Keyscape Collection Walkthrough

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tommymandel
    @tommymandel 5 місяців тому

    thanks Nick. Question: is there a way to add Chorus effect to a Keyscape patch that doesn't have an Effects tab? How do you get it in some but not others? Very glad for my purchase of this. Thanks again.

  • @sovndscvpe
    @sovndscvpe 9 місяців тому

    Thanks Nick!

  • @a.devries1388
    @a.devries1388 Рік тому +1

    Could you show you're eq en compression settings?

  • @CooperJohn5
    @CooperJohn5 5 років тому +3

    Please Show your EQ and COMP Settings

  • @andrescamposinostroza298
    @andrescamposinostroza298 5 років тому

    Master!! Love these patches 🇨🇱❤️

  • @bjb51
    @bjb51 3 роки тому

    Sir, how do I map my Arturia Keylab to Keyscape?

    • @nick.stailey
      @nick.stailey  3 роки тому

      This link covers how to midi map in Ableton Live You'll need to make sure that "remote" is turned on in Ableton's midi settings.

  • @calebdizon.
    @calebdizon. 5 років тому +1

    Hey there, big fan!
    I mainly use Kontakt 6 / Mainstage 3 to play keys and run pads. Do I have to purchase & download Keyscape first to use these patches, or can I use these on the Kontakt 6 software alone?

    • @nick.stailey
      @nick.stailey  5 років тому +1

      Hey! Yeah you need Keyscape to use the patches, you can open it up as a plugin in MainStage.

  • @javierruiz3251
    @javierruiz3251 4 роки тому

    Where can i get these ?

    • @nick.stailey
      @nick.stailey  4 роки тому

      Patches are on my website at