The "Pet Conversion" sketch was originally written for a 1969 BBC Christmas special, which the Pythons really didn't want to appear in...and the BBC didn't really want the sketch after reading it. Hence, the reference to "Caesar's Christmas Show" at 7:05...
Actually, it's not that much. I'm in ninth grade, and some people in my class can jump 15feet easily. Still, he might be lying- no offense to Terry Jones, but he doesn't appear very athletic...
The "Pet Conversion" sketch was originally written for a 1969 BBC Christmas special, which the Pythons really didn't want to appear in...and the BBC didn't really want the sketch after reading it. Hence, the reference to "Caesar's Christmas Show" at 7:05...
Ok 👍
Haha the librarian sketch reminds me of the Unseen University librarian from the Discworld novels for some reason xD
Monty Pythons Flying Circus is wonderful!
I like this show, but when they talk about doing that stuff to the Terrier it just makes sad.
Can't stop thinking about Discworld librarian...
man that was painful to watch when he bites the cathedral
But it was Mr. Obvious who experienced that very pain. 😖
God Forbid if those gruesome stunts become the basis for a Reality TV competition series. ☠️
11 Feet is actually astounding... He must've been lying.
"Will you do it?!"
To be continued. :P
am i the only one reminded of discworld by the librarian sketch?
0:25 epic
OMG cliffhanger! o.o
@MonkeyHunter6000 Um... maybe because Chichester Cathedral is an actual Anglican cathedral? Just type it into Google, they have a website!
Actually, it's not that much. I'm in ninth grade, and some people in my class can jump 15feet easily. Still, he might be lying- no offense to Terry Jones, but he doesn't appear very athletic...
@MonkeyHunter6000 Suit yourself. You asked why and I answered.