks for this video, I was only loosely following this drama and thought the fans flipped out unreasonably at that announcement. I have watched a few of their live streams, i wonder about the maturity of some of the fans based on the things they say. I worry for all of these group's sanity.

  • @marianamm9649
    @marianamm9649 Рік тому +21

    I actually can relate to Chan, I'm also an ENFJ who's gone through "friendship breakups" if you can call this situation of him and Woojin one, I've also been closed off as a person to any deep or "talking about my feelings" conversation because I felt rejected and was bullied through a big part of my life. Now I am an adult and I am rebuilding my self-esteem and giving myself the permission to open up with close people, with, of course, the help of many amazing people around me, but mostly by therapy. Amazing people always had been around be, as I'm pretty sure many amazing people surround Chan. He is just probably in the lonely loop of having to make everyone happy, make them feel listened to, and not giving himself the same treatment. I just hope he takes care mentally of himself because I feel like he would be so much happier if he weren't so hard on him

  • @Iloveaespa980
    @Iloveaespa980 Рік тому +12

    Can't he share sensitive information with his bandmates? Whats stopping Chan from sharing his feelings with felix? All of them are adults and in thier 20s.

  • @everglowup
    @everglowup Рік тому +10

    I am so proud of you, like toxic stays put you through hell and you still had the courage to stand you ground! I love you so much 💙
    This video was perfect!!

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +1

      I have evolved into a state of blissful ambivalence. They can do/say whatever they want at this point. I don’t care anymore. They put me on the Hellevator and I still rose back 😌

  • @GUAGA0612
    @GUAGA0612 10 місяців тому +5

    Thank you for having the curage to make this video, you are being way tooo nice to him.
    This guy is at as much fault as his toxic fans if not more. He knows very clearly that most his fans are immature but powerful yet still fails to set boundaries and demonstrate professionalism which causes harm to many others. If he were a UA-camr or just a normal influencer, he would have been canceled the heck out.
    Most of his fans are underage and extremely immature. Though they are at fault, I don’t think it is fair to hold these young people individually accountable for a group action. the one who caused it all, aka their leader should be the one to be blamed and held accountable.

  • @HelloKitty-11-b1t
    @HelloKitty-11-b1t 24 дні тому +1

    Honestly i think chan was very real and he felt like a human being in chans room compared to other idols who just seem perfect. Chan literally allowed stays to see his imperfections. And for the fans who idolise him, that leads to parasocial relationships with chan which is just unfair

  • @aan1606
    @aan1606 Рік тому +5

    After the ive incident when he stopped i literally saw this coming and ppl thinking that it is chans decison is kind of unsettling...
    And another problem i have with stays is that just because stray kids is self producing some feel that that they can make and do every goddaam decison which makes scratch my head......

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +3

      My tin foil hat theory is that the Stray Kids survival show was a power play by JYP (person). He had no intention of cutting any members. He wanted to remind Chan “You think you’re a big shot because I let you form your own group? Well, let me remind you who really calls the shots around here.” And over the years, that threat has seemed more and more distant. SKZ’s have even joked about teasing/spoiling upcoming releases and “What’s JYPE going to do? They can’t stop us!” I think Chan led himself to believe that he has more agency than he actually does and the company taking away Chan’s Room is a reminder that “You’re not in charge here. We are. You have a contract.”

    • @aan1606
      @aan1606 Рік тому +1

      ​​@@oneusforall057my theory is that jyp wanted to give the illusion to fans that skz is More free than your regular idols as a marketing strategy but they that was easier when the fandom was small but once the fandom got bigger they needed more monitoring and pr because of the bigger public image of the group
      Jype made chan and stays feel that they were is charge but indirectly took up charge
      And I love your replies and logic which my pea sized teenage brain cannot think myself and I was waiting for this 💖

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +2

      Wait a second! That makes total sense! Wouldn’t surprise me if that WAS their strategy since they put so much emphasis on Chan being the one to put the group together.

  • @amberx2274
    @amberx2274 Рік тому +5

    I will only talk about Bang Chan because its clear how stays are to blame. Bang Chan is not responsible for the actions of stays but he is responsible for his words. Idols are aware that they have crazy stans. He did not want to mention the group because he knew it would have become a big deal however he mentioned the event making it possible to narrow down to specific groups giving the fans a direction to go by. In Korea they have very strict defamation laws and this is something that could have probably got him sued as it brought damage to people's character and reputations. Idols need to understand that fans are not their friends and they just can't be saying anything especially if it's about other people which is why I don't understand why that was something that needed to be made public. I think its something that could have been solved privately.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +2

      The only issue I have with the narrowing down argument is that IVE weren’t at KCon and people still assumed that it was about Wonyoung. People were going to manipulate his words regardless of if IVE was there or not. But someone at JYPE (even possibly Chan himself) should’ve noticed the uptick in hate against Wonyoung back in Aug ‘22 and did something about this then. It was significant enough that I don’t know how nobody at the company noticed it and how nobody brought it up as a potential issue.
      But yeah, there was no way that JYPE was going to risk getting into legal trouble over a live stream.

  • @Yooniverse35
    @Yooniverse35 Рік тому +6

    Honestly, this is why I have mixed opinins on these "personal lives". Like e.g im an army and yall know Jungkook had been doing spontaneous lives and it was really cute and like a fever dream but i was kind of also scared since our fandom has some bad crazies lurking about and this could go wrong very quickly. And it did, Jungkook had to actually come and say stop sending food to his house as directly as can be. Im just thankful he's busy enough to not be doing those lives anymore, as much as i love them i love him more and i dont want him to face the consequences of stupid ppl who are out there trying to get something on him.
    About the bang chan situation, i really don't think that he's "enjoying" the drama like one of these comments here said i mean that's just a dumb thing to say in disguise of a 'hot take'. But yeah he doesn't know how to conduct himself properly and doesn't know what fan boundaries are supposed to be. We all know the parasocial stuff feels nice and cozy but it turns toxic very quickly and i hope chan realizes that now

  • @himikolee7716
    @himikolee7716 Рік тому +1

    thank you very much for the summary regarding chan's controversy. as a STAY I really appreciate that. We are all human being we do mistakes sometimes and we should reflect from that. love lots

  • @anniezannilee4060
    @anniezannilee4060 5 місяців тому +1

    A refreshing non biased perspective ❤️

  • @drhysr9545
    @drhysr9545 Рік тому +3

    I just want to enjoy the music man, and it just keeps on getting harder

  • @NatashaJWalker
    @NatashaJWalker 10 місяців тому +1

    I'll never call myself a Stay, ever. I'm a fan of Chris because this is his job. I just completely & utterly love him! And that's all. It's real & true. 🤷‍♀️

  • @LorraineXiberras
    @LorraineXiberras Рік тому +6

    Agree with what you say 100%. Really brought everything into perspective. I am a fellow stay and it's a shame to see people within the same fandom act like this! We all love Chan but we cannot agree with everything he says and consider it as sacred. He is a human being after all! Continue doing videos like these because they are really informative and talk about important topics within Kpop.

  • @chiquibombom1460
    @chiquibombom1460 Рік тому +10

    I seriously wonder how things would’ve been different if JYP instructed his idols and fans on how to behave and interact because i believe (specifically this situation) that the fandom reflects what the group tolerates. I’m not saying that skz is toxic as their fandom but the fact that Chan seems like he never learned from this and has had a pattern of doing things that lead to bad things happening while being aware of how the fandom interacts seems like he doesn’t hold boundaries or restrictions on his audience. Plenty of idols got their fandoms to be respectful (carats, monbebe, melody, hidden kard, etc) because these idols have been open and forward about not letting their audiences behave like this. I feel like if the skz members did that earlier in their career, stays would have been massively different.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +4

      I personally think that JYPE doesn’t even care about this and only stepped in because Starship/Kakao reached out to them. Obviously, I have nothing to prove that theory aside from my tinfoil hat lol I just think JYPE cares more about the popularity of their groups and that’s why they enabled this for so long.
      And yeah, I don’t think SKZ are malicious. I don’t even think the other 7 members were anywhere near as aware as Chan possibly would have been that this was happening. And I doubt they’d have the nerve to tell him. I think Chan probably wanted to believe that Stays are so good that there was no way they’d be capable of this. Also, it doesn’t help that Stays are always like “Those aren’t real Stays! They’re MOAs with SKZ profile pictures to make us look bad!” Like learn some sense of responsibility 🤦‍♂️

    • @minnies-verse
      @minnies-verse Рік тому +5

      Idk, I recall vividly Chan saying or implying at least twice (hah) that the fandom shouldn’t bully and/or harass other people, fandoms, and groups.
      As an army from 2018-2021, I think it’s just getting to the point where the fandom is so big it’s statistically impossible to not have a large and vocal group of rude/malicious stays. From K-pop to athletic fandoms, it feels disingenuous to say any one fandom is nicer or more polite than another fandom because that’s the con of fandoms, there’s always gonna be a sub-sector of fanatics.

  • @nevenamihajlovic6785
    @nevenamihajlovic6785 Рік тому +2

    First of all, I want to say this was by far the most unbiased, carefully crafted and comprehensive video about this issue. When I saw the length of this video, I wondered if the content of the video would justify it, but on the other hand, even that seemed not enough for such a complex topic. But honestly, you pretty much nailed it. At some parts, it felt like someone was reading all of my complicated thoughts and understood them and presented them perfectly. The fact that you probably spent so much time on this shows that you care. I’m incredibly grateful, and actually surprised, that someone understood the complexity of the issue and was able to coherently present it. In fact, watching your video made me want to write my own script, but I’m too anxious of a person to actually record my voice or make a video. Hence, I sincerely apologize in advance, but this is going to be the longest comment you’ll ever read. It’s probably as long as the script for this video. Not to mention I’m not writing in my native language, so I apologize for any mistakes or if my thoughts don’t seem coherent enough. If people see this comment and are intimidated or weirded out by its length, I certainly don’t blame them for it. I’m just really grateful to be able to come to terms with my own thoughts and feelings, and that I found a place comfortable enough for me to share all that. Now, I had some difficulties posting the whole comment, so I’ll try dividing it like this.

    • @nevenamihajlovic6785
      @nevenamihajlovic6785 Рік тому +2

      As someone who regularly watches Channie’s room, I get to see the full scope of both the beauties and the dangers of parasocial relationships. In my, now more than 11 years long, experience as a kpop fan, I was very fond of many idols and I had an opportunity to connect to them to some extent, but never like this. There was simply never anything like Channie’s room before. There are a lot of positives to it that will remain to be true and stand independently from all the problems surrounding it. Seeing an idol willing to communicate and connect with his fans (or anyone else who wanted to join) in such a comfortable and natural way, really felt like a breath of fresh air to me. He made sure everyone knew they were welcomed. He made sure to provide a balance of fun and seriousness. I had a chance to hear funny stories from both Chan himself and the comment section, to learn more about music and the industry, to discover some new songs, to learn more about the topics I did not know much about and to gain a new perspective on many things. And then he was just such a good company to be around. Made me really proud to know him. It might sound like an exaggeration, but I really felt like my life was a little bit more enriched and I felt more content with it. No wonder people were calling it their safe space.
      But very early on, as I would listen to Chan’s voice in the background while doing the chores or walking home from campus, I would start noticing certain things. Whether it was something Chan would share with us or a comment he would read, I would catch myself slowing my movements, almost like a delay for a few seconds to really process my thoughts and feelings about what was just said. Then I’d brush it off and continue. After some time, when I started to notice a pattern, it turned into fighting the urge to jokingly roll my eyes at Chan. Then after that it was sighing deeply and fighting the urge to scold him through the screen. You see, if you ask people to name you some positive traits in a person, among other things, they’re going to mention honesty. If you ask them to name some negative ones, among other things, they’re going to mention too much honesty. So really, how can a person know they’ve found the balance between the two? Well, it might be learnt from some kind of a mentor or people who have a lot of experience in what you’re doing. If not that, it might be because of the feedback from other people, an unbiased one, in a form of an advice. Or you will just have to learn as you go, with the risk of having to learn from your own mistakes. Chan was not lucky enough to have the first two options.
      As an example, I’ll mention one reoccurring thing in Channie’s room that I think served as an indicator of some much bigger issues that were to come. There were often misunderstandings in communication between Chan and the fans, but one specific dynamic always stood out to me. Apparently, Chan had some health issues near the end of the last year. Wanting to be honest with us, he probably thought he shouldn’t hide it, but he didn’t want to tell us the details. So, he decided to just tell us he has some health issues and did not elaborate further. In the next few episodes, he continues to casually mention it over and over again, unprovoked, until one day someone finally asks him what’s going on. He refused to say what it was with the excuse of not wanting us to ‘worry too much’. The funny thing is, every time he would mention it casually, we would only worry more and more. His regular audience will now always remember the fact he had some health issues back then. His actions caused the very thing he tried to avoid. In general, Chan has a habit of saying some things we find very concerning, but he says them in an overly casual tone. Chan has a chronic sinus problem that the fans often ask him about, because we know it causes him problems in his sleep. One time he responded with a story of how he had a nightmare about not being able to breathe properly and he was sure he was about to die, but then he woke up gasping for air. Then he casually continued to another topic, clearly not realizing just how disturbed we were by that.
      Now, here’s the real issue. Often when we show our concern because of things like these, that tends to bother him, so he tells us not to worry. He gets especially annoyed if he sees the comment about how he looks tired and should rest. There are a few things to note here. The consequences of sharing his problems with us will always be us worrying about him. It’s up to him to decide whether he’s ready for that or not. If he’s not, then his only option is to not mention those things at all. Otherwise, it’s just a neverending cycle of misunderstandings. Also, when we say that we would be fine with him skipping an episode if he’s too tired to do it, it really means we won’t mind it. I watched him do Channie’s room when he was sick, when he was recovering from a sinus surgery, when he lost his voice, when he barely got any sleep. I admire his determination, but that means I’m probably going to suspiciously keep an eye on him throughout the episode. My biggest personal issue in these situations was that we were constantly being reminded of the gap between the casualness with which he was saying some things and the intensity of our reaction to those things. I supposed it would eventually turn into something that would escalate.
      I want to mention another one of my realizations. Chan really wants both his members and us to rely on him. He goes to great lengths to show us we can trust him. It’s actually really admirable. At one point I was even afraid of how easily I trust him with some things. Notice I said ‘some things’, because I have reasons to believe that his habit of sacrificing himself all the time or to appear capable of making tough decisions doesn’t come only from a place of pure good will. To me, it seems more like a need. But that’s far from the healthiest way to deal with that. He doesn’t want to burden his members with his problems, so he keeps it all in. I know he wants them to find him reliable at all times, but in other to do that, he distances himself, both physically and mentally. He usually stands far at the back or far to the side, and often doesn’t even participate in the other member’s shenanigans, but just watches them having fun. He solves the problems alone and deals with his anger alone. He’s the one who would give them whatever they ask for but in order to do that, he probably spends the least time with them. I wonder if other members sometimes wish it was different. It would definitely be strange to them at first, seeing Chan being voluntarily vulnerable, but maybe that would be a good thing. Sometimes I do feel like they want to do something more for him in return for everything he does for them, but don’t know how to, because he wouldn’t let them.

    • @nevenamihajlovic6785
      @nevenamihajlovic6785 Рік тому +1

      Now, I want to discuss certain instances that made me think about hidden dangers of parasocial relationships. I remember seeing a lovely edit on Pinterest of Chan taking care of his members and people in the comment section were talking about what Chan really means to them. There were regular ‘boyfriend material’ and ‘husband material’ comments, but so many people were also saying they wish they had a friend like him or that they see him as an older brother they never had. I remember some comments that caught me off guard. Someone said they have a bad relationship with their father and that they wish their father was more like Chan. Another comment said that Chan was more of a father figure to them than their own father. Now, sometimes when you have people in your life who treat you badly and you start believing everyone you ever meet will be like that, it’s probably good meeting someone who shows you that caring, attentive and trustworthy people do exist out there. But once you start seeing them as a replacement of certain people in your life, that’s when it becomes dangerous. Because it might take only one mistake or only one canceled live for them to feel worse than ever. Chan is not a solution to their problems, he’s just a temporary relief. Chan is probably not even aware of the fact that he carries that kind of responsibility for those fans. He’s too young for that anyways. But then again, that’s not all that different from the responsibility he feels towards his members.
      I briefly want to mention how you can usually learn a lot about people if you pay attention to what they are joking about. For example, Chan gets called Chris by his fans a lot and he’s comfortable with that. But when we want to jokingly scold him or call him out on something, we often call him Christopher. What I’ve noticed is just how fast you become comfortable calling him that and how familiar that name feels once you start using it. I also remember that one time, the only ever, when Chan did not give us a hug at the end of one episode of Channie’s room, just to tease us. Stays responded jokingly with creating memes about Stayville being decimated by the lack of the hug. You often see jokes like ‘your daughter is not fine; she finds comfort in an Australian man hugging a camera once a week’ and I even saw one saying ‘I would tune into Channie’s room on my wedding day’. My first thought seeing that was ‘Honestly, same’. But I do wonder how much truth there is to those jokes of ours.
      Sometimes I still get surprised when I see the variety of his audience. Most of the people who watch Channie’s room, and especially those who comment, are girls younger than him, and they’re the ones that are most likely to create problems, not out of malice, but out of inexperience and immaturity. I suppose some of them also believe Chan’s dedication to his Channie’s room schedule is a sign that he belongs to them. Chan often even feeds into their delusions. But there are so many different people in his audience. I’ve seen clips of little kids watching Channie’s room, with one of them returning Chan’s hug and kissing the screen goodnight, and this other kid saying to his mom he wants to be Chan when he grows up. I’ve also seen a lot of male fans on the internet who are Chan stans and it’s obvious how much they admire him or have a crush on him (and don’t even get me started on all the Chan simps). I wonder if one of the reasons for that is how attentive he is in his lives because men on average tend to get much less attention and affection than women do.
      I remember reading an interview Stray Kids did for Teen Vogue in which the interviewer said, ‘When you’re talking to Bang Chan, you feel as though you are the only person in the world that matters to him’. I couldn’t have said it better. That’s an incredible ability to have and one of the main reasons Chan has managed to reach so many people through his lives. At the same time, that is incredibly dangerous. Most people you’ll meet in your life won’t have the ability to affect you that way. So, naturally, it feels really good when you feel seen and acknowledged, and if you get too used to that, you might start depending on it. You might also start experiencing things that are not real. For the past three months, I’ve been thinking a lot about my own relationship with Channie’s room. I’ve always been very careful about my actions and words as a kpop fan. I managed to always stay away from the drama, mostly because I don’t use social media. I’ve never even left a comment on Channie’s room. I’ve been fond of many idols throughout the years, but I’ve never considered any of them my actual friends or even had a proper crush on anyone. I’d like to believe that I’ve managed to stay reasonable and respectful. And yet, here I am, spending way too much time on writing a whole essay about someone I don’t know personally. All that because of an hour of comfort on Sundays.
      You see, Chan would make me feel a little bit too comfortable, so I started viewing him through the same lens I use for other people in my life. The same philosophy applies to him as it does to everyone else. On one hand, that means that I’ll never idolize him, agree with everything he says or defend him no matter what. The downsides are that I instinctively begin to react to him the way I do with other people I care about. If I think I have a good advice, I’ll have the urge to share it. If he starts being too harsh on himself, I’ll have the urge to reassure him. If he says something that bothers me, I’ll have the urge to scold him. The problem is, I can’t do it in an exact way I would with everyone else. Chan is not my friend and I’m not his. But he has always been treating me like I am one, so I don’t know how to react. That’s a first for me, even after 11 years of being a kpop fan. Recently I’ve realized that, out of all the idols I’ve ever known, I’d be the most nervous to meet Chan. Not because I’d have an outburst of emotions, but because I wouldn’t know how to react properly. He’s so open and vulnerable with us sometimes that it makes me want to be like that too. But to whom? A screen? A keyboard? He’s not looking at me, he’s looking at the camera. I’m not looking at him, I’m looking at my phone screen. No matter how mature I thought I was, turns out I did not get away unaffected.

    • @nevenamihajlovic6785
      @nevenamihajlovic6785 Рік тому +1

      Regarding the situation three months ago, I know some people would say that intentions don’t matter, only actions do. I disagree, and that’s why I would hesitate to say that what Chan did was wrong. But I can say for sure that it wasn’t smart or mindful. I know he tries to do his best and works so hard, even when he doesn’t have to, and that is so admirable to me. He has sacrificed things that were obviously very important to him and continues to do that all the time just to make everyone happy and make them feel safe. Despite that, we still ended up in this situation. Sometimes, just working hard and trying to do the right thing is not enough. Sometimes, you need to pause and take a few steps back to truly see the whole picture. And that’s just very unfortunate because he really loves what he’s doing and he has been praised so many times for his work, so he thought he just needed to keep working hard. But there were so many disadvantages right from the start and he had no mentors to help him, the feedback he was getting was very biased, and his target audience wasn’t always the right type of audience for him. So no, I can’t say that intentions or circumstances don’t matter, because they do. However, what you decide to do at the end is what makes the difference in this world and that’s only where, in my opinion, Chan should be held accountable.
      Now, we can’t change the past, but we can definitely at least work for a better future, and that means both the fans and Chan need to implement some changes. I’d like to believe it’s possible he will come back one day with a new perspective, new approach and a healthy mindset. But I’m a bit skeptical. Regarding Chan’s choice of words, there’s a huge difference between ‘I can’t do it anymore’ and ‘it was decided/we decided I should not do it anymore’. Also, if ‘anymore’ means never again, then there should have already been a proper statement about that a few months ago. But if ‘anymore’ means temporarily, then Chan needs to be more careful with his phrasing, especially nowadays. I know the silence for the past few months has been dreadful and I agree that JYP not addressing the issue properly is a huge problem. Even just one statement about Channie’s room going on an indefinite hiatus, would have helped a lot and we probably would not have Chan lowkey scolding us on bubble three months into the hiatus. Still, we could at least take the silence as a possible sign of things being handled behind the scenes to find a solution and maybe even a comeback of Channie’s room, but if that was the case, in the last few days, the fans have not just postponed that, but possibly ruined the chances overall.
      What a lot of fans seem to forget is that having Channie’s room was a privilege for both Chan and us. I know Chan isn’t allowed to do whatever he wants and still has many restrictions as an idol, but a lot of other idols can only dream to have as much freedom as Chan has in many ways. I think that should be another great reminder for Chan to always be careful and aware of how lucky he is to have that opportunity. But fans should be even more aware of how lucky they are. Other fandoms would probably kill to have that privilege. It’s not surprising that so many people who watch his lives don’t even consider Stray Kids their favorite group, but they tune in anyways. Some of them are starved for that unscripted, down to earth content where they can truly connect with their idols. I also suppose many of his haters are actually deep down jealous of the fact that Channie’s room even exists. Anyways, I know it’s so easy for the fans to get so used to the privilege and forget that it’s not something we’re entitled to. Channie’s room was not an earned prize for something the fandom has done. It was a gift that the fans did not always know how to appreciate. That’s why we always have to be prepared for the possibility that it can disappear any time. No one forbids us to be upset about it privately, but we have no right whatsoever to demand anything. We were just very lucky for a long time, that’s all. I know a lot of fans just want to protect Chan. I know they are upset and probably terrified of losing their safe space. That’s totally understandable. That’s their reason for sending trucks to JYP and being so vocal on social media about hating the company. But that doesn’t mean it’s a good decision. You should never rush with your actions unless you have an unambiguous proof that you’re understanding the situation correctly. For all we know, like I said, we might have just ruined the possibility of ever seeing Channie’s room again by proving we are not mature enough yet.
      There’s something else I really want to address. I expect seeing some people accusing others of being overly invested in the situation or making it unnecessarily complicated. They will see the length of this video or the length of my comment and think that it’s ridiculous. I expect some people saying that it’s outrageous to cancel Channie’s room over some stupid minor issues. I expect other people to say how the fans should just get over it and that Channie’s room is not worth all this drama. I believe they are all wrong in their impressions. This is not an issue of one idol, one company or one fandom. It’s connected to some deeper and more general issues relevant to the very experience of being a kpop idol or a kpop fan. No other idol in the industry and in the whole history of kpop has ever developed the kind of relationship Chan has with his audience. For the uninitiated, it might sound like a good thing, but in reality, that’s just terrifying. That’s a concerning amount of influence in one big aspect of kpop, in a way that makes you question whether it’s something that should exist at all. So much power and responsibility in one person is not something that kpop is compatible with. The disproportion of all that responsibility and actual capability needed to navigate that would be too much for anyone. There’s probably no one else more suitable for that challenge than Chan and yet, here we are. But that’s not something that Chan could have predicted. That’s why this whole issue is so important and worth talking about.

    • @nevenamihajlovic6785
      @nevenamihajlovic6785 Рік тому +1

      All of that being said, there are very few things that would make me as miserable as if it turns out we’re never getting Channie’s room again. A few days ago, I read someone’s comment about them being a fan only since the promotions in June and how they never had a chance to experience Channie’s room. That broke my heart a little. In fact, I’ll be honest and say that, at one point in this video, I was actually bawling my eyes out. There were so many things being said I didn’t even realize how much I needed to hear. I guess I was just really thankful. Turns out, my attachment to Channie’s room was way more complicated than I expected it to be. With everything said and done, I can’t help but miss the experience a lot. In some ways, Channie’s room was my safe space too. When I started watching Channie’s room, I was a kpop fan of almost 10 years, but I was learning new things about the industry and new points of view in general, when I thought I had it all figured out. I was learning a lot about myself too, and to me that is, even at the cost of being reminded of certain problems and insecurities of mine, the most valuable experience of all.
      I know what it feels like to lose a safe space. A long time ago, I had one, but I gave it up. I had an ugly wake-up call one day and realized that, no matter how much comfort I find in it temporarily, it’s not healthy and it’s potentially dangerous for me in the long run. Giving it up was one of the most difficult decisions I ever had to make. It’s been years since then and I still miss it. Some days, I feel like I need it a lot, but I’m always telling myself it’s for the better. So, if this really is the end of Channie’s room, at least I’m a little bit prepared. It’s just that this time, I’m not the one making a decision, so that hurts a bit. In the end, I guess I’ll just have to find some new weekly activity, as long as it’s something that brings me so much comfort and joy that I anticipate it every week, just the way I anticipated Channie’s room. Who knows, maybe everything turns out for the better. I know for sure that, if I had a proof that the cancelation of Channie’s room would make Chan happier and healthier, I wouldn’t have to think twice about giving it up, because nothing could be more important than Chan’s physical and mental health. Still, I’ll wait patiently to see if Sundays become my favorite day of the week again.
      If you made it this far reading this comment, I admire your patience and I thank you a lot. I hope it made some sense and that, if it had any relevance or provided any insights, it was at least a little bit worth of your time. Hope everyone’s having a good day. Big hugs for all.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +1

      Never apologize for things such as how long it takes to explain your thoughts or your level of proficiency in any language! You made some great points and I think it would be cool if you made your own video! If you’re too nervous about recording your own voice, there are always text-to-voice generators that you could use! Thank you for all of the time that you took in expressing yourself! ❤️

  • @VixenVulpix266
    @VixenVulpix266 Рік тому +4

    I see that Bangchan is trying to be nice, but being honest or just not being truthful.I am scared or worried about Bangchan's mental health. Toxic fans should stop looking for Chan's room. As a new stay, I learn not to be begging for things, but Chan has to be taught how to be serious or be diplomatic in chan's room. I also think there should be guidelines or rules on a livestream. Blaming international stays or Korean stays is a bad way to resolve this. Bangchan should be clearer, and I'll say this again: Bangchan should take a break from chan's room, and take care of himself. Hopefully he needs to start reflecting his actions
    Oneus for all, I think K-pop idols have some type of understanding or tough love on any

  • @siniestra__
    @siniestra__ 11 місяців тому +2

    Oh dude, you have no idea how much I despise the crazy stays, I saw on twitter how someone said that due to some bashing comment from stays Chris stopped writting descriptions on his posts and I actually didn't believed but now is evident and it hurts to the core; I do believe that Chris was kinda cringey but at the same time it was funny and now he just changed the way he started to express himself, this just takes me to the thought that because of that people in the fandom they actually make that the artist close off instead of sharing their thoughts and cut off that up close relationship that they would like to build as artist fans.
    It sucks a lot.

  • @GrandmotherSunshine
    @GrandmotherSunshine Рік тому +4

    Honestly I'm not surprised, it was going to happen eventually.

  • @Malol-rm91
    @Malol-rm91 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for the video!

  • @marianamm9649
    @marianamm9649 Рік тому +4

    I've been been a stay basically since their debut and I am so mad at the toxic chunk of the fandom... I hope Chan is ok, I hope IVE is ok, and I hope JYPE fucking does something about the lasers

    • @marianamm9649
      @marianamm9649 Рік тому

      He is just such a wonderful friend to the rest of stray kids, such an amazing artist, such a talented person and a kind soul, but that doesn't mean he can do no wrong. I just wish this toxic part of the fandom would stfu and I wish JYPE had pulled him to a damn meeting during March and talked to him about not saying some stuff his audience isn't fit for processing without causing trouble. People say "well, he should have learned by now" and yeah, but probably he is just emotionally exhausted and so caught up with work (TAKE A LOOK AT SKZ'S SCHEDULE, IMAGINE BEING THEIR LEADER AND A SONG WRITER AND PRODUCER FOR THE GROUP) that maybe his company should have fucking taught him! He doesn't have to do everything by himself because humans just don't work like that, and JYPE just doesn't get this... They're supposed to have a whole team on public relations training for the idols, where are these people and why didn't they have a goddamn 10 minute meeting with Chan? The man is intelligent, he would've gotten the memo

  • @KepiCake___HiyyihLicious
    @KepiCake___HiyyihLicious Рік тому +6

    Also just wanted to say, great video Danny!! I knew I could count on you to do a wonderful job. 👏🏻👏🏻

  • @reveluvharu0506
    @reveluvharu0506 Рік тому +1


  • @Xinchuan27
    @Xinchuan27 3 місяці тому +1

    I just went to Sydney tons of unreleased photos

  • @foxfiregal
    @foxfiregal 6 місяців тому +1

    Maybe pop/celeb/idol/public figure culture is just ready to shift 😊 We don't need to look up to them or put them on pedestals or hang on every word, nor do we need to criticize their personal expression. It's all grain of salt. I think this is a societal growth point - as a society we can teach more authenticity, compassion, tolerance, and overall giving each other the benefit of the doubt. No one is responsible for the reactions of others. Periodt. Chan does Chan. Live and let live.
    Let society shift 👍

  • @sukaitodd2510
    @sukaitodd2510 Рік тому +3

    Great video! I love Everglow-Up's work. And I agree with you, on everything, especially with the JYP Entertainment not even properly protecting Stray Kids (and a lot of their other artists, for that matter); (and I'm not even a Stay, no offense, though). Lol, procrastination is a real struggle. Stay safe and I hope you have a great time of day, if you ever see this comment. :) Thank you for a well-informed, compassionate, and insightful video.

  • @antoinerouch5109
    @antoinerouch5109 Місяць тому +3

    Woojin et dans SM entertainment maintenant et 10x était crée par 2 SM cadre alors le chan ferait mieux de plus mentionner le prénom de woojin et de la fermer si il veut pas avoir de problème avec SM ent ou avec woojin boss chriss lee.

  • @citamora
    @citamora Рік тому +2

    Well isn’t their motto .they don’t play by the rule. I get what you say. However I also belief people should also be hold accountable to how the filter word the receives.

  • @meeshell4994
    @meeshell4994 Рік тому +2

    Great video. I totally agree. I feel like Chan needs to brush up on his media training because he unintentionally added fuel to the fire with his comment. Some fans fail to see the bigger picture at times. You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned that Chans reputation might be tainted by this. Because it does seem, to outside people, that he sends his fans to do his dirty work. Which isn't true, he makes general statement that warrants zero action or reaction but some stays intentionally misinterpret what he says to justify their bad behaviour. These fans pick and choose what they hear from him because he has said that it's ok for the fans to protect them but they shouldn't bully others when doing so.
    Would you please,if you haven't already, make a video highlighting the Beomhan situation now that his company terminated his contract? His situation is sad.
    Anyway, awesome video and keep up the great work.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +1

      I might discuss the Beomhan situation. The thing is, I’m not a news channel nor do I enjoy making videos about the more negative/controversial sides of the industry (especially with the way some fandoms, like Stays, have reacted). Plus, I’m not fully caught up on what even happened because it all seemed so fast. So, I’ll definitely consider it. But I can’t make any promises. Whether I do or not, FM Entertainment was awful for what they did and I’m so glad that he’s finally free.

    • @meeshell4994
      @meeshell4994 Рік тому

      @@oneusforall057I fully respect your platform. This situation is quite depressing and I fully understand if you decide not to cover it. I really enjoy your videos. New subscriber here✌️❤️

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому

      Thank you so much! I hope that my content does not disappoint! ❤️

  • @theyutazen
    @theyutazen Рік тому +7

    Listen, I admire the how you mention other people who also comes to who’s to “blame”. I totally get the jype section and how fans are to blame as well but no matter how much we give this guy free passes or forgive this guy for everything he basic is to blame from. Like I love the guy but it’s come to the point where I’m failing to believe that he doesn’t know what he is doing. Like every time he says something I just face palm and eye roll because at this point I feel like he knows what he’s doing. And if that’s not the case that Chan is doing it on purpose, he needs to literally put his foot down for his fandom. I’m tired of this grace he keeps digging himself into. Stays are really young and chronically online where they are super immature and he just glosses over it or makes a sugarcoated warning to where stays are like “omg he’s mad at us and it’s so scary 🥺” no. I want him to have a serious conversation and somehow punish stays for doing so. Like realistically, if he sat down on a chans room he talks about the behavior of the community and stop chans room until stays can control themselves and see what happens.
    Idk I’m tired of Chan getting the sugarcoated sweet pep talk of “Chan you need to be more careful 🥺 I know this isn’t your intention 🥺” like no. We need to criticize him more and be more firm in a sense to get it through his head. I respect the guy I really do, but he’s losing my respect for how he’s handling these things when he as a grown man very into the industry and knows how it works.
    Idk. I’m just tired.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +1

      Ya know, I can see where you’re coming from and I respect that. I have this habit of giving people the benefit of the doubt. So, since I can’t read Chan’s mind and his actions can be argued as being both innocent and malicious, I’m just assuming that he was being overly careless. But yeah, there always is a possibility that he’s trying to be malicious. We’ll never know. All we do know is that Stays need to 1. Stop babying him and 2. Stop acting like everything he says is sacred and must be enacted like holy scripture.

    • @theyutazen
      @theyutazen Рік тому +2

      @@oneusforall057 yeah I’m with you, I give people the benefit of the doubt and I really don’t believe he’s being malicious or at least I hope he’s not. I really don’t wanna antagonize him but his behavior lately is just not adding up? But with everything you said are great points to show where Chan may be coming from so don’t get me wrong there! I hope for the best for him, stray kids, stays, and K-pop as a whole 🫶

    • @GUAGA0612
      @GUAGA0612 10 місяців тому

      Really well said!

  • @annejia5382
    @annejia5382 Рік тому +2

    Regarding the most recent trucks sent by c-stays. (not the laser-thing related, but the yzy fanmeet-related)
    That fancam shouldn't have leaked in the first place since most stays were boycotting the organizer for their past actions.
    Chris got mad that day, on bubble. So if you're a stay please just let him handle it on his own instead of only using his words for your own narrative, ONLY WHEN IT SUITS YOU.
    I don't know how many times Chan has already mentioned yall to behave and respect others. 🤦‍♀️
    Let Chan take responsibility for the things he's supposed to and wants to take accountability of.
    A lot of these things are already taking a huge toll on him and none of stays' actions are actually helping.
    Other stays (the non-toxic ones) have already said goodbye and thanked Chan's Room and are now focusing on other things within the fandom.
    *btw they have been prepping for their next korean comeback since s-class so that's probably dropping on october whiel they're in the middle of all of their current packed schedule

  • @Xinchuan27
    @Xinchuan27 3 місяці тому +1

    I’m not a bullier I’m the softest marshmallow I’m a real stay after going to Sydney I have a ( branded T-shirt ) and Swarovski that’s all

  • @Wlhwo
    @Wlhwo Рік тому +8

    “My decision, my rules” Why does he feed stays the delusions. He makes them believe he has so much power in that company. YOU know why they’re not allowing it. So for him to say that as if it’s the company’s fault is so.....Cause WE; him included know stays a part of why it’s gone. With the parasocial relationship stays have with him, their mentality is just...🤦🏽‍♀️

  • @VixenVulpix266
    @VixenVulpix266 Рік тому +2

    Man, I wish people would chill or quit bad mouthing about being this toxic. Its sad, chan's room should be on a break, and Am I wrong to say that? I think toxic stays shouldn't start fights or cause issues. Leave Bangchan alone, don't bother him to bring back chan's room, doesn't it work like that. There's nothing wrong on what he says, JYP just wants to protect the Stray kids leader, nothing more and nothing less.

    • @OddinaryMe
      @OddinaryMe Рік тому +2

      It's not wrong tbh. I thought the same as you and openly said that on comment sections. What I got was toxic fans calling me disloyal and toxic for thinking differently hahaha

    @NEVAEHLOVESHERF4F Рік тому +1

    I really. Hope one day kpop wont be toxic or abusive sexual or anything. Else im 12 and ive been wanting to. Become an idol but i felt like im not good enough. Bc of the toxic side ALSO IM AN INTERNATIONAL. FAN AND I SUPPOURT IDOLS BUT PPL THINK ITS ALWAYS. INTERNATIONAL. FANS BUT NVM THAT I HOPE ONE DAY IDOLS WILL ACTUALLY BE. HAPPY BC THEY ARNT CHAN IS LITERALLY. AMAZING. AND HES CONSTINALLY GETTING. CONTIVERSE AND ITS REALLY. SAD

  • @thisSTAYisastray
    @thisSTAYisastray Рік тому +2

    I do think Chan's room was kind of everyones fault..? in a way becouse like some Stays are really toxic, like really guys!? blaming wonyoung and stuff. I agree with Bangchan putting a 'idol' filter on, as sad as it is some fans or what they call them selvess are, they are so toxic and just dont nderstand that what they are doing wrong. Now i am saying this a s a Kpop fan just in general becuase i stan other kpop gorups too, a lot of idols that want to feel close tih their fans and doesnt want to use the 'idol' filter just often taken negatively or gets hate (example Soyeon from g-idle and Suga from bts).
    This is really sad but as much as it is with idols in general wether they are korean or wetern and all
    it will never workout some people will just think as idols as a perfect person even thought they cant ever be no one is! pls people,stays please just don't hate on an idol because they are being themselves to you. the thing is then if Bangchan completely changes and be extra super careful for what he says he probably jut gonna get the hate again some toxic fans out there is just gonna say that what happen to channie and stuff.
    Please everyone, stays, kpop fans, no matter what they are HUMANS just like US just like YOU are you perfect? no! am i perfect? no! NO ONE IS please just understand this! And stop blaming youtubers or some people for their opinions aswell! as long as they doesnt spread hate or hating on the idols please respect them and understand that idols can do something wrong and often too!
    As much as this sound like i am so angry, i understand that some people has good inetentions or that ofc not all fans or stays are toxic or spreading hate but please please STOP.THE.HATE.ON.IDOLS. ofc this effects on bangchan aswell. no matter who it is wether its hyunjin and felix being so close people sending d£ath threats because they are too close!? wether its becouse han is too loud or when has is too quite because he changed? or anything stop hating pn them they are just HUMANS for the last time this goes to every idol in this whole world at this point please all we ask for is too respect them.
    im sorry this is so long :< i just wanted to get the messege very clear

  • @chrislovesbooks89
    @chrislovesbooks89 Рік тому +1

    Honestly i believe fanfoms turning toxic is unavoidable. I say this even when i find the behaviour off these so called fans incomprehensible. Sadly as long there are no repercussion for these people, the behaviour will continue and will het worse the larger the fandom gets.

  • @Haifa386
    @Haifa386 Рік тому

    I agree, chan should implement the way bts has started to speak to army after 2022. Rm himself has also said that he's aware what army do and lately they have been putting the toxic ones in their place but they have been mostly conscious of what they say since 2018( they slip up though, like their words in their biography being used to send hate to other group when bts were very very vague). I don't think its only a problem with chan but many group specially the ones that weren't from the big3, seventeen, monstax, bts, ateez and txt also have this problem with their fans

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому

      Yeah, I’ve spoken to a lot of fans and they say that their fandoms saw a massive shift in behavior starting in 2020 and things only got worse from there. I think everything that transpired in that year had a larger impact on people than we’ve been willing to acknowledge. And unfortunately, it’s made it that idols need to take more precautionary steps when interacting with their fandoms. It sucks. But that’s the reality.

    • @ty.5406
      @ty.5406 Рік тому

      @@oneusforall057 Talking about bts and crazy fans. I remember in Nov 2021 when they went to James Corden and Namjoon said he knew James was in hot water with army and they laughed then James said how he's never been on the bad side of army and how he got death threats and fans were saying bts were laughing and smiling because they know how bad army can get and it was an acknowledgement of their behaviour.
      there's a tiktok with the caption:
      James was like "someone told me to die" as their faces were like "that's tough"
      and another that's an edit of them clapping after he told them about the death threat.
      A clear boundary should be set by idols that informs the fans that the relationship they have is just as idols and fans. They aren't homies. They should also call out toxic behaviour because not doing so helps create monsters that feel like they are valid because of the parasocial relationship they have with idols. The lines are too blurred. It gets so bad that their behaviour becomes toxic towards their own faves.
      Companies should tell idols that fans are just that, fans. Otherwise they think the best way to thank their fans because they are the reason for their success is to be close to them and be like friends.
      Fans should get lives and stop acting like idols are gods. Being an idol is a job.

  • @reveluvharu0506
    @reveluvharu0506 Рік тому +3

    28:37 THIS.

  • @stolv3771
    @stolv3771 6 місяців тому +2

    Does Chan have a romantic partner? I feel like at his age, a boyfriend/girlfriend would be a natural coach and buffer for him.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  6 місяців тому

      Chan does not have a romantic partner to the extent of any fan’s knowledge. I doubt that he does strictly based on how intense his schedule is.
      Personally, I don’t see having a partner as necessarily the quick-fix to his problems. Relationships require a lot of effort and one shouldn’t just enter one with the hopes of dumping their emotional baggage on them. What Chan probably needs is professional help to get him through the psychological trauma he’s experienced. Someone shouldn’t have to serve the purpose of just being a metaphorical punching bag for his issues.

    • @stolv3771
      @stolv3771 6 місяців тому +1

      @@oneusforall057 yet I hope for all of them to have a balanced life and I think a successful life partner for Chan would also include him being able to love someone he can also talk things over with. I think he seems like a very nice person. (ty for the reply, btw!)

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  6 місяців тому +2

      I do share the sentiment in wanting the members to all have a healthy work-life balance and be able to find partners that they can love and confide in.
      However, I still stand by my position that Chan should try seeking more professional help to resolve his issues before beginning any sort of relationship. His potential abandonment issues and trauma could have serious repercussions. And dating’s not easy. You don’t just magically meet the one person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with on the first try (at least, most of the time you don’t). I’m afraid about what would happen if Chan invested in another relationship that resulted in them leaving him. What would happen to his mental and emotional state then?

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  6 місяців тому +2

      And of course. I try my best to reply to everyone ❤️

  • @Chuu_Vault
    @Chuu_Vault Рік тому +2

    Thank God i didn't jinxed the video ajajjsjsjaj😂. I told you Danny i wasn't going to missed the video.
    Anyway, don't treat like idols as your friends, they're maybe just as or more F--ed than we are. I like and respect Chan, but maybe this the call out that he needs to reconsider his relationship with his plataform and his fandom

  • @thisSTAYisastray
    @thisSTAYisastray Рік тому +2

    Also is it okay if i request for a video btw? you dont have to do it! but its just an idea :D

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому +1

      You’re always welcome to request videos. I’m just never going to promise that I’ll make them/get around to them.

    • @thisSTAYisastray
      @thisSTAYisastray Рік тому +1

      @@oneusforall057 its okay thank you thoo :D
      i just thought that maybe if you make a video about idk like kpop fans in general will be a good idea and how SOME kpop fans are really toxic and how them saying they want idols to be themselves but then hate idols for being opened to the fans.... you dont have to do it ofc! but i just thought that it might gained some views :P

  • @mixedgems
    @mixedgems Рік тому +1

    Thanks for using common sense to analyse what’s been happening, even if some elements are from your tin foil hat. 😂 I’m also glad some commenters who are way younger than me are also thinking critically. My teenager got me into SKZ and this whole situation is a cautionary tale I can use to teach them to think critically. It’s sad to think of Chan with potentially undiagnosed trauma but given his history it could be true. He seems somewhat non chalet, powerful, strong, but he’s also had to be that was for a very long time. Just listen to Social Path for that story.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому

      One thing that I’ll always be proud of is how even my younger subscribers are open to new information and critical thinking! I love the little community we’re starting to form here ❤️

  • @jenniferhearn4117
    @jenniferhearn4117 Рік тому +2

    You have got quite a word salad going on there and the conclusion lve come too after listening to your rather long explanation that the blame is not with Chan but with people like you that keep perpetuating the storyline going and dragging in side scandals to beef it up. You can make any argument sound plausible but in this case Chan is not responsible for how people in the media or fans interpret what he said when he didn’t even come close to naming who he was talking about whether they were male female or even a group.

    • @oneusforall057
      @oneusforall057  Рік тому

      I see you’re still digesting the “salad” (as you put it). Like I said, Chan is not the person who I put the majority of the blame on. He didn’t say anything inherently wrong and the fault mainly lies with Stays for taking his words and using them to perpetuate a false narrative against Wonyoung. I literally said that people were making assumptions about who he was and that anyone with critical thinking skills knew that he was making a general statement 11:44
      But hey, if you think I’m to blame (I’m not sure for what exactly as you didn’t outline it), then that’s your prerogative. Have fun making your own “salad” to structure *that* argument.

    • @jenniferhearn4117
      @jenniferhearn4117 Рік тому +1

      I see you are still a legend in your own argument.

  • @aaa..............
    @aaa.............. Рік тому


  • @Xinchuan27
    @Xinchuan27 3 місяці тому

    I’m not a bullier I’m the softest marshmallow I’m a real stay after going to Sydney I have a ( branded T-shirt ) and Swarovski that’s all