You are so right on that one. The fact that it's a sexless marriage so far, and the way Brian is acting - she will figure it out. Lucinda didn't get where she is being anyone's fool. If Luke went to her right now and told her about the incident, I would be inclined to believe that she would believe Luke.
LOL! Luke says Brian is making passes at him as if there was more than one. It was ONE kiss, that Brian initiated, but Luke went in for the kiss(although he was drunk at the time). I could see if Brian did it more than once than it would make the storyline more dramatic and interesting instead of Luke harping on the one kiss.
I also think that Brian really loves Lucinda, but not in the way that a husband loves a wife, if that makes sense. Brian doesn't seem so bad aside from the fact that, ya know, he kissed Luke and is a big lie face.
With everything that's going on with Luke and Brian, you gotta look and how Lucinda is acting. I think she realizes that something's not right with Brian and before you know it she'll be investigating him, as Lucinda is prone to do.
Scenes like this remind me that Luke and Noah aren't just boyfriends, they're best friends so when they're broken up it's twice as sad! That's why they should never break up again! Ever, ever ever! Now back to reality and the fact that they're characters on a soap opera. (sigh!)
Yeah, I'm split on the validity of the pre-nup. On the one hand, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some underhanded clause in there that will let him take her money, but on the other hand, Holden was Brian's witness to signing it, surely he read it over first, right?
You're totally right. I really don't share Noah's draconian reaction, I can get his disappointment, a cheat was the last thing he expected from Luke, OK, but he apologized. What else has he to do to be forgiven?? Throw himself into the fire?? And yes, our buddy Noah has a really short memory, all what Luke did in the past to support him is now completely forgotten! That's NOT OK! About Lucinda... hahahaha, you're right again, I wouldn't be in Brian's shoes when/if she finds out what he did...
Maybe (just an hypothesis, Honeyshuu) because you said that Brian was right saying that Luke is way over the line. He's really blessed with the sense of humor: how does he call to kiss on the lips his step-grandson?? If this is completely normal, as he wants Luke to believe, why doesn't he tell Lucinda? I'd like to see her reaction... I can't find anything else in your comment, I'm wondering too if and how deeply Noah loves Luke, like I wondered during the previous break-up.
Thank you Andy! I have no idea where this story-line is going (why Brian married Lucinda? Is he after Luke? What is his agenda?) but it's interesting as long as Luke & Noah come back together, PLEASE!!
I'm so sad tonight. Noah is still asleep and Luke is still lost. Tell me that it is going to change, I want to see Luke and Noah happy and in love but they seem to be so far from each other...... Luke is totally alone :'(
Brian should be the last person to teach a lesson about morality :p And about the Noah part, I totally agree. Come on! Luke hasn't done anything besides apologizing to Noah and it seems like he doesn't get it... Talk about bad situation :p Now I can understand a bit more why Luke acted like this...
I'm afraid I have to add my voice to the disbelief at how passively Noah is taking all this. I get that he partially believes that Luke was drunk and imagined/misinterpreted things, but a realistic thing for anyone would be to view the other person suspiciously as well, not to just pass it off as something that may not have happened. At least Lucinda is picking up on things, but just because she is doesn't give Noah a free pass. Come on, Noah!
OK, Luke needs to grow a pair. Brian: "Who the hell do you think you are?", he should have gotten up - looked him straight in the eye and told him, "I'm your friggin boss, the MAN that signed your contract. That's who I am. And I will not have you talking to me that way. I have every right to investigate the person who is handling MY foundation's money." Come on writers - GET A CLUE. Stop feeding us that Luke is weak. It's out of character for him. Not when he fought so hard for Noah.
That always backfires, it's soooo not a good idea. Luke would just end up getting in more trouble. He needs to focus on getting back into school. Or getting a job, I know he doesn't need one but it get his mind on other things. Besides he met Noah by WORKING at an internship.
Yes,I agree with you,leixh. I feel very sorry for Jake that he has to play such a crap at the moment.I think he can play better,if the writers let him. But,as always Van is so amazing(i can't help myself) and he is doing a very good job. I hope this stupid storyline with Brian is over soon!!!
Noah and Luke MUST. GET. BACK. TOGETHER. There is no arguing with this point. I read awhile ago in an interview that Luke and Noah would find good things in each other to fight for. However, I don't know when that's going to happen. Luke loves Noah, and Noah loves Luke. Let their love prevail! [/Rant].
The writers truly are pathetic. Good to see Jake-but Noah is being way too passive. Hopefully soon he will get a backbone and step up to fight for his man! I hope Luke has truly stopped drinking. Lucinda is no fool-she clearly knows something is strange with Brian. If Luke came to her right now I think she would believe him. The next Nuke episode, I believe, is Thursday. I am just waiting for the Luke and Noah reunion! Van and Jake, their wonderful characters and the fans deserve that!!
Ah! So depressing. I was hoping the ex would reveal some stuff to Luke, but oh well. I'm REALLY getting frustrated with the storyline! I'm still trying to stick to it though, for the love of Nuke. I need something to make me happy. I'll just go read that children's book about the 2 gay penguins in Central Park Zoo. It's got a lot more than Nuke at the moment. When I get home, definitely watching Taiikukan Baby. Hope this gay movie will cheer me up and maybe I'll not give up on Nuke so soon!
It did happen more than once - after the kiss. The way Brian looks at him, what he says and how he say it. Believe me, as a Gay man it's so obvious can reach out and bite you on the butt and Luke have every right to be suspicious. As I said previously, no straight man that is marrying your grannie is gonna kiss you. And that is the basis here, soap or not.
Yes, he is lying to her. Lucinda doesn't know he's attracted to guys. Even if he's just bisexual, she still has to know that about her own husband. And he's definitely lying about what's gone on between him and Luke.
Yeah, about Noah I think it's so sad he's going on acting like that, he seems he completely forgot who Luke is to him... I mean, not long time ago Noah told Luke he loved him more than anything and now for one, JUST ONE mistake he made ever since he met him, he's just punishing him and nothing else! I'm SICK!! About Brian, I can't stand his "I'm-that-innocent" pose! But Lucinda isn't stupid... I'm really curious what she could do when she'll find out the truth...
That's OK, I respect your opinion. I'm just saying that it's ridiculous that Brian wants to teach a sort of lesson about morality to Luke telling him what's wrong and what's right. Luke was just looking for some explanation for Brian's behavior and maybe he took a wrong direction, but hey...he's under a lot of pressure, he did something wrong, got it and apologized but his (ex-boy)friend is still rejecting him and his new step-grandpa basically betrayed his grandma... It's a bad situation!!
brian has to be the biggest closet case out there...1. he couldnt do it with lucinda 2. he got divorced....hey you dont get divorced for no reason something went down . 3. most obvious he practically stuck his tongue down lukes mouth hey if that dosnt say im gay i dont know what does then.
me thinks Lucinda smells a rat!! Thanks Andy i have finally reached the point that i really believe that the soap gods will never let Luke and Noah be together. it is always something and angelikgg is right they keep getting further and further apart. They even see Brian differently.
Right! He broke up with him because "You're the only thing I can't lie about" oh come on! Did he even think about all the sacrifices Luke made for him? (uh, Ameera?) I mean, I love Noah but this isn't making any sense! If the writers could at least EXPLAIN how he's feeling maybe we would understand but for now, we can only say: Noah? WTF? I think Lucinda's feeling that something's wrong with Brian, how he keeps pushing her away. If she finds out, I think there's gonna be some serious damage!
I still say that if the writers get Noah and Luke back together, it won't be the same as before. Their chemistry seems to have gone completely friend level. Noah doesn't seem to give a rats ass about Luke besides being a friend. Oh well. I'm kind of a Bruke fan anyway. XD -is shot-
True. Noah is, sadly, the victim of the manipulations of the TPTB (or, rather, the ones funding the TPTB and hate the gays but don't want to fight off cries of 'discrimination') and he really does care. I'm in agreement about Brian, though. We know he kissed Luke, but what is he gaining from not only lying about it, but denying it AND marrying Lucinda, especially since he signed a pre-nupt and can't get a dime of her money?
I totally agree that what Brian did was completely WRONG (kissing his stepgrandson & pretend he didn't) I agree that he's maybe the worst closet case EVER. I agree that he sould tell Lucinda. But does that legitimate Luke going to see Carolyn who has nothing to do with this? Does that give Luke the right to spy on him? Ok, Brian acted like a jerk but he's still a human being. I'm 100% with Luke on this but Brian was right when he said Luke has pushed it too far... At least that's what I think :p
One kiss, ONE KISS? You are missing the point. There should never have been ANY kissing going on between those two. A so called straight man, that is marrying a person's grandmother doesn't EVER kiss her grandson. That does imply BIGTIME that something is up. And even if Luke leaned in, Brian should have PUSHED him away, told him "You are drunk, go upstairs and sleep it off" Luke has every right to suspect something is up and more than every right to be pissed.
If that's really true, then why haven't they halted all the kisses Bianca and Reese share on All my Children? This is just the writers screwing up a storyline, as usual.
i guess they still are a couple but in the old recorded episodes ^^. If they not ever gonna get back together. Mite as well, rewatch old movies. eheheheheh
Well, a lot of people wanted Luke and Noah to have a storyline. Now they have one. It might not be the best, but we have to remember this is a soap opera. Since when are their stories ever really good? This story is dragging a bit, but hopefully things will pick up soon. I actually wish Luke would find someone else. Noah is just...getting boring, I suppose. I don't know. Hopefully something good really does happen soon.
I'm really confused... Brian is acting like he were totally right, while he's totally a son of a .... well, you got me. He kissed Luke on the LIPS, that's very different from a kiss on the cheek or the forehead, come on!! So he's really really closet or really really stupid. And Noah? He's just acting like a ... what? "Friend", as he told last week? For God's sake, Noah, this is Luke, remember? Don't you miss his arms around you, his lips on your own, him telling you "I love (next comment)
OK why is it that even Luke is mad at something Noah is like just let it go but Noah nows that Luke can't just forget that Bryan is so mad I think that Lucinda is going to find out about his ex wife and what Luke was doing and if he is really sink
i think... luke is stuck in a thinking falacy i don't think he realizes that some people can be bisexual, not everyone is completely straight or completely gay, sexuality is like a spectrum and people are all different in different parts between gay and straight, so its possible that bryan is just bi just a little and in that case yes luke does need to just drop it. and it doesn't necessarily mean that hes lying to lucinda beacuse if hes bi he could genuinly love her
I have to say I agree with Brian on this: Luke is way over the line. But I blame it on his sexual frustration. Poor Luke. Just one thing I don't understand: WHY ISN'T NOAH JEALOUS?? Come on, he made a FUSS over Kevin who was STRAIGHT and now, a closeted pervert kisses the love of his life on the mouth and he doesn't do anything?? I'm starting to think Noah isn't in love with Luke anymore. Plus, the writers aren't explaining how Noah feels in all this. We don't get his point of view. It sucks.
it looks like luke and noah are just friends, pure friends. there is NOT a tiny bit of trace left that they were a lover. what's going on? i'm so sick of seeing luke being obsessed with the fact that brian kissed him. so what? can luke give the littlest attention to noah? it looks like noah is completely out of luke's life.
I'm not missing the point at all, just because I see it a different way(or I don't see it the way folks want me to see it) does not mean that I'm missing the point, nor does it make my feelings bad. The kiss shouldn't have happened, ok, but hell, a LOT of things on soaps "shouldn't" happen, but then why watch? I'm just saying that Luke used passes in the plural as though it happened more than once. It didn't and thats a far. Who the hell knows what might happen next. LOL!
At least Lucinda's got enough comon fucking sense to realize that something's going on! And I know this is out of the blue, but you know what would have put a huge twist to the story? If Luke and Brian were still at java, and during the arguement while Noah was watching, have Brian smack Luke across the face and watch Noah blow up and run Brian's perverted ass out of town! :D
I've tried giving Noah the benefit of the doubt over and over, but he's acting like an idiot. Lucinda should know the truth and Noah should know that Luke can tell when someone is kissing him/taking advantage of him (drunk or not). He's put Luke through so much and he gives terrible advice. I really want Luke to date someone else for awhile until Noah changes. However, once the truth comes out I'm sure they'll be fine but he shouldn't have to be given concrete evidence to be on Luke's side.
ITS TOO HARD TO SEE NUKE BEING APART!!!! ITS TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X( and I want another kissing scene and Luncinda is suspecting!!! haah yes! but it would be boring now without Brian and if he leaves i have to addmitt it ill miss him
(from previous comment) you"? Not even a little? What is this "I'm-your-best-friend-show"?? Come on! But then... do you believe him now? Or are you just polite? Seen how Brian treated him? Nothing to say? I say that again... I'm really confused!!
Hey, how many thumbs down, lol! I think I may have offended someone, sorry guys, I didn't mean. In case I didn't make myself clear enough I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST NOAH, I just don't like his behavior right now, but, I say that again, THIS IS JUST MY OPINION, NO-ONE IS FORCED TO SHARE IT. I respect anyone's opinion ;-).
@ThreeDaysGraceGod Um. I mean maybe it'd be less weird Brian wasn't married to Luke's grandmother, making him techically his grandpa! There's still the age difference but Luke was in college which means he's over 18 so Brian's technically not a pedophile.....NO. It'd still be weird. && Holden and Noah..what??? Usually I'm pretty open to the odd couple but I just don't see that working.
Is it weird if I think that Luke and Brian would make a nice couple 0_o? Or even better, Noah and Holden 0_0.... I reaaaaaaaaaaalllly have to stop watching this at 6 hours intervals....
dont know either lol im not from UK but i love this soap ive been watching in youtube for 3 days ahhaah.. lol lucenda is being suspicious look how she kiss or smell brian's neck..hahaha maybe she can find out sometihng
You should wake up to reality, which is much worse than soaps. Barely any actor is going to tell you he's gay because his management won't let him and/or he thinks his career will be affected negatively...
noah has become an extra basically. he's just the coffee guy now.
you are absolutely right. It's a shame.
This breakup is breaking my heart, Luke still tells Noah everything, the LOVE is still there, so what is the problem GUYS? get back together.
Lucinda is such a smart woman. she always know when something wrong... I think she's catching on!
You are so right on that one. The fact that it's a sexless marriage so far, and the way Brian is acting - she will figure it out. Lucinda didn't get where she is being anyone's fool. If Luke went to her right now and told her about the incident, I would be inclined to believe that she would believe Luke.
Thanks, Andy for posting. Hope your snow emergency was not too bad.
I think sarcasm runs in the family! lucinda is the mother of all! "oh gee how did i ever get so lucky" love the touch of sarcasm!
LOL! Luke says Brian is making passes at him as if there was more than one. It was ONE kiss, that Brian initiated, but Luke went in for the kiss(although he was drunk at the time). I could see if Brian did it more than once than it would make the storyline more dramatic and interesting instead of Luke harping on the one kiss.
Omg See Noah's eyes looking at Luke 0:33 so sweet xD
I also think that Brian really loves Lucinda, but not in the way that a husband loves a wife, if that makes sense. Brian doesn't seem so bad aside from the fact that, ya know, he kissed Luke and is a big lie face.
I totally agree!!
Innocent Jake is so different! lol
With everything that's going on with Luke and Brian, you gotta look and how Lucinda is acting. I think she realizes that something's not right with Brian and before you know it she'll be investigating him, as Lucinda is prone to do.
Im just so happy Lucinda is picking something up from Brian, afterall; he acted kinda fishy around her.
I love Luke! :D
Scenes like this remind me that Luke and Noah aren't just boyfriends, they're best friends so when they're broken up it's twice as sad! That's why they should never break up again! Ever, ever ever! Now back to reality and the fact that they're characters on a soap opera. (sigh!)
Yeah, I'm split on the validity of the pre-nup. On the one hand, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some underhanded clause in there that will let him take her money, but on the other hand, Holden was Brian's witness to signing it, surely he read it over first, right?
That's right people!
Grandma Lu is sniffing out the creepiness that envelopes Brian!
I'm going to punch Noah in the face. What happened to possessive/jealous Noah? He must've disappeared somewhere. Bring him back.
somebody help me too.... my exam had just passed and i still cant stop watching this....
You're totally right. I really don't share Noah's draconian reaction, I can get his disappointment, a cheat was the last thing he expected from Luke, OK, but he apologized. What else has he to do to be forgiven?? Throw himself into the fire?? And yes, our buddy Noah has a really short memory, all what Luke did in the past to support him is now completely forgotten! That's NOT OK!
About Lucinda... hahahaha, you're right again, I wouldn't be in Brian's shoes when/if she finds out what he did...
Maybe (just an hypothesis, Honeyshuu) because you said that Brian was right saying that Luke is way over the line. He's really blessed with the sense of humor: how does he call to kiss on the lips his step-grandson?? If this is completely normal, as he wants Luke to believe, why doesn't he tell Lucinda? I'd like to see her reaction...
I can't find anything else in your comment, I'm wondering too if and how deeply Noah loves Luke, like I wondered during the previous break-up.
Thank you Andy! I have no idea where this story-line is going (why Brian married Lucinda? Is he after Luke? What is his agenda?) but it's interesting as long as Luke & Noah come back together, PLEASE!!
Thank you, Andy!
I'm so sad tonight. Noah is still asleep and Luke is still lost. Tell me that it is going to change, I want to see Luke and Noah happy and in love but they seem to be so far from each other...... Luke is totally alone :'(
Brian should be the last person to teach a lesson about morality :p
And about the Noah part, I totally agree. Come on! Luke hasn't done anything besides apologizing to Noah and it seems like he doesn't get it... Talk about bad situation :p Now I can understand a bit more why Luke acted like this...
I'm afraid I have to add my voice to the disbelief at how passively Noah is taking all this. I get that he partially believes that Luke was drunk and imagined/misinterpreted things, but a realistic thing for anyone would be to view the other person suspiciously as well, not to just pass it off as something that may not have happened. At least Lucinda is picking up on things, but just because she is doesn't give Noah a free pass. Come on, Noah!
OK, Luke needs to grow a pair. Brian: "Who the hell do you think you are?", he should have gotten up - looked him straight in the eye and told him, "I'm your friggin boss, the MAN that signed your contract. That's who I am. And I will not have you talking to me that way. I have every right to investigate the person who is handling MY foundation's money."
Come on writers - GET A CLUE. Stop feeding us that Luke is weak. It's out of character for him. Not when he fought so hard for Noah.
That always backfires, it's soooo not a good idea. Luke would just end up getting in more trouble. He needs to focus on getting back into school. Or getting a job, I know he doesn't need one but it get his mind on other things. Besides he met Noah by WORKING at an internship.
It seems like Luke is getting used to be Noah's friend. Well. One step at a time.
where is part 233 or when will lukevanfan upload it ? plz tell me ASAP thnxs :)
Yes,I agree with you,leixh.
I feel very sorry for Jake that he has to play such a crap at the moment.I think he can play better,if the writers let him.
But,as always Van is so amazing(i can't help myself) and he is doing a very good job.
I hope this stupid storyline with Brian is over soon!!!
You're welcome! I believe in sharing the goodies... ;)
Thanks !! your the best !!!!
There is no arguing with this point.
I read awhile ago in an interview that Luke and Noah would find good things in each other to fight for. However, I don't know when that's going to happen.
Luke loves Noah, and Noah loves Luke. Let their love prevail!
I think Luke is right Brian is hiding something And I think Lucinda is catching on to it too
ew! ew! EW!! that'd be so wrong!! but knowing the writers they'll probably make poor Luke do it.
*sniff sniff* i miss Nuke T^T
I agree with those who think Luke needs to chill. i honestly like how Brian actually can put Luke inhis place and shut him up when need be.
The writers truly are pathetic. Good to see Jake-but Noah is being way too passive. Hopefully soon he will get a backbone and step up to fight for his man! I hope Luke has truly stopped drinking. Lucinda is no fool-she clearly knows something is strange with Brian. If Luke came to her right now I think she would believe him. The next Nuke episode, I believe, is Thursday. I am just waiting for the Luke and Noah reunion! Van and Jake, their wonderful characters and the fans deserve that!!
Andy, where's the 1st part???
Ah! So depressing. I was hoping the ex would reveal some stuff to Luke, but oh well. I'm REALLY getting frustrated with the storyline! I'm still trying to stick to it though, for the love of Nuke.
I need something to make me happy. I'll just go read that children's book about the 2 gay penguins in Central Park Zoo. It's got a lot more than Nuke at the moment.
When I get home, definitely watching Taiikukan Baby. Hope this gay movie will cheer me up and maybe I'll not give up on Nuke so soon!
It did happen more than once - after the kiss. The way Brian looks at him, what he says and how he say it.
Believe me, as a Gay man it's so obvious can reach out and bite you on the butt and Luke have every right to be suspicious.
As I said previously, no straight man that is marrying your grannie is gonna kiss you. And that is the basis here, soap or not.
Yes, he is lying to her. Lucinda doesn't know he's attracted to guys. Even if he's just bisexual, she still has to know that about her own husband. And he's definitely lying about what's gone on between him and Luke.
Yeah, about Noah I think it's so sad he's going on acting like that, he seems he completely forgot who Luke is to him... I mean, not long time ago Noah told Luke he loved him more than anything and now for one, JUST ONE mistake he made ever since he met him, he's just punishing him and nothing else! I'm SICK!! About Brian, I can't stand his "I'm-that-innocent" pose! But Lucinda isn't stupid... I'm really curious what she could do when she'll find out the truth...
I know, uglysunday...TPTB are turning poor Noah into background decoration along with the christmas trimmins.
That's OK, I respect your opinion. I'm just saying that it's ridiculous that Brian wants to teach a sort of lesson about morality to Luke telling him what's wrong and what's right. Luke was just looking for some explanation for Brian's behavior and maybe he took a wrong direction, but hey...he's under a lot of pressure, he did something wrong, got it and apologized but his (ex-boy)friend is still rejecting him and his new step-grandpa basically betrayed his grandma... It's a bad situation!!
brian has to be the biggest closet case out there...1. he couldnt do it with lucinda 2. he got divorced....hey you dont get divorced for no reason something went down . 3. most obvious he practically stuck his tongue down lukes mouth hey if that dosnt say im gay i dont know what does then.
me thinks Lucinda smells a rat!!
Thanks Andy
i have finally reached the point that i really believe that the soap gods will never let Luke and Noah be together. it is always something and angelikgg is right they keep getting further and further apart. They even see Brian differently.
Right! He broke up with him because "You're the only thing I can't lie about" oh come on! Did he even think about all the sacrifices Luke made for him? (uh, Ameera?) I mean, I love Noah but this isn't making any sense! If the writers could at least EXPLAIN how he's feeling maybe we would understand but for now, we can only say: Noah? WTF?
I think Lucinda's feeling that something's wrong with Brian, how he keeps pushing her away. If she finds out, I think there's gonna be some serious damage!
I think she's catching on !
Obviously I meant: I respect EVERYone's opinion, lol!!
I still say that if the writers get Noah and Luke back together, it won't be the same as before. Their chemistry seems to have gone completely friend level. Noah doesn't seem to give a rats ass about Luke besides being a friend.
Oh well. I'm kind of a Bruke fan anyway. XD
-is shot-
True. Noah is, sadly, the victim of the manipulations of the TPTB (or, rather, the ones funding the TPTB and hate the gays but don't want to fight off cries of 'discrimination') and he really does care.
I'm in agreement about Brian, though. We know he kissed Luke, but what is he gaining from not only lying about it, but denying it AND marrying Lucinda, especially since he signed a pre-nupt and can't get a dime of her money?
I totally agree that what Brian did was completely WRONG (kissing his stepgrandson & pretend he didn't) I agree that he's maybe the worst closet case EVER. I agree that he sould tell Lucinda. But does that legitimate Luke going to see Carolyn who has nothing to do with this? Does that give Luke the right to spy on him? Ok, Brian acted like a jerk but he's still a human being. I'm 100% with Luke on this but Brian was right when he said Luke has pushed it too far... At least that's what I think :p
ahhhhhh! why i want them to kiss omg they belong together! "cry" why is this so hard ahhhhhh!
First COMMENT!!!!!!!!
OMG I hope they get throught it.. :)
I'd be exactly the same as Luke
The plot thickens..
I think she's sensing his bullshit. Grandma ain't no fool.
Moi aussi--
vous avez raison!
One kiss, ONE KISS? You are missing the point. There should never have been ANY kissing going on between those two. A so called straight man, that is marrying a person's grandmother doesn't EVER kiss her grandson. That does imply BIGTIME that something is up. And even if Luke leaned in, Brian should have PUSHED him away, told him "You are drunk, go upstairs and sleep it off"
Luke has every right to suspect something is up and more than every right to be pissed.
If that's really true, then why haven't they halted all the kisses Bianca and Reese share on All my Children? This is just the writers screwing up a storyline, as usual.
Huh? LMAO what are you talking about?! WTH have I missed?!
i guess they still are a couple but in the old recorded episodes ^^. If they not ever gonna get back together. Mite as well, rewatch old movies. eheheheheh
mee thinks that if lukee speaks with lucey, she will she the light and believe him...
Lucindas eyes at the end is hilarious!!!hahahaha
she married a gay man....
Well, a lot of people wanted Luke and Noah to have a storyline. Now they have one. It might not be the best, but we have to remember this is a soap opera. Since when are their stories ever really good? This story is dragging a bit, but hopefully things will pick up soon. I actually wish Luke would find someone else. Noah is just...getting boring, I suppose. I don't know. Hopefully something good really does happen soon.
I was thinking the same exact thing.
I'm really confused... Brian is acting like he were totally right, while he's totally a son of a .... well, you got me. He kissed Luke on the LIPS, that's very different from a kiss on the cheek or the forehead, come on!! So he's really really closet or really really stupid. And Noah? He's just acting like a ... what? "Friend", as he told last week? For God's sake, Noah, this is Luke, remember? Don't you miss his arms around you, his lips on your own, him telling you "I love (next comment)
Brian..i can't hear that man
OK why is it that even Luke is mad at something Noah is like just let it go but Noah nows that Luke can't just forget that Bryan is so mad I think that Lucinda is going to find out about his ex wife and what Luke was doing and if he is really sink
i think... luke is stuck in a thinking falacy i don't think he realizes that some people can be bisexual, not everyone is completely straight or completely gay, sexuality is like a spectrum and people are all different in different parts between gay and straight, so its possible that bryan is just bi just a little and in that case yes luke does need to just drop it. and it doesn't necessarily mean that hes lying to lucinda beacuse if hes bi he could genuinly love her
I have to say I agree with Brian on this: Luke is way over the line. But I blame it on his sexual frustration. Poor Luke.
Just one thing I don't understand: WHY ISN'T NOAH JEALOUS?? Come on, he made a FUSS over Kevin who was STRAIGHT and now, a closeted pervert kisses the love of his life on the mouth and he doesn't do anything?? I'm starting to think Noah isn't in love with Luke anymore. Plus, the writers aren't explaining how Noah feels in all this. We don't get his point of view. It sucks.
it looks like luke and noah are just friends, pure friends. there is NOT a tiny bit of trace left that they were a lover. what's going on? i'm so sick of seeing luke being obsessed with the fact that brian kissed him. so what? can luke give the littlest attention to noah? it looks like noah is completely out of luke's life.
I'm not missing the point at all, just because I see it a different way(or I don't see it the way folks want me to see it) does not mean that I'm missing the point, nor does it make my feelings bad.
The kiss shouldn't have happened, ok, but hell, a LOT of things on soaps "shouldn't" happen, but then why watch? I'm just saying that Luke used passes in the plural as though it happened more than once. It didn't and thats a far. Who the hell knows what might happen next. LOL!
At least Lucinda's got enough comon fucking sense to realize that something's going on! And I know this is out of the blue, but you know what would have put a huge twist to the story? If Luke and Brian were still at java, and during the arguement while Noah was watching, have Brian smack Luke across the face and watch Noah blow up and run Brian's perverted ass out of town! :D
Hell, Luke should just come onto Brian to get him to come out. Seduce him with your sexy ways, Van Hansis...
Omg, I was just thinking that, lmao.
I've tried giving Noah the benefit of the doubt over and over, but he's acting like an idiot. Lucinda should know the truth and Noah should know that Luke can tell when someone is kissing him/taking advantage of him (drunk or not). He's put Luke through so much and he gives terrible advice. I really want Luke to date someone else for awhile until Noah changes. However, once the truth comes out I'm sure they'll be fine but he shouldn't have to be given concrete evidence to be on Luke's side.
No he signed a thing that said he gets nothing.
Lucinda is NOT liking him very much. It's very apparent on her over the shoulder glance!!
and i have exam later and i still ddnt sleep and study!
and I want another kissing scene
and Luncinda is suspecting!!! haah yes! but it would be boring now without Brian and if he leaves i have to addmitt it ill miss him
thanks!! i've checked out the videos.... u r damn right, Holden is smoking hot!!~~!!!!
We shouldn't assume any actor is gay...OR straight, for that matter.
noah is too passive i agree
anyone else think lucinda is becoming suspicious? just tht look at the end and earlier as well.
(from previous comment) you"? Not even a little? What is this "I'm-your-best-friend-show"?? Come on! But then... do you believe him now? Or are you just polite? Seen how Brian treated him? Nothing to say? I say that again... I'm really confused!!
well thank you :)
@Msherri13 Maybe just wishful thinking on Perez Hilton's part then? Google him & Van and check out his posts!
Yeah, I know it's pissing me off too
He is gay though, i think i read online that he was dating some guy name Tyler...
I'm actually liking the Brian storyline. I was a bit bored with Nuke. Oh my God! Did I just write that? DELETE DELETE DELETE!!!
I think since no one believes Luke, he's going to have to seduce Brian and catch him in the act.
Okay, don't hate me, please, but that's what she said.
Hey, how many thumbs down, lol! I think I may have offended someone, sorry guys, I didn't mean. In case I didn't make myself clear enough I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST NOAH, I just don't like his behavior right now, but, I say that again, THIS IS JUST MY OPINION, NO-ONE IS FORCED TO SHARE IT. I respect anyone's opinion ;-).
@ThreeDaysGraceGod Um. I mean maybe it'd be less weird Brian wasn't married to Luke's grandmother, making him techically his grandpa! There's still the age difference but Luke was in college which means he's over 18 so Brian's technically not a pedophile.....NO. It'd still be weird. && Holden and Noah..what??? Usually I'm pretty open to the odd couple but I just don't see that working.
Is it weird if I think that Luke and Brian would make a nice couple 0_o?
Or even better, Noah and Holden 0_0.... I reaaaaaaaaaaalllly have to stop watching this at 6 hours intervals....
dont know either lol im not from UK but i love this soap ive been watching in youtube for 3 days ahhaah..
lol lucenda is being suspicious look how she kiss or smell brian's neck..hahaha maybe she can find out sometihng
You should wake up to reality, which is much worse than soaps.
Barely any actor is going to tell you he's gay because his management won't let him and/or he thinks his career will be affected negatively...
why did I get all those thumbs down? :(
GOD NOAH!! "Maybe you should let this go..."
Noah, I just hate you!!
(not really. I love Noah.. but GOD)
Granny is not stupid.....
I'm sick of Brian. :(