Akillah Putra Ramadhani XI-10 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. we must give good signals to everyone and make the people around us feel comfortable with the signals we give well 5. agree, because we have to study hard to get good education income so we can convince parents
Muhammad nawas nur abdillah XI-9 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4.we must give good signals to everyone and make the people around us feel comfortable with the signals we give well 5.agree, because we have to study hard to get good education income so we can convince parents
Naysilla Corinna S XI-7 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. we must give good signals to everyone and make the people around us feel comfortable with the signals we give well 5. agree, because we have to study hard to get good education income so we can convince parents
Aderio Vebriando X-8 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4.Don't skip meals 5.In my opinion, this sentence plays a very important role in life because if we want to live a healthy life free from disease, start paying attention to the little things around us.
Name : Yayang Destianfierni Azzahra kelas : XI-5 1. Yes,i do 2. Yes, i do 3. Yes, i do 4.We must be ourselves and not interfere in other people's affairs 5.we must always be confident and brave in all situations
Kyla Naura Puspanugraha XI-9 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Everyone starts from the bottom. While others might see it as a scar, I see it as a lesson. 5. i really agree with her statement, because i believe everything come for a reason
Name: Maxwell Siraphop Winata Kelas: XI-9 1. Yes, I do 2. Yes, I do 3. Yes, I do 4. We should be ourselves and let other people have their own opinions about us 5. We should always be confident and don't look back
assalamualaikum ma'am, my name is Nur Azizah and the class XI-4. 1. yes, i do 2. yes, of course 3. yes, there is 4. taking care of yourself is productive 5. statement is very meaningful because by taking care of ourselves
Name : monalisa. Rismauly putri siahaan Class : XI-6 Page 9 activity 10 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. The fear is not real 5. focus on what you want to achieve
Nama : Ika Listianingsih Kelas : XI-4 page 9 act 10 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. The fear is not real 5. The statement is go meaningful and it makes me braver
Name : Syafad Abizard p.f class : XI-5 page 9 activity 10 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4. Prilly Latuconsina is clear proof that under any circumstances we must still prioritize education. While you are still young, be productive with positive things and work. 5. This statement is useful, because it can make us aware of the importance of education.
name:faaza abdillah altair class:Xl-8 1.yes. 2.yes. 3.yes . 4.we must give good signals to everyone and make the people around us feel comfortable with the signals we give well. 5.agree,because we have to study hard to get good education income so we can convince parents.
Name: Cerli Amelia Angrayani Class: XI-7 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. Prilly Latuconsina is clear proof that under any circumstances we must still prioritize education 5. to overcome ignorance and poverty that occurs in our country, namely Indonesia.
Muhammad Satrio Anton Perdhana XI - 9 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Everybody wants the prize, but nobody loves the process 5. This statement makes me think that we have to be able to enjoy the process that we do
Name: Aisha Mutiara Fajar Class: XI-7 Page: 9 act 10 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Don't be afraid to start something good, even if it's small 5. I agree cuz people who are afraid to take steps towards goodness realize that small acts of kindness will have a big impact if done continuously
Name: Zahra Nur Annisa Class: XI-6 Page 9 activity 10 1. Yes, I do 2. Yes, I do 3. Yes, I do 4. "There is no instant success. It's impossible to reach the 100th step if you don't go through the first, second, third, and so on." 5. I believe the statement, because every success requires a struggle to go through every process.
Nama: HIJRIAH HAZRA Kelas:Xl-4 page 9 act 10 1. Yess 2. Yess 3. Yess 4. keep praying,practice and try hard,and keep yourself from being productive 5. the statement is so meaningful and it makes me braver
klemens hans oeman santoso damo XI-10 page 9 activity 10 1. yes 2.yes 3. yes 4.i've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why u succeed 5. this teaches and makes me know that success can be achieved through a process that is not easy to go through
Name:Adesta Alfarizi Class: XI-9 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4.Your potential is endless,keep pushing, keep striving, and watch yourself grow. 5.the statement are meaningful And its remind me to believe in the power of a god
Dimaz Malika Dwi Azzaky XI-4 My answer: 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. "We should be grateful to the people who have helped us." 5. I totally agree with those words. If not them, who will help us?
Name: Sultan Muhammad Adzar Class: XI-7 Page: 9 act 10 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. "Even though you have been to various countries, don't forget your country of birth" 5. i think that is very good statement
Name: Andi Revan Octavian Class: XI-5 1. Yes 2. Yes 3.yes 4. Always pray, practice and try hard, and keep yourself from being productive 5. I think her statement is very inspiring, because it reminds us to believe in the power of God.
Name : Aditya Abi Satrio Class : Xl-8 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Success does not always belong to smart people, but success belongs to people who always try. 5. This character image taught me and made me know that success can be achieved by people who are serious about doing something and it is not easy to get through.
Name: Maysah Muhammad Tsarwat Class: XI-5 Page 9, Activity 10 1. Do you have a favorite idol or public figure? -> Yes i do 2. if yes, do you follow their Social Media? -> Yes 3. If yes, is there a statement or opinion they posted on their Social Media that struck you the most? ->Yes 4. What does her/his statement say? -> Knowledge brings you power while Fashion makes you unique 5. What do you think of the statement? ->it's simple but I've been thinking about it lately, there are some people who use their appearance as their main power towards every thing where they forget the true power is knowledge. So Fashion, or appearance is just what makes us different from others, not something sufficient to use as a backup.
Name : Lutfiah Nur Auliah Class : XI-7 Page 9 activity 10 1. yes 2. yes, i do 3. yes 4. it's okay to have a big dream as long as you also work harder to achieve it, if it fails keep trying until it works. 5. this statement make me feel motivated and inspirated. it makes me think that nothing can't as long as we want.
Name: Achmad Suwardana Adhyasta Class: XI-10 Page 9 activity 10 1. Yes, I do 2. Yes, I do 3. Yes, I do 4. "There is no instant success. It's impossible to reach the 100th step if you don't go through the first, second, third, and so on." 5. I believe the statement, because every success requires a struggle to go through every process.
Name: Ahmad Fauzi Kamal Class: XI-10 Page 9 Activity 10 1.yes , i do 2.yes, i do 3.yes, i do 4.There is no failed dreams, just deferred dreams 5.We never know what will happen after we do something fail, just keep trying until you find what you want, remember if you fail at something, just keep trying until you achieve your success
Name:Andra satiasa dwi putra rasyid Class:XI.10 Page 9 act 10 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4.“There is nothing stronger than gentleness, nothing more gentle than quiet strength.” (general sudirman) 5.the statement reveals that meekness has great and effective power, while true strength often arises from calm and meekness. This shows that true strength does not always have to be aggressive or violent, but can also come from a gentle and calm approach.
Name : Nova Hariyari Class : Xi.9 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4. "Allow yourself to be sad. Relish in disappointment. Give room for it to linger for a while. Then from it, grow and find new positive energy to harness." 5. I agree with it because, every sadness has its beauty too. Conversely, every failure has its own victory.
Name: Arfa Nabil K Class: Xl-5 Page 9 act 10 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. "Never hesitate to seek help and talk about how you feel. Mental health is just as important as physical health" 5. My take on this sentence is that it wisely reminds us all that mental health deserves the same attention as physical health.
name:irzha abhinaya sakhi khalishah class:XI-7 page 9 activity 10 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4. Prilly Latuconsina is clear proof that under any circumstances we must still prioritize education. While you are still young, be productive with positive things and work. 5. This statement is useful, because it can make us aware of the importance of education.
Assalamualaikum, I am Annisa Fauziah Natasya XI-4 I want to answer : 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. we must remain a good person to everyone and must have a good attitude 5. we must be grateful for our process thank you ma'am
Name : M. Aryo R. XI-5 Page 9 activity 10 1.yes ofc 2.yes,i do 3.yes 4.just be confident, and stay focused on the goal that we want 5.This statement motivates me that opportunities to practice or improve skills will not arise again after the first opportunity has passed.
Name : Alifah Daniyah Syirin Class : XI.4 Page : 9 act 10 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. "Even though you have been to various countries, don't forget your country of birth" 5. i think that is very good statement
Name: Kinnan Diba Soraya Aufa Class: XI-8 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Always pray, never give up and keep trying to achieve your dream 5. This statement is very meaningful and really motivates me to keep trying to achieve anything
Nama : Javier CRS Kelas : XI-5 Page 9 1.Yes 2.Yes 3.Yes 4."I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come" 5."In my opinion, the statement 'I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come' expresses the belief that effort and hard work will yield positive results. It means that by being committed to working hard and being consistent, we will achieve our goals or obtain the desired results. Essentially, effort made with diligence and dedication will bear good results over time."
Name:Emir Daryl Fatah Class:XI-4 Page 9 activity 10 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4."No dream ever fails. There are only dreams that are postponed. If you ever feel like you've failed in achieving your dreams, don't worry, new dreams can be created" 5.I believe that statement motivates me to pursue my goals. Even if I face failures, it doesn't mean the end of my spirit to keep striving for my dreams.
Qanitah emily tabitha XI-8 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. always be kind to everyone and make people feels better 5. i fell agre with,keep being a strong person and keep being good person.
Dariah nabilah Humairoh from Xi-4 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. "when other give up, thats when we have to be more persistent" 5. dont give up easily because there is always an opportunity, an opportunity that we dont take could be taken by someone else
Name : Handini Nabillah Putri class: XI-5 1. Do you have any Idols or favorite public figures? answer:yes 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? answer: yes 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? answer: yes 4. What does she/he is statement say? answer: He said, "Everyone's best version is different, so never let anyone tell you or make you feel inadequate." 5. What do you think of the statement? answer: The statement is empowering, encouraging self- acceptance and reminding us that everyone's best is unique. It urges us to focus on our own strengths and not let others define our worth.
Name : Ervika Dwi Winrostya Class : XI-3 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Always Pray, practice and try hard, no matter how difficult the problem is, i must solve it well and not run away from the problem 5. When we want to achieve something or a dream we have to try and work hard in order to achieve what we want, believe that something we try our best to do will definitely succees.
nama: Gwain Ghaitsha Athaalya Tsabithah kelas: Xi-5 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. "Be happy being you. Love your flaws. Own your quirks. And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else, exactly as you are." 5. In my opinion, encouraging people to embrace their individuality and imperfections. In a world where there's often pressure to conform to certain standards or ideals, her message is a reminder that never fails.
Name: Sadira Kanza Az Zahra Class : XI-3 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Allow yourself to be sad. Relish in disappointment. Give room for it to linger for a while. Then from it, grow and find new positive energy to harness. 5. gives us the inspiration that it's okay to be sad, but don't let it drag on, because in the future you have to be happy and create positive energy. Thank’s very much maam
Name: Sean J.N Kilapong Class: XI-9 Page 9 Activity 10 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed 5. This teaches and makes me know that success can be achieved through a process that is not easy to go through.
Name: Putri Zaheera Hana Class: XI-3 page 9 act 10 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. being kind and spreading positivity is something we owe to ourselves and to those around us. It's a choice that shapes our future. 5. I think this statement is powerful and inspiring. It highlights the importance of kindness and positivity in our lives and our duty to cultivate a better world. It encourages people to be mindful of their
Haleluya Victorya Uli Silalahi XI-4 16 page 9 act 10 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Air your dreams, and chase what you want to chase 5. We must pursue our dreams and never give up.
Name: Sayla aglaulemmaa Class: XI-8 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Always pray, never give up and keep trying to achieve your dream 5. This statement is very meaningful and really motivates me to keep trying to achieve anything
Iqbal Faiz Arifin XI-7 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4. keep be kind to other people and make people feels better. 5. I really agree with this statement because if we are kind to others, other people will automatically be kind to us too.
Name : Vincent Nathan Cahyadi Class : XI-9 Page 9 Activity 10 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. "Success isn’t Always about Greatness. It’s about Consistency" 5. This statement is very relatable and gives me motivation everytime i want to give up
Nama: Rifa jahra sharapova Kelas: XI-8 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. If you believe you can do it, no matter how difficult the study program is, no matter how hard the task is, you can do it. But if you don't have the intention, want to exchange with someone else, you're lazy, you definitely won't be able to 5. this statement is very meaningful, I think it's true what my idol said, if you believe you can, if you say you can't, you really can't. So convince yourself.
Name: Zaskia Putri Noviyanti Class: IX.6 Page 9 Activity 10 1.Yes. My idol is Naura Ayu. 2. Yes, I follow Naura Ayu's social media. 3. One of Naura Ayu's statements that caught my attention was when she talked about the importance of maintaining mental health and how music can be a means of therapy. 4. The statement implies that he believes music can help overcome stress and emotional challenges. It's also important for her to talk openly about mental health. 5. I think this statement is very positive and important. Educating the public about mental health and using music as a therapeutic tool can be very beneficial, especially for many people who may have difficulty seeking help.
Name: Vhirsya Anlie Class: XI-5 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Achieving your dreams feels hard, but that doesn't mean you can't. Don't be afraid to try new things to reach the future, because good opportunities often come from the unexpected 5. In my opinion I am very motivated by the messages heconveys to all people who are struggling hard to achieve abetter future than before
name : Audia Mahdani Hayati class : XI-4 page 9 act 10 1. Yes, Maudy ayunda 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Maudy explained that despite receiving offers from prestigious universities, she took a gap year to stay productive and eventually chose to study at Oxford and Stanford. 5. This highlights Maudy’s dedication to her education and her ability to balance career and studies, reflecting her maturity and commitment.
Nama: Nawaf Ahmad Al-Gazali Kelas: XI-9 1. Yes, I do. The name of my idol is The greatest emperor to ever live, named Alexander the Great. 2. No, my idol does not have social media 3. He does not have a social media as he is dead, but there is one such quote that struck me within 4. "Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal." 5. Definitely Awe-inspiring. It tells me that the moment you're confident in yourself and you don't think of fear in everything you do, is when you truly live your life to the fullest.
Name:Pradipa Helga Saputra Class: XI-5 Page 9 Act 10 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? = Yes 2. If so, do you follow his social media? = Yes i do 3. If you do, is there any of his statement or opinion posted on his social media that struck you the most? = Yes, There is 4. what does her/his statement say? = "Don't just see the happiness, try to feel the sadness. Nobody's life is perfect" 5. what do you think of the statement? = I agree with that statement, that statement made me realize the importance of being grateful for all circumstances.
Name: Naila syakia putri Class: XI-7 page 9 act 10 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? Yes, I have 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? Yes 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/ his social media that struck you the most? Yes 4. What does her/his statement say? “As long as you can be given responsibility, no one will underestimate you” 5. What do you think of the statement? For me, this sentence teaches us the importance of responsibility so that no one underestimate us
Aluna Ghaniya Nayzadira XI-3 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Success does not belong to the smart. Success belongs to those who always try. When we spend our youth being lazy, then when we are old we will also be lazy and before we know it we will die tomorrow. 5. I totally agree with that statement, because If we try and are not lazy, we will get satisfactory results later.
Name: Muhammad Aldi Class: XI-5 Page 9 activity 10 1.yes 2.yes,i do 3.yes 4.just be confident, and stay focused on the goal that we want 5.This statement motivates me that opportunities to practice or improve skills will not arise again after the first opportunity has passed Thank you ma'am
Name : M.alfian syah Class : XI-3 Page 9 activitiy 10 1. Yes,I do 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. “Always think and hope that our beloved sons and daughters will become what they want in the future. Everyone believes they can do it.” 5.my opinion : This statement provides motivation to be able to try even more to achieve what I want in the future
Name : Muh. Agung Suryananda Class : XI-8 Page 9, Activity 10 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? = Yes, I do 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? = Yes, I do 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? = Yes, there is. 4. What does her/his statement say? = To be more enthusiastic if you want to achieve a goal. 5. What do you think of the statement? = I really agree and I am motivated by his statement, it makes me work harder to achieve my goals.
Name: Miqdad Zain R. A class: XI-8 1. People Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was the third president of Indonesia, holding office from 1998 to 1999. He studied aircraft engineering in Germany and worked for aircraft companies in Germany. In 1974, he returned to Indonesia to lead the state-owned oil company and later served as Minister of Research and Technology 2.animals Snake: A reptile characterized by its long, slender body and limbless form. Snakes are carnivorous and are found in various habitats worldwide. They use venom or constriction to hunt and are often feared or revered in different cultures. 3.Umbrella An umbrella is a holding object that is used to prevent or withstand rainwater that falls on a person's body. Umbrellas are also used to create shadows and prevent exposure to sunlight.
Name: Muhammad Hafiz Hernowo Class: XI.7 1. Do you have a favorite Idol or public figure? answer: yes 2. If yes, do you follow their social media? answer: yes 3. If yes, is there a statement or opinion he posted on his social media that most caught your attention? answer: yes 4. What is the content of the statement? Answer: Never give up and keep trying 5. What do you think about this statement? Answer: don't give up easily and give up easily, be a person who doesn't give up easily and give up, and remain yourself who is not influenced by the people around you
Name: (7) Athiyya Rana Kh Class: XI-4 Page 9 Activity 10 1.) Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? • Yes 2.) If so, do you follow her/his social media? • Yes 3.) If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion on her/his social media that struct you the most? • Yes 4.) What does her/his statement say? • "Life is a choice, and we must dare to choose." 5.) What do you think of the statement? • I can agree with this statement because, this statement emphasizes the importance of actively making decisions to shape our lives, as our choices could define our paths and potential outcomes whether it's good or bad.
Nama : Aqela Putri W. L Kelas : XI.8 Page 9 activity 10 1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. Always think positively and believe in Allah no matter what happens and always do good 5. This can make us more enthusiastic and always think positively about everything and always remember that God is always with us
NAME: FEBIOLA AL MAULIA RAHMANINGTYAS CLASS: XI-5 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? =Yes 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? = Yes 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? = Yes 4. What does her/his statement say? = work hard, never give up, always try, smart, focused and confident 5. What do you think of the statement? = This statement states that if we want to achieve a goal then we must always try, be confident and not listen to words that are not good for us, and stay focused on the goal we want to achieve.
Name: octoradyzta syaputra Kelas: XI-10 1. ya 2. ya 3. ya 4. jangan melewatkan makan 5. Menurut saya kalimat ini sangat berperan penting dalam kehidupan kita, karena jika kita ingin hidup sehat bebas penyakit, mulailah memperhatikan hal-hal kecil disekitar kita, misalnya jangan pernah melewatkan waktu makan. Karena dengan makan kita mendapatkan energi untuk beraktivitas dan mencegah penyakit mudah menyerang
Nama: Willie Halim kelas: XI-4 1.Yes,Rolan Sihombing 2.Yes,clear 3.Yes 4."Don't chase butterflies, just take care of your garden" 5. the question told me to focus on the important and basic things, not on anything uncertain.
Zhafira Rizqa Karima XI-8 35 page 9 act 10 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. It's not always easy, but that's life. be strong because there are better days ahead 5. I feel agree with that statement, no matter how life goes every day, keep being a strong person, keep being a good person, and keep living your best life. because there are still many days ahead that are much better and more beautiful
Name : Annisa Seprina A R class : Xl-4 Page 9 activity 10 1. yes ofc 2. yes, i do 3. yes 4. just be confident, and stay focused on the goal that we want 5. this statement motivates me that opportunities to practice or improve skills will not arise again after the first opportunity has passed
Name : Yunisa Putri Class : XI-9 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? Answer: Yes, I do. 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? Answer: Yes, of course. 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? Answer: Yes, there is. 4. What does her/his statement say? Answer: She said, "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." 5. What do you think of the statement? Answer: For me, the statement is true because the one who can determine your dream is yourself.
hello ma'am dayang, my name is salsabila and from class XI-3 Answers pages 9-10 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. in one of her posts emphasized the importance of education not only for career advancement, but also for broadening your world view. When announcing his acceptance to Stanford University for a dual master's degree, he encouraged young people to value learning for its intrinsic value. In addition, Maudy often discusses the challenges of balancing various life roles, such as student, artist and public figure, while emphasizing the importance of finding personal balance and accepting diverse identities. 5. In my opinion, it emphasized the importance of lifelong learning and the intrinsic value of education, not just for a career. Her experience in balancing multiple life roles demonstrates a holistic approach that encourages acceptance of diverse identities. His perspective, which emphasizes self-awareness, continuous learning, and finding one's own path amidst external pressures, is considered modern and wise, and inspiring in a world that often prioritizes quick achievements. That's all from me, thank you ma'am
Muhammad Febri Al Amin XI.10 1. Yes 2. Yes, I follow him. 3. Yes, there is. 4. He said that "No keris is forged in a single attempt; to become a good keris, it must be forged multiple times. We may feel that the forging process is a torment, but I invite us to see it as an opportunity because we know that if we endure being forged repeatedly, by the end of the year, we will be amazing." 5. My opinion is that I am truly motivated by her/his words because we know that the process and the struggle can be very painful, but if we keep believing and enjoying the process, I am confident that we can achieve what we desire.
Name : Nathania Corinne Syachputri Class : XI - 5 page 9 activity 10 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. don’t let us not be oursalves just to be accepted by others 5. i find this statement incredibly inspiring and relevant, especially in today’s world. It highlights the importance of education in empowering individuals and communities, fostering critical thinking, and driving social progress. thank you very much ma’am
Name : Dwita Putri Anggatriani Class : XI.9 Page 9 act 10 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? Yes, I do. 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? Yes, I do. 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? One statement that stood out was about being true to yourself and not being afraid to show your real feelings. 4. What does her/his statement say? It highlights the importance of being genuine and honest with yourself and others. It encourages embracing your flaws and using them as a strength. 5. What do you think of the statement? I think it’s very inspiring. It shows how being yourself and accepting who you are can lead to real connections with others.
Name: Violla Anggun A. Class: XI.9 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? Answer: Yes, ofcourse i do. 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? Answer: Yes, ofcourse. 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? Answer: Yes, there it is. 4. What does her/his statement say? Answer: She said, "you know what inspires me? Fearlessness ,drive. I hate lazy people. Barbz,stay in school. Dont you ever be lazy, don't you ever complain about hard work. Work hard, pay for. 5. What do you think of the statement? her motivation makes me motivated to never get tired of going to school to gain knowledge, and motivated me to never complain about hardwork.
Name:Ayub al rifai class:XI-8 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4.Everything u lose is the step u take 5. My opinion regarding this sentence is about the importance of maintaining the integrity of a job in order to achieve satisfactory success at work
Syafira Amalia Rachman Class: XI-3 page 9 act 10 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. you will regret someday, if you dont do your best now 5. the statement is so meaningful and it makes me braver
Assalamualaikum wr.wb Name : Afifah Nahda I Class: XI.7 Page 9 Act 10 1. Yes, I do 2. Yes, I do 3. Yes, I do 4. “Many good things happen, but there are also bad, disappointing and unfair things. Life is like that, not always good and not always bad.” 5. I agree with that statement because it makes us realize that life is a mixture of good and bad experiences. Nothing is perfect, happiness and disappointment come and go, and that is a reality of life that must be accepted. We need to accept the reality of life with grace, realizing that bad moments are also part of life's journey that can teach us to become stronger.
Name: Novelina Tasta Maharani Class: XI-7 page 9 activity 10 1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. Don't give up just because one bad chapter happened in your life, keep going your story won't end there. 5. teaches us that don't give up if we fail, but keep trying and get up because failing is not the end of the world.
Name: Nasywa Vicky Anggraeni Class: XI-7 Page 9 Activity 10 1.) Yes, I do. I have many favorite idol and figure 2.)Yes, most of them 3.) Yes. a lot of statements changed my mindset that make me better. 4.) The content of the statement is "I'm not strong, I just hate the word give up." By Anggi Wahyuda (An Indonesian Climber) 5.) The statement make me strong in facing something. This statement grow my mindset, that all of humans have their own fears, weakness but... our weakness can be overcome just by OUR MIND! It changes everything. Courage and brave to keep trying, don't give up...And don't forget Always with Allah in everything we try😸
Kisia Adikita Br Tarigan XI-4 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? yes 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? yes 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? yes 4. What does her/his statement say? What are you afraid of ? 5. What do you think of the statement? i think it's good because it challenges us to face our fears. fear often prevents us from reaching our full potential. by overcoming fear, we can open doors to new opportunities.
name : name : ananda naufaline class : Xl-5 1. yes 2. yes, i do 3. yes 4. "No matter what your feeling I hope you know that your allowed to feel that way. You don't have to force yourself to get over something right away. Your allowed to sit in your pain, your frustration, your exhaustion, whatever it it, because your only human." 5. I always remember those words because they are very comforting and that is also the reason why I chosee him for my favorite idol
Name : Dinda Harum Alwardah Class : XI-7 Page 9 activity 10 1. Yes 2. Yes, I do 3. Yes 4. Don't be afraid to dream big, but also don't forget to work hard to make it happen 5. It's an inspiring statement that emphasizes the importance of dreaming big while working hard to achieve it. His message reminds us that success requires perseverance and consistent effort, not just ambition
Name : Jo Silviani Class : XI-9 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public igures? = Yes, i do. 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? =Yes, of course. 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? =Yes, there is. 4. What does her/his statement say? = He said "If you enjoy doing something, its a hobby, but if you're forced to do it." 5. What do you think of the statement? = I think if we do something forcefully, the results will not be good. It's better if we do it sincerely.
Name: Nadhirah Qintharani Nuryana Class: XI-3 -DESCRIPTIVE TEXT. 1.) People ; Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie (The 3rd President of Indonesia) → Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie, known simply as Rudy Habibie or BJ Habibie, was an Indonesian engineer and politician who known as the third President of Indonesia from 1998 to 1999. 2.) Things ; Umbrella → An umbrella is a holding object that designed to protect against rain or sunlight. The handle, usually made of wood, plastic, or metal, allows for easy carrying and maneuvering. When not in use, the umbrella can be folded compactly for convenience. 3.) Animals ; Snake → A snake is a legless reptile with a long, flexible body covered in scales. Its skin is covered in overlapping scales, which can vary in color and pattern depending on the species. Snakes lack eyelids and have a unique jaw structure for consuming large prey. Snakes can be found in a wide range of habitats and exhibit diverse behaviors, from being venomous to constricting their prey.
Aluna Ghaniya Nayzadira XI-3 1.) People: BJ Habibie B.J. Habibie, or Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, was a highly respected Indonesian figure, known as the third president of Indonesia and a scientist with significant contributions to aerospace technology. Born on June 25, 1936, in Parepare, South Sulawesi, Habibie stood out from a young age due to his intelligence. 2.) Things: apple Apples are a type of fruit, or fruit produced by apple trees. Apples are usually red in color when ripe and ready to eat, but can also have green or yellow skin. The skin of the fruit is rather soft and the flesh of the fruit is hard. Apples have several seeds in them. 3.) Animals: rats Rats have slender bodies, blunt or pointed snouts, sparse hair, prominent ears, narrow hind feet with bald soles, and small, sharp claws. The thinly furred tail appears hairless; it may be as long as the head and body, or it may be shorter.
Name: Devin Alenskie Chen Kelas: XI-8 (Page 9-10) 1.Yes 2.Yes. 3.Yes 4.The statement: "You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it." 5."The statement in my opinion reflects a common perspective on achieving goals and dreams. It also suggests that success requires dedication, effort, and sometimes personal sacrifices. For many, this mindset can be motivating, pushing them to persevere through challenges and stay focused on their objectives. It emphasizes the value of hard work and resilience in realizing one's aspirations."
Assalamualaikum. Excuse me ma’am. Name : Dimitri Mahayana Ardi Class : XI-9 Page 9, Activity 10 1. Yes, i have 2. Yes, i do 3. Yes, there is 4. his statement is "If you want to be successful, you have to be tired. If you're not tired, don't call yourself successful, Because successful people will go through the tired phase. If you're tired, don't give up but rest for a while, then go back to chasing your dreams until you get them, so being tired is normal." 5. For me, this statement is very motivating because it makes me fight harder and never give up in achieving my goals. Thank You. Wassalamualaikum
Name : Naura Khanza R Class : XI-6 Page 9 Activity 10 1. Do you have a favorite idol or public figure? : Yes, i do 2. If yes, do you follow their social media? : No, i don't 3. If yes, is there a statement or opinion he/she posted on his/her social media that impressed you the most? : I don't follow her on social media, but I know that she has a lot of statements. I usually see her statements on the internet like on Google or the news. 4. What is the content of the statement? : There is no dream that is too high. There is no dream that should be underestimated. Soar high as you want, and achieve what you hope for. 5. What do you think about the statement? : This is a great statement. From this, we learn that there is no dream too high, and no dream deserves to be underestimated. We must set our dreams as high as possible and fight to achieve them.
Name: Salsabila Nur Hardiana Class: XI-9 Page 9 Act 10: 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? Answer: Yes 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? Answer: Yes 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/ his social media that struck you the most? Answer: Yes 4. What does her/his statement say? Answer: "Don't force yourself to change, you are perfect with your flaws" 5. What do you think of the statement Answer: The statement emphasizes the value of accepting and appreciating one's uniqueness and shortcomings. It emphasizes that change is not always good and that we must appreciate and accept ourselves, with all our flaws and strengths. This is an inspiring message and reminds us that we are all unique and special.
Name : Raihan Abyan Ghifari Masrani Class : XI-4 Page 9 act 10 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. The importance of maintaining integrity and sincerity in work. He expressed that although the entertainment industry can be very challenging, staying true to these values is the key to achieving true and fulfilling success 5. My opinion regarding this sentence is about the importance of maintaining the integrity of a job in order to achieve satisfactory success at work
Name: Zaskia Wulandari Class: Xl-4 1. yes 2. yes, i do 3. yes 4. it's okay to have a big dream as long as you also work harder to achieve it, if it fails keep trying until it works. 5. this statement make me feel motivated and inspirated. it makes me think that nothing can't as long as we want.
Name: Nur Rafida Arrahma Class: XI-7 1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? =Yes 2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? = Yes 3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? = Yes 4. What does her/his statement say? = work hard, never give up, always try, smart, focused and confident 5. What do you think of the statement? = This statement states that if we want to achieve a goal then we must always try, be confident and not listen to words that are not good for us, and stay focused on the goal we want to achieve.
Name:Farellia salsabila A. Class:XI-3 1.yes 2.yes,i do 3.yes 4.Don't let us not be ourselves just to be accepted by others 5.just be confident,and stay focused on the goal that we want
Keren bu
Akillah Putra Ramadhani
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. we must give good signals to everyone and make the people around us feel comfortable with the signals we give well
5. agree, because we have to study hard to get good education income so we can convince parents
Muhammad nawas nur abdillah
4.we must give good signals to everyone and make the people around us feel comfortable with the signals we give well
5.agree, because we have to study hard to get good education income so we can convince parents
Naysilla Corinna S
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. we must give good signals to everyone and make the people around us feel comfortable with the signals we give well
5. agree, because we have to study hard to get good education income so we can convince parents
Aderio Vebriando
4.Don't skip meals
5.In my opinion, this sentence plays a very important role in life because if we want to live a healthy life free from disease, start paying attention to the little things around us.
Muhammad Lionel Aleandra Fadillah
2. Yes
4. we need to go all out
5. the statement make me feel more motivated me
Name : Yayang Destianfierni Azzahra
kelas : XI-5
1. Yes,i do
2. Yes, i do
3. Yes, i do
4.We must be ourselves and not interfere in other people's affairs
5.we must always be confident and brave in all situations
Fajar Kurniawan Hidayat
11 - 9
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. if you want something you must to use all your abilities
5. his statement motivate me
Kyla Naura Puspanugraha XI-9
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Everyone starts from the bottom. While others might see it as a scar, I see it as a lesson.
5. i really agree with her statement, because i believe everything come for a reason
Name: Maxwell Siraphop Winata
Kelas: XI-9
1. Yes, I do
2. Yes, I do
3. Yes, I do
4. We should be ourselves and let other people have their own opinions about us
5. We should always be confident and don't look back
assalamualaikum ma'am, my name is Nur Azizah and the class XI-4.
1. yes, i do
2. yes, of course
3. yes, there is
4. taking care of yourself is productive
5. statement is very meaningful because by taking care of ourselves
Name : monalisa. Rismauly putri siahaan
Class : XI-6
Page 9 activity 10
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. The fear is not real
5. focus on what you want to achieve
Nama : Ika Listianingsih
Kelas : XI-4
page 9 act 10
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. The fear is not real
5. The statement is go meaningful and it makes me braver
Name : Syafad Abizard p.f
class : XI-5
page 9 activity 10
4. Prilly Latuconsina is clear proof that under any circumstances we must still prioritize education.
While you are still young, be productive with positive things and work.
5. This statement is useful, because it can make us aware of the importance of education.
name:faaza abdillah altair
3.yes .
4.we must give good signals to everyone and make the people around us feel comfortable with the signals we give well.
5.agree,because we have to study hard to get good education income so we can convince parents.
Name: Cerli Amelia Angrayani
Class: XI-7
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. Prilly Latuconsina is clear proof that under any circumstances we must still prioritize education
5. to overcome ignorance and poverty that occurs in our country, namely Indonesia.
Name: decha desiliyah rahma dani
Class: X1- 7
Page 9 activity 10
4.The fear is not real
5.focus on what you want to achive
Muhammad Satrio Anton Perdhana
XI - 9
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Everybody wants the prize, but nobody loves the process
5. This statement makes me think that we have to be able to enjoy the process that we do
Name: Aisha Mutiara Fajar
Class: XI-7
Page: 9 act 10
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Don't be afraid to start something good, even if it's small
5. I agree cuz people who are afraid to take steps towards goodness realize that small acts of kindness will have a big impact if done continuously
Name: Zahra Nur Annisa
Class: XI-6
Page 9 activity 10
1. Yes, I do
2. Yes, I do
3. Yes, I do
4. "There is no instant success. It's impossible to reach the 100th step if you don't go through the first, second, third, and so on."
5. I believe the statement, because every success requires a struggle to go through every process.
page 9 act 10
1. Yess
2. Yess
3. Yess
4. keep praying,practice and try hard,and keep yourself from being productive
5. the statement is so meaningful and it makes me braver
klemens hans oeman santoso damo
page 9 activity 10
1. yes
3. yes
4.i've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why u succeed
5. this teaches and makes me know that success can be achieved through a process that is not easy to go through
Name:Adesta Alfarizi
Class: XI-9
4.Your potential is endless,keep pushing, keep striving, and watch yourself grow.
5.the statement are meaningful And its remind me to believe in the power of a god
Dimaz Malika Dwi Azzaky
My answer:
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. "We should be grateful to the people who have helped us."
5. I totally agree with those words. If not them, who will help us?
Name: Eva Ayu Safrina
Class: XI-5
2.yes, i do
4. Everything u lose is the step u take
5. The statement is very meaningful
Name: Sultan Muhammad Adzar
Class: XI-7
Page: 9 act 10
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. "Even though you have been to various countries, don't forget your country of birth"
5. i think that is very good statement
Name: Andi Revan Octavian
Class: XI-5
1. Yes
2. Yes
4. Always pray, practice and try hard, and keep yourself from being productive
5. I think her statement is very inspiring, because it reminds us to believe in the power of God.
Name : Aditya Abi Satrio
Class : Xl-8
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Success does not always belong to smart people, but success belongs to people who always try.
5. This character image taught me and made me know that success can be achieved by people who are serious about doing something and it is not easy to get through.
Name: Maysah Muhammad Tsarwat
Class: XI-5
Page 9, Activity 10
1. Do you have a favorite idol or public figure?
-> Yes i do
2. if yes, do you follow their Social Media?
-> Yes
3. If yes, is there a statement or opinion they posted on their Social Media that struck you the most?
4. What does her/his statement say?
-> Knowledge brings you power while Fashion makes you unique
5. What do you think of the statement?
->it's simple but I've been thinking about it lately, there are some people who use their appearance as their main power towards every thing where they forget the true power is knowledge. So Fashion, or appearance is just what makes us different from others, not something sufficient to use as a backup.
Name : Lutfiah Nur Auliah
Class : XI-7
Page 9 activity 10
1. yes
2. yes, i do
3. yes
4. it's okay to have a big dream as long as you also work harder to achieve it, if it fails keep trying until it works.
5. this statement make me feel motivated and inspirated. it makes me think that nothing can't as long as we want.
Name: Achmad Suwardana Adhyasta
Class: XI-10
Page 9 activity 10
1. Yes, I do
2. Yes, I do
3. Yes, I do
4. "There is no instant success. It's impossible to reach the 100th step if you don't go through the first, second, third, and so on."
5. I believe the statement, because every success requires a struggle to go through every process.
Name: Ahmad Fauzi Kamal
Class: XI-10
Page 9 Activity 10
1.yes , i do
2.yes, i do
3.yes, i do
4.There is no failed dreams, just deferred dreams
5.We never know what will happen after we do something fail, just keep trying until you find what you want, remember if you fail at something, just keep trying until you achieve your success
Name:Andra satiasa dwi putra rasyid
Page 9 act 10
4.“There is nothing stronger than gentleness, nothing more gentle than quiet strength.” (general sudirman)
5.the statement reveals that meekness has great and effective power, while true strength often arises from calm and meekness. This shows that true strength does not always have to be aggressive or violent, but can also come from a gentle and calm approach.
Name : Nova Hariyari Class : Xi.9 1.yes 2.yes 3.yes 4. "Allow yourself to be sad. Relish in disappointment. Give room for it to linger for a while. Then from it, grow and find new positive energy to harness."
5. I agree with it because, every sadness has its beauty too. Conversely, every failure has its own victory.
Name: Arfa Nabil K
Class: Xl-5
Page 9 act 10
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. "Never hesitate to seek help and talk about how you feel. Mental health is just as important as physical health"
5. My take on this sentence is that it wisely reminds us all that mental health deserves the same attention as physical health.
name:irzha abhinaya sakhi khalishah
page 9 activity 10
4. Prilly Latuconsina is clear proof that under any circumstances we must still prioritize education. While you are still young, be productive with positive things and work.
5. This statement is useful, because it can make us aware of the importance of education.
Assalamualaikum, I am Annisa Fauziah Natasya XI-4 I want to answer :
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. we must remain a good person to everyone and must have a good attitude
5. we must be grateful for our process
thank you ma'am
Name : M. Aryo R.
Page 9 activity 10
1.yes ofc
2.yes,i do
4.just be confident, and stay focused on the goal that we want
5.This statement motivates me that opportunities to practice or improve skills will not arise again after the first opportunity has passed.
Name : Alifah Daniyah Syirin
Class : XI.4
Page : 9 act 10
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. "Even though you have been to various countries, don't forget your country of birth"
5. i think that is very good statement
Name: Kinnan Diba Soraya Aufa
Class: XI-8
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Always pray, never give up and keep trying to achieve your dream
5. This statement is very meaningful and really motivates me to keep trying to achieve anything
Nama : Javier CRS
Kelas : XI-5
Page 9
4."I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come"
5."In my opinion, the statement 'I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come' expresses the belief that effort and hard work will yield positive results. It means that by being committed to working hard and being consistent, we will achieve our goals or obtain the desired results. Essentially, effort made with diligence and dedication will bear good results over time."
Name:Emir Daryl Fatah
Page 9 activity 10
4."No dream ever fails. There are only dreams that are postponed. If you ever feel like you've failed in achieving your dreams, don't worry, new dreams can be created"
5.I believe that statement motivates me to pursue my goals. Even if I face failures, it doesn't mean the end of my spirit to keep striving for my dreams.
Qanitah emily tabitha
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. always be kind to everyone and make people feels better
5. i fell agre with,keep being a strong person and keep being good person.
Dariah nabilah Humairoh from Xi-4
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. "when other give up, thats when we have to be more persistent"
5. dont give up easily because there is always an opportunity, an opportunity that we dont take could be taken by someone else
Name : Handini Nabillah Putri
class: XI-5
1. Do you have any Idols or favorite public figures? answer:yes
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media?
answer: yes
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? answer: yes
4. What does she/he is statement say? answer: He said, "Everyone's best version is different, so never let anyone tell you or make you feel inadequate."
5. What do you think of the statement? answer: The statement is empowering, encouraging self- acceptance and reminding us that everyone's best is unique. It urges us to focus on our own strengths and not let others define our worth.
Name : Ervika Dwi Winrostya
Class : XI-3
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Always Pray, practice and try hard, no matter how difficult the problem is, i must solve it well and not run away from the problem
5. When we want to achieve something or a dream we have to try and work hard in order to achieve what we want, believe that something we try our best to do will definitely succees.
nama: Gwain Ghaitsha Athaalya Tsabithah
kelas: Xi-5
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. "Be happy being you. Love your flaws. Own your quirks. And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else, exactly as you are."
5. In my opinion, encouraging people to embrace their individuality and imperfections. In a world where there's often pressure to conform to certain standards or ideals, her message is a reminder that never fails.
Name: Sadira Kanza Az Zahra
Class : XI-3
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Allow yourself to be sad. Relish in disappointment. Give room for it to linger for a while. Then from it, grow and find new positive energy to harness.
5. gives us the inspiration that it's okay to be sad, but don't let it drag on, because in the future you have to be happy and create positive energy.
Thank’s very much maam
Name: Sean J.N Kilapong
Class: XI-9
Page 9 Activity 10
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed
5. This teaches and makes me know that success can be achieved through a process that is not easy to go through.
Name: Putri Zaheera Hana
Class: XI-3
page 9 act 10
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. being kind and spreading positivity is something we owe to ourselves and to those around us. It's a choice that shapes our future.
5. I think this statement is powerful and inspiring. It highlights the importance of kindness and positivity in our lives and our duty to cultivate a better world. It encourages people to be mindful of their
Haleluya Victorya Uli Silalahi
page 9 act 10
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Air your dreams, and chase what you want to chase
5. We must pursue our dreams and never give up.
Name: Sayla aglaulemmaa
Class: XI-8
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Always pray, never give up and keep trying to achieve your dream
5. This statement is very meaningful and really motivates me to keep trying to achieve anything
Iqbal Faiz Arifin
4. keep be kind to other people and make people feels better.
5. I really agree with this statement because if we are kind to others, other people will automatically be kind to us too.
Name : Vincent Nathan Cahyadi
Class : XI-9
Page 9 Activity 10
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. "Success isn’t Always about Greatness. It’s about Consistency"
5. This statement is very relatable and gives me motivation everytime i want to give up
Nama: Rifa jahra sharapova
Kelas: XI-8
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. If you believe you can do it, no matter how difficult the study program is, no matter how hard the task is, you can do it. But if you don't have the intention, want to exchange with someone else, you're lazy, you definitely won't be able to
5. this statement is very meaningful, I think it's true what my idol said, if you believe you can, if you say you can't, you really can't. So convince yourself.
Name: Zaskia Putri Noviyanti
Class: IX.6
Page 9 Activity 10
1.Yes. My idol is Naura Ayu.
2. Yes, I follow Naura Ayu's social media.
3. One of Naura Ayu's statements that caught my attention was when she talked about the importance of maintaining mental health and how music can be a means of therapy.
4. The statement implies that he believes music can help overcome stress and emotional challenges. It's also important for her to talk openly about mental health.
5. I think this statement is very positive and important. Educating the public about mental health and using music as a therapeutic tool can be very beneficial, especially for many people who may have difficulty seeking help.
Name: Vhirsya Anlie
Class: XI-5
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Achieving your dreams feels hard, but that doesn't mean you can't. Don't be afraid to try new things to reach the future, because good opportunities often come from the unexpected
5. In my opinion I am very motivated by the messages heconveys to all people who are struggling hard to achieve abetter future than before
name : Audia Mahdani Hayati
class : XI-4
page 9 act 10
1. Yes, Maudy ayunda
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Maudy explained that despite receiving offers from prestigious universities, she took a gap year to stay productive and eventually chose to study at Oxford and Stanford.
5. This highlights Maudy’s dedication to her education and her ability to balance career and studies, reflecting her maturity and commitment.
Nama: Nawaf Ahmad Al-Gazali
Kelas: XI-9
1. Yes, I do. The name of my idol is The greatest emperor to ever live, named Alexander the Great.
2. No, my idol does not have social media
3. He does not have a social media as he is dead, but there is one such quote that struck me within
4. "Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal."
5. Definitely Awe-inspiring. It tells me that the moment you're confident in yourself and you don't think of fear in everything you do, is when you truly live your life to the fullest.
Name:Pradipa Helga Saputra
Class: XI-5
Page 9 Act 10
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures?
= Yes
2. If so, do you follow his social media?
= Yes i do
3. If you do, is there any of his statement or opinion posted on his social media that struck you the most?
= Yes, There is
4. what does her/his statement say?
= "Don't just see the happiness, try to feel the sadness. Nobody's life is perfect"
5. what do you think of the statement?
= I agree with that statement, that statement made me realize the importance of being grateful for all circumstances.
Name: Naila syakia putri
Class: XI-7
page 9 act 10
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? Yes, I have
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? Yes
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/ his social media that struck you the most? Yes
4. What does her/his statement say? “As long as you can be given responsibility, no one will underestimate you”
5. What do you think of the statement? For me, this sentence teaches us the importance of responsibility so that no one underestimate us
Aluna Ghaniya Nayzadira
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Success does not belong to the smart. Success belongs to those who always try. When we spend our youth being lazy, then when we are old we will also be lazy and before we know it we will die tomorrow.
5. I totally agree with that statement, because If we try and are not lazy, we will get satisfactory results later.
Name: Muhammad Aldi
Class: XI-5
Page 9 activity 10
2.yes,i do
4.just be confident, and stay focused on the goal that we want
5.This statement motivates me that opportunities to practice or improve skills will not arise again after the first opportunity has passed
Thank you ma'am
Name : M.alfian syah
Class : XI-3
Page 9 activitiy 10
1. Yes,I do
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. “Always think and hope that our beloved sons and daughters will become what they want in the future. Everyone believes they can do it.”
5.my opinion :
This statement provides motivation to be able to try even more to achieve what I want in the future
Name : Muh. Agung Suryananda
Class : XI-8
Page 9, Activity 10
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures?
= Yes, I do
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media?
= Yes, I do
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most?
= Yes, there is.
4. What does her/his statement say?
= To be more enthusiastic if you want to achieve a goal.
5. What do you think of the statement?
= I really agree and I am motivated by his statement, it makes me work harder to achieve my goals.
Name: Miqdad Zain R. A
class: XI-8
1. People
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was the third president of Indonesia, holding office from 1998 to 1999. He studied aircraft engineering in Germany and worked for aircraft companies in Germany. In 1974, he returned to Indonesia to lead the state-owned oil company and later served as Minister of Research and Technology
Snake: A reptile characterized by its long, slender body and limbless form. Snakes are carnivorous and are found in various habitats worldwide. They use venom or constriction to hunt and are often feared or revered in different cultures.
An umbrella is a holding object that is used to prevent or withstand rainwater that falls on a person's body.
Umbrellas are also used to create shadows and prevent exposure to sunlight.
Name: Muhammad Hafiz Hernowo
Class: XI.7
1. Do you have a favorite Idol or public figure?
answer: yes
2. If yes, do you follow their social media?
answer: yes
3. If yes, is there a statement or opinion he posted on his social media that most caught your attention?
answer: yes
4. What is the content of the statement?
Answer: Never give up and keep trying
5. What do you think about this statement?
Answer: don't give up easily and give up easily, be a person who doesn't give up easily and give up, and remain yourself who is not influenced by the people around you
Name: (7) Athiyya Rana Kh
Class: XI-4
Page 9 Activity 10
1.) Do you have any idols or favorite public figures?
• Yes
2.) If so, do you follow her/his social media?
• Yes
3.) If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion on her/his social media that struct you the most?
• Yes
4.) What does her/his statement say?
• "Life is a choice, and we must dare to choose."
5.) What do you think of the statement?
• I can agree with this statement because, this statement emphasizes the importance of actively making decisions to shape our lives, as our choices could define our paths and potential outcomes whether it's good or bad.
Nama : Aqela Putri W. L
Kelas : XI.8
Page 9 activity 10
1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes
4. Always think positively and believe in Allah no matter what happens and always do good
5. This can make us more enthusiastic and always think positively about everything and always remember that God is always with us
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? =Yes
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? = Yes
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most?
= Yes
4. What does her/his statement say? = work hard, never give up, always try, smart, focused and confident
5. What do you think of the statement? = This statement states that if we want to achieve a goal then we must always try, be confident and not listen to words that are not good for us, and stay focused on the goal we want to achieve.
Name: octoradyzta syaputra
Kelas: XI-10
1. ya
2. ya
3. ya
4. jangan melewatkan makan
5. Menurut saya kalimat ini sangat berperan penting dalam kehidupan kita, karena jika kita ingin hidup sehat bebas penyakit, mulailah memperhatikan hal-hal kecil disekitar kita, misalnya jangan pernah melewatkan waktu makan. Karena dengan makan kita mendapatkan energi untuk beraktivitas dan mencegah penyakit mudah menyerang
Nama: Willie Halim
kelas: XI-4
1.Yes,Rolan Sihombing
4."Don't chase butterflies, just take care of your garden"
5. the question told me to focus on the important and basic things, not on anything uncertain.
Zhafira Rizqa Karima
page 9 act 10
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. It's not always easy, but that's life. be strong because there are better days ahead
5. I feel agree with that statement, no matter how life goes every day, keep being a strong person, keep being a good person, and keep living your best life. because there are still many days ahead that are much better and more beautiful
Name : Annisa Seprina A R
class : Xl-4
Page 9 activity 10
1. yes ofc
2. yes, i do
3. yes
4. just be confident, and stay focused on the goal that we want
5. this statement motivates me that opportunities to practice or improve skills will not arise again after the first opportunity has passed
Name : Yunisa Putri
Class : XI-9
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures?
Answer: Yes, I do.
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media?
Answer: Yes, of course.
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most?
Answer: Yes, there is.
4. What does her/his statement say?
Answer: She said, "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work."
5. What do you think of the statement?
Answer: For me, the statement is true because the one who can determine your dream is yourself.
hello ma'am dayang, my name is salsabila and from class XI-3
Answers pages 9-10
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. in one of her posts emphasized the importance of education not only for career advancement, but also for broadening your world view. When announcing his acceptance to Stanford University for a dual master's degree, he encouraged young people to value learning for its intrinsic value. In addition, Maudy often discusses the challenges of balancing various life roles, such as student, artist and public figure, while emphasizing the importance of finding personal balance and accepting diverse identities.
5. In my opinion, it emphasized the importance of lifelong learning and the intrinsic value of education, not just for a career. Her experience in balancing multiple life roles demonstrates a holistic approach that encourages acceptance of diverse identities. His perspective, which emphasizes self-awareness, continuous learning, and finding one's own path amidst external pressures, is considered modern and wise, and inspiring in a world that often prioritizes quick achievements.
That's all from me, thank you ma'am
Muhammad Febri Al Amin
1. Yes
2. Yes, I follow him.
3. Yes, there is.
4. He said that "No keris is forged in a single attempt; to become a good keris, it must be forged multiple times. We may feel that the forging process is a torment, but I invite us to see it as an opportunity because we know that if we endure being forged repeatedly, by the end of the year, we will be amazing."
5. My opinion is that I am truly motivated by her/his words because we know that the process and the struggle can be very painful, but if we keep believing and enjoying the process, I am confident that we can achieve what we desire.
Name : Nathania Corinne Syachputri
Class : XI - 5
page 9 activity 10
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. don’t let us not be oursalves just to be accepted by others
5. i find this statement incredibly inspiring and relevant, especially in today’s world. It highlights the importance of education in empowering individuals and communities, fostering critical thinking, and driving social progress.
thank you very much ma’am
Name : Dwita Putri Anggatriani
Class : XI.9
Page 9 act 10
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures?
Yes, I do.
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media?
Yes, I do.
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most?
One statement that stood out was about being true to yourself and not being afraid to show your real feelings.
4. What does her/his statement say?
It highlights the importance of being genuine and honest with yourself and others. It encourages embracing your flaws and using them as a strength.
5. What do you think of the statement?
I think it’s very inspiring. It shows how being yourself and accepting who you are can lead to real connections with others.
Name: Violla Anggun A.
Class: XI.9
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures?
Answer: Yes, ofcourse i do.
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media?
Answer: Yes, ofcourse.
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? Answer: Yes, there it is.
4. What does her/his statement say? Answer: She said, "you know what inspires me? Fearlessness ,drive. I hate lazy people. Barbz,stay in school. Dont you ever be lazy, don't you ever complain about hard work. Work hard, pay for.
5. What do you think of the statement?
her motivation makes me motivated to never get tired of going to school to gain knowledge, and motivated me to never complain about hardwork.
Name:Ayub al rifai
4.Everything u lose is the step u take
5. My opinion regarding this sentence is about the importance of maintaining the integrity of a job in order to achieve satisfactory success at work
Syafira Amalia Rachman
Class: XI-3
page 9 act 10
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. you will regret someday, if you dont do your best now
5. the statement is so meaningful and it makes me braver
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Name : Afifah Nahda I
Class: XI.7
Page 9 Act 10
1. Yes, I do
2. Yes, I do
3. Yes, I do
4. “Many good things happen, but there are also bad, disappointing and unfair things. Life is like that, not always good and not always bad.”
5. I agree with that statement because it makes us realize that life is a mixture of good and bad experiences. Nothing is perfect, happiness and disappointment come and go, and that is a reality of life that must be accepted. We need to accept the reality of life with grace, realizing that bad moments are also part of life's journey that can teach us to become stronger.
Name: Novelina Tasta Maharani
Class: XI-7
page 9 activity 10
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. Don't give up just because one bad chapter happened in your life, keep going your story won't end there.
5. teaches us that don't give up if we fail, but keep trying and get up because failing is not the end of the world.
Name: Nasywa Vicky Anggraeni
Class: XI-7
Page 9 Activity 10
1.) Yes, I do. I have many favorite idol and figure
2.)Yes, most of them
3.) Yes. a lot of statements changed my mindset that make me better.
4.) The content of the statement is "I'm not strong, I just hate the word give up." By Anggi Wahyuda (An Indonesian Climber)
5.) The statement make me strong in facing something. This statement grow my mindset, that all of humans have their own fears, weakness but... our weakness can be overcome just by OUR MIND! It changes everything. Courage and brave to keep trying, don't give up...And don't forget Always with Allah in everything we try😸
Kisia Adikita Br Tarigan
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? yes
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? yes
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most? yes
4. What does her/his statement say? What are you afraid of ?
5. What do you think of the statement? i think it's good because it challenges us to face our fears. fear often prevents us from reaching our full potential. by overcoming fear, we can open doors to new opportunities.
name :
name : ananda naufaline
class : Xl-5
1. yes
2. yes, i do
3. yes
4. "No matter what your feeling I hope you know that your allowed to feel that way. You don't have to force yourself to get over something right away. Your allowed to sit in your pain, your frustration, your exhaustion, whatever it it, because your only human."
5. I always remember those words because they are very comforting and that is also the reason why I chosee him for my favorite idol
Name : Dinda Harum Alwardah
Class : XI-7
Page 9 activity 10
1. Yes
2. Yes, I do
3. Yes
4. Don't be afraid to dream big, but also don't forget to work hard to make it happen
5. It's an inspiring statement that emphasizes the importance of dreaming big while working hard to achieve it. His message reminds us that success requires perseverance and consistent effort, not just ambition
Name : Jo Silviani
Class : XI-9
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public igures?
= Yes, i do.
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media?
=Yes, of course.
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most?
=Yes, there is.
4. What does her/his statement say?
= He said "If you enjoy doing something, its a hobby, but if you're forced to do it."
5. What do you think of the statement?
= I think if we do something forcefully, the results will not be good. It's better if we do it sincerely.
Name: Nadhirah Qintharani Nuryana
Class: XI-3
1.) People ; Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie (The 3rd President of Indonesia)
→ Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie, known simply as Rudy Habibie or BJ Habibie, was an Indonesian engineer and politician who known as the third President of Indonesia from 1998 to 1999.
2.) Things ; Umbrella
→ An umbrella is a holding object that designed to protect against rain or sunlight. The handle, usually made of wood, plastic, or metal, allows for easy carrying and maneuvering. When not in use, the umbrella can be folded compactly for convenience.
3.) Animals ; Snake
→ A snake is a legless reptile with a long, flexible body covered in scales. Its skin is covered in overlapping scales, which can vary in color and pattern depending on the species. Snakes lack eyelids and have a unique jaw structure for consuming large prey. Snakes can be found in a wide range of habitats and exhibit diverse behaviors, from being venomous to constricting their prey.
Aluna Ghaniya Nayzadira
1.) People: BJ Habibie
B.J. Habibie, or Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, was a highly respected Indonesian figure, known as the third president of Indonesia and a scientist with significant contributions to aerospace technology. Born on June 25, 1936, in Parepare, South Sulawesi, Habibie stood out from a young age due to his intelligence.
2.) Things: apple
Apples are a type of fruit, or fruit produced by apple trees. Apples are usually red in color when ripe and ready to eat, but can also have green or yellow skin. The skin of the fruit is rather soft and the flesh of the fruit is hard. Apples have several seeds in them.
3.) Animals: rats
Rats have slender bodies, blunt or pointed snouts, sparse hair, prominent ears, narrow hind feet with bald soles, and small, sharp claws. The thinly furred tail appears hairless; it may be as long as the head and body, or it may be shorter.
Name: Devin Alenskie Chen
Kelas: XI-8
(Page 9-10)
4.The statement: "You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it."
5."The statement in my opinion reflects a common perspective on achieving goals and dreams. It also suggests that success requires dedication, effort, and sometimes personal sacrifices. For many, this mindset can be motivating, pushing them to persevere through challenges and stay focused on their objectives. It emphasizes the value of hard work and resilience in realizing one's aspirations."
Excuse me ma’am.
Name : Dimitri Mahayana Ardi
Class : XI-9
Page 9, Activity 10
1. Yes, i have
2. Yes, i do
3. Yes, there is
4. his statement is "If you want to be successful, you have to be tired. If you're not tired, don't call yourself successful, Because successful people will go through the tired phase. If you're tired, don't give up but rest for a while, then go back to chasing your dreams until you get them, so being tired is normal."
5. For me, this statement is very motivating because it makes me fight harder and never give up in achieving my goals.
Thank You.
Name : Naura Khanza R
Class : XI-6
Page 9 Activity 10
1. Do you have a favorite idol or public figure? : Yes, i do
2. If yes, do you follow their social media? : No, i don't
3. If yes, is there a statement or opinion he/she posted on his/her social media that impressed you the most? : I don't follow her on social media, but I know that she has a lot of statements. I usually see her statements on the internet like on Google or the news.
4. What is the content of the statement? : There is no dream that is too high. There is no dream that should be underestimated. Soar high as you want, and achieve what you hope for.
5. What do you think about the statement? : This is a great statement. From this, we learn that there is no dream too high, and no dream deserves to be underestimated. We must set our dreams as high as possible and fight to achieve them.
Name: Salsabila Nur Hardiana
Class: XI-9
Page 9 Act 10:
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures?
Answer: Yes
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media?
Answer: Yes
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/ his social media that struck you the most?
Answer: Yes
4. What does her/his statement say?
Answer: "Don't force yourself to change, you are perfect with your flaws"
5. What do you think of the statement
Answer: The statement emphasizes the value of accepting and appreciating one's uniqueness and shortcomings. It emphasizes that change is not always good and that we must appreciate and accept ourselves, with all our flaws and strengths. This is an inspiring message and reminds us that we are all unique and special.
Name : Raihan Abyan Ghifari Masrani
Class : XI-4
Page 9 act 10
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. The importance of maintaining integrity and sincerity in work. He expressed that although the entertainment industry can be very challenging, staying true to these values is the key to achieving true and fulfilling success
5. My opinion regarding this sentence is about the importance of maintaining the integrity of a job in order to achieve satisfactory success at work
Name: Zaskia Wulandari
Class: Xl-4
1. yes
2. yes, i do
3. yes
4. it's okay to have a big dream as long as you also work harder to achieve it, if it fails keep trying until it works.
5. this statement make me feel motivated and inspirated. it makes me think that nothing can't as long as we want.
Name: Nur Rafida Arrahma
Class: XI-7
1. Do you have any idols or favorite public figures? =Yes
2. If so, do you follow her/his social media? = Yes
3. If you do, is there any of her/his statement or opinion posted on her/his social media that struck you the most?
= Yes
4. What does her/his statement say? = work hard, never give up, always try, smart, focused and confident
5. What do you think of the statement? = This statement states that if we want to achieve a goal then we must always try, be confident and not listen to words that are not good for us, and stay focused on the goal we want to achieve.
Name:Farellia salsabila A.
2.yes,i do
4.Don't let us not be ourselves just to be accepted by others
5.just be confident,and stay focused on the goal that we want