I this list focuses more on like stuff that doesnt need to be 6* right away to work. Most of These Monsters are a Lot better 6* than 5* yes but you can lay them aside at first and Focus on building other, more important monsters
For many of them, 6-starring doesn't have any purpose. That's the point of the video. They work fine with the amount of stats they have at 5 star, especially Shannon for giants or ToA monsters.
@@NochnVideo why build monsters for one purpose only while you can do more with them. For example, you will miss the chance to make Eirgar as frontline damage dealer unit in rift beast and TF speed team.
@@nimaeru0528 I didn't agree with all of them either. But monsters like Thrain don't need to be 6-starred when doing ToA. Same goes with Igmanodon in SF. It depends.
@@zaleww5824 My 2,5 weeks old account can do gb12 with shannon as 5* and it works fine. 3 days in, she survived in gb10. Early game is much easier than you think.
Video won't load for me but: 5 star HP is how you get one shot by the giant.. And this is a weird video to make after artifacts, which can only be used by 6* monsters. Lots of monster potential being lost here. Eirgar was in my 30sec gb10 team and i still use shannon for gb12 now. 6* made them survive counterattacks
please pay attention to the sentence "dont need to 6* (to do their job properly)" when they 6*, their mini raise attack can speed your run maybe 1 second? its safer with more hp and def. it doesnt mean they are best at 5*, but they can start to function properly at 5*
This is aimed at newbie players with limited resources. If you are already beating GB12 or TOA hard. Chances are you have a ton of 6 stars already built and can afford to have these 6 stared as well. If you are a player that is 6 starring like your first 3 mons. Then go Fran, Kro and Bella as those need to be prioritized because you need those in Dragons as well. A lot of people really have a need to brag about their accounts.
3:40 rly? His AI sucks, he got buffed and still does not block from time to time, even though his skills are up, also, good luck surviving rift beast if your runes are not that good, people evolve units to boost stats and make teams more reliable, this is somehow misleading for new players.
This may have been helpful to new or mid game players one, two or three years ago but given how incredibly easy they’ve made it to 6* a monster now compared to a few years ago. One might as well 6* units and many in this video actually need to be 6* to gain as much stats as possible.
My f2p account (well never paid in the game on any account) had Lapis as first 6*, then I believe Laika (got lucky), and Bernard. Even though he supposedly doesn’t need 6* I believe doing it will still be beneficial. Lulu is still 5* for me by now, got around 8-9 6* now.
I have to 6* my lulu first because his utility is so useful n easy to maxed out skill. My lapis stay at 5* because she still can farm at faimon hell with decent rune (free +15 legend rune)
After 4 years of grinding and spending money my account got hacked and com2us is doing nothing to help I gave them all the info they asked for multiple times plus more its obviously my account but they don't care so be careful with this game you can lose all your hard work and money just like that and they won't help you.
Orion....really? Needs to be fast and actually do their job and strip....so no Chloe....come on...in a speed meta? just get your darn stats it doesn't take much to 6* things Woonhak...I guess? You do want to actually...survive in ToA If he does his job properly is true but I have seen ToA go stupid too many times to risk it. Thrain....yall are just picking on random monsters at this point. The grim reapers have kinda bad stats, now if you give us our 2A MAYYYBBEE I can agree on this one but get your damn stats. Garo.......Please....stop. You are hurting my soul. You are right in the regards that Garo can hang in there at 5* but you know what is cool? Clearing a floor of ToA or where ever you bring him and it not taking a year. Konamiya/Teon....I'm giving this one to you. I like them but they can do their job fine with good enough runes at 5*....6 is still better if you take them to raid though.... Beneficial effect blockers....I mean.....Yes?....sure if you are ONLY using them for SF10 why not....its not like having more health incase the boss losses their mind ever messed up a run...oh...wait. Eirgar....90% of the people who got him from the event already 6*d him because it was part of the event. Those who had to work to get the ancient coins are probably in need of him so just let them have their LD5 toy. It isn't like they are getting them from scrolls. Shannon...Yes she can be 5*, she is still better when 2a and 6* because again it gives you more wiggle room if your runes are not really that great which likely is most of the players watching this video who thought it would help them progress. Colleen/Loren.....Who hurt you two? Do you need to talk about this? Seriously though yes you don't need to make a dupe Loren 6* if you are just using her for fodder in BJ5. Bernard....I'm going to sleep.
But u dont gain speed when 6* ur monster, not sure what u meant with Orion or chloe. I agree with the video, in the early-mid game there are more gaming changing units to 6*. If u are using this units only for the places said in the video.
@@ivonjr1980 i never said they did but rarely have I seen a Chloe team first turn clear. Having her have more stats to see another turn is helpful. Orion similar story. 6* will not make them faster but it can change what could have been a loss to a win in Arena
dont play this game if u watch this video,its all about money and rng,ur strategy is worthless when ur enemy procs with every unit,this game is going worse day by day
You don't need to *6 star them IF you have op runes.
There, I said it.
@@TwisT02 Noice!
„Woonhak doesn’t need to get 6* because you never getting touched“
*proceeds to show clip of Woonhak getting hit*
@EUNCHAN SEO that's not the point of his comment 🤦♂
My Bernard has been 5* since i start the Game 5 years ago and he Will be always 5* xD
Same here ahahaha
Or he should be one of your last 6* before you can just play Summoners War for fun.
@@SigmaHayate That was not 5 years ago. You can see many different videos from November 2015 6 starring stuff.
@@SigmaHayate what are You talking about? That isn't true at all
You say Eigar doesn't need 6 star yet his clips he is 6 star, and he needs 6 star or he gets wrecked too quickly.
Same with konamiya lol
I this list focuses more on like stuff that doesnt need to be 6* right away to work. Most of These Monsters are a Lot better 6* than 5* yes but you can lay them aside at first and Focus on building other, more important monsters
Huh, weirdly enough every single monster in here should be 6-starred.
For many of them, 6-starring doesn't have any purpose. That's the point of the video. They work fine with the amount of stats they have at 5 star, especially Shannon for giants or ToA monsters.
@@NochnVideo why build monsters for one purpose only while you can do more with them. For example, you will miss the chance to make Eirgar as frontline damage dealer unit in rift beast and TF speed team.
@@NochnVideo garo ling ling eigar needs to be 6* at least
@@nimaeru0528 I didn't agree with all of them either. But monsters like Thrain don't need to be 6-starred when doing ToA. Same goes with Igmanodon in SF. It depends.
@@zaleww5824 My 2,5 weeks old account can do gb12 with shannon as 5* and it works fine. 3 days in, she survived in gb10. Early game is much easier than you think.
Video won't load for me but:
5 star HP is how you get one shot by the giant..
And this is a weird video to make after artifacts, which can only be used by 6* monsters. Lots of monster potential being lost here. Eirgar was in my 30sec gb10 team and i still use shannon for gb12 now. 6* made them survive counterattacks
Some of them are weird, but ToA monsters usually don't get anything out of 6-starring. And my 5 starred Shannon never got oneshot by the giant.
Juste upgrade ur runes
please pay attention to the sentence "dont need to 6* (to do their job properly)" when they 6*, their mini raise attack can speed your run maybe 1 second? its safer with more hp and def. it doesnt mean they are best at 5*, but they can start to function properly at 5*
The only ones I agree with are Shannon and Bernard. The rest are too squishy not to 6*
I agree with you.
Thank you for another informative video! Great job guys! Continue for sharing us new ideas & loopholes in the game. 👏
5:08 I don’t like Evan looking at me like that
This is aimed at newbie players with limited resources. If you are already beating GB12 or TOA hard. Chances are you have a ton of 6 stars already built and can afford to have these 6 stared as well. If you are a player that is 6 starring like your first 3 mons. Then go Fran, Kro and Bella as those need to be prioritized because you need those in Dragons as well. A lot of people really have a need to brag about their accounts.
Dont 6 star but you have op rune lol
I have a question about runes!! I have a set of vampire and guard at 15s what character would benefit from them
Me: too late
I don't need to 6 star shannon but do i need to 2a her?
Unless you're using the energy for something else, why not?
@@MasterDianWei Belladeon, Kro, Raoq, Icaru, Spectra :)
So glad i got to see this bruh ive been considering to 6 star some of these units i was about to do shannon
i already 6 star my shannon
Eirgar has been my favorite monster for 1 and a half year He is great cause we can buy him from the coin shop if you don't have zinc like me
Fran is better to buy though.
stop looking at me that way, having me feeling a type of way
Eirgar was my first 6 star lol
I made bernard 6 star for the AXP evolv
Terrible advice. If you're using it, 6 star it, unless for a specific role like bjr5.
I love summoners war I need nat5 please 🤣😭😭😭😭😭
I didn’t realize those three stars where so useful at higher levels
there’s a reason the game sent them to you lmfao
@@dottytang42 Some of them are trash u fidget
Ι was saving most of them in lvl35 but there is differents of hp def of lvl35 and lvl40 😉
Wait a minute didn't they just said it was better to 6* Colleen Loren and Thrain in another video?
An archer reference I love it
I like how their FAT lushen did less dmg than my shaina
Sry to tell you but he didn't use Amp magic he used surprise box
My lushen does 9k with surprise box and no def break
Yo it got light Phoenix today
I 6* Konamiya early ♥ he's still squishy, cuz of my bad rune though... my love bird
Nope, Seeing number 35 is cancer
Does anybody know where I can get summoners war merch
3:40 rly? His AI sucks, he got buffed and still does not block from time to time, even though his skills are up, also, good luck surviving rift beast if your runes are not that good, people evolve units to boost stats and make teams more reliable, this is somehow misleading for new players.
This may have been helpful to new or mid game players one, two or three years ago but given how incredibly easy they’ve made it to 6* a monster now compared to a few years ago. One might as well 6* units and many in this video actually need to be 6* to gain as much stats as possible.
im just happy that i have a monster with my name, man
Whats 6+9
I dont have garo so I can't pass the akroma floor. My bootleg team can't pass toa 77.
6 ⭐️ my cute Mushroom 🍄 Already
Next video top 10 monsters you don't need to full skill
hmmm now i regret making em 6*
Um i don't need vampire lord since iown a cadiz
If your goal is to barely achieve what you are aiming for, don't six star them. Unless you have OP runes. Exception on Shannon, she do well in 5 star.
The only one I fully agreed on in this list.
Oh shoot... I just 6* my eirigar just now.. wtf!
Vampire is underrated
Are they joking? Or what
Evan needs to keep the beard XD
if you hardworking player, just 6star all
I'm pretty sure that I have worse runes then Evan so I need to six star everything.
you two make a handsome couple :3
Love this videos
This video is wrong
Aumento de status sao uteis gente
Camules got robbed!
Dont be lazy 6 star everything
Only play for 8 days and my first 6* is Lulu btw. Rest still 5* 😂 well f2p btw
My f2p account (well never paid in the game on any account) had Lapis as first 6*, then I believe Laika (got lucky), and Bernard. Even though he supposedly doesn’t need 6* I believe doing it will still be beneficial. Lulu is still 5* for me by now, got around 8-9 6* now.
I have to 6* my lulu first because his utility is so useful n easy to maxed out skill. My lapis stay at 5* because she still can farm at faimon hell with decent rune (free +15 legend rune)
*shows video 6 star Garo*
After 4 years of grinding and spending money my account got hacked and com2us is doing nothing to help I gave them all the info they asked for multiple times plus more its obviously my account but they don't care so be careful with this game you can lose all your hard work and money just like that and they won't help you.
Wait top 10 monsters or top 10 list of monsters ??. Cuz that's over 30 monsters 🤣🤪
Can we please get auto TOA 😂😂
I still 6 stared eigar anyways. He my rep. My user is Pu$sheen101 btw.
keep doing video pls
I love this :D
Lmao toa hard and heck 😭
Orion....really? Needs to be fast and actually do their job and strip....so no
Chloe....come on...in a speed meta? just get your darn stats it doesn't take much to 6* things
Woonhak...I guess? You do want to actually...survive in ToA If he does his job properly is true but I have seen ToA go stupid too many times to risk it.
Thrain....yall are just picking on random monsters at this point. The grim reapers have kinda bad stats, now if you give us our 2A MAYYYBBEE I can agree on this one but get your damn stats.
Garo.......Please....stop. You are hurting my soul. You are right in the regards that Garo can hang in there at 5* but you know what is cool? Clearing a floor of ToA or where ever you bring him and it not taking a year.
Konamiya/Teon....I'm giving this one to you. I like them but they can do their job fine with good enough runes at 5*....6 is still better if you take them to raid though....
Beneficial effect blockers....I mean.....Yes?....sure if you are ONLY using them for SF10 why not....its not like having more health incase the boss losses their mind ever messed up a run...oh...wait.
Eirgar....90% of the people who got him from the event already 6*d him because it was part of the event. Those who had to work to get the ancient coins are probably in need of him so just let them have their LD5 toy. It isn't like they are getting them from scrolls.
Shannon...Yes she can be 5*, she is still better when 2a and 6* because again it gives you more wiggle room if your runes are not really that great which likely is most of the players watching this video who thought it would help them progress.
Colleen/Loren.....Who hurt you two? Do you need to talk about this? Seriously though yes you don't need to make a dupe Loren 6* if you are just using her for fodder in BJ5.
Bernard....I'm going to sleep.
But u dont gain speed when 6* ur monster, not sure what u meant with Orion or chloe.
I agree with the video, in the early-mid game there are more gaming changing units to 6*. If u are using this units only for the places said in the video.
@@ivonjr1980 i never said they did but rarely have I seen a Chloe team first turn clear. Having her have more stats to see another turn is helpful. Orion similar story. 6* will not make them faster but it can change what could have been a loss to a win in Arena
No ofence but why isn't JewBagel paid 4 doing this?
No one cares
It's a lot harder to be last. So no "nice" from me today
dont play this game if u watch this video,its all about money and rng,ur strategy is worthless when ur enemy procs with every unit,this game is going worse day by day