It's hard to believe Vivaldi's music was forgotten after his death. In my opinion, they are some of the most important and most brilliant pieces of non-secular music ever composed in human history!❤
In a complete contrast with us, they did not live with the past back then, it was the Spirit of God Which kept them ever renewed and ever fresh - by keeping that Spirit faithfully unchanged, they then lived completely under Its Inspiration, meaning they never fell to repetition as according to the earthly affairs - just like Heaven is Infinite, so was the Inspiration Which came from It, forever beautiful and new and refreshed!!...Today we do the opposite : we don't stay faithful to the Spirit and we change it, which then means that whatever inspiration we get is from the evil one, hence of bad quality and not to be trusted, which then means that automatically we have to go back to the past to have something decent to listen to, which then makes the past in an idol, and as a result nothing really moves, and nothing of importance and good really grows..... ✝️
Magnificently conducted and performed by choir, orchestra and soloists in the Concertgebow hall. For those who were there live that night it must have been unforgettable.
We are so glad for all the beautiful comments we read down there. A big shoutout goes to our magnificent soloist: sopranos Sonia Tedla Chebreab and Marta Redaelli, alto Josè Maria Lo Monaco, tenor Raffaele Giordani and bass Matteo Bellotto.
Thank you so much. Your tireless efforts and outstanding musicianship are very much appreciated here in Sydney, Australia where our family is regularly moved (often to tears) by your music. As a musical family, we fully appreciate the dedication you have to creating the finest of music in the way you do. Many, many thanks - David and family. P.S. Your soloists are truly magnificent!
E' una delle piu' grandi composizioni sacre di Antonio Vivaldi; ho avuto la fortuna di poter la ascoltare a 14 anni ( oggi ne ho 65 ) , la prima registrazione disco ARCHIV, grande Vivaldi.
Cuantos bellos recuerdos me trae...quisiera regresar a esos tiempos cuando cante esta obra por primera vez con el Coro Juvenil Del Peru daria todo por volver el tiempo atras.
Vivaldi took a Foundling Church where Female Babies were left on The Doorsteps that were born out of wedlock and turned them into the greatest Orchestra in Western Europe. The Girls played behind A Screen to display Modesty and proceeded to entrance the whole of Europe. Us Catholic Pilgrims bless the Day When Vivaldi was born. Gloria in Excelcis DEO. Women are so Sacred. Listen to Vivaldi.
The claim that Vivaldi took in foundling children and created an orchestra from them is partially accurate but requires clarification. Antonio Vivaldi worked as a music director at the Ospedale della Pietà in Venice, an orphanage that cared for girls who were often abandoned, including those born out of wedlock. These girls were educated in music, and many became highly skilled musicians. Vivaldi composed numerous works for the all-female orchestra there, which gained fame for its exceptional talent. These performances were a key attraction for visitors to Venice during the 18th century. However, the term "foundling" refers more to the girls being orphans or abandoned infants left at the institution, rather than a direct relationship with the concept of a "foundling church" or an exclusive focus on babies born out of wedlock. The "scaffeta," a sort of revolving door, allowed babies to be anonymously left at the Pietà, but Vivaldi's involvement was specifically with the musical training of the girls who remained there.
Although possibly not authentic. Vivaldi’s girls at the Ospedale della Pieta would probably have sung with a natural vibrato, according to Vivaldi scholars
The Conductor is fantastic. He is in total command of all the instruments, choir and soloists. He has everything by heart. He conjures the music from his hand like magic!
Totalement d'accord, mais il faut aussi dire qu'il n'a pas n' importe quoi comme instrumentistes et comme choristes devant lui!!! ((... quand pourrons nous revoir ce genre de concert en live? ...))
Yes he is, I have been choir singing for two decades, never seen a director communicate and command so clearly what he wants form the musicians, and they clearly respect him and follow him with total confidence. This performance is on another level.
Wonderful buffet of treats Vivaldi gives to the listener. Different flavours and colour to enjoy such as the unison transcendence of the orchestra, the choir, the soloist and conductor. Dixit Dominus is Vivaldi's splendorous composition conveying a magical perfect intonation accentuated with the rhythmical beat which gives the delightful spiritual feeling. In this wonderful rendition, one has to agree with PLATO: " Music must be felt, it penetrates the soul and cleans it."
Das muß man einfach sagen: VIVALI ist einer der Größsten! Er ist einer, der das Potential der menschlichen Stimme auch eingesetzt hat! Unglaublich, daß ein Mensch so etwas kann.
I want to die listening to Vivaldi! You can feel the Tuscan sunshine in every note. Ripe red tomatoes, juicy olives bursting in your mouth, fragrant herbs scenting the air, velvety hills blanketed in shades of green and ochre, the birds and cicadas joining in chorus, at night the moon bathing the cricket song, soft breezes kissing your cheeks. This is Italian music from a happy composer who can let you forget your sorrow and bathe in joy. Superb soloists, and the orchestra is excellent. Something about seeing those old violins and string instruments, the grain of the wood, the lyrical melodies... absolute joy. An excellent recording, and very good photography visuals. Class act all the way around.
Vivaldi was from Venice. Your point of course is about the spirit of the music. If you want to match his music to the places his inspiration might have come from, you should spend time between Venice, Milano and Vienna. After a trip Tuscany of course!
The nonsense about Toscana is the sort of clichè we Italians are forced to read all the time. Vivaldi was VENEZIANO, a long way from Florence, and as a priest he would probably fast VERY often and eat - not tomatoes and olives - but Venetian vegetables. Learning about Roman catholic "penitenza" food in the 18th century will not prevent you from enjoying his food immensely. Sorry but I HAD to write this.
@@MFuria-os7ln OK. Lets look at what you said. Which part of my post is cliche and nonsense exactly? I did not list Vivaldi's diet. I said his music filled me with joy and was evocative of Tuscan tomatoes and olives. Tuscany is farmland. It grows olives and tomatoes. It has sunshine and birds. So far correct? Where Vivaldi hailed from is immaterial. I am discussing what his music made me feel not his bio. By the way, he did not choose priesthood, his parents pushed him into it. He was technically a priest for 1.5 yrs doing duties as a priest. After which he became a full time composer and worked with an orphanage choir. He was also sick a lot due to asthma, so while he was an expert violinist, he did not give too many performances. Try to curb your righteous indignation and read my post carefully before making such dramatic statements to counter it.
Everything about this video was so enjoyable, the camera work, the venue, the conducting, the singing and orchestra and of course the music itself. Thank you.
Comme la première lumière de l'aube, cette musique ouvre les yeux à de nouvelles promesses et à toutes les merveilles de la nature. Evocatrice de la croyance dans «l'au-delà» et des pouvoirs au-delà de l'observation, ces pièces tirent les ficelles du cœur, attirent les nostalgies et éveillent les amours, les vies écorchés et les veilleurs endormis.
Nunca vi a un director tan contento con su coro, solistas y orquesta a lo largo de la presentación como a este! Amo el Gloria, pero este concierto es maravilloso. Bravo!
Superlatives fail us. One of the few times a recorded performance seems to convey the immediacy of actually being in the concert hall (pace audio engineers; & granting some issues with dynamics). We know it cannot be the same sound - the transcendence, or sheer magic, seems to flow from the oneness of all the players'/singers' own evident enraptured emotion - that rare instance of all seeming to be a single "instrument." Enthralling. Let's also praise the videography, that lets us not just watch, but nearly see into the hearts of, the performers - lighting, framing, cuts, viewpoints, all superb - the very technical type of thing that is so easy to do badly. Our thanks to all who have brought this about, to Almighty God, & to his genius Red Priest Antonio.
Agreed, Michael David Rubin. Elevate us dear G_d, through our humility, to heights of divine joy. Let us die, through our astonishment, of thy glorious holiness. Job said "Now, I see, and am humbled."
@@MegaCirse No one is suggesting that you adhere to anthropomorphic superstition. Early man (+ especially, in the fertility cults, women, of course), may have needed to visualize an old man with a long white beard in the clouds, hurling thunderbolts, etc. What is interesting, & which derails scientific inquiry, is that human consciousness, itself, cannot seriously imagine anything different from human life as we know it, including all the other life forms of Nature. Just scan pop culture novels (books, remember?), video games or streaming entertainment fiction (apart from the "news" business), & one finds future scenarios filled with beings who resemble medieval or neolithic humans, perhaps with extra limbs or heads. So, Supreme Being? The concept of G-d involves a superior governing intellect for the order of Nature, a capacity for compassion (materially senseless & devoid of survival advantage), & a simple sense of connection to the larger universe. Science cannot employ consciousness to examine its basic tool, consciousness. What, evolutionarily, could possibly justify classical music - or any music, any "songs of men" &/or women? I find it simple (I'm a simple-minded man, as you can see) to regard classical music as The Voice of G-d, connecting me to an infinite dimension of time & space. In my unimportant condition, I seem to have stumbled onto an alignment with none other than Albert Einstein, as to meaning & purpose in the universe. Put another way, let's not label random or meaningless whatever we happen not to understand; that's petty egotism. I do not accuse you of that, Philippe; just a common quasi-intellectual position, not so?
Stumbled across this phenomenal performance of Vivaldi. The crispness, authenticity, clarity of the counterpoint are phenomenal. The singers - top shelf baroque talent. The players - some of the best, most blended I have ever heard and the conductor, an interesting cat for sure. But, he gets it done in style. Bravo!
@@3cents3 I also prefer comments that focus on the music, as such. However, life today for many people seems merely materialistic, & hence, meaningless. As one of, perhaps the most emotionally powerful of what I call the Mute Arts (not verbally descriptive), fine music can convey strength, reassurance & optimism about life, unrelated to material advantage. If one values life, itself, this aspect of music displays inherent purpose; & life, definitionally, is not worthless if it holds purpose. The touchstone for this view, in research & medical/psychiatric practice, may be found in the work of Viktor Frankl & others.
Completely enthralled by this sublime rendition of RV 594!!!!!!!!!! Sheer beauty of this music made me shed tears. Thanks for uploading this video and kudos to the performers!!!!!
I've sung this in Romsey Abbey, Hampshire, England. Such a delight to share.☺️🎼 I left be the last movement : it's like running down an "up" escalator ! (Which I did, to applause from fellow travel office travellers : we to Birmingham on 100 mph train : I poured the tea, by holding the teapot steady, and letting the swaying of the train tip out the tea , in small amounts ! ☕🚂💨☺️🇬🇧 Gorgeous music by Vivaldi ! 🎼 🇬🇧🎼☺️💕🚂💨☺️☕🇬🇧
this is the Ghislieri choir and consort from Pavia near Milan, Italy conducted by their inspiring young founder Giulio Prandi , Marta Redaelli the incomparable solo soprano. Regrettably the names of the other superb soloists are not revealed. This is a breathtakingly fine performance.
Cette vidéo est un trésor absolu. Tout est parfait, l'œuvre l’une des plus belles de Vivaldi, les interprètes parfaits, la direction vive, la prise de son,et les images. Un bonheur total ...
Un véritable régal pour les oreilles, un délice apaisant pour le cœur et un ravissement céleste à l'âme ! A entendre une telle merveille, comment ne pas tomber sous le charme? Comment n'être pas inspiré à son tour ? Nos rivages intérieurs sont si beaux; lorsqu'ils sont visités par une mer amie si chaleureuse, faite de notes, de chants et d'harmonie sublimement liés par ondes et divinement mêlés par vagues d'un sac et ressac puissants, impérieux car jamais finis, un mouvement admirable, irrésistible et tellement envoutant, issu du pur génie vivaldien ,auquel nul auditeur ne saurait résister ; dès l'entame, il s' abandonne volontiers à l'invitation au voyage atemporel qu'il devine captivant, pour en savourer, morceau par morceau, l'extase indescriptible d'un rare bonheur : écouter Vivaldi ...
I listen to this once a month & keep coming back. The spirit soars in this performance, which must be one of the best ever interpretations of Vivaldi's genius in writing this dixit. I defy anyone not to fall in love with Marta (Torrente in via bibet) & the finale is out-of-this-world. Bravo!
Vivaldi come altri centinaia di compositori,furono dimenticati a causa della poca capacita' di diffondere musica letteratura ed altro,dovevano finire nei libri di storia o altro.oggi con la tv,ytube,etc. diventano IMMORTALI!!!!! e' lo meritano perche' sono dei Genii!
La semplicità del processo estetico vivaldiano è commovente e per questo che cattura e catturerà in eterno ogni anima, è come la brezza marina che dalla laguna arriva lieve e pervade dolcemente ogni singolo atomo dell'essere, sconvolgendolo però!!! Sicut erat in principio.
It is always amazing how absolutely beautiful and moving music is when there is a perfect choir, an exquisit orchestra, an outstanding conductor and of course the best of soloists. Thank you so much for these wonderful and overwhelming 28 minutes. You really touch my soul and make me cry. What an unforgettable experience!!
merci à UA-cam, merci aux compositeurs, merci aux artistes , merci aux ingénieurs du son, aux preneurs de vue, merci à tous ceux qui nous permettent ces quelques instants de bonheur pendant lesquels on oublie la folie des hommes .
I heard this tune about 25 years ago and I've been trying to find it again for that long. I was listening to Vivaldi's Gloria and realized the piece I was looking for must be Vivaldi. I finally found it (specifically the Gloria Patri). Thank you!!
I like the large ensemble they used here. This is quite unsual for "HIP" performances but it gives the grandeur and scope that truly elevate this performance. Spectacular.
An absolutely outstanding performance of this Vivaldi masterpiece. It's not easy to pull off such a example of this piece as it isn't the easiest, perhaps that's why it's seldom played, but they did it! Fantastic.
¡Qué belleza de interpretación! ¡Fabulosos solistas! Esta y otras maravillas hacen pensar que en Holanda hay, actualmente, un verdadero florecimiento de la música religiosa del Barroco.
So do good looking people make the music better - she's lovely. No vogue cover but she has an "X" factor. But when I swoon over Marta, I'm definitely not concentrating on the music. Still, when I think of this music, the first thing in my mind is.always Marta. It's a great place to start.
What a blissful rendition! I am particularly struck by the exceptional rapport between the conductor and the orchestra/choir/soloists. How on earth anyone could think it was a smart move to insert adverts into this recording is beyond me. I would never ever, under any circumstances, patronise the advertisers concerned for this atrocity if my life depended on it.
¡Qué belleza y qué delicadeza! Magnífica interpretación" unida calidad de la grabación que es inmejorable. Lo que hace honor a la famosa acústica de la sala. Gracias infinitas
It's hard to believe Vivaldi's music was forgotten after his death.
In my opinion, they are some of the most important and most brilliant pieces of non-secular music ever composed in human history!❤
In a complete contrast with us, they did not live with the past back then, it was the Spirit of God Which kept them ever renewed and ever fresh - by keeping that Spirit faithfully unchanged, they then lived completely under Its Inspiration, meaning they never fell to repetition as according to the earthly affairs - just like Heaven is Infinite, so was the Inspiration Which came from It, forever beautiful and new and refreshed!!...Today we do the opposite : we don't stay faithful to the Spirit and we change it, which then means that whatever inspiration we get is from the evil one, hence of bad quality and not to be trusted, which then means that automatically we have to go back to the past to have something decent to listen to, which then makes the past in an idol, and as a result nothing really moves, and nothing of importance and good really grows..... ✝️
@@uneqejam Nice christian propaganda - go preach somewhere else zealot
You mean 'brilliant pieces of sacred music'
It's sacred and non-sacred. non-secular isn't really a term.
@@uneqejam 🤮🤮🤮🤮
@@uneqejam Very well said!
Vivaldi just the Best of the Best
Magnificently conducted and performed by choir, orchestra and soloists in the Concertgebow hall. For those who were there live that night it must have been unforgettable.
Sua Eminenza Antonio Vivaldi!!!chissà quante altre sue opere devono essere scoperte!!
We are so glad for all the beautiful comments we read down there.
A big shoutout goes to our magnificent soloist: sopranos Sonia Tedla Chebreab and Marta Redaelli, alto Josè Maria Lo Monaco, tenor Raffaele Giordani and bass Matteo Bellotto.
Thank you so much. Your tireless efforts and outstanding musicianship are very much appreciated here in Sydney, Australia where our family is regularly moved (often to tears) by your music. As a musical family, we fully appreciate the dedication you have to creating the finest of music in the way you do. Many, many thanks - David and family. P.S. Your soloists are truly magnificent!
bellissimo concerto! grazie mille!
So many times I went to Pavia to see a friend. But she never came to Amsterdam but you did. Merci beaucoup
I love your crisp conducting style and interpretation. This music is divine.
Perfeito, claro coro e solistas!
The Conductor is fantastic! Genialno!
One of the finest performances of Vivaldi's Dixit Dominus available on the Web! 😊
Besser geht kaum, würde ich meinen, wundervoll.
Nothing like Vivaldi: The red priest was and is the best 🔥🎶🎶🎶
toujours exceptionnel, le génie n'a pas de rides, il se bonifie avec le temps !
J écoute cette musique depuis des années et là je me dis que cette interprétation est magnifique !
E' una delle piu' grandi composizioni sacre di Antonio Vivaldi; ho avuto la fortuna di poter la ascoltare a 14 anni ( oggi ne ho 65 ) , la prima registrazione disco ARCHIV, grande Vivaldi.
Beautiful performance of a gorgeous Vivaldi.
Cuantos bellos recuerdos me trae...quisiera regresar a esos tiempos cuando cante esta obra por primera vez con el Coro Juvenil Del Peru daria todo por volver el tiempo atras.
My soul is so incredibly happy! Attending a live concert is not possible for me. This makes it okay. Thank-you! Much love!
Prandi os utterly engaged with the music. And not reading from a score! Fantastic! Bravo maestro!
Vivaldi took a Foundling Church where Female Babies were left on The Doorsteps that were born out of wedlock and turned them into the greatest Orchestra in Western Europe.
The Girls played behind A Screen to display Modesty and proceeded to entrance the whole of Europe.
Us Catholic Pilgrims bless the Day
When Vivaldi was born.
Gloria in Excelcis DEO.
Women are so Sacred.
Listen to Vivaldi.
What an amazing story ❤ I had no idea. Just knew i absolutely adore his music ❤❤ Ty for sharing
The claim that Vivaldi took in foundling children and created an orchestra from them is partially accurate but requires clarification. Antonio Vivaldi worked as a music director at the Ospedale della Pietà in Venice, an orphanage that cared for girls who were often abandoned, including those born out of wedlock. These girls were educated in music, and many became highly skilled musicians. Vivaldi composed numerous works for the all-female orchestra there, which gained fame for its exceptional talent. These performances were a key attraction for visitors to Venice during the 18th century.
However, the term "foundling" refers more to the girls being orphans or abandoned infants left at the institution, rather than a direct relationship with the concept of a "foundling church" or an exclusive focus on babies born out of wedlock. The "scaffeta," a sort of revolving door, allowed babies to be anonymously left at the Pietà, but Vivaldi's involvement was specifically with the musical training of the girls who remained there.
Thank you both for the infos... I did not know about all this. ❤ Nice.
What a joy ! Vivaldi in full swing and performed by this fantastic ensemble.
Bellissimo piacevolissimo, bravissimi. Grazie per questo dono.
Absolutely no vibrato in choir or orchestra, except soloists. What a pleasant sound. Beautifully articulated.
Although possibly not authentic. Vivaldi’s girls at the Ospedale della Pieta would probably have sung with a natural vibrato, according to Vivaldi scholars
Dieu vous bénisse pour perpétuer pareils joyaux !
Can’t get enough of this performance. Entirely beautiful. It lifts my soul every time I listen to it. Perfect in my opinion 🥰.
Felicidades !!!! Desde Ciudad de México
All I can say...Fantastic performance. Thank you 🌹
The genius of Antonio Vivaldi re-enlivened and on full display. This is such a delightful performance! Thanks for posting
The Conductor is fantastic. He is in total command of all the instruments, choir and soloists. He has everything by heart. He conjures the music from his hand like magic!
Totalement d'accord, mais il faut aussi dire qu'il n'a pas n' importe quoi comme instrumentistes et comme choristes devant lui!!!
((... quand pourrons nous revoir ce genre de concert en live? ...))
Yes he is, I have been choir singing for two decades, never seen a director communicate and command so clearly what he wants form the musicians, and they clearly respect him and follow him with total confidence. This performance is on another level.
No tengo palabras. Ha sido precioso. Muy bien ejecutado. Vivaldi era un crack.
Wonderful buffet of treats Vivaldi gives to the listener. Different flavours and colour to enjoy such as the unison transcendence of the orchestra, the choir, the soloist and conductor. Dixit Dominus is Vivaldi's splendorous composition conveying a magical perfect intonation accentuated with the rhythmical beat which gives the delightful spiritual feeling. In this wonderful rendition, one has to agree with PLATO: " Music must be felt, it penetrates the soul and cleans it."
Das muß man einfach sagen: VIVALI ist einer der Größsten!
Er ist einer, der das Potential der menschlichen Stimme auch eingesetzt hat!
Unglaublich, daß ein Mensch so etwas kann.
First time I've heard this magnificent piece of heavenly music. Staggered and delighted.
Same here, it's beautiful.
I want to die listening to Vivaldi! You can feel the Tuscan sunshine in every note. Ripe red tomatoes, juicy olives bursting in your mouth, fragrant herbs scenting the air, velvety hills blanketed in shades of green and ochre, the birds and cicadas joining in chorus, at night the moon bathing the cricket song, soft breezes kissing your cheeks. This is Italian music from a happy composer who can let you forget your sorrow and bathe in joy. Superb soloists, and the orchestra is excellent. Something about seeing those old violins and string instruments, the grain of the wood, the lyrical melodies... absolute joy.
An excellent recording, and very good photography visuals. Class act all the way around.
Bach didn't write a Dixit Dominus, so no.
@TheSauce Group Not for Catholic motets, sorry. And not for opera.
Vivaldi was from Venice. Your point of course is about the spirit of the music. If you want to match his music to the places his inspiration might have come from, you should spend time between Venice, Milano and Vienna. After a trip Tuscany of course!
The nonsense about Toscana is the sort of clichè we Italians are forced to read all the time. Vivaldi was VENEZIANO, a long way from Florence, and as a priest he would probably fast VERY often and eat - not tomatoes and olives - but Venetian vegetables. Learning about Roman catholic "penitenza" food in the 18th century will not prevent you from enjoying his food immensely. Sorry but I HAD to write this.
@@MFuria-os7ln OK. Lets look at what you said. Which part of my post is cliche and nonsense exactly? I did not list Vivaldi's diet. I said his music filled me with joy and was evocative of Tuscan tomatoes and olives. Tuscany is farmland. It grows olives and tomatoes. It has sunshine and birds. So far correct? Where Vivaldi hailed from is immaterial. I am discussing what his music made me feel not his bio. By the way, he did not choose priesthood, his parents pushed him into it. He was technically a priest for 1.5 yrs doing duties as a priest. After which he became a full time composer and worked with an orphanage choir. He was also sick a lot due to asthma, so while he was an expert violinist, he did not give too many performances. Try to curb your righteous indignation and read my post carefully before making such dramatic statements to counter it.
Everything about this video was so enjoyable, the camera work, the venue, the conducting, the singing and orchestra and of course the music itself. Thank you.
Einfach wundervoll, fantastisch gesungen. Herrlich und so gut für die Seele.
Comme la première lumière de l'aube, cette musique ouvre les yeux à de nouvelles promesses et à toutes les merveilles de la nature. Evocatrice de la croyance dans «l'au-delà» et des pouvoirs au-delà de l'observation, ces pièces tirent les ficelles du cœur, attirent les nostalgies et éveillent les amours, les vies écorchés et les veilleurs endormis.
Tout simplement magnifique sinon définitif. Une référence d'interprétation. Merci mille fois pour ce moment enchanté.
Nunca vi a un director tan contento con su coro, solistas y orquesta a lo largo de la presentación como a este! Amo el Gloria, pero este concierto es maravilloso. Bravo!
`Tecum principium´ is wonderful and sublime.
Superlatives fail us. One of the few times a recorded performance seems to convey the immediacy of actually being in the concert hall (pace audio engineers; & granting some issues with dynamics). We know it cannot be the same sound - the transcendence, or sheer magic, seems to flow from the oneness of all the players'/singers' own evident enraptured emotion - that rare instance of all seeming to be a single "instrument." Enthralling. Let's also praise the videography, that lets us not just watch, but nearly see into the hearts of, the performers - lighting, framing, cuts, viewpoints, all superb - the very technical type of thing that is so easy to do badly. Our thanks to all who have brought this about, to Almighty God, & to his genius Red Priest Antonio.
I have cried several times listening to this. Purga! Catharsis!
OK, but God is only a concept for me but I admire and venerate the songs of men he is the inspiration.... ;)
Agreed, Michael David Rubin. Elevate us dear G_d, through our humility, to heights of divine joy. Let us die, through our astonishment, of thy glorious holiness. Job said "Now, I see, and am humbled."
Thank you so much.
@@MegaCirse No one is suggesting that you adhere to anthropomorphic superstition. Early man (+ especially, in the fertility cults, women, of course), may have needed to visualize an old man with a long white beard in the clouds, hurling thunderbolts, etc. What is interesting, & which derails scientific inquiry, is that human consciousness, itself, cannot seriously imagine anything different from human life as we know it, including all the other life forms of Nature. Just scan pop culture novels (books, remember?), video games or streaming entertainment fiction (apart from the "news" business), & one finds future scenarios filled with beings who resemble medieval or neolithic humans, perhaps with extra limbs or heads. So, Supreme Being? The concept of G-d involves a superior governing intellect for the order of Nature, a capacity for compassion (materially senseless & devoid of survival advantage), & a simple sense of connection to the larger universe. Science cannot employ consciousness to examine its basic tool, consciousness. What, evolutionarily, could possibly justify classical music - or any music, any "songs of men" &/or women? I find it simple (I'm a simple-minded man, as you can see) to regard classical music as The Voice of G-d, connecting me to an infinite dimension of time & space. In my unimportant condition, I seem to have stumbled onto an alignment with none other than Albert Einstein, as to meaning & purpose in the universe. Put another way, let's not label random or meaningless whatever we happen not to understand; that's petty egotism. I do not accuse you of that, Philippe; just a common quasi-intellectual position, not so?
Thanks God for have given us Vivaldi, the Royal Concertgebouw and UA-cam!
Stumbled across this phenomenal performance of Vivaldi. The crispness, authenticity, clarity of the counterpoint are phenomenal. The singers - top shelf baroque talent. The players - some of the best, most blended I have ever heard and the conductor, an interesting cat for sure. But, he gets it done in style. Bravo!
The ultimate philosophical question is, Is live worth living? Listening to Vivaldi one must say YES
Unequivocally, without a doubt!
Хуйло Путина in this case you had better leave.
@@3cents3 I also prefer comments that focus on the music, as such. However, life today for many people seems merely materialistic, & hence, meaningless. As one of, perhaps the most emotionally powerful of what I call the Mute Arts (not verbally descriptive), fine music can convey strength, reassurance & optimism about life, unrelated to material advantage. If one values life, itself, this aspect of music displays inherent purpose; & life, definitionally, is not worthless if it holds purpose. The touchstone for this view, in research & medical/psychiatric practice, may be found in the work of Viktor Frankl & others.
Je ferme les yeux. Tout mon esprit s'illumine au rythme des notes. C'est juste sublime. Les larmes finissent toujours par couler....
meraviglia !
El nacimiento de la música clásica, en un proceso maravilloso
Completely enthralled by this sublime rendition of RV 594!!!!!!!!!! Sheer beauty of this music made me shed tears. Thanks for uploading this video and kudos to the performers!!!!!
I've sung this in Romsey
Abbey, Hampshire,
Such a delight to share.☺️🎼
I left be the last movement :
it's like running down an "up"
escalator !
(Which I did, to applause from
fellow travel office travellers :
we to Birmingham on 100 mph train :
I poured the tea, by holding the
teapot steady, and letting the
swaying of the train tip out the tea ,
in small amounts ! ☕🚂💨☺️🇬🇧
Gorgeous music by Vivaldi ! 🎼
this is the Ghislieri choir and consort from Pavia near Milan, Italy conducted by their inspiring young founder Giulio Prandi , Marta Redaelli the incomparable solo soprano. Regrettably the names of the other superb soloists are not revealed. This is a breathtakingly fine performance.
It Is a real pity that Total Baroque has not published the names of choir and singers. Thanks foto the information
For the information
so they are not payed for the diffusion!!!!
@@melusine9496 i did not know that. They should be!
Amo Vivaldi, meu compositor favorito. 😍😍😍❤💘💖
De torrente is certainly one of the most touching and musically enchanting arias of all sacred repertory
Божественно , восхитительно . Спасибо за эти счастивые минуты , когда на какое то время можно забыть о плохом . Очень люблю
Вивальди .
Todo está dicho. Solistas, músicos, director... todo sublime. Digno del Cielo. Sólo que dar Gracias.
Cette vidéo est un trésor absolu. Tout est parfait, l'œuvre l’une des plus belles de Vivaldi, les interprètes parfaits, la direction vive, la prise de son,et les images. Un bonheur total ...
Un véritable régal pour les oreilles, un délice apaisant pour le cœur et un ravissement céleste à l'âme ! A entendre une telle merveille, comment ne pas tomber sous le charme? Comment n'être pas inspiré à son tour ? Nos rivages intérieurs sont si beaux; lorsqu'ils sont visités par une mer amie si chaleureuse, faite de notes, de chants et d'harmonie sublimement liés par ondes et divinement mêlés par vagues d'un sac et ressac puissants, impérieux car jamais finis, un mouvement admirable, irrésistible et tellement envoutant, issu du pur génie vivaldien ,auquel nul auditeur ne saurait résister ; dès l'entame, il s' abandonne volontiers à l'invitation au voyage atemporel qu'il devine captivant, pour en savourer, morceau par morceau, l'extase indescriptible d'un rare bonheur : écouter Vivaldi ...
I listen to this once a month & keep coming back. The spirit soars in this performance, which must be one of the best ever interpretations of Vivaldi's genius in writing this dixit. I defy anyone not to fall in love with Marta (Torrente in via bibet) & the finale is out-of-this-world. Bravo!
Vivaldi come altri centinaia di compositori,furono dimenticati a causa della poca capacita' di diffondere musica letteratura ed altro,dovevano finire nei libri di storia o altro.oggi con la tv,ytube,etc. diventano IMMORTALI!!!!! e' lo meritano perche' sono dei Genii!
Breathtaking, impressive ✌️✌️🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍😍
I listen to this over and over again as I’m working on my art. And yes, the final movement yes! Yes!
The best OPUS of VILADI.
Que maravillosa obra a dos coros y dos orquesta. Al fin pude encontrar una versión que lo hiciera sublime.
Oh! Baroque. So exquisite and uplifting. Thank you
Adembenemende muziek met een fantastische dirigent en koor.Echt prachtig.
😊👍✌️🖐️💛Wonderful Vivaldi's music 🌷♥️ 💐Great performance & Thanks 🌸♥️🌷Enjoyed it🥂🎶🎵🥀🌹🌺💯👏
Hurray for Vivaldi. And these dedicated musicians. Showing how it’s supposed to be done.
Magnifique ensemble dont Vivaldi serait fier . Vilvadi would be proud of you . Bravo 💐
I have always loved singing Vivaldi.
me too. he is a magnificent composer
I envy you
La semplicità del processo estetico vivaldiano è commovente e per questo che cattura e catturerà in eterno ogni anima, è come la brezza marina che dalla laguna arriva lieve e pervade dolcemente ogni singolo atomo dell'essere, sconvolgendolo però!!! Sicut erat in principio.
Grazie per la tua osservazione che coglie proprio nel segno!
Et nunc et semper...
OH!so so touching, so passionate, so wonderfull
The group and the director are simply extraordinary. I had never heard from them before but I'm smitten
¡¡Maravilloso!!..Un placer para los oídos..Grande Vivaldi y quien en esta ocasión lo interpretan!!
Conmovedora la ejecución, maravilloso ❤
It is always amazing how absolutely beautiful and moving music is when there is a perfect choir, an exquisit orchestra, an outstanding conductor and of course the best of soloists. Thank you so much for these wonderful and overwhelming 28 minutes. You really touch my soul and make me cry. What an unforgettable experience!!
merci à UA-cam, merci aux compositeurs, merci aux artistes , merci aux ingénieurs du son, aux preneurs de vue, merci à tous ceux qui nous permettent ces quelques instants de bonheur
pendant lesquels on oublie la folie des hommes .
C'est très beau vivaldi à fait tellement de chef d'œuvre magnificat que j'adore c'est un plaisir pour les oreilles et en ferment les yeux 👏👏👏👏👏🇨🇵🌹💖
I heard this tune about 25 years ago and I've been trying to find it again for that long. I was listening to Vivaldi's Gloria and realized the piece I was looking for must be Vivaldi. I finally found it (specifically the Gloria Patri). Thank you!!
I like the large ensemble they used here. This is quite unsual for "HIP" performances but it gives the grandeur and scope that truly elevate this performance. Spectacular.
An absolutely outstanding performance of this Vivaldi masterpiece. It's not easy to pull off such a example of this piece as it isn't the easiest, perhaps that's why it's seldom played, but they did it! Fantastic.
¡Qué belleza de interpretación! ¡Fabulosos solistas! Esta y otras maravillas hacen pensar que en Holanda hay, actualmente, un verdadero florecimiento de la música religiosa del Barroco.
Não sei. Estou a descobrir.
Uma Beleza!...
Honestly one of the greatest pieces of music ever written. Marvelous performance.
Prachtig, bedankt voor een schitterend Vivaldi! 😍❤
Superbe, inspirée et admirable conduite de Giulio Prandi, impeccable exécution des solistes, les choeurs parfaits...
exactement d'accord avec ce commentaire superbe
Monsieur, vous parlez vrai! Et tant vrai, encore! Moi, je ne peux rien ajouter.
Uno dei piu' grandi capolavori di Antonio Vivaldi, purtroppo poco eseguito in Italia.
... e non solo in Italia...
une interprétation exceptionnelle Vivaldi dans toute sa splendeur discrète et émouvante!
If I have ever heard an angel sing then it is Marta Redaelli singing "De torrent in via bibet" (20:40). Out of this world!
What language are you quoting?
@@jambones100 sorry stupid mistake "De torrente in via bibet"
So do good looking people make the music better - she's lovely. No vogue cover but she has an "X" factor. But when I swoon over Marta, I'm definitely not concentrating on the music. Still, when I think of this music, the first thing in my mind is.always Marta. It's a great place to start.
The bespectacled cellist who can be seen briefly right at the beginning of the 20:40 segment seems to be quite charmed by her, too.
she had some breath control problem there. Very good performance but there are better De Torrente out there.
What a blissful rendition! I am particularly struck by the exceptional rapport between the conductor and the orchestra/choir/soloists. How on earth anyone could think it was a smart move to insert adverts into this recording is beyond me. I would never ever, under any circumstances, patronise the advertisers concerned for this atrocity if my life depended on it.
Thank you so much for your appreciation!
Exceptionally beautifull "Tecum principium" with impressive Solo-vow!
Extraordinario. Sencillamente no hay palabras para describir tanta belleza
Brillante y dinámica interpretación de esta obra por la orquesta y el coro . ¡Bravo! Registro sonoro y visualización de los interpretes perfecto
Sound quality is amazing! Great joy listening to this! Well done to all!
Non-stop goosebumps!
Fantastic, exquisite interpretations and performance! Inspiring and magnificent... the best I have heard for this masterwork!
@@robertcatalano3878 j
One of the great masterpieces of all music.
Fantastici tutti.....bellissima esecuzione. ...grande Vivaldi...mi piace sempre di più. ...
best baroque musicians: in Holland! bravissimi!
¡Qué belleza y qué delicadeza!
Magnífica interpretación" unida calidad de la grabación que es inmejorable. Lo que hace honor a la famosa acústica de la sala.
Gracias infinitas
They are not dutch, they're italian!
Jamás podrá olvidarse la bella música de Vivaldi
Maybe the most beautiful execution I ever heard of this Vivaldi's masterwork! Wonderful!
Eu tenho de concordar em parte com a duvida, mas deveria ser uma afirmação para haver total concordancia.
Wonderfully executed, congratulations
I do fullyagree with you
Beautiful performance.
One of my favourite of all times, I think Il Torrente is magical.
Слушать, наслаждаться таким исполнением-благо. Божественно прекрасно